nitted socks, a hot cup of tea, a dear friend and the dancing flame of a lit candle; all of these things are hygge. Hygge, pronounced HOO-GA, is the word for the feeling you get as your favorite people, places and things come together in way that evokes the feeling of safety. Denmark consistently ranks as one of the happiest countries in the world despite their extremely high taxes and unbearable weather. The Danish seem to have a complete handle on hygge, which is a likely reason the Happiness Research Institute is headquartered in Copenhagen. The CEO of the Happiness Research Institute, Meik Wiking, published The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living, in a response to the never ending question: Why are the Danes so damn happy? In his book, Wiking presents a multitude of everyday habits the Danish incorporate in their lives.
Designed by Robbea Pierre
By: Dana Lark
REFLECTOR Fall 2 017 | 15