Stone Ridge Magazine Spring 2015

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Stone Ridge magazine


Alumnae Class Notes SR News, Photos, Stories, and More! | 1 WWW.STONERIDGESCHOOL.ORG

Gifts to the Annual Fund immediately support every child at Stone Ridge through strong programming in academics, athletics, the arts, and with financial assistance. We have already raised over $1 million and we need your help to reach our final goal. We are more than 90% of the way to our goal and it could be you that makes a difference today!

It is your generosity that is empowering leaders to serve with faith, intellect, and confidence. Our deepest gratitude to those donors who have helped get us over a million already. Make your gift before the deadline, June 30, 2015. Contact Heather Dempsey, Director of Annual Giving, at 301.657.4322 ext. 363 or

Spring 2015 | 2

Contents Stone Ridge Magazine

Spring 2015 Features

6 Stone Ridge Women in the Arts 18 TEDx Stone Ridge

18 24

20 Gators Go Turf: WE DID IT! 32 Young Alum Power Team

In Every Issue 4

From the Head of School

30 Athletic News 32 Alumnae News & Events 36 Alumnae Class Notes 33

52 SR Photo Gallery 55 In Memoriam

THE STONE RIDGE MAGAZINE is produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications at Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart for alumnae, parents, students, and friends of the School.

HEAD OF SCHOOL Catherine Ronan Karrels '86

ON THE COVER This bejeweled dress was made by Maya Young '18 and Karina Bakalian '18, of recycled fabric and remnants of old necklaces, earrings, and pins. They used an old dress pattern from the '60s and assembled the dress themselves with Maya's sewing machine. The dress in the background was made with recycled CD’s, old slides, and pop tops, created by Brianna Thompson '18 and Natalia Zapata '18. Art teacher Emma Cowan tasked her Studio Art class to think as stewards of the earth and ponder how much humans actually use. Her goal was to have the girls create an engaging work of art with recycled materials, that would spark curiosity and would then educate the viewer as well. The class is saving the planet one sculpture at a time!

DIRECTOR OF MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS Connie Shaffer Mitchell '92 VISUAL ARTS MANAGER & PHOTOGRAPHY Caitlin Myler Taylor '98 WEBSITE MANAGER Patty Lynch CONTRIBUTING STAFF WRITER Brenda Funk Please send any letters, comments, or suggestions to the editor, Connie Shaffer Mitchell '92, at

Printed on recycled paper with vegetable-

based inks in a 100% wind powered facility. | 3


Be inspired. Dear SR Community: Though each of my seven years at Stone Ridge has been marked by major highlights and moments of great pride, the 2014-2015 academic year has truly stood out as a remarkable milestone for our community. With each passing year, I become more and more amazed by the blessings that surround us here at Stone Ridge. First and foremost, our students are simply astonishing. I am impressed every single day to see our girls lead and excel—in the classroom, on the playing field, in dance performances, in the art studio, literally everywhere they go. Some of our student groups have received significant recognition this year, including our Best Buddies Program, which was named chapter of year in Maryland, and our Social Action Program which received the national 2015 Community Service Award from the Center for Spiritual and Ethical Education—second place to Philips Exeter. As any alumna or current student can tell you, these programs are all student-led, studentfacilitated, borne of our students’ passions and interests. In the classroom, our students distinguish themselves not only as great critical thinkers and skilled academics, but also as young women with a conscience and a will to serve. It is evident to all of our students that our mission as a school of the Sacred Heart is not only to empower them with knowledge and skills in order to create a productive life for themselves, but to prepare them to become leaders and agents of change as they carry Christ’s heart into our world. This year will be remembered in history as the year we completed our Gators Go Turf campaign. On March 23 we celebrated an all-School liturgy with Cardinal Donald Wuerl who blessed our school community and blessed our new field. The spirit of Stone Ridge was palpable that day – such pride in being young women of the Sacred Heart. Now throughout each Spring 2015 | 4

Catherine Ronan Karrels '86 with Middle School students

school day and afternoon, it is truly joyful to see our students playing on this new field. It is especially fun to see fans sporting blue and gold in the stands cheering them on, often with younger Gators observing older student-athletes with anticipation, looking forward to the day that they will don their SR uniforms and compete for our School. The pages of this magazine offer a glimpse into some of the highlights about the field and of the past few months at Stone Ridge. Please read with care as we brag about the terrific achievements of our students, faculty, staff, and alumnae. Also listed is a report of generosity, listing the names of our leadership donors who helped make the Gators Go Turf campaign a reality. Words cannot express adequately the depth of my gratitude for all those who came forward to support this important effort. One of the major themes you will find on these pages is “Women in the Arts.” As we put closure on the field project and set our eyes on our next big capital investment, we have identified a Center for the Arts as our next major project. Arts programming is absolutely essential as part of our curriculum, and we are very proud of our robust offerings for both curricular and co-curricular opportunities in the visual and performing arts. Yet it is time for SR to design and build a proper facility to house these terrific

Board of Trustees 2014-2015 Captions to these photos as there is space!

Mark S. Richardson, Chair Helene N. Rayder, Vice-chair

Karen M. Dahut Elizabeth Boggs Davidsen Christopher J. Donatelli William F. Farmer Edward F. Greissing, Jr. Melanie Guste, RSCJSH Stone Ridge hosted Barbara Quinn, RSCJ, who addressed the faculty and staff at an employee retreat on January 5, 2015. She spoke about Goal I and lay leadership in our Sacred Heart schools. Barbara Quinn, RSCJ, is the Associate Director of Spiritual Formation at the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry. Prior to this, Sister Quinn served as the director of the Center for Christian Spirituality at the University of San Diego. Her ministries have included spiritual direction and retreats, teaching on college and graduate levels, lay leadership training, formation work, and administration.

Elizabeth Hartson, RSCJSH Catherine Ronan Karrels '86, Ex-officio Anna Marie Parisi-Trone Sara O-Neil-Manion '68 Charles M. Mathews, Jr. Susan Maxwell, RSCJSH Amy Richardson, MD '72 John J. Ryan, III

programs. Our master planning committee will roll up its sleeves next year to dive into the planning for this project. Please stay tuned for exciting news as we move forward. On a personal note, I want to conclude by saying what an honor it is to serve as head of school at Stone Ridge. Of course, I had no idea what to expect when I took this role, and it is certainly a complex, big, and often difficult job. But the rewards of being part of SR are astounding, and I am truly humbled to be part of this vibrant Sacred Heart community. I am especially touched to learn, year after year, about the life stories of our alumnae. I encourage all alumnae to make their reunion and other alumnae events a priority! Come back to campus, come see how far we have come and meet some young Gators who are preparing their hearts and minds to take on the world. I promise you will be surprised, impressed, and inspired.

Enjoy the summer,

Elizabeth Hoy Shiverick '78 Harvey F. Seegers Gabrielle N. Virgo-Carter, MD Richard L. Vogel, Jr. Robb N. Wong

Administrative Team 2014-2015

Catherine Ronan Karrels '86 Head of School

Scott W. C. Lawrence Head of Lower School

Connie Shaffer Mitchell ’92 Director of Marketing and Communications

Kate Morin Head of Upper School

Anabelle C. Morgan Head of Middle School

Eric Osberg Director of Finance and Operations

Mary Burke Tobias


Director of Admissions

Cindy vandenBeemt Interim Director of Development | 5

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visual performing arts Spring 2015 | 6


1 Olenka Wellisz '17 works on a portrait 2 Chris Thompson, Chair of the Music Department, prepares Fourth Grade students for their vocal performance in the Lower School Music Informance 3 Olivia Gwynn '15, Maryam Fassihi '16, and Naima Fonrose '16 in the US performance of The Tempest 4 Eighth Grade students perform skills learned in a dance informance 5 Katie Kalhorn '19 and Jane Spina '21 in the MS performance of The BFG (Big Friendly Giant) 6 Fourth Grade students (from back) Marielle Winkler, Isabelle Hirschberger, Emily Ahmed, and Aleyah Lewis work on their violin skills with Music Teacher Elizabeth Cunha

Stone Ridge

Women in the Arts

"To create one's world in any of the arts takes courage." -Georgia O’Keeffe

The arts programming and curricula at Stone Ridge are thriving, with our students now involved in chorus, band, instrumental ensemble, musicals, a capella, 3D and graphic design, photography, drama, and dance, to name a few. The depth and breadth of the arts at Stone Ridge have significantly developed over the years with our students performing an annual Christmas concert on the worldclass stage of Strathmore and other concerts at reputable venues around the Washington area.

There are so many current Stone Ridge students who extend their artistic pursuits and training beyond Stone Ridge. Inherent in a Sacred Heart education is providing opportunities for students to share their artistic gifts with the community. You will read in the following short profiles about a sample of Stone Ridge women, both students and alumnae, who are breaking barriers, reaching milestones, and modeling courage with their artistic talents...and they are making a difference along the way.

Archival photographs, taken from the '70s to the '90s | 7

Stone Ridge Women in the Arts: Alumnae

Tiffany Barnes '89

TIFFANY BARNES ’89 has three passions in life: dance, the pursuit of knowledge and a desire to give back to her community. Thanks to the values instilled in her at Stone Ridge, an unwavering trust in God’s divine plan and a strong confidence in her abilities, her career path has incorporated all three of these passions. Since 2010 Tiffany has been the director of the Junior Division at The Ailey School, the official school of The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. She oversees the administrative and artistic operations of three dance programs for over one thousand children. Her day-to-day responsibilities are vast—writing and maintaining curriculum, conducting local auditions, evaluating and hiring teachers, planning eleven

The Ailey School's Junior Division Director Tiffany Barnes Teaching Horton, photo by Eduardo Patino

yearly performances, guiding parents in making decisions for their child’s dance training, advising high school seniors who aspire

Ailey School faculty member and an Alvin Ailey teaching artist.

to earn their BFA in college, attending rehearsals, sitting on the parent board for the school, and working to maintain enrollment,

In 2005 she was selected to be a New York City Teaching Fellow

all while supervising 48 faculty members and teaching assistants.

and worked until 2010 as a middle school English language arts and drama teacher in a high-needs New York City public school.

Though Tiffany started dancing at the age of ten, a career in

While working as a teacher, she also earned an MA in adolescent

the performing arts wasn’t always a part of her plan. Her goals

education from Pace University.

included dancing through high school, attending college and then entering the business world. And, that is what she did. She

She no longer dances, due to an injury while training for her

attended Stone Ridge for high school while also dancing for the

second year of the Rockettes, but in hindsight she sees this as all

Jones-Haywood School of Ballet in DC. After Stone Ridge she

a part of God’s plan. “Clearly God had a different plan for my life

matriculated at Hampton University, earning a BA in English

than I imagined and in retrospect I see that the major through

and interning during the summers for Kaiser Permanente. Kaiser

lines are faith, a respect for education and intellect, a deep abiding

offered her a position right out of college and she accepted but

love of dance, and a passion for working with service-oriented arts

asked if they would allow her to first study for six weeks at Ailey.

organizations that strive to edify communities and to change the

Kaiser obliged, she attended Ailey in New York for a “life changing”

lives of children.”

summer and returned to Maryland to start her career at Kaiser. She fondly remembers reflecting upon the Goals [of Sacred Heart Something didn’t feel right, however, and two years later

education] just before her Upper School admissions interview

she got the “artistic itch” to change direction. She had been

and thinking if she were to live up to the values as a high school

rehearsing nights and weekends with a local modern dance

student, who knew what she would get to do when she grew up.

company called Forward Movement. The artistic director there

“The Sacred Heart Goals definitely became an innate part of a personal philosophy that I began to develop as a Stone Ridge student. Seamlessly, the ideals and values contained within the Goals have come to govern many aspects of my adult life. I am extremely grateful to my parents to have been afforded the opportunity to receive the gift of a Sacred Heart education. It certainly served me well and has enabled me to serve others.”

saw something in Tiffany and suggested she return to New York to train professionally. That encouragement, along with a desire to continue learning and go to graduate school pushed her to return to New York. She was accepted at the Gallatin School for Individualized Study at NYU (earning an MA in literature and dance) and resumed full time training at Ailey. Since moving to New York in 1995, Tiffany has performed as a dancer with Nathan/Trice Rituals, Footprints — a Christian dance company, and The Radio City Rockettes. She has served as an

Spring 2015 | 8

Stone Ridge Women in the Arts: Alumnae Since a very young age,


has loved

fact that she found significant joy in helping women build their

fashion. In fact, her mother often tells the story of how Julia, as

wardrobes. Julia began to wonder if perhaps a career in fashion

a toddler, would refuse to go down for a nap each day until she

was something she could pursue full time.

first carefully selected and then neatly laid out her post-nap outfit. This love-affair with fashion continued throughout her childhood

Then, in 2009, her husband, Peter Connolly, died a very tragic

and early adulthood—she had favorite go-to pieces and fabrics,

death. Through her grief, Julia began a new daily ritual –

delighted in dressing her mother, sister and friends for important

meditation and prayer for one hour in the mornings. It was

events, and religiously read the trend-revealing September Vogue

through this practice that her life’s purpose became clearer. Julia

from cover to cover.

explains, “In these hours of prayer I realized I was not doing what I was meant to do. That I was not living the life that I was intended

While clothing was certainly fun, Julia never thought that a career

to live. It was through this exercise that I received divine direction.”

in fashion was a viable option. Instead, she pursued law, earning a BA in history at Georgetown University in 1988, a JD from

With certainty from above, she decided to leave her job as an

Columbus School of Law at The Catholic University in 1993, and

attorney and open up her own clothing store. And in 2010, the

for the next 17 years working as a corporate securities attorney.

