Reflector Magazine, Spring 2018

Page 1

Georgia Southern Talks #Metoo Page 16

This Spring’s Pantone Hues Page 20

Journey of a local tattoo artist Page 26

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#MeToo Pantone’s “Feel-Good” Spring 2018 Colors

Cuisine and Culture

Pads, Paper and Nancey Price Best Cities for Post-Grads Brunch in the ’Boro

Health & Fitness

6/8 9 10


Spiritual, but not Religious 12/13 Trend Report: Skincare 14 101


Life & Style



Most Instagrammable Spots in Statesboro and Savannah From Ice Pick to Tattoo Needle The Minimalist Life



24/25 26/27 28


Statesboro’s Music Scene 30/31 Southern Limelights 32/33

REFLECTOR Spring 2 018 | 3

Staff List

Editor-in-Chief Cheryl Nuzum Reflector Editor Julia Fechter

Creative Editor-In-Chief Lauren Grizzell Design Editor Cayley Creekmore

Some of us have tried to find fulfillment in life by looking to include the most in our schedule and the most possessions that we can afford at a given point in our lives. Now, to be clear, that extra clothing piece, that extra vacation or that extra civic organization we have wanted to join-those things by themselves, often times, may be a fine way to reward ourselves for an accomplishment or to gain community. That said, as we gain social and material fulfillment, we may find that we are gaining more without getting the satisfaction that once accompanied such things. What we may really want, then, is for the things we have to be genuine-quality over quantity. Sometimes, to find what is genuine, we have to look at our lives and reevaluate what is imbuing our lives with meaning-hence where minimalism enters the proverbial picture. Minimalism can be summarized as the idea that less is more. We see this principle in many contexts. It has flourished in arts such as two-dimensional work and fashion-think clean lines and muted, neutral colors. Think food with less packaging. Think less clutter-condensed closet contents or HGTV’s tiny houses. We seem to desire to not only make the most of our aesthetic, but our time. There is a purity, a type of catharsis, that is entwined with purging one’s life of excess, whether that be material, mental, emotional, you name it. Minimalism is also about keeping and discerning the things that matter to you-like I mentioned earlier, a rediscovery of sorts. If ever there was a time for rediscovery, why not now? It is spring, the seasonal, and for many, the spiritual, time for rebirth. Many of us college students are or will soon be making the transition from college to the “real world”. Then, we will have even more liberty to determine what is important to us and how to grow ourselves in different areas of our lives. This is not a selfish minimalism, though-nor it should not be. We want to not only grow and enrich ourselves, but perhaps our loved ones, environment or world at large. In this magazine, we will discuss tangible ways that you can make minimalism work for you. We will also explore diverse topics ranging from the “Me Too” movement and skincare trends to spirituality and where to actually find decent brunch and live music in Statesboro. We hope that these articles all, in one way or another, will help you learn not just about minimalism, but how can you can enrich your life and your communities. Thank you for taking the time to read the Reflector Magazine.

Julia Fechter

4 | REFLECTOR Spring 2 018

Designers Xavier Hodges John St. Lewis Aminatta Mbow Robbea Pierre Contributors Araya Jackson Dana Lark Brooke Thompson Noelle Walker Business Manager Kenyatta Brown Marketing Manager Haley Clark Director of Student Media David Simpson Business Coordinator Samantha Reid


Mission Statement The Reflector is copyrighted 2017 by Reflector Magazine and Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Ga. It is printed by South Georgia Graphics, Claxton, Ga. The Reflector is operated by GS students who are members of Student Media, a Georgia Southern student-led organization operating through the Dean of Student Affairs Office and the Division of Student Affairs & Enrollment Management. The magazine is produced twice a year by GS students for the Georgia Southern University community. Opinions expressed herein are those of the student writers and editors and DO NOT reflect those of the faculty, staff, administration of GS, Student Media Advisory Board nor the University System of Georgia.

Partial funding for this publication is provided by the GS Activities Budget Committee. Advertisements fund the remaining costs. Advertising inquiries may be sent to Office of Student Media, PO Box 8001, or by calling the Business Office at 912-478-5418. Inquiries concerning content should be sent to Magazine EIC Cheryl Nuzum by emailing magseditor@ All students are allowed to have one free copy of this publication. Additional copies cost $1 each and are available at the Office of Student Media in the Williams Center. Unauthorized removal of additional copies from a distribution site will constitute theft under Georgia law, a misdemeanor offense punishable by a fine and/or jail time.




E R U T L U C REFLECTOR Spring 2 018 | 5

Pads, Paper, and

Nancey Price By Dana Lark



Nancey Price and her mother, taxi



mention this to you,” Price said.

International Airport. It’s been a

“I didn’t know if it was legit or

long day.

not, but evidently Oprah’s been

The two are on the last leg of a day-long journey traveling back



going around on social media trying to find me.”


Nancey turns on her data and connects to WiFi for the first time in a week.

Following the Paper Trail Paper, in its multiple forms, has always been the favored

Price stares at her phone

starting point for Price’s creative

in silent disbelief, careful not

outlet. As a young girl, Price

to alert her mother. Several

would spend hours playing with

messages from a stranger are

paper dolls; she enjoyed cutting

stacked in her inbox. A text from


her brother comes through with

homes, cars, and clothes for

an urgent tone. A man named






Paul Naughton is looking for her.

“I bought a poster and drew

Price, public administration

out a blueprint of a house for

graduate student at Georgia

them,” Price said. “I created a

Southern University, is many

whole world out of those things.”

things: an author, an artist, a

Later in life, she experimented

scholar, a humanitarian. After

6 | REFLECTOR Spring 2 018

“Mom, I wasn’t even going to



with collage art and created week

worlds for her subjects much

distributing women’s sanitary

like she did the paper dolls.





educating young





women in Malawi about their

into the therapeutic world of

menstrual cycle, she arrived

carving out intricate designs

back in the United States to

from magazines and books, but

learn her collage art had been

she had always identified her

discovered by the freelance

creative self as an author. She

art director of O, the Oprah

finished writing her first novel in

Magazine. Price was featured in

the eighth grade.

November 2017’s print issue.






Photo by Julia Fecther


Price slowly turned toward

the seat next to her in shock.

Designed by Xavier Hodges


seatbelt sign is turned off as

wanted to be a doctor. She filled

the course of eight days, Price

her schedule with AP classes





Their time in Malawi was a life-

of support funneling in from the

less expensive than shipping

changing experience for Price

internet, Price’s dream of helping

a small box. At $1,500 a ticket,

and her time for creative writing

and her teammates. A fellow

the women in Malawi quickly

Price and Clare determined that

all but disappeared. But when

team member in the medical

manifested. Price had a room full

it made more sense to bring

she began her undergraduate

mission later returned to Malawi

of supplies and was tasked with

the supplies themselves. They

courses at Mercer University,

with her church group and

finding a way to get it across the


Price began to fill the pages of

distributed shoes to the many in

Atlantic Ocean.

suitcases bursting at the seams

her journal on a regular basis.

need of proper footwear.

After looking at estimates




with feminine hygiene supplies

“Filling up my journals made

“I saw that, and I got inspired

for international shipping, Price

me feel as if I had completed

to do something...anything,” Price

learned that sending three small

The duo spent five days in

something,” Price said.

after they arrived at the airport.


boxes of supplies to Zomba

Zomba, Malawi, and traveled to

After graduating from Mercer

After scouring the internet in

would be about $5,000. Clare

the schoolgirls they served in

University with a degree in

search of something she could

chipped in to lend her daughter

the rural neighboring village of

women’s and gender studies,

do for the people of Zomba,

a hand.

