A Stone Griffin Media Publication
MEDIA KIT 2010-2011
3.6 2.1 14.6 81.9
Readership Profile 81.9 12.6 3.6 2.1
President/CEO/Partner/Owner COO/CFO General Managers, Construc1on Managers, Superintendents Other High Level Management
8.5 25.6
Company Size 25.6 51.3 14.6 8.5
$5M‐ $100M Annual Revenues $100M‐ $500M Annual Revenues $500M‐ $1000M Annual Revenues $1000M+ Annual Revenues
US Execu)ve Journal has over 250,000 readers throughout the US. Our readership profile is comprised of business leaders (CEOs, Partners, Investors) who have demonstrated long term success and the will to survive in tough markets condi)ons. Our readership varies from small 50 person companies that operate locally and generate $5 million in annual revenue to large mul)‐na)onal corpora)ons with over 1000 employees and over $1 billion in annual revenue. Our readers comprise of various leaders across the most important industry sectors in the country and have supplier rela)onships that have enabled them to achieve unprecedented levels of success. Our readers have the decision making authority and purchasing power at the companies they run. Collec)vely our readers are directly responsible for the purchasing of several billion dollars worth of services, equipment and materials. Companies such as yours have a unique opportunity to showcase your products and services to these influen)al leaders. Your message is important and should be directed to those who are making the buying decisions.
US Execu)ve Journal understands that rela)onships are the core of any successful business. Businesses do not exist in a vacuum. They are forged and guided by the strength of their rela)onships. Across all industries, understanding this principal is what separates true industry leaders. Successful business leaders understand that maintaining and con)nuously developing solid rela)onships with not only customers, but also vendors and suppliers play a pivotal role in the shape of their company’s growth curve. Here at US Execu)ve Journal we provide a forum for not only the exchange of groundbreaking informa)on between cuUng edge decision‐makers but also to strengthen the links of the supply chain.
5.4 2.8
Readership Company Type 84.6 Private Companies Public Companies 7.8 Holding Companies 5.4 2.8
Reaching key decision makers in the Middle Market Sector averaging over $100M in Annual Revenues
This is a quarterly publicaCon that captures a na1onal snapshot of true market condi1ons and strategies for success as told by the industry insiders on the front lines. This is not a reac1onary news magazine that spreads useless gossip about what is failing in the industry. Instead we focus on what’s important: enabling businesses to achieve their goals. We showcase industry execuCves who see the highs and lows of the market for what they really are. These individuals understand how to navigate this difficult terrain by sustaining and even growing despite market condi1ons. They are unmoved by what an analyst will say is “supposed to happen” as they execute innova1ve business design plans that create success. US Execu1ve Journal is proud to present our readers with a diverse cross sec1on of the na1on’s most important industry sectors. We feature leaders from small private companies annually grossing sales as low as $5 million to large public firms grossing over $1 billion. This wide range of size makes for the perfect intersec1on of innova1ve thought, strategy and ac1on taken from the na1on’s brightest and bravest business minds.
We are commiAed to providing a plaCorm for the conversa)on between the companies we profile, our readership and our adver)sers Executive Office Stone Griffin Media 1025 Thomas Jefferson Street Suite 420 East Washington, D.C. 20007 Work: 202‐905‐0465 Fax: 888‐477‐2596 4