Callithump 2021

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Callithump 2021

Callithump n. A noisy, boisterous band or parade n. The Stone Ridge Literary and Arts Zine n. The patience formed when struggling to make a spread on a computer that is not equipped to handle making a spread over Google Meet.

Emily Hammack ‘23 2

Emma Person ‘24

Catalyst A sparkler, Bursting with crackles Of bright white light. An orange flame, Fiercely vibrant In its intense heat. A firework, Exploding with a deafening Boom into ethereal color.

It ignites the fire that burns, The sparkler that fizzes, The firework that booms.

Just as seeds lie dormant In the forest until they are Awakened by flame.

We try to avoid fire, Cringing from its heat And destructive capability.

Fire is a baptism, Destroying with heat While creating with light.

We are the flame, Fiercely vibrant In its intense heat. We are the firework, Exploding noisily Into jaw-dropping colors.

But fire doesn’t spark from nowhere. It needs a spark, We are the match, Something to turn the kindling into the blaze. We could use some of that at this moment. Burning bravely In the dark. This delicate world Change needs a catalyst. Sits in a precarious balance, But fire also creates, forces, change.

Mired in challenge and injustice A simple match, Burning fiercely, bravely, Before snuffing out in a curl of smoke. The fire of change Is needed, is essential, All forms of heat, of light, of power. In order for growth to continue.

We are the catalyst. We are the sparkler, Burning bright With crackles of light.

In the dark of this world That needs a spark; That needs a change.

We are the change.

Catalyst evokes all of these images. A catalyst is a spark, A burst of light That ignites change.

We will spark the flame That will devour the hate And saturate the world with light. Erin Shannon ‘23 3

Caroline Speidel This yearone.wasWedefinitely anthat interesting all hoped we’d bethis ableyear, to make Callithump in person but I look back and am so proud of challenge the way that our teama adapted to the and created beautifulthatmagazine regardless. I’ma part so grateful I’ve been able to be of thisand clubI and this team totheseeing past two years, look forward it continues to evolve. how

Danielle Seay Callithump has been my home away from home for three on going years at Stone Ridge. I haveloved foundseeing my community here, and have the staffer’s talent bloom into a obstacles full magazine. While there were a few along the way, I’m ultimately so thankful for this experience and community. So please, read away!

Notes From the Editors Maria DiBari This was mybeautiful first yearmagazine. as an It editor for our wasI am trulyoverjoyed an incredible experience and to share our club’s hard community. work with the rest of thestaffers Stone Ridge Our fantastic demonstrated theirstunning dedication topieces uplifting their peers’ art though confronted with you a year that was far from normal. I hope all love this year’s issue as much as I do and I look forward to the ones in the future.


Clare Siffermann This year as an editorinhassobeen both exciting and challenging many ways. As a first time editor, it has been so funand to work with staffers, make spreads, teach software. Evenmeetings with theand added challenge of virtual being unable tosowork through problems in person, I am proud of how my fellow editors staffersandcame together to make thisand magazine, I can’t wait for it to be read!

1 ples ‘2 ie Peo Natal


We have so many people tothis thankvery thisdifficult year. These year apeople betterhave one.each contributed to making Firstadvice of all,was we invaluable would like toto making thank Ms.Callithump Cowan andduring Ms. Whitmore. Your guidance this unprecedented year. and We also want tocommunity, thank each and and we every teacher atyour Stonepresence Ridge. even You are such anto the integral part of this have valued more due challenges wethat havewefaced year.haveWemade appreciate yourthis workyear andwithout dedication, couldthis never it through you.and we know Although theseallpeople areessential not necessarily affiliated withtoStone Ridge, wetheir as a safety club would like tohealth thank of the workers who continue work, risking to keep the world turning while it shut down in the face of COVID-19. and In accordance this this year’sworld theme, we want to thank all the of those who are fighting for social justice andwith making a better place. You are spark, the change that this world needs. We alsowith extend a huge thank you toknow everyone who submitted their arttoandshare writing tohard be shared the student body. We that it is a big ask for people their and wehelped are so tograteful all of the beautiful pieces wethe received. Your courage inwork, submitting make afor beautiful magazine that reflects talent of Stone Ridge artists and writers. Our deserve the biggest all. Theofeditors so grateful for all of yourstaffers hard work, especially with thank-you the added ofdifficulty makingareyour spreads virtually.