Chauluchosema. Price and Clare

Price found herself in between

Price stumbled upon a YouTube


met with the facilitators of the

jobs. Lying in bed, she reached

video of a woman handing out

sent enough pads, wipes, and

school to introduce themselves

for an old notebook and tore

menstrual pads and teaching

underwear in the first shipment

and the Malawi Girl Project’s

out pages of unneeded biology

young girls how to properly use

to help 250 schoolgirls, Price




said. Still, they had a closet full of




From there, she got a logo,

down were, ‘This is stupid,’” Price

named the effort the Malawi Girl

determined to send to Africa.

said. “They were the words of my

Project and created a GoFundMe

protagonist, but I also felt like I


She is one of those people I have consistently been able to look over my shoulder and see doing amazing things.” -Dani Mills

Dani Mills, a close friend of

From that moment, the heart

Price, remembers the inception

of the book began to flood the

of the Malawi Girl Project and

pages. “It was the most natural

the lengths Price went to ensure

thing that could have come to

the success of her grassroots

me at the time,” Price said. “It


seemed like the story was just

“She did extensive research

waiting on me to acknowledge it.

on ways to introduce those

It had always been there.”

products,” Mills said. pads to the girls in Malawi due

The Malawi Girl Project Price join





to the subsequent education





that would be required with




tampons. She also took pictures

undergraduate career at Mercer.

of everything she purchased,

There, the group of nine ran a

and was dedicated to publicly

health clinic that served about

chronicling the progression of



the Malawi Girl Project. Price

surrounding wells to ensure the



believed this would encourage

safety of the drinking water over

others to get involved, Mills said.

supplies at home that they were

Price went right to work on

“The first words that I wrote

Price decided to only provide Photo by Julia Fecther

A plane ticket to Zomba, Malawi turned out to be much

that were attractive to colleges

was telling myself that.”

Designed by Xavier Hodges

With help from her mother, Mary Clare, and an outpouring

demonstrating how to use a

REFLECTOR Spring 2 018 | 7


A search on Google took Price

classroom, many of whom had

menstrual pad to the girls in the

slicing through the paper; and she

to Naughton’s LinkedIn account,

never seen one. Picking up a piece

concentrated to maneuver her wrist

where his credentials matched up.

of chalk, Price drew ovaries and

and the scissors around ringlets of

As the freelance art director of O,

fallopian tubes on the chalkboard

hair or the petals of a flower. She

The Oprah Magazine, Naughton

just like her mother had done with

thought back to her childhood

is tasked with finding new and

her as a young girl in the bathtub,

dream of being a doctor.

innovative artwork to showcase in

using bubbles on the wall of the shower. During that trip, they served over 300 girls and were able to leave supplies for an additional distribution after they left, Clare said. Price





of the

“I realized I have a pretty steady

the magazine’s print issues.

hand,” said Price. “I may not be

“Even after I did the contract and

cutting on people, but I’m cutting

started communicating with the

out these flowers.”

people from O Magazine, it didn’t

Price fell in love with creating collage





feel real,” Price said. “I was waiting for Ashton Kutcher to come out and

herself over the

producing two to three collages

edge of the armchair in the coffee

a week. She realized there was a

Price was tasked with creating

shop, stretching towards me with

vibrant theme in each piece she

a collage from scratch with a two-

the familiar stunned, yet grateful

created- black bodies paired with

week deadline.


celestial settings.

“I have to remind myself that I did that,” Price said. Hands of a Surgeon Classes were cancelled at GS,

say, ‘You got punked.’”

“She went right to work,” Mills

“Clearly, I like black people in my

said. Price went to Goodwill and

stuff,” Price said. “At the same time,

secondhand shops in search of the

it’s not just them being there, but

perfect books and magazines, Mills

seeing them in ways you wouldn’t


usually picture them.”

After a creating a few drafts and

the south’s version of a snow day,

After a friend’s urgent suggestion,

a crash course in copyright law and

as Tropical Storm Hermine was

she created an Etsy page and

public domain images, Price had a

whipping up the Georgia coast. Like

began selling her work. Here, her

finished product.

many other students, Price sought

world collided with Oprah’s. Paul

the refuge of her parents’ home.

Naughton had discovered Price’s

She woke up around 8 a.m. to the

Etsy page and was exhausting all

steady downpour of rain outside her

efforts to contact her.

window, and began searching for something to do.

Naughton was unable to reach

“It’s the most dynamic piece I’ve ever done,” Price said. Mills is blown away with pride and






Price in Africa. After a few days,

“I don’t have to look to the

“Momma had a ton of Essence

he reached out to her brother,

Oprah’s and the Tyler Perry’s and

magazines in the kitchen, piled in

Nick Price, via Facebook. Like his

the other people who seem so out

the corner,” Price said.

sister, he was weary of Naughton’s

of reach making strides,” Mills said.


claim initially, Nick Price said. He

“I can literally look to my left and my

the pages of the magazines and

tried to alert his sister as well, but

right and I can see these amazing

stumbled upon a picture of a black

unfortunately with no service, it was

creators and talented people. She

woman crying, Price said. This

all in vain until her plane landed and

[Price] is one of those people I have

image stood out to Price, and the

she turned on her data.

consistently been able to look over




image became the subject of her

my shoulder and see doing amazing

first collage, titled “Blooming Grief.”

Making Contact

After she cut the woman out from

“Nancey likes to verify,” Mills said.

the page, she searched for other

“I think she spent two or three days

items that would complement the

researching the guy that contacted

image. A Zen-like trance ensued


8 | REFLECTOR Spring 2 018


Best Cities for Post-Grads

Austin, TX

By Cheryl Nuzum

Graduation is coming

The Lone Star State’s capital

Maybe you plan on

up quickly. Whether you

packing a duffel bag and

have a couple years or

arriving someplace to start

a few short weeks to

fresh. Between booming

figure out what you are

economies, active city

going to do when the

lives and relatively cheap

“real world” hits, chances

living, here are a six cities

are you won’t be sticking

to keep a lookout for

around Statesboro for too

during your search.

city serves as a hub for music, food, festivals and entertainment coupled with low rents and low unemployment. Not to mention, it’s also the second-fastest-growing city in the country, according to The

long once you get that

Huffington Post.

diploma. Maybe you are

Denver, CO

keeping an eye out for the

Cheap living, cheap transportation

place to start the job hunt.

and cheap entertainment make this city a perfect choice for young adults. The Mile High City also holds a large population of young adults, who make up nearly a quarter of its population. Chicago, IL A cheaper alternative to New York and Los Angeles, millennials make up a pretty good chunk of the Windy City’s population. Easy transportation and high tourism also make it an easy spot for recent graduates to pick. Washington, DC Forbes ranks this city with the fifth-lowest unemployment rate and the fifthhighest median salary for young professionals, making it a safe bet for most postgraduates. Median income for recent college graduates also holds $45,000, which is

Designed by Xavier Hodges

not too shabby for a starter salary. Minneapolis, MN The average employment rate here for young adults ages 22 to 26 ranks at 88 percent, causing recent grads to flock to this half of the Twin Cities. It is also ranked as one of the quirkiest cities in the country. Seattle, WA The Emerald City has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country, offsetting its relatively high rent prices. It also has a sizeable young adult population ranging in age from 20s to mid-30s.

Information collected from: Forbes, CNBC, Business Insider, and Huffington Post

REFLECTOR Spring 2 018 | 9











By Cheryl Nuzum

For a small town in south Georgia, Statesboro boasts a surprising number of restaurant options. With a plethora of pizza places, Southern home-cooking and Mexican cuisine, there is a spot to snack at any time of the day. The only area lacking is the weekend favorite brunch. That doesn’t mean Statesboro is without its brunch options. Before you take a trip to Savannah in search of bottomless mimosas, take a chance on these eateries for a Sunday splurge or casual morning-after foray.

