Reflector Magazine, Fall 2017

Page 9

We Are So Much More than a

Millennial I

Designed by Shelby Bragg

f you were to type “millennial” into the Google search bar, you’d discover that “stereotypes” is one of the top autocomplete suggestions. Every generation has a term coined with it. There’s the Silent Generation, the Baby Boomers (our beloved parents), and then there’s us, those born from 1977 to 1995. So why then, has the world created such a terrible connotation with our term more than anyone else’s? The name has stuck with us and it pervades all our social media, news media and culture. It’s the only way we’re referred to these days. “Those damn millennials don’t work for

anything,” some outdated minds tend to say about us. Apparently, we’re the lazy, bored, entitled brats that are too irresponsible to make critical decisions. They say that we don’t want to take risks for jobs, we just want everything to be handed to us, and we don’t have real values or beliefs. “Those spoiled millennials are incapable of growing up, and they’ll be absorbed into that rotting social media lifestyle forever,” those close minded individuals continue on. That was hard to even type- because it’s a load of crap. Sorry Baby Boomers and those before, but it’s your way of thinking that’s lazy.

Shouldn’t you, those that are raising us, be the ones building us up and encouraging us the most? Instead, you’re the first to name call when we have one screw up. Maybe it’s because the only time we actually make the news is when a riot breaks out or when we don’t know who the Secretary of Defense is in those random street polls. It’s when we do something wrong that people pay attention. Sure, we make a lot of mistakes, but we are so much more than that. We are more than the stereotypes people have unfortunately casted upon us.

Traditionalists or Silent Generation:

Baby Boomers:

Born 1945 and before

Born 1946 to 1964

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