Stone Ridge Annual Report Fall 2017

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I volunteer and give back to the Annual Fund because I really feel like it’s the least we can do to show our appreciation for how hard the teachers and administration work every day, and for how much they do for our daughters. And more tangibly, contributing to the Annual Fund allows the school to continue to do what it does so well.

Stone Ridge is really allowing my daughter to blossom. It’s not just that the school is challenging her academically in a supportive environment every day; it’s that the school is educating the whole girl. Beyond academics, the arts, and physical education, the school also teaches her how to be a good friend and a good citizen. Amy Howe (Betsy Howe-Goldstein ’25)


Contents 36

Letters from the 2016-2017 Board


From the Business Office The Stone Ridge Annual Fund


Leadership Circles Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat Society


Special Gift Clubs


Alumnae Blue/Gold Club Cornerstone Donors

Gifts to The Stone Ridge Fund by Constituency 45

Trustees Past Trustees Current Parents


Sacred Heart Alumnae Alumnae by Class

2016-2017 Board of Trustees Harvey F. Seegers, Chair Anna Marie Parisi-Trone, Vice-chair Suzanne D. Canton* Elizabeth Boggs Davidsen William F. Farmer, Treasurer Brian G. Friel Patricia Geuting, RSCJ ’52 Kristen J. Hohman Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86, Ex-officio Helen McCulloch, RSCJ Karen Olson, RSCJ* Sara O’Neil-Manion, AIA ’68 Derik T. Perry Amy C. Richardson, MD ’72 Robert A. Stewart Gabrielle Virgo-Carter, MD, Secretary Benito Zapata*


Parents of Alumnae




Faculty and Staff


Friends of Stone Ridge

2016-2017 Administration Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86


Special Gifts

Head of School

Honor and Memorial Gifts

Margaret Frazier

Corporate, Matching, and Foundation

Head of Upper School


Special Gifts and Endowments


Other Gifts

Anabelle C. Morgan Head of Middle School

Sandy Gillespie

Golf Sponsors 2017

Head of Lower School


2016-2017 Volunteers and Special Committees

Eric Osberg


Hic et Nunc Society

Director of Finance and Operations

Constance Shaffer Mitchell ’92 Mary Burke Tobias Director of Admissions

Melissa C. Prather Director of Institutional Advancement

Corinne Fogg* Director of Curriculum and Professional Development *Denotes Sacred Heart alumnus/a


Director of Marketing and Communications




A YEAR IN REVIEW Letters from the Board Our daughter, Kelly, first came to Stone Ridge in 2008 — the same year Catherine Ronan Karrels ‘86

This “heart of campus” Master Plan, Cor Unum, One

became Head of School. I was immediately impressed

and space that fosters creativity, innovation, artistic

by Catherine’s passion for the School, poised public

expression, idea generation, reflection, inclusion,

demeanor, and inexhaustible energy. Now, as she begins

collaboration, and play. It will be an environment that

her tenth academic year as Head of School, I marvel at

teaches the real world skills our girls will need in the

her many accomplishments over nearly a decade. She

evolving modern workplace they will encounter. And,

has assembled a world-class team of faculty and staff. She

we are hopeful this plan will not be realized in the distant

has made innumerable improvements to our School’s

future. Our strategic intention is to begin construction

policies, procedures, curricula, and campus. And, most

sooner rather than later.

Heart, will catapult our School community into a time

importantly, she has done all of this while maintaining the culture of the School and Sacred Heart traditions.

I am optimistic we can begin sooner, rather than later,

Catherine, I know I speak for thousands of grateful

because the foundation of Stone Ridge is strong. The

students and parents when I say, “congratulations and

level of engagement and investment I have witnessed

thanks” to you and your fantastic team for all that you

at Stone Ridge over the years has been astounding.

have done so far and also for what is yet to come.

This is a community that is truly committed to the Goals and Criteria of Sacred Heart education. The

Speaking of what is yet to come, you should know that

“heart of campus” Master Plan will require substantial

throughout the past year, our Board of Trustees has

philanthropic generosity from our alumnae and their

worked closely with Catherine and her Administration

families to succeed. However, I am convinced the Stone

to develop a new Campus Master Plan. The result is

Ridge community will respond to the call. You will be

exciting. Our new Campus Master Plan creates a “heart

hearing more about the “heart of campus” plan in the

of campus” for all students to enjoy. It will have a state-

months ahead. But, for now, let me just reiterate a great

of-the-art Student Life Center with an all-school dining

big “thank you” to our School leadership and faculty—

hall that will also serve as sacred space, a theater, and

and to you, our volunteers and donors—for making

abundant space for teaching and practicing the arts and

Stone Ridge a Catholic girls school that is excellent

music. Adjacent to the Student Life Center and Athletic

today, with unlimited potential for tomorrow.

Center will be a “Campus Quad.” This will be a beautiful green and landscaped area with criss-crossing walking


paths and playgrounds that will become gathering

Chair, Board of Trustees

places for students of all ages.

Every day of the school year, our students come to

faculty and staff, and outstanding arts and athletics

Stone Ridge striving toward their own unique personal

programming. It means keeping the education we all love

goals and aspirations. Our girls’ experiences are

affordable for all 700 of our students and their families.

fulfilled with the help of many — the commitment of our faculty, the leadership of our Administration, the

Your gifts in 2016-2017 in support of Stone Ridge,

time of our volunteers, and the philanthropic support

consisting of proceeds raised through The Stone Ridge

of our donors.

Fund, Special Gifts, and The Golf and Tennis Classic exceeded $1.4 million. We are truly grateful for your

I have the great pleasure of watching my daughters Kate

continued investment and generous support of Stone

and Claire grow up at Stone Ridge, and know first-hand

Ridge. Thank you.

the impact of your philanthropic support. Living our mission means giving to our mission to make possible


our faith community, excellent curriculum, superb

Chair, Development Committee

The primary role of the Finance Committee

financial resources for financial aid, and continue

is to manage the School’s financial resources. As Chair

to support faculty and staff salaries and professional

of the Finance Committee, I am pleased to report that

development in an effort to be competitive with those

the School’s operating and capital budgets were in

at the best peer schools.

balance for the fiscal year 2016-2017, due to strong enrollment, successful development efforts, income

On behalf of the Finance Committee, a special thank

from summer programs and other sources, and careful

you to those who philanthropically supported Stone

management of expenditures. The School is in a very

Ridge School of the Sacred Heart this year. Please

solid and sound financial condition.

know your investment in Stone Ridge has enabled the Board of Trustees, the Administration, faculty and staff

Furthermore, the Finance Committee stewards the

to continue to provide an exceptional Sacred Heart

School’s financial sustainability by monitoring the

education for girls in the Washington, DC area.

investments in the endowment. These endowed funds and investment reserves help to ensure Stone Ridge is in a strong financial position to maintain


and enhance its facilities, provide much-needed

Chair, Finance Committee

From the Business Office

Record of 2016-2017 Revenues and Expenses (Derived from audited financial statements)

Finances for 2016-2017 Revenue Sources

Operating Expenses Instructional Financial Aid Auxiliary Services Plant Administrative TOTAL EXPENSES

$13,182,655 2,819,155 1,515,132 2,536,218 6,155,972 $26,209,132

50% 11% 6% 10% 23% 100%

Contribution Summary UNRESTRICTED Annual Giving Other Gifts and Grants Events Total Unrestricted

$1,263,507 100,227 84,807 $1,448,541

87% 7% 6% 100%

RESTRICTED Contributions to Restricted Funds Total Restricted TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS

$19,914 $19,914 $1,468,455

100% 100%

Revenue Sources: Tuition and Fees Auxiliary Fees Fundraising Endowment

Operating Expenses: Instructional Financial Aid Auxiliary Services Plant Administrative


83% 10% 6% 1% 100%

$21,174,395 2,517,756 1,448,541 319,595 $25,460,287


Tuition and Fees Auxiliary Fees Fundraising Endowment TOTAL REVENUE



Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat Society The Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat Society recognizes donors who have made contributions totaling $2,500 or more through The Stone Ridge Fund, The Golf and Tennis Classic sponsors, Gators Go Turf payments, and designated gifts throughout the year. Special thanks to the philanthropic leaders whose generosity inspires others and, collective with donors at all levels, enables the School to fulfill its Sacred Heart mission. Your gifts directly support our Stone Ridge girls, faculty and staff, as well as the strong academic, athletic, and arts programs.

Hamilton House Circle $50,000+ Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Hayes ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Matan Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Mathews, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Shiverick ’78

Très Bien Circle $25,000+ Mr. and Mrs. David J. Bates Dr. and Mrs. Robert Chu Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Donatelli ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Quinn ’87 Dr. Amy C. Richardson ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Steven V. Roberts ’60 Dr. and Mrs. Guillermo SchultzSH Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stanislav ’84 Mrs. Anna Marie Parisi-Trone and Mr. Robert Trone Dr. and Ms. James F. Young

Head of School Circle $15,000+ Mr. and Mrs. Christos T. Antoniou Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Bell Dr. and Mrs. William Dahut Mr. and Mrs. Chris Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Edward Greissing ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Austin Herndon ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm B. Hollensteiner Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Mayfield Mr. Juan Riberas and Mrs. Belen Orjales Mrs. Sheryl A. Watkins Wilbon and Mr. Michael Wilbon ’84

Sacred Heart Circle $10,000+ Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Baker, Jr. Mrs. Carol Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Keyes Mr. and Mrs. John King Mrs. Sandra Andreas McMurtrie Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ryan Drs. Stuart and Zavia Scott Mr. and Mrs. Harvey F. Seegers Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stewart United Way of the National Capital Area Dr. Stefanie and Mr. Richard Vogel

Duchesne Circle $5,000+ Anonymous Mrs. Alicia BrownSH Mrs. Jeaneen Riely and Mr. David Cavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Conley, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davidsen ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Denger ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dolan Ms. Yvette Escudero ’84 Mr. and Mrs. John Mark Gidley Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gosnell Mr. and Mrs. William Kappaz Mrs. Catherine A. Ronan Karrels ’86 and Mr. James Karrels Ms. Cecilia Bonanni and Mr. Joseph A. Kenary Mr. and Mrs. Dae Kim Mr. and Mrs. Knight Austin Kiplinger Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Landau Mr. and Mrs. Kevin H. Lange Mr. and Mrs. David Ledecky Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Lovett Ms. Joan Morningstar and Mr. Timothy Lynes Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacBride Mrs. Dominique Verheyen Martinet ’62 Mr. and Mrs. William McMurtrie Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. E C. Mowry, IV Dr. and Mrs. Jose M. Ortega Mrs. Kathryn Potter Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Rogers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Round Ms. Patricia A. HeffernanSH and Mr. Patrick Rowan Hon. Philip E. Ruppe Mr. and Mrs. Matt Shannon

“As a graduate of the Sacred Heart School in Mexico City, I found in Stone Ridge my home away from home the moment our oldest daughter started thenJunior Kindergarten in 1980. I saw those five Goals instilled in my two daughters Karin ’94 and Ingrid ’97 throughout their life at Stone Ridge. Now, as young mothers, wives and career women, I see them still living by those Goals in their daily life. They not only received a fabulous intellectual education but also a sense of community and responsibility for others.” Cecilia Amtmann Schultz, Mexico City ‘68, mother of Karin A. Fuqua ‘94 and Ingrid A. Malchak ‘97 (pictured third from left at the 2017 Barat Reception with her husband Guillermo Schultz, past Trustee Dr. G.A. Balfour, and Ana Maria Balfour

Note: This Annual Report reflects donations received during the 2016-2017 fiscal year, which ran from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. Throughout the report, a superscripted “SH” (SH) indicates Sacred Heart alumnae, a cross (†) denotes a deceased member of the Stone Ridge community during the 2016-2017 academic year. The “Alumnae Blue/Gold Club” is a category designated for Stone Ridge alumnae only. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the names in this report. Please inform us of any errors or omissions at

Ms. Katharine Latimer and Mr. Richard Slaten Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strong Dr. Cecile Poupard‑Toner and Dr. Charles Toner Mr. and Mrs. Steven Trowern Mr. and Mrs. Adam Volanth Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wenger Mrs. Diane Duffield Wood ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Yost Drs. Lori and Thomas Zorc

Barat Circle $2,500+ Anonymous Ms. Jennifer Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Aronson Ms. Laura D. Baptiste ’89 and Mr. Brian H. Kildee Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bellaman Mr. John T. Bentivoglio Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boland Ms. Claudia Palena and Mr. Ezio Bonvini Mr. and Mrs. Hollis B. Brewer, III ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brophy Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry Brueggeman Drs. Kathleen and Louis Cantilena Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. CantonSH Ms. Annie Carey and Mr. Jonathan Sherman Drs. Gabrielle Virgo‑Carter and Ernest Carter Dr. and Mrs. Theodore P. Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Clark Mrs. Allison L. Alexander and Mr. Gregory B. Coleman Mrs. Julia Farr Connolly ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Cubbage, III Mr. John F. Dealy† Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Doane Ms. Mary G. Doar ’69 and Mr. Lawrence Walsh Drs. Ellen M. Dugan ’70 and Dennis A. Cullen Ms. Chrisellen R. Kolb and Mr. Charles J. Felker Dr. Mary‑Margaret Lewis and Mr. Brian Friel

Special Gift Clubs Benefactor $1,500+

Sponsor $1,000+


Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. W. Shepherdson Abell Mr. and Ms. Thomas Alexander Drs. Sima and Alexander Bakalian Hon. and Mrs. William P. Barr Mrs. Sabina Georgyeuria‑Agarouova and Mr. Jose Bello‑Ruiz Mr. and Mrs. Craig Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Black Mr. and Mrs. J. Tyler Blue Dr. and Mrs. Charles Bolan Mrs. Ruth Moreno and Mr. Ghalib Bradosti Ms. Molly R. Bryson ’89 Mrs. Adele C. Cahill ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Donny Carmichael ’79 Ms. Rebecca Trussell and Dr. Michael R. Cavey Ms. Cecily Chambliss ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. CharbonnetSH Drs. Sandra Kweder and Philip Coyne

Monica Daly ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Delaney Dr. Joseph DiZinno and Ms. Jacki Depew Mr. and Mrs. Brad Fennell Ms. Margaret E. Ferrenz ’05 Ms. Samantha B. Firstenberg ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Flannery Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Forsberg Mr. and Mrs. HongFa Gao Mr. and Mrs. Julian Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. F. Anthony Glowacki Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gomes Ms. Rose Greissing ’10 Mr. John H. Grover Ms. Kathryn Vigé Hicks and Mr. Peter Hicks ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hwang Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Ibe Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ingersoll Ms. Allison M. Ingram ’14 Mr. and Mrs. John Ingram Ms. Jessica Shoback Kane ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kiernan Ms. Meghan E. King ’03 Ms. Daphne L. Kiplinger ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Clifton KornegaySH Ms. Judith A. Hagley and Mr. Jonathan S. Lawlor Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lee Mr. and Mrs. Emory Linder, II Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Malloy Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Maresca Dr. and Mrs. Jeevan Mathura Ms. Linda D. McCabe‑Pietrucha ’88 and Col. Michael Pietrucha Mr. and Mrs. John J. McMackin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David McTague Mr. and Mrs. Francis Morrison ’66 Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Mike Muscatello Mr. and Mrs. Eric T. Myers ’79 Mr. and Mrs. John Myler ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart G. Nash ’83 Mr. and Mrs. John Nolan Dr. and Mrs. Michael Notarianni Mr. and Mrs. Ike Nweke Ms. Holley O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Olsen Mrs. Elizabeth C. Olson Mrs. Barbara Falge Openshaw ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Osberg ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O’Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. William Paul Mrs. Deborah J. Georgetti‑Piro and Mr. Ernest J. Piro Mr. and Mrs. Francis Purcell Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Rodgers Mrs. Christine Coffey Ryan ’67 and Mr. Thomas Graham Mr. and Mrs. John Sateri Ms. Kimberly Dettor and Mr. Charles Saxon Mr. and Ms. Michael Scanlon Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Schriefer Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Schropp Mrs. Marie Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shin Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Smith Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Smith Ms. Florence Cahill Stanley ’68

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Abell Mr. Evan Alexander Anchor Construction Corporation Ms. Stefanie L. Bachhuber ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Jan Baran ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barloon

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bittman Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brophy Mr. and Mrs. Jonas D. O. Campino Dr. Anne E. Carey and Dr. W. B. Lyons ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Christmas, II Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Ciatto Ms. Margaret Macdonald and Mr. Brian Colomb Mr. and Mrs. Doug Cooper Mr. and Mrs. John Cotter Dr. and Mrs. Juan J. Daboub Mr. and Mrs. David Di Martino Donohoe Advisory Associates Dr. Carroll Connolly Dunn and Mr. George Dunn ’69 Ease Technologies Mr. and Mrs. William F. Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Gallagher ’78 Mr. and Mrs. John Gilner Mr. and Mrs. David Giulieri ’88 Mrs. Mary Louise Kelly Gorman ’48 † Dr. Maria Defendini and Mr. Jason Hilton Hord Coplan Macht Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Horning Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jacocks Dr. and Mrs. Saeed Kronfli Mr. and Mrs. Jon E. Lindstrom Mr. and Mrs. Scott Macleod Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kent MangoldSH Hon. Kimberly Moore and Mr. Matthew Moore Mrs. Mary Frances O’Connor Moriarty ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Morsberger Ms. Joyeeta Das and Dr. Bhaswar Mukhopadhyay Ms. Kathryn Kelly and Mr. Frank Musica Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Netram Normandy Carpet Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rhodes Ridgewells Drs. Tracy and Brian Rinehart ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ruff, IIISH Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rumford, III Mr. and Mrs. Gaby A. Sader Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Seitz Mr. and Mrs. Mark N. Shank Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Neal Slimp, II Mr. and Mrs. Chet Thompson Mr. and Mrs. William E. Topercer Dr. Deborah D’Souza‑Vazirani and Mr. Ashish Vazirani Ms. Taylor Wynn ’15


Dr. Katy Rezaei and Dr. Hamid Ghasemi Ms. Amy L. Howe and Mr. Thomas Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Brett Greene Mr. and Dr. Harmon ’83 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Heckler Mr. and Mrs. Howard Heiss Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hohman Ms. Kathleen Merlo and Mr. Daniel Ilisevich Ms. Ellen O’Brien and Mr. Michael H. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Michael Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Jordan ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kaminski Mr. and Mrs. George M. Kappaz Mr. and Mrs. Richard Karo ’74 Ms. Victoria Corderi‑Keane and Mr. Brian W. Keane Mr. and Mrs. Michael Q. KeeganSH Ms. Sarah A. Miller and Mr. Michael J. King Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kushan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Lennon ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Manca Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Manderscheid Mr. and Mrs. Jose Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. MasseySH Ms. Eileen C. Mayer ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLean ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Menaker Dr. and Dr. Andrew Montemarano Dr. Kathleen Mullaney and Mr. Mark Mullaney Mr. and Ms. Gregory Nickerson Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. O’Connor ’83 Dr. and Mrs. Gregg Pane Mr. P. David Pappert Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Paravano Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Derik T. Perry Dr. and Mrs. Craig Person Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Porto Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Rayder Mrs. Catherine Regan and Dr. Shazaad Ally Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Ricketts Ms. Kristi Mitchell and Mr. Ignacio Rojas Dr. and Mrs. James Ronan Ms. Mary Ellen Ruff ’90 Dr. Suzanne Gleason and Dr. Chetan Sanghvi Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Siffermann Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Spina ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sporidis Mr. and Mrs. William Stallings Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Suk Mr. and Mrs. William Topercer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tyson Ms. Nicole Ionita and Mr. Peter Van Vloten Mr. David Welling Wells Fargo Foundation Ms. Bonnie Washington and Mr. Greg White Ms. Laura E. TeranSH and Mr. Benito ZapataSH