Julia Farr boutique was born.

Nine years into her legal career, Julia was approached by her

Located in Northwest DC, the boutique at first only featured

friend Amy Boyce and asked if she might be interested in

established and emerging designers. Then in 2012 Julia fulfilled

dipping her toes into the fashion industry by means of trunk

her dream of becoming a designer herself and having her own

shows -– selling the Worth Collection clothing in homes in the

personal label. She partnered with Georgetown friend Ann Tierney

DC metropolitan area. Julia agreed and, while still practicing law,

Prochnow to launch a collection of clothing that features classic

she and Amy delved into the wardrobe selling business. They

pieces essential to a woman’s wardrobe. Julia makes her design

achieved great success. In 2004 they placed first in national sales,

choices based on a professional woman’s needs – their age, their

more than doubling the company’s previous highest sales record.

body type, their career – whether they will be wearing the clothes

The experience wasn’t just financially rewarding for Julia, it also

in a boardroom or in a courtroom or while skypeing with clients.

brought her great personal satisfaction and reconfirmed the Her business thus far has seen much success. They have sold their collection—all made-in-America­ —at the boutique, in online trunk shows, and in other cities. Their plans for the future include launching a direct-sales component nationwide. About her decision to change her career, she states, “I am very certain that this is the correct thing for me to do – with a lot of divine inspiration involved.” When considering her Stone Ridge education, Julia states, “The

Julia Farr '84

one thing that most impacted me at Stone Ridge was that I was taught that I could do anything I wanted to do. That I could assume any leadership position and once I found that fit there was no limit to what I could do. There was no limitation to what my future could be.” Clearly, Stone Ridge's teachings have served her well. Julia lives in Bethesda with her three children Joyce ‘14, Cecilia ‘17, and Peter. | 9

Stone Ridge Women in the Arts: Alumnae Combining a rewarding career in the nonprofit world with a hobby that satisfies her love of acting, TESSA

SOLLWAY BLISCHE ’04 is living the best of both worlds. By day, Tessa is a communications specialist for St. Elizabeth School, a nonpublic special education school in Baltimore City. When she is not working,

Tessa Sollway Blische '04

she is performing on stage for local Baltimore theater company Fells Point Corner Theatre. Tessa’s love of theater began in high school where she played a part in almost every show that Stone Ridge produced. In her junior year, she was given a lead role as the Witch in her favorite musical, Into the Woods. And later as a senior, she played Annie Sullivan in The Miracle Worker. Both roles were extremely challenging, and to this day she still considers them her best work.

Tessa Sollway Blische '04 in Top Girls; photo by Ken Stanek Photography

After Stone Ridge, Tessa attended Fordham University, initially hoping to pursue acting. But after a year she became more interested in art history and journalism and transferred to the University of Maryland where she received her BA in art history in 2008. She did not act during her college years— the competitiveness of the theater programs in college was unappealing—or in her first few years after college. But the lack of creativity in her life bothered her for many years. Then two life altering events in one month pushed Tessa to get back into acting. “In 2011, after getting married and also breaking my leg in a car accident in the same month, I decided to put myself ‘out there’ and audition for a play in my new city of Baltimore,” Tessa explains. “Above anyone else, I have to thank my husband, Brandon Blische, for his encouragement at that time. He knew I needed a creative outlet and had heard me talk about how much I missed acting.” With newfound confidence Tessa auditioned for a Fells Point Corner Theatre production called 10x10 II, and was ecstatic to be cast in a lead role. Fells Point Corner Theatre is a small community theater, but it receives a lot of attention from the local media. After that show, she was cast the following year in Fells Point Corner Theatre’s Laundry and Bourbon as the character Hattie and again in 2014 as Joyce in Top Girls. She continues to work with Fells Point Corner Theatre because of its commitment to producing consistent quality work and involving highly qualified actors, directors, writers, and stage and tech crew.

Spring 2015 | 10

When considering Stone Ridge’s effects on her adult life she is incredibly grateful. “Stone Ridge gave me a very strong foundation for personal growth through artistic talent and also through community work.” She is also thankful for her biggest artistic supporter at Stone Ridge, Mrs. Sandra Blakeslee because, as Tessa avers, “She gave me the freedom to be uniquely me.” Sandra is still a great teacher and friend to Tessa, even showing up at Tessa’s shows in Baltimore to show her support. Recently, Tessa has been involved with Fells Point Corner Theatre’s “Ann Street Players” troupe – a group of talented actors with disabilities who involve themselves in theater for the very same reasons she does. “I love watching the confidence this art form gives people, and seeing the various personal transformations every night on stage.” While acting is not her career, Tessa is extremely content

“I consider myself extremely lucky to serve others every day as a career and to simultaneously continue pursuing my own creativity through theater.” with the path she has chosen.

Stone Ridge Women in the Arts: Alumnae Speak with

Mary Bonney ’05

for even ten minutes

and you will glean she does not have an ounce of fear. With her bubbly nature, enthusiastic drive and non-stop energy, Mary exudes solid confidence. And, gauging from her busy schedule and varied accomplishments in Los Angeles, her personality and philosophy on life are serving her well. After receiving a BA from The College of William & Mary in 2010, Mary moved to LA in 2011 to pursue a career in doing what she loves most – entertaining others. From the get-go she dove right into the business. She has performed on Jimmy Kimmel Live, acted in national television spots, become a production coordinator for various independent television shows and movies, is a tour guide at Universal Studios, writes music reviews for the LA Music Blog, and performs improv and stand-up comedy throughout LA. When asked if it’s hard to juggle her commitments, she says no and believes her days at Stone Ridge prepped her for this busy life. “I remember my Stone Ridge days as being packed filled with different activities. From theater to social outreach

Mary Bonney '05 Head shot photo by Joanna DeGeneres; photo of Break: The Musical by Candace Lauren Ostler

on Wednesdays, there was always something going on.” And, she felt supported in whatever activity she wished to partake

decided yet. “I’m at the state in my life where I can really figure

in. “If there were a group or activity that wasn’t already at the

out what I want and then narrow my focus.”

school, Stone Ridge encouraged us to start them up ourselves.” Mary has boosted her stand-up and improv skills by training at Last year, Mary booked two national commercials – one with

both iO West and ComedySportz, well known improv theaters

GNC and one with Toys R Us. She said that she could have

in LA. The stand-up and improv business is mostly men, but

lived off of the earnings from those commercials for a year,

that doesn’t deter Mary. “When I was at Stone Ridge I never

but instead decided to invest in herself and her career by

once thought that women weren’t as capable as men, it

creating her own musical short called Break: The Musical. Mary

never crossed my mind. When I work in stand-up and improv

wrote, produced and starred in the musical, which is currently

with mostly men, it doesn’t hinder me at all because I have

in post production and will be released on-line in June. What

confidence and assuredness in myself and my talents.”

she learned from the project is that she might prefer working behind the camera and directing but she hasn’t exactly

She loves her life today and owes much of it to Stone Ridge.

“I look back so fondly at my days at Stone Ridge and I feel very lucky to have had such a good schooling. Stone Ridge produces strong, confident, educated women. The day I was accepted into the school was the best day for my family. At Stone Ridge, I was taught that I could do anything.” Break: The Musical can be viewed online this summer at For Mary’s contributions to the LA Music Blog visit | 11

Students in the Arts: PIPER SUK '20, Cellist The number and caliber of performances by world-renowned artists at the infamous Carnegie Hall in New York is astounding. Its archives contains records of 50,000 events that have occurred in the public performance spaces of Carnegie Hall from its opening in 1891. Seventh-grade student

Piper Suk has graced the Hall’s stages three times in the past year, once as a soloist. Her talent’s growth has accelerated during her Middle School. She started playing the cello as a fourth-grader, opting against the violin because her mother had been a cellist. When asked about her practice regimen on her cello, Piper replied, “Through my practicing, I have learned the importance of going slowly. When I first learn a piece, I play everything extremely slowly with my bow in the string to make sure my intonation is correct.”

After another recording session with the quartet, they submitted

“Playing the cello has helped my communication skills and the way I look at problems. I play in a quartet which means that the three other girls and I have to look at each other and silently communicate while playing. The main thing I

and won first prize in the American Protege Piano and Strings

have learned through performing is that you have to give it your all. There comes a time where you have to stop being looked at as a cute young musician and start being looked at as an aspiring musician who works very hard to get where she is.”

Competition with the same recording she submitted for the WPAS

In the past year, Piper has found extraordinary success with her

Piper is grateful for her Stone Ridge community, which has been

rather recently formed quartet. After two months together and

extremely supportive of her playing. She appreciates that the

a first performance her quartet won first place in the Misbin

Music Department has gone out of its way to find new performing

Chamber Music Competition. Next up, her quartet competed

opportunities for her to play in. She has accompanied Stone Ridge

in the Vivo International Music competition by submitting a

musicians on the stage of the Music Center at Strathmore, and

professional recording. Again, her quartet placed first, and the

played in the pit orchestra for the Upper School's musical, One

prize for winning was to play at Carnegie Hall. Piper said, “The Weill

Bad Apple.

She added,

Competition. Once again, the prize was to play at Carnegie Hall. One of her first competitions as a soloist was the WPAS Joseph and Goldie Feder Memorial String Competition. Piper ended up winning second prize in the Advanced division. She also won third place in the American Protege International Concerto competition. She played the first movement of Haydn's Cello Concerto in C and the Allemande from Bach's first Cello Suite. The prize for placing in the American Protege competition was to play at Carnegie Hall—this time by herself.

Recital Hall was absolutely beautiful with lots of history. Once the excitement subsided, my family was faced with the challenge of

For this young artist, who currently favors Stravinsky’s fiery "Rite

fitting two suitcases and a cello in the trunk of our car. Luckily it

of Spring" and hopes to continue performing the cello as an adult,

fit, but after we came back from New York we bought a minivan.”

the future looks bright indeed.

Spring 2015 | 12

NORA GOSSELIN '15, Visual Artist Nora Gosselin

will be attending Brown University

in the fall which happens to be strategically situated within walking distance to Rhode Island School of Design. Given Nora’s exceptional artistic talents, it is a coup for her to have access to these resources and continue her training. Nora blossomed as an artist at Stone Ridge. While she always had a knack for drawing as a kid, Nora took off as a First Academic after enrolling in (formerly called) Foundations of Visual Art with former art teacher Eleanor Glattly. “[I]t ended up being incredible—one of my favorite classes,” said Nora. This entry level class ignited an interest in more mediums, and now Nora works with mixed media and acrylic spray paint more than traditional painting. Art has pushed Nora to constantly rethink things. Rather than simply look at an object, or a face, or a surface as flat, static and concrete, she has become attuned to the nuances in all forms. Nora reflected, “Instead of viewing a glass container as simple material, I have come to see it as a pattern of light and dark spaces,” She credits her training

Nora’s focus allows her to process the fine

to the time spent on “the seventh floor,” side by side with

balance of intellect and intuition that is

students and teachers, at Stone Ridge.

the great challenge of visual art. With her peers in AP Art Studio, Nora is honing

The seventh floor studio provides an outlet for many

her visual art and design skills. With the

budding artists from the rest of the School’s academic and

sure footing of tradition and the brilliant

social spaces. “I have stuck with art throughout

sunrise of innovation, Nora charges forth equally comfortable with

high school because it has become an outlet, a safe place where there isn’t a right or wrong answer, where inspiration is prized over memorization, and quality dominates over quantity,” said Nora. She has taken a lot of solace in the infinite nature of visual arts, and has “learned to embrace this enormous unknown rather than shy away from it.”

spray can or sable hair paintbrush, seeking her own visual language. Nora’s interest in theory, concept, and techniques offers her the energy to continue her pursuit of her own visual language. As Paul Klee stated, “Art does not reproduce the visible, rather, it makes visible.” In the past two years, Nora has found a love for street art. I like the idea of temporary art, be it an enormous mural or a little doodle on the pavement, that makes the commonplace, the average commute to work, something beautiful and interesting. Street art,

Much of Nora’s art production is done outside of the School

to me, is as close as the modern world gets to art for art's sake

simply because of the surfaces on which she creates. Currently,

alone, and it's something we can all take part in and enjoy.” In the

her Advanced Placement Portfolio concentration focuses

world of DC, street artists have become more popular with work

on unconventional surfaces—plaster walls, tiled ceilings,

by Decoy and Rezist. Her favorite street artists are Banksy, Shep

and wooden floors—and how they can be transformed into

Fairey, Roa, JR, and Blu, and certainly, she appreciates the classics

something exciting with just acrylic spray paint and perspective.

of Magritte, Dali, Rothko, Duchamp, Monet, and Warhol.

