TwoGrand Project

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TWOGRAND The Project Stephanie Griffin

Define Success.

The main focus of the social media campaign is to make TwoGrand a brand social media users want to personally connect with. A big part of this campaign is building trust with the users. Weight loss, dieting and tracking can be a touchy subject for people. Therefore, building a relationship between user and brand will enhance the customer experience. Pinterest and Tumblr are of the most value to TwoGrand. These are people who already take pictures of food and share pictures within an online community. Our target audience is within these sites users and it is here where TwoGrand needs to build a presence.

1. # of Notes/day. Shows people are liking what we say and consider it valuable to their blog.


2. Followers. Gaining an audience of health

Building a relationship betwen brand and user.

minded and technology minded followers.


3. People Reaching Out. The ask feature

The tumblr project will reflect TwoGrand’s inner culture, beliefs, ideas, and values outward through pictures, recipes, visual diagrams, graphs. It will introduce a personal perspective. How we see health, why we use, and created TwoGrand. The emphasis will be based on unique expression and building a health minded audience.

HOW? 1. Follow the format similar to Whole Foods magazine, Dark Rye Magazine. It will be a curation of recipes, videos, and photos that connect with tumblr users and potential TwoGrand users. 2. We will create a set of values specific to TwoGrand. We will develop our own visual voice and personality to attract followers. This will start as a list and a conversation and develop with TwoGrand. 3. Health oriented tips and infographics based off users posts and suggestions. 4. Highlight users by reblogging and posting their meals. It will focus on customer relations with current users as well as potential users. 5. It will be well connected within the blog community while maintaining a high standard of posts and photos.

No More Diets.

will allow Tumblr users to ask about the brand. Connecting directly with followers. (challenges, photo contests)

4. Amount of users that follow through to No More Diets. TwoGrand website.


-66% of visitors are under 35 and 39% are under 25 -Connect with the health minded. --Tumblr is different: posters are more concerned with expression than technology, industry, or business unless it enables them to express themselves.

Tumblr is about expression.

These expressive users would be more inclined to use a photo journal app or TwoGrand. This assumption will be tested through creating a Tumblr that shows the culture of TwoGrand. It will enhance the customer experience by creating an identity for the brand. The tumblr will show the brand as social as the app.

These are example posts for Tumblr because they are visually appealing while also show how one would use TwoGrand. The logo at the bottom is important because as it gets reblogged it will end up all over Tumblr. There will be a link within each post directing users to the TwoGrand website.

Check it out.



Within lies thousands of new users

CAMPAIGN/EXPERIMENT: Pinterest will allow us to connect with health minded people, bloggers, and brands. The goal is to build a presence on a medium very health and recipe oriented. Not to mention the ability to tap into the mobile tablet market. Food makes up 18% of shares of content on mobile tablets for Pinterest. Users will be able to see TwoGrand on Pinterest and then follow the app all within their tablet.

Define Success.

User Favorites: Smoothies Breakfast on the go Excercise Detox Spring Time Guest Pinner User Favorites: #Foodhacks Homemade Challenge Hosting a party?

SAMPLE BOARD (Green Food Board)

1.Active followers. Repinning and joining in on public boards.

2. Clicks back to website. 3. Current Users Engagement.


Following TwoGrand to different sites. Engaging in the app more, higher chance of passing it along.

No More Diets.


No More Diets.

Pinterest will include infographics, visuals, user shared recipes, and #foodhacks. Food hacks are taking normal food (restaurant food, higher calorie food) and creating a low calorie or clean recipe. This will engage the audience and provide a resource for users and potential users.

Learn the benefits of spinach.. Spice it up with some garlic. Check out this creative twist on our blog.

Egg White and Avocado Salad - User: serma 2 avocados...

-Target Audience: People looking for recipes and pinning food. People more likely to be interested in photo journaling.