Factulty Advisors


Emma Cowan Miranda Whitmore

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Emily Hammack ‘23 6


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Ed it

Adele Feldberg Anna Niepold Atoosa Azizi Caroline Hwang Caroline Zaudtke Clare Nickerson Cora Beswick Elisa Baker Emily Hammack Emma Person Erin Shannon Jade Fanning Julia Vaughan Linda Kelly Maddy Pilkington Naina Makkad Natalie Peoples Natasha Parker Olivia Vaughan Rachel Nokku Riona Siffermann Roxana Azizi Sabrina Feldberg

Table Of Contents Art

Anna Niepold...........................................49,50 Anonymous.......................................................36 Ariana Plotas................................................42 Atoosa Azizi....................................................46 Camille Amaditz.....................................37.38 Caroline Moore..............................................13 Caroline Speidel...........................................34 Clare Siffermann..................25,26,33,49,50 Dakota Dorsey..............................19,20,21,22 Danielle Seay......................7,18,23,24,29,39 Emily Hammack......................................1,2,5,6 Emma Dorsey.................................37,38,40,45 Emma Person..................................................1,8 Erin Shannon.......................2,15,31,32,39,40 Gracie Cooper..........................................49,50 Helen Ruggiero.........................................11,41 Julia Vaughan........................14,15,16,27,28 Katherine Strong ........................................27 Lina Vuga...................................................21,22 Maddy Pilkington...............................9,37,38 Maria DiBari.......................................18,23,42 Naina Makkad...........................................12,47 Natalie Peoples................................3,4,17,35 Olivia Vaughan........................8,10,27,28,36 Roxana Azizi..............................................29,30 Stanley Johnson...................17,25,26,44,48 Taryn Ryan......................................................16 Taylor Scott.....................................................7


Adele Feldberg.............................19,20,35,36 Amelia Taylor..........................................39,40 Anonymous...........8,12,18,21,22,31,42,43,48 Catherine Patterson...................................47 Caroline Speidel....................10,23,24,29,30 Danielle Seay.................................15,16,17,26 Emily Hammack..............................................33 Grayson Bullard.....................................37,38 Isabella Calogero ..................................27,28 Sabrina Feldberg.....................................13,14 Stefany Sparks.........................................40,41

Emily Hammack ‘23 7

Taylor Scott


Danielle Seay ‘21



Olivia Vaugha

Emm a Pe r s o n ‘ 24

I feel my head going underwater Feel the rushing waves pulling me under The noise in my head will never stop Wish I was good enough but sadly I’m not It’s been hard for me to understand why I do this to myself every time I’ve spent years hoping for the right guy and now I don’t know if he's right I’m so lost don’t know where I’m going don’t know if I’m on the right path Now it feels like I'm drowning in my own bath It’s never been your fault always been mine Don’t know what I’m doing feels like I’m drunk on wine Pushing you away seems so ordinary I keep telling myself that it’s necessary

n ‘2


Anonymous 9

Maddy Pilkington ‘23 10


The day is fading, Night softly dropping its deep curtain of midnight blue. And as streaks of pink and yellow leak from the sky, I can’t help feeling that my youth is fading too, Slipping easily, cunningly, from my grasp. Olivia Vaughan ‘23 Time is relentless. It is funny, isn’t it -How everyone tells you to enjoy your innocence, your youth Because it moves faster than you will believe. And only when it’s gone do you realize that they were telling the truth. It creeps up on you -- responsibility, weight -- frighteningly quickly. I don’t want to grow up. Why can’t I go back? Relive those moments that were just moments, But are now memories -Capsules of time that stand as monuments In my mind. Will those monuments ever crumble? Will those pearls of time slip from my grasp? And when they are forgotten, are those moments obsolete? It’s as if footprints I have tracked across this earth Have been steadily washed away by an incessant force, An ever-rising tide erasing the small steps of my diligent feet. Until all that is left is the future course. But what is the future without the past? And as time erases moments in my life like a math problem on a chalkboard, How long will it take for it to wipe me away? Caroline Speidel ‘21 11

Helen Ruggerio ‘21 12

Hope It’s inexplicable. Insufferable days and dreary eyes Unable to listen or learn Obsessed with anger and correctness. In all that tears us down, Hope is stubborn. In one night, The silent and quivering, Those framing a historic moment, The queer, the sick, the abused, all those freed because of a strong woman. Waving fires and flags In shock and devastation, Hoping, because hope is all that we have left. For humanity can only exist, When hope is alive.