Her aunt works for a construction company so Nora uses the walls of condemned houses before demolition, allowing Nora to work

Nora is the editor-in-chief of the Here and Now, Stone Ridge’s

in a new space and on a new scale.

quarterly newspaper. Her plan is to become a write, with her art certainly combined with her written work. | 13

Students in the Arts: JULIA LAJE '20, Singer

Julia Laje has loved to sing from a very young age. Her love

In those two weeks she learned

of song, coupled with her natural talent, landed her an official

a two-hour show. Tech Week

solo performance in her Kindergarten talent show of “Part of


Your World” from The Little Mermaid. Not an easy feat for a five-

rehearsals, and where the actors

year old child! And this early childhood performance experience

slowly go through the show

has catapulted Julia onto big stage singing. Her resumè is quite

and fix lighting and blocking.

extensive and impressive with training ranging from singing to

She would endure 12-hour days

acting to dance with the CityDance.

lasting about three days. Public




performances began, which ran She has made appearances on stages from the The Ford’s

for two months, and she had to

Theatre, Laurel Mill Playhouse, Kensington Arts Theatre,

do five shows a week. As Julia

The Theatre Lab, ATMTC, and the Olney Theatre Center. Last

explained, “I am not complaining about the hours. I am most

September she performed America the Beautiful at the US

comfortable on stage!”

Open at Arthur Ashe Stadium. Recently, she finished performing A Christmas Carol at Ford’s Theatre. It was a very rigorous schedule with weekday rehearsals from 4:00 to 8:00 pm and from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm on weekends.

Through her singing and performing, she has learned to be more confident in her singing and everyday life. “Everything associated with singing and performing requires confidence” said Julia. “My voice coach told me that you should always believe in yourself and let someone else be the judge.” As Julia has grown into a young teen, singing has taught her to never give up. She has developed to become comfortable with her interiority and realizes that, “Singing, as any form of art, is dependent on your audience’s appreciation, and although you may give it your best, some people don’t like it.” Julia is gracefully maturing to accept that disappointments will come her way, but she has to move on, try to learn and improve, and go at it again. Julia prefers singing in her chest voice and belting songs. When she enrolled at Stone Ridge last year, she was able to explore the other side of her voice. “At SR, we sing more liturgical music, which requires a wide range and a strong head voice. Mrs. Fazio and Mr. Thompson have both helped me learn about and strengthen my head voice, which has helped improve my overall singing voice and range,” said Julia. One of Julia’s goals is to be on Broadway. “I’d love to be a singer when I grow up.” From a Kinder talent show to Ford’s Theater, Julia’s dreams are becoming a reality and continuing to soar!

Julia Laje '20; above right, after a performance in A Christmas Carol

Spring 2015 | 14

JEANETTE HIYAMA '17, Dancer Left, Jeanette in a performance of Alice in Wonderland; The Washington Ballet photo by Media4Artists, Theo Kossenas

Jeanette has had a banner year. This past winter she appeared in several performances of Septime Weber’s 10th anniversary production of The Nutcracker at the Warner Theater (she danced in the Chinese Dance scene.) In February, Jeanette danced in the Ballet’s rendition of Washington Irving’s classic tale of Sleepy Hollow. She danced in every show, having the opportunity to play the Firefly. This is typically a younger dancer’s role, but because of Jeanette’s physique, Weber’s team was eager to cast her. Alice (in wonderland), opening in May 2015 at the Warner Theater, is her longest appearance on stage. She dances the role of the Junior Card in the second act. Jeanette is equally enthusiastic about daily practice and rehearsals. She is one of 16 dancers in her class, many of whom she has been with for several years. Her mother said Jeanette’s bonds with

Jeanette Hiyama started youth ballet

these dancemates have been beautiful to watch, “as the girls are

classes at age four in a studio close to her home in Alexandria,

supportive of each other, and she enjoy socializing with many of

VA. Unlike most little girls who find other interests that pull them

them outside of class.”

Like many girls,

away from the demanding disciplines of dance study, Jeanette has transformed from that toddler in a tutu to a serious 15-year-

“The main thing I have learned through my dancing is discipline,”

old ballerina who sees within reach the professional traning

says Jeanette, as she explains this year she rides public

program of the area’s leading ballet school.

transportation to TWSB’s campus near Tenley after school. She organizes her time so that she finishes school work at TWSB

Jeanette’s earliest instructors quickly recognized her talent,

before her 6 pm practices begin. In addition to the extended class

and their repeated message to her mother was clear: “She has

or “block” schedule at Stone Ridge, Jeanette credits her teachers

something special.” As a result, Mary Hiyama enrolled Jeanette

and Mr. Malcolm McCluskey, Assistant Head of Upper School, for

at The Washington School of Ballet (TWSB), where at age 8 she

helping her balance her academic work. In her second year at

started regular classes a couple days a week, and by age of 13 she

Stone Ridge, Jeanette says, “it’s been a great fit­– everyone has

reached Level 5 for dance instruction. Basically, this meant she was

been extremely supportive and understanding of my schedule.”

making the commitment to dancing five days a week after school. Jeanette has also been able to make wonderful friends at Stone Now at Level 7 training, Jeanette’s commitment is total. This past

Ridge, despite her significant time commitments to dance. She

summer she enrolled in a five-week program with Chicago’s Joffrey

has also enjoyed participating as a student ambassador for the

Ballet. As her mother reflected, “Jeanette has not complained

SR admissions department, and hopes to work with children next

once. She has more motivation and endurance than anyone.” And

year through the Social Action program. “You learn to be grateful

Jeanette commented how much she loves being on stage among the professional dancers and she absolutely loves to talk about performing. With a glowing expression, Jeanette said, “I love to learn from the older, more experienced dancers in the Company, and I know watching and interacting with them has helped me to mature as a dancer.”

for so much…I have been given a gift in the opportunity to dance

these stunning qualities translate onto the stage.

at TWSB and to be attending an academically challenging school,” said Jeanette. Jeanette’s ultimate goal is to dance with a professional company though she plans to consider colleges that offer a solid liberal arts education as well. One of her unforgettable moments was getting to meet Misty Copeland from the American Ballet Theatre--a ballerina who has reached rock star status recently performing at the Kennedy Center in Swan Lake. | 15


THE INTERSECTION OF FAITH AND INTELLECTUAL VALUES by Mrs. Joanna Caudle, Chair Upper School Science Department Excerpts from a reflection delivered at the faculty retreat, January 5, 2015 at Georgetown Prep

For me, places have always held more religious or spiritual significance than the institutions themselves. When I was a young girl,

a body in a myriad of physical scenarios, and I love it when

we traveled once every year or two to my second home,

landing of the Rosetta probe on a very fast moving comet

England, where I was I born and where most of my family

this past November. I told my students that they are doing

still lives. One of my favorite places was my uncle’s home, the

the same physics problems these scientists and engineers

Old Rectory, in a tiny village in Suffolk. Imagine an old brick

are doing right now to determine where that probe will land.

they begin to feel really confident in their ability to do so. I try to show them current applications like the amazing

house in battle with the ivy growing up its sides and, nearby, a small, old stone church with a scary graveyard filled with many crooked headstones, some of which date back to the 1700s. Though we did not attend church back home, we would often attend a service in this church while we visited. I loved its simple, whitewashed walls, solid wooden pews, and the safe feeling I had when there. It felt as if I was just a very small part of a long, long history of a community that found

Sometimes we just want to get from point A to point B, but it is in the interruption and re-evaluation, and in the reflection and the collaboration that the unique beauty of our School emerges.

meaning and comfort in that space.

Now the girls are feeling like physics geniuses. They are primed and confident as we begin to look at quantum physics, the physical laws that govern the sub-atomic particles that make up matter. After spending an entire year learning how to predict the path that a body will take from point A to point B, and after calculating and modeling and justifying their answer in hundreds of physical scenarios, they find

that when one tries to examine those particles individually, they in fact do not behave like the bodies we have studied

Today I feel much the same way when I sit in the chapel in

any more. Particles behave in unpredictable ways and this

Hamilton House at Stone Ridge. It is about the same size

makes the universe at the quantum level a fascinatingly

and has a similar simple but elegant look as the old stone

mysterious place. Indeed, what really characterizes their

church in England. The striking similarity lies in my feeling

reaction is how many new questions they have. They realize

of being part of the ongoing story that is retold for us each

that physics has gone from being a science of predictable

year about the brave, strong women that founded Sacred

outcomes to one where anything is possible.

Heart schools, and the way we are gently pushed to model their example of risk-taking and empowered leadership. We are also asked to leave space in our days for contemplation and reflection. I know we don’t always welcome this space. We faculty and staff are a group that likes to get from Point A to Point B as efficiently and effectively as possible. We don’t often want to slow down from the energetic pace we set for ourselves and our students. It does not escape me that many of you are probably thinking right now about the pile of paper on your desk you need to be working on. Getting from Point A to Point B is what we do in physics class all the time. Students learn how to calculate the position of

Spring 2015 | 16

And, more important, the girls are not afraid of this unknown territory. It is in this region where they have been learning and contemplating even bigger questions since they began their time at Stone Ridge. We are all asked repeatedly, as Sacred Heart educators, to pause and connect our craft and the girls’ education to something bigger, to try to look at the larger implications of an area of study. At Stone Ridge, we and our students are given that space to connect faith and intellect in a personal way.

THE FIVE GOALS LIVED: Faith I see this in countless ways: in my own department, I am pushed to think bigger and think outside the immediate to-do list for the day (and I’m pretty connected to my to-do list!) Across other disciplines and divisions, I am continually energized by the clever and cutting-edge ideas that my colleagues are implementing, and that too has made me want to think bigger. The coalescing of this faith community with this intellectual community gives us the feeling that we are supported not just individually but across the School and our entire Sacred Heart network of schools. Sometimes we just want to get from point A to point B, but it is in the interruption and re-evaluation, and in the reflection and the collaboration that the unique beauty of our School emerges. I want to thank you my colleagues for helping me see that beauty so clearly through the many ways you create the pauses or detours in the journey from A to B for your students. I also want to thank you for the warm, heart-felt inclusion of those of us who are

Our mission at Stone Ridge acknowledges so beautifully that it is in the pursuit of the answers to these big questions that purpose and meaning emerge.

still looking for answers.

Joanna Caudle works with Physics students Julia Tepper '15 and Catherine Mondoa '15

2014-2015 FACULTY GOAL I RETREATS - A REFLECTION by Jamie Golembiewski, Instrumental Music Teacher

I was recently given a gift that I didn't know I needed: the gift of a retreat with my fellow faculty and staff members. When I first became a Sacred Heart educator in 2004 at Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton, CA, the history and mission of the school motivated and inspired me as a teacher. Committing myself to teach to the Goals and Criteria was an easy thing to do. However, it's so easy to get lost in the world of schedules, calendars, homework, and faculty meetings. Having devoted time, free of distractions to discuss the Goals and their rich and insightful criteria with fellow members of our community was wonderful and reignited the spark I felt 10 years ago. While we all know how important Goal I is in a Sacred Heart education, I think sometimes we can get lost in regards to how that looks in our classrooms.

The retreat re-opened my eyes to all the simple things I do everyday that exemplify this Goal and gave me the confidence and encouragement to do even more. Goal I isn't just praying before class and attending masses. It encourages us to remember that the Heart of Christ is compassion, forgiveness, and generosity. Goal I

is something that is alive in all of our classrooms and in our interactions with each other every day at Stone Ridge. At the close of the retreat, I knew that most of us who attended the retreat were grateful for the experience. Teaching children is a reward in itself. Teaching children in a community that values and supports my own personal faith journey is invaluable. | 17

StoneRidgeSchool “Sit back, relax, and get ready to be inspired.” -Urvi Shah, Director of Education Technology at Innovation at Stone Ridge This phrase introduced what proved to be a memorable day for Stone Ridge as a community and an educational institution. The main purpose of hosting a TEDx is to bring the community together in a meaningful manner as well as spark deep discussion and thought. TED's vision of "ideas worth sharing" fits perfectly with the innovative and collaborative culture at Stone Ridge. "Having been part of various TEDx events in the past (as an organizer and audience member), I see the immense value a TEDx event can bring to a community,” says Urvi. In case you ever wondered what TEDx is, it is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TEDlike experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x=independently organized TED event.

Clockwise from left, TEDx activities and interactions; Elle Ondeck '17 addresses the TEDx crowd; Catherine Ronan Karrels '86 with presenter Sam Firstenberg '09; faculty instrumental to the planning and success of the event: Urvi Shah, Kathleen Flood, Lauren Brownlee, and Bill Hulseman.

The theme chosen for TEDxStoneRidge was, “Mission Accomplished”. The event featured ten speakers and four performances and each was profound, inspiring, and shed light on their personal and/or professional missions in relation to the theme. Spring 2015 | 18


Clockwise from above, Dr. Noreen Crain '87 and Dr. Adeline Vanderver were among the presenters of the day, as well as vocal arts performances including that by Olivia Greene '16; snapshots from the day.

