Stoked On Fixed Bikes Issue 17

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online magazine issuE 17 / 2014

Bangkok Crew Jason Sellers


Location : Berlin Fixed Days Photographer : Arturs Pavlovs 6

stoked on fixed bikes

online magazine issuE 17 / 2014

MAY 2014



Anto But Ricardo Lino Saskia Haex Mae WEB SITE

Alvaro R. Fernandez CONTRIBUTORS

Arturs Pavlovs


he last months have been crazy - I have been travelling like a maniac to attend the most important bike related events, and still did not make it to all of them. Fixed Days in Berlin were sick this year! I met plenty of friends and we all had a great time riding and checking out the latest trends. I am always happy to catch up with old friends and making new ones is just as good! Enjoy our issue 17 - SOFB is a wild teenager now !

Ride on! Greg Falski

Szymon Nieborak

Jason Sellers

Ben Broomfield Garth Milan/ Red Bull Content Pool Vojtěch Marek Jakob Santos Desiree Sastini Natalia Maciejuk Mate 8 BAR TRU FIX CREW KONFOUR UNICORN BIKE PUNK SLOWATCH Online - For contributions, advertising and other enquiries, please contact

thanks to Family and friends, all crews and riders, organisers and advertisers.. would not be possible without all of you!



4 GALLERY 6 IN Straps 8 CONTENTS 10 HOT DATES Get ready 12 THE SLOVAKIA EXPERIMENT 16 INTERVIEW Konfour 22 Fixed Days Minidrome 30 BESPOKED London 38 Fixed Days FGFS 42 Bike Shop Slowatch 48 FIXED DAYS 56 OTHER SIDE OF LENS BEN 62 GARAGE RACE Prague 70 RAD RACE Berlin 78 REVIEW _ TEST 82 RED BULL RIDE + STYLE SF 90 FISH Column 94 Artist - RUIN 98 FOOD - PAI 100 Movies


stoked on fixed bikes

online magazine issuE 17 / 2014

Apicha Tae in Bangkok Photo: Jason Sellers


Nelson Bell in Berlin. Nelson has been riding in Europe the last years - originally from Seattle he keeps the scene alive! Ride on Nelson! Photo : Greg Falski


HOT DATES URBAN Fixed Dh the 31st of May Riga,Grizinkalns Night-Mafia-Ride V5 the 16 of May Dailes Teト》ris in Riga, Latvia The Bike Republic Race, Expo & Festival the 31st of May - 2nd June the Bunker complex in Turin, Italy Eurobike 2014 Aug 26th 2014 - Aug 30th 2014 Friedrichshafen, Germany for more check

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Updates on comps, jams, race venues and all crazy fixed bike events happening near you. If you are running these kind of events then let SOFB know as soon as possible and we will put it here.

Can’F fool The Youth screening Event. A fgfs promo Show/jam supportet by UsVersusThem. Bangkok Jason Sellers

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Photos: Greg Falski, Unicorn, Mate and Slowatch

The Slovakia Experiment was the first event of this season. It started in Vienna and finished in Bratislava in the Slowatch shop. More than 50 riders in different teams were riding the whole way to Slovakia from the austrian capital, which was quite a lot for this conditions as the weather was not the best to say the least.... Unfortunately for some reason the start was not well organised as some riders just took off leaving the rest of us behind and the checkpoints were not easy to find... as an experiment it was fun though - and this is what it was meant to be! We all had a rad time pedaling like crazy along the danube.


stoked on fixed bikes

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stoked on fixed bikes

online magazine issuE 17 / 2014

Here is the Slovakia Experiment crew in Bratislava, as you can see on the photo everyone was in a good mood and enjoyed the slovakian beer....thanks guys! check the link below for the official photos and results. 15

SICK RIDER INTERVIEW Photos and Text: Greg Falski


stoked on fixed bikes

online magazine issuE 17 / 2014

Here we have Konfour, a cool dude from Vienna riding his bike like crazy. Apart from riding fixed gear freestyle he is also organizing Alleycat races and works as a messenger. Read what he has to say.



stoked on fixed bikes

online magazine issuE 17 / 2014



Who are you, where ARE you at the moment and what are you up to?

