Callithump 2015

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La Vie en Rose

call-i-thump 1. n. a noisy, boisterous parade; a mock serenade 2. n. the Stone Ridge arts and literary magazine 3. n. teenage girls struggling to make lines disappear with Adobe InDesign. It took most of the school year but, after secretive Mac Lab pizza parties, many lunch blocks on Thursdays, and several late nights we are thrilled to present Callithump 2015 La Vie en Rose. This year, the Callithump editors and staff decided to introduce a theme. The theme Le Vie en Rose is defined by life in pink or life through rose (pink) colored glasses. This theme seemed fitting because looking through rose colored glasses means that things are being viewed differently. Our goal is to collect and combine many works of art, prose, and poetry and combine them into one magazine. We used Adobe InDesign CS5 to design all of the layouts and Adobe Photoshop CS5 to adjust color and images. We also used Google Drive to organize and save all images and artwork. We hope that everybody views this year’s edition of Callithump differently and the words and artwork take a meaning of their own for each individual reader. We would like to thank the students for their hundreds of submissions and Spectrum Printing and Graphics for printing the magazine. We also cannot thank enough our fabulous faculty advisors Mrs. Cowan and Ms. Whitmore for their help and support along the way Callithump would not be possible without them! And without further adieu we present......


Prose and Poetry


Martha Betubiza..................................................................................................2 Arianne Hennis...................................................................................................3 Willa Riekhof.......................................................................................................5 Gianni Childs......................................................................................................6 Katherine Hobart.................................................................................................7 Anonymous.........................................................................................................8 Phaedra Manikas................................................................................................9 Maggie Prendergast.........................................................................................10 Vanesa Pereira..................................................................................................11 Ella Hartsoe.......................................................................................................11 Emily Deale.......................................................................................................12 Katherine McClure............................................................................................13 Nikki Lumbre.....................................................................................................14 Ella Hartsoe......................................................................................................15 Emily Maxwell...................................................................................................16 Liv Gwynn.........................................................................................................17 Sofia Keane......................................................................................................18 Ellie Ondeck......................................................................................................19 Caroline King...................................................................................................21 Gretchen Cubbage...........................................................................................22 Claire Thomas..................................................................................................23 Caroline Caterini...............................................................................................24 Katherine Hobart...............................................................................................28 Willa Riekhof.....................................................................................................29 Sarah Dickey.....................................................................................................30 Zoe Sheppard...................................................................................................31 Sofie Araya.......................................................................................................32 Maddie Smith....................................................................................................32 MyLinn Clement................................................................................................32 Phaedra Manikas..............................................................................................33 Katherine Hobart..............................................................................................33 Katie Ledecky...................................................................................................34 Lauren Woodard...............................................................................................35 Tomiwa Sobande..............................................................................................36 Sofie Araya.......................................................................................................37

Kelsey Brigati........................................................................................................Cover Maggie McMahon.......................................................................................Inside Cover Maggie McMahon...........................................................................................................2 Maya Moore...................................................................................................................3 Dani Feller......................................................................................................................4 Maggie McMahon...........................................................................................................4 Abigal Weimer................................................................................................................5 Camilla Duke.................................................................................................................6 Lauren Woodard............................................................................................................7 Nikki Lumbre..................................................................................................................8 Emily Maxwell................................................................................................................9 Danielle Vandre............................................................................................................10 Kelsey Brugati..............................................................................................................11 Anonymous...................................................................................................................11 Maggie McMahon.........................................................................................................12 Dani Feller....................................................................................................................13 Lena Bakalian..............................................................................................................14 Danielle Vandre............................................................................................................15 Nikki Lumbre................................................................................................................15 Camilla D ....................................................................................................................16 Maya Moore.................................................................................................................17 Danielle Vandre............................................................................................................18 Celia Wilson.................................................................................................................19 Michelle Reilly...............................................................................................................19 Lauren Woodard..........................................................................................................20 Maya Moore.................................................................................................................21 Camilla Duke...............................................................................................................22 Camilla Duke...............................................................................................................23 Susanne Antinou..........................................................................................................25 Lauren Woodard..........................................................................................................26 Celia Wilson.................................................................................................................26 Camilla Duke...............................................................................................................26 Caroline King...............................................................................................................27 Celia Wilson.................................................................................................................28 Colleen McMahon........................................................................................................29 Abigal Weimer..............................................................................................................30 Danielle Vandre............................................................................................................31 Caroline King...............................................................................................................32 Claire Hansen..............................................................................................................33 Willla Burns..................................................................................................................34 Abigal Weimer..............................................................................................................35 Abigal Weimer..............................................................................................................36 Alex Hudome................................................................................................................37 Kallie Drewyer...............................................................................................Back Cover


