Overheard at Southern
Moon River Brewing Co. & Paranormal Activity
Oktoberfest Beer, Weiner Dogs and Lederhosen’s
Dr.”Brew” Professor Don Armel
CHECK US OUT PHONE 912.478.0069 TWITTER @gsuReflector EMAIL reflector@georgiasouthern.edu
Top Breweries in the South
International Beer Day
Beer Belly Blues
Reflector Reviews
letter from the editor THE GEORGE-ANNE
Sept. 11 TENth anniversary edition
The George-Anne is Georgia Southern’s campus newspaper and the oldest continuously running newspaper in Bulloch County.
Thursday, September 8, 2011 Georgia Southern University www.thegeorgeanne.com Volume 87 • Issue 23
A decade of remembrance SEPT. 12, 2001 STORY By CHRIS BRENNAMAN George-Anne alumnus
Georgia Southern University President Bruce Grube stressed that students remain calm in light of yesterday’s attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C. “We’re talking to students as they come in,” Grube said. “They’re being directed to the counseling center. We’ve instructed the faculty and staff to be alert and attentive to the students.” GSU’s A Day for Southern fundraising venture, originally planned to bring in an excess of $1 million to the university on Tuesday, has been canceled. “We’re telling people to go home,” Grube said. “The victory dinner has been canceled. We’ll return to Day For Southern in about a week or so.” Classes were canceled at noon Tuesday
TODAY’S STORY and the university’s flag was lowered to half-mast. “[The flag was lowered out of] respect for the victims and families of the tragic events in New York and Washington,” Grube said. The university remained open for business, and the faculty and administrators remained on duty. “The last time I personally saw a collective tragedy like this was when President Kennedy was assassinated and I was an undergraduate student at the University of California at Berkeley,” Grube said. “These kinds of events reverberate through the collective consciousness of a country. “The best thing we can do right now See THEN, page 3 is remain calm and to remind ourselves how considerate we need to be
to generate electricity and reclaimed rainwater for its cooling systems. One World Trade Center, formerly “I think that’s great,” said senior public known as Freedom Tower, is continuing its relations major Katherine Hilson. “I think progression to rising above New York City. representations of our country moving Childs of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill forward, and the monument itself shows that LLP, and will consist of a memorial museum, America remembers its past.” observation deck and three million square cultural center to be built two blocks from ground zero. above street level and the design plans for it to is owned by real estate developer Sharif El-Gamal, who says he plans to persevere museum for 9/11, located at the base of the through the controversy surrounding the One World Trade Center, is set to open on the center’s construction. tenth anniversary this year. George-Anne staff
sustainable project of its size in the world,” according to One World Trade Center’s
A weekly guide to Eagles football
Weekly Tues and Thurs
See NOW, page 10 Newsroom 478-5246 Advertising 478-5418 Fax 478-7113
PO Box 8001 Statesboro, GA 30460
The Southern Reflector, started in 1926, is a general interest magazine that is published three times a year.