Do you like to ride street or PARK more? Are you better at one more than the other?

Im chilling at home recovering from my hangover after 2 days and 2 nights riding and partying with Greg, with the funny ending that we got kicked out of my favorite bar by the new crazy russian waitress “Ana” Ana if you read this: “Your music sucks!!!!!”

I like street more.....after almost 10 years in Vienna I still find new spots and places...

What makes you so good at riding fixed? Maybe because I’m SOFB ? haha.. since I got my first fixed bike Im riding only fixed...No its Vienna...lots of idiots here in traffic, that is good training..... Could you tell us about the last two competitions/jams or road trips you went to? I’ve been at the 1st eurobike championships freestyle competition. I was late and there was no time to check out the park...I registered with my “normal” name “hannes” which turned out to be a big mistake. everytime i made a trick the frenchhost-dude and language-expert “thibs” was shouting: “ ooh, look at anus”...”what is anus doing?”....”look at anus”....”yeah anus! anus go go go!”..........not the best motivation and hard to stay focused when somebody is calling you anus all the time and it also didnt make it easier for me that nasty and marco where flying and spinning like helicopters over my head during the whole run. for some kind of reason I could show enough skills to get in the next round.... next round for anus haha.... the other thing was the fixed days freestyle jam 2013 in berlin, but it was more like disturbing a family meeting of a group that doesnt want to get bigger..... so f*** you all! haha (but I met Björn!!! cool fixie-dude from berlin! special shout outs!)

We really enjoy your edits, who is Making these? Can we expect some more from yoU.. yeah, 200 views for each video...unbelievable!!! I like those lifestyle videos from all around the world. you get a great impression of whats going on in the rest of the world and I just started to do the same here with my clips, they are all diletantic d.i.y. productions... I see it all like one big passion-lifestylefun-art-thing...riding fast in traffic with tall buildings around you giving you the illusion of being in a big city, fixedgearfreestyle, meet friends on the streets, crazy messenger-situations, hangin’ out at bikeshops, grouprides, or going totally fucked up to a nightclub straight after an alleycat with all the posh-partypeople looking at you and your crew I know that some riders get scared of big jumps and obstacles! How do you push yourself? I like the feeling you have in that moment with the silent voice telling you not to do it....and then just not giving a fuck feels even better than dr*** (at least better than what you get here...) How important is your crew? who do you hang out with.. I dont have any freestyle-friends here...I used to ride with my bmx buddy Ben...he s not in Vienna anymore but there is still a bunch of cool fixed-enthusiasts here. we hang out together, ride together, organise small events and have a good time. Check out how Toms Albergs answered this question a few issues ago....thats how it is!!!


What is the next of your projects? my next big bike project will be another konfour-alleycat at the end of the year, I allready organised 2 Races and everytime it was a great event and awesome party bringing lots of riders and different people together... another project is trying to get rich by starting an underground-table-soccer-club with my partner “L Hazzel” Last question; outs?



shout outs to: Hjördis(most beautiful girl in the world), Ossi(best brother in the world), Ana(worst music in the world), “ALI EUROPA” aka “L Hazzel”(best Dj in the world), Os & the sexual Chocolates(best band in the world), Random(best tablesoccer-host in the world), Klemens aka superradelfahreroberschenkelwieapfarrer aka Fetzig(best legs in the world), Go(best messenger service in the world), GERNOT(best boss in the world), Radek(best mechanic in the world), Max or Kurt but never say Tuzi(best mechanic in the universe), Ben(best BMX rider in the world), CKA(best wuzler in the world), Wisdom(best and most intelligent MC, philosopher and experimental cook in the world), Chako aka “Der Würger von Wien”(best “L” in the “wornd”), “Toni-T” aka Shandy Lavendel aka Louise Strauch aka Bon Chauvi(best teacher in the world)


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Berlin Fixed days MINIDROME Photos: Greg Falski and Arturs Pavlovs Text: Greg Falski


stoked on fixed bikes

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The Fixed Days took place in Berlin again, one of the main events was the Minidrome. Like always there were the Riga Crews and it is fair to say that these guys are dominating this discipline.



stoked on fixed bikes

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stoked on fixed bikes

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Tom Alsbergs is well known for winning this Minidrome things most of the time, but this time the night before he took part in Rad Race and Helmuts Jaunzems took over the win. Check out the pics!

