Gesundheit !
The Stockholm Network’s Newsletter on Health and Welfare
Volume 1: Issue 1. September 2007
Contents 1: Commentary – Why yet another Newsletter on Health and Welfare Policies? – Kristian Niemietz and David Torstensson 2: Topic of the Month – Towards a Europe of Worker Capitalists – José Piñera 3: Think Tanker’s Corner – Slovakia: A Free Market Health Care Revolution and its Rollback – Peter Tatar 4: Head2Head – Should Government Have a Role to Play in In-Patient Care? – David Furness vs. Helen Evans 5: Book Review - “Wachstumsmarkt Gesundheit” by Peter Oberender, Ansgar Hebborn and Juergen Zerth – Kristian Niemietz 6: News Flashes 7: Stockholm Network Publications