Anonymous Naina Makkad ‘21 13








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Sabrina Julia




‘23 15

A Winter Evening

Erin Shannon ‘23

The lyrics to a song weave in and out of my memory, Freshly listened to, yet slowly forgotten As the sounds of the world fill its space. The brief ringing of a phone, Its irritation cut short. A deep chuckle and muffled words In a distant room. The whir of cars searching for their own destination.


Julia Vaughan ‘23

Taryn Ryan ‘24

Silence now overcomes, As the moving things settle in for the evening. It isn’t late yet, But the winter sun has retired From it’s brief appearance. I sit in my room, longing for it’s heat and light. Julia Vaughan ‘23

When the sun goes down, I am left alone in the cold.

- Danielle Seay ‘21 17

8x 11 inch Canvas

My brush glides across the canvas, As I draw in my breath. I dip the brush back into the paint, As I exhale. This rhythm continues, automatically. The technicality and precision of painting Takes my mind away, And my body follows in joyful pursuit. I am able to release my thoughts And worries onto an 8x11 inch canvas, Freeing up the mental block That life has left behind. I am able to create. To make something beautiful. I am finally able to breathe once again. I am in control of the canvas, When I am unable to control the life around me. There are no surprises, only artistic inspiration. 18

Danielle Seay ‘21

Stanley Johnson

Natalie Peoples ‘21

High-Speed Connections

The memory of voices fade away, They have separate thoughts, As the red call button ends hours of virtual chatting. Separate worries, I close my computer simultaneously with two others. Separate likes and dislikes. A feeling of happiness from the recent companionship And I sit here wondering why it is so difficult, Is now mingled with the reality of being alone. For us to think outside of ourselves, I was riding the high, For just a moment. Anonymous And now I can feel my body crashing down. I wonder what step they are in their nightly routine, Maria DiBari ‘22 As I sit here writing. Are they washing their faces, brushing their teeth, Climbing into bed, turning off their light, Checking their phone? A notification pops up on mine, Revealing the fact that they are indeed living their separate lives, As I am living mine. Danielle Seay ‘21 19

Colors of Love

You’re in love You’ve been in love for ages Maybe no one told you what love was supposed to feel like Maybe all the things you’ve felt never seemed like what everyone told you love was like So many people told you that love should be red, passion and heat and desire that could swallow the world Or pink, soft and sugary-sweet like cotton candy clouds of smoke, enough to leave you breathless and aching To you red feels like a warning sign, like blood, like the dizzying, intoxicating scent of peppermint burning your nostrils, like white roses that have been painted Love that is red feels overwhelming and reckless and unsafe, the type of feeling you’d run from if not for your love If not for your stupid red love Red love feels like there’s someone with a gun at your temple and you’re trusting them not to shoot you point-blank Red like the stains that are hardest to get out Red feels a bit like being burned alive Dakota Dorsey ‘23 Pink feels cautious and a bit more careful, like dancing around anything too dangerous Like keeping someone at a distance Like peeling off the skin of your fingers every time you get a hangnail Pink feels unreliable, like trying to live on a cloud Pink feels unrealistic and stale, like someone else’s cotton candy daydreams have gotten stuck in your hair Pink feels fake and you don’t want it You want a love that feels safe and sound, that you can hold in your hands and feel sure of Nobody told you that love existed 20

Nobody ever told you that love might be purple, sparkling like magic, like ink, like royalty, like the bruises and old scars you’d be embarrassed to show most people Nobody ever told you that love could feel so vulnerable But could feel like coming home Like a warm blanket around your shoulders, like arms thrown around you in a hug So you’ve had love all this time Your own wonderful, deep purple love You’ve never felt like you could reach for it in fear of shattering everything This purple bubble you’ve been calling home This purple bubble that’s been drifting in the breeze But you know if you’ll reach for it now then you might never get the chance again You reach out And hope the bubble won’t pop Adele Feldberg ‘22