In the midst of the jungle lies a contained area of calm the perimeter holds the crazy the wild settlements that cannot be tamed this crazy is enhanced by the rainstorm the intractable mess the plants go in every direction no matter how you try to fix it in the jungle lies an area of calm where the vines wrap neatly around the trees every plant beautifully in its place healthy and radiant how the edges seek to be like the middle craving an air of uniformity seeking to represent its true name wanting to be known for what it truly is curly

-Martha Betubiza ‘15


Maggie McMahon ‘15

I write my best at night I was excited to sleep but I don’t feel right It’s personal but exposed Choiced introvert or just closed Off to the world Because of fear That I won’t be able to articulate The words meaning less? Or have I been phased Too many “Noes” than “Yeses” But it’s okay I guess... I’m used to it you might know -Arianne Hennis ‘18

Maya Moore ‘16


Dani Feller ‘16


Maggie Mcmahon ‘15

We are We are tall and short and in between We are good and bad and even mean We are fun and serious and always fighters We are trustworthy and possibly liars We are able to eat and drink and run We are caring or not and can love a ton We are insecure and completely confident We are unsure and strong and competent We are athletic and smart and dramatic We are famous and unknown to all We are able to jump and get back up when we fall We are students and great leaders We are small business owners and believers We are what we want and how we would like to be We are anything to me BUT‌ We are not a single stereotype We are not necessarily all of those things We are not only beautiful or only smart or only athletic We are not just what you see We are not the same as the person next to us We are not the same as one another We are not of the same mind We are not for a single cause We are not inferior What we are is WOMEN -Willa Riekhof ‘17 Abigail Weimer ‘17


13 Ways to Look at Lipstick I. Among 50 other tubes, The only visible thing Was the color of the lipstick.

II. I was lipstick, Like Kim Kardashian Was fake.

III. The lipstick swirled up the tube, The smallest part of my heart.

VI. Tracing the corners with liner, Lipstick filled my lips, An indescribable feeling.

XI. Riding over my lips, The shadow of her color, The river of gloss, Rolling around me.

X. At the sight of lipstick, I gleam, Biggest smile ever seen.

IX. When lipstick is lost, I lose my sight, I lose my mind.

VIII. I know of different kinds, Shades, Feels, I am involved.

IV. Lipstick and I Are one Trey Songz and I and lipstick Are one.

V. I do not know which to prefer, Heroin purple or Snob nude, Or the luscious pink, Of Milan Mode. VII. Oh women of the world! Stop wearing lipsticks Not of your color… It hurts my soul.

-Gianni Childs ‘15

XII. It was sunny; Beautiful day To buy lipstick.


Camilla Duke ‘16


Land of the free , home if you lik of the b e your f rave reedom emancip , thank a ation pr slave oc didn’t st op the p lamation ris white m an shoo on conglomera tion t s, gets p black m arole an walk s, take h black ha is s nds up, shoot on oul what’s h sight ed white ha oing out at nig ht nd he’s ano s up, don’t sho ot th in a less er potential rec ruit than civ il born to shake a civil war nation to its core They do n’t care who fire they car dt e who s tarted th he first shot they figh e riot tt they figh o preserve the wh t to keep the truth ite order quiet. -Kathrine Hobart ‘16

Lauren Woodard ‘16


Love is hard. We all know it – We’ve all heard it. It breaks us apart and tears us down S S L U O but R W E L L Y Y Love convinces us that it is “right” – That it can solve all our problems and somehow make everything “okay” & somehow, we believe it… and we fall for it: every. single. time. But here’s the thing: Love is worth it. It is worth the pain, the heartbreak, the suffering


So when you find love, (and trust me that time will come) Fight for it. And never let it go. Because love is worth it. Every. Single. Time. -Anonymous

Nikki Lumbre ‘16

It is the reason why we are here, because if not for love, then why?