Mr. and Mrs. Richard Starmann, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Steuart Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stull ’69 Mrs. Moira W. Sutton ’91 Dr. Anthony J. Tambasco and Mrs. Anne Stewart The John A. Hartford Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jon Thibodeau ThinkFoodGroup Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Todd Mrs. Susanne Sheil Turner and Mr. Brendan Turner Mr. and Mrs. George R. Tydings Mr. and Mrs. Sean Warfield Mr. Chris L. Wellisz and Mrs. Anna Chodakiewicz Wellisz Dr. Beverley Robinson Wheeler ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Wienecke Dr. Tricia Zhang and Mr. Talmadge Williams Ms. Jayne O’Donnell and Mr. Richard Willing Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Winkler Mr. and Mrs. William T. Wood ’67 Mrs. Diane Lloyd Yaeger ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Yang

Alumnae Blue/Gold Club Patricia Aiken-O’Neill Mrs. Jeanne Beckham Andronowitz Ms. Stefanie L. Bachhuber Ms. Laura D. Baptiste Mrs. Kathryn Kavanagh Baran Ms. Raphaël Maria Bastian Mrs. Charlotte Ford Birch Mrs. Margaret Mary Charles Brault Mrs. Susan Hilliard Brewer Ms. Kelsey E. Brigati Ms. Molly R. Bryson Mrs. Shannon Boland Burkhart Mrs. Robert L. Cahill, Jr. Dr. Anne E. Carey Mrs. Sheila Byrd Carmichael Ms. Meaghan M. Carrigan Ms. Cecily Chambliss Mrs. Julia Farr Connolly Ms. Megan Daly Mrs. Elizabeth Boggs Davidsen Mrs. Mary Colbert Denger Ms. Mary Gael Doar Mrs. Karen Kappaz Donatelli Dr. Ellen M. Dugan Dr. Carroll Connolly Dunn Mrs. Grace Tamm Escudero Mrs. Mary Counihan Feliciano Ms. Margaret E. Ferrenz Mrs. Tracy Kalil Ferridge Ms. Samantha B. Firstenberg Mrs. Sheila Burke Flanagan Mrs. Roxanne Foster Foshee Mrs. Catherine Shook Gallagher Patricia Geuting, RSCJ Mrs. Christina Fry Giulieri Ms. Alyssa M. Granger Mrs. Elisabeth Kirby Greissing Ms. Rose Greissing Ms. Virginia M. Hagan Dr. Laurie Donahue Harmon Mrs. Theo Tuomey Hayes Mrs. Amanda McMurtrie Herndon

Ms. Kathryn Vigé Hicks Ms. Laura E. Hill Mrs. Eileen Hoffmann Holston Mrs. Lydia Almon Hornbaker Ms. Allison M. Ingram Mrs. Natalia del Canto Jordan Mrs. Karen Horstman Kamerick Ms. Jessica Shoback Kane Mrs. Monica Shaffer Karo Mrs. Catherine Ronan Karrels Dr. Patricia Kavanagh Ms. Meghan E. King Ms. Daphne L. Kiplinger Ms. Marie Isabel Laurion Mrs. Carrie Graham Lee Mrs. Stephanie Farr Lennon Mrs. Melissa Callahan Lesmes Mrs. Catharine Nicolaides Lyons Mrs. Dominique Verheyen Martinet Ms. Erin B. Mathews Ms. Eileen C. Mayer Ms. Linda D. McCabe-Pietrucha Dr. Mary McGrane Dr. Sheila M. McGuirk Mrs. Christine Herrell McLean Mrs. Constance Shaffer Mitchell Mrs. Mary Frances O’Connor Moriarty Mrs. Katherine McInerney Morris Mrs. Sally Murphy Morrison Mrs. Christine McCarrick Myers Mrs. Patricia Wimsatt Myler Mrs. Mary Ruppe Nash Mrs. Mary Nordberg O’Connor Mrs. Barbara Falge Openshaw Mrs. Christina Perez Osberg Mrs. Alicia Brown Powers Mrs. Meghan McMurtrie Quinn Dr. Amy C. Richardson Dr. Laura L. Richardson Dr. Tracy Taylor Rinehart Mrs. Corinne Boggs Roberts Ms. Mary Ellen Ruff Mrs. Christine Coffey Ryan Ms. Tara Fettig Ryan Mrs. Paris Keena Scott Mrs. Betsy Hoy Shiverick Mrs. Nancy Hervey Skonberg Mrs. Maria Doultsinos Spina Mrs. Wendy Pappert Stanislav Ms. Florence Cahill Stanley Mrs. Maureen Ferguson Steiner Mrs. Julie Duvall Stull Ms. Corinne Christmas Sullivan Mrs. Emily Bates Sullivan Mrs. Moira W. Sutton Mrs. Joan Gillespie Swift Ms. Sandra Theunick Ms. Kathryn E. Tomlin-Mathews Sheryl A. Watkins Wilbon Dr. Beverley Robinson Wheeler Mrs. Jennifer Loving Williams Mrs. Diane Duffield Wood Mrs. Marie Robey Wood Ms. Jessica M. Wyble Ms. Taylor Wynn Mrs. Diane Lloyd Yaeger

Cornerstone Donors The Cornerstone Society recognizes loyal supporters who have sustained their philanthropic support of the School through The Stone Ridge Fund. Mr. and Mrs. W. Shepherdson Abell Mr. and Mrs. Allen A. Absalon Ms. Flavia Aguieiras Ms. Patricia Aiken-O’Neill ’62 and Dr. John O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Victor I. Akagha Ms. Mariam Al-Hamad ’05 Ms. Jacqueline Albarran ’67 and Mr. Mario Mendoza Ms. Beatriz Albornoz ’10 Ms. Tracy Velazquez and Mr. Dennis Alexander Ms. Eleanore A. Alexander ’05 Mr. and Ms. Thomas Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Hassan Ali ’80 Ms. Gillian Amoako-Atta and Mr. Andrew Atta Anchor Construction Corporation Dr. and Mrs. John Anderson Mr. and Mrs. William R. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Christos T. Antoniou Mr. J. B. Anwyll Ms. Yaa Apori Ms. Alisha F. Armstrong ’86 Ms. Marina Atchison ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Attar Dr. Devereux Audilet Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Ayala Dr. Sussan Paydar and Mr. Peyman N. Azizi Ms. Stefanie L. Bachhuber ’82 Ms. Michelle M. Bailer ’87 Drs. Sima and Alexander Bakalian Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Baker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Balaban Mrs. Jennifer Chalmers Balbach ’87 and Mr. Carl Teo Balbach Mr. and Mrs. John Baldini Dr. and Mrs. G.A. Balfour Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Ball, Jr. ’52 Ms. Laura D. Baptiste ’89 and Mr. Brian H. Kildee Mr. and Mrs. Jan Baran ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barloon Hon. and Mrs. William P. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Barry Dr. Alice Bassford Ms. Raphaël M. Bastian ’83 and Mr. James Boink Ms. Meredith J. Bates ’09 Mr. and Mrs. David Beachler Dr. and Mrs. Nabih Bedewi Mr. and Mrs. Kevin BelfordSH Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bellaman Mrs. Sabina Georgyeuria-Agarouova and Mr. Jose Bello-Ruiz Mr. John T. Bentivoglio Mrs. Leonora Rocca Bernheisel ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Besozzi Mrs. Julia Rumford Bethune ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Biffl Ms. Kate Bigler Ms. Janet W. Birenbaum ’75 and Mr. Charles Birenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bittman Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Black Ms. Kathleen Blackwood ’74 and Mr. Bill Cowper Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Blakely Ms. Anna M. Blockowicz ’14

Mr. and Mrs. J. Tyler Blue Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boland Ms. Claudia Palena and Mr. Ezio Bonvini Mr. and Mrs. Brian Boots ’93 Mr. and Mrs. George M. Borababy Ms. Carla A. Bosco ’89 Mrs. Brittany Coale Bourassa ’03 Dr. Rachelle Bowman and Mr. Lindy Bowman Dr. and Mr. Danielle Brabazon Dr. and Mrs. Eric Bradshaw Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bramble Ms. Lindsay B. Bratun ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brault Mrs. Maria Bravo-Cubillan and Mr. Jose Cubillan Mr. and Mrs. Hollis B. Brewer, III ’87 Mr. and Mrs. David M. Brigati Mr. and Mrs. Luis Brill Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brophy Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brophy Mrs. Alicia BrownSH Ms. Lauren Brownlee Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry Brueggeman Ms. Cynthia Lewis and Dr. Fred C. Bruhweiler Ms. Margaret Bollo Ms. Molly R. Bryson ’89 Mr. and Mrs. James Buie ’70 Ms. Joan E. Burnes Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Burns Ms. Alexandra L. Burris ’11 Mrs. Wilma L. Burris Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Bush ’63 Mr. and Mrs. David Byers Mrs. Robert L. Cahill, Jr. ’58 Mrs. Elizabeth Malia Calhoun ’83 Ms. Frances B. Call ’58 Ms. Bridget C. Campbell ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Campino Drs. Kathleen and Louis Cantilena Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. CantonSH Mr. and Mrs. John Capehart Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cappel Dr. Anne E. Carey ’67 and Dr. W. B. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Carey Mr. and Mrs. Maurice E. Carino ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Donny Carmichael ’79

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr Drs. Gabrielle Virgo-Carter and Ernest Carter Mr. and Mrs. John Carty ’55 Mrs. Christina Besozzi Cary ’01 Mrs. Esther Christmas Cassidy ’51 Mr. and Mrs. William Caudle Ms. Rebecca Trussell and Dr. Michael R. Cavey Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Chambers Dr. and Mrs. Theodore P. Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. CharbonnetSH Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cholis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Cass Walker Christenson ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Costas Christou ’84 Dr. and Mrs. Robert Chu Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Ciatto Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cibel Mr. and Mrs. John Ciccone Drs. Charles and Irim Ciolino ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ciotti Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Clark Mr. Kevin and Dr. Nancy Clark Ms. Nancy Lewis Clark ’62† Ms. Mary-Louise Tracy Coates ’72 and Cmdr. Edward Coates Mr. and Mrs. Craig Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cohen ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Colbert Mrs. Allison L. Alexander and Mr. Gregory B. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Collins Ms. Margaret Macdonald and Mr. Brian Colomb Ms. Rhonda Neil and Mr. Peter Condron Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Conley, Sr. Mrs. Lisa Walters Conlon ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connell Mrs. Courtney Holland Connor ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew N. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey A. Corbett ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Core Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cormack Mr. and Mrs. John Cotter Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cowan Mr. and Mrs. David Craig Mrs. Patricia Devereux Crowley ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Cubbage, III Ms. Michael Anne Cullen ’95

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cummiskey Mrs. Amity Wall Curry’ 95 Mr. and Mrs. Owen Curtis ’67 Ms. Constance Cushman ’64 and Dr. John O’Grady Dr. and Mrs. Juan J. Daboub Dr. and Mrs. William Dahut Mrs. Mary Barr Daly ’96 Monica Daly ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Daly ’67 Ms. Kathy J. Daniel ’73 Mr. and Mrs. David Daniel ’82 Ms. Dorsey Davidge Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davidsen ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Davidson Mr. and Mrs. D’Andre Davis ’80 Ms. Marie T. C. De La Cruz ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Cedric de Purcell ’61 Mrs. Hannibal de Schmertzing Mr. John F. Dealy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Delaney Ms. Heather Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Denger ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Devaney ’57 Mr. and Mrs. William DeVeaux Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Devine Mr. and Mrs. David Di Martino Mr. and Mrs. David D. DiBari Dr. Joseph DiZinno and Ms. Jacki Depew Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Doane Ms. Mary G. Doar ’69 and Mr. Lawrence Walsh Mr. and Mrs. A. Redmond Doms, Jr. ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Donatelli ’88 Mrs. Dolores Vaca Donihi ’64 Ms. Diana Saenz and Mr. Daniel Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Kieran Doran ’87 Ms. Elizabeth Dorn ’09 Ms. Christine Dorr ’96 Ms. Joy Dorsey Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Doyle Ms. Isabelle Drake and Mr. Zdenek Becka Drs. Ellen M. Dugan ’70 and Dennis A. Cullen Dr. Mary Margaret Dugan ’69 Mrs. Donna Duke Dr. Michele Porter Maiberger Duvall ’91 and Mr. Christopher Duvall

(pictured third from left with Grade 5 classmates)


Carl and Pinkie Mayfield, parents of Sydney ‘25

As an active member of the Lower School Father’s Club, my daughter and I have been especially blessed by the activities and special celebrations. I am looking forward to the next chapters of Middle and Upper School, being actively involved, and making many more Stone Ridge memories. The Stone Ridge experience has not only been amazing for our daughter in shaping all of who she will become, but it has been fantastic for our family!”


“Each day we send our daughter to school knowing that she is being prepared to lead in faith with the confidence that she can change the world and that is exactly the woman we want her to become!



Anne Dyer, RSCJ ’55 Ease Technologies Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Edwards ’83 Mr. Stephen Elmendorf Mr. and Mrs. Edward Emerson Mr. and Mrs. Erin Ersenkal ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Mario Escudero ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Matt Ewart Dr. Olga ’58 and Mr. Carl Fairfax Mr. and Mrs. William F. Farmer Mrs. Elizabeth Farr Ms. Karen Farrell ’05 Dr. and Mrs. Paul Farrell, Jr. Drs. Angela P. Noguera and Ali R. Fassihi Dr. and Mrs. Richard Fazio Mr. and Mrs. Philip Feliciano ’70 Ms. Chrisellen R. Kolb and Mr. Charles J. Felker Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Feller Ms. Mia Feller ’10 Ms. Maria N. Fisher and Mr. Charles R. Fendig Mr. and Mrs. Brad Fennell Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ferridge ’83 Ms. Samantha B. Firstenberg ’09 Drs. Alan and Diana Fischler Mrs. Elizabeth Garrett Fitzpatrick ’79 Ms. Jennifer A. Flanagan ’14 Dr. and Mrs. Eamon Flanagan ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Flannery Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Flood Mr. and Mrs. Chris Flynn Ms. Mary Margaret Flynn ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Fogarty ’87 Ms. Stephany Fontanone Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Forsberg Mr. and Mrs. David Foshee ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Franco Ms. Judith Ann Freitag Dr. Mary-Margaret Lewis and Mr. Brian Friel Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Fritz ’95 Ms. Marilynn Jean Fuller ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Gallagher ’78 Mrs. Meagan Barry Gallagher ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Gamble Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Gannon ’86 Mr. and Mrs. HongFa Gao Mrs. Mary F. Patrick and Mr. John A. Garate Ms. Anna E. Gasaway ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gasaway Mr. and Mrs. Kin P. Gee Mr. and Mrs. Art Gehringer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gentilcore Mrs. Emmeline V. George Ms. Elizabeth Gerber ’10 Patricia Geuting, RSCJ ’52 Drs. Katy Rezaei and Hamid Ghasemi Ms. Elise C. Gillette ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gillick ’89 Mr. and Mrs. John Gilner Ms. Kari L. Ginsburg ’99 and Mr. James Finley Mr. and Mrs. David Giulieri ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glasgow ’48 Mr. and Mrs. F. Anthony Glowacki Mr. and Mrs. Michael Glynn Ms. Kathleen A. Glynn-Sparrow and Mr. George Sparrow Mr. and Mrs. Ned D. Goldberg

Ms. Amy L. Howe and Mr. Thomas Goldstein Ms. Erin P. Donovan and Mr. Robert W. Goodson Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Gorbsky Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gosnell Ms. Alyssa M. Granger ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Barry Granger Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Green Mr. and Mrs. Edward Greissing ’68 Ms. Rose Greissing ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Grenfell Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Gunza ’76 Ms. Kathleen S. Gurzo ’01 Ms. Virginia M. Hagan ’72 Mr. and Mrs. David Hagerty ’89 Ms. Susan Bozinko and Mr. Robert Hahne Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Hailey ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haley Mr. and Mrs. William A. HamiltonSH Ms. Margaret A. Hanlon ’82 Ms. Mary A. Hanlon ’88 and Mr. Ken C. Amaditz Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hansen Mrs. June M. Drummond and Mr. Gregory Harrington Ms. Nancy Harris Harris Teeter Ms. Robin Harwood Ms. Vaswati Hasson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Hayes ’73 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Heckler Mr. and Dr. Erland Heginbotham Mr. and Mrs. Howard Heiss Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Heming Drs. Anselm and Heather Hennis Ms. Carol Herndon ’65 and Mr. Paul Bennett Dr. Ileana C. Herrell Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Higgins Ms. Laura E. Hill ’88 and Mr. Marc Kunney Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hilliard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hilliard Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hills ’84 Dr. and Mrs. John Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hohman Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Holden, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm B. Hollensteiner Mr. and Mrs. James Holston ’84 Mr. and Mrs. John Holt Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Hopkins ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Horning Mr. and Mrs. Jon Howard Mr. and Mrs. Donald O. Hurley ’64 Mr. and Mrs. William Hurley, III ’80 Mrs. Carolina Menor and Mr. Ramon Hurtado Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hwang Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Iandoli ’92 Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Ibe Ms. Kathleen Merlo and Mr. Daniel Ilisevich Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ingersoll Ms. Allison M. Ingram ’14 Mr. and Mrs. John Ingram Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jacocks Ms. Joconde Gaubert and Mr. Gérald Jean-Pierre Mrs. Sara-Blake Fornaciari Jernigan ’03 Mr. and Mrs. William Jerro Mr. and Mrs. Eric Johnson Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Nate Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin H. Johnson ’63 Mrs. Mary Haynes Johnson ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Vernon W. Johnson, III Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Johnston ’64 Ms. Susan Suss Jones ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Jordan ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kamerick ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Kameros Mrs. Margaret Gehres Kane ’69 Mr. and Mrs. George M. Kappaz Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kapust Ms. Aveen N. Karim ’07 Mrs. Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 and Mr. James Karrels Mr. and Mrs. Sean Keegan ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Q. KeeganSH Mrs. Jacqueline Cremen Keeshan ’54 Ms. Margaret Mary Keppel Kelley ’62 Ms. Eleanor Kelly ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Bart Kelly ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Rumnea Kelly ’91 Ms. Cecilia Bonanni and Mr. Joseph A. Kenary Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kenary Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kenny Ms. Katherine duFief Keogh ’57 Ms. Maria Kessides ’99 Ms. Denise E. Key Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Keyes Mr. and Mrs. Vince Kiernan Mrs. Crescence Courtney Kilcoyne ’54 Mr. and Mrs. Dae Kim Mrs. Susan Coffman-King and Mr. James King Mr. and Mrs. John King Ms. Mary C. King ’08 Ms. Sarah A. Miller and Mr. Michael J. King Ms. Maureen Gormley and Mr. James Kinkead Ms. Daphne L. Kiplinger ’03 Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Knack


Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. O’Connor ’83 Ms. Jean O’Conor ’63 and Mr. J. Kent Shaw Dr. James F. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Jack O’Hara Ms. Sarah J. O’Herron ’90 and Mr. Edward H. Boyce Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O’Sullivan Drs. Maura Emerson and Guillermo Olivos Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Olsen Mrs. Elizabeth C. Olson Karen Olson, RSCJSH Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Ondeck Mrs. Barbara Falge Openshaw ’53 Dr. and Mrs. Jose M. Ortega Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Osberg ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ott ’99 Mr. Deepak T. Pai Mrs. Rekha D. Pai Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Paley ’86 Dr. and Mrs. Gregg Pane Mr. P. David Pappert Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Paravano Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Martin Payne Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pearlman ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Derik T. Perry Dr. and Mrs. Craig Person Ms. Sophia C. Peters ’03 Ms. Andrea Phipps Mr. and Mrs. Peter Piringer Mrs. Deborah J. Georgetti-Piro and Mr. Ernest J. Piro Ms. Meredith Plaine ’11 Dr. Laura A. Egan Pontzer ’87 and Mr. Daniel Pontzer Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Porto Mr. and Mrs. Robert Posniewski Mr. and Mrs. James F. Powers ’78 Ms. Patricia Prince Ms. Viki Betancourt and Mr. Leonard Proctor Dr. and Mrs. Marcelo Quezado ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Quinn ’87 Ms. Anabel Quintero and Mr. Jeff DiGioia Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Rayder Ms. Amna Hussain and Mr. Syed Raza Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Rebovich Mrs. Patricia Conaghan Redmond ’54 Mrs. Catherine Regan and Dr. Shazaad Ally Mr. and Mrs. Adam Reilly ’99 Dr. Monica Rengifo-Pardo Ms. Sif Thorgeirsson and Mr. Carlos Reyes Mrs. Lynn Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rhodes Mr. Juan Riberas and Mrs. Belen Orjales Dr. Amy C. Richardson ’72 Dr. Laura L. Richardson ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Richardson Ms. Patricia M. Richey ’08 Mr. Thomas Richey ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Ricketts Ms. Marissa Tan and Mr. Preston Rico Mr. and Mrs. Paul Riekhof Ms. Mary K. Riley ’07 Drs. Tracy ’85 and Brian Rinehart Mr. and Mrs. David Riordan ’68 Dr. Maria and Mr. Jose Rios Mrs. Patricia Ritter Mrs. Margarita Riva-Geoghegan ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Steven V. Roberts ’60 Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts Sr.

Mrs. Catherine McClave Mr. Malcolm McCluskey Mr. and Mrs. Steven McCown ’67 Hon. Regina C. McGranery ’63 Mr. and Mrs. William P. McInerny ’59 Ms. Aileen McKenna ’72 and Mr. Gregory Rorke Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLean ’84 Mr. and Mrs. John J. McMackin, Jr. Mrs. Sandra Andreas McMurtrie Mr. and Mrs. David McTague Ms. Laura de OñaSH and Mr. Atul Mehta Mrs. Doris M. Meissner Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Menaker Mr. and Mrs. Phillip K. Merkle Ms. Katherine Meyer ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Barry M. Miller Mr. and Mrs. James S. Minogue, IIISH Mr. and Mrs. Manuel S. Miranda Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mitchell ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Mitchell Drs. Andrew and Huda Montemarano Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery Ms. Montiel-Bodelle and Mr. Bodelle Ms. Anabelle Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Morgan Mrs. Mary Frances O’Connor Moriarty ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Moriarty Mr. and Mrs. George Moriarty ’65 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Morris ’78 Mr. and Mrs. David P. Morrow Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Morrow Mr. and Mrs. Louis Morsberger Ms. Margaret Morton ’69 and Mr. Robert Babbitt Mr. and Mrs. E. Clayton Mowry, IV Ms. Denise Ferrenz and Mr. Peter N. Moyer Mrs. Karolen Linderman Muhlke ’63 Ms. Joyeeta Das and Dr. Bhaswar Mukhopadhyay Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Muldoon, Jr. Dr. Kathleen and Mr. Mark Mullaney Mr. and Ms. Stephen Mullery III Mr. and Mrs. Carlos A. Muñoz ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Takahisa Murakami Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy ’76 Mrs. Karen C. Murphy Mrs. Diane Mears Musgrove ’55 Ms. Kathryn Kelly and Mr. Frank Musica Ms. Brigid S. Myler ’03 Mr. and Mrs. John Myler ’64 Ms. Anna G. Mysliwiec ’07 Ms. Carla Nally Mr. and Mrs. Stuart G. Nash ’83 Mr. and Ms. Steven J. Ness Mrs. Mary Bergson Newman ’68 Mr. and Ms. Gregory Nickerson Ms. Rosemary Nidiry ’87 Ms. Amy Nist ’86 and Mr. Douglas Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Victor Njuki Mr. and Mrs. John Nolan Ms. Carol Ann Noonan ’91 Ms. Kathryn M. Noonan ’87 and Mr. Doug Tracht Mr. and Mrs. Rob Norris Dr. Patricia M. Notario ’02 Drs. Sofia Patricia Becerra and Vicente Notario Drs. Lillian and Glen Nuckolls Ms. Holley O’Brien Ms. Susan O’Callaghan-Davis ’71 and Mr. Kevin Davis


Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Korte Mrs. Elizabeth Mertinko Kramer ’88 Dr. and Mrs. Saeed Kronfli Ms. Christine Kuppens Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kushan Drs. Maryellen ’69 and T. Rogers Kyle Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Landau Mr. and Mrs. Kevin H. Lange Ms. Marie Isabel Laurion ’88 Ms. Judith A. Hagley and Mr. Jonathan S. Lawlor Mr. Scott Lawrence Ms. Carolyn Leep and Dr. James Lazar Mr. and Mrs. John F. Leahy Mrs. Mary Frances Long Leahy ’64 Mr. and Mrs. David Ledecky Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lee ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lee Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Leinhauser ’82 Ms. Carla Cullati and Mr. Laerte Leiroz Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Lemon Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Lennon ’83 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Leonard, III ’64 Mr. and Mrs. George S. Lesmes ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Jon E. Lindstrom Ms. and Mr. Catherine Lipka Mr. and Ms. Xiang Liu Dr. Maureen O’Hagan Lobb ’73 and Mr. Will Lobb Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Long Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Lovett, III ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Lovett Mr. and Mrs. Craig Lowenthal ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Sayre Ludlow ’85 Mrs. Jennifer Scott Lukens ’87 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lynch ’55 Ms. Linda M. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. William Lynch Ms. Joan Morningstar and Mr. Timothy Lynes Mr. and Mrs. David Lyons ’77 Ms. Margaret MacWhirter ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Mahoney ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Donald MaibergerSH Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Maloney ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Maloney Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Manderscheid Ms. Susan P. JaquetSH and Mr. Philippe J. Marciniak Mr. and Mrs. Mulugeta Marcus Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Maresca Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mark, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marks Ms. Laura A. Cordero and Mr. Policarpio A. Marmolejos Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Martin Mrs. Dominique Verheyen Martinet ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Jose Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. MasseySH Mr. Alan E. Mataldi Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Matan Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Mathews, Jr. Ms. Erin B. Mathews ’10 Ms. Eileen C. Mayer ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Mayfield Ms. Elizabeth Maze ’80 and Mr. Brian Dorris Mrs. Mary Hayden Cullen McAlister ’05 Ms. Linda D. McCabe-Pietrucha ’88 and Col. Michael Pietrucha Ms. Ellen A. McCarthy ’65 and Mr. Charles T. Howell



“I contribute to the Stone Ridge Fund because I believe in the mission of Sacred Heart education. I give to give back to a community that has given me so much and so other girls (and boys) can grow to love and appreciate this mission too.” Kathryn Bonner Gillick ’89, mother of Ellie ’30 and Lower School Faculty member (pictured with daughter Ellie ’30)

Sharise Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Roche Mrs. Anne Brown Rodgers ’72 and Mr. Richard Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Rodgers Mrs. Roseanne RodilossoSH Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Mark Romano Mr. and Mrs. Gene Romanosky ’86 Mrs. Grace Demetrovits Ronan ’83 Dr. and Mrs. James Ronan Mr. Peter Rook Ms. Simone E. Ross ’84 Mr. and Mrs. James Round Ms. Patricia A. HeffernanSH and Mr. Patrick Rowan Mrs. Dolores Royston ’55 Ms. Mary Ellen Ruff ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ruff, IIISH Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ruffin Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rumford, III Ms. Aprille Russell ’96 Mrs. Christine Coffey Ryan ’67 and Mr. Thomas Graham Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ryan Ms. Tara Fettig Ryan ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Gaby A. Sader Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Saferstein ’88 Mrs. Elaine Trimble Saiz ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sales Drs. Suzanne Gleason and Chetan Sanghvi Mr. and Mrs. John Sateri Mr. and Mrs. Mike Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Martin N. Schaller ’61 Dr. Mary Ann Scherer ’69 and Dr. James Scherer Dr. and Mrs. John C. Schoeb ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Schriefer Dr. and Mrs. Guillermo SchultzSH Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schutzman ’06 Ms. Robyn N. Schwartzman ’08 Mr. and Mrs. James Sclafani Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sclafani Mrs. Paris Keena Scott ’74 Drs. Zavia and Stuart Scott Mr. and Mrs. William W. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Harvey F. Seegers Ms. Kelly M. Seegers ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Seitz Mr. and Mrs. Robert ShafferSH Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shaia Mr. and Mrs. Mark N. Shank Mr. and Mrs. Matt Shannon Dr. Michele Shannon ’89 and Mr. Miklos Gaszner Ms. Laila E. Sharafi ’07 Ms. Patricia Shea ’86

Mr. and Mrs. David C. Sheldon Mr. and Mrs. H. Austin Sheppard Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Shields ’66 Hon. and Mrs. Alan Shiff ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Shiverick ’78 Mrs. Jennifer Shoemaker-Trinh Mr. Richard K. Shullaw Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Siffermann Mrs. Mary Zlatin Sifton ’62 Dr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Sinkford, III Ms. Jessica C. Siri ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Neal Slimp, II Ms. Elizabeth A. Smigel ’72 and Mr. Theodore Bain Ms. Kate Kathleen Hallahan Smith ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Helio Souza Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Spina ’87 Ms. Kati Jo Spisak Mr. and Mrs. William Stallings Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stanislav ’84 Mr. Robert M. Stayner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Steiner ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Bret D. Stine Dr. Anne Henry Stoe ’68 and Mr. Warren Stoel Ms. Anne E. Strand ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Strand Mr. and Mrs. David Strandberg Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strong Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strumpen-Darrie ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stull ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Suarez Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Suk Ms. Cathleen M. Sullivan ’11 Ms. Corinne Christmas Sullivan ’56 Mrs. Holly Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. J. Thiel Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. James Sullivan Ms. Suzanne M. Sullivan ’93 Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Joan Gillespie Swift ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Grant Takahashi Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Talcott ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Matt Taylor ’98 Ms. Jean Anne McAllister Taylor ’61 Dr. Elizabeth A. Teamey ’94 and Mr. Kyle Teamey Mr. and Mrs. W. Randolph Teslik Ms. Sandra Theunick ’64 Mrs. Margaret Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Thompson ’76 Drs. Snorri and Unnuri Thorgeirsson Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Thurston Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Tobias Ms. Natalie A. Tobias ’14

Ms. Kathryn E. Tomlin-Mathews ’05 Drs. Cecile Poupard-Toner and Charles Toner Mr. and Mrs. William Topercer Mr. and Mrs. William E. Topercer Dr. Elizabeth South Trimble ’81 Mrs. Anna Marie Parisi-Trone and Mr. Robert Trone Ms. Sara D. Trujillo ’76 and Mr. Gerard L. Lederer Ms. Demetra Tsantes Mrs. Susanne Sheil Turner and Mr. Brendan Turner Dr. and Mrs. R. Scott Turner Mr. and Mrs. George R. Tydings Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tyson United Way of the National Capital Area Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Urbanski Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Valaik Mrs. Maryan Valaik Ms. Nicole Ionita and Mr. Peter Van Vloten Mrs. Marie Riordan Van Wyk ’48 Drs. Adeline and Glenn Bruce Vanderver Dr. Deborah D’Souza-Vazirani and Mr. Ashish Vazirani Ms. Julie C. Verratti ’97 Mr. James A. Vidas Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vining Dr. Stefanie and Mr. Richard Vogel Mr. and Mrs. Adam Volanth Mrs. Ruth Columbus Wade ’64 Ms. Jeanne Marcotte Wagner ’84 Mr. Robert A. Walker Ms. Claire Cunningham and Mr. Philip Ward Mr. and Mrs. Sean Warfield Mrs. Sheryl A. Watkins Wilbon ’84 and Mr. Michael Wilbon Mr. Chris L. Wellisz and Mrs. Anna Chodakiewicz Wellisz Drs. Susan and James Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wendel Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wenger Ms. Miranda Whitmore Mrs. Nancy Wiegand Ms. Jennifer Wildt ’96 and Mr. Graham Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Wilkerson Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Will Mrs. Barbara Williams ’65 Dr. Tricia Zhang and Mr. Talmadge Williams Ms. Jayne O’Donnell and Mr. Richard Willing Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Willingham Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson Dr. Lisa M. Wiltrout ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Winek Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Winkler Mr. and Mrs. Marc-Henri Winter Mrs. Diane Duffield Wood ’53

Mrs. Nancy Woodward Mr. and Mrs. Steven Worth Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Wraase ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Warren V. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Yang Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Yost Dr. and Ms. James F. Young Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Young ’81 Ms. Barbara Ware-Yuwono and Mr. Leonardus Yuwono Ms. Laura E. TeranSH and Mr. Benito ZapataSH Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Zepp Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Zingone Ms. Colleen E. Zorc ’11 Drs. Lori and Thomas Zorc Mrs. Pamela McCullough Zusi ’62

The Stone Ridge Fund Gifts Contributions to The Stone Ridge Fund make possible our faith community, excellent curriculum, superb faculty and staff, and outstanding arts and athletics programming. It means keeping the education you love affordable for all of our students and their families. Thank you to the 1,450 individual donors this year who contributed more than $1.2 million during the 20162017 school year. This support would not have been possible without the dedicated team of volunteers who reached out to their peers to support the School.

2016-2017 Trustees 100% Participation Mrs. Suzanne D Canton SH Dr. Gabrielle N. Virgo-Carter Mrs. Karen Dahut Mrs. Elizabeth Davidsen ’80 Mr. William F. Farmer Patricia Geuting, RSCJ ’52 Mr. Edward Greissing Mrs. Kristen Hohman Mrs. Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 Mr. Charles M. Mathews, Jr. Helen McCulloch, RSCJ Karen Olson, RSCJ SH Mrs. Sara P. O’Neil-Manion ’68 Mr. Derik T. Perry Dr. Amy C. Richardson ’72 Mr. Harvey F. Seegers Mr. Robert A. Stewart Mrs. Anna Marie Parisi-Trone Mr. Benito Zapata SH

Done in 45

In early October, the Done in 45 campaign launched for current parents. The tremendous efforts of our parent volunteers, under the leadership of Co-Chairs Brian Friel and Amy Howe, resulted in 70% of current parents making a commitment to The Stone Ridge Fund during the 45-day time period.

Class of 2017 • 56%

Drs. Sima and Alexander Bakalian--confirm Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Bell Ms. Marlen McKinney and Mr. John Bellaschi Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Blakely Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boland Dr. and Mrs. Eric Bradshaw Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brophy Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry Brueggeman Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Burns Mrs. Wilma L. Burris Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr Dr. and Mrs. Theodore P. Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Cass Walker Christenson ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Collins Mr. and Mrs. Spero Courtis Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cummiskey Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Delaney Mr. and Mrs. William DeVeaux Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Devine Mr. and Mrs. David D. DiBari Dr. Joseph DiZinno and Ms. Jacki Depew Drs. Alan and Diana Fischler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haley Drs. Anselm and Heather Hennis Dr. and Mrs. John Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hohman Mr. and Mrs. John Holt Mr. and Mrs. Jon Howard Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hwang Mr. and Mrs. Michael Klein† Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Knack Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kushan Mr. and Mrs. John F. Leahy Mr. and Ms. Xiang Liu Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Long Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Lovett Mr. and Mrs. Jose Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mayer Mr. and Mrs. David McTague Dr. Kathleen and Mr. Mark Mullaney Mr. and Ms. Stephen Mullery III Dr. and Mrs. Jose M. Ortega Ms. Andrea Phipps Mr. and Mrs. David Pitts Dr. Monica Rengifo-Pardo Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ruffin Drs. Zavia and Stuart Scott Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shin Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Spina ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stanislav ’84 Drs. Cecile Poupard-Toner and Charles Toner Ms. Demetra Tsantes Dr. and Mrs. R. Scott Turner Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Valaik Dr. Deborah D’Souza-Vazirani and Mr. Ashish Vazirani Mr. and Mrs. Adam Volanth Ms. Jayne O’Donnell and Mr. Richard Willing Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Winkler Dr. and Mrs. James F. Young


Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Allen A. Absalon Dr. Alice Bassford Mr. and Mrs. Craig Bennett Ms. Marlen McKinney and Mr. John Bellaschi Mr. and Mrs. Hollis B. Brewer, III ’87 Ms. Margaret Bollo Dr. and Mrs. Robert Chu Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Ciatto Ms. Rhonda Neil and Mr. Peter Condron Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connell Mrs. Julia Farr Connolly ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew N. Cook Ms. Dorsey Davidge Mr. and Mrs. Brad Fennell Mr. and Mrs. Chris Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gasaway Mr. and Mrs. David Giulieri ’88 Ms. Kathleen A. Glynn-Sparrow and Mr. George Sparrow Mr. and Mrs. John M. Heckler Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Heming Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Ibe Ms. Mee Paek and Mr. David Kim Mrs. Susan Coffman-King and Mr. James King Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Maloney Ms. Joyeeta Das and Dr. Bhaswar Mukhopadhyay Drs. Lillian and Glen Nuckolls Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Ondeck Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Paravano Mr. and Mrs. Robert Posniewski Mr. and Mrs. Edward Quinn ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rhodes Mr. Juan Riberas and Mrs. Belen Orjales Mr. and Mrs. James Round Ms. Tara Fettig Ryan ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Tobias Mr. Chris L. Wellisz and Mrs. Anna Chodakiewicz Wellisz