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MINIDROME men Helmuts Jaunzems / Simplebikestore Roberts Jaunzems / Simplebikestore Moisan Guirec / iBike ladies Emily / She Fix Marika / She Fix Viktorija / She Fix 29

BespokeD London 30

Photos: Szymon Nieborak and Natalia Maciejuk Text : Greg Falski

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online magazine issuE 17 / 2014


Bespoked 2014 took place in a new venue at the Lee Valley Velopark, home of the track cycling and BMX during the London 2012 Olympic games. We got the chance to check out the world’s coolest bicycles, from places such as the USA, Taiwan and South Africa.


stoked on fixed bikes

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Best Track Bicycle - Winter Bicycles



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Our friends from Cloud 9 Cycles showed their newest bikes, both single speed and fixed gear. More info about these guys in the next issue of SOFB!


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Berlin FGFS Photos: Greg Falski and Arturs Pavlovs Text: Greg Falski


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Nelson Bell is a real Bike punk and good friend, also he knows some tricks very well.... 39


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We had a jam outside on the streets of Berlin, but soon it started to rain cats and dogs so we moved the jam inside... stoked to see so many riders there!


bike shop SLOWATCH.SK Photos: Martin Rajniak Text : Greg Falski and Martin Rajniak


stoked on fixed bikes

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Send email to 43


stoked on fixed bikes

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PLEASE TELL US HOW YOUR SHOP WAS BORN, AND HOW THE CREW MET... Slowatch is a project which started in 2007 and since than is not only a shop or blog but platform for projects of people cut from the same kind of wood. It unites photographers, graphic designers, bikers, freaks, musicians and other life forms. All these are clever enough to ride bikes which slowatch puts together and sells. The bicycles vary from old vintage racing bikes to crazy eastblock makeovers to fixedgear custom builds. One of slowatch subrands is fixiefoxie, which are custom frames build by a multiple czechoslovak cycling champion and special character. Besides the bicycle thing we also sell film cameras, street wear and accessories. Examples of brands we run; Dodici, stuff from Bricklane Bikes, Ynot bags, Levis Communter, Brooks... You told me last time about competitions and events around shop you organise, help to make it happened. The shop is also a meeting point and headquarters of fixedgear comunity so most of the core races start or end here. We were among the first to ride and build fixedgear bicycles and have a central location so the people stop by to gear up, get some air or chat. Weekly night rides start from the shop on regular basis. We have also organized 5 or more Goldsprint races in cooperation with guys from Budapest - the Royal Fixi Club. We are also the Slovak connection for the yearly winter Vienna-Bratislava race The Slovakia Experiment. Slowatch is also behind the Bikepolo Mnarchy League, central european league of bikepolo. We are planning to do an alleycat soon and ride on as we do.


Future projects. We should hold one of the Bikepolo Monarchy League event, a league of smaller bikepolo countries which we have initiated. Spring alleycat, maybe another goldsprint in shop (30m2), monarchy league finals, the slovakia experiment 2015 WHERE DO YOU THINK FIXED GEAR WILL BE IN A YEAR FROM NOW? Quality and function will never go out of style. We are “fortunate” enough that Bratislava is small and trends do not hit it as hard as other cities, or maybe it will only come later. The fixedgear riders here are people who really ride, mostly in the city for transport. These guys will ride until they can.