40 East Grill

Del Sur

Served between 10 am and 2pm, 40 East Grill

Typically know for gourmet tacos, Del Sur

boasts menu items such as grilled cheese

takes a spin on the brunch tradition, serving

benedict, Florentine scramble, Monte Cristo

breakfast tacos, hash bowls and a signature Del

sandwiches, and signature 40 East Bloody Marys

Sur scramble paired with mimosas and Bloody

across the street from the seasonal downtown

Marys until 3 p.m. on weekend mornings.

Statesboro farmer’s market.

Gee Da’s

3 Tree Coffee Roasters The work-week coffeehouse has expanded its

A local downtown secret, Gee Da’s offers

menu for Saturday mornings, adding items like

gourmet options like duck eggs benedict, steak

shrimp and bis-grits, roasted potatoes, seasonal

and eggs, and chicken and waffles paired with

fruits and bis-quiche to compliment its house

your choice of bottomless mimosas or Bloody

brews and flavored lattes.

low key

Designed by Robbea Pierre


Photos by Hannah Hedden

high end

10 | REFLECTOR Spring 2 018

Designed by Robbea Pierre Photos by Hannah Hedden

h t L a

e H

t i F

s s e n

REFLECTOR Spring 2 018 | 11

BUT NOT RELIGIOUS By Dana Lark Over a quarter of U.S. adults are identifying as

Erlandson, credited as the father of the SBNR

spiritual, but not religious in a poll released by the Pew

movement, was raised in the Lutheran church and

Research Center in September of 2017.

went on to join the Lutheran ministry. Shortly after the

People who identify as SBNR deny that an association

release of his book in 2000, “Spiritual but Not Religious:

with organized religion is the only way to attain spiritual

A Call to Religious Revolution in America,” Erlandson


said he was kicked out of the ministry.

“If you’re providing something that actually helps

“There was this palpable spiritual longing, even

people’s lives, they’re going to come,” said Sven

back then,” Erlandson said. “People were looking

Erlandson, counselor and author. “So, if they’re not

for something to believe in, and the church was not

coming and they’re actually running away, that’s a

meeting that need.”

pretty good indicator that you either have a crappy

The cultural significance of the church has shifted throughout

it’s both.”

meaning of the Pew Research findings is up for debate.





Designed by John St. Lewis

product or your salesmanship stinks. I would offer that

12 | REFLECTOR Spring 2 018

“One theory is by choosing to be SBNR, you’re managing your reputation,” Slone said. “So, the theory is that atheism signals intelligence and religiosity signals morality. SBNR could be a hybrid signal.” The implications that come with a quarter of the American population identifying as SBNR could have an impact on a wide range of topics, such as “Some scholars have argued that this category has no coherency,” said Finbarr Curtis, assistant professor of religious studies at Georgia Southern University. “[They say] that it’s kind of a made up thing that pollsters have invented because they don’t know how to count people who don’t fit within denominational boxes.” However, the decline in church attendance has affected one local church significantly. “I’ve probably lost 50 percent of my congregation in the past five years,” said Jonathan Edmisten, pastor of Bible Baptist Church in Statesboro. “Millennials are the people that we as spiritual leaders are targeting because we understand the church cannot continue on. It will die by nature of baby boomers dying.” Church attendance was once a larger part of personal identity and social standing. “In 1950s America, it was important to go to church on Main Street,” Curtis said. “Possibly, that social expectation doesn’t quite exist in the same way.” Identifying as SBNR may also communicate to other people what kind of person you are via signaling theory, Jason Slone, professor of religious

Designed by John St. Lewis

studies at Georgia Southern University, said.

“For some people, what they mean when they say ‘spiritual but not religious’ is that they’re uncomfortable with religious institutions.”

voting and politics, scientific literacy, marriage and fertility rates, Slone said. “Fertility rates are correlated with religiosity levels,” Slone said. “The least religious women have the fewest babies and the most religious women have the most babies.” The word ‘religious’ can carry a negative connotation in our society, Curtis said. “For some people, what they mean when they say ‘spiritual but not religious’ is that they’re uncomfortable with religious institutions,” Curtis said. “They’re fine with some sort of what they describe as a ‘personal connection’ with something, whether that’s a figure like God or a spiritual connection to nature, but they don’t like the constrictions and rules of a church.” The edicts of the church are a common point of contention for people that identify with the SBNR movement. “I think organized religion has a strength around it that has to do with collectivism and working for a group,” said Lisa Costello, associate professor and program director of women and gender studies at Georgia Southern University. “It also reveals something about what is becoming unattractive about organized religion in terms of strictures and rules.” The SBNR movement has been targeted by critics who claim that its adherents refuse to commit to anything wholly and would rather pick and choose what works for them. “When Nike came along and said, ‘We’re going to give you 1,000 choices,’ they engaged in consumerbased production of shoes,” Erlandson said. “The church is saying, ‘We have one shoe, we have one size, and it will fit you’ and if it doesn’t fit you, you’re the problem.”

REFLECTOR Spring 2 018 | 13

By Cheryl Nezum Everyday, it seems there is a new skincare trend boasting acne-healing or age-stopping properties guaranteed to treat your skin now and forever. Several of them are purely testimonial, with no research or science to back up the claims of online beauty bloggers. Others have a little bit of evidence and research to aid them in convincing beauty addicts everywhere.

Retinol It is the most popular anti-aging skincare trend out there right now. According to WebMD, retinol is a gentler alternative to retinoid that can be found in many skin creams and lotions without a prescription. It is derived from vitamin A to promote skin cell turnover, which can help soothe and heal the effects of aging and acne. It’s not an overnight miracle-worker. It can take several weeks for the results to begin to show. Pro-retinols work they same way, but they tend to be gentler and weaker due to their lower concentration versus pure retinol.

Liquid chlorophyll Think back to middle school earth science. Remember what it is that makes plants green? The answer is chlorophyll. It’s an essential part of why eating your veggies is so good for you. Chlorophyll assists in red blood cell production, which means more oxygen gets delivered throughout your body, including to your skin. It’s also chock-full of antioxidants. Unfortunately, you often can’t quite get enough just by drinking a green kale smoothie every morning, as most of its vitamins and riches get filtered out during digestion. Now, you can purchase it online or at health food stores in liquid or pill form to add to your daily diet.

Essential oils This is a big trend in the realm of skincare. Essential oils are a pure form of the stuff your skin wants most with to soothe rashes and skin irritations, clean scrapes and cuts, and ease acne. Chamomile (like the tea) can reduce inflammation, including acne, rosacea and eczema. Lavender is the queen of calming effects, including lavender oil, which can calm irritation and relieve stress noticeable in your skin. Argan oil is full of hydrating properties and benefits not only your skin, but also your hair and nails. 14 | REFLECTOR Spring 2 018

Designed by Robbea Pierre

less risk of unnecessary add-ins. Tea tree oil can be used

Designed by Robbea Pierre

s e r u t a e F REFLECTOR Spring 2 018 | 15

By Julia Fechter

People use hashtags to accompany their social media posts every day. However, for Georgia Southern University sophomore art and psychology major Lindsey Sells, a hashtag called #MeToo proved to be more meaningful than the typical hashtag. “I know for me, it helped me talked to my parents about it [her experience], which was something I was really, really afraid of,” Sells said. “But when your mom sees that on Facebook and knows what it means, she’s going to ask questions.” Sells elaborated how, for her, using the hashtag was freeing and allowed her to share her story without having to explain her story in detail. As well, it helped her feel a sense of community. “The good thing, I think about it, is it helped me feel like I wasn’t alone,” Sells said. “I was able to see all these other people I know and strangers and stuff that were experiencing the same thing I did.”