Class of 2018 • 73%

Mr. Christopher Abell Mrs. Kathryn Abell ’60 Patricia Aiken-O’Neill ’62 Dr. G.A. Balfour Jane BelfordSH Mr. John J. Carmody, Jr. Mr. Thomas J. Cholis, Jr. Ms. Ruth Anderson Coggeshall Frances de la Chapelle, RSCJ SH Mrs. Mary Colbert Denger ’67 Dr. Ellen M. Dugan ’70 Dr. Carroll Connolly Dunn ’69 Jan Dunn, RSCJSH Anne Dyer, RSCJ ’55

Current Parents

Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Willingham Drs. Lori and Thomas Zorc


Past Trustees

Mr. Brian W. Keane Donna S. MangoldSH Mr. Eugene A. Massey SH Ms. Eileen C. Mayer ’70 Hon. Regina C. McGranery ’63 Mrs. Sandra Andreas McMurtrie Frank H. Menaker Mr. P. David Pappert Mrs. Helene Rayder Mrs. Corinne Boggs Roberts ’60 Mr. Joseph W. Rogers, Jr. Mrs. Christine Coffey Ryan ’67 Mr. John J. Ryan Mrs. Betsy Hoy Shiverick ’78 Mr. Richard L. Vogel, Jr. Sheryl A. Watkins Wilbon ’84 Dr. Beverley Robinson Wheeler ’72



Class of 2019 • 75% Anonymous (3) Ms. Tracy Velazquez and Mr. Dennis Alexander Dr. and Mrs. Delroy Anglin Mr. and Mrs. Jermaine Baker Ms. Lisa Guerra and Mr. Randall Barnette Dr. and Mrs. Nabih Bedewi Dr. and Mrs. Eric Bradshaw Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brophy Ms. Margaret Bollo Drs. Christina Clark and Gregory Bucher Mr. and Mrs. Prescott Bullard Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Carey Mrs. Jeaneen Riely and Mr. David Cavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cibel Dr. and Mrs. Juan J. Daboub Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ferridge ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Flannery Mr. and Mrs. Kin P. Gee Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Ginter Mr. and Mrs. Marc Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Milton Grenfell Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Heming Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hornyak Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ingersoll Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Jordan ’84 Dr. Bindu and Mr. George Joseph Mr. and Ms. Jared Kallen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kaminski Mr. and Mrs. Bartow Kelly III Ms. Maureen Gormley and Mr. James Kinkead Mr. and Mrs. Owen Kirby Dr. and Mrs. Saeed Kronfli Mr. and Mrs. Kevin H. Lange Ms. Carol Bee-Latty and Mr. Richard Latty Mr. and Prof. Michael Leary Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Lennon ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Emory Linder, II Mr. and Mrs. Paul Manca Ms. Laura A. Cordero and Mr. Policarpio A. Marmolejos Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Maust Mr. and Mrs. William Milby Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Morick Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Victor Njuki Dr. and Mrs. Michael Notarianni Ms. Holley O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. O’Connor ’83 Mr. and Mrs. James Pacious Mrs. Rekha D. Pai Mr. Deepak T. Pai Dr. and Mrs. Gregg Pane Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Pané Mr. and Mrs. Derik T. Perry Mrs. Deborah J. Georgetti-Piro and Mr. Ernest J. Piro Mr. and Mrs. Edward Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Ricketts Ms. Kristi Mitchell and Mr. Ignacio Rojas Mr. and Mrs. Mark Romano Mr. and Mrs. John Sateri Mr. and Ms. Michael Scanlon Ms. Mihret Sherenu Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Neal Slimp, II Mr. and Mrs. Chet Thompson

Ms. Sara D. Trujillo ’76 and Mr. Gerard L. Lederer CDR Christina Williams Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Yang Ms. Barbara Ware-Yuwono and Mr. Leonardus Yuwono

Class of 2020 • 67% Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Attar Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Bacon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barloon Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bellaman Mr. and Mrs. John Bergin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bittman Mr. and Mrs. Randall Blair Ms. Karen Blonder Dr. Rachelle Bowman and Mr. Lindy Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Hollis B. Brewer, III ’87 Drs. Jennifer Jagoe and Peter Brooks Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Burns Mr. and Mrs. Honggang Chen Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Ciatto Mr. and Mrs. Doug Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Cubbage, III Mr. and Mrs. Brian Curran Mr. and Mrs. Vincent DeSomma Mr. and Mrs. Edward Digges Mr. and Mrs. David Di Martino Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dolan Mr. and Mrs. David A. Donohoe Mr. and Mrs. John Mark Gidley Dr. Marcie and Mr. James Goeke-Morey Mr. and Mrs. Brett Greene Ms. Susan Bozinko and Mr. Robert Hahne Dr. Laurie and Mr. John Harmon ’83 Ms. Robin Harwood Mr. and Mrs. Carter Hertzberg Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Higgins Ms. Ellen O’Brien and Mr. Michael Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. William Jerro Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kapust Mr. and Mrs. Bartow Kelly III Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kilner Mr. and Mrs. Dae Kim Mr. and Mrs. John King Ms. Maureen Gormley and Mr. James Kinkead Ms. Carla Cullati and Mr. Laerte Leiroz Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacBride Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Maurano Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLean ’84 Drs. Andrew and Huda Montemarano Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mulera Mr. and Mrs. Mike Muscatello Capt and Capt Eric Myhre Mr. and Mrs. Ike Nweke Dr. and Mrs. Gregg Pane Mrs. Kathryn Potter Mr. and Mrs. Edward Quinn Dr. Monica Rengifo-Pardo Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Gaby A. Sader Mr. and Mrs. Matt Shannon Dr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Sinkford, III Ms. Katharine Latimer and Mr. Richard Slaten Mr. and Mrs. William Stallings Mr. and Mrs. Carter Steuart

Mr. and Mrs. Nobuyasu Sugimoto Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Suk Ms. Clara Tchuipet Mr. and Mrs. Jon Thibodeau Mrs. Anna Marie Parisi-Trone and Mr. Robert Trone Mrs. Susanne Sheil Turner and Mr. Brendan Turner Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Urbanski Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vining Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Wienecke

Class of 2021 • 85% Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Arrigo Dr. and Mrs. Peter Caffrey Ms. Annie Carey and Mr. Jonathan Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr Mr. and Mrs. Tom Conaghan Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dorsey ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Elmendorf† Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Forsberg Mr. and Mrs. John Gardiner Drs. Katy Rezaei and Hamid Ghasemi Mr. and Mrs. Austin Herndon ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm B. Hollensteiner Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hwang Mr. and Mrs. George S. Lesmes ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Lovett Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mitchell ’92 Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Louis Morsberger Mr. and Mrs. E. Clayton Mowry, IV Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Muldoon, Jr. Mr. and Ms. Gregory Nickerson Dr. Maria and Mr. Jose Rios Ms. Patricia A. HeffernanSH and Mr. Patrick Rowan Drs. Suzanne Gleason and Chetan Sanghvi Mr. and Mrs. Mike Saunders Ms. Kimberly Dettor and Mr. Charles Saxon Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Scola ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Seitz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Spina Mr. and Mrs. Steven Trowern Mr. and Mrs. George R. Tydings Ms. Nicole Ionita and Mr. Peter Van Vloten Ms. Bonnie Washington and Mr. Greg White Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Yang

Class of 2022 • 77% Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. William R. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Attar Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Baker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jermaine Baker Mr. John T. Bentivoglio Mr. and Mrs. Luis Brill Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Ciatto Mr. and Mrs. David Di Martino Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Domenech Dr. Michele Porter Maiberger Duvall ’91 and Mr. Christopher Duvall Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Faccone, III Ms. Chrisellen R. Kolb and Mr. Charles J. Felker Mr. and Mrs. HongFa Gao Mr. and Mrs. Julian Gillespie Mrs. Josephine Chutta and Mr. Prince Irene Ms. Iffy Kalu

“We are very thankful that our daughters are receiving an excellent Stone Ridge education and that our family is part of the Stone Ridge community. We know that when our daughters leave Stone Ridge, they, together with their Stone Ridge sisters, will lead and serve, through lives of purpose. I am so happy to be an active member of the Stone Ridge community and to support Stone Ridge and its mission any way I can.” Kathy Stallings, mother of Anna ‘20 and Hallie ‘22, and President of SR Parents Association (pictured fourth from the left with the SRPA Executive Committee)

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kaproth Mr. and Mrs. Michael Q. KeeganSH Ms. Cecilia Bonanni and Mr. Joseph A. Kenary Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kenny Drs. Nadia and Andrei Khramtsov Mr. and Mrs. Michael Klein† Ms. Judith A. Hagley and Mr. Jonathan S. Lawlor Mr. and Mrs. Jon E. Lindstrom Dr. Mario O. Mansilla Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Martin Mr. and Mrs. David P. Morrow Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Muldoon, Jr. Dr. Niveen and Mr. Thomas Mulholland Dr. and Mrs. Jason Nascone Mr. and Radm Thomas Nunan III Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. William Paul Dr. and Mrs. Craig Person Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Porto Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Schropp Mr. and Mrs. Parshotam Sharma Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Siffermann Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Smith Mr. and Mrs. William Stallings Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strong Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wenger Mr. and Mrs. Warren V. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Yost

Class of 2023 • 79%

Class of 2024 • 58%

Class of 2025 • 81% Mr. Evan Alexander Ms. Jennifer Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Ayala Ms. Claudia Palena and Mr. Ezio Bonvini Mrs. Ruth Moreno and Mr. Ghalib Bradosti Mr. and Mrs. Luis Brill Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Campino Mr. and Mrs. Costas Christou ’84 Mrs. Allison L. Alexander and Mr. Gregory B. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Domenech Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Forsberg Dr. Mary-Margaret Lewis and Mr. Brian Friel Ms. Amy L. Howe and Mr. Thomas Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Howard Heiss Mr. and Mrs. William Kappaz Mr. and Mrs. Michael Q. KeeganSH Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Keyes Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Landau Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Mayfield Hon. Kimberly and Mr. Matthew Moore Dr. Tracey and Mr. Joshua Moraczewski Mr. and Ms. Stephen Mullery III Mr. and Mrs. Victor Njuki Mrs. Catherine Regan and Dr. Shazaad Ally CDR and Mrs. Bryan Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. David Strandberg Mr. and Mrs. Grant Takahashi Ms. Demetra Tsantes Mr. and Mrs. George R. Tydings Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tyson

Class of 2026 • 70% Anonymous Mr. and Ms. Thomas Alexander Dr. and Ms. Linz Audain Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bridenbaugh Dr. Michele Porter Maiberger Duvall ’91 and Mr. Christopher Duvall Dr. Maria Defendini and Mr. Jason Hilton Ms. Iffy Kalu Mr. and Mrs. Ryan McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Netram

Anonymous Mr. J. B. Anwyll Dr. Sussan Paydar and Mr. Peyman N. Azizi Mrs. Maria Bravo-Cubillan and Mr. Jose Cubillan Ms. Annie Carey and Mr. Jonathan Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr Ms. Diana Saenz and Mr. Daniel Donovan Ms. Anne Occhialino and Mr. Jonthan Gannon Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Gerrish Ms. Mary Carpenter and Mr. Andrew Hasselwander Mr. and Mrs. Michael Klein† Mr. and Mrs. Kevin H. Lange Mr. and Mrs. Scott Macleod Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mitchell ’92 Mr. and Ms. Steven J. Ness Mr. and Mrs. John Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Osberg ’94 Ms. Mandi Osoba Mr. and Mrs. Jon Parker Dr. and Mrs. Craig Person Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Porto Ms. Anabel Quintero and Mr. Jeff DiGioia Dr. Maria and Mr. Jose Rios Mr. and Ms. Michael Scanlon Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Scola ’88

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Suk Mr. Manu Whig Dr. Tricia Zhang and Mr. Talmadge Williams


Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Aronson Drs. Veronica DiFresco and Lawrence Bassin Dr. and Mrs. Peter Caffrey Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Campino Drs. Charles and Irim Ciolino ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Conway Ms. Joy Dorsey Mrs. June M. Drummond and Mr. Gregory Harrington Ms. Kathryn Heetderks Mr. and Mrs. Austin Herndon ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hohman Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm B. Hollensteiner Mr. and Mrs. Eric Johnson Mr. and Mrs. George M. Kappaz Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lee

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Lemon Mr. and Mrs. South Lynn Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Matan Dr. and Mrs. Jeevan Mathura Mr. and Mrs. Mulugeta Mengiste Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Morvis Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Ossi Mr. and Mrs. Martin Payne Mr. and Mrs. Francis Purcell Ms. Rosario S. Rubio and Mr. Jorge A. Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Rose Ms. Lauren Goodyear Schramm and Mr. Jacob Schramm Mr. and Mrs. Matt Shannon Ms. Mihret Sherenu Dr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Sinkford, III Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sporidis Mr. and Mrs. Richard Starmann, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Strandberg Drs. Adeline and Glenn Bruce Vanderver




Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Osberg ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Schriefer Dr. Rebecca and Mr. Robert Shaffer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Starmann, Jr. Drs. Adeline and Glenn Bruce Vanderver Mr. and Mrs. Sean Warfield

Class of 2027 • 62% Anonymous (2) Ms. Flavia Aguieiras Ms. Yaa Apori Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Christmas, II Ms. Margaret Macdonald and Mr. Brian Colomb Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ferguson Dr. Roxene and Mr. Tim Kastens Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Korte Mr. and Mrs. South Lynn Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Malloy Ms. Linda D. McCabe-Pietrucha ’88 and Col. Michael Pietrucha Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Netram Ms. Elisabeth Oplinger Mr. and Mrs. Grant Takahashi Mrs. LaiMing Lee and Mr. Sonjae Whang

Class of 2028 • 65% Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Aronson Mr. and Mrs. John Golembiewski Ms. Kathryn Heetderks Dr. Maria Defendini and Mr. Jason Hilton Mr. and Mrs. Kevin H. Lange Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Morgan Dr. and Mrs. Jose M. Ortega Mrs. Elena Ungureanu and Mr. Edgardo Ruggiero Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Todd Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tyson Mr. and Mrs. William Wright, Jr.

Class of 2029 • 53% Mr. and Mrs. Woody Anglade Dr. Peilin Tan-Aquino and Mr. Welman Aquino Dr. and Mrs. Charles Bolan Drs. Melinda and Vincent Capaldi Michael Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William McMurtrie Ms. Kristin Solheim and Mr. Manuel Ortiz Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Rodriguez Mrs. LaiMing Lee and Mr. Sonjae Whang

Class of 2030 • 70% Mr. and Ms. Thomas Alexander Ms. Giovanna Basney Dr. and Mrs. Charles Bolan Ms. Margaret Macdonald and Mr. Brian Colomb Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Clifton Kornegay SH Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Netram Mr. and Mrs. David C. Sheldon

Class of 2031 • 63% Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ciotti Mr. and Mrs. Jason McGhee Dr. Elizabeth and Mr. Domenico Montanaro Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Walden

Class of 2032 + • 83%


Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ciotti Mr. and Mrs. Sean Keegan ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Kristobak Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lamade Mr. and Mrs. Jason McGhee Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Taylor ‘98 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ott Ms. Sif Thorgeirsson and Mr. Carlos Reyes Mr. and Mrs. Mark Winek

Blue Gold Challenge

Sacred Heart Alumnae

Class of 1946 • 11%

Stone Ridge is a member of Network of Sacred Heart Schools, comprising 21 sister schools in the United States and over 200 schools in 44 countries throughout the world. We share many of the same Sacred Heart traditions with our sister schools, including congé (holiday) and goûter (snack), both of which reflect our common French heritage. Jane Belford Mrs. Alicia Brown Mrs. Suzanne D Canton Mrs. Helen Whiteman Charbonnet Ms. Mary Jane Conway Frances de la Chapelle, RSCJ Jan Dunn, RSCJ Ms. Mary Fehlig Mrs. Nancy Burke Hamilton Mrs. Margaret Gehres Kane Mrs. Elise Charbonnet Keegan Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Clifton Kornegay Mrs. Maria Porter Maiberger Donna S. Mangold Ms. Susan P Jaquet Mrs. Mary Ellen Mowry Massey Mrs. Judy W. Warner Minogue Mrs. Mary Wilker O’Herron Karen Olson, RSCJ Mrs. Maria Guillen-Peters Mrs. Roseanne Rodilosso Ms. Patricia Ann Heffernan Mrs. Elizabeth Ruff Mrs. Christine Moretti Shaffer Ms. Laura E. Teran

Mrs. Vivian Cissel Neuhauser

In mid-March, the Alumnae Board challenged all alumnae to the Blue Gold Challenge! Throughout the six-week challenge, each team pulled ahead as members of their teams made contributions to The Stone Ridge Fund. The spirited competition concluded the Saturday of Reunion Weekend with the Blue team pulling ahead to win the Blue Gold Challenge. In the end, all of our Stone Ridge girls won as 642 alumnae made a gift to support their alma mater!