Publication: Oct 10, Jan 11 & Mar 19 Sales deadline: Nov25
Our house is an annual publication for new students at Georgia Southern. It serves as an information guide about various departments and organizations on campus. Publication: May 7 Sales deadline: Mar 23
Miscellany Magazine of the Arts
Magazine of the Arts Spring 2011 Georgia Southern University
The Miscellany Magazine of the Arts is Georgia Southern’s literary and arts magazine. It features various artwork and writings from GSU students. Publication: Oct 24 & Apr 16 Sales deadline: Mar 16
Our Neighborhood
The neighborhood is an off-campus housing guide. Publication: Nov 7 Sales deadline: Oct 14
I gloated about being Editor-in-Chief. Sarcastically of course, but at fi rst, I was solely proud of the position and the new title I now could put down on my resumé. I have four years of experience with magazines and I had worked with Student Media on the Miscellany staff for a year already; I knew what I was doing. But I didn’t really understand what I was in for as an EIC. At the beginning of the semester and even at the end of last semester, I tried to organize as much as possible, and plan, and schedule. But there was something always getting in the way of my OCD-like organization - reality. I could plan as much as I wanted and let my staff know everything they needed to know but bad things happen - they always did. Someone’s car was in the shop, someone was late, and someone just plain forgot. So I stressed. I stressed over everything. But like every overprotective parent, I cared about how my staff would get along with the other kids on the Student Media playground, I hoped they wouldn’t eat glue while I was away and hoped they would make Mommy proud with their hard work. I am pretty sure I gave myself hernias from worrying. But through it all, I learned during the production of this Fall Edition of The Refl ector that you can’t always plan for everything. Stuff happens. Stuff that you don’t like, that keeps you up all night stressing, will happen. It’s life. But keep your head up. Some things can’t be avoided – stress is one of them. But it will always work out, even if it doesn’t work out like you planned. Keep moving forward. Keep smiling and use every opportunity to laugh at the things that otherwise you would cry over. Happy Days and Pleasant Travels,
THE LANTERN WALK The Lantern Walk is a traditional publication that is given out at graduation. Publication: Dec 12 & Apr 30 Sales deadline: Nov 11
Gracie Kessenich Magazines Editor-in-Chief October/November 2011 • Southern Reflector Magazine • 5
For ads in our publication please contac t us at 912-478-5418 or ads1@georgiasouthern.edu
editor of the reflector
the reflector asstistant editor
Colleen is a sophomore journalism major who happily transferred to the magazines after a year as a reporter for the GeorgeAnne. Her dream is to travel the world and write about the people she meets along the way. Oh, and she loves glitter. Colleen hopes you enjoy reading this issue as much as she did working on it. Cheers!
Dom is a junior communications major and spanish minor. He enjoys theology and playing racquetball. He loves his staff and credits them for making this the best issue yet by far. “Raise your expectations or lower them. It doesn’t matter because we refuse to do anything less than exceed them.”
Raised in eclectic New Orleans before moving to Atlanta, Coleen sees the world through Mardi-Gras-colored glasses. This writing and lingusitc major/journalism minor wrote for The George-Anne before moving across the hall of the Williams Center. She fuses her love of music and writing as an executive producer for the WVGS radio station.
magazines managing editor
student media production supervisor
student media design editor
student media photo editor
Julian grew up in Ellenwood, Georgia. He is a graduate student currently studying in the Betty Foy Art Department majoring in Graphic Design. When he is not studying he enjoys swimming and practicing capoeira in his spare time. “I don’t often drink beer when I design, but when I do I prefer Dos Equis...Stay thirsty my designers.”
Kelsey is a junior graphic design major. Originally from a small town in south Jersey outside Philadelphia, she relocated to Peachtree City, Georgia. When not in school Kelsey loves football, music and going to beach. “Love your work and work for what you love.” -Blake Mycoskie
Randy is a sophomore computer engineering major from Mooresville, Indiana. This is his second year working with Student Media. In the future, he hopes to be working with Intel with parallel computers or maybe Canon. He has loved photography his whole life.