Dakota Dorsey ‘23 21

Infinity. It’s a word we say


but do


Because we are not infin not ite, tru b u ly u t fi own falls? Perhaps dea nder t h is te stand Life . We t cannot fa ermin being snu nite. e f i thom it. Infinity. l ates i We ffe d a candle of It’s big. It’s infin ndiscrim do no ite. It’s de out i n a t t e ep and l y k . In , sometimes now w here it cruelly. How that does life continue ends. It’s w ay , p in curious. Life s erhaps e ems to be death a tangible, t is ta ouchable ngibl e , e as y to comprehend. Life is breath . Death is For infinity.




-Anonymous Lina Vuga ‘24


dark and endless a nd

it’s for ever and others when it ends i it’s ever n one? Wh ything. y d o thing. When es not the eart we breathe, w h e live. But what is death? , inability to breath. It is the possibility of breathe, of

Caroline Moore ‘21

Dakota Dorsey ‘23

Is space infi nite? We w human One ity fall to its kneill never know. e lifec,oeuld say it’s the inasb when one of its xtingu ished. Extinguiilsihty to breathe, ed forev er.


Do I Want To

I exist in a murky state, Caught between dreams of growing up And dreams of going back. I live in flux, Giggling like a child yet Shouldering an unnamed weight on my chest That grows heavier with every year that flies by. Adulthood beckons, Luring me with promises of adventure,

Maria DiBari ‘22 24

Danielle Seay ‘21

But childhood croons irresistibly, Pointing to simpler times Blurred by the haze of memory. Did they ever really exist? I dream of seeing the world And yet am afraid of what I might see. I hope that I find myself And yet am afraid of what I might find. Might it be simpler to escape To a familiar story with a known ending? To a tried-and-true character with predicable faults? - Anonymous

Danielle Seay ‘21 25

The Rain’s Performance Danielle Seay ‘21

Stanley Johnson 26

The fallen rain’s own sons and daughters, Splitting, dripping, dewing, Feeds the mother Earth her waters. As those sons and daughters, The beings crowd around, Sing and swing, Or are sound asleep. Sway and lay, upon the Earth. Hearing the gentle chorus, Their performance practiced to a T. The ringing winds. And allow themselves to stare in amazement. Then once the curtains give way to blue, They rest on plants, and leaves, And bugs, as dew. As the world awakens from their mesmerized slumber, They go out and see the glittering performers, Resting up before their next show. *The first line is taken from Don Paterson’s Rain 27

Clare Sifferman ‘21

Force of Nature

If you are going to compare me to nature, Do not call me A delicate flower, A pretty rose Petals to be crushed And preserved And admired If you are going to compare me to nature, Do not assume that I am Weak Or defenseless. I am not a delicate beauty For you to capture And cultivate And chop off my thorns I have the strength of Tornadoes and earthquakes The power of Crashing waves against Sky-high cliffs The unstoppable force Of a raging wildfire I am as wild As a hurricane And as fearsome As a tsunami. I am not something to be stared at and admired I am something to fear, Something to respect I am beautiful and terrible, A force of nature. Stronger than you’ll ever know. 28

Olivia Vaughan ‘23

Katherine Strong ‘22

Julia Vaughan ‘23

Just as you cannot own Howling winds and rain ITowill never be yours pick And Ipretty willcrush. never sit still and look For you.