Class of 1948 • 50% Mrs. Grace Frier Glasgow Mrs. Mary Louise Kelly Gorman† Mrs. Mary Frances O’Connor Moriarty Mrs. Marie Riordan Van Wyk

Class of 1951 • 67% Mrs. Esther Christmas Cassidy Mrs. Virginia Devereux Sparrow

Class of 1952 • 67% Mrs. Janet de Groot Ball Mrs. Patricia Devereux Crowley Mrs. Louise Summers Dwyer Patricia Geuting, RSCJ

Class of 1953 • 20% Mrs. Barbara Falge Openshaw Mrs. Diane Duffield Wood

Class of 1954 • 37% Mrs. Mary Jane Kennedy Baxter Mrs. Jacqueline Cremen Keeshan Mrs. Crescence Courtney Kilcoyne Mrs. Patricia Conaghan Redmond

Class of 1955 • 47% Mrs. Leonora Rocca Bernheisel Mrs. Mary Caroline Langan Carty Anne Dyer, RSCJ

Mrs. Nancy Kelly Forsyth Mrs. Bee Dyer Gonnella Mrs. Helen Craig Lynch Mrs. Diane Mears Musgrove Mrs. Dolores Seeman Royston Dr. Alice Shannon Stolzberg

Mrs. Karolen Linderman Muhlke Ms. Jean O’Conor Dr. Barbara O’Neil Mrs. Martha Traynor Sweeney

Class of 1964 • 49%

Mrs. Robert L. Cahill, Jr. Ms. Frances B. Call Mrs. Eleanor Hancock Deacon† Dr. Olga Wilson Fairfax Mrs. Sheila Burke Flanagan Mrs. Katherine Bertholf Nichols Mrs. Ann Higgins Strumpen-Darrie Mrs. Elizabeth Langdon Teasdale

Anonymous Ms. Deborah Boltz Mrs. Joan D. Sperapani Carino Mrs. Ellen Ruby Collins Hon. Mary Little Cooper Ms. Elizabeth A. Corro Ms. Constance Cushman Mrs. Mary Anne Burroughs Doms Mrs. Dolores Vaca Donihi Ms. Margaret Taney Founds Mrs. Nancy Haaga Hammett Mrs. Carol McFall Hurley Mrs. Patricia Ann Long Johnston Ms. Eleanor Kelly Mrs. Kay DeFranceaux Leonard Mrs. Carole Hall Maloney Mrs. Patricia Wimsatt Myler Mrs. Carolyn Liebert Talcott Ms. Sandra Theunick Mrs. Ruth Columbus Wade Dr. Pamela Meyer Zuckerman

Class of 1959 • 11%

Class of 1965 • 14%

Mrs. Jacqueline Wimsatt McInerny

Ms. Marilynn Jean Fuller Carol Herndon Ms. Ellen A. McCarthy Mrs. Patricia Pratt Moriarty Mrs. Barbara Burns Williams

Class of 1956 • 29% Mrs. Grace Tamm Escudero Ms. Corinne Christmas Sullivan

Class of 1957 • 33% Mrs. Jo Ann Costello Devaney Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Carolan Jonsen Ms. Katherine duFief Keogh Clare Pratt, RSCJ Mrs. Carol Sweeterman Shiff

Class of 1958 • 50%

Class of 1960 • 24% Mrs. Judith Dove Corbett Mrs. Anne Sweeterman Davis Ms. Lacey A. Gude Mrs. Susan Willis O’Neill Mrs. Lucinda Pratt Pearlman Mrs. Corinne Boggs Roberts Mrs. Melanie Grant Yeager

Class of 1961 • 30% Mrs. Deanne Goudie de Purcell Hon. Diana Gribbon Motz Mrs. Michele Stearns Muñoz Mrs. Mary Williams Schaller Mrs. Nancy Knight Smith Ms. Jean Anne McAllister Taylor

Class of 1962 • 28%

Class of 1963 • 20%

Class of 1967 • 55%

Ms. Mary Gael Doar Dr. Mary Margaret Dugan Dr. Carroll Connolly Dunn Ms. Susan Suss Jones Mrs. Margaret Gehres Kane Dr. Maryellen Sullivan Kyle Dr. Sheila M. McGuirk Ms. Margaret Morton Mrs. Neena Stocklinski Rodgers Dr. Mary Ann Re Scherer Mrs. Maureen Ferguson Steiner Mrs. Julie Duvall Stull Ms. Andrea C. Tovar Mrs. Kathleen McNally Vivian

Class of 1970 • 16% Mrs. Mary Picardi Buie Dr. Ellen M. Dugan Mrs. Mary Counihan Feliciano Mrs. Karen Horstman Kamerick Ms. Carol Nolan Klatt Ms. Eileen C. Mayer Ms. Francine Michaux Mrs. Cecilia Kirby Wraase

Class of 1971 • 6% Mrs. Katherine Friant Funkhouser Ms. Susan O’Callaghan-Davis

Class of 1972 • 73% Ms. Eleanor Nethken Alvarez Ms. Gretchen Bank Mrs. Kathryn Kavanagh Baran Ms. Beth-Ann Bloom Mrs. Eleanora Yewell Buchheister Ms. Mary Anne Clark Ms. Mary-Louise Tracy Coates Mrs. Mary Giampietro DuLude Ms. Susan M. Farnsworth Mrs. Barbara Smith Fennell Ms. Mary Margaret Flynn Ms. Mary Richardson Haaga Ms. Virginia M. Hagan Ms. Rosanne Hall-Tu Mrs. Maria Suarez Hamm Ms. Kathryn Vigé Hicks Mrs. Margaret Plunket Hyland Ms. Jeanne Tierney McConnell Ms. Aileen McKenna Ms. Katherine Meyer Ms. Patrice I. Mitchell Dr. Amy C. Richardson Mrs. Robin Williams Ricketts Mrs. Anne Brown Rodgers Mrs. Maureen O’Hearn Slowinski


Ms. Jacqueline Albarran Mrs. Rosario Alvarado Alzamora Mrs. Patricia Walker Armstrong Dr. Anne E. Carey Mrs. Lela Lienhard Curtis Mrs. Rena Carr Daly Mrs. Mary Ryan Dean Mrs. Mary Colbert Denger Mrs. Dedre Hall Fiske Mrs. Elizabeth Wooster Flynn Mrs. Kathleen Crilley Fulmer Ms. Elise C. Gillette Mrs. Nicole Murphy Holland Mrs. Lydia Almon Hornbaker Dr. Patricia Kavanagh Ms. Susan Kehoe Mrs. Tara Gremillion McCown Mrs. Nancy Burns Quaranto Mrs. Christine Coffey Ryan Ms. Lorena Sevilla-Somoza Mrs. Jennifer Loving Williams Mrs. Marie Robey Wood Mrs. Diane Lloyd Yaeger

Class of 1969 • 26%

Mrs. Mary Jane Hardy Boatman Mrs. Carmen de Chateauvieux Bush Mrs. Maria Metzler Johnson Hon. Regina C. McGranery

Ms. Jane Cameron Hart Ms. S. Felicity Chanler McClenachan Mrs. Sally Murphy Morrison Ms. Edda Sevilla-Somoza Mrs. Joanne Avon Shields Ms. Kate Kathleen Hallahan Smith

Mrs. Elisabeth Kirby Greissing Dr. Marina Chukayeff McCarthy Mrs. Mary Bergson Newman Mrs. Sara P. O’Neil-Manion Dr. Laura L. Richardson Mrs. Catherine Howell Riordan Mrs. Margarita Riva-Geoghegan Ms. Florence Cahill Stanley Dr. Anne Henry Stoe


Patricia Aiken-O’Neill Mrs. Dorothy Towers Burns Ms. Nancy Lewis Clark† Dr. Maria Antonia Cavanagh Johnson Mrs. Judy Johnstone Jones Ms. Margaret Mary Keppel Kelley Mrs. Dominique Verheyen Martinet Mrs. Kathleen Malley Montague Mrs. Dorothee Didden Riederer Mrs. Mary Zlatin Sifton Mrs. Marilyn Muir Smith Mrs. Pamela McCullough Zusi

Class of 1966 • 13%

Class of 1968 • 21%



Ms. Elizabeth A. Smigel Ms. Anna Van Evera Dr. Beverley Robinson Wheeler Mrs. Mary Clarke Zigo

Mrs. Mary Haynes Johnson Mrs. Amy Sibert Lovett Ms. Elizabeth Maze

Class of 1981 • 12% Class of 1973 • 21% Ms. Kathy J. Daniel Ms. Catherine Farnsworth Mrs. Theo Tuomey Hayes Mrs. Katherine Johnston Hutto Mrs. Ann Bierbower Lally Dr. Maureen O’Hagan Lobb Ms. Marianne Sheahan

Class of 1974 • 20% Ms. Marina Atchison Mrs. Robyn Faulkner Barnes Ms. Kathleen Blackwood Mrs. Sabrina Sutterlin Fox Mrs. Monica Shaffer Karo Mrs. Leslie Weicha Lippincott Mrs. Paris Keena Scott Ms. Kim Marinelli Vreeland

Ms. Christina Funderburk Lingelbach Mrs. Marjorie Taylor Moran Mrs. Claire Sanders Swift Dr. Elizabeth South Trimble Mrs. Mary Horning Young

Class of 1982 • 23% Ms. Stefanie L. Bachhuber Ms. Celia J. Barriteau Mrs. Charlotte Ford Birch Mrs. Marianne Sanders Cantwell Mrs. Sarah Dunkelberger Daniel Ms. Margaret A. Hanlon Mrs. Lael Conlon Kiesling Mrs. Helen Frampton Leinhauser Dr. Georgette Johnson Pulli Mrs. Elaine Trimble Saiz Mrs. Nancy Hervey Skonberg Mrs. Elizabeth Everett Williams

Class of 1975 • 10% Ms. Janet Forsythe Birenbaum Mrs. Elizabeth Geoghegan Kistner Ms. Denise Morin

Class of 1983 • 29%

Mrs. Roxanne Foster Foshee Mrs. Tara Kalagher Giunta Mrs. Catharine Nicolaides Lyons Ms. Lori G. Millen Mrs. Marissa Longo Wilcox

Anonymous Ms. Raphaël Maria Bastian Mrs. Deirdre Koppel Cohen Mrs. Moira Dempsey Deziel Mrs. Renate Schroeder Dolphin Mrs. Beatrice Brown Edwards Mrs. Tracy Kalil Ferridge Dr. Laurie Donahue Harmon Mrs. Stephanie Farr Lennon Mrs. Margaret Nicolaides Mahoney Mrs. Padraic McSherry Morton Dr. Megan Breen Mulligan Mrs. Mary Ruppe Nash Mrs. Mary Nordberg O’Connor Dr. Diana Alexander O’Riordan Mrs. Amy O’Neill Richard Mrs. Grace Demetrovits Ronan

Class of 1978 • 16%

Class of 1984 • 27%

Mrs. Madeline Muir Bacon Mrs. Catherine Shook Gallagher Mrs. Katherine McInerney Morris Mrs. Alicia Brown Powers Mrs. Betsy Hoy Shiverick Mrs. Amy Dunkelberger Sturtevant Mrs. Joan Swift

Mrs. Georgia Doultsinos Christou Mrs. Julia Farr Connolly Ms. Megan Daly Ms. Yvette Escudero Mrs. Mary Ronan Hills Mrs. Eileen Hoffmann Holston Mrs. Natalia del Canto Jordan Mrs. Christine Herrell McLean Mrs. Michele Balfour Nathoo Ms. Simone E. Ross Mrs. Wendy Pappert Stanislav Ms. Jeanne Marcotte Wagner Sheryl A. Watkins Wilbon

Class of 1976 • 17% Mrs. Joy McDonald Gunza Mrs. Mary Kalagher Mazzarella Mrs. Bridget Clarke Murphy Mrs. Melissa Mayer Pflieger Mrs. Kim Yowell Thompson Sara D. Trujillo

Class of 1977 • 19%

Class of 1979 • 20% Mrs. Margaret Mary Charles Brault Mrs. Sheila Byrd Carmichael Ms. Susan R. Cassidy Mrs. Ellen Clare Gillespie Dreyer Mrs. Elizabeth Garrett Fitzpatrick Mrs. Christine McCarrick Myers Mrs. Sharon Maksymiec Sabatos

Class of 1980 • 18% Mrs. Suja Parakamannil Ali Anonymous Mrs. Elizabeth Boggs Davidsen Mrs. Kathleen O’Sullivan Hurley

Class of 1985 • 11% Mrs. Ida Smith Ludlow Mrs. Christiana Shine Quezado Dr. Tracy Taylor Rinehart Ms. Tara Fettig Ryan Dr. Susma S. Vaidya

Class of 1986 • 35% Ms. Alisha F. Armstrong Mrs. Mary E. Bruce Mrs. Romy Antoine Conde Mrs. Lisa Walters Conlon Mrs. Regina Fay Gannon Ms. Maria-Stella Gatzoulis Mrs. Catherine Ronan Karrels Mrs. Carrie Graham Lee Mrs. Melissa Callahan Lesmes Ms. Amy Nist Mrs. Nadine Fraiture Paley Mrs. Diane Mannino Polischeck Mrs. Susan Marie May Romanosky Mrs. Nina Libré Schoeb Ms. Patricia Shea Mrs. Marisa Caputo Terrenzi Dr. Mary Margaret Tomayko

Class of 1987 • 59% Anonymous Mrs. Juliane Hare Agner Mrs. Daniela Stephanz Anderson Ms. Patricia S. Andreu Ms. Michelle M. Bailer Mrs. Jennifer Chalmers Balbach Mrs. Megan Knazek Beck Ms. Monica Berger Ms. Adriana M. Bourgoin Mrs. Susan Hilliard Brewer Mrs. Nicole Escudero Christenson Mrs. Ellen Nash Christman Mrs. Amy Flores Creedon Ms. Patricia Cunningham Mrs. Susan Catherine Buckley Doran Mrs. Katherine Hensler Fogarty Dr. Noreen Crain Fruscello Ms. Karen Hanson Mrs. Laura Friedewald Heeger Mrs. Tamara King Hughes Ms. Deborah Harrington Johnson Ms. Heather Moors Johnson Ms. Melissa A. Karp Mrs. Julie Consilvio Kelly Mrs. Maureen Daly Kelly Mrs. Bethany Rich Kirchhoff Mrs. Jennifer Scott Lukens Ms. Rosemary Nidiry Ms. Kathryn Mathile Noonan Dr. Laura A. Egan Pontzer Mrs. Meghan McMurtrie Quinn Mrs. Melissa Karp Seward Mrs. Catherine Bruno Soodak Mrs. Maria Doultsinos Spina Mrs. Tamara Thorp Mrs. Anne Goodwin VanLoen

Class of 1988 • 31% Mrs. Jeanne Beckham Andronowitz Ms. Valeria A. Balfour Mrs. Ellen Hodo Davis Mrs. Christina Fry Giulieri Ms. Mary A. Hanlon Ms. Laura E. Hill Mrs. Ashley Sullivan Hinkle Mrs. Elizabeth Massey Hopkins Mrs. Elizabeth Mertinko Kramer

“I give to Stone Ridge because I loved the time I spent as a student, I feel privileged to be an alumna of the Sacred Heart network and I know my donation, no matter how small, will benefit the current students, offering the girls the same opportunity that I was given.” Maureen Daly Kelly ‘87 (pictured fourth from the left with ’87 classmates during Reunion Weekend 2017)

Ms. Marie Isabel Laurion Ms. Nicole Manning Ms. Linda D. McCabe-Pietrucha Mrs. Caroline Gray Saferstein Mrs. Lisa Ellis Scola Ms. Laura Sheahen Ms. Meredith Wakelyn Dr. Lisa M. Wiltrout Mrs. Elizabeth Wingo

Mrs. Kathleen Frye Weber Mrs. Michele Hinerman Wilham

Class of 1989 • 16%

Class of 1994 • 18%

Ms. Laura D. Baptiste Ms. Carla A. Bosco Ms. Molly R. Bryson Mrs. Kathryn Bonner Gillick Mrs. Rachel Novotny Hagerty Dr. Michele Shannon Mrs. Michelle Condon Snyder Ms. Kathryn Wood

Anonymous Mrs. Theda Doane Bagdon Mrs. Shannon Boland Burkhart Ms. Amy Marie Clarke Ms. Kathleen Marie Dunn Mrs. Karin A. Schultz Fuqua Mrs. Christina Perez Osberg Mrs. Ann-Lisa Wells Paulsen Dr. Elizabeth Kopits Teamey

Class of 1993 • 10% Mrs. Lisa Arnaiz Boots Dr. Irim Yusuf Ciolino Ms. Francesca C. Lo Dr. Jennifer Blume Matelis Ms. Suzanne M. Sullivan

Class of 1990 • 6% Ms. Katherine D. Bergin Ms. Sarah Joy O’Herron Ms. Mary Ellen Ruff

Class of 1991 • 11% Dr. Michele Maiberger Duvall Mrs. Maureen Sullivan Kelly Ms. Carol Ann Noonan Mrs. Kimberley Bullock O’Neill Mrs. Meredith Vines Satalin Mrs. Moira W. Sutton

Class of 1992 • 36%

Mrs. Sarah Rector Amigone Ms. Alexandra Balfour Ms. Michael Anne Cullen Mrs. Amity Wall Curry Mrs. Caroline Green Fitton Mrs. Kathryn Hibey Fritz Ms. Anne E. Strand

Class of 1996 • 16% Ms. Corinne Cannon Mrs. Margaret Hamilton Cavanaugh Ms. Emily R. Clarke Mrs. Mary Barr Daly Ms. Christine Dorr Mrs. Elizabeth Satterlee Ersenkal Mrs. Julie Kemp Kelly Ms. Aprille Russell Ms. Jennifer Wildt

Class of 1997 • 18% Mrs. Shannan Butler Adler Mrs. Yasmeen Oweiss Burns Mrs. Christine Branson Faucett Ms. Jessica Shoback Kane Ms. Monica Kukelhaus Ms. Katherine E. Stull Ms. Julie C. Verratti

Class of 2000 • 5% Mrs. Anna Kukelhaus Dynan Mrs. Denise Menaker Myler Ms. Elizabeth A. Schroth Mrs. Alison Masciuch Simon

Class of 2001 • 13% Mrs. Christina Besozzi Cary Ms. Cecily Chambliss Mrs. Ruth Beckler Gaiser Ms. Kathleen S. Gurzo Ms. Margaret MacWhirter Mrs. Katherine Schriver Mense Mrs. Megan Stewart Sanders Ms. Jessica C. Siri Mrs. Sarah Vogel Weise

Class of 2002 • 10% Ms. Margaret E. Barr Ms. Emily M. Borababy Ms. Bridget C. Campbell Mrs. Molly Kilduff Greer Ms. Constance G. Maslyar Dr. Patricia M. Notario Mrs. Genevieve M. Vetter

Class of 2003 • 28% Anonymous Mrs. Julia Rumford Bethune Mrs. Brittany Coale Bourassa Ms. Meaghan M. Carrigan Ms. Marie T. C. De La Cruz Ms. Katelan M. Doyle Ms. Alisa C. Finelli Mrs. Meagan Barry Gallagher


Mrs. Maureen Harkins Betz

Mrs. Jacqueline Wendel Davidson Ms. Kari L. Ginsburg Ms. Maria Kessides Ms. Katalin Kobli Mrs. Kathleen Rice Lowenthal Mrs. Christine Freund McHugh Mrs. Julie Thurston Ott Mrs. Elizabeth Anne Reilly Mrs. Charlotte M. E. Walker-Said Mrs. Meredith Durkin Wolfe

Class of 1998 • 9%

Class of 1999 • 17%


Ms. Kathleen Barrett Ms. Kristen Bowers Mrs. Kimberly Nash Champion Mrs. Katherine Beckler Cox Ms. Kelly Donaghue Mrs. Ann-Marie Wells Dorsey Mrs. Erin Bergin Earnst Ms. Elizabeth R. Emerson Mrs. Allyson Kreter Gozycki Mrs. Amanda McMurtrie Herndon Mrs. Dana Simeone Iandoli Mrs. Kelly Broxton Katsafanas Mrs. Christina L. Leibrand Mrs. Constance Shaffer Mitchell Mrs. Allison Tobin Reed Mrs. Maria Antonia Rodriguez Roberts Ms. Caroline Ruggieri Dr. Betty Y. Wang

Class of 1995 • 13%

Mrs. Lauren Jolly Ms. Thea Agape Vasquez Lim Dr. Brenda Bartlett Pellicane Mrs. Caitlin Myler Taylor



Ms. Gabriele S. Geier Mrs. Katherine Freund Hailey Mrs. Sara-Blake Fornaciari Jernigan Ms. Meghan E. King Ms. Daphne L. Kiplinger Ms. Elizabeth L. Moore Ms. Meghan M. Mullen Ms. Brigid S. Myler Ms. Sophia C. Peters Mrs. Mary McGuinness Saxon Mrs. Emily Bates Sullivan Ms. Megan E. Vassallo Ms. Danielle M. Vreeland Ms. Julia M. Wilkerson