Alumna Aryana Keshavarz ‘10 found herself inspired by the SR parents who spoke, Michael Catalano, Leslie Kiernan, and Dr. Adeline Vanderver. “Their unbridled dedication to service in their respective fields make them ideal role models for any Stone Ridge girl” said Aryana. “Without their staunch commitment to the academic and ethical development of their daughters, Stone Ridge could not achieve the level of excellence that it boasts today.” SR students Ella Hartsoe ‘15, Lauren Woodard ‘16, and Elle Ondeck ‘17 also spoke at the event. Aryana noted that, “While their subtle humor and expressive anecdotes certainly entertained the audience, the fundamental message of each speech is what ultimately inspired everyone. Additionally, alumnae Sam Firstenberg ‘09 and Dr. Noreen Crain ‘87 also delivered powerful presentations, demonstrating that personal growth and service are fundamental tenets of every Stone Ridge girl’s development, even after leaving the School.” If she had to summarize in one word about TEDxStoneRidge, Aryana was most inspired by the community. “That is ultimately what makes Stone Ridge the amazing place that it is. Even as an alumna who left for five long years, the event reminded me that I was, and will always be a Stone Ridge girl.”

Ellie Ondeck ‘17, who spoke on body image, said, “The joy and fulfillment I felt afterwards were so much more potent and important than any of my previous worries. Giving my TEDx talk was such a wonderful experience, and I would willingly repeat the process in order to feel that overwhelming rush of positivity and hope again.” Lauren Woodard ‘16, who presented on the value of mission enablers, reflected that, “As an institution focused on promoting creativity, empowerment, and social awareness, this event truly embodied the goals of Stone Ridge. Getting the chance to speak at TEDx was such a unique experience and I know I will cherish it for the rest of my life. I have never felt so empowered and energized as I did standing on the stage, talking to the community that has allowed me to grow so much as an individual The community’s interest in the event was astounding. A group of faculty members and many students organized a well-structured committee to plan every detail. The students worked together for 11 weeks to choose from an applicant pool of speakers, design the set, and put all the audio/visual technology together. Urvi said, “I could not be prouder of the work they put into planning the day, which went very smoothly. The day sizzled with great energy and was filled with ideation, networking, laughter, tears, and great food!”

TEDx Presenters and Their Topics

LAUREN WOODARD ‘16 – “The Value of Mission Enablers” LESLIE KIERNAN – “Taking Responsibility for Balance in Your Life” SAM FIRSTENBERG ‘09 – “Embrace Fear, Overcome Obstacles, Celebrate the Small Wins, & Find Happiness in the Journey” JOE POWERS – “Failing… To Get It Right” ELLA HARTSOE ‘15 – “Throwing Like a Girl” CYD IGOT – “What is a Problem Worthy of Your Life?” ELLE ONDECK ‘17 – “Body Positivity” NOREEN CRAIN ‘87 – “Changing the Focus” DR. ADELINE VANDERVER – “Mission Massimo” MICHAEL CATALANO – “A Humanitarian Journey Without Maps” Performances by: HEARTFELT, INSTRUMENTAL ENSEMBLE, LIV GREENE '16, AND STEP TEAM

To read recaps of the day, visit @TEDxSR on Twitter and visit | 19

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At Stone Ridge, with a dedicated and passionate community, momentous achievements happen. Gators Go Turf and our beautiful new field is one of those momentous achievements. I am proud and honored to have been a part of the Campaign, serving side by side with you as we accomplished this remarkable project together. When we embarked on Gators Go Turf, the objective seemed far from our grasp, and the work required to achieve our goal was daunting. Today I have a new benchmark for this community’s capacity for achieving bold objectives. Our collective participation and community spirit created momentum and ultimately, an even stronger school. Our work is not done. Indeed that is what the Stone Ridge Master Plan is all about: a commitment to a measured set of goals and improvements designed to ensure Stone Ridge continues to deliver on its mission to inspire young women to lead and serve, through lives of purpose that integrate

Spring 2015 | 20 20 •



faith, intellect, community, social action, and personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom. Gators Go Turf was part of that plan. It wasn’t the beginning or the end. It was a necessary and bold step in this community’s journey. There will be more facilities improvement in the future, and I am now more confident than ever this community can take those steps. But for today, let’s celebrate the great success of Gators Go Turf and all that the project has done to unite our community and inspire our students. Thank you! Catherine Ronan Karrels ‘86 Head of School






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Thank you to our


Gators Go Turf Campaign Chairs David J. Bates, Co-Chair, Past Trustee Campaign Michael Bellaman, Co-Chair, General Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Gosnell, Co-Chairs, Past Parent Campaign Kristen Hohman, Chair, Leadership Phase Eileen C. Mayer '70, Co-Chair, Past Trustee Campaign Pinkie Dent Mayfield, Co-Chair, General Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Shaffer, Chairs, Grandparent Campaign Betsy Hoy Shiverick ‘78, Chair, Alumnae Campaign

Leadership Phase Steering Committee Kristen Hohman Patty Lovett Eileen C. Mayer '70

Gators Go Turf Steering Committee David J. Bates Carolann Bellaman Michael Bellaman Karen Mataldi Dahut Gary Gosnell Leslie Gosnell A.J. Gravel Kristen Hohman Patty Lovett Charles M. Mathews, Jr. Eileen C. Mayer '70

Pinkie Dent Mayfield Kristin Mowry Helene Rayder Mark S. Richardson Cecilia Schultz Harvey F. Seegers Anna Marie Parisi-Trone Betsy Hoy Shiverick ‘78 Robb Wong

9 1 Construction site, Stone Ridge Campus April 2014 2 Head of School Catherine Ronan Karrels and Board of Trustees Chair Mark Richardson welcome guests at the Groundbreaking Ceremony on May 12, 2014 3 Patricia Geuting '52, RSCJ and Karen OlsonSH, RSCJ deliver the Prayer for the Groundbreaking 4 Athletic Association President Sofia Keane ‘15, Gold Team Captain Bailey Johnston ‘14, and Blue Team Captain Maddie Kaiser ‘14 with Catherine Ronan Karrels '86 5 Members of the General Contractor team at Whiting-Turner meet onsite with SR Administrators and Master Plan Committee members: Chris Saxton, Connie Shaffer Mitchell '92, Rob Stewart, Eric Osberg, Chris Donatelli, Mark Richardson, Catherine Ronan Karrels '86, Michael Winstanley, Sarah O'Neil-Manion, Susan Castellan, Susan Thorman, Jack Drexel 6-11 Construction began, starting with the moving an enormous amount of dirt throughout Summer 2014, and ending with the laying down of the turf field and the finishing touches to the Pavilion. •| 21 21

LEADERSHIP DONORS Champions Club $1,000,000 and above

Cecilia Kirby Wraase '70, Dennis Wraase,

Patricia Heffernan and Patrick Rowan

Mr. Robert Trone, Mrs. Anna Marie Parisi-Trone

Frank and Genie Strong

Ron and Frances Manderscheid

Tri-State Stone® & Building Supply, Inc.

The Mayfield Family

Carl B. and Maureen Wilkerson

Victory Club $500,000–$999,999

Clay and Kristin Mowry

Ki Sung and Hea Jin Yoon

Parents of two Stone Ridge students

Mr. and Mrs. P. David Pappert

Tim and Liz Yost

and Sophia Trone ’20

and Elisabeth Wraase BesoreSR

Brian and Cathy Porto

Pavilion Club $250,000–$499,999

Guillermo and Cecilia Schultz

Players Club $5,000–$9,999

Dr. William Dahut and Mrs. Karen Mataldi Dahut

Stuart and Zavia Scott


Matan Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey F. Seegers

Shazaad Ally and Catherine Regan

Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Mathews, Jr.

Dr. Stefanie Vogel and Mr. Richard Vogel

Kevin and Jane Belford

Paul Shiverick and Betsy Hoy Shiverick ’78

Lynn T. White

Peter & Judy Black, (Katherine A. Black ’10)

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stewart

Asako, Robb, and Chieko Wong ’20

Bryan and Susan Brewer ’87 The Brueggeman Family

Laura Teran and Benito Zapata

Team Club $10,000–$24,999

Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Carey

Grandstand Club $100,000–$249,999

Jose and Patricia Andres

Dr. Ellen Dugan ’70 and Dr. Dennis Cullen


Bunny Bastian

Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Denger

Carol and David Bates

Michael and Pamela Boland

David and Kitty Di Martino

Scott and Kammie Bell

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Chu

The Hanlon Sisters – Meg ’82, Beth ’84, Mary ’88

Chris and Karen Donatelli

Mrs. Allison Alexander and Mr. Gregory Coleman

Gregory and June Drummond Harrington

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Farmer

Thomas (T.L.) and Nicole Cubbage

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon W. Johnson

Edward F. Greissing, Jr., Elisabeth K. Greissing ’68,

Chrisellen Kolb and Josh Felker

M&T Charitable Foundation

The Gillespie Family in Memory of Joan Gillespie

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin H. Lange

Edward and Meghan Quinn

Francis and Patricia Glowacki

Don and Christine Liane McLean ’84

Dr. Amy C. Richardson ’72

Greg and Christy Gosnell

Mr. and Mrs. Eric McKim

Michael Wilbon and Sheryl Wilbon ’84

A.J. and Jodie Gravel

Drs. Andy and Huda Montemarano

Geof and Beth Hobart

John and Lisa Nolan

Coaches Club $50,000–$99,999

The Kenny Family

Patricia Aiken-O'Neill and Dr. John O'Neill

The Andreas Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Dae Kim

Dr. Gregg and Karen Pane

Chris and Lydia Antoniou (Christine Antoniou ’10

John and Suzanne King

Parents of 2008 graduate

John and Cheryl Leahy

John and Jane Roberts

Drs. Ernest Carter and Gabrielle Virgo-Carter

Mr. and Mrs. David Ledecky

Philip E. Ruppe

John Delaney and April McClain-Delaney

Ken and Patty Lovett

Gene and Trish Scalia

Mrs. Sandra Andreas McMurtrie

Eugene and Mary Ellen Massey

Tom and Carol Seitz

Marty Stanislav and Wendy Stanislav ’84

Eileen C. Mayer ’70

Dr. and Ms. Stanley M. Sinkford, III

Frank and Sharon Menaker

Stephen and Maria Spina ’87

Captains Club $25,000–$49,999

Timothy J. Lynes and Joan C. Morningstar

Tom Swift and Joan Gillespie Swift ’78

Don and Maria Baker

John and Ann Morrissey

Drs. Charles and Cecile Toner

Michael and Carolann Bellaman

Dr. Kathleen and Mr. Mark Mullaney

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tyson

Tom and Bethann Brault

Greg and Anne Nickerson

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wenger

George and Carroll Dunn ’69

The Ortega Family

Scott & Lauren White

Dr. Mary-Margaret Lewis and Mr. Brian Friel

Jennifer and Steve Patterson

Drs. Thomas and Lori Zorc

Gary and Leslie Gosnell

Tom and Christa Powers

Tim and Kristen Hohman

Benito and Virginia Chavez Romano

Gator Pride Club $1,000–$4,999

Malcolm and Carey Hollensteiner

J.W. and Helene Rayder


Jim Karrels and Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86

Mark and Celeste Richardson


Elise and Michael Keegan

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Rogers, Jr

Kathryn and Shep Abell

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kenary, Jr.