Stop telling me that I’m beautiful because I have a mirror and eyes. Stop telling me that I’m smart because if you checked my report card you would see that I’m not. Stop telling me that I’m skinny because I haven’t been able to fit into size 2 clothes since 6th grade. Your kindness is transparent; I have common sense. Don’t tell that I’m pretty, smart, or fit; I know what the world expects, so don’t lie to me. I don’t fit the mold. Instead of telling me what I am, it feels like you are telling me what I should be. I don’t know how to say this but I want you to--

NO, I need you to tell me that I’m not perfect and that I don’t need to be. Tell me that my scars and imperfections are part of what make me human, not things I need to cover up. I need to know that feeling messed up inside and out is okay, that it makes us who we are. Tell me that I don’t need to hide beneath makeup and a fake persona. To be liked, tell me that I can be myself. Tell me that I don’t have to laugh at a joke if it’s not funny. Tell me the world won’t stop spinning. Being ashamed is not okay. I need to be proud of who I am. This is what I want to hear not some washed out compliment about my hair or eyes. Why do you fill my head with lies and mistruths? -Phaedra Manikas ‘18

Emily Maxwell ‘15


The Decline of Dignity I. Among all athletes, Expensive, exquisite, cool, A pair of Nike shoes. II. They represented athleticism, Hard work, Dedication. III. These shoes can do anything, Everything, A small part that completes an athlete.

VIII. Do they have any idea? Do they know what they are buying? Do they know what they are really representing While they walk around Blinded? IX. Kids are playing, Kids are working, Parents are buying, Parents are hurting.

X. Is there more good or bad In this one check? XI. What we see is not what we know What we show, We really don’t know. XII. Wages, Standards, Leisure, Minimized. -Maggie Prendergast ‘15

IV. This one pair of shoes, Triumph, Victory, Fame. V. So much beauty To one check Affluence Just do it. VI. Happy athletes, kids, adults’ come from this one check, Misery, pain, and torment come from this one check. VII. The men of the check, Why do you let this happen? Do you not see how these families While they walk around Barefooted?


Danielle Vandre ‘16

Formed in Heat Or Ode to a Crystal Catch this light. Loop a warm darkness around your chest so that Your veins explode with an ink Too rich to be called “pretty” any longer. A roughness to your beauty— Hypnotic, swirling, leaking dye That paints blood-red eyes and sun-dried lips with a kiss Of shadowy pigment.


X. It’s in the conversations you have with your friends Everyday That seem to have no importance But you still remember 3 months later. XI. It’s in your favorite picture That you took Of the dog, Of the car, Of a stranger, Before your life changed completely.

A heart white from the bleeding Edges blush with a wisdom Broken spine A violet blooming I asked you what it was like to be cracked in your core You said, “It hurts to become.” Burned and beaten and bruised Sliced down the middle You are whispers of adoration Within prayers of desperation-Catch this light. -Ella Hartsoe ‘15

Kelsey Brigati ‘16

-Vanesa Pereira ‘15


I don’t remember the time, I remember the feeling Engulfing me, taking over my life the yearning to be exactly like her slurp the noodles the exact same way Do my hair the exact same way Follow her around every damn day Sacrificing anything to get even an ounce of approval but she pushed me away the only embrace from her was the grip of her aversion slowly squeezing me I don’t remember the time, I remember the feeling Engulfing me, taking over my life


- Emily Deale ‘15

Slow resentment crawling up my limbs Creeping in to my mind in a hope for rebellion Harsh bitterness pulled me straight out of her orbit What made her so special? She was a Pluto in a world of Jupiters Her atmosphere of rejection was reciprocated Every once in a while our galaxies collide My walls are built higher not even a meteor can break me down I don’t remember the time, I remember the feeling