Any shout outs Shout out to crew all the crazy riders keeping it real. Citybiker guys in Vienna, Herce Hurca in Budapest, Standert Berlin.


stoked on fixed bikes

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Bike - Polo Sprints


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Gold Sprint



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Trade show



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Dave was super happy with the tradeshow where he got plenty of goods to test and review on his website. Check out his website here


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OTHER SIDE OF LENS Issue 17 with

Ben Broomfield Online photography portfolio


stoked on fixed bikes

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stoked on fixed bikes

online magazine issuE 17 / 2014

SOFB - You live in London.. how does this influence you and your work? London is the most cosmopolitan city in the world. So much stuff going on, all the time. You never run dry of subject materials! SOFB - fixed gear is growing all over the world, when was your first contact with this sport? Back in 2006, one of my best mates Patrick Straub lived next door to Andy Ellis, SuperTed and Odge Wong. Those three put in the hours and the effort to make Fixed Gear what it is today. They basically started the scene. I remember going into their house, and I’d never seen anything like it before. Bikes of all types, EVERYWHERE. I’d just ridden London to Paris on a standard geared racer, and Andy said, “Get rid of that. You want one of these...” and I was hooked. SOFB -Who is your favourite rider to shoot with? Do you have one- or who made you "stoked on fixed bikes" I guess that would be Pat. As we studied Photography together, and got into fixed the same time, we used to ride around and practise our skills, on the bike and with the camera. I should mention Sebastian too, he’s one cool Frenchman.


SOFB - You ride bikes yourself, how much dose this affect the way you look at the sport through your lens? Immensely. Riding all the time, means you can predict what’s going to happen, so you are ready for the shot. SOFB - Film or digital? Digital! Much as I miss the darkroom, it’s the future. I do have a medium format film camera though, but that’s just for special occasions. SOFB - whats your favourite time of daylight to shoot in? None really, I prefer shooting at night! SOFB - whats in your bag, all the gear you use for photoshoots, how heavy is it? Just been photographing Fashion Week, and my bag weighed 20kg. Two Nikon D700, one with a f2.8 70-200 and one with a f4 16-35. Plus flashguns, laptops and shit. Oh and origami paper. Gives me something to do when waiting for a shoot. SOFB - Minimal setup? One D700, f4 16-35, and f1.8 85. Or just an iPhone SOFB - Dream location to shoot this year? Champs-Élysées, Tour de France final stage. SOFB - If you could give a younger you an advice on his way to the first freelance assignment what would you tell him? Charge more! Any final thoughts you would like to add? If you want it, don’t give up. Whether that be getting into to photography as a career or waiting for that perfect shot, it’s within your grasp.


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Prague garage RAce Photos: Vojtěch Marek Text : Greg Falski


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This competition took place for the 3rd time this year in Prague, in a car park next to the main train station. Apart of the race, there was a skid competition , best trick and much more.


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We could see, that this event is improving constantly and there were lots of guys from outside of the Czech Republic, which was great to see, especially as Prague is such a good spot!


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Short Track: 1. Šimon Klimt 2. Kryštof Hlůže 3. Vlasta Matýsek 1. Eliška Nováková 2. Veronika Viková 3. Emilija Mikalauska Best Trick: 1. Erich Homola 2. Lukáš Váňa 3. Filip Kamidra Best Skid 1. Lukáš Váňa 2. Erich Homola 3. Márty Šíma


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LAST MAN STAND Rad Race Photos: Greg Falski and Arturs Pavlovs Text: Greg Falski


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This race was part of the Fixed Days aswell, but was definitely the biggest event of the weekend. The race took place in a go cart hall, which was pretty cool . It was great to watch the riders going through the rounds...



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Stefan from 8Bar organised this Rad Race and did a rad job in doing so! He also was one of the racers, so was my friend Juliet Elliott who was supported by her boyfriend Dave.


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Last Man Standing: No. 102 // Max Baginski // 8bar bikes Last Woman Standing: No. 1 // Mianzi Rei // Schindelhauer Bikes Congrats!



Photos and Text: Greg Falski


stoked on fixed bikes

online magazine issuE 17 / 2014

Fabike gave me this fun bike to test for a few weeks. The original set up was as a road bike - in around half an hour I could easily transform it into a fixed gear bike, which is quite innovative. Nice one, thanks Fabio!