Jim and Kathy Round

Kathryn Kavanagh Baran ’72 and Jan W. Baran

and Kirby Greissing ’10

and Suzanne Antoniou ’16)

Spring 2015 | 22 22 •


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barloon

Mr. and Mrs. Jose M. Martinez

Fan Club ($500–$999)

Mr. and Mrs. William P. Barr

Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Mayer


Mrs. Elizabeth Gillespie Billings ’80 and

Michael Joyce and Elise McHugh-Joyce

Joe and Jeanne Andronowitz ’88

Mr. and Mrs. John J. McMackin, Jr

David Ardayfio and Nyaneba Nkrumah

Barbara D. Boggs

Atul Mehta

Mark and Debbie Attar

James N. Boink, Jr. and Raphael Bastian ’83

Mr. and Mrs. Mulu Mengiste

Meagan Barry ’03

Ann and Bob Bittman

Chris Mitchell and Connie Shaffer Mitchell ’92

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brophy

Mr. and Mrs. J. Tyler Blue

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Mitchell

Mr. and Mrs. David Byers

Claudia Palena and Ezio Bonvini

Katherine M. Morris

Class of 2014

Jonas and Michele Campino

Lou and Nancy Morsberger

Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Carr and Family

Dr. Donald and Mrs. Sheila Byrd Carmichael

Bhaswar Mukhopadhyay and Joyeeta Das

Tom and Nancy Cholis

Charles and Gwynneth Chandler

Steve and Kathleen Mullery

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Connelly

Frank and Deanne Ciatto

Patty, John and the Myler Family

Steve Cox and Katie Beckler Cox ’92

Cleary Family in memory of Tim Cleary

Stuart Nash and Mary Ruppe Nash ’83

Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Curt

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Coffin

Steven and Melanie Ness

Kent and Stacy Cushenberry

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew N. Cook

Mrs. Kathryn Nordberg

Dorsey Davidge

Spero and Lea Courtis

Michael and Mary O’Connor

Mr. Michael Davidsen, Elizabeth Boggs Davidsen,

Drs. B. Casey and Lisa S. Crafton

Sara O'Neil-Manion and William C. Manion

Mr. and Mrs. Juan Jose Daboub

Eric Osberg and Christina Perez Osberg ’94

John and Beni Devine

Joseph and Ellen Delaney

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. O’Sullivan

Dan Donovan and Diana Saenz

Mr. and Mrs. David D. DiBari

Mr. and Mrs. Derik Perry

Christopher Duvall and Michele Maiberger ’91

Joy J. Dorsey

Holly and Stephen Rhodes

Erin Donovan and Robert Goodson

Scott and Ellen Clare Gillespie Dreyer ’79

Dr. Maria and Mr. Jose Rios

Brad and Marie Fennell

Christopher and Lilian Duke

Mary Ellen Ruff

Hugh and Tracy Ferridge

Donna M. Duke

Paul and Elizabeth Ruff

Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Leslie Flynn

Ali Fassihi and Angela Noguera

Tara C. F. Ryan

Mr. and Mrs. HongFa Gao

Ms. Samantha Firstenberg ’09

Mr. and Mrs. Gaby A. Sader

Mary and Michael Glynn

Mark and Patricia Flanagan

Bart and Julie Gillespie Sanders ’82

Joe and Kristie Haley

Lisa and Matthew Gaisford

Mr. and Mrs. James Sclafani

Ms. Ramona Heming

Kevin Gallagher and Catherine Gallagher ’78

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Siffermann

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hilliard

Marie and Art Gehringer

Roger and Lisa Sion

Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Jordan

Christy and Dave Giulieri

William and Kathleen Stallings

Karen and Tony Kamerick

Mike Gozycki and Allyson Kreter Gozycki ’92

The Stawinski Family

Sean Keegan and Maddie Kearns Keegan ’05

Mr. Thomas Graham and Mrs. Christine Coffey Ryan

Amy Dunkelberger Sturtevant ’78 and Peter Sturtevant

Dr. and Mrs. Saeed Kronfli

Kirby Greissing ’10

Gene and Hae Suk

Christine O'Hagan Maloney ’69

Chris and Lauri Harkins

Jay Tatum and Meghan Voris Tatum ’94

The Marmolejos Family

The Harlan Family

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Tehan

Rudolf Matuschek

Jon Lawlor and Judith Hagley

Ms. Jody Tabner Thayer and Mr. Bradley Thayer

The McMahon Family

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Heckler

Allison Martin Thom ’92

LTC and Mrs. David P. Morrow

Howard and Stephanie Heiss

Lynne and Susan Thorman

Alfred Mottur

The Henschel Family

The Topercer Family

Carol Noonan '91 and family

Kathryn Vigé Hicks ’72

Steve and Jane Trevisan

Edward O’Connell and Mary J. Dowd

The Hirschberger Family

Meg Turner ’20

Mr. Andrew Ott and Mrs. Julie Thurston Ott ’99

Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Ida Hsu

Dan and Margaret Valaik

Kevin Paley and Nadine Fraiture Paley ’86

Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Ibe

Ashish Vazirani and Deborah D'Souza-Vazirani

Alexandra Gagnet Rahman ’03

Daniel Ilisevich and Kathleen Merlo

Paul and Elaine Vining

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ruffin

Donald R. and Lisa Chase Kaiser

Adam and Christine Volanth

John and Mathilde Sateri

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kane

Mark and Caroline Washko

Russ & Nina Schriefer

Christine Nicolaides Kearns ’78

Mr. Talmadge Williams and Dr. Tricia Zhang

Mr and Mrs. Robert Shaffer

Kevin and Elizabeth Keyes

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald N. Slimp, II

Jim King and Susan Coffman-King

Mr. and Mrs. Gene Willingham

Mrs. Barbara S. Smith

The Kinkead-Gormley Family

Dr. Tom and Mrs. Lauren Winkler

Mr. and Mrs. A.O. Sobande

The Kushan Family

James Wirths and Susan Fields Wirths ’57

Claire Thomas ’15 and Family

Mr. Laerte D. Leiroz and Ms. Carla Cullati

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Yang

Mary Burke Tobias and Jose A. Tobias

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Lennon

Drs. Monica and Daniel Young

Kirk and Ashley Tsai

Mr. Jonathan Billings

Jon and Michelle Lindstrom The Lydon Family Gail and Mark Lynch Dominique Martinet & Andre Simonpietri

(Tayla Williams ’24)

(Caroline Davidsen ’10, and Charlotte Davidsen ’12)

The Urbanski Family The van Vloten Family Paul and Jacqueline Walsh Nelson Williams and Caroline McInerney Williams Jerome and Jacklyn Mitchell Wynn (Taylor Wynn ’15) •| 23 23





Saturday, November 15, 2014

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Fundraising and Feasting

was a milestone evening for the Stone Ridge community. The School launched the General Campaign phase of Gators Go Turf with an energized celebration and epicurean feast. Guest chef and SR father José Andrés assembled his team from Jaleo to cook a delectable paella dinner for 250 guests to share. The evening also included the debut of a short video featuring Head of School Catherine Ronan Karrels challenging international swimming star and SR senior Katie Ledecky to a race. Katie followed the movie presentation by eloquently addressing the guests about her meaningful experience as a student-athlete at SR. The event demonstrated the strong commitment of Stone Ridge’s philanthropic community and the collective power of giving, which mobilized the community into action. The raise-your-paddle bidding brought in close to $300,000 for the night. 15


“We are accomplishing something far greater than the immediate tangible result. The improvements made possible through our commitments will benefit and perpetuate the vision of Stone Ridge.” ~ General Campaign Co-Chairs, Pinkie Mayfield and Mike Bellaman




1 to 4 Gym III was transformed into an elegant dining room suited for a festive sangria and paella dinner cooked and served on site by a team from Jose Andres’ Jaleo in DC 5 Carrie Tydings (Caroline '21 and Elizabeth '25) with former Board Chair Eileen Mayer '70 6 Chef and SR father Jose Andres (Carlota '17) addresses the guests 7 Congressman John Delaney and April Delaney (Lily '18) and Tim and Kristen Hohman (Claire '23 and Kate '18) 8 Kim Sinkford (Zoe '20 and Nina '23), Lauren White (Alex '23), and Laura Zapata (Natalia '18 and Andrea '15) 9 Katie Ledecky '15 addresses the guests after dinner 10 Malcolm and Carey Hollensteiner (Alice '16, Katherine '21, and Mary '23) 11 Chef Jose Andres with Katie Ledecky '15 12 Patty Lovett (Maddie '16, Sophie '18 and Ellie '21) 13 Meaghan Quinn '87 (Maggie '17 and Sam '20) and Sr. Karen OlsonSH 14 General Campaign Co-Chairs Mike Bellaman (Cami '20 and Colby '20) and Pinkie Mayfield (Cam '28 and Sydney '25) 15 Dennis and Ceci Wraase '70 with Ed, Kirby '10, and Lisa Greissing '68 16 Bryan Brewer (Katie '17) 17 Catherine Ronan Karrels, Mary Gen and David Ledecky (Katie '15) 18 Stan Sinkford (Zoe '20 and Nina '23), Carl Mayfield (Cam '28 and Sydney '25), and Omar Melehy (Christina '17 and Melissa '20) •| 25 25

Spring 2015 | 26 | 27



2 4


5 9



7 10

Blessing of the Field and All-school Liturgy with Celebrant Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington 1 and 2 Processional with Julia Tepper '15, Katie Brewer '17, and Sophia Ciatto '17 3 First Reading by Sophia Trone '20 4 Offertory procession with Alessa Mitchell '24 5 Intercession by Josie Colomb '27 6 Cardinal Wuerl delivers his homily 7 Cardinal Wuerl with Father Charles Cortinovis 8 Campus Ministry leaders, Katie Ledecky '15 and Meghan Zorc '15, during the Recessional 9 Cardinal Wuerl blesses the new field and pavilion 10 Guests and students gather in the new stands of Gator Field for the Blessing 11 Cardinal Wuerl with Catherine Ronan Karrels '86 and Mark Richardson, Chair of the Board of Trustees 12 Blair Welch '15, Mary Claire Connelly '15, Claire Campbell '15 13 Malcolm McCluskey, Assistant Head of Upper School, with the Gator 14 Varsity Lacrosse before their opening game against Elizabeth Seton 15 Sheryl Watkins Wilbon '84 and her son, Matthew, with Catherine Ronan Karrels 16 Jason McGhee, Athletic Director, addresses the crowd before the opening game 17 Karen Dahut, Catherine Ronan Karrels '86 and Mark Richardson, Chair of the Board of Trustees, with the Gators and Elizabeth Shrout '15 and Sofia Keane '15 18 Gator Field

Spring 2015 | 28 28 •



“Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart serves a purpose. It is an institution of academic excellence...the best education you’ll get. It is a home of moral integrity, and a place of virtuous living....And there’s even more. You’ll get to know Jesus.” — Cardinal Donald Wuerl 12





17 •| 29 29


to the


Upper School Fall & Winter Season Highlights 2014-2015: CROSS COUNTRY


• Varsity: 5th out of 16 at ISL Championships

• US Swim Team: Record 14-5

• JV: 7th out of 14 at ISL Championships

• All-ISL: Katie Ledecky '15, Kelleigh Haley '16

• ALL ISL: Isabel Barnidge '18 and Genevieve DiBari '18

• ISL Record: Katie Ledecky '15 in 200 free, 500 free

• ALL STATE team: Genevieve DiBari '18

• All-Gazette: Katie Ledecky '15 (Swimmer of the Year) • All-Gazette: Second Team 200 Free Relay–Marielle


Gasaway '17, Kelleigh Haley '16, McKenzie Crafton '18,

• Varsity: 12-4, 9-2 (ISL)

and Katie Ledecky '15

• JV: 6-1-5

• All-WMPSSDL: Kelleigh Haley '16 (Female Swimmer of

• ALL ISL: Kallie Drewyer '15 and Elizabeth Young '16

the Year), Katie Ledecky '15

• First Team All-Gazette: Kallie Drewyer '15

• All Met: Katie Ledecky '15 (Female Swimmer of the Year)

• Second Team All-Gazette: Elizabeth Young '16

Kelleigh Haley '16 (Honorable Mention)

• Honorable Mention All-Gazette: Samantha Taskey '15

• All American Automatic: Katie Ledecky '15 in 50 free, 100 free, 200 free, 500 free and 200 IM


• All American Consideration: 200 Free relay–Marielle

• Varsity: 6-0-1, ISL A Division Champions

Gasaway '17, Kelleigh Haley '16, McKenzie Crafton '18,

• JV: 6-2-3

and Katie Ledecky '15

• Tatiana Ortega '18 scored over 20 goals this season. • ALL ISL: Anneliese Goetz '16, Sarah Johnston '16,


Tatiana Ortega '18

BASKETBALL • Varsity: 5th out of 8 in ISL AA Division

VOLLEYBALL • Varsity: 16-2, 5-1 in ISL AA Division • JV: 10-3 • ALL ISL: Lauren Jan '15 and Taylor Wynn '15



Spring 2015 | 30

1 Varsity Soccer celebrates their title as ISL A Division Champions 2 and 3 About Katie Ledecky '15, Washington Post All-Met and 3-time All-Met female swimmer of the year, Washington Post writer Bryan Flaherty said: "Senior Gator and world record holder Katie Ledecky set American, U.S. open, national high school, pool, league, meet and school records throughout her senior season. She concludes her brilliant high school career as the only female swimmer in history to break the 4-minute 30-second barrier in the 500-yard freestyle. Still, as she said after her final meet as a Gator, 'I’ll remember the swim times, but I’ll remember the times with my friends more.' "

4 7




10 6

PRESIDENTIAL SELFIE In addition to their stellar season, members of both the varsity and JV soccer teams, accompanied by Varsity Head Coach JK Spisak and JV Head Coach Ashley McGaughey, had the exciting opportunity to visit the East Room of the White House last fall to meet President Obama. The President was honoring the 2013 MLS League champion Sporting Kansas City. The President greeted our Stone Ridge student athletes individually on his way out. Stone Ridge sophomore and JV team member Colleen McMahon had the exciting moment of snapping the newsworthy selfie after meeting the President. Colleen’s selfie story made international news, appearing in the UK’s and on our local WUSA 9 news.

4 Maddie Carr '16, Kallie Drewyer '15, Maddie Hartman '15, Kendall Kaiser '16, Janie Bell '18, Mollie Carr '18 practice draw controls before a Varsity Lacrosse game 5 Sydney Rickford '16, Emily Deale '15, and manager Maura Murphy '15 (Varsity Softball) 6 Alexis DiZinno '18 and Arisa Kimura '16 (both at right in picture) during a Golf Team match at Columbia Country Club 7 MS Softball Coach Jan Compton, Caroline Vining '20, Sanaz Ghorbanpour '19, Megan Ricketts '19, Juliette Amorosi '20, and Gabby Faccone '19 8 The new Grade 5/6 Lacrosse Team with coaches, far left, Sarah Kiernan (LS PE teacher) and far right, Nova Coston 9 Krysten Scott '19, MS Lacrosse 10 Katharine Hornish '17 (with Naomi Steplight '17 in background), JV Lacrosse against Elizabeth Seton

WANT MORE, SPORTS JUNKIES? For live SR sports updates, check out Notes from the Swamp under "Athletics" on the website. Follow SR on Twitter @SR_Athletics. | 31


YOUNG ALUM POWER TEAM The future is bright with Stone Ridge young alumnae in the marketplace… A panel of seven recently graduated alumnae presented to our Upper School during a Social Action Assembly on Women’s Empowerment.