contributors without you, this would not be possible
Matt D’La Rotta Alex LaSalle N’vante Santos
Brendan Bresnan
John Harvey, Student Media Director Mallory McLendon Offi ce of Student Media Boys of 824 Jimmy Johns delivery guy Starbucks Coff ee Sympathetic Roommates Y’all, our readers
Tyler Fleider Akeem Hill Sarah Miller Alessandra Oviatt
ADVERTISING Zach Damon Holly Hillhouse Tiff any Larkin
The Southern Reflector is copyright 2011 by Southern Reflector Magazine and Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia. The Southern Reflector is owned and operated by GSU students using facilities provided by the university. The magazine is produced three times a year by and for the students of GSU and has an estimated circulation of 2,500. The magazine is printed by South Graphics
Rocky Roark
PHOTOGRAPHERS Lindsay Hartmann Andrew Partain in Claxton, GA. Opinions expressed herein are those of the student writers and editors and DO NOT necessarily reflect those of the faculty, staff, or administration of GSU, the Student Media Advisory Board or the University System of Georgia. The magazine accepts advertising as a community service to help defray publication costs. Other funding is provided in part by the Activities Budget
Committee of GSU. Inquires should be directed to ADS or PAGES, P.O. Box 8801, Georgia Southern University, or by calling the Student Media directors office 912.478.0069 or 912.478.5305. You can fax any questions to 912.478.7113. Readers may pick up one free copy, and a second for a roommate or acquaintance, at distribution sites. Additional copies are 50 cents each and
are available at the Williams Center. Unauthoized removal of additional copies from a distribution site constitutes theft under Georgia Law, a misdemeanor offense punishable by a fine and/or jail time. For more information about the magazine, please e-mail the Editor-inChief at reflector@georgiasouthern.edu
October/November 2011 • Southern Reflector Magazine • 7
8 • Southern Reflector Magazine • October/November 2011
October/November 2011 • Southern Reflector Magazine • 9
know the facts • Consuming alcohol under the age of 21 is illegal • GSU follows a Three-Strike policy for illlegal substance use, outlined in the Student Handbook • One drink equals 12 ounces of beer, five ounces of wine, or one ounce of liquor
Photography: COLLEEN McNALLY According to Georgia Southern University’s wesbite, the Office of Alcohol and Other Drugs Programs created a social norms campaign. Based on the results of data collected from a 2010 acohol and drug survey of GSU students, they aim “to alter the misperceptions students have about their own alcohol consumption.” The facts listed here are from the campaign. For more information, visit http://students.georgiasouthern.edu/aod/
10 • Southern Reflector Magazine • October/November 2011
• The typical Georgia Southern student typically drinks once a week or less
Moderation is in the eye of the beer holder.
Savannah Favorite Beer? Kostrizer Photography: COLLEEN MCNALLY
16 • Southern Reflector Magazine • October/November 2011
When it comes to believing in ghosts and the paranormal, here is no question that Savannah’s Moon Pinkerton, the company’s brew master, is even more skeptical River Brewing Company has played an than his partner. important part in the city’s rich history. “Probably nine out of 10 servers will tell you that they had Originally built in 1821 as the City Hotel, the some kind of weird experience, but I’m a very practical manbuilding housed Savannah’s first hotel, as well of-science kind of person,” Pinkerton said. “I think anytime as the city’s first United States Post Office and you have some sort of fantastic story, like the whole ghost a branch of the United States bank. thing, you gotta have at least one guy that says, ‘It’s a bunch The hotel boasted a guest list including of crap.’ So, I’m gonna be that guy.” such prominent historical figures as the Marquis de Lafayatte, Skeptical as he may be about the things that go bump in the War of 1812 hero Winfield Scott, the first three commodores night, one thing that Pinkerton has no doubts about is the quality of the United States Navy and naturalist James Audubon. of the beers brewed at Moon River Brewing Co. However, today many people are drawn to the brew pub not The pub regularly keeps on tap six beers brewed on-location because of those who have stayed there in the past, but for along with a variety of domestic and imported beers. Six Degrees those who have never left. Belgian Golden Ale, Swamp Fox India Pale Ale, Captain’s Porter, Moon River Brewing Company is considered to be Apparition Ale, Slow-vannah Pale Ale, and Wild Wacky Wit are located in one of the most haunted buildings in Savannah. all made from Pinkerton’s own recipes, as are the seasonal ales and The lore of apparitions residing in this location is so lagers the company puts out as well. widely believed that multiple television series including Moon River Brewing Company released its ‘Tater Ale seasonal Syfy Network’s Ghost Hunters, FOX’s Ghost Stories, beer on the first Friday in October. The beer is made using sweet and the Travel Channel’s Ghost Adventures