If you are going to compare me to nature Do not call me harmless And sweet. I am strong And fierce. Do not underestimate me. Isabella Calogero ‘21


We Will Burn Roxana Azizi ‘24

Murky Are the trash-filled seas White Are the blanched coral Red Are the hot fires that lick Black Is the smoke that chokes Leveled Is the Amazon Rainforest Expanding Are the deathly dry deserts Growing Danielle Seay ‘21 Are the hurricanes that decimate Melting Is the ice in the Arctic


Starving Are the baby polar bears Choking Are the green sea turtles Disappearing Are the necessary bees Deteriorating Is our world Dying Are those who are powerless to stop it Negligent Are those who refuse to stop it Blue Were the salty oceans Green Was the fertile land Balanced Was the unblemished world Brown Will be the Earth that has burned Gone Will be the people who burned it Powerful Are we who want to stop it

Roxana Azizi ‘24

Caroline Speidel ‘21 31

The sparrow hops, defying gravity for an infinitesimal moment. I’m sitting on the front stoop of a small gray house and I watch it carefully as it stops in the middle of the lawn. The grass is roughly cut and dying, green rapidly fading to brown as the sun burns overhead. The sparrow, its feathers brown and sleek, moves its head rapidly. I think it looks at me, its small brown eyes landing on me as I watch it pensively, my chin cupped in my palm. And then, suddenly, its gone, having hopped behind a bush. As I lift myself from the stoop and step and curl my hand around the doorknob, I picture the sparrow flying and free. I realize that I will never see that sparrow again. After sharing a moment, we have gone our separate ways. There’s something desperately sad about that. Anonymous

Caroline Speidel ‘21


Erin Shannon ‘23


Clare Siffermann ‘22

Ca s t A d r i f t

All around she s h i v e r s , The crunch beneath her b o o t s One tiny flake and her frosted finger q u i v e r s The sulking of the long dead r o o t s All around it s w a r m s The frigid wind beats the world s t i f f The pain not cold, but warm, h o t Warm as a forgotten lover, cast a d r i f t Emily Hammack ‘23


Caroline Speidel ‘21


Hourglass Dream

II had a know dreamwhat whereforyou said you’re sorry don’t But I remember thinking ‘finally’ You ask methings what Irunwant AYoumillion through my mind, but themefirst thought is, of course, you stand there in your sweatshirt and tell to want something else So AndI choose you follow me anyway I wanted you to ask me in the real world I wanted to know Wanted to see If I’d still fall right through your hands, Like sand through an hourglass, Slipping away with the time And then you did You asked me what I wanted I chose you and you didn’t choose me Months later, I chose something else— someone else— but you wouldn’t let me go You followed me anyway Like a ghost, like a phantom, like a memory Just like the dream And I was pulled back into this mess like I never left it The problem is I think I’ll always come back Whenever you pull on that string that ties us But how many times can we tug on it before it breaks? Adele Feldberg ‘22 Natalie Peoples ‘21 36


No One Asks to be Atlas

I did not ask for this I didn’t ask to be born with such fragile bones and such a hard head I can’t be your Atlas with a body so frail Every day feels like the end of the world The world would tumble from my shaking hands And fall so long, so hard, so far Until the only thing holding it up was a pile of my bones I did not ask for this I did not ask to be born into this world on fire I was only taught to hold it together, nobody taught me how to bear the burns Every day feels like the end of the world Like one misstep could bring everything crashing down Like I’m surrounded by dry timber and one stray ember could set it all aflame I did not ask for this I did not ask for this frail body Or the hands I nearly broke when I tried to stop them from shaking so bad Every day feels like the end of the world Today might be the day the dam breaks and we all drown in the flood Or it might be today that the earth breaks beneath our feet and swallows us up

I did not ask for this I did not ask for this aching in my shoulders Or this water filling my lungs Every day feels like the end of the world Yesterday Ariadne was left tied to a rock to die Today Icarus will fall when he thought he would fly I did not ask for this I didn’t, I swear But I would not wish this upon anyone else Every day feels like the end of the world I’ve lost track of time I’m starting to think I’ve lost my mind I did not ask for this I didn’t, I swear I didn’t want this wreckage But I was the one who did the wrecking Every day feels like the end of the world The wax melts off Icarus’ wings Dies irae, the chorus sings IButdidn’t forfeels this like the end of the world everyaskday Adele Feldberg ‘22

Olivia Vaughan ‘23 37


Catalyze, catalyze What is it to catalyze? Is it fire behind your eyes? Or shreds of truth beneath the lies? Is it contempt for ruling wise?

Emma Dorsey ‘21 38

Or fists raised up against the skies? Is it the penalty or the prize? Is it my fall or your rise?