Maggie McMahon ‘15

All Mixed Up In It She ran out of the mirror like a cloud in the moonlight Running in the gray darkness Gray grass among the crickets Vines and creepers where at home would be honeysuckle Her knees, her face looking at the sky Tilted back in the gray light As if time really had stopped for a while It had got into her breathing The twilight-colored smell of honeysuckle The saddest odor of all On her face and throat like paint Panting to get any air at all out of that thick gray honeysuckle The whole thing seemed to symbolize night and unrest Like flames swirling up for an instant Going nowhere Renewed by their own movement Then blown cleanly out along the cool eternal dark - Katherine McClure ‘16

Dani Feller ‘16


For My People For my people at home, at school, all over the world; Working the night shifts, writing the essays, surviving, Praying to God, creating their works, fighting for what’s right, Wanting to be themselves, but are afraid to do so Afraid of the world, becoming a John Doe. For the students who don’t care, but are trying to make their life better. For the immigrants who are given no welcome, but forced to work the gardens and construction sites. For the feminists who are women, but also men. For the lower class, considered the scum, Forced to succumb to the ideals of society. For the prude Catholic woman, who did not give her body to God. For that one female longboarder, who is just another reckless teenager. For the genius Asians, who actually struggle the most. For the rebellious artists with mediocre majors, Treated as strangers, with no one to be proud of them.

For my people who never give up, despite the situations. For my people who overcome fear, oppression, sadness, themselves. For my people who throw themselves to help. For my people who ignore the ignorant, the malicious, the evil. For my people who continue to fight on, To grow upon their experiences. Let a new era begin. Let everyone be happy, be loved, be original. Let this world grow together as one, in unity. Let God dance with Buddha while Americans kiss Africans. Let this new race be filled with hope and confidence. Let my people prosper with your people.


- Nikki Lumbre ‘16

Lena Bakalian ‘16

The night I thought I saw marigolds grow in the spaces between your eyelashes was the first and last time I ever underestimated the bite of your frost. Some mornings it’s a dampness, a hanging in the air of aftertaste and late acidic nights, an expectancy, a waiting in the yellow horizon and talk of apocalyptic ends. Some afternoons it’s a relief, seeing you again, remembering the feeling of shutting the blinds, stunned into silence by the glory of your gaze. Quiet in the face of reaching out for something impossible to grasp. At night, I drive home inspired by the way my headlights refuse to stop shining through the dark blue of a settling street, and I wonder aloud whether the shiver of my spine and goose bumps on my arms can really demand warmness from my deepest core. Hot and fast and angry, I speed down dark streets, worried what will happen next, worried how I will answer, and I arrive home to blankness and silence and a yearning for settling. Any end to this constant waiting. I need some conclusion. My story is not done yet. Our story is not finished—I need an ending that isn’t Girl falls asleep with phone pressed against her cheek waiting for the sound of companionship again or Girl turns on the shower so her little brother won’t hear her crying over spilled milk again or Girl lies down on made bed, counts down the hours until dawn, again It looks ugly, but its clean Mamma. Don’t fuss over me. We are cool as paint drying on a canvas, but colors change in different lights and I will change in different lights, Mamma, I will change and I am sorry for that. I’m sorry, I don’t know why the panic is at the back of my throat—I am sorry, I don’t know why I don’t love you like I am supposed to. On a wire, I thought we would see the skyline under the stars that night but you got too scared said it was too warm out to behave that way and I said baby, it is always too something to live the life we want to live. Walk out with me. You said no. We walked home together in the fading yellow light, the night I thought I saw A Love Poem for the Snow marigolds grow in the spaces between your eyelashes. Her eyes and words are so icy Oh but she burns Like rum on the fire Hot and fast and angry As she can be I walk my days on a wire …It looks ugly, but it’s clean Oh mamma, don’t fuss over me

- Ella Hartsoe ‘15

Nikki Lumbre ‘16


Camilla Duke ‘16

Thirteen Ways of Looking at the Sea Shore I. I’m crawling in the sand, Toes scrunched, Eyes squinting on only one thing, The unfamiliar world. II. I’m standing in the wet sand now, Wobbling as the waves hit my feet, Looking into a giant, And angry, Pool.