Beatriz Albornoz ‘10 Education: BA with honors, 2014 Georgetown University, English and Philosophy / Minor: Art History

Bebe Albornoz is currently working as a litigation legal assistant at Sullivan & Cromwell LLP in Washington, DC. Her work there entails researching cases, editing briefs, and assisting with various stages of litigation (from discovery to trial). In her spare time, she advises the Georgetown Mock Trial team. She plans to attend law school in the fall of 2016 and aspires to practice criminal law as a prosecutor at the U.S Attorney's office.

Renee Green ‘08 Education: BA, 2012 Loyola University Chicago, Advertising and Public Relations / Minor: Marketing

After graduating from Loyola University Chicago, Renee returned back home to Washington, DC, to pursue a career in nonprofit communications. For two years she worked for the historic women's nonprofit, the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA), as the Communications and Brand Associate. She helped them to elevate their voice and brand of empowering women and eliminating racism, online, in print and in the media. Now, she works for the top ageing services nonprofit, Leading Age. Nonprofits have and always will have a place in Renee's heart and she plans to always work for or with them in the future.

Aryana Keshavarz ‘10 Paloma Bengoechea ‘09

Education: BS/BA magna cum laude, 2014 University of

Education: BA, 2013 Georgetown University, Art History /

Pennsylvania, Business and International Studies, and French.

Minors: Psychology and Italian

Aryana will begin working as a full-time investmentbanking analyst in Deutsche Bank's mergers and acquisitions group in July. She has previously interned in private wealth management at UBS and social impact consulting at the Grassroots Business Fund. She also spent three years leading a nonprofit organization that helps improve financial literacy in low-income areas of Philadelphia. In her free time, she likes to cook French food and go to Pure Barre.

Paloma Bengoechea is the Operations Manager for Atlantic Media Strategies, a digital consultancy under The Atlantic. Her team applies the knowledge and best practices of The Atlantic to clients looking to have a more powerful voice and build relevant communities fit for today's media diet. She first joined Atlantic Media in June 2013 as part of the inaugural class of Digital Technology Interns, where she worked with IT Support to promote best practices and identify company-wide opportunities for digital solutions.

Lauren Stentz ‘08 Education: BA, 2012 Bucknell University, Physiology and Psychology / Minor: Spanish

Lauren gained valuable experience working as an analyst for healthcare consulting company in Washington, DC, immediately after graduation, and has since transitioned into a research position with the Center for Rehabilitation Sciences Research at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (right next door to SR!) She predominantly works on amputee rehabilitation and prosthetics studies, and is currently helping to run the clinical trials of a new prosthetic arm that Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory developed. Renee Green '08 talks with Physics Teacher Joanna Caudle and McKenzie Barnes '15 following the alumnae panel

Spring 2015 | 32

Panel speakers: Aryana Keshavarz '10, Renee Green '08, Lauren Stentz '08, Beatriz Albornoz '10, Colleen Zorc '11, Elizabeth Winkler '07, and Paloma Bengoechea '09; right, Beatriz Albornoz '10 and Paloma Bengoechea '09 share career and life advice.

Elizabeth Winkler ‘07 Education: BA, 2011 Princeton University, English literature; MA 2013 Stanford University, English literature

Elizabeth Winkler is a freelance journalist based in Washington, DC. She covers politics, books, and culture for publications including The Economist, The New Republic, Foreign Policy, The Los Angeles Review of Books, and The Millions. She will be moving soon to the State Department as a speechwriter on human rights.

Colleen Zorc ‘11 Education: BS, 2015 Georgetown University, Finance / Minor: Entrepreneurship and Art

Colleen is a member of the Georgetown University Women's Club Squash Team. In January of last year she became an active member of the November Project DC tribe and began running seriously. She completed her first marathon in October and has plans for another marathon and her first triathlon this year. In between her studies, she volunteers and fundraises for both Girls on the Run and Teens Run DC: a long-distance running club that revolves around running with and mentoring high school students who may not have older people, other than their school teachers, looking out for them.

Faculty advisor for the Social Action presentation, Stephany Fontanone said, "The panel of young alumnae was a powerful moment for our students. Hearing from such impressive young women who were, just years prior, sitting in the very same seats (albeit different chairs!) was an empowering experience for them since they could picture themselves on the same trajectory and empathize more readily with some of their experiences." Student presentation coordinator, Catherine Cook '17 said,

"The panel presented useful real-world advice to help us succeed in the future by highlighting potential obstacles we will have to navigate. She added, "They also helped reaffirm Stone Ridge's mission in action, something we experience every day at school." | 33






The Third Annual Alumnae Board Social Action Committee event, this year at the DC Diaper Bank in January, was a huge success. Corinne Cannon ’96, Founder and Executive Director, hosted eleven alumnae who helped bundle diapers for the organization to distribute. 1 (Front) Caitlin Myler Taylor ’98, Alison Smith ‘02, Leslie Anderson Maloy ’95, Brigid Myler ’03, Corinne Cannon ’96, Denise Menaker Myler ‘00 (plus the children of Caroline Orban '95); (back) Evelyn McDonnell Teel ‘02, Jeanna Kim ’07, Caroline Orban ’95, Bahareh Sarrami ‘03, Gabby Geier ’03, Daphne Kiplinger ‘03


Florida Gathering for Alumnae

Alexandra Kolakoswki Connor ’01, Violaine Orban ’99 and Maggie Rubino Pilkington, MD ’96 joined us for the third annual Fourth Academic Alumnae Career Panel. They spoke to the Fourth Academic about their educational and professional paths since leaving Stone Ridge, and how Stone Ridge prepared them for the future.

On Thursday, January 29, Betsy Hoy Shiverick ‘78 hosted a beautiful party at her home in Palm Beach for Stone Ridge alumnae and friends. Jacqueline Albarran ’67, Michael Anne Cullen ’95, Kirsten Fisk ’75, Katherine Hensler Fogarty ’87, Kathryn Vigé Hicks ’72, Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86, and Susan Fields Wirths ‘57 were among the alumnae in attendance.

2 Maggie Rubino Pilkington, MD ’96 is a pediatrician in the Washington, DC area; Alexandra Kolakoswki Connor ’01 is a Project Manager for the WSP Group, an engineering services company emphasizing sustainability; and Violaine Orban ’99 is the owner of Goûter, a locally based company making raw organic tonics and cleanses.

Gators Come Home:

Gators from the Class of 2014 returned to campus for lunch, fellowship, and a special goûter in January before they went back to college. They visited past teachers, and talked to the Third and Fourth Academic classes about their college experience. 3 (First row) Jenn Flanagan, Lauren Devol, Chloe Canton, Hallie Martin, Tylar Clark; (second row) Adriana Hernandez-Palomino, Hailey Shull, Maddie Birch; (third row) Margaret Williams, Maddie Melch, Anna Primosch, Grace Hills, Bailey Johnston; (fourth row) Morgan Spellman, Natasha Armstrong, Alyssa Granger, Shannon Lydon, Madi Kaiser

Spring 2015 | 34




6 7



New York City Gathering for Alumnae

4 Meredith Dean Torn ’97, Corinne Kurucza ’97, Charlotte Walker-Said ‘00 5 Nora Murphy ’96, Ali Balfour ’95, Bridget Farrand Fox ‘95 6 Joanna Bogado Santiago ’00, Meghan King ’03, Ensieh Sarrami ’00, Dominique Martinet ‘62 7 Kaitlin McTighe ’04, Michelle Peters ’04, Ali Fuge ‘04 8 Molly Deale ’08, Stephanie Lee ’07, Cydnee Welburn Rafferty '98 9 Liza Beckler ’08, Grace Kane ’07, Kaitlin Duff ‘06 10 Alexandra Marciniak ’05, Annie Pulizzi '09, Meredith Bates ’09, Caroline Lee ’10, Katherine Black ‘10

10 15 Easter Egg Roll 2015: 11 Kathryn Bonner Gillick '89 and her daughter Ellen 12 First Grade Teacher Leslie Sheldon with her husband and children Dylan, Dean, and Lauren (SR Toddler Program) 13 Beth Emerson ’92 with nephew James, son of Eileen Emerson Boles ‘90 14 Sanae Simmons '28 and JuLin Simmons '27 12

Boston Gathering

11 14


Catherine Ronan Karrels '86 and SR administrators traveled to Boston in February 2015 to attend the NAIS Annual Conference. The SR team visited Sr. Barbara Rogers, colleagues, and friends at Newton Country Day School of the Sacred Heart and hosted a small cocktail party for Boston-area Stone Ridge alumnae in Newton's beautiful Blue Room. 15 (Back row): Connie Shaffer Mitchell '92, SR Director of Marketing and Communications, Tracy (Louie) Coates '72, Christina Meyer '02, Malcolm McCluskey, SR Assistant Head of Upper School, Kathleen Mahoney '88, and Anabelle Morgan, SR Head of Middle School; (front row): Urvi Shah, SR Director of Ed Tech and Innovation, Brenda Anders Pring '89, Catherine Ronan Karrels '86, SR Head of School, Maria Pearl, SR past parent and Newton parent, Tai Antoine '97, and Barbara Rogers, RSCJ, Newton Country Day Headmistress 16 Camille Shaffer Farnan '83 with Barbara Rogers, RSCJ, 16 Newton Country Day Headmistress | 35

ALUMNAE Class Notes


Class Notes Class Correspondents needed! Please contact Michael Anne Cullen '95 at if you would like to become your class correspondent for the Stone Ridge Magazine.



1948 MARY FRANCES O’CONNOR MORIARTY was excited to report that there was a Sacred Heart Academy float in the Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans on February 22, 2015!

1954 BUNNY CREMEN KEESHAN was sorry not to be able to attend her 60th reunion. PATRICIA CONAGHAN REDMOND’s youngest of her five children, Dan, age 41, married Mary K. Hoffman of Akron, OH, last year.

1955 DIANE MEARS MUSGROVE had a very special and memorable trip to Paris and Joigny, France, in September with HELEN CRAIG LYNCH, DOLORES SEEMAN ROYSTON, and Jean Eggers (from Sheridan Road). They stayed at the Barat Center and had a short retreat guided by Sally Ride, RSCJ.


LIZ LANGDON TEASDALE ANN HIGGINS STRUMPEN-DARRIE writes, “I've managed to keep very busy in Washington, DC, and successfully navigate the pitfalls of elected office. Last November, I ran again successfully for Advisory Neighborhood Commission and represent an area of Palisades on a larger body composed of other Ward 3 commissions. We handle Above, the zoning, transportation, citygrandchildren of Liz service delivery and alcohol Langdon Teasdale '58.

licenses. In addition, the Mayor appointed me to the DC Commission on Arts and Humanities, where I serve as the chair of the Public Art Committee. It's the uplifting side of volunteer work in the city. Harry and I have been married for 52 years. He is my constant companion, advisor, chauffeur and best friend, and an avid gardener. Our children, April and Hardy, are established in their careers. April lives at the Westchester in Washington, DC, and has a thriving clinical social work practice. Hardy, married to Laurel, lives in LA, where he is on the production staff of the TV show, Last Man Standing. I am often reminded of members of the Class of ‘58 and was talking to someone this week about the National Women's Health Initiative, which I joined in 1993. Eleanor Nealon was instrumental in development and design of the study when she was at NIH, which has become the benchmark for issues involving women's health."

1960 In October 2014, JUDY DOVE CORBETT and KATIE ANCENEY TURLEY went on a terrific six-day bike trip with their husbands and 15 others. They biked the Northern Lake Champlain area in VT, which is very rural and really beautiful.


MARY WILLIAMS SCHALLER has sold over 2 million books for Harlequin novels. In April 2014, her first eBook was published, titled, My Dog Tags are not a Fashion Statement. In September 2014, Mary and her husband walked the last part of El Camino de Santiago in Spain, a 1,000 year-old pilgrim route. She had an amazing experience that was worth waiting 71 years to do!

1962 CAROL LYNN FERGUSON WINTER and her husband have retired to Williamsburg, VA, where we are busy raising a new puppy, bike riding, and kayaking. They are also a little closer to their ten grandchildren who live in Raleigh, Annapolis, Richmond, and Chicago. LINDA

HEBERT DE M A R L O R BACHOWSKI got married! She has four

Janet Rosetta Schockner ’63 working on the clay original for one of her bronzes.

grandchildren in the past 12 months. She is still doing taxes and saving her clients’ pockets! She is forever grateful for her Stone Ridge education and friends.