have potatoes, and Pinkerton featured the pub. “I work in here all We both got up, without saying a word to each other, and calls it his “answer to the whole pumpkin beer hours and I’ve seen things that I don’t walked over just to make sure there was nobody hiding around phenomenon.” Tater Ale will be the corner or anything — there was nobody there. “ understand and I followed up early in cannot explain,” said November by Road general manager Gene Trip hard cider. Finally, the pub’s Belgian abbey-style ale, Beeco. “ I saw the CD player come on one time, play part of a Nick’s Balls of Gold, will be released during the first week of Christmas song and go off by itself. I’ve seen silverware just fall December as the final seasonal beer for the year. off a shelf, with nobody around, and onto the floor.” Beers and ghosts aren’t the only thing that Moon River Beeco and his business partner John Pinkerton bought has to offer. The pub also boasts a broad menu for those the building that Moon River Brewing Company calls home wanting to grab a bite with their drink. and opened its doors for business in April of 1999. Since that “We cover a lot of different bases; salads, steaks, time, Beeco said that not only he, but also a number of the hamburgers. It’s not just bar food, but it’s not superestablishment’s employees have reported ghost sightings and fancy food either,” said Pinkerton. “We always have paranormal activity. intentionally been like that because we serve a clientele Beeco explained how he and another employee had been that’s not necessarily looking for fine dining, they don’t sitting at a table, when all of a sudden the lights dimmed. want a fast food experience, so we’re sort of cutting it “We both got up, without saying a word to each other right down the middle.” walked over just to make sure there was nobody hiding around Whether you’re looking for the spirits you drink in or the the corner or anything — there was nobody there,” he said. ones you run from, or you just want something to satisfy Beeco said that he has had an employee claim that she walked your hunger, the Moon River Brewing Company has all the into a room and saw the silverware turning. He said that some makings for a frighteningly good time. people say they feel like they’re being pushed when they walk down the stairs. A group of people said they saw a man appear in a doorway. Beeco says he hears about these things all the time. However, he’s still not fully convinced himself. “I think I’ve seen stuff all my life in different places,” Beeco said. “Was it a ghost? I don’t know. I’m a very skeptical person. If I see an apparition and I wave at it, and it waves back at By: MATT D’LA ROTTA me, that will pass my threshold test. I would have to give some thought about my schedule and my work hours and where I’m Photography: RANDY HUDGINS gonna travel in the restaurant.”
Top Left Corner: Brewmaster John Pinkerton Bottom Right Corner: General Manager Gene Beeco
October/November 2011 • Southern Reflector Magazine • 15
16 • Southern Reflector Magazine • October/November 2011
Beer, Weiner Dogs and Lederhosen’s Booze Yah! Oktoberfest is jampacked with people in hot pursuit of beer, food, entertainment, and the classic puke-on-the-shoes greeting. Mmm tasty. Jokes aside, this German festival is an international event celebrated annually. River Street in Savannah held its 28th Oktoberfest from September 30 to October 2. Every year the Boar’s Head Grill and Tavern attempts to provide their own take on a German dish. “It’s not typical for us, but we really get into the spirit. We used to have a bartender that wore lederhosen,” said manager Charlene Branan in anticipation
of the event. “It’s a big festival, we have a good set-up.” Chris Butler, manager of Fiddler’s Crab House, knew to expect a large crowd and began planning weeks in advance. “Oktoberfest is our biggest event next to St. Patrick’s Day. We are fully staff ed.” Traditionally a group of men in lederhosen known as the Channelhiemers Oompah Band set the mood for all the schnitzel lovers. The band hails from Augusta, but visits Savannah to celebrate traditional Bavarian culture through time-honored songs as well as their own original melodic compositions. The music moves people to dance…or sway
drunkenly, an eff ort nonetheless. Oktoberfest on River Street is never complete without the Wiener Dog Race. As strange and anticlimactic as it may seem, these races are Savannah’s unique touch on the festival. These somewhat beautiful, rat-like creatures, fi ght for fi rst place in the most exciting moment of their Wiener Dog lives. Who doesn’t want to witness that? For those that missed Savannah’s festivities, don’t worry. Helen, Georgia is celebrating all month long. Remember, a good rule to go by: If you’ve had enough to drink that you start singing the karaoke version of “Born This Way,” call a cab.
October/November 2011 • Southern Reflector Magazine • 17
dr. brew: don armel By: DOM PRICE Photography: LINDSAY HARTMANN DR. DON ARMEL BREWS BEER. Eighteen years ago, Armel
levels, and Armel is content in keeping the locals supplied.
and his friend saw an advertisement to learn how to brew beer at a bar.