VII. The unfamiliar world, Became a little more ordinary today, My big sister and I went in Fearful, and came out Brave.

III. Looking out and Feeling defeated, The water knocked me down today, VIII. And I couldn’t get back at it. Mermaids exist, IV. Wondering why, Why the water is moving, Why it tastes funny, Why it doesn’t end…

I am sure of it.

IX. I ventured into the ocean Alone this time, And a wave brought me back to shore, V. I’m feeling upset at the giant pool again, Maybe it just didn’t like me. Daddy build me a castle Because I’m his little princess, And the angry water wrecked it. X.

I lay out, tanning, VI. And pretending to read a magaToday I learned new words, zine The giant pool is an ocean, Just like the big girls today, And it is angry because of the waves, But, I secretly was watching Seagulls are what try to eat my crackers. The rise and fall of the water, It’s more fascinating anyway. 16

XI. Learning to ride waves in, Snorkeling, And discovering new creatures, The ocean is my friend now. XII. Reflections, Beautiful but painful, The water awarded me with a sunburn today Probably because I stayed out all day, Flowing in the current.

XIII. I’m firmly standing, In the wet gritty stand, Still unsure if mermaids exist, Or if the sunburn will come back, But I am positive, Parts of the unfamiliar world Will always stay a mystery.

- Emily Maxwell ‘15

You Were My Saving Grace The moments are small And they slip away fast. Choices, movements, decisions. Basic daily things, can change our lives. Think back, what choices have you made? The big ones: school, friends, hobbies... But the small ones, smiling at someone who looks sad, May not affect you but you could have saved a life. Keeping them from falling off the edge. You saved my life. Your kind smile changed my life. Your open arms gave me a second chance. But now you’re gone, you left and all I have is the mark You left on my heart.

At first I was sad, Feeling lost and alone, back to before you came. But now I see what you gave to me. A chance to become who I am. You were never meant to be here forever Though it hurt when you left, I am no longer sad. Because you kept me going, and I owe you my life. The moments are small, And they slip away fast. Choices, motions, decisions. Basic daily things, These saved my life. And now it is my turn to save. - Liv Gwynn ‘15

You touched my life and I will never be the same. You gave me hope and I will never be the same. Even now when you are gone I will never even think, About taking my life again because I will never be the same. You touched my life and I will never be the same. You gave me hope and I will never be the same. Even now when you are gone I will never even think, About taking my life again because I will never be the same.

Maya Moore ‘16


Thirteen Ways of Looking at Love

I. From the desolate abyss Of loneliness and heartbreak, Shone a faint beam of Love.

II. Torn by decision And responsibilities Love fears the future III. Love is sneaky She knows how to crawl into each miniscule crevice Of the heart And capture the soul IV. Love is you And Love is me Love is all of us. Under the protection of Love, we are one.

V. Yet Love reveals dependence And the reliability On another human being. She is an unfortunate necessity 18

VI. The strength and power over each of us Make her dangerous. Love is fear yet Love is bliss. VII. Love shatters the soul Each piece unable to come back together. The trust broken The web of lies fully spun. Why do you do this Love When I have done nothing to you? VIII. Oh omnipresent being, Show yourself To me. Reveal your wounds For me to heal.

X. The unmatched beauty, Her deceiving charm. The sight of Love Left me breathless.

XI. Tears, smiles, and laughter Wash away, As I realize Love is not far.

XII. Love is in the air, Love is all around. Love is in you Love is in me Love is in all of us.

XIII. Love smiled The smile of contentment. And she went on To carry the message to all.

- Sofia Keane ‘15

IX. Then Love disappears Leaving behind a trace Of what I once felt. Now, a mere memory.

Danielle Vandre ‘16

Dragons Let’s be dragons, freaking dragons! The best of all the creatures; The mythical and magical, complete with scaly features. The fearless and the gutsy, with no constraints or doubts Other than another meal, sought out by longish snouts. The inkiness of nighttime would be of no concern Because our licking flames all of the darkness would burn. Our all-consuming fire would scorch the earth entire And prove that there’s no need for wood to have a burning pyre.