Photos courtesy of Connor Rentz, Christopher Stokes, and Jodi Caldwell

The Conversation about sexual misconduct that has gone viral

Designed by Cayley Creekmore

# 16 | REFLECTOR Spring 2 018

Me Too

The Fallout The MeToo movement may have gained steam with Harvey Weinstein’s exposition and subsequent expulsion from Hollywood’s elite in October 2017, but it was far from its beginning. By that time, many voices had already sown the seeds for what was to come. Travis Kalanick was ousted from Uber as its chief executive in February. Then, former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly was shown the door following allegations in April (after fellow Fox alum and CEO Roger Ailes had also been ousted). Taylor Swift managed to win the lawsuit former which DJ David Mueller had filed against her, recieving a mere $1 in damages. After Ashley Judd and Rose McGowan had outed Weinstein, the calls of “Me too!” grew only louder. Former Fox News journalist (now-turned “Today” host) Megyn Kelly let it be known that Roger Ailes had sexually harassed her. And the allegations just kept coming.

Photos courtesy of Connor Rentz, Christopher Stokes, and Jodi Caldwell

Actor Kevin Spacey, United States senator Al Franken, CBS journalist Charlie Rose, NBC anchor and host of “Today”, Matt Lauer-they were all ousted from their respective industries. Franken noted the irony of his departure whilst Donald Trump, whose escapades had been recorded in 2016’s infamous “Access Hollywood” tape, remained in office, and while Roy Moore campaigned for the US Senate in Alabama (note, Moore did not win that election). Not to mention that former sports doctor Lawrence G. Nassar made headlines for one of sport’s biggest sexual assault cases ever-265 girls and women said he assaulted them. It may have been shocking to hear some of the names of beloved celebrities that now bear the stain of “perpetrator” when-

Designed by Cayley Creekmore

ever you Google them. However, and as the December 2017 Time article “2017 Person of the Year: The Silence Breakers” demonstrated, it has been equally shocking or jarring for Americans, as a nation, and people all around the world, to come to grips with the reality that perpetrators of sexual harassment and assault still thrive despite their heinous actions.

“Between political issues of sexual mis-

broadcast should have a healthy personal

conduct or violence, issues that have sur-

life and believe in their medium in which

faced regarding sexual violence in profes-

they are participating from a collaboration

sional athletics, issues of managing sexual


violence that are currently being discussed

“It’s unfortunate because a lot of them

within the Department of Education and

[those accused] have shown that they are

now the celebrity attention drawn to #Me-

artistic and can make good decisions cre-

Too,” Dr Jodi Caldwell, the Director of

atively, but that’s not worth it if they’re as-

Georgia Southern University’s Counseling

saulting people,” Rentz said.

Center and chair of its Sexual Assault Re-

Reporting sexual

sponse Team, said, “I believe the time is


ripe to finally acknowledge that our culture has promoted the use of sexual violence as

The social conversation about sexual

a tool for gaining cooperation, intimidation,

harassment and assault has, among oth-

and power for far too long.”

er things, shown that it can be difficult for

Challenging control The conversation about #MeToo and how to address sexual misconduct in our society would be incomplete without noting the attitudes that allow such actions to be rationalized. “We need to move forward and figure out how we can combat that way of thinking that leads to those actions,” Connor Rentz, a junior multimedia film production major at GS, said. Rentz explained that the short film “A Year and a Day, which he directed, explores themes of toxic masculinity and how the thinking behind such attitudes originates. “You have a lot of men who, because they are in power, think they have the ability to do these things, and it’s good that we’re at a point where we can say that that’s wrong,” Rentz said. He pointed to the tendency for people to go along with the actions of superiors above them. “People under the person in power will support that person because that person is in power. If they defy them, they could lose their jobs…that’s the problem,” Rentz said. “When you have that much power and that much control, you could literally keep people from saying things that will hurt you because you have so much control.” Rentz thought that the best way to deter sexual misconduct situations was that people of respect need to be in leadership positions in the film industry. He asserted that the people hired to such positions in film, television or

different people in our society to dialogue with each other about those topics. Sells thought that talking about sexual misconduct is even more difficult when a particular situation involves someone who is in the public eye, such as a famous actor or politician. “People seem to be really divided on it, so there seems to be this mass of support, but then there’s also this huge mass of shaming, I guess,” Sells said. Often times, this shaming tends to center around not believing the person who is saying that they have been harassed or raped. Vox’s June 2015 article “What we know about false rape allegations” stated that the two main types of studies about false reports indicate that only two to eight percent of sexual assault reports are false. Resources such as The National Sexual Violence Resource Center and RAINN confirm these percentages as encompassing the range of false reports. Likewise, that infers that, statistically speaking, approximately 90 to 98 percent of police reports filed about rape are truthful. This gap between what is thought to be true and what is true is troubling. “In general, the idea that we might ‘mistakenly’ accuse someone of sexual violence is an argument that has long been used to silence support for victims who are courageous enough to come forward with their story,” Caldwell said. However, while there are those that claim

REFLECTOR Spring 2 018 | 17

that people who say they have been harassed or assaulted are lying, there are also others that may choose a more apathetic route. Some people, Sells explained, tend to not care that these types of situations happen. “I think that they don’t think about how heavily it [sexual misconduct] affects the victim’s life. They just kind of brush it off, or the public brushes it off,” Sells said. The statistics about the prevalence of sexual misconduct are telling. According to RAINN, one out of six women will be raped, compared to one out of every 33 men, and those rates grow higher when discussing college populations-especially for males who attend college. In terms of sexual harassment. ABC and the Washington Post conducted a poll from Oct. 12 to 15, 2017 that discovered that 54 percent of women sampled had been subjected to unwanted sexual advances. Now, surely, these statistics do not tell the whole story about sexual misconduct, with all its caveats. However, they do paint an uncomfortable picture of the overall reality concerning America’s treatment of people who say they have been mistreated and the people whom they accuse. “It makes us, as a society, uncomfortable to consider that people we look up to and respect, might also be responsible for behaviors we find intolerable,” Rentz said. Part of people’s discomfort discussing sexual misconduct may be derived from people’s perception of lacking evidence. “It’s hard to find evidence of these things [misconduct accusations] because of the way they happen, but we should take it seriously. To dismiss any of them would be unfair and unwise,” Rentz said. “Even if any of them do turn out to be false, it’s important that we

give them the time and level of attention,

did. Sells spoke to why, overall, the response

equal attention, really.”