“So we went. Watched, learned, held our breath, bought our first
When a few teachers and Armel began the club, the demand for brew
kit, and brewed our first beer,” he said. “It was likely good enough to
supplies and their accessibility initiated the need for a local supplier.
drink, and we were hooked.”
Armel met the majority of the demands when he gathered the basic brew
Embarking on the saga of lifetime, Armel continued to brew
necessities together in a corner of a rented space at the Midtown Wine
throughout his college years enjoying time spent
Cellar. The shop not only helps the experienced, but also introduces
at beer socials. Armel moved to Statesboro
beginners desiring to create their own beer.
when he joined the Graphics Communication
“People usually get into brewing because they think it
Management department at Georgia Southern,
is cost effective and it is, in time. You brew basically two
Generally the customers are members of Blind Willie’s Brewers.
and maintained his love for the craft. Soon
cases for somewhere between $35 to $40.”
Armel met more craftsmen with a passion for a
truly ‘hopin’ beers.
Light for cheaper, but, “a first time home brewer
“Slowly through the years I met people on
will make better beer than Natty Light.” Generally
campus and in town who also brewed beer.
speaking, “a six pack these days is usually $8.50 or
Armel is aware that people can buy Natty
Finally another faculty suggested, ‘why we don’t start a club?’, it
$10, so if we go $10 and there are eight six packs then you’ve got
sounded like a good idea, and I had the opportunity to start the store.”
$80 compared to $40.”
Armel enjoys the social aspect of brewing. This is the true purpose of
But, contrary to popular business motivation, neither the ambition
of renowned success nor the comfort of cash drives this business.
the shop.
“I’m certainly not going to retire on it. For me this business is a
hobby. It’s basically for social reasons.” Statesboro has brewers of all
“As long as it does not become a charity, where I am putting more
money into it than I am getting out of it, I’ll continue to do it.”
(top left) Some of the basic brew supplies Armel has to offer: hops, the fermenters, bottle toppers, additives, How To Brew books and bottle caps. (bottom left) Brew making kits (right) Beer sold in the store
18 • Southern Reflector Magazine • October/November 2011
Just some of the selection available at the Midtown Wine Cellar in downtown Statesboro.
Pick Up or Delivery
Free Flavored Crust! 607 Brannen Street
TOP SOUTHERN BREWERIES SWEETWATER BREWING CO. Although one of the South’s favorite beers, this company owes some of its success and unique taste combinations to their western roots. Offi cially established in 1997 by two college roommates from Colorado, Freddy Bensch and Kevin McNerney, brought a new style of brewing beer to the South. Their hoppy-aggressive ales with fl oral aromas and citrusy fl avors keep customers dedicated to the brand; especially the crowd-pleasing, critically acclaimed 420 fl avor, named after a never-built interstate in Atlanta. Using the slogan “Don’t fl oat the mainstream”, Sweetwater has found success in the unconventional waterways of the Southern beer industry.
Snuggled up in the woods just 30 miles north of New Orleans, this company is dedicated to producing the fi nest quality brews to customers in the Big Easy and throughout the South. “Lagers and ales are brewed in small batches, hand-crafted by a team of dedicated workers with only the highest ideals of quality,” according to Abita Beer Co.’s website. “This pride, along with our brewing process, is what creates our great brews.” They promise not to use additives or stabilizers, but to ensure it is coldfi ltered and to only use the freshest ingredients and the purest well water. “The result is beer that is the fi nest and freshest tasting, as proven by our loyal customers and great chefs of the South who use Abita Beer in their recipes.”