The weight of the bike is amazing as it weighs 5-6kg depending on the set up. I equipped it with the prototype hub from Kappstein FLIPFREE which is just as innovative as the bike itself. I like the fact that the hub is not changing the chain line when switching from fixed to freewhell and vice versa. The bike is equipped with the branded parts from Fabike, eg the brakes, which is good if you are riding in places with lots of police.... It got complimented on the design a lot due to its futuristic shape. Konfour , our sick rider in this issue, took it around for a spin and managed to perform some nice tricks on it. The lights I was using came from a swedish company, Bookman. I love these small lights, as you can just carry them in your pocket anytime and put them on the bike whenever needed or requested. The other great thing we tested together with this bike were two saddles from Selle Royal. Seta S1 and Supra models. These saddles were the most comfortable ones I did use over the last months, they are high quality saddles and are coming from their new sport line. Even after hours of riding your bottom still feels good...Try it! During the test ride we also tested clothes by Ion, RAOM SERIES - shorts, Tshirts and hoodies - all customized for the needs of a rider. Love the design and materials of these clothing line. The shorts were our favourites as they have a bike lock feature and stretchy material keeping a cool look while working on the bike. Thanks Ion!


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Matt Reyes

RIDE + STYLE RED BULL Photos: Garth Milan/Red Bull Content Pool Text: Jakob Santos


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Ride + Style the competition and course was sick. A lot of shit went down. Matt Reyes killed it as usual and his riding is fucking amazing so smooth. Valentins truck off the high ledge was crazy.


Steven Jensen


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Jonathan Ball


Joe McKeag


I tried to just go bigger and hit the objects that not most were hitting. It was cool to have riders from over seas there tho. Its just always a good time riding with homies from across the world

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Jimmy Watcha

Kenny Arimoto

Jacob Santos Photo: Desiree Sastini



Addison Zawada


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Addison Zawada and Matt Reyes

TRACK RESULTS: 1st – Addison Zawada 2nd – Matt Reyes 3rd – Hernan Montenegro 4th – Kenny Arimoto FIXED FREESTYLE RESULTS: 1st - Matt Reyes 2nd – Jonathan Ball 3rd – Jakob Santos


The Red Hook Fever Stefan “Fish” Vis

This years red hook was something else. it was not as satisfying as the former ones, and that had a lot of reasons. or at least some i can remember or a combination of some. One reason could be that i peaked too early. On the Amsterdam Velodrome i was ripping wood from the surface, even with six day winner and 2014 Paris-Roubaix victoire Niki Terpstra and his training buddy as one time sparring partners in the open morning training on the track. and they had to push hard to keep up. hehe just for my 5 lap speed up… i mean i cannot beat them, but at least they had a hard time for just a while. afar that they trained another hour behind the derny. got a nice shot of that on my Facebook. Niki actually recognized me from a long time ago, when they where looking up to me for some reason. I’m very proud of that guy, he’s a true hero. So i was in shape. i got to New york, found out that Austin Horse wasn’t home from some crazy ass filming project. He was still in Colombia with Chas and Lucas Brunelle. Stuck in the jungle or something. But i didn’t have a place to stay. So i slept in the bikeshop in Bushwick where i fix my bikes, and as a guest with Uber messenger Kevin “Squid” Bolger. old friend, good times. Most of my time i stayed with awesome bike couple Roz Patterson and Sean Campbell. I Teached Sean my way of building wheels, because most of what you see out there in custom land is not done right. Oh yeah the shape. well, i missed the start for monster track by half an hour, because i had to rebuild the wheel of my loaner ride; a small pink Dodici OG. Young Cooper Ray won it was awesome. But i saw the whole peloton dressing up as crit racers! whats going on here!? ok monstertrack is a track bike thing, but come on, Alleycat? Bag and pencil! And where were all the big winners? Are we leaving it to the youngsters? Guess we are.


Won all my races. Didn’t race the last race as it was the race for the ticket. I’m sorry to say this. I didn’t get a price or a mention on site for it. and I’m not the guy complaining about it at the spot. it actually hit me some days later. Velocity was won by a New York Bike Mechanic. close enough. runner up who was allowed to race for the ticket was an aussie born, Mexico city resident, but a messenger. Thats also close enough i guess. I have more to say about this but i rest my case. Never mind. Good workout. Great day tho! Awesome people. Yes, my shape. cold weather, jet lag, no good racing like last year, boosting the will… No Minidrome, but a new bike! At least... Its a prototype Coarse Fabrication Crit specific steel machine. i dubbed it “Interceptor” after my affection with the 1979 sci/fi movie, Mad Max. The black car the Night Rider drives in the beginning of the movie is a stolen MFP interceptor special. matte black and on the loose. It actually crashes and Max will only see the engine back later in the movie in the Pursuit Special getting chased by the Night Rider’s smelly buddies. Great stuff. After some picture taking it was time to test it on the street. its an awesome stiff ride. Steel, filled braced, clean, no frills. Columbus/ deda/true-temper mix. bmx stays. geometry is secret. don’t ask. Billy the builder did an awesome job. lets see how crit worthy it is. Damn the shape. disaster strikes. i get sick. not because of my health but a poisoning i could have foreseen happening. I’m not going to tell about it but i got news. I’m still angry about it.