Clockwise from above left, photos from Ann Higgins Strumpen-Darrie '58: her family on their 17-mile blue tunnel on Norway/Sweden trip; daughter Christy on their trip through Canadian national parks; Ann skiing in Vail, CO; Ann celebrated her anniversary with her husband —it has been a long time since this wedding photo!

Spring Spring 2014 2015 | 36 | 36

JANET ROSETTA SCHOCKNER’s career is going extremely well as is her business. She recently finished a project for an office in Singapore, and her hometown of Loveland, CO, bought another large sculpture. Her largest piece (14 ft. long by 5 ft. high and 5 ft. wide) is in Salt Lake City, UT. Jan's last trip to North Tanzania in Africa to see the big cats was in 2012. View pictures of her sculptures at

GLORIA SOLA GLORIA SOLA went to England last September for her sister’s, Eliza Sola Berry '70, son’s wedding. Eliza has lived in England for over 30 years and both her children are English born.


KAY DEFRANCEAUX LEONARD MARY LITTLE COOPER and DOLORES VACA DONIHI had brunch together in Santa Fe, NM recently. It was such a delight being together, and they look forward to similar times in Santa Fe because one of Mary’s daughters and her family live there now. Mary is fine and still working at court and volunteering at various community activities.

Below, from left left, Kay DeFranceaux Leonard '64 and her family at Christmas; Kay's mother, Ada DeFranceaux, turns 102; Ada with family and friends.

Above left, Carole Hall Maloney and family by her barn on Thanksgiving; above right, Dolores Vaca Donihi ‘64 and Mary Little Cooper ‘64 having brunch together in Santa Fe.

DOLORES VACA DONIHI loves living in Santa Fe, but maintains close ties to family in Maryland, so some of our DC-area classmates may well see her. She is working again with the New Mexico House Appropriations and Finance Committee. This year she saw the completion of her contract as the statewide facilitator for the program “Wellness Recovery Action Plan’, with the Behavioral Health Services Division and the Human Services Department. She now has a part time job with New Mexico Aging and Long Term Care Services Department, a spin-off of the one she just left. She toured her visiting grandchildren around Albuquerque, and had such a fast and furious and good time! Her sons, Christopher and Brian, are doing well­ —Christopher with his wife, April, and their two sons live in Phoenix, and Brian lives in Madison, WI. She sends love to all and sorry she missed the 50th Reunion. CAROLE HALL MALONEY says her little family is growing. Heather and her husband, Chris, have two children, Brandon, age 4, and Savannah, age 2. They live near Baltimore, MD. Chad and Rosa have a seven-month old boy, Charlie. Carole and her husband, Chip, are thrilled that Chad and his family just moved back to Philadelphia, PA from San Diego, CA, and now everyone is within three hours of their home in Leesburg, VA. ELLEN RUBY COLLINS reports, “I like to reflect that my love of writing was born at Stone Ridge, beginning with Mrs. Neureither's Grade 6 class and continuing through many study halls, where I was supposed to be memorizing French verbs, but was writing poems and stories instead. Mother Kirby became my mentor and gave me encouragement and invaluable support. Now, I am busy with a number of writing projects. My dream job as a language arts resource teacher ended due to the county budget crunch, though I do sub occasionally at the school. The biggest chunk of my time is taken up by my work with the Elizabeth Ayres Creative Writing Center, where I am a teaching associate, working with students on-line seeking to deepen their creativity and develop their writing skills. In addition to the classes, I also do some individual writing consultation. I am in the process of publishing my first chapbook of poetry, The Memory Thief. When I am at our beach home, I am very involved with the wonderful Rehoboth Beach Writers Guild, where I join

free write groups and do some teaching and readings. Our children and grandchildren live close by so we see them frequently. I try to get to the beach as much as possible, even during the winter. Snow on the sand is something to behold!” SUSY CLARK says, “everything is status quo here!” KAY DEFRANCEAUX LEONARD reports that the BEST news is that on March 1 her mom celebrated her 102nd birthday! Her mom is amazing to all! Jack and she are still running and coaching at Kauai Gymnastics Academy, their gymnastics school on Kauai. She is also busy with real estate (but always have enough time for your referrals!). Kay says, “As we all get ‘up there’, the thoughts of retiring to a tropical island move to the forefront for a lot of folks, and I’m happy to help! Four of us in Hawaii… shall we start a commune?” Her four children, Mary Kay, Carolyn, Tim, Lynn, ages 45–50, and her eight grandkids, ages 10–21, are great and a joy! “Here’s to an awesome 2015 for all of us, free from aches, pains, and ughs!”


CLARE HARRIS PATRICIA PRATT MORIARTY and her husband love their retirement years. They spend lots of time with grandchildren and go on occasional overseas adventures. Next up: Turkey and Greece!


JOANNE AVON SHIELDS MARY KATHLEEN HALLAHAN SMITH traveled with her daughter, Kelley Smith Feranec ’93, and her son, Christopher, to Spain, to visit her Spanish teacher Carmen Cortes. This amazing Stone Ridge teacher made a profound and lasting effect on her, her parents, her children, and now, her grandchildren. We had a wonderful visit with this vibrant impactful woman, teacher, and friend.


ANNE CAREY ELISE GILLETTE LYDIA ALMON HORNBAKER and her husband, Cecil, had a wonderful time on a Christmas Markets cruise on the Danube River in December 2014. DIANE LLOYD YAEGER is still working at Columbia University. She recently moved from Westchester County into New York City

Christine Coffey Ryan ‘67 and her daughter, MissySR, in the White House pressroom.

to be closer to her children and grandchildren. NICKY MURPHY HOLLAND is still living in La Jolla, CA, and sometimes teaching at UC San Diego. She will be traveling to Spain and Morocco. Nicky’s daughter, Emily, is living and working as an attorney in DC. Nicky’s son, Peter, his wife and their two little girls, Maya and Andra, live in Honolulu, where Peter’s wife is doing a medical residency in psychiatry. KATHY COUNIHAN MOREY has seven children and 15 grandchildren. Three of her children are living a consecrated life, including her son, Noah, who will be ordained to the priesthood for the diocese of Arlington, VA, on June 6, 2015. He will celebrate his first Mass at St. Veronica’s in Chantilly, VA, on June 7. Kathy is looking forward to seeing everyone at Reunion in 2017! SUSAN KEHOE has recently retired from her career at the National Labor Relations Board. She sold her condo in Arlington, VA, and bought one in Easton, MD, to be near where her mother and brothers live. LORENA SEVILLA-SOMOZA will travel to Nicaragua for a medical mission. She travels there regularly with her sister, Julia, as part of their activities with their Future of Nicaragua Foundation. LELA LEINHARD CURTIS has retired from teaching and her husband, Owen, is now semiretired. Their retirements give them time for travel. They visited Cuba in 2014, and they plan to visit Ireland. Lela makes use of her college history major in doing genealogical research. CHRISTINE COFFEY RYAN along with several of her energy colleagues, moved to the law firm of Holland & Knight in July 2015. Christine’s daughter, MissySR, covers the Pentagon, military issues, and national security issues for The Washington Post. Christine’s son, Thomas, is a risk management consultant working in Bethesda. She says it’s great to have both her children in town after their far-flung travels for many years. ELISE GILLETTE is finishing her tenure as president of the Gardeners of the Junior League where she serves as a legacy of her mother’s membership. Elise is enjoying volunteering and working at Iona Senior Services in DC, where she serves seniors with early cognitive problems or physical limitations, and she staffs the reception desk once a week. She finds Iona Senior services to be an absolutely fabulous, multi-faceted community organization. | 37| 37

ALUMNAE Class Notes

Above left, John and Patty Walker Armstrong '67,and right, their daughters Margaret and Becky. At right, Berry Lyons and Anne Carey '67 at Masseria Cielogreco, in Amendolara, Calabria, Italy, in June 2014.

PATTY WALKER ARMSTRONG is working as a writer. She and her husband, John, are happily living in Cambridge, MA, and enjoying weekends and summers in Chatham, on Cape Cod. This past summer ANNE CAREY had the pleasure of spending two weeks in southern Italy, and one week sampling rivers in Calabria, Puglia, and Basilicata for her research on small mountainous rivers and another week at a conference on dust. Anne attended the 2015 Très Bien Ball with her brother Michael Carey, sister-in-law, Chris, niece Bridgid ’13, and soon-to-be alumna, Colleen Carey ’15. JACKIE ALBARRAN was selected as the 2014 recipient of the Schuler Award and was featured in the Palm Beach Daily News regarding the LEEDS house for which she won the Platinum certification.


KITTY HOWELL RIORDAN ROSALIE MERRIGAN MOULTON, now "Rose", lives in Shad Gap, PA and had worked with the law firm of McGuireWoods LLP in Tysons Corner, VA, for 15 years. Her large family keeps her busy, with four grandchildren, from toddlers to college graduates. Her brother, Paul, passed away in November 2014. Her brother, Larry, runs a Bed and Breakfast in Luray, VA. Her family is growing quickly in all directions. Rosalie wondered what she was going to do with herself, traveled a lot, and then purchased her home in Shade Gap, PA, surrounded by mountains and horses in the fields. Then, the Below: Vance Bonner ‘68 grandchildren started assisting with training work. to appear, and she notes, "My life is full and I am enjoying being Grandma Rosie". GAY


has lived in Arizona for over 20 years. While in Falstaff, she worked as a caterer then as an anthropologist with Navajo sheepherders on a Slow Food meat marketing project. She currently works in Sedona as co-chair of the "Ark of Taste", another Slow Food biodiversity project that catalogues disappearing foods and works to revive and promote them. Her daughter, Hester, and her husband live in Phoenix, so she gets time with her two young grandchildren. Her other daughter, Isabel, lives in Manhattan and has one five year-old son. She has a food business called Little Green Gourmets, providing meals to preschools and to children whose parents don't have time to cook. Sedona is a lovely place to live and Gay would love to see any '68 classmates who might go there for vacation! 2014 was productive for PATRICIA MCWILLIAMS CLEARY. She launched a blog, Spoken Truths: A Shared Journey, on in February 2014. Readership continues to grow via Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and her personal network. Her ‘circa 2000’ website was revamped and www. launched on Squarespace. com January 2015. The goal for both is to support the continued success of her independent psychotherapy practice, started 1982, for another decade. After a long visit to her Maryland homeland, VANCE BONNER jumped into work mode as soon as she got back to Bend, OR. She is celebrating 40 years of it! Her website,, is back up, with menu items to the local TV show she got herself on, as well as a magazine story. Vance is really enjoying the "Stance" work, and is working on her second book. KITTY HOWELL RIORDAN has a very full life with both work and family. Her family, starting with instant family of four stepchildren 40 years ago, now includes 11 grandchildren from these four. She and Dave have two younger sons, Michael, now a doctor in his first year residency in Internal Medicine at Rutgers University Medical School and Robert Woods Johnson Medical Center in NJ. His older brother,

Kitty Howell Riordan '68 with grandson Sean; Kitty Howell Riordan’s son Michael Riordan graduating from Albany Medical School, 2014 with proud parents Kitty and Dave, his brother Matt, and friends and family; Kitty's family at their annual Bethany Beach Family Reunion; part of the Riordan clan celebrating her mother-in-law's 99th birthday.

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Matthew, is not far away in Brooklyn, where he works in financial operations. Kitty has worked in the Gerontology field for over 20 years and has finally left management to savor her passion of front-line work with elders, maximizing elder's quality of life at The Virginian Retirement Home in Fairfax, VA. Kitty and Dave have many visits with the growing grandchildren, and most especially, savor time with Sean, their three year-old special needs grandson, from the Charlotte, NC area. Kitty loves to garden when time permits and cherishes her spiritual practices of meditation, mindfulness, and yoga. MAUREEN KERRIGAN GUSTE’s 16th grandchild has arrived. Her sister-in-law Maureen Guste, RSCJ is now Headmistress at Rosary in New Orleans.


CARROLL CONNOLLY DUNN CHRISTINE O’HAGAN MALONEY says, “For those of you able to attend our 45th Reunion, are you still feeling the GLOW?? I know I am. I still hear from many classmates and it is really wonderful. What I love the most is that everyone seems to really care about one another.” ANDREA TOVAR says, “It was great seeing many of you at our 45th Reunion—Stone Ridge Class of 1969. What a year that was!” In 2004, she returned to using her maiden name Tovar after her divorce. She has two grown sons: Alan Poey who lives with his wife, Alyssa, in Palo Alto, CA, and Chris Poey

ALUMNAE Class Notes

Above, Andrea Tovar '69 with her husband Albert.