When Terrapin introduced their fi rst beer, the Rye Pale Ale in April of 2002, it took only six months to win the American Pale Ale Gold Medal at the 2002 Great American Beer Festival. Founders John Cochran and Brian “Spike” Buckowski set out to make a beer unlike any other in the Southeast. After winning countless awards in recognition of their brews, they have more than proved themselves. Located in eclectic Athens, GA., Terrapin draws inspiration from a community just as distinctive and full of life as their beer. R By: COLEEN CUREAU Photography: COLLEEN MCNALLY
International Beer: Bringing the World
TOGETHER One Brew at a Time
hat answer do contestants of the Ms. America Pageant most frequently give when responding to the question, “What is the most important thing our society needs?” “World Peace,” slips out of their mouths and melts like butter in the ear of every judge. As any world leader whose ever tried to accomplish anything on an global scale knows, getting diff erent cultures to agree on anything can be next to impossible. So how do we come together? Jesse Avshalomov, co-founder of International Beer Day, has a solution. “There aren’t a lot of things the whole world agrees on, but enjoying beer is one of them,” said Avshalomov, according to International Beer Day’s website. Back in 2007, Avshalomov persuaded his local bar to celebrate his new holiday, which by the next year, had already spread to England and South Africa. In four years IBD has grown to over 278 celebrations in 138 cities and 23 countries. How’s that for blurring cultural boundaries? Not only does the holiday promote camaraderie on a worldwide level, but on a local one as well.
Special education major Mary Katherine Gossett agrees after hitting the town, the togetherness that comes from laughing about the night before is undeniable. “The stories, once everyone comes together in the morning, piecing together the night before the memories are priceless!” Drinking socially also allows people who otherwise are too shy or inhibited to make friends an opportunity to come out of their shell and meet new people. “It’s always a conversation starter,’ said junior fi lm studies major Alex Smith. “It’s like ‘Hey, didn’t I see you at that other party last week?’ I can’t tell you how many friends I’ve met that way!” International Beer Day was inspired by a passion for beer but has grown into a celebration of all things that make a brew special. “Though the appreciation of beer is a huge part of the holiday, it’s also about appreciating the people who make it and share it with us,’ said Avshalomov. ‘It’s my love song to the brewing industry.” So grab some friends, head to your favorite dive, order a round and raise your glass, “To beer, a drink that brings the world together.”
October/November 2011 • Southern Reflector Magazine • 21
The Truth Behind the Bulge Is there a link between the amount of beer someone drinks and the size of their gut? According to fitness gurus everywhere, the answer is still unclear.
NO If the news couldn’t get any worse for your belly or your bartender, a study was recently published suggesting some people are genetically inclined to develop beer bellies. An Italian researcher, Dr. Pasquale Strazzullo from the University of Naples, reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine Journal that men found with the gene variant known as “DD” were more commonly overweight than those without it. So with all the odds stacked against having Ryan Goslin-like abs, why keep drinking? “Its one way we self medicate,” said family physician Dr. Billy Ray Price, of the Colquitt Regional Medical Center in Colquitt, GA. However, moderation is the key. For those who don’t have a beer gut but want one, www.beerbelly.com has some wearable versions available for purchase to fill with beer, and complete with a straw.
22• Southern Reflector Magazine • October/November 2011
YES Have any last minute plans for a trip to the beach? Consider choosing between that polka-dot bikini or an ice cold six-pack because some reseachers claim you can’t have your keg and drink it too. Beer is high in calories. Frequent drinking can result in extra calories packed on as belly fat. A body can’t tell the difference between extra beer calories from other food calories, so saying people add on weight purely because it’s from beer isn’t true. “Beer and the beer belly don’t nesecarily go together,” Price said. “If you have excess calories, your going to store it, no matter where they come from.” Gender also plays a large role in where extra beer pounds are stored. Women don’t usually come to mind when hearing the term “beer belly.” This is because women normally hold excess fat on their hips, thighs and butt; as men store it around their waist. Regardless of a specific gene that dictates where the consequences of excess drinking are placed on the body, regular exercise and responsible drinking never hurts. By: COLEEN CUREAU
October/November 2011 • Southern Reflector Magazine •23
“God is Great Different religious perspectives
The Jewish religion is no stranger to alcohol. This is not to say that they are drunk off their rocker, just that the importance of wine is actually emphasized through ritualistic repetition. For example, the Passover Seder has four different cups of wine, and each contains symbolic importance. As far as the Old Testament is concerned, wine is seen as a good thing: "bringing joy to God and man" (Judges 9:13). However, they do not condone drunkenness. It’s just not kosher. Speaking of kosher, Jews are known to make their own wine. From mashing grapes to the corking process, these bodacious bottles are untouched by non-Jewish hands. As soon as a Gentile contaminates the process the whole product must be dumped. Hopefully you’re not mushugana enough to do that, but if you are, keep in mind the consequences will be less than kosher.