To fly, to soar, to roar in sky, to swallow clouds and moon Would be delight during the night (which never comes too soon). And you and I, a pair we’d be, just dragons on the loose. The rules would be of no regard; for those, we’d have no use. Fate would follow our design, and life would be a breeze With nobody to answer to and nobody to please. - Elle Ondeck ‘17

Celia Wilson

Michelle Reilly ‘16

But flying, flying, the thing for which I’d rejoice the most, That somehow in me it chose to be, that I would be its host!



Lauren Woodard ‘16


You wake up to screaming. Throwing the covers back, you plod over to your son’s room. You ask him what the matter is. The man with the silver hand is going to rip his eyes out, he says. You tell him, shoosh. There is no man, there is no silver hand, and nobody is going to rip his eyes out. You also say that you should probably get him some sort of medication for his nightmares. They are getting out of hand. You go back to bed.

You wake up to screaming. Your head is pounding, feeling crushed, and for some unexplainable reason your throat is on fire. Something squirms behind your eyeballs, and something hot and heavy is dripping down your face in rivers and pooling around your head. You try to open your eyes, but you can see nothing. With a squelch, and a metallic clink against what can only be bone, something snaps right in front of your brain. There is agony, and then it only takes you a moment longer to realize that you are the one screaming. It is you. - Caroline King ‘17

Maya Moore ‘16


Slow Dancing

I cannot form the words that properly clasp the state of being in-between our chests facing bone bare towards each other while we dance. Your feet are smaller than mine and when they touch the floor I swear you’ve gone somewhere I cannot ever reach even if I mimicked every step instructions written out in your eyes meeting my gaze. I wanted to ask you when you turned around and the world skipped a rotation because you had already done it for her if you remembered that time we threw our ambition away and dissolved among the clouds. I wanted to ask you if you sometimes see little glimpses of it dust in the sunlight as it floats back and settles at the bottom a film across the ground that sometimes I slip on and the background runs past too quickly.

That’s why I drag my feet heels refuse to enter orbit while we dance. - Gretchen Cubbage ‘15


Camilla Duke ‘16

Swimming with the Dolphins She has a graceful form like strokes of watercolor. My prunish fingers gingerly caress her satin hide, A taut rubber fleece. She appraises me curiously, Her playful smirk spurs a bout of bewildered laughter, A leathery snout with a lopsided grin, Revealing rows of white picked combs. My giggles evoke a blissful response. Frequencies tumble out into open air, Loping glissandos, A grand disharmony. Her emissions blossom into unbound orbs above the water, They interact in free space, Organic, radiating, amoebas of sound, Capturing the secrets of the sea in her chatter of confession. Her prattle holds the silence at bay, Satisfying that oppressive void with carefree monologue. Her blissful babble quells the uneven rhythm of my heart, That clumsy thumping prompted by proximity to the wild.

-Claire Thomas ‘15

Camilla Duke ‘16


The Louvre, Morning The fog settles on the chilled ripples of the river Softening the sharp shapes in the distance. Raindrops have turned to glass The solid stone of the ground. Tangled trees seem to dance, electric in the air, Tickled tops with leaves of pink. Their muted chimes whisper As the morning breeze drifts. The master’s hand has so carefully crafted A vision so painfully separate, As I stand cold in marble halls Lined with windows to anywhere else. The little portal holds my gaze So powerful, yet delicately made, Spinning streams of stories; I fall, willingly taken, into their threads. I want to wander those glass streets, Feet soaked cold by Paris rain. And lean on the river’s rail, wind reaching through my coat, Face towards the sky as the fog slowly erases me.


-Caroline Caterini ‘15

Susanne Antinou ‘16


e ‘16 Duk a l l i Cam Celia Wilson

Lau ren Woo dard ‘1




Caroline King ‘17


and then there’s this… incredible brightness so bright you can’t even think about seeing. some would say it’s heaven, some would say it’s that last thought leaving the body, or maybe it’s the beginning of the last seven minutes, the seven collections of sixty ticks before the brain dies, and your life flashes before your eyes. what if you’re in the middle of your seven minutes right now as you read this? déjà vu? maybe your heart has already stopped beating. i hope you’ve enjoyed what you’ve seen.