Ms. Kristina M. Madarang Ms. Lauren N. McGlockton Ms. Courtney E. McGlynn Ms. Alicia M. L. Meier Ms. Anna G. Mysliwiec Ms. Tam T. Nguyen Ms. Colleen G. Renzi Ms. Mary K. Riley Ms. Laila E. Sharafi Ms. Cara A. Sullivan Ms. Joanna K. Timmer Ms. Jessica M. Walthall Ms. Jordan E. Webber Ms. Rosemary C. Yogiaveetil

Class of 2004 • 9%

Class of 2008 • 13%

Anonymous Mrs. Courtney Holland Connor Mrs. Katherine Gorman Denby Ms. Christine B. Hawes Mrs. Paige Maslen Janes Ms. Kaitlin R. McTighe Ms. Jenelle E. Oxendine

Ms. Allison M. Beatley Ms. Molly H. Deale Ms. Carolyn J. Henderson Ms. Haley V. Holden Ms. Mary C. King Ms. Anne K. Musica Ms. Mariel W. Rezende Ms. Patricia M. Richey Ms. Alexandra F. Rodriguez Ms. Robyn N. Schwartzman

Class of 2005 • 28% Ms. Eleanore A. Alexander Ms. Mariam Al-Hamad Ms. Gabriella Barrow Ms. Jenifer Bernardi Mrs. Kathryn Boothe Ms. Anne Campbell Mrs. Amanda Trevisan Carroccio Ms. Paulina N. Curto Ms. Karen Farrell Ms. Margaret E. Ferrenz Mrs. Madeline Kearns Keegan Ms. Alexandra Marciniak Ms. Micaela Mazzarella Mrs. Mary Hayden Cullen McAlister Mrs. Kaitlin Mullen Panza Ms. Linda T. Pear Ms. Katherine C. Redman Ms. Mary Ellen Rubino Ms. Kathryn E. Tomlin-Mathews Ms. Andrea Uku Ms. Susan M. Watkins Mrs. Mara Osher Weinstein

Class of 2006 • 8% Ms. Laura M. Linville Ms. Kristen Manderscheid Mrs. Mara Gomes McCarthy Mrs. Elena Roth Murphy Mrs. Erika Manderscheid Schutzman Ms. Alexandra M. Warren Ms. Jessica M. Wyble

Class of 2007 • 29% Anonymous Ms. Mary L. Beckler Ms. Blaire C. Butcher Ms. Megan E. Fitzgerald Ms. Preanka Z. Hai Ms. Aveen N. Karim Ms. Chelsea T. Kelly Ms. Stephanie C. Lee Ms. Sara N. Levintow

Class of 2009 • 12% Ms. Meredith J. Bates Ms. Elizabeth Dorn Ms. Samantha B. Firstenberg Ms. Stephane Guerrier Ms. Victoria M. Lyons Ms. Kelsey L. Milkovich Ms. Ann E. Pulizzi Ms. Caroline D. Trevisan

Class of 2010 • 18% Ms. Beatriz Albornoz Ms. Katherine Black Ms. Caroline M. Davidsen Ms. Mia Feller Ms. Alexandra Gangitano Ms. Anna E. Gasaway Ms. Elizabeth Gerber Ms. Rose Greissing Ms. Aryana Keshavarz Ms. Erin B. Mathews Ms. Dominique C. Perkins Ms. Meghan Quinn Mr. Thomas Richey Ms. Kathryn Suarez Ms. Victoria J. Wagner

Ms. Kayla G. Van Scoy Ms. Colleen E. Zorc

Class of 2012 15% Ms. Elizabeth M. Burdett Ms. Colette Gilner Ms. Katherine Kiernan Ms. Wynne Leahy Ms. Meghan M. Pfeifer Ms. Caroline H. Rushton Ms. Kelly M. Seegers Ms. Caroline E. Shook Ms. Vivian F. Spies Ms. Katelyn R. Tehan Ms. Colleen R. Walton Ms. Alexandra J. Willingham

Class of 2013 • 2% Ms. Courtney C. Kameros Ms. Alexandra A. Segura

Class of 2014 • 10% Ms. Anna M. Blockowicz Ms. Lindsay B. Bratun Ms. Jennifer A. Flanagan Ms. Alyssa M. Granger Ms. Allison M. Ingram Ms. Natalie A. Tobias Ms. Madeline M. Westrick

Class of 2015 • 12% Ms. Meaghan Cohan Ms. Kallie Drewyer Ms. Kathleen Ledecky Ms. Virginia Rayder Ms. Isabella Richardson Ms. Kayla Speros Ms. Madeline Willingham Ms. Taylor Wynn Ms. Meghan Zorc

Class of 2016 • 13% Anonymous Ms. Suzanne S. Antoniou Ms. Kelsey E. Brigati Ms. Annelise K. Coffin Ms. Cecilia L. Cozza Ms. Alice K. Felker Ms. Mary D. Feller Ms. Taylor M. Lindstrom Miss Kara L. Phipps Ms. Zoe J. Sheppard Ms. Emma C. Volanth

Class of 2011 • 21%

Parents of Alumnae

Anonymous Ms. Alexandra L. Burris Ms. Jennifer Ferrigno Ms. Jacqueline Firstenberg Ms. Elizabeth Glowacki Ms. Haley C. Kameros Ms. Laura K. Kraisinger Ms. Madeline M. McCormick Ms. Meredith Plaine Ms. Julia Schmitz Ms. Caroline P. Shervin Ms. Cathleen M. Sullivan

Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Abell Mr. and Mrs. W. Shepherdson Abell Mr. and Mrs. Akwasi Anane Ms. Vicki Warren and Mr. Costas Avrakotos Drs. Sima and Alexander Bakalian Dr. and Mrs. G.A. Balfour Drs. Robert and Leslie Ball Hon. and Mrs. William P. Barr Mr. Robert Barros Dr. and Mrs. Michael G. Baumann Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Besozzi


Ms. Carolyn Leep and Dr. James Lazar Mr. and Mrs. John F. Leahy Mr. and Mrs. David Ledecky Mr. and Mrs. Jon E. Lindstrom Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Long Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Lovett Ms. Joan Morningstar and Mr. Timothy Lynes Mr. and Mrs. Donald MaibergerSH Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Manderscheid Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kent MangoldSH Mrs. Sara P. O’Neil‑Manion and Mr. William C. Manion ’68 Ms. Susan P. JaquetSH and Mr. Philippe J. Marciniak Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Mariani Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mark, Jr. Ms. Laura A. Cordero and Mr. Policarpio A. Marmolejos Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. MasseySH Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Mathews, Jr. Dr. Patricia May Mr. and Mrs. Julio Mazzarella ’76 Mr. and Mrs. James McInerney Dr. and Mrs. A. Bruce McKay Mr. and Mrs. John J. McMackin, Jr. Mrs. Sandra Andreas McMurtrie Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Meier Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Menaker Mr. and Mrs. Barry M. Miller Mr. and Mrs. James S. Minogue, IIISH Mr. and Mrs. Manuel S. Miranda Ms. Maureen Casey and Dr. James F. Mongoven Mr. and Mrs. Peter Montague ’62 Mrs. Guadalupe Moran Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Morrow Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mosesso Ms. Denise Ferrenz and Mr. Peter N. Moyer Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mulera Mrs. Karen C. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Murr Ms. Kathryn Kelly and Mr. Frank Musica Mr. and Mrs. John Myler ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Mysliwiec Mrs. Vivian Cissel Neuhauser ’46 Drs. Sofia Patricia Becerra and Vicente Notario Ms. Joyce Nwabudike Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. O’Connor ’83 Dr. James F. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O’HerronSH Drs. Maura Emerson and Guillermo Olivos Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Olsen Mrs. Elizabeth C. Olson Mr. and Mrs. Brendan O’Neill ’60 Mrs. Barbara Falge Openshaw ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O’Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Owens Mr. Deepak T. Pai Mrs. Rekha D. Pai Mr. P. David Pappert Mr. and Mrs. Derik T. Perry Mrs. Maria Guillen‑PetersSH and Mr. R. Kyle Peters Ms. Andrea Phipps Mr. and Mrs. Peter Piringer Mrs. Deborah J. Georgetti‑Piro and Mr. Ernest J. Piro Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Plaine Dr. and Mrs. Edward V. Platia Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Prest

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Emerson Mr. and Mrs. Mario Escudero ’56 Mr. and Ms. Joseph E. Falconi, III Mr. and Mrs. William F. Farmer Dr. and Mrs. Paul Farrell, Jr. Ms. Mary FehligSH Ms. Chrisellen R. Kolb and Mr. Charles J. Felker Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Feller Ms. Patricia Paterno and Mr. T. Mark Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Flood Mrs. Marjorie F. Frampton Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Franco Ms. Judith Ann Freitag Dr. Mary‑Margaret Lewis and Mr. Brian Friel Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Frye Mr. and Mrs. James P. Gallagher Mrs. Mary F. Patrick and Mr. John A. Garate Mr. and Mrs. Art Gehringer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gentilcore Mr. and Mrs. John Gilner Mr. and Mrs. F. Anthony Glowacki Mr. and Mrs. Ned D. Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gomes Ms. Erin P. Donovan and Mr. Robert W. Goodson Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gosnell Mr. and Mrs. Barry Granger Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Green Mr. and Mrs. Edward Greissing ’68 Mr. John H. Grover Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haley Mr. and Mrs. William A. HamiltonSH Mr. and Mrs. R. Timothy Hanlon Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hansen Ms. Nancy Harris Dr. Ileana C. Herrell Dr. and Mrs. John E. Herring, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hills ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Holden, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm B. Hollensteiner Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Horning Mr. and Mrs. Jon Howard Mr. and Mrs. William Hurley, III ’80 Ms. Kathleen Merlo and Mr. Daniel Ilisevich Mr. and Mrs. John Ingram Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Inzeo Ms. Joconde Gaubert and Mr. Gérald Jean‑Pierre Hon. Ramsey Johnson and Ms. Monica McGowan Mrs. Renee Rizik Kalil Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Kameros Mr. and Mrs. David Kane Ms. Victoria Corderi‑Keane and Mr. Brian W. Keane Dr. Achsah and Mr. James Keegan Mr. and Mrs. John D. Keppel Ms. Caroline Koch and Mr. Abbas Keshavarz Mrs. Agnes E. Morrison and Mr. George Kessie Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kiernan Mrs. Crescence Courtney Kilcoyne ’54 Ms. Sarah A. Miller and Mr. Michael J. King Mr. and Mrs. Peter King† Mr. and Mrs. Knight Austin Kiplinger Dr. and Mrs. George Kopits Mr. and Mrs. Brett Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Kratz Dr. and Mrs. Saeed Kronfli Mr. and Ms. Jon Lawrence


Mr. and Mrs. Richard Biffl Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Birch ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Black Mr. and Mrs. John Blakeslee Mr. and Mrs. Joel Blockowicz Mr. and Mrs. John Bloom Mr. and Mrs. J. Tyler Blue Mr. and Mrs. John Boardman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boland Mrs. Pat Boler Mr. and Mrs. George M. Borababy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bosco Dr. and Mrs. William K. Brems Mr. and Mrs. David M. Brigati Dr. and Mrs. Richard Brockhaus Mrs. Alicia BrownSH Ms. Cynthia Lewis and Dr. Fred C. Bruhweiler Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Burman Mrs. Wilma L. Burris Mr. and Mrs. Antonino Calabro Dr. Loretta Shpunt and Mr. William Cannon Drs. Kathleen and Louis Cantilena Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. CantonSH Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Carey Mr. and Mrs. John J. Carmody, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Carrigan Drs. Gabrielle Virgo‑Carter and Ernest Carter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cholis, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Chu Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Clark Mr. Kevin and Dr. Nancy Clark Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Clarke Mrs. Patricia Cleary Mr. and Mrs. William C. Coale Ms. Janice L. Compton Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Conley, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connell Mrs. Julia Farr Connolly ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Core Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cormack Mr. and Mrs. John Cotter Drs. Sandra Kweder and Philip Coyne Mr. and Mrs. David Craig Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Cubbage, III Dr. and Mrs. Juan J. Daboub Dr. and Mrs. William Dahut Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davidsen ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Robert de Andrade Mr. and Ms. Valentine Deale Mr. John F. Dealy† Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Denger ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Devaney ’57 Mr. and Mrs. John Devine Mr. and Mrs. David D. DiBari Mr. and Mrs. Angel B. Divino Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Doane Mr. David A. Donohoe Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. P. Michael Dubinsky Drs. Ellen M. Dugan and Dennis A. Cullen ’70 Dr. Mary Margaret Dugan ’69 Mrs. Donna Duke Ms. Patricia A. Caulfield and Mr. Dennis P. Dunlavey Dr. Carroll Connolly Dunn and Mr. George Dunn ’69



Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Rayder Mr. and Mrs. Linwood L. Rayford, III Ms. Marissa Tan and Mr. Preston Rico Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Richardson Mrs. Patricia Ritter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Roche Mrs. Anne Brown Rodgers ’72 and Mr. Richard Rodgers Ms. Florencia Frantischek and Mr. Ignacio Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Rogers, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James Ronan Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ruff, IIISH Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ruffin Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rumford, III Hon. Philip E. Ruppe Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Schriver Drs. Stuart and Zavia Scott Mr. and Mrs. William W. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Harvey F. Seegers Ms. Patricia M. Hale‑Segura and Mr. Michael Segura Mr. and Mrs. Jan V. Sengers Mr. and Mrs. Robert ShafferSH Mr. and Mrs. Mark N. Shank Mrs. Marie Shannon Mrs. Micheline Shea Noble Mr. and Mrs. H. Austin Sheppard Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Shields ’66 Mr. Richard K. Shullaw Mr. and Mrs. Steven Skonberg ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Smith Ms. Kate Kathleen Hallahan Smith ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Speros Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Spina ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Bret D. Stine Mr. and Mrs. Russell Strand Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stull ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Suarez Mrs. Holly Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. J. Thiel Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Thurston Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Tobias Ms. Sara D. Trujillo’76 and Mr. Gerard L. Lederer Ms. Demetra Tsantes Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Valaik Mr. and Mrs. Bryant VanBrakle Mr. and Mrs. David Y. Van Scoy Mr. James A. Vidas Mr. and Mrs. Donald Vines Dr. Stefanie and Mr. Richard Vogel Mr. and Mrs. Adam Volanth Ms. Kim Marinelli Vreeland ’74 Ms. Jeanne Marcotte Wagner ’84 Ms. Eileen M. Albanese and Mr. James K. Walton Ms. Claire Cunningham and Mr. Philip Ward Drs. James and Susan Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wendel Ms. Vicki Ticktin and Mr. Tom Westrick Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Wilkerson Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Will Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Willingham Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Winkler Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Woodard

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Worth Mr. and Mrs. James B. Wyble Mrs. Jacklyn Mitchell Wynn and Mr. Jerome Wynn Ms. Laura E. TeranSH and Mr. Benito ZapataSH Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Zepp Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Zingone Drs. Lori and Thomas Zorc Mrs. Pamela McCullough Zusi ’62

2016-2017 Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W. Shepherdson Abell Claire M. Abell (2026) Ms. Florence Apori Gwendolyn M. Apori (2027) Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brault Eleanor Brault (2023) Maggie Brault (2027) Dr. and Mrs. Richard Brockhaus Sarah Martin (2022) Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brophy Theodora F. Brophy (2018) Juliette Brophy (2019) Mr. John E. Burke Gillian L. Tobias (2017) Mrs. Patricia Butler Catherine E. Colbert (2022) Dr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Byank Kali Mathura (2023) Mr. and Mrs. William Byrd Nina Greene (2020) Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. CharbonnetSH Holland T. Keegan (2022) Courtney Keegan (2025) Ms. Maureen P. Clark Genevieve Bucher (2019) Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Colbert Catherine E. Colbert (2022) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Collins Sophia Ciatto (2017) Francesca Ciatto (2020) Julianna Ciatto (2022) Mr. and Mrs. James Comerford Aline Todd (2028) Ms. Mary Jane ConwaySH Grayson Conway (2023) Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Denger ’67 Colleen G. McMahon (2017) Mr. and Mrs. Mario Escudero ’56 Grace L. Christenson (2018) Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Gardiner Lily Gardiner (2021) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Glynn Madeleine M. Sparrow (2017) Mr. and Mrs. William A. HamiltonSH Clare E. Nickerson (2021) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hayden Page Patterson (2022) Mrs. Carol Heffernan Vivian Rowan (2021) Evangeline Rowan (2021) Ms. Valerie Andrews Herndon and Mr. Michael Herndon Jessica A. Andrews (2024) Julia I. Andrews (2026) Joanna J. Andrews (2030) Dr. Ileana C. Herrell Madelyn I. McLean (2020)

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hwang Hannah R. Hwang (2018) Caroline H. Hwang (2021) Mr. and Mrs. Howard Janoske Samantha Crane (2020) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kenary Sofia B. Kenary (2022) Mary Klemme Maeve E. Christmas (2027) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lawlor Amelia E. Lawlor (2022) Mr. and Mrs. Donald MaibergerSH Lauren G. Duvall (2022) Juliette Duvall (2026) Mrs. Sandra Andreas McMurtrie Meghan T. Quinn (2017) Lucie Quinn (2019) Sandra Quinn (2020) Lila Herndon (2021) Hannah Herndon (2023) William McMurtrie (2029) Mrs. Doris M. Meissner Carmen S. Martinez (2020) Mrs. Catharina Melehy Christina Melehy (2017) Melissa Melehy (2020) Mr. and Mrs. George Morvis Maya Morvis (2023) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Muldoon Grace R. Muldoon (2021) Ellie Muldoon (2022) Dr. and Mrs. Vittal Pai Meghana Pai (2019) Mr. P. David Pappert Elizabeth Stanislav (2018) Mr. and Mrs. Burton Person Anna D. Person (2022) Emma Person (2024) Ms. Virginia Popper Sydney Rose (2023) Ms. Viki Betancourt and Mr. Leonard Proctor Vivian M. Blue (2027) Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Quinn, Jr. Meghan T. Quinn (2017) Lucie Quinn (2019) Sandra Quinn (2020) Mrs. Lynn Reynolds Grace R. Muldoon (2021) Ellie Muldoon (2022) Ms. Joan Ripley Caroline Maurano (2020) Ms. Kathy Rose Sydney Rose (2023) Ms. Yvonne Ross Kimberly Ross (2020) Hon. and Mrs. William J. Rowan, III Evangeline Rowan (2021) Vivian Rowan (2021) Mrs. Joan Saenz Healey Claire Donovan (2024) Mr. Ray Schramm Maria R. Schramm (2023) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sclafani Sofia V. Sclafani (2027) Mr. and Mrs. Robert ShafferSH Alessandra C. Mitchell (2021) Cara P. Mitchell (2024)

“Why do I support Stone Ridge? Simply because I believe in the potential of each student. I believe that Stone Ridge is a place that helps girls realize that potential... their promise. In my eighteen years as a Sacred Heart educator, it has been my great joy to watch many young women grow and transform from the curious kindergarteners and first graders in my class, into even more curious and confident Stone Ridge graduates. Now, I get to watch with extreme pride and such hope as yet another little girl sets forth on her very own Stone Ridge girl, my daughter, Lauren.” Lesley Sheldon, mother of Lauren ’30 and Lower School Faculty member (pictured with daughter Lauren ’30)