stoked on fixed bikes

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stoked on fixed bikes

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I take the interceptor out for days in a row on my favourite lap. Bushwick, Willy B Bridge, 1st ave blast to Triborough bridge, hang a left, into Central Park and some laps with the park warriors that call me a hipster. and back over 7th, Canal and the Manhattan bridge to brooklyn. bike is awesome, but I’m not too sure about my tires for the race. The Vittoria Open Pave or the Vittoria Rubino Pro Tech. My tyre sponsor Vittoria must have the best tire for the upcoming Red Hook Crit. and i have both my choices at hand. but the shape; not good... …anymore. Raceday. Rain. So much rain. Like in Warsaw 2011. Only all day long no stop. My normal morning ritual doesn’t work. All of us are warming up on rollers. its a cozy mess inside the Brooklyn cruise terminal building. Everyone is coming out. No one wants to miss this anymore. More photographers than riders, fans, friends, volunteers. Awesome, we love it. Qualifiers about to start. Rain. lets not follow anyone. Just do it on your own. Hit the gas, No fooling around. Damn cannot breathe well. Cannot reach Max Power. Brain freeze. Thats enough. 21st place. Not good enough. Its not the bike, Not the tires, Its me. Not good. But the race is not done yet. Red Hook Crit 7. Rain. Its dark. The ladies race has been neutralized. Bad crashes. We are waiting in the funnel to get released like hungry lions in a snaking Colosseum. I see Thibaud L’Henry. On his bamboo bike. i tell him he’s gonna win today. He doesn’t understand me. His guy translates my words and he says ‘yes yes thank you’. We get released. I roll in with Alfed Bobe. Everyone is cheering for the master. Have to take a piss. Rolling up dead last to the start.

Rain. no neutral lap. only 14 laps on the board. Start. have to dodge three crashes in the first lap. then we end up with a peloton of abled people. seems like the water from the tires is warmer than the water hat comes from the sky. all i can do is chase the rider in front of me and make a couple of moves forward. at one point I’m leading the pack but i cannot reach top speed on my own! twenty people take over again. no power to stay short. i ride my laps. the bike wants to go in the corners, faster than anyone is abled to. the Vittoria rubino pro tech tyres stick to the ground like its dry out. The gear is too heavy tho. Should have geared down too. In good shape it was gonna be great to run my normal gear, but the shape…. There was none. Could make a skill move in the last lap. Where german Stephan Hoffman almost took me out because he was not watching when he got off his line. Ok. Happens. Could have been gnarly. We stay up. I maintain this position till the end. Thibaud L’Henry! Told you so! should have put my money on it. all those two dollars. But me. 11th. Im not happy about this. Thats not what i came to do here. After last season and all the efforts of my team, my sponsors, my self.

Big thanks to my personal partners and sponsors this year: Trimble racing, Angry johnny racing, Vittoria tyres for the awesome grip, Coarse fabrication Billy Maynard for the steel, Giro santa cruz for the kind words and the coolest shoes and helmets available. Cinelli component for the Neos on the top. Gripgrab for the mandatory socks, gloves, arm and leg warmers, Tineli cycle wear for the F.A.S.T. designed custom team kits and of course fan number one and team booster Olaf Wit and his Wit Industries Fendor Bendor which really saved my ass. Together with Yvo Kinkel and Fred van dapperen i initiated F.A.S.T. Amsterdam. Wit industries is our lifetime partner. Tineli makes our kits. Sockeloen makes our white socks, Kmc chains our golden power transporters, Holleboom transport get us places in europe. Sziols sports glasses keeps our eyes clear. Follow us and our fellow team members on FASTAMSTERDAM. NL #Fastamsterdam #Fixedgearracing #Roadsweride! Im about to participate in Red Bull Race the place in Toronto, Canada. a mixed class race. and i hope for Fijate crit Puerto Rico. That is maybe for a next time! rubber side down please.