Maddy Pilkington ‘23

Grayson Bullard Bul ‘22

Camille Amaditz ‘22 39

The Flame's Cold Light Forbids Them Here to Rest

The Flame’s cold light forbids them here to rest; Their pleas can’t reach her blistering, burning core. The welcome heat shines only for the blessed.

Danielle Seay ‘21

They sail to join the freedom of the best, But then they see they are not wanted more. The Flame’s cold light forbids them here to rest.



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Their fearful hearts beat quick inside their chests; Their helpless wails to flaming hearts don’t bore. Their welcome heat shines only for the blessed. The little vessel for the wretched is tossed; Their focus is the Flame that shines from far. The Flame’s cold light forbids them here to rest. And when they wash ashore the wretchedest, And slowly turn their heads to light before, The welcome heat shines only for the blessed.



‘23 annon

And when they see that it was but a jest, A sorrowed song is heard from on the shore, “The Flame’s cold light forbids them here to rest; The welcome heat shines only for the blessed.” Amelia Taylor ‘23


Big Sorry

I feel you up by your bones Know you’re big sorry Giving away your fears As I hold your hair back Keys in the flower pot Smoke in the lungs Capsule-brained baby with a poorly designed motor system Fallen asleep in the sorry In love with pressed bruises Nothing without - Anonymous

Helen Ruggerio ‘21 42

Stanley Johnson 43

For my people and their commitment to the dream: Their late nights and the tears welling up in their eyes and their strict obedience to deadlines and the puffy bags beneath their eyes and the calloused fingers that continue to write, all in hope of a steady adult life; For my people with the relentless smiles, livening the mood before a scary game; their time after practice and their sore muscles and minds and the cheers for their friends and the games that they win and the goals that they score and the games that they lose and the spirit they carry never dying out, all in hope of one more steady victory; For my people with the voices of angels: And the harmonies they produce and the rasp in their throat at the end of the day and the nerve-racking solos and the sound that creates toothy grins from classmates and their mastery of understanding to read music’s language, so that they may brighten all our days; 44

Emma Dorsey ‘21

For my people who can bring things to life on a sheet of paper: With the swift swoops of their brushes and to their signature written in the corner and the hours spent and the need for perfection and the determination to constantly improve, so they can express their feelings without using words; For my people who care about the classes’ well-being: With texts of worry and offerings of aide and words of inspiration, motivation, and love and to the hours spent helping classmates understand the homework and the genuine face made when telling someone they are not alone, because they put everyone before themselves and never regret it; Let this community rise to greater heights. Let love dictate peoples’ actions rather than hate. Let everyone support each other no matter how well they know each other. Let everyone understand that we are all in this together, and Let the anxious and lonely girls of Stone Ridge find peace in others who have the same struggles. Stefany Sparks ‘22

Atoosa Azizi ‘24 45

A Perpetual Journey

Often I walk the beaten path of fear Where sense of self, of inner-peace does fade Sometimes alone, sometimes with others near On sun-scorched earth we search in vain for shade The lane I so well know is ever-going Even as I pause, I cannot rest The way is half a road and half a river, And seeks to lure and drown me in my quest Although the ceaseless travel wears me thin, And lack of direction hinders my way, I might learn to make my foe a friend And maybe I will reach the end someday - Catherine Patterson ‘23


Naina Makkad ‘21

Tree Trip




Ding dong, ding dong, The radio plays a familiar song, A low hum all around the car catches the tune Bump bump, crunch crunch, Goes the car on the snow covered roads Zip zap, Vibrant colors of green and red alike fly by, Passing department store after store decked out for the season While the annual childlike excitement rises As we travel further into town, Converging on our modest patch of land, One that most forget and few bask in its beauty.

We are here, The faint lyrics of a White Christmas play somewhere close by, Lights strung around illuminate the enclosure, The unmistakable fresh scent of crisp pine fills the area, In the cold air it feels like cool mint through my nose, Strange yet refreshing and enjoyable, Met with pine covered grounds, Our steps feel like walking on pillows, Leading us to our coveted Christmas tree. This quaint area is our tree trip, Every year, loyal to our patch. It’s the little things, The destination and the journey make our season special. - Anonymous 47






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Callithump 2021




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