within music has not been as extensive as

Me Too in music While many men have been accused of sexual harassment and/or sexual assault in the film and television industries, not as many have been cited in the music industry. Rentz reasoned that that may have to do with the visibility of people involved in film versus music. “That’s where it [Me Too] had the biggest movement is within film, because we see so much of film and the people who are involved in that industry are so well-known, a lot of ways more so than music. I think music will-It’s hit television broadcast. That does not necessarily mean music has been without controversy. Both Taylor Swift’s, as well as Kesha’s, respective lawsuits, technically took place before the #MeToo hashtag went viral. Their stories have become part of the movement and represented why, to many, such a movement was necessary. So far, the fruits of the movement within music have had mixed results. Taylor Swift won her lawsuit, and Russell Simmons, who co-founded Def Jam Recordings, did step down from his various business endeavors. However, Hip-hop artist R. Kelly has allegations against him that stretch back to the mid-1990s which allege inappropriate sexual conduct with underage girls, child pornography and his running of an Atlantabased cult. And as for Kesha? She was able to release “Rainbow” in August 2017, though “Dr. Luke” Lukasz Gottwald, her former producer, is still proceeding with a defamation lawsuit, and she may have to pay him 1.3 million dollars for delayed royalties. There are many reasons behind why each of these cases worked out in the manner they

within other industries. “I think that’s kind of an area where a lot of people are really afraid to speak out, because I think music is so personal is so personal for a lot of people. A lot of people regard the musician or artist or whoever as a hero for them,” Sells said. Sells admits that she does not know why it is harder for people to have conversations within their local music communities or reach out for help. For her, when she was sexually harassed one time during a local concert, she chose not to keep the incident to herself. She told her friend, local musician and GS junior public relations major Marisa Williams, about what had happened. “The reason that I ended up telling Marissa about it is that I saw him [the guy who harassed her] at a show one time, and was like ‘Can’t be here’. So that kind of had to come out,” Sells said. “With my permission, she told other people in the music community so that they could be more mindful of their actions toward people and how they speak.” Sells explained that her situation with the person who harassed her is mostly resolved because she no longer interacts with that person. Sells also said that it has helped for Williams, a member of Bullmoose and Ghost Moths, and senior music education major Aaron Cooler, a member of local bands Birdperson, Suckr camp and Klange and who helps run the Birdhaus, to help reiterate social standards within the DIY music community. “A good and bad thing of the past 12 months new people are coming [to shows], but a lot of new people don’t get what the social norm is in the Birdhaus, which is, there’s

It’s hard to find evidence of these things [misconduct accusations] because of the way they happen, but we should take it seriously.”

I think that [music] kind of an area where a lot of people are really afraid to speak out, because I think music is so personal for a lot of people.”



GS Junior Multimedia Film Production Major Director of “A Year and a Day’

GS sophomore psychology and studio art major


no being transphobic, homophobic, no

He added that one can still watch a film

of sexual violence will be broken down so

grabbing butts, none of that,” Williams said.

that a person accused and/or guilty of sex-

that vulnerable conversations and changes

“Nothing crazy has happened, but it’s always

ual misconduct was involved in creating, but

can be discussed,” Caldwell said, “or, as of-

a worry that I think Aaron and everybody in

to be aware of who that person is and how

ten happens, the public will become numb

that house deals with.”

their actions may have impacted their work.

to the issue and will shift its attention to the

What say the consumer? Film, television and music, as mass me-

The future conversations about MeToo

dia-have one notable financial factor in

Caldwell, Sells and Rentz each expressed

common-that is, if one watches a movie or

their desires for where they hope the Me-

television show or listens to a CD, then the

Too movement will guide the conversation

creators of those works make money.

about sexual misconduct.

This can create an interesting dynamic

Rentz thought that as the Me Too move-

when trying to navigate responding to news

ment progresses further, gender roles will

of a person in those industries being ac-

start to become more deconstructed, par-

cused of sexual misconduct.

ticularly for toxic aspects of those roles.

“The best thing to do is tune out of their

“...This idea that men are superior to wom-

work if you disagree or are against the ac-

en and I think that has to do a lot with these

tions of someone and you don’t want them

behaviors of men who have harassed and

to continue in this business...Don’t give them

assaulted women,” Rentz said. “As we dis-

money for the things that are making them

cuss this, that’s the next step, is to break that

money,” Rentz said.

down and make our men better and more

Sells mentioned that she had to make that

respectful of women and control them-

kind of decision when accusations surfaced

selves and, even more than that, recognize

against Jesse Lacey, the singer of Brand

what is right and wrong.”

New, one of her favorite bands.

Caldwell and Sells both aspire that the

“That’s where I kind of had some issues,

movement provides hope for victims of

like ‘That’s my favorite band. I have bought

sexual harassment and sexual assault and

so much of their music. What do I do now?’,”

empowers them to reach out for help and

Sells said.

assistance within the context of safe com-

Sells elaborated that not only did she stop


listening to Brand New, but she also is more

Caldwell desires for the movement to

mindful now of who is involved in the movies

teach those affected by sexual crimes to

and television shows she watches.

place the blame of those incidents on the

She also thought that doing that can be

perpetrators, rather than themselves.

difficult because more people participate in

She also hopes that as more people who

the creation of a work than, say, the direc-

are victims or survivors speak out, that so-

tor or lead actor, and those productions are

ciety at large would hear their many voices

also the livelihoods for those people.

and recognize how prevalent sexual vio-

“But also, I feel like if this person works for

lence is in American culture.

that person [the person accused] and they

“Either the traction gained [from the

know what that person did, they’re support-

movement] will continue to gain momentum

ing that person regardless,” Sells said.

and the stigma surrounding the discussion

In general, the idea that we might “mistakenly” accuse someone of sexual violence is an argument that has long been used to silence support victims who are courageous enough to come forward with their story,”

next issue ‘du jour.’” As the conversations about sexual harassment, sexual assault, abuse of power and other related issues continue, each of these sources have worked or will work to contribute to these conversations-Rentz with his film, “A Year and a Day”, Caldwell with her positions as director of the GS Counseling Center and SART chair and Sells, as well. She has helped raise money for the Statesboro Regional Sexual Assault Center (SRSAC) and the Joyful Heart Foundation, an organization that supports survivors by addressing how society views sexual assault, child abuse and domestic violence. She also wants her advocacy for victims of sexual assault to extend past her time as a college student. Sells said, “After I graduate, I’m planning on going to art therapy. That’s one of the areas I want to specialize in [as a therapist] is victims of these assaults, so it’s a little bit close to my heart.”

If you or anyone you know has been sexually harassed or assaulted, you and/or the person who has been harmed can use the following resources. (912) 478-5641: GSU Health Services (912) 478-5541: GSU Counseling Center (can confidentially discuss and report cases here) (912) 478-5136: GSU Equal Opportunity and Title IX Office (912) 478-3326: GSU Dean of Students Office (912) 478-5234: GSU Public Safety (912) 764-9911: Statesboro Police Department (912) 489-6060: SRSAC (912) 489-2225: SRSAC Hotline


Executive Director for GS Counseling Center Chair for the GS Sexual Assault Response Team

REFLECTOR Spring 2 018 | 19

at the Pantone Color Institute creates the PANTONE Fashion Color Trend Report, an overview of the top colors showcased during New York Fashion Week and of what to expect for the upcoming season. The Pantone Spring 2018 colors are all about self-expression, uplifting shades and feel-good tones. Emily Bargeron, owner and designer of Mamie Ruth boutique in Savannah, Georgia, uses the same feel-good fashion in her handmade designs. Inspired by unexpected patterns and textiles, her spring collection is right in line with the Pantone Color vision this season. Reflector teamed up with Mamie Ruth to showcase this season’s “it” colors using their free-spirit, festival fashion. Bargeron says her personal favorite color combination is the pink lavender and lime punch. “I love unexpected pairing of colors. So that’s something that we used in our collection that I think is really strong this season,” Bargeron said.

Photos by Jaren Stephens

PANTONE Spring 18

Every season, the team

Designed by Cayley Creekmore


By Araya Jackson

Designed by Cayley Creekmore

Photos by Jaren Stephens

13-0646 Meadowlark

16-5533 Arcadia

REFLECTOR Spring 2 018 | 21

15-1520 Blooming Dahlia 12-2103 Almost Mauve

18-1440 Chili Oil

22 | REFLECTOR Spring 2 018

16-4132 Little Boy Blue

e f i L t S

e l y REFLECTOR Spring 2 018 | 23

Most i n st ag ram m b l e s po t s i n


By Noelle Walker

Designed by Robbea Pierre

Photos by Hannah Hedden and Christopher Stokes

Everyone loves a good Instagram picture. Better yet, everyone loves a good Instagram picture with a spectacular place or background. However, this can be hard to find unless you just happen to come across it. Fortunately, Statesboro, Georgia and Savannah, Georgia are filled with some impressive places. All of the locations listed are not only aesthetically pleasing, but most of them also have historical significance.