Wait! Before I proceed, slow your breathing. That’s right - calm down, stretch, and focus your thoughts. Karma will not attack you in this state of false security... or it might. If it does then keep reading and it will stop... maybe. Joking aside, the Buddhist are mindful people, who meditate in their strive to remove all mental suffering from themselves as well as the suffering caused in the physical world. As far as the subject of alcohol, the answer is a big, fat SORT OF! The fifth precept lacks specificity. Buddhists are called to avoid food, drink or any substance that causes intoxication and recklessness. The idea is to be a facilitator of good karma or good deeds, but meditating under the influence or MUI will create bad karma - probably more than just a fifty dollar fine in the afterlife.
24 • Southern Reflector Magazine • October/November 2011
It’s not just a word that’s fun to say, but also a religion that accepts the use of alcohol. In Hinduism, one strives to understand the laws of the universe, also known as the Dharma. In regards to karma, Hindus must decide for themselves how alcohol makes sense in their lives. They recognize the good and bad of alcohol, and its existence from an early point in history. There are no concrete rules, but they do recognize moderation. Other than total awareness of the effects of intoxicants, Hindus strive to be honest with themselves.
Most of us know that not all Chri stians are crazy about alcohol. Catholics on the other the hand, don’t mind at all, and yes, they are Christians. Catholics are called to moderation - enough said. What makes Catholicism different is that alcohol is part of the mass. Catholics believe that through the priest, God transforms the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ. The process is called transubstantiation. Complex enough? Well before you write it off as idolatry, which is the custom of some, take a gander at the theological teachings. That will really blow your hair back.
Christianity The truth is, not every Christian our enjoyment and if I am enjoying it in a proper holds the same beliefs, and those context that drink are often rebels of a then I believe it is worshipful because I am enjoying religious society. It is not a moral code what God has given me,” said Baur. Although there they’re breaking, just a distasteful are perceived similarities, the way Christians go stereotype. about social drinking differs from those ready to get “The purpose of creation was shwasty-faced. that we would enjoy God; that we would “Well, you shouldn’t be like ‘We’re going to get enjoy who He is through blessings,” said loaded! We’ll have a blast!’ If you need a high to enjoy Danny Sanderson, a someone’s company, then reformed Baptist. “C.S. you’re not really enjoying God made beer, he Lewis said 'Nothing that their company,” said Mark made everything for God has created is Joseph, Catholic collegiate our enjoyment and if I inherently bad.' missionary. “The church Everything God teaches moderation.” If am enjoying it in a created is good, drunkeness causes one to proper context then I but it is the way become less than who believe it is worshipful in which we use the God designed them to be, cause I am enjoying good that can be bad.” then moderation is not Sanderson believes some another rule Christians what God has given me. Christians have gravitated abide by, but protection towards the extreme point of view that alcohol is from loseing their true identity in Christ. inherently evil. He says this belief is an offense to an all “Proverbs 31 6-7 talks about how improper it is good creator that has created nothing evil. for kings to drink and to get drunk, because they will “There is nothing against drinking in the Bible,” forget the decrees of God. I don't want to forget what said Phillip Jones, a Presbyterian, and Blake God has said and I don't want to forget who I am in Baur, a nondenominational, agreed. light of God. So that’s why I only allow myself one “God made beer, he made everything for drink a day,” said Sanderson.