Mrs. Marie Shannon Kelly Shannon (2020) Erin Shannon (2023) Dr. Jeanne Sinkford Zoe Sinkford (2020) Nina N. Sinkford (2023) Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Smith Caroline Smith (2022) Mr. and Mrs. Luis Solis Isabel Mendez (2026) Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Stayner† Elizabeth W. Gee (2019) Mr. and Mrs. Guy Steuart Langley Steuart (2020) Mr. and Mrs. James Sullivan Molly K. Tyson (2025) Emma G. Tyson (2028) Drs. Snorri and Unnuri Thorgeirsson Anna Freyja Reyes (2022) Elsa Lind Reyes (2024) Erik Reyes (2031) Mr. and Mrs. William E. Topercer Emma Topercer (2017) Ms. Barbara B. Washington Casey M. White (2021) Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Weller Bridgette F. Weller (2029)

Faculty and Staff


Ms. Sally Foley Ms. Stephany Fontanone Mrs. Margaret Frazier Mr. Noé U. Fuentes Mrs. Roslynn Gaitero Mrs. Marie Gehringer Mrs. June Gentilcore Ms. Sandra M. Gillespie Mrs. Kathryn Bonner Gillick ’89 Ms. Kathleen A. Glynn-Sparrow Mrs. Jamie Golembiewski Mrs. Marisa Gorbsky Ms. Kathleen Gurzo ’01 Ms. Hope Hallock Dr. Leslie Harlin Mr. Andrew Harrington Ms. Vaswati Hasson Ms. Kathryn Heetderks Dr. John Hogan Mrs. Flavia Huber Mrs. Dana L. Iandoli ’92 Mr. Cyrus Ishikawa Mrs. Gisela M. Johnson Mrs. Heidi Johnson Ms. Renee Karlin Mrs. Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 Mrs. Madeline Kearns Keegan Mrs. Sharon Kenny Ms. Denise E. Key Mrs. Sarah Kiernan Mrs. Susan Coffman-King Ms. Stacey King Mr. Anthony R. Lemon Ms. Catherine Lipka Ms. Linda McGill Lynch Mrs. Patricia Lynch Mrs. Frances Manderscheid Mrs. Jill Marks Dr. Katharina Matro Mr. Malcolm McCluskey Mr. Aaron J. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Jason McGhee Ms. Marlen McKinney Ms. Emily McNally Mrs. Constance Shaffer Mitchell ’92 Dr. Elizabeth Montanaro Ms. Marisela Montiel-Bodelle Ms. Anabelle Morgan


Mr. Jorge L. Aguilar Mr. Ricardo Alfonso Ms. Gillian Amoako-Atta Mr. Wayne D. Anderson Mrs. Fallon Hitchens Mr. Karl Austin Mrs. Carly Authement Mrs. Katherine Balaban Ms. Patricia Baldini Mr. Hector Barrera Mrs. Monica Barry Ms. Giovanna Basney Mrs. Barbara Beachler Mr. Jose Bello-Ruiz Mrs. Diane Berman Ms. Kate Bigler Ms. Judith A. Bishop Mrs. Sandra Blakeslee Ms. Chelsea Bollerman

Ms. Margaret Bollo Ms. Carla A. Bosco ’89 Dr. Danielle Brabazon Mrs. Sarah Bramble Mrs. Maria Bravo-Cubillan Mrs. Susan Brewer ’87 Ms. Lauren Brownlee Ms. Toni Buranen Mrs. Tavia T. Burke Ms. Joan E. Burnes Mrs. Patricia A. Byers Mrs. Victoria Capehart Mrs. Dori H. Cappel Mrs. Maureen Carter Mrs. Joanna C. Caudle Dr. Michael R. Cavey Ms. Suzanne Chaconas Mrs. Nicole Escudero Christenson ’87 Mrs. Deanne Ciatto Mrs. Amy Ciccone Mrs. Patricia Cleary Mrs. Michelle Cofino Ms. Janice L. Compton Mrs. Gillian Coppock Mrs. Emma Cowan Ms. Michael Anne Cullen ’95 Mrs. Elizabeth Cunha Mrs. Lauren Davidson Mrs. Katherine E. Demaree Ms. Heather Dempsey Ms. Erin E. DeSimone Mr. Daniel Diaz Ms. Kelly Donaghue ’92 Mrs. Ann-Marie Wells Dorsey ’92 Dr. Jeanne Downey-Vanover Mr. Thomas Doyle Ms. Isabelle Drake Dr. Nikola S. Edgar Mrs. Brenda Enzler English Mrs. Julia C. Ewart Mr. Patric Farrell Mrs. Nancy Fazio Ms. Jessie Felling Mr. Genaro Figueroa Mrs. Sharon Fine Mrs. Kathleen M. Flood Mr. Geronimo Flores Ms. Corinne Fogg



Mrs. Marianela Morgan Mrs. Joanne Mulera Ms. Carla Nally Mrs. Mary Ruppe Nash ’83 Mr. Lee Newman Mrs. Caren Norris Ms. Elizabeth K. Nuter Ms. Susan O’Callaghan-Davis ’71 Ms. Maureen O’Connell Mr. Thomas P. O’Hare Mr. Eric C. Osberg Mrs. Julie Thurston Ott ’99 Ms. Jean M. Plummer Mrs. Melissa C. Prather Ms. Katherine Prendergast Mrs. Chantell Prestcott-Hollander Ms. Maria Puga Mr. Luis Quinde Mr. Kevin Ramirez Mr. Jose Ramos Mr. Syed Raza Mr. Robert Redei Mr. Alfides Rivas Mr. William Robertson Ms. Sharise N. Robinson Mrs. Myriam K. Rodriguez Mrs. Jeanette Roman Mr. and Mrs. Mark Romano Ms. Theresa J. Romero Mr. Peter Rook Mr. Patrick Sales Dr. Hanna Schmidt Hollaender Mrs. Haylee Shaia Mrs. Lesley Sheldon Mrs. Jennifer Shoemaker-Trinh Mrs. Terri Smith Ms. Kati Jo Spisak Ms. Emily Stewart Mrs. Caitlin Myler Taylor ’98 Mrs. Mary Tobias Mr. Thomas J. Tondorf Ms. LaShonda Torbert Mr. Robert A. Walker Ms. Erika R. Watson Dr. J. Christian Weber Mrs. Brenda Wendel Mr. Richard Westerkamp Ms. Miranda Whitmore Mrs. Nancy Wiegand Mrs. Maryann Will Mrs. Diane Wilson Mr. Mark Winek Mrs. Lauren Winkler Mrs. Beatrice Winter

Mr. Kenneth Woodard Mrs. Nancy Woodward Mrs. Cecile Worth Ms. Holly Zindulis Mrs. Lisa Zingone

Friends of Stone Ridge

A special thank you to the many Friends, Alumnae Grandparents, Great-Grandparents, Children of Mary, and Past Faculty and Staff who continue to support Stone Ridge. Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Wil Adams Ms. Patricia Aiken‑O’Neill ’62 and Dr. John O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Victor I. Akagha Dr. Lauren Nguyen‑Antczak and Mr. David Antczak Dr. Devereux Audilet Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Ball, Jr. ’52 Leah Barnett Hon. and Mrs. William P. Barr Mrs. Virginia C. Berte Mr. and Mrs. John Blakeslee Dr. and Mrs. Richard Brockhaus Mrs. Alicia BrownSH Ms. Marie‑Line Barbin and Mr. Zacharie Bruyas Ms. Margaret Bollo Mr. John E. Burke Ms. Aubrey L. Bursch and Mr. Jon McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Donald Capuano Mrs. Esther Christmas Cassidy ’51 Mrs. Kimberly Nash Champion ’92 Mrs. Patricia Cleary Ms. Ruth Anderson Coggeshall and Dr. William Coggeshall Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Cooke Mrs. Patricia Devereux Crowley ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Jose Cunha Beatriz de Greiff Stack Mrs. Hannibal de Schmertzing Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Denger ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Devaney ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Kieran Doran ’87 Mr. Michael Dorsey Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Dreyer ’79 Mr. and Mrs. P. Michael Dubinsky Mrs. Carol Duffy Drs. Ellen M. Dugan ’70 and Dennis A. Cullen Dr. Mary Margaret Dugan ’69 Mrs. Donna Duke Ms. Kathleen Marie Dunn ’94 Anne Dyer, RSCJ ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Mario Escudero ’56 Dr. Olga ’58 and Mr. Carl Fairfax Mrs. Elizabeth Farr

Ms. Maria N. Fisher and Mr. Charles R. Fendig Mr. Enrique Flores Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Gallagher ’78 Mrs. Emmeline V. George Patricia Geuting, RSCJ ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gillick ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Green Ms. Kathleen S. Gurzo ’01 Ms. Margaret A. Hanlon ’82 Mr. and Dr. Erland Heginbotham Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hilliard Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hills ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jacocks Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jewett Mr. Robert Juliano, Jr. Mrs. Catherine A. Ronan Karrels ’86 and Mr. James Karrels Ms. Katherine duFief Keogh ’57 Mrs. Crescence Courtney Kilcoyne ’54 Dr. and Mrs. George Kopits Ms. Christine Kuppens Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lamboley Mr. Scott Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lynch ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Mahoney ’83 Ms. Nancy M. Mann Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marks Mr. Alan E. Mataldi Ms. Ellen A. McCarthy ’65 and Mr. Charles T. Howell Mrs. Catherine McClave Helen McCulloch, RSCJ Dr. and Mrs. A. Bruce McKay Mr. and Mrs. Phillip K. Merkle Drs. Bonnie Blanchfield and Gregg Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Peter Montague ’62 Mrs. Mary Frances O’Connor Moriarty ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Moriarty Mr. and Mrs. George Moriarty ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Carlos A. Muñoz ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Takahisa Murakami Mr. and Mrs. John Myler ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart G. Nash ’83 Mrs. Vivian Cissel Neuhauser ’46 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Jack O’Hara Karen Olson, RSCJSH Dr. and Mrs. Vittal Pai Mr. and Mrs. Montaneze L. Prather Dr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Preas, II Ms. Patricia Prince Ms. Iris E. Rainone Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Rebovich Mr. and Mrs. Robert Riederer ’62

“I give to Stone Ridge because I believe the School not only provides an excellent quality education for young women, but also helps them develop a good inner character and a sense of responsibility to the community.” Maria-Stella Gatzoulis ‘86 (pictured speaking to the Upper School about her work at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars)

Mr. and Mrs. Steven V. Roberts ’60 Mrs. Roseanne RodilossoSH Dr. and Mrs. James Ronan Mrs. Dolores Royston ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ruff, IIISH Hon. Philip E. Ruppe Mrs. Christine Coffey Ryan ’67 and Mr. Thomas Graham Mr. and Mrs. Harvey F. Seegers Jane C. Simanis Mr. and Mrs. Luis Solis Mr. and Mrs. Darren S. Soodak ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stull ’69 Mrs. Sharon B. Taskey Dr. Elizabeth A. Teamey ’94 and Mr. Kyle Teamey Mr. and Mrs. W. Randolph Teslik Mrs. Margaret Thomas Mrs. Maryan Valaik Mrs. Marie Riordan Van Wyk ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Vanderver, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kazuki Watanabe Mr. and Mrs. Don Watkins Dr. Beverley Robinson Wheeler ’72 Diane and Joseph Wood Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Wraase ’70 Mrs. Pamela McCullough Zusi ’62

Special Gifts Honor and Memorial Gifts Thank you to the parents, alumnae, faculty, students and friends who paid tribute to someone special in their lives by making an honor or memorial gift that is not only meaningful, but impactful as well.

Gifts have been received in honor of:

Meghan Abell Priscilla Valentino Aburrow Princess Gladys Itohan Akenzua John and Virginia Boltz Alta K. Cavey Nancy Lewis Clark Luigi Cogliati Margaret Corcoran Re Maplehurst and Manhattanville ’44 Margaret Baughman Craig Jane E. Davidson Kevin James Duffy Joyce Keogh Farr Mrs. Harry H. Farr Frank and Liz Ford Francis B. Frampton Grace Thunder Frier Anna & Ernesto Gadina Sr. Irene Good Angela Madigan Power Hannan JoAnn Hinerman Vasilios S. Kavarligos Bill Keeshan Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Keogh Mary Eleanor Keppel Patricia Krane Kyle Kroll Mary Hogan Leslie Silvia Mansilla Douglas Marion Mayville Marie McCarthy Myriam Monteiro and Antonio Mother Mouton Sr. Mary O’Callaghan Charles M. Plunket Susana Raquel Quintero Mrs. Stacy M. Reed Dr. Walter J. Ross Evelyn Russell Marly Scardini Grace S. Tamm Sandra M. Vidas Janina Bronislawa Weber Bronislawa Marianna Weber Harold K. Wood, Jr.

Corporate, Matching, and Foundation Gifts Gifts that establish or contribute to awards and endowments contribute greatly to the health of the School through the professional growth and talent of teachers, the enrichment of a particular subject’s curriculum, and/or designated funds to support financial aid for students.

Businesses, Corporations, and Organizations

Foundations Alagia Family Foundation AmazonSmile America’s Charities Distribution Account Ayco Charitable Foundation Balbach Family Foundation Delaware Community Foundation Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund Gulf Coast Community Foundation Matan Family Foundation, Inc. National Philanthropic Trust The Andreas Foundation The Benevity Community Impact Fund The Community Foundation for the National Capital Region The Dealy Foundation, Inc. The James M. Johnston Trust The John Doar Foundation The Kiplinger Foundation The Rosenfeld Rumford Steckler Family Foundation Inc. The Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving The Shelter Hill Foundation

Matching Gifts


Bank of America Foundation Global Impact John A. Hartford Foundation J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. The Merck Company Foundation Matching Gift Program PNC Foundation Sanofi-aventis Servicenow T. Rowe Price Associates Foundation, Inc. The Kiplinger Foundation United Technologies Matching Gift Program Verizon Services Corp. Wells Fargo Foundation Wiley Rein & Fielding, LLP

Admiral Security Ahold Financial Services Anchor Construction Corporation Country Club Lawn and Landscape DonateWell Donohoe Advisory Associates Ease Technologies Harris Teeter Heffron Company, Inc.

Hord Coplan Macht Jones Lang Lasalle Matuschek - French School MC Lacrosse MK Catering Morgan Stanley Normandy Carpet Ridgewells RMA Rock Spring Contracting, LLC Stone Ridge School ThinkFoodGroup Total Wine Tri-State Stone and Building Supply United Way of Rhode Island United Way of the National Capital Area United Way Suncoast Universal Floors Vanguard Charitable Vanguard Community Fund Wells Fargo Community Support United Way Campaign Weyers Floors YourCause, LLC


Victoria Akagha Lili Billings Katherine A. Black The Class of 2012 Reunion Cristina and Isabela Cuervo Ada DeFranceaux Cecile, Sharon and Victoria Divino Anne Dyer Marshal Farmer Delia and Mary Kate Friel Sr. Irene Good Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 Karen and Tom Kotoske Julia Kushan Carina C. Leiroz Frances Manderscheid Kali Alexis Mathura Caitie and Ian Meyer Connie Shaffer Mitchell ’92 Camilla Moore Anne Kelly Musica Sr. Karen OlsonSH Meghana Pai and Prianca Pai Catherine Mariani Partamian Patty Prince Mr. and Mrs. John K. Rector III Sofia Sclafani US Science and Music Program Anne C. Viner Palmer Williams Mr. Duffy and Mr. Wright Ivan Zlatin

Gifts have been received in memory of:



Special Gifts and Endowments Gifts that establish or contribute to awards and endowments contribute greatly to the health of the School through the professional growth and talent of teachers, the enrichment of a particular subject’s curriculum, and/or designated funds to support financial aid for students.

Alexandra Armstrong Scholarship Fund This fund was established by Alexandra Armstrong ’56 to provide tuition assistance especially in situations when a student is met with unexpected financial need.

Anne Dyer, RSCJ Scholarship Fund Through an initial, generous donation from the Kiplinger Foundation in November 2000, this fund has been named to honor the thirty-eight years (19682006) of stewardship and service of Sr. Anne Dyer to Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart. It is Sr. Dyer’s wish that this fund be her legacy and that deserving girls, who might not otherwise be able to attend Stone Ridge, receive a Sacred Heart education in her name. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Maresca

Chapel Fund Contributions to this fund support and maintain our beautiful Chapel in Hamilton House.

The Thomas and Barbara Hoy Fund for Faculty Development The Thomas and Barbara Hoy Fund for Faculty Development is an endowed fund established by Christine Hoy Gosnell ’79 (mother of Charlotte ’14) and Elizabeth Hoy Shiverick ’78 (mother of Liza Reetz ’11—91st Street) in honor of their parents. Thomas and Barbara greatly value the role that a Sacred Heart education played in their lives, and continues to play in the lives of their granddaughters. Income from the Fund supports the ongoing growth of the faculty at Stone Ridge.

This fund is named for Marie McCarthy, a graduate of Newton Academy, who taught chemistry at Stone Ridge for twenty-five years. Mrs. McCarthy designed and implemented the first science curriculum for the Middle and Upper Schools at Stone Ridge and was named 1988 Chemistry Teacher of the Year. At her request upon her retirement in 1988, a scholarship was established in her name to offer financial assistance to students in need. Dr. and Mrs. John Anderson

John C. Kavanagh Scholarship Fund

McComas Fund

Established in April 1986 by his daughters, Mary Kavanagh Sherry, Anne Kavanagh Stroh, Marcia Kavanagh Dodge, Carol Kavanagh McGinley ’66, Patricia Kavanagh ’67, Maureen Kavanagh Goldstein ’70, and Kathryn Kavanagh Baran ’72, this fund offers financial assistance to a student in need. Mr. and Mrs. Jan Baran ’72 Dr. Patricia Kavanagh ’67 and Mr. James Grant Ms. Ellen A. McCarthy ’65 and Mr. Charles T. Howell

The McComas Fund was established in 1998 with a gift from Louis McComas. The fund encourages the study of economics at Stone Ridge.

Koonz Scholarship Fund Established in 1987 to provide financial assistance to an Upper School student.

Schultz Fund

Patricia Krane Memorial Fund

This fund was established in 1985 by a major contribution from Mr. Edward Dickinson to be used at the discretion of the Head of School. It has become a source of tuition assistance for students in need.

Sandra Dubinsky Scholarship Fund

Diana Scully Lee Memorial Fund

Named in honor of former Director of Admission, Sandra B. Dubinsky, this fund supports financial aid for students at Stone Ridge.

Employee Critical Needs Fund Contributions to this fund help offset yearly expenses to address staff members’ needs that are not covered by Stone Ridge long-term and short-term disability benefits.