Emma Kelly Theater 33 East Main St. Statesboro, GA

Be transported back in time with the Emma Kelly Theater. With its old-fashioned feel, as well as its beautiful interior, it is a must for all people wanting to add some antiquity to their Instagram. According to Vanishing South Georgia’s Jan. 15, 2014 post “Emma Kelly Theater, 1936, Statesboro”, when Averitt Center for the Arts reopened the theater, it was renamed after Emma Kelly. Emma Kelly was an actor in the movie “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.” Katie Smith, a freshman double major in biology and psychology, said she thinks the Emma Kelly Theater is instagrammable: “I personally like to see trendyvintagy kind of look,” Smith said.

Botanic Gardens 1505 Bland Ave Statesboro, GA 30460

With captivating vegetation and wildlife critters everywhere you turn, Georgia Southern’s Botanical Gardens are definitely a place you want to check off your Instagram-picture list. There are over 11 acres in the garden full of collections such as Butterfly and Hummingbird Borders, Arboretum, and Rare and Endangered Plants. Strike a pose with the beautiful flora in Magnolia Allee or get a rustic photograph in front of the Heritage Pavilion (located around where you first enter. Caroline Fender, a freshman Early Childhood and Development major, said the Botanical Gardens is instagrammable because “it’s aesthetically pleasing.”

Montgomery Hall Mural Located at Montgomery Hall at Savannah College of Art and Design (342 Bull St, Savannah, GA 31401)

Designed by Robbea Pierre

Photos by Hannah Hedden and Christopher Stokes

Montgomery Hall Mural is an abstract work of art. With its many colors and patterns, it leaves someone wanting to stay for hours to study every aspect of it. If you pair this 30 foot high mural with a fitting pose, it will leave all your followers in awe. Demarcus Armour, a sophomore Exercise Science major, said the Montgomery Hall Mural is “very creative.”

Wormsloe Historic Site 7601 Skidaway Rd, Savannah, GA 31406

With its alluring scenery of interwoven oak trees framing a path that seems to go on forever, Wormsloe Historic Site is sure to take take anyone’s breath away— even in a picture. The tree limbs form a canopy that hangs overhead, and the entrance to Wormsloe is a beautifully aged, gated arch. Brooke Foxman, a freshman Accounting major, thought that we don’t get a lot of the pure beauty of nature nowadays. She went on to add that the Wormsloe Site “makes you appreciate it more.”

Forsyth Park Drayton St & W Gaston Street Savannah, GA 31401

Forsyth Park hosts enchanting scenery, perfect for any Instagram guru. Arguably the park’s main attraction, the Forsyth Park Fountain is definitely a must-see. According to Visit Historic Savannah’s webpage on Forsyth Park, the fountain’s architecture is like many other fountains around the world. Whether it is sunrise, mid-day, or evening, this fountain can make anyone feel like they are in a fairytale setting. Statesboro and Savannah are filled with many stunning places. From Downtown Statesboro to Forsyth Park, there is definitely something photo worthy to make your Instagram unlike any other.

REFLECTOR Spring 2 018 | 25


fter passing through multiple dark rooms in the back of the biker gang’s clubhouse, he finally reached ‘church’the circular table where only patch brothers were allowed to sit. He was no patch brother, but there was a vacant chair waiting for him. Ross Craven then received the low down for the event that was going to completely transform the rest of his life. “He set an ice pick and a .25 pistol out on the table,” Craven said. “He said, ‘pick one’. I said ‘I’ll take the ice pick’. He said, ‘that’s what goes through your hand if you fuck somebody up.” Craven was given a box of tools and sent off to a scratcher’s house. The 30-yearold had only one week to become a selftaught tattoo artist and do a piece next Friday night on a woman travelling in from Massachusetts. Fast forward to now. Craven is celebrating 21 years in Statesboro with his shop, Ivory Tower Tattoo. The shop is filled with rich history behind its tinted-out store windows. With the new renovation and expansion just completed and two new artists being brought in from different parts of the country, Ivory Tower’s story continues.

The biker gang mentioned will remained unnamed, but they are the ones who pushed Craven into the world of ink in the first place, without much he could do about it. “They’re a very ruthless group of individuals. But it’s cushy when you’re tattooing for [them], because you’re taken care of. You’re catered to,” Craven said.


When he started his first tattoo on the Massachusetts woman, a patch brother hovered over his shoulder and a trashy “scooter girl” wiped the sweat off his face the entire time. Within a few hours, a rose on the lady’s shoulder was successfully completed. “I was profusely sweating, like I was sitting at the beach. I was sick nervous,” Craven said. From then on, there was no turning back for him. Craven has completed roughly 800,000 tattoos on half a million people because of the gang. After getting so many himself, he’s now one giant work of art. Eventually, it was time for him to move on somewhere new. In the latter months of 1996, tattooing was illegal in South Carolina. Luckily, neighboring state Georgia had no laws and plenty of opportunity. One day when he was traveling down I-16 and spotted the green “Georgia Southern University” road sign, Ross Craven took that opportunity and ran with it. “There was no decent tattoo shops here [Statesboro]. No decent piercing studios at all. But there was no laws at all.” Craven said. With a “wifey” and a 3-month-old baby girl back in South Carolina, Craven moved and opened the shop with all he had – $500. He stayed in the back of the redwalled store for eight months, until he was

Photos by Hannah Hedden

By: Araya Jackson

Designed by Aminatta Mbow


The Thrilling Journey of A Statesboro Artist

Designed by Aminatta Mbow

Photos by Hannah Hedden

ng fA o

finally able to purchase a house and move the family into Statesboro. Shortly after, his wifey robbed him of all his money. “It was definitely a set back because my career had just took off. I was flying all over the place, going to conventions, winning all the awards that I could win, and that just shut that down,” Craven explained. “I divorced her and kept going. I’ve always had the philosophy that I will come back with twice of what I had before,” the self-taught artist and businessman said. He continued to travel the country. He won first place awards for his work at countless conventions and was receiving calls from celebrities left and right. Craven tattooed Dennis Rodman live on his old MTV show, before there were shows like Ink Masters. He also did work for NFL football players, Nelly, T.I., Lil Wayne, Pastor Troy, CeeLo Green and many more. “Nelly just walked through my front door the first time he came in. The second time, his people called ahead and bought the place out for the day for five grand. He brought hoes and cocaine and blah blah blah,” Craven said about the events that went down right in small town Statesboro, Georgia. Time continued, and it was six years before Craven brought another artist into the shop with him. Ryan Bray, a Statesboro local, has been with Craven for 15 years, longer than anyone else in the shop. Jordan Mays, another artist brought on, has been with Craven roughly seven years. The guys stand with ink covering

“CELEBRITIES ARE NOT THAT INTERESTING. THEY’RE JUST NORMAL PEOPLE WITH A SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT THEY FEEL IS NECESSARY,” CRAVEN SAID. their bodies and possess a cool, tattooparlor attitude. Each artist has a style of their own. Craven describes his style as “black and grey realism” and prefers animal art. However, it’s not style that Craven looks for when he brings in new people. “Our tattoos are roman numerals one minute and a portrait of Jesus the next. So I just look for quality, family and stability in people I may bring in. They should depend on me as much as I depend on them and we balance each other out,” Craven said. Though the work clients want ranges from simple to intricate, Craven explained that tattoos used to be much more unique when he first started out.