October/November 2011 • Southern Reflector Magazine • 25
all F fashion back into
with Colleen McNally
Pumpkin Spice lattes are on the menu at Starbucks, and all week is preparation for Game Day. Fall is about all of these traditions, but it’s also about change. We see it in the color of the leaves on the ground,
Zig-zags are a fresh take on the classic stripe, perhaps done best by the Missoni for Target collection.
and in our wardrobes. This season is all about tribal prints, color blocking, feathers and bead detailing. LEA’ CHRISMAN, Georgia Southern Alumna and manager of local botique R.J.Pope, hand picks the latest trends for women, available at their stores now.
Feathers are more popular than everin this pattern, earrings and hair.
Check out the fringe lace-up details, complete with beads and feathers.
q & a with LEA’
Q: What other trends can we expect A: Lots of separates and olive greens. The 70’s are to see for fall?
Q: What is one “must have” piece this season?
back with high-waisted, bell bottom jeans.
A: Shoe-wise, every girl needs brown riding boots this fall to wear with tunics and black leggings. Boho chic. Frye boots are available at our sister store, The Cobbler’s Bench, located in downtown Statesboro.
26 • Southern Reflector Magazine • October/November 2011
Watch the Throne
racie’s Gbook nook
Jay-Z & Kanye West
special photo
By: N’VANTE SANTOS 91.9 “The Buzz” producer
“Watch the Throne” is the collaborative love child between two of hip-hop’s heavyweights, Jay-Z and Kanye West. In a bold, yet sensible move they have formed a duo from their longstanding relationship to create one of the decade’s most memorable albums. By tapping the talents of music’s past as well as music’s present with artists like Curtis Mayfield, Syl Johnson, Otis Redding, James Brown, Beyonce Knowles and Frank Ocean, along with the blunt self-declaration that is the title, they aim for legendary status. The track list is riddled with straightforward song titles. Upon first inspection, the simplicity is bland but becomes clear after listening. “Watch the Throne” opens with the entrancing crooning of
Frank Ocean on “No Church in the Wild” and follows with the triumphant Beyonce assisted “Lift-Off.” The raw energy of “N***s in Paris” along with its “Blades of Glory” sound bites invites you to embrace ignorance. By “Otis,” it is evident that Jay and Ye are a natural fit, completing each other’s lines, theories and thoughts. With their resources and talent, most listeners felt there were greater prospects than the majority of the album’s extravagance. More introspective tracks such as “New Day,” which served as a personal message to their unborn children about fatherhood, were anticipated. The topic of domestic killing versus the unnecessary aggression of war was properly addressed in “Murder to Excellence”. But to be fair, West stated earlier in the album that he was expressing “luxury rap,” foreshadowing that the line between Rap and Hip-Hop would be blurred. “Watch the Throne” is a living testament to Kanye West and Jay-Z’s success. They have properly asserted their position within the hip-hop community while respectfully inviting the newest generation of artists to challenge them. Hear the Throne. Respect the Throne. Watch the Throne.
Tina Fey Available for $16.35 on Amazon.com; also available on audiobook read by Tina Fey. special photo
By: GRACIE KESSNICH Tina Fey’s life is ordinary. At least, that is what she tells people in her autobiography. Fey has a long-standing comedic run of pithy one-liners and straight-faced sarcasm. That’s the Tina Fey we’ve grown to cherish and roll off our couches clutching our contracting underdeveloped ab muscles at. It’s about time our satiric Sarah Palin wrote about her journey to the Saturday Night Live set and beyond. Tina Fey’s autobiography, “Bossypants,” is one of the two autobiographies that I’ve actually read… in my entire 21 years. It was worth it! I lay in my apartment laughing hysterically at the outrageous scene playing in my mind while roommates poked their heads through the doorway to see what I had been, unattractively, snorting about. They had to read the book to understand. Fey’s unique view on life, such as her assessment that the female “setup down there looks vaguely like the Texas Longhorns logo” had me rolling on the floor. Even non-Tina Fey fans that find her disrespectful or crude can bring themselves to at least smirk at her sarcasm and her truly unique view of life that makes Fey who she is. Consequently, I passed the book on to every willing reader. “Bossypants” quickly climbed to the top of my preferred reading list and will continue to be on my list of references for anatomical advice.
October/November 2011 • Southern Reflector Magazine • 27