Celia Wilson ‘15

-Katherine Hobart ‘16

All I can remember is being with one friend and another Racing up the hill as fast as we can No names barely faces Just the idea of them beside me reaching for the top of the world Racing up the hill as fast as we can It was simple then: giggling, . leaping, sprinting Excited to win or lose Racing up the hill as fast as we can I grew up and . moved on and haven’t seen them since I remember other things sure but I mainly think of Racing up the hill as fast as we can -Willa Riekhof ‘17 Colleen McMahon ‘17



Wa One of ter Bo the few human ttle Ins necessities flows pir a ti o freely, n Requires containment and oe m needs to be held, There are many ways to do this. It says a lot about a person, Color, Stickers, Labels, The visible accomplishments, The outside tells a story, One of success, failure, and resilience, The inside is uniform, There is little differentiation, It is more important, A lifeline, Support in a container A reason to finish the race quickly, And be reunited With my water bottle. - Sarah Dickey ‘15


Abigail Weimer ‘17

Look With Love Flowers, All uniquely beautiful In their patterns of Growth And continuous Change.

Some may choose to ignore this flower. ‘Why waste water on a flower that has No chance Anyway?’ My response to that, is: Why be a supporter of their Demise When you can be an author of their Growth?

No two are Twins, For what is the beauty in Being Identical?

At the end of the day, Each flower is rooted in the same soil, the same Earth. While each flower needs Unique means of Nourishment, They all need nourishment, Nonetheless.

Each has its own Beautifully unique quality. One may have a greener stem, While the other may have softer petals. But, both are, nevertheless, Beautiful.

And deep in their roots, Flowers hold the water they receive. And as the wind blows, Their fragrance spreads, Sending on the love they got.

Some may even start out as Colorless and dry, nearly hopeless, And these flowers need water the most. The flower that blossoms out of Malnourishment Is the flower that tends to be the most Beautiful.

So, Water every flower you come across. As you may be Surprised As to how beautiful Something can be by Looking at it with love. Danielle Vandre ‘16 -Zoe Sheppard ‘16


Caroline King ‘17

Excerpt from Spreading the City of Love


While the storm demolished countless homes and places of worship, work, play and education, it was unable to destroy the enchanted spirit of love, which the city instilled in each and every member of its community..... At that moment, the love was stronger than ever, and by combining with the hope and spirit that the storm was also unable to destroy, it allowed the city to rise up from the ashes and join together to once again become the great city that I knew it to be. -Maddie Smith ‘16

Blueberry Lips Floral vines grew up her spine, Lips dabbed with blackberry juice, A halo of gentle design adorned her head, The eight eyed long legs made a gossamer veil, Soft as the voice of a maiden’s nightingale, Her skin was of the sun, Warm and Bronze, Hazel eyes with a sprinkle of green stardust, That frequently burst into heavenly song Angels would frequently stop by and stare, “Who is the girl with the black braided hair? Who strides into lifeless gardens leaving behind a trail of life?” Not one for certain can tell you her name, But her legacy lives in the path that remains.

Creep into the box, while no one is around Hear them playing, in the snow, around the box They do not see me, nor the box I listen to my own breath, warming my cold skin, My air ensnares me in its burning cloak Put the crown on, and lay in the bed of sleeping jewels

Find happiness in the brown tree, No one can hear the crying tear They weep because they cannot become a snowflake The outsiders do not deserve to be in my throne They have not earned that right to hear the magical silence Be glad that your friends are not many, People disappoint, and leave If they are not in the box, then they cannot decline your invitation Nor apologize Invite yourself, and only yourself My palace is also in the box, There, I feed only one, And life is nice and slow The silence is grateful


But I cannot stay always for the

For I am called to live with the noise, the colors, and the lights It’s time I must creep out of the paper cube