“Pinterest is Satan. You used to have individuality. Now you don’t. You’ll have 15 people who all want the same tattoo, in a day,” he said with disgust at the thought. Craven will do whatever job people pay for, but it is the long projects that he admires the most. The longest tattoo he’s ever done took 60 hours – 10 hours a session. “It’s like painting. When you’re painting, you don’t want to do a bunch of little flowers. You’d rather paint something of size,” he said. After years of being in the same room of the two-store shopping center, the shop has recently finished renovations and expansion. Taking over the smaller room that separates Ivory Tower with Holiday’s Pizza, Craven, Bray, and Mays all have new studios. Craven also just brought on two new artists- the first time since Mays. With precise care and intense professionalism, Craven thinks the newly renovated, grey-painted shop stands above the rest in the area. “There’s no competition around here. Other shops can have what we don’t want. That’s basically how it goes,” Craven said. From being taught by a scratcher to building a shop from the bottom up, Ross Craven and Ivory Tower’s interesting story is far from being done. “I regret none of my tattoos. No bad decisions, just memorable [ones],” he said.

the minimalist life By Brooke Thompson Tiny houses are complete with white rooms and clean, sleek lines. These are all things that relate back to minimalism. With minimalism, less is more. If you feel like your life is too cluttered or if you just want to

live more simply, the minimalist lifestyle is for you. You may not know where to start, though. There are a couple of projects you can try in order to take part in this trend.

Project 333

100 Thing Challenge

complete this project after three months, and you

clutter and unneeded items. The items that count

With Project 333, the sacred number is three. You only keep 33 articles of clothing for the duration

of it. These articles can include clothes, shoes and

accessories. For example, three jackets, two sweaters, two cardigans, one scarf, six dresses (or other forms of business or business casual wear), two

skirts (or dress pants), two pairs of jeans, two dress shirts, two long sleeve shirts, three short sleeve

shirts, four pairs of shoes and three accessories. Be

sure to stick to basics in all categories, so it is easier to mix and match outfits.

There are also items that do not count as a part of

Project 333. Sentimental items like a wedding ring does not count in the accessories category. Work

out clothing or lounge wear does not count either, but it can only be worn for exercising or lounging.

Lastly, undergarments do not count in with your 33 items of clothing.

The 100 Thing Challenge was created to minimize

in the 100 Thing Challenge are clutter, unnecessary decorations, clothes, shoes, and costume jewelry. You can only have 100 of these items in order to

maximize space and minimize unnecessary items that are making your space feel smaller than it is.

The 100 Thing Challenge is about organization and minimalism.


There are items that do not count in the 100 Thing Challenge as well. First is the items you share with other people. For example, if you and your room-

mate bought a TV together, do no get rid of the TV. Non-personal items do not count either. These are

items like dishes, pots, and pans. Lastly, necessities do not count in this challenge. Please do not throw away soap, shampoo or deodorant for the sake of less clutter.

If you find that you are struggling with getting rid of your clutter, remember to just keep items that items you want to keep. Go back through both the items you are unsure about and the items you

want to keep to ensure that they cannot be donated. These challenges are the perfect way to start your minimalist lifestyle today!

28 | REFLECTOR Spring 2 018

Designed by John St. Lewis

you need or love. Make piles of items that can be donated, items that you are unsure about and

Designed by John St. Lewis

T N E M N I A T R E T N E REFLECTOR Spring 2 018 | 29

STATESBORO’S MUSIC SCENE What it was. What it is. What it hopes to be. By Matthew Enfinger



“When you went to Blind Willie’s, you weren’t


going to hear a cover band,” Mitchell said. “You

had an extensive

were going to hear a band that did original mu-

history in original

sic. Legends brought in national touring acts

music, though its

such as Hootie and the Blowfish and Dave Mat-

music scene is fairly

thews right as they broke big. They were really

small in comparison

active in the music scene.”

to larger music scenes

Recently, Mitchell has observed that the mu-

such as Atlanta or Ath-

sic scene as he knew it was taking a turn from

ens. The city’s music histo-

local and national music acts to more of a cover band-esque atmosphere.

ry includes blues legend

“I’m not sure what exactly happened in the

Blind Willie McTell’s song

industry in Statesboro that made it a little more

“Statesboro Blues,” The Roll-

cover band driven in the club scene,” Mitch-

ing Stone’s first American

ell said. “I’m not knocking any specific genre or

performance and yes, even

anything but I don’t know exactly why the clubs

popular rap group Migos be-

aren’t as original-music driven.”

ing arrested while performing

Mitchell clarified a bit to say that the element

at Georgia Southern University.

of cover bands has always been present in

Statesboro has seemed to have seen it all.

Statesboro. “You were going to play “Brown Eyed Girl” of

However, local musicians like

you were going to play a frat party when I was in

Chris Mitchell, owner of Pladd Dot

college,” Mitchell said with a laugh. “That’s just

music store in downtown Statesboro believes Statesboro’s music scene has undergone changes since his first performance here on Nov. 11, 1993. Mitchell remembers a Statesboro that had music venues, such as Blind Willies and Legends, both of which are now closed, that would play original local music as well as touring acts.

the way it was.”

Music scene shift While Mitchell said many bars like Gnat’s Landing do still put on regional music, the appearance of house show venues could be the next era in live regional music in Statesboro.

Photo by Blake Kessler


Designed by Cayley Creekmore



Aaron Cooler, lead singer of local band

cause honestly, it’s like the hip-hop side of

tainment is the key to getting students to

Birdperson and a founder of the house

thing is dry,” Morado said. “Like there’s not

be stay in the community particularly on

show venue Birdhaus, sees the need for

a lot of outlets. From the hip-hop side of


house shows to both keep the music scene

things, I just say we’ve got to make our own

alive in Statesboro as well as give Georgia

shit, ya know?”

Southern University students a place to listen to live music. “There’s a lot of people who who wish they could have access to a place where

“If we’re allowing our students and not providing entertainment options, they’re

Ramando said that he has performed at

going to seek that elsewhere,” Burnette

Open Mic nights at GS but feel like his con-

said. “So, I think the city, county, everybody

tent must be censored and that the envi-

needs to get on board with trying to make

ronment does not support Hip Hop.

sure those things are happening.”

they can go hang out with their friends

The Birdhaus host’s Hip Hop nights which

Mitchell believes that Statesboro can

that’s not a bar,” Cooler said. “There’s not

Ramando says are good for the Hip Hop

have a venue with a vibe similar to the

a lot to do in town, and this is something

community but the genre in Statesboro still

popular Athens music venue “The 40 Watt

that people who are into music and into

has a long way to go.

Club” but says it will take time and getting

spending time outside of just on-campus happenings.

“I feel like it’s gotta be better,” Ramando said. “There was a hip-hop night at Birdhaus

a staff of people dedicated to improving Statesboro’s music scene.