The race was epic tho. I’m very much admiring anyone out there that night. And keeping an eye on each other. This race is awesome in many ways. Read Walton Brush on it on MASH SF.



stoked on fixed bikes

online magazine issuE 17 / 2014

RUIN is an artist and rider living in Vienna - we really like his style and are happy to show you some of his work in this issue.



stoked on fixed bikes

online magazine issuE 17 / 2014


/pʌɪ/ bikery is a place in Italy worth to have a closer look at. Read what the guys have to


/pʌɪ/ bikery are Arianna Lia, Andrea Laurini, Daniele Villa and Daniel Gennaccaro (me). When I was a kid I used to play in the workshop of an old bike mechanic named Picchiotti in a little town outside Turin. When I moved to Turin I started hanging around in the garage of a friend where we started working on our bikes for fun (it was called officine burger “burgers workshop” case we were crazy about burgers to). After a few years, a lot of alleycat races and bike trips around we had a lot of friends and friends friends that where our "customers". So I decided to make it become a real job.

pʌɪ Text :Daniel Gennaccaro

Here is when Arianna comes in. The garage wasn't just a workshop for us, we used to eat there, have parties and sometimes even sleep. So the plan was to open a bike workshop with a Coffee shop inside, where we could hang out and chill (this was even before the opening of look mum no hands). Since Arianna was (a really good friend of mine) the best sweets cook I knew (here muffins where already famous in the place she used to work before) i met up with her and told her about my idea. Fun fact she told me that she just quit her job cause she wanted to open a place of her own. A few years passed while we were trying to figure out how to do it in Italy (the bureaucracy is much worse that you can even imagine and mixing bikes and food seemed impossible). After 3 and a half years of running from an office to the other we finally managed to open on Friday 17th of May 2013 (in Italy Friday 17th means bad luck). Meanwhile Arianna and her boyfriend Andrea had a beautiful baby named Adele which is now our mascott (and the reason why Andrea started helping out in the shop and became a lead figure (he designed the logo and the web site and does most of the graphics but also works in the cafè during the day). Daniele is our mechanic, I knew him since the times in the burger workshop, we used to work together sometimes and since he recognizes if a bolt is titanium or steel from a mile he was the best mechanic we could wish for. I am the jolly, I skip from repairs to cappuccino and on Friday I still cook burgers. Our shop is very little and most of the furniture and the decorations are handmade by us and my dad whom is a good carpenter even thou it’s not his job (after Italian bureaucracy we didn’t had any money left so we had to do everything on our own, even the stools are handmade :-)) We cook everything fresh every day and we get our meat and cheese from an organic farm that is exactly next to the only working Velodrome in Piedmont (in which my partner from burger workshop and me worked for a year as mechanics). We prepare our own fresh lemonade every morning in the summer and a hot soup in the cold season. We serve brunch the whole day in the week-ends and have from bacon-cheddar pancakes with an egg on top to salmon-yogurt pancakes. Arianna’s Cheesecake is quite famous and all the sweets, quiches and pies are freshly baked by her every day with organic ingredients. In the workshop we collaborate with 3 framebuilders specialized in different kinds of bikes but we also have new and vintage frames. We love to customize bikes to make them unique, not in colors and gadgets but to make them useful for the owners. Every bike is different and is used differently and out of what we have we try to make the best bike for what it needs to be used.


stoked on fixed bikes

online magazine issuE 17 / 2014


Movies Online selection!

Upcoming movie from Hardbrakers about Grand Tour 2013 “Budapest to Istanbul” check the trailer After nearly a year of filming with the Turf Mob they are proud to introduce first video as a team “Word Is Bond“!


stoked on fixed bikes

online magazine issuE 17 / 2014


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