The Carlette Engel De Janosi Scholarship Fund This endowed scholarship was established by Madeleine Engel de Janosi McMullan ’46 and her husband, James, in memory of Mrs. McMullan’s mother, who was a French teacher at “1719.” The fund provides scholarship aid to an Upper School Student.

Julian E. Gillespie, Jr. Athletic Fund This fund was set up following the sudden and untimely death of Julian Gillespie in 1982, the father of four Stone Ridge alumnae, Joan Gillespie Swift ’78, Ellen Clare Gillespie Dreyer ’79, Elizabeth Gillespie Billings ’80, and Julie Gillespie Sanders ’82. Proceeds are used to support the athletic department. Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Joan Gillespie Swift ’78

Sister Irene Good Scholarship Fund This fund is named for Sister Irene Good who lived and worked at Stone Ridge on two different occasions for nearly fifteen years. Sister Good is most remembered for her love of mathematics and her unique ability to teach the subject.

Mother Mouton Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Boland initiated this fund with a major gift in 1985. Mother Odeide Mouton, who holds a special place in the memory of many alumnae, served as headmistress of Stone Ridge from 1957-1968. She spent her last years in a retirement community for the Religious of the Sacred Heart in California.

This fund was established for Patricia Krane who joined the Stone Ridge faculty in the Lower School in 1972. Mrs. Krane, who died in 1987, is best remembered for her gift of teaching young people to memorize and recite poetry that would remain with them for the rest of their lives.

Dickinson Scholarship Fund

Marie McCarthy Scholarship Fund

This fund was established in 1985 by Dr. and Mrs. James H. Scully to honor their daughter, Diana Scully Lee ’65, who died in her early thirties. It provides a scholarship in memory of Mrs. Lee who is remembered by her family and friends as a vibrant woman and mother of three. Mrs. Paris Keena Scott ’74

Daniel-Valdis Lubkans Fund This fund was created in 1987 in memory of the son of Catherine Hall and Andrejs Lubkans. Ms. Hall was a longtime English teacher in the Upper School. The fund supports the Lower School speaker series.

Anthony F. and Mary Malia Scholarship Fund Gerald Malia, a former trustee and president of the Fathers’ Club and his wife, Kaki Carolan Malia ’53, a former president of the Stone Ridge Alumnae Board, set up this scholarship in honor or Mr. Malia’s parents. The Malia’s three daughters, Mary Catherine Malia Higgins ’78, Carolan Malia Taylor ’79, and Elizabeth Malia ’83, are Stone Ridge graduates. This grant is awarded to a student entering the Upper School from the Middle School. Mrs. Elizabeth Malia Calhoun ’83

The Thomas Allen Manfuso Faculty Development Fund This endowed fund established by John A. Manfuso, Jr. in memory of the late Thomas Allen Manfuso, supports professional development for English teachers.

The Schultz Fund, established in 1995 by Dr. and Mrs. Gullermo Schultz, is a fund that provides financial support for programs and tools designed to help students with learning differences. Mr. and Mrs. James Pitcher Dr. and Mrs. Guillermo SchultzSH Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Will

St. Madeleine Sophie Faculty Enrichment Fund This fund, established by an anonymous donor, provides funds for faculty study, travel, and other forms of enrichment.

Joan McNeil Tambasco Scholarship Fund This fund was established in loving memory of Joan McNeil Tambasco by her husband Anthony Tambasco. Joan joined the Middle School faculty at Stone Ridge in 1981 and taught Social Studies and Religion before retiring in 1996. Joan is remembered for her deep faith, and her talent to bring out the best in people—especially young people. In true Sacred Heart tradition, Joan set clear standards and challenged her students to be creative thinkers and empowered leaders. She was truly a beloved teacher. Ms. Kimberly Piliero ’88 Dr. Anthony J. Tambasco and Mrs. Anne Stewart

Nadine Wetzler Scholarship Fund Nadine Wetzler, a longtime friend to the Stone Ridge community and mother of Nadia ’89 and Andrea ’91, died in January 1992. Her family sponsored this memorial fund.

Maureen Coffey Wood Fund This fund, in memory of Maureen Coffey Wood ’62, was established by her family, Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Coffey (Mary Catherine Mudell ’34) Christine Coffey Ryan ’67, and Anne Coffey Proctor ’69, to support the efforts of the guidance department.

Wendy M. Wright Endowed Scholarship Fund This fund was established by the family and friends of Wendy M. Wright upon her retirement in 2002. After thirty-two years of service to Stone Ridge, Mrs. Wright is remembered especially as the head of the Lower School. The fund supports tuituion assistance of a Lower School student. Ms. Lenore J. Hill Stone Ridge School Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wright

Other Gifts Restricted Gifts Anonymous The Class of 2017 Mr. and Mrs. Hollis B. Brewer, III ’87 Dr. and Mrs. Robert Chu Mrs. Julia Farr Connolly ’84 Mrs. Carol Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Gamble Ms. Patricia A. Barrett and Mr. Gary M. Grandchamp Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Hayes ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hilliard Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Keyes Ms. Marie Isabel Laurion ’88 Dr. Mary McGrane ’67 and Dr. Neil Richtand Ms. Laura de OñaSH and Mr. Atul Mehta Mr. and Mrs. Edward Quinn ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rhodes Mr. Juan Riberas and Mrs. Belen Orjales Dr. Amy C. Richardson ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Shiverick ’78 Mr. and Mrs. William Topercer Drs. Lori and Thomas Zorc

Gifts in Kind Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Lovett Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Maloney Mr. and Mrs. John Sateri

Special Events Golf and Tennis Classic Sponsors PLATINUM

Scott and Kammie Bell Comprehensive Clinical Solutions Anna and Robert Trone

REGISTRATION RCM&D Tony and Joe’s Seafood Place

TENNIS COURTS GOLD Anonymous Blue and Gold Boosters Grade Line Engineering

SILVER Anchor Construction Donohoe Advisory Associates Ease Technologies Hord Coplan Macht Normandy Carpet Ridgewells SWORKIT Stone Ridge Board of Trustees THINKFOODGROUP

SCOREBOARD Rock Spring Contracting

BEVERAGE CART The Brewer Family The Quinn Family

The Three Amigos – Ciatto, Giulieri, Thompson

HOLE Admiral Security Grade 6 Classic Basketball Team Country Club Lawn and Landscape Crowell & Moring LLP Georgetown Preparatory School Mater Dei School MC Lacrosse MK Catering RMA – Worldwide Chauffeured Transportation Stone Ridge JV Basketball Stone Ridge JV Lacrosse Stone Ridge SRPA The Dolan Family The Hilliard Family The Mathews Family The Taylor Family The Zorc Family Weyers Floors

LONG DRIVE Higher Logic Grade 1 Soccer Team Tri-State Stone



The Azizi Family The DiZinno Family The Lange Family The Lindstrom Family The Paul Family The Perry Family The Stanislav Family The Strong Family

Golf 4 Kids Academy Grade 5 Soccer Team Stone Ridge Golf Team




DC Endodontic Center Stone Ridge Spring Varsity Tennis The Mullery Family SWORKIT THINKFOODGROUP Total Wine & More Universal Floors



2016-2017 Volunteers The success this year is due in large part to the hard work and dedication of the many volunteers who believe in and support the School’s Sacred Heart mission. It would not have been possible without the hundreds of hours given by talented and generous volunteers.

Head of School Evaluation and Compensation Committee

Board of Trustees

Master Planning Committee

Karen Dahut, Vice Chair Bill Farmer, Treasurer Patricia Geuting, RSCJ Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 (ex-officio) Harvey Seegers, Chair Gaby Virgo-Carter, Secretary

Patricia Geuting, RSCJ Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 (ex-officio) Sara O’Neil-Manion Eric Osberg (staff) Mark Richardson Harvey Seegers, Chair Jim Soltesz Rob Stewart

Executive Committee

Bill Farmer Charles Mathews Harvey Seegers, Chair

Audit Committee Bill Farmer Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 (ex-officio) Charles Mathews, Chair Eric Osberg (staff) Harvey Seegers Benito Zapata

Committee on Trustees Susie Canton Elizabeth Davidsen Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 (ex-officio) Karen Olsen, RSCJ Anna Marie Parisi-Trone Amy Richardson Harvey Seegers Gaby Virgo-Carter, Chair

Alumnae Board Kathryn Kavanagh Baran ’72 Molly Bryson ’89 Yvette Escudero ’84 Maria-Stella Gatzoulis ’86 Maureen Daly Kelly ’87 Daphne Kiplinger ’03 Meg MacWhirter ’01 Kellyn Mahan ’06 Dominque Martinet ’62 Eileen Mayer ’70 Mara Gomes McCarthy ’06 Patty Wimsatt Myler ’64 Mary Ellen Ruff ’90 Robyn Schwartzman ’08 Julie Verratti ’97 Colleen Zorc ’11

Susan Farnsworth ’72 Virginia Hagan ’72 Amy Richardson ’72 Beverley Robinson Wheeler ’72 Tara Kalagher Giunta ’77 LaSandra Muldrow Hayes ’77 Nalini Thornton Rogers ’77 Stefanie Bachhuber ’82 Helen Freeman ’82 Susan Hilliard Brewer ’87 Nicole Escudero Christenson ’87 Maureen Daly Kelly ’87 Meghan McMurtrie Quinn ’87 Stephanie Shields ’87 Maria Doultsinos Spina ’87 Ann-Marie Wells Dorsey ’92 Elizabeth Emerson ’92 Colleen Quinn ’92 Allison Tobin Reed ’92 Ingrid Malchak Schultz ’97 Alison Caldwell Bliss ’02 Caitlin Miller ’02 Marjorie Betubiza ’07 Aveen Karim ’07 Claire Nowlin ’07 Ashleigh Canton ’12 Wynne Leahy ’12 Dylan Williams ’12

Stone Ridge Fund Leadership Committee Alumnae Chair

Maureen Daly Kelly ’87

Development Committee Elizabeth Davidsen Brian Friel Kristen Hohman, Chair Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 (ex-officio) Eileen Mayer Christine Myers Melissa Prather (staff) Harvey Seegers

Finance Committee David Bates Bill Farmer, Chair Kristin Hohman Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 (ex-officio) Ned Krause Gene Massey Eric Osberg (staff ) Harvey Seegers Kathryn Stewart

2017 Reunion Class Cheerleaders

Alumnae Parent Chair

A special thanks to our 2017 Reunion Recruiters for their tireless efforts, finding alumnae, connecting alumnae to each other, and organizing class gatherings. Dorothee Didden Riederer ’62 Marilyn Muir Smith ’62 Pamela McCullough Zusi ’62 Rosario Alvarado Alzamora ’67 Anne Carey ’67 Mary Colbert Denger ’67 Elise Gillette ’67 Julia Sevilla-Somoza Hopping ’67 Lydia Almon Hornbaker ’67 Christine Coffey Ryan ’67 Marie Robey Wood ’67 Eleanor Nethken Alvarez ’72 Gretchen Bank ‘72 Kathryn Kavanagh Baran ’72 Mary-Louise Tracy Coates ’72

Cecilia Schultz SH

Grandparent Chair Merry Maiberger

Parent Co-Chairs Brian Friel Amy Howe

Parent Ambassadors Mr. Michael Bellaman Mr. Ezio Bonvini Mrs. Christine Carey Mrs. Christina Fry Giulieri Mr. Peter Kenny Mr. Jonathan S. Lawlor Mrs. Leanne Long Mrs. Patty Lovett

“In a family with four generations of Sacred Heart women, the Goals and traditions have always been important to us. I was blessed with the opportunity to help build community and give back through my work with the Fathers Club. Watching my daughters grow into young women ready to lead and serve, has been remarkable.” Joe McMahon, Head of the Stone Ridge Fathers Club, husband of Lorna Denger McMahon ’88, father of Maggie ’15 and Colleen ’17 (pictured are Joe’s “Sacred Heart girls” – Maggie ’15, Colleen ’17, and Lorna ’88

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Netram Mrs. Mary O’Connor Mr. Mark A. Quinn Dr. Zavia Scott Mrs. Mary Siffermann Michelle E. Stawinski Mrs. Carrie Tydings Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wenger Mrs. Laurie Yang

Alumnae Ambassadors We would also like to thank the 2017 Alumnae Ambassadors for their efforts encouraging classmates to support The Stone Ridge Fund through the Blue Gold Challenge. Dorothee Didden Riederer ’62 Pamela McCullough Zusi ’62 Anne E. Carey ‘67 Mary Colbert Denger ‘67 Christine Coffey Ryan ’67 Marie Robey Wood ’67 Eleanor Nethken Alvarez ’72 Kathryn Kavanagh Baran ’72 Susan M. Farnsworth ’72 Virginia M. Hagan ’72 Amy C. Richardson ’72 Beverley Robinson Wheeler ’72 Maureen Daly Kelly ‘87 Dana Simeone Iandoli ‘92 Christina Nash Leibrand ’92 Colleen Quinn ‘92 Beth Emerson ’92 Caitlin J. Miller ’02 Marjorie T. Betubiza ’07 Aveen N. Karim ’07 Kristina M. Madarang ’07 Anna G. Mysliwiec ‘07 Claire Nowlin ‘07 Cara A. Sullivan ’07 Ashleigh D. Canton ’12 Wynne Leahy ’12

Stone Ridge Fund Student Volunteers

2017 Golf and Tennis Committee Siobhan Abell Andy Cook Joe DiZinno Dawn Forsberg Marie Gehringer Kevin Lange Bettina Lynn Jason McGhee Kathleen Mullery Matty Sateri

2017 Golf and Tennis Committee Volunteers Eileen Mayer ’70 Julie Duvall Stull ’69

2016-2017 Stone Ridge Parents Association Executive Committee

Kathy Stallings, President Carolann Bellaman, Upper School Vice President Genie Strong, Middle School Vice President Katie Tyson, Lower School Vice President Renita Anderson, Secretary Chris Duvall, Treasurer Greg Coleman, At-Large Member Elise Keegan, Volunteer Coordinator

Committee Chairs ART SHOW Eliane Bedewi Dawn Forsberg Dace Person CHRISTMAS DECORATING Rhonda Condron, Hamilton House Aimee Aronson, Lower School Jackie Smith, Middle School Cindy Holman, Upper School COMMUNITY SERVICE Elaine Vining FACULTY AND STAFF APPRECIATION Brooks Kenny FATHERS CLUB Joe McMahon LOWER SCHOOL LUNCH VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR Alana Gunraj LOWER SCHOOL MENTOR FAMILY COORDINATOR Katie Tyson LOWER SCHOOL PARENT ACTIVITIES Caroline Landau Catherine Regan

MIDDLE SCHOOL MENTOR FAMILY COORDINATOR Genie Strong MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENT ACTIVITIES Debbie Attar Kitty DiMartino PARENTS COUNCIL OF WASHINGTON REPRESENTATIVES Kathleen Mullery, Upper School Michele Maiberger, Middle School Elizabeth Keyes, Lower School UPPER SCHOOL BLUE AND GOLD BOOSTERS Lil Duke Maureen Gormley Karen Pane Kim Sinkford UPPER SCHOOL MENTOR FAMILY COORDINATORS Leslie Flynn Patty Lovett

Hic et Nunc The Hic et Nunc Society (Here and Now) has been established to recognize individuals and families who have made provisions for future gifts to Stone Ridge through their estate plans. By becoming a member of this society, you are serving as an inspiration for others to make similar gifts to uphold the tradition of a Sacred Heart education that began more than two hundred years ago with St. Madeleine Sophie Barat. Estate of Anne Newby Williams Ms. Alexandra Armstrong ’56 Mrs. Leonora Rocca Bernheisel ’55 Mr. Jerry Bullock Ms. Frances B. Call ’58 Dr. and Mrs. Jose Tarcisio M. Carneiro Ms. Nancy Lewis Clark ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Denger ’67 Dr. and Mrs. Chester A. DiLallo Mrs. Catherine S. Dott Mr. and Mrs. James V. Durkin Dr. Olga and Mr. Carl Fairfax ’58 Ms. Cynthia Wright and Mr. Joseph Fraundorfer Dr. and Mrs. David S. Freitag Mr. Wiley N. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Albert R. Jonsen ’57 Ms. Margaret Mary Keppel Kelley ’62 Ms. Marie Isabel Laurion ’88 Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Manderscheid Mrs. Dominique Verheyen Martinet ’62 Mrs. Mary Jane Maslyar Ms. Eileen C. Mayer ’70 Dr. Helen Fox Moody ’65 Mrs. Mary Frances O’Connor Moriarty ’48 Mrs. Nancy Bradford Ordway ’56 Ms. Penelope E. Prior ’88 Dr. Amy C. Richardson ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rumford, III Mrs. Eileen M. Trevisan Mrs. Sheryl A. Watkins Wilbon ’84


Maggie Bellaschi Katie Bellaschi Katie Brewer Theo Brophy Mollie Carr Gianna Catalano Grace Christenson Sophia Ciatto Catherine Cook Joanna Courtis Cheyenne Curley Stephanie Devine Arianne Hennis Kate Hohman Carter Leahy Sophie Lovett Isabella Martinez Laura-Sofia Mehta Caroline Quinn Nora Rhodes Rachel Ruffin Catherine Spina Elizabeth Stanislav

Helena Torres-Siclait Isabella Vazriani Anna Volanth Caroline Zorc


“My hopes are to

honor my mother by helping someone who experiences a financial reversal in their family with a partial scholarship so that they can remain

at Stone Ridge and continue their education.” – Nancy Ordway ’56

Nancy Ordway ’56 reflects on her mother and the ELIZABETH CROWLEY BRADFORD SCHOLARSHIP FUND A quiet strength, endurance, humor, great empathy,

for field hockey. About her time at Stone Ridge, Nancy

kindness, and sensitivity. These are words that Nancy

reflects, “When I first arrived at Stone Ridge, I recognized

Ordway ’56 uses when remembering her late mother,

immediately how high a level of education the school


provided. I could feel my mind expanding!”






embodied these characteristics, and for her deep appreciation and dedication to education, Nancy decided

Nancy’s desire for the Elizabeth Crowley Bradford

to establish the Elizabeth Crowley Bradford Scholarship

Scholarship Fund is simple, “My hopes are to honor my

Fund through a planned gift of her estate. The Elizabeth

mother by helping someone who experiences a financial

Crowley Bradford Scholarship Fund provides partial

reversal in their family with a partial scholarship so

tuition for a student who needs financial assistance as a

that they can remain at Stone Ridge and continue their

result of a life-changing event so she may continue her


academic pursuits at Stone Ridge. To learn how you can join Nancy and support Stone Ridge









through planned giving and become a member of the Hic

academically challenging classes, competitive sport, and

et Nunc Society, please contact Melissa Prather, Director of

leadership opportunities. Nancy was the President of the

Institutional Advancement at 301.657.4322, ext. 352 or mprather@

Student Council, on the tennis team, and played left wing Fall/Winter 2017 | 62

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