Cooler specified that The Bird Haus is

the other night but it wasn’t a lot of people

Cooler takes it a step further by encour-

different from any other music venues that

coming in. I don’t know why that is. I just feel

aging GS to invest in local musicians by pro-

bars and the university already provides.

like there was people who could have been

viding a space for students to perform, not


just for art in academia but in all walks of

“This is something that’s non-school sponsored, but it’s also just not a bar,” Cool-

Despite the diminished venues for local

er said, “It’s something that everyone can

music in Statesboro, local musicians agree

participate in without having to worry about

that music must always find a way.

the usual things that go along with quote, unquote, partying in a town like this.

musical talent and to let students take the lead. “I think there’s plenty of colleges that

“I think that if there’s a need for music

have student-run venues,” Cooler said.

to be played, it will prevail in the end, so

“Georgia Tech has them, all over up north,

Because that’s not what we [Statesboro

long as someone has enough space and

tons of colleges have spaces that are stu-

are]. Everybody associates us with a party-

enough room between their building and

dent-run and are exclusively designed to

ing town. We’re something to do that’s not

their neighbor’s building, even if it’s just

be concert venues for bands and rappers


acoustic,” Williams said.

and things like that, and that’s another thing

Cooler schedules and puts on shows in the living room area of his house in Statesboro. For a $5 entry fee, anyone is allowed to come in and listen to both local and

The future of Statesboro’s music

Georgia Southern is behind on as a school, in my opinion.” Despite the community’s drop in touring acts and local music venues, Cooler is still hopeful about Statesboro’s music scene

sa Williams, lead singer of the Augusta/

Statesboro’s music scene go from here?

and wants his legacy to be carried on after

Statesboro band Bullmoose, views Bird-

How can music in Statesboro continue to

he leaves Statesboro.

live up to past musical legends while also

“Whenever I do leave, I just hope people

for musicians to perform.

support and encourage local musicians?

keep throwing shows, and getting together

Mitchell believes the answer is for States-

and enjoying music,” Cooler said. “People

boro to invest in a music venue.

constantly tell me, people who are in their

Photo by Blake Kessler

The question remains, where does

haus and other venues like it as a new place

that happened there put Statesboro on the

“What Statesboro needs in my opinion

30s and have lived in Statesboro for a really

map for a lot of artists. I hope that the house

is a performance venue if it wants to sup-

long time, they say, ‘Oh my God, I’m so glad

shows continue. I think everything that Aar-

port these acts that can come out in drive,”

the music scene is coming back. I’m so glad

Designed by Cayley Creekmore

national musical acts. Musicians like Mari-

on and Birdperson did will set up a legacy

Mitchell said. “It needs a venue. A good

that shows are happening.’ It makes them

that lasts, hell, even another decade.”

venue with 200 plus seating venue, that can

real happy. And then there are people that

house a regular ensemble of touring acts.”

come to Georgia Southern as a freshman

“I would say that it [Birdhaus] rebuilt it [the local scene],” Williams said. “The shows

Statesboro’s hip-hop community has also faced issues with the amount of ven-

Darren Burnette, co-chair of the Blue

and they’re like ‘wow, there are shows go-

ues open to the genre. Rapper Rey Mora-

Mile Committee, believes that Statesboro

ing on. This is something that I can do, this is

do from the music group Reigncloud, says

should have a venue to benefit the city as

something I can be a part of and help make

that they have began putting on their own

well as getting students to spend week-

a difference in my community and be a part

shows, called Waves, at various houses.

ends in Statesboro.

of something that’s bigger than myself.”

“I feel like a lot of what I’ve done as a

Burnette expressed that as a father of a

musician really comes from like the drive

daughter who recently graduated from

inside and how to make it happen here, be-

Georgia Southern University that enter-

Julia Fechter contributed to this article.

REFLECTOR Spring 2 018 | 31

Southern By Noelle Walker

Georgia Southern University is filled with so many talented artists. Whether they’re musicians or painters or bloggers, each one has something

special to add to the world. Gabrielle Kastner, Amanda Johnson, and Seth Reeves are some of these talented people. Here are their stories.

Seth Reeves

32 | REFLECTOR Spring 2 018

piano. “When I first started out, it was mostly my mom that really got me into it. She would play little stuff on the piano, so I guess that’s why I always wanted to learn piano…,” Reeves said. Reeves then would play it on his own until he eventually taught himself. He started singing in his sophomore year of high school. “I had this crush on this girl, and I was really shy so I didn’t know exactly what to say, so I just wrote a song and then she really liked worked out,” Reeves said. R e e v e s admits that he gets nervous on the days leading up to his performances, until it is actually time for him to perform. “When it finally gets here I’m just so ready, I’ve been nervous enough-I just kinda toss it to the side,” Reeves said.

When I first started out, it was mostly my mom that really got me into it.”

Designed by Aminatta Mbow

Primarily a singer, Seth Reeves uses everyday life as inspiration for his music. Being on stage “feels like a conversation” for him. His preferred genre of music is alternative or indiestyle, and he describes himself as an open musician. Reeves tries to make his music acoustic sounding. His aspiration as a musician is to find a platform on which he can reliably share his music. Reeves also plays the piano and writes songs. He has pages and pages of music he worked on from high school in a piano bench at his home and has many voice memos of

ideas in his phone. He sings and plays music whenever-and wherever--he can. Many days, Reeves would practice in a back storage room in Russell Union, playing a piano (pictured). He gets school and work out of the way, so he can have one-on-one time with his music. Reeves says there are many layers to someone realizing they want to be a musician. His music helped him relieve stress, and, in twelfth grade, he did a project on music therapy. “That was when I was like ‘Okay this is what I want to do. I want to keep doing music,’ Reeves said. His personal inspiration is his mother, and she was the one who influenced him to start playing the

Photos by Clay Harden, Blake Kessler and David Olatunde

Senior, 23, Augusta, GA, Information Technology

Amanda Johnson

Junior, 21, Augusta, GA, Fashion Merchandising and Apparel Design Amanda Johnson, a Fashion Merchandising & Apparel Design major, is a blogger. She posts about lifestyle and decor, fashion, and do it yourselfs (DIYs) on her blog Sequins and Sales. Johnson started it her senior year of high school. “I would hope to build up a following on Instagram first...Once i have that following then hopefully more people will read my blog. I usually get about 50 views per post, so that’s pretty good, but I hope to get up to thousands of views,” Johnson said. She usually blogs about DIYS

because she likes saving herself money on things. “Instead of spending a lot of money on them, I try to make them myself for a fraction of what they cost,” Johnson said. Johnson has always had a passion for fashion, and the best way to showcase that was to create a blog. “I’ve always wanted to have one just because I like fashion, and I just felt it was the best way to show that I like it,” Johnson said. “Also [in] my industry a

lot o f people do look to see if you have one to see if you’d be a good fit for their company.”

Gabrielle Kastner

Designed by Aminatta Mbow

Photos by Clay Harden, Blake Kessler and David Olatunde

Senior, 22, Athens, GA, Studio Art

Born into a creative family, Gabrielle Kastner has been an artist for as long as she could remember. Creativity has run through her veins, until it led her to a realization her sophomore year- art is what she’s passionate about and is what she really enjoys doing. “It makes sense to me,” Kastner says. Kastner explained that everything she experiences influences her artwork, because she is a very emotional person. “I just soak it up and translate it

into a new visual language,” Kastner said. Georgia Southern offers a printmaking course which really helped Kastner express herself more and find her love for abstract art. She does painting, printmaking, ceramics, drawing, and graphic design. She has gotten many opportunities at Georgia Southern such as showcasing her art in the juried form and content show (which shows through the university) along with learning skills that she would never have gotten if she has not taken art in college. Kastner said that Georgia Southern has really influenced her as an artist. “It’s just a more professional

atmosphere, and we get to do critiques for each other and learn skills I never would have even tried to do if I hadn’t done art in college,” Kastner said. Kastner has her senior capstone exhibition coming up at the end of the semester in the university galley. She also has done a lot of branding and logo designs for companies and has done some commissioned work. Her advice to aspiring artists is to just keep going, even though the work can be discouraging. “It’s just a lot mentally to constantly have your creative brain turned on and make things...You just got to make art and explore new things and not be afraid,” Kastner said.

You just got to make art and explore new things and not be afraid”

REFLECTOR Spring 2 018 | 33

The Journey is a must for the bookshelf, coffee table or basement fanzone of every devoted Eagles fan.



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REFLECTOR Spring 2 018 | 35

Because college isn’t just a phase, it’s a lifestyle.

36 | REFLECTOR Spring 2 018

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