-Connects with other social media sites. -Pretty pictures get pinned-encourage people who enjoy taking pictures of food to journal on TwoGrand

1. Posting user photos, infographics, recipe ideas, suggestions. 2. Connecting with health bloggers to watch their audience. 3. Placing the TwoGrand blog/tumblr link (depending on the source) in the description 4. Pinterest landing page on TwoGrand site. 3-15% conversion rate to people following the brand with landing page. 5. Pinterest Widget in Wordpress. Sharing with Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr.

kale pesto avocado kale smoothie kale avocado salad

Quit your diet and join TwoGrand today.

Kale Chips.. if you haven’t had them you are missing out. user: stoiph

1. Well versed in Tumblr through blogs and projects 2. Quickly learning the strategic marketing tactics on both sites. 3. I am prepared and qualified to update and produce content (photoshopping, indesign, take personal photographs of food and completed recipes) 4. All of the material posted on Pinterest and Tumblr can be easily published to Facebook and Twitter. 5. I consider these projects constantly evolving and will be actively watching trends to properly target the audience.


App Store Optimization

OUR JOB is to find the middle ground between the vision of TwoGrand and what the user will accept. OUR GOAL in the survey process is 1. Find what is of value to the customers 2. What the customers like and do not like 3. Learn what draws users into our competitors and then strategize to absorb those customers. So I have devised two parts of a survey. Why are you using TwoGrand? If you could change one thing about TwoGrand what would it be?



And.. I would ask the same of the competition. If you could change anything about MyFitnessPal what would it be?

1. TwoGrand “Panel” Collect a group of early adopters, active users, and new users to help steer the direction of TwoGrand. To the early adopter and TwoGrand addict it allows them to further engage. It would start as an email to about 100 users as an invitation to join the panel. The people who respond will be given a survey about TwoGrand that will be filled out online. The panel is a developing project that will work in short cycles. It will allow us to gauge certain questions at a time while also connecting with our loyalest users.

WHY? Understanding what other customer’s value help me understand what I need to value. How I can change my product to align with their customers values. The MyFitnessPal user is important because they use one of the highest ranked apps in the weight loss market. Knowing what they crave from myfitnesspal gives me the upper edge in targeting them.

2. Live Survey An in person interaction with potential users in San Francisco, throughout the summer. The main idea is to show users how calorie counting neglects the nutritional value of foods through focusing on what is on the labels. Staring at labels and calories restricts us from eating what our body needs. The survey targets MyFitness Pal customers through asking rhetorical and leading questions.. Foods that are high in nutritional value and also calorie content will be used to show the other side of calorie tracking. The questions will range from, What if you could lose weight just through taking pictures? Why should labels tell us what to eat? What if I could help you lose weight without counting calories? The survey respondents will receive a small business card with the recipe to a healthy (clean) snack as well as the health information pertaining to the ingredients used.

1.(log,community,nutrition,excercise,habit,goal,weight,fitness,diary,meal,daily,picture,tracker,visual) 2. Screenshots within the app store showing users taking pictures with the app and logging with the app. (The current screenshots are beautifully designed and can still be used for the website) Show the app in action, emphasis on how easy and fast it is to log. 3. Develop a promotional video for the Google app store and to generate more online buzz.


Outreach + Getting Attention

Yes. I am going for it. Mainly because I have an awesome vision for a video that could really set TwoGrand apart. The premise of the video is to show health minded people interacting and using the app throughout different situations. The culture of TwoGrand will shine through as we film some of those “live interviews”. The interviews show people answering the rhetorical and leading questions and eventually quitting their diets. It could be satirical or real, however we want to show their reactions. (or however their reactions may be). The video would be filmed beginning to middle of summer and completed by the beginning of August. The video could be a big success as it shows people quit their diets and join TwoGrand. Outreach to media sites and Twitter will come into play in getting a buzz around the video. Despite my upcoming finals and projects, this project really hit home with me. I enjoyed the many AHA! moments and research into social media marketing as well as pinpointing TwoGrand’s audience. I hope my passion for TwoGrand and the position showed through with this PDF. I believe in everything you are doing to change the food intake discussion and I want to join your efforts at getting this start up all the way off the ground. I am dedicated to working hard this summer and taking on a position that will challenge me, but is also something that I know I can handle. I am sure you are just as exhausted from reading through my entire project as I am. (having just completed it) Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing your input on my project.

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