-Sofie Araya ‘17 32

- MyLinn Clement ‘15

White Noise

Tick Tock Tick Tock, the clock goes, A face lost in shadows, A thought lost in conversation, Hurried words whispered in desperation, And the ones who you told you love don’t believe you, And the things that haunt you at night don’t leave you, When their crushing words chase you though your dreams, And your attainment of that very special youth screams. That sick little joke became that kid’s Holocaust, Everything about good him has been lost, Some self righteous adult told him his life is an illusion, Now the idea of a voice becomes preclusion, For that kid sinking in animosity has become second nature, Jail time instead of a college major, This hideous cycle can not be stopped, Out of history he will be cropped, To a nuclear boom that becomes his voice, Because the malicious government took away his choice, To a generation of repressed kids saying enough is enough, Because the reality of this world has become too rough.

there was a time in my life where maybe i didn’t know or didn’t care and i was oblivious blissful ignorant but i’ve left my fantasia in shades of yellow to try to disassemble this broken machine dismantling what used to be destroying what could come shouting over the industrial white noise to tell you all of a day beyond tomorrow where maybe they’ll even get rid of the factories but for now i’m unscrewing the bolts tearing out the inin sides turning the white noise black -Katherine Hobart ‘16

People have begun to tell you who to love, They say the message comes from above, Children of color are lying dead in the streets, These unjust are being repressed by the elites, To the idea of spontaneous peace we have been clinging, But throughout the world gunshots are ringing. -Phaendra Manikas ‘18

Claire Hanson ‘16


I. Among twenty drained swimmers, The only moving thing Was the water of the swimming pool.

13 Ways of Looking at a Swimming Pool

II. I was of three attitudes Like a swimming pool In which there is warm, cold, and freezing.

IV. A swimmer and a chlorine-stench Are one. A swimmer, a chlorine-stench, and a swimming pool Are one.

VII. O quitters, Why do you imagine the excessive sleep? Do you not see how the swimming pool Flows through your veins to your heart?

V. I do not know which to prefer, The swish of a basketball hoop Or the harmony of the acapella group The swimming pool splashing, Or just after.

VIII. I know goals And lucid, inescapable dreams; But I know, too, That the swimming pool is involved In what I dream. XI. Yet the cold never bothered that swimmer anyway She rode over the water Like a gliding bird. Once, a wave overtook her, As the wind of the outdoors Brought fluctuation to the thrashing swimming pool.

- Katie Ledecky ‘15


III. The pool swished and splashed As the swimmers pierced through the water.

VI. Challenges filled the swimmers’ minds With goals They crossed the swimming pool, to and fro. The mood Traced in the white board The long sets Written in the fading red marker. X. At the sight of swimming pools Chilled by the broken heater, Even Queen Elsa Would cry out sharply.

IX. When the swimming pool swam out of sight, It marked the edge Of one of many rectangles. XIII. She was swimming all afternoon. She was swimming And she was going to swim. XII. The swimming pool sat The swimming pool is moving. In the dungeon of dreams. The swimmer must be swimming. Julia Burns ‘18

Brisk air tingles skin waking up tired spirit, tired bear sleeps on

Winter’s Air Abigail Weimer ‘17

Snowflakes drift about melting upon water’s touch – confused fish swim deep Still acorn encased shell of ice cannot be cracked squirrel loses hope Snowy storm blows strong, strong polar bear continues hunting helpless prey

Bare trees touch gray skies leaves have died and decomposed – snow swirls in their place Northern Lights reflect upon vast icy glacier; bright stars are outshine - Lauren Woodard ‘16


The Cave A place where two lovers rendezvous Then later say their tearful adieus Their names engraved on stonewall Professing their love to us all Though the cave holds family history, What is in store for me? -Tomiwa Sobande ‘17

Abigail Weimer ‘17

The Sea

I am swimming in the sea of uncertainty

As I drift into darker, deeper waves

I ask myself, “Who am I? What is my destiny?” 36

-Tomiwa Sobande ‘17

Anonymous Analogous Brief Beauty Charismatic Creativity Dream Drops Elaborate Ecstasy Flavored Favoritism Grand Grains Heavy Hell Intricate Intentions Jealous Jewels Kindling Kingfish Live or Love Maleficent Merit Ocean Opals Profound Perfection Questionable Questions Reversible Ruptures Sustained Sultans Tenacious Tendencies Urban Universe Vivacious Venom Wonder Wells Xantic Xenium Ying and Yale Zazzy Zambra

-Sofie Araya ‘17

Alex Hudome ‘16


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