Above left, members of the Class of 1970 celebrated Susie Nemazee’s new book at the Sulgrave Club: (front) Karen Horstman Kamerick, Susan Lee Mahan, Susie Nemazee, Eileen Mayer, Mary Pratt Brandenburg and Ceci Kirby Wraase (back) Annalee Gillette Regensburg and Molly Counihan Feliciano; above right, Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 (at far right) also joined members of the class of 1970 at the Sulgrave Club.

who lives in Bogotá, Colombia. She is a retired Massachusetts schoolteacher, and happily married to Albert ten Cate (whom some of you met at the reunion). She calls two places home: Easthampton, MA, and Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Please don’t hesitate to look her up NEENA STOCKLINSKI RODGERS and her husband, Richard, just returned from their annual trek to Key West, to escape all the snow they had in Deltaville, VA. Last September, they did a Viking cruise from Basel, Switzerland to Amsterdam, and had a wonderful time. Last November, they took the grandchildren and their parents to Disney World. Rodgers & Burton, their luxury home business specializing in waterfront properties, had an exceptional year. Nenna and Richard find themselves on the water whenever possible, where they enjoy their powerboat and sailing their 16 ft. Arey's Pond Catboat.






GRETCHEN BANK AMY RICHARDSON spearheaded the recent Gators Go Turf campaign with Stone Ridge’s development team, and sent the following message, “Many thanks to all of the Class of 1972 members who supported the Gators Go Turf campaign in the closing days. With the generous help of KATHRYN KAVANAGH BARAN, our representative on the Alumnae Board,

and class agent GRETCHEN BANK’s social media push, we contributed to both the messaging and the outcome—a $6 million goal accomplished! Très bien, merci beaucoup.“ To celebrate her milestone birthday last June, Amy hiked the breadth of England from the North Sea to the Solway Firth along Hadrian's Wall. She says, “Somehow standing on a 1,900-year-old wall made sixty seem pretty young! One more item off my bucket list.” GRETCHEN BANK is planning a trip to Cuba in November with friends via an architect colleague in New Orleans, and is very much looking forward to it.


KATHY JOHNSTON HUTTO JULIE BUNT lives in Johannesburg, South Africa, and works at a public library. She sings with her church choir and has been a member since 1980. She also practices reflexology. Julie and her sister, Alice Bunt Parry ’76, plan to visit Washington, DC, Miami, and San Francisco this May. She remembers well her kindergarten days in 1960 and sends her greetings to all! ALICE COBB PARTE lives outside of Paris with her husband, Jean Yves, who is now retired. Their daughter, Lizzie, works for Harrods in London and their two sons both live and work in Paris. Alice is the proud grandmother of two grandsons. She continues her freelance translating work. KATE FARNSWORTH deployed to Juba as the team leader for USAID’s Disaster Response Team in the South Sudan. While her humanitarian emergency work is challenging, she wouldn’t want to do anything else! Kate’s husband works for the World Food Program in Rome so she has a

Above, Ceci Kirby Wraase, Ellen Dugan, Celeste Fuqua O'Neil, Lisa Gorski Kowalski , Susan Lee Mahan, Karen Horstman Kamerick, Mary Pratt Brandenburg from the class of 1970 enjoying dinner together.

“pied a terre” when she can get away. She spent the Ethiopian (orthodox) Christmas in Addis Ababa with her husband’s family.

KATHY JOHNSTON HUTTO, and her husband Rick, “right-sized,” and moved from their family home of 21 years into a townhouse. Katy graduates from the University of Virginia this May, and plans to pursue a Masters in Higher Education at Vanderbilt next year. Martin is a freshman at the University of Pittsburgh where he is a member of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity and plays intramural soccer. Kathy’s father passed away in April 2014 after a long illness. MARY KEEGAN MAGNER’s oldest daughter, Aoife, heads off to college next year. Her youngest, Maeve, is in Grade 5 at Stone Ridge. Her family is busy with horseshows with Aoife and recitals with Maeve who plays the piano and the violin. Mary and her husband, Brendan, travel with the family to Mexico often for that much-needed sun and surf. RENEE MEIER has lived in New York City, and worked for CBS News for 34 years. If she is not in the city, she is either on assignment or at her East Hampton beach house. In 2013, she covered Pope Francis’ installation in Rome. While there, she met up with NBC’s MARIA SHRIVER, and her sister Cathy Meier Gallo ‘75, who has lived in Rome for almost 25 years. Renee recently started work for the CBS Saturday Morning News show and met Pat Olsen Matthews ‘69 who also works on the broadcast. ANN BIERBOWER LALLY recently completed a project for an SEC university that involved positioning and promoting its Recovery and Counseling Center. One outcome included the largest endowed gift of the year to the University, which was earmarked for the Center. She is now on the Center’s Board of Advisors.

Near right, a view of Hadrian's Wall, England, from Amy Richardson '72; center right, Kathy Johnston Hutto ‘73 and Nancy Bolger Murray ‘73 during a visit to the San Diego Zoo in November 2014; far right, Renee Meier ’73 in Rome with Cardinal Timothy Dolan of NY.. | 39

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Above, Kathy Daniel '73 with Andrew’s father, their son, Andrew, and his ice hockey coach; right, Moira Forsythe ’73 climbing the Zigguarat in Crestone, CO, at 9000 ft.

MOIRA FORSYTHE continues to provide executive coaching for elite athletes, weave, and deliver labyrinth workshops to leadership groups. Her joys are her two daughters and darling grandson, Oden Andersen, all living nearby in the high Rockies of central Colorado. She is also working with Lama Ani Tenzin and the Dharma Institute to bring awareness to the plight of torture in Tibet. MONICA MONTAG’s daughter, Annie, has moved to State College to pursue her career as a chiropractor with partner Dr. Matt Reyes. Monica is delighted to have them nearby. Life has been busy and full of excitement for MAUREEN O’HAGAN LOBB. Last year she “right-sized” to a wonderful condo up the street from her former house and loves it! She and Will still enjoy their weekend retreat in the country. Maureen works as Performance Improvement Coordinator for Mental Health at the Atlanta VA Medical Center. Her husband, Will, is at Morgan Stanley. They celebrate their 38th wedding anniversary this summer. Maureen’s older son is in the farm-to-table business and her younger son graduates from law school in May. MARIANNE SHEAHAN moved back to her beloved Wisconsin last summer to take a job as Pastoral Associate at St. Jude the Apostle Parish in Oshkosh. Her work challenges and delights her, especially her passion for social justice and pastoral care. She also has the Green Bay Packers, Lake Winnebago, lots of cheese, and Door County at her door. Marianne couldn't be happier, feeling like she has come home, both geographically and professionally. KATHY DANIEL wants to brag about her son, Andrew, who got into Carnegie Mellon’s

Above, Monica Montag’s ‘73 daughter, Annie, with her partner Dr. Matt Reyes.

School of Computer Science in early decision and was selected for the Montgomery County team in the Maryland all-state ice hockey championships. Andrew is a goalie and his team won all five games, only letting in one goal. She is a proud mama.


LISA COSIMANO GALLAGHER; THERESA LEE DEJTER became a grandmother on December 23, to Cru Everett Dejter, and he is healthy, beautiful, and a miracle from God. She loves him so much and feels as though her heart will explode sometimes. She is truly blessed. LISA COSIMANO GALLAGHER welcomed her first grandchild, Luke John Weston, born on Sept 14, 2014. Her daughter, Kate, took him to his first Super Bowl party dressed in a Patriots jersey.


EILEEN WILLIAMS JANET FORSYTHE BIRENBAUM is returning to the practice of law, criminal defense only. Her eldest, Ben, is a senior at Whittier College, and her daughter, Julia, is a sophomore at Oberlin College. Her husband Chuck is the Northern California regional managing partner of the law firm Greenberg Traurig, as well as an active labor and employment lawyer. She also reports that she has her ticket for reunion and looking forward to seeing everyone there!

KATE MURPHY MCCLINTIC reports that her daughter is a junior at UPenn and thriving, looking Far left, Maureen O’Hagan Lobb’s family in a field of their sunflowers; for an internship as a buyer/ center, Maureen and husband Will in Costa Rica, near left, Maureen merchandising for summer. Alastair and sister Christine '69 celebrating their mother's 90th birthday at is a sophomore at Northwestern the beach last summer.

and doing well too. He will be going to China for the Princeton in Beijing summer program studying third year Above, Marianne Sheahan '73, intensive Mandarin. at home in Oshkosh, WI; with her She and her husband, mother in Door County, WI; and Richard, are still with her dog, Hope. based in Geneva for a few more months and looking for the next career step, exploring Dubai and other spots. If she is States-side in April, she’d love to join the 40th Reunion festivities. MERRY ANNE KLINEFELTER writes that she is married to Greg Talamini, who is retired and currently fighting cancer but doing okay. Thanks to her lovely niece, NICU nurse Kim, she has a grandniece and grandnephew, who are featured on Facebook almost daily! Her other niece is a globetrotting, Above, Cru Everett Dejter, smart, and talented grandson of Theresa Lee Dejter young lady. Merry is '74; below, Lisa Cosimano an interior designer Gallagher's daughter, Kate, now working as with Lisa's grandson Luke a manufacturer’s representative for three furniture lines, and traveling four states. They live in Frederick, MD. Her mother, Anne, lives in a wonderful assisted living home, and is doing well. E I L E E N J O H N S O N WILLIAMS writes that she traveled to London in November 2014, to visit her daughter Dylan '12 during her Elon University semester abroad. "Dylan was Right, Cameron Ford '06, Monica Shaffer Karo '74, Danielle Vreeland '03.

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a great tour guide, and balanced a busy class schedule and business-related internship to take me sightseeing during my four-day visit. She also enjoyed spending some glorious days in Paris, before flying back to the States. My daughter, Alexis '08, is finishing up a Master's program at American University, where she is studying Broadcast Journalism and getting great experience through an internship at a local cable television station. Alexis teamed up with SR classmate, Katie Le Dain ‘08, who is in the same program, to complete a video project and interviews of a rookie and a veteran of the DC Roller Derby. Eileen continues to love her job as a Legal Editor/Attorney for the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, where she also serve as the CPSC's Plain Writing Manager." In March NAOMI MONTAGUE KLARNER visited her relatives in Hungary. Scott continues to work at M&T, and Naomi works at the Social Security Administration. Christian works for a medical supply company and is applying to doctoral The grandchildren of Naomi Montague programs for a Ph.D. in Klarner '75: above, Sara, English. Hannah works for age 3; and bottom, a public relations firm, and Matthias, age 1 is applying to graduate schools for a Masters in Photojournalism. They are all having fun playing with grandchildren, Sara and Matthias! HEIDI DANIEL reports that her daughter, Julianne, age 16, just

The Class of 1974 had a mini-reunion in June at The Abbey at St. Arnold's Mussel Bar in DC. Clockwise from far left, Lenora Odeku and Johanna Renshaw; members of the Class of 1974; above, Helen Macsherry, Robyn Faulkner Barnes, Sharon Meier Clark and Lenora Odeku; top right, (back) Paris Keena Scott, Karen Bloom, Kim Marinelli Vreeland, Lenora Odeku, (front): Robyn Faulkner Barnes, Lisa Cosimano Gallagher; middle right, Lisa Cosimano Gallagher, Sharon Meier Clark, Kathy Blackwood and Jeri Sheahan Ford; bottom right, Kathy Geoghegan Frisbie, Peter Cosimano, and Sharon Meier Clark.

earned her Ranger award (equivalent to Eagle) in Venture Crew. Venture Crew is the co-ed unit of the Boy Scouts that allows girls to do everything the boys can do. Her son, Ted, age 14, a budding businessman, is enrolled in the Young Entrepreneurs Academy, an after-school program sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, that teaches middle and high school students how to start their own businesses. LINDA HENDERSON BURKE lives in Silver Spring, MD, with her husband, Bob, of 20 years. Their daughter, Lindsey, is a sophomore at Good Counsel, and their son Robert is a freshman at UMD. Linda is an active fundraiser for the MS Society and a member of SGI-USA. For 20 years, MARGARET KEENAN MOSS has been living in the Minneapolis, MI area with her family. She has three children: daughters Jess, age 30 and Julia, age 24, who live and work in the Washington, DC area. Her son, David, age 27, lives and works in Chicago. Margaret's husband, Steve, works from home as a consultant. Margaret says she still spends her time taking photographs and occasionally painting.

MARGO KELLY reports that she just downsized from a three-bedroom house in Silver Spring, MD, into a condo in DC, and is happy with the result. LORI MACIULLA and her husband Bruce Tanous finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Shelby is finishing her junior year at UNC and the triplets are heading to college! Sky is undecided—UNC, UVA, or an Ivy. Teddy is going to William & Mary, and Louie is going to UVA. I continue to work in McLean, VA, as a gynecologist and Bruce is still at J.P. Morgan. We hope to see many of our classmates next year for our 40th reunion!


BRIDGET CLARKE M U R P H Y and JOAN BRANDENBURG W H A L E N visited NORA KIRSCHNER BOTKIN last fall for a fabulous long weekend in Washington State. Nora graciously showed them the

ANGELA BARBANO EMERSON is enjoying retirement, but she never thought she would be so busy! She and MARY FINNSORRENTINO met for lunch in Micco, FL. Mary was escaping from the cold in Memphis, where she works as a freelance graphic artist. Angela has retired from the Foreign Service and is living in Orlando, FL.

Top right, Lori Maciulla '76 and her family; middle, Angela Barbano Emerson '76 and Mary Finn-Sorrentino '76; right, Bridget Clarke Murphy '76, Joan Brandenburg Whalen '76, and Nora Kirschner Botkin '76.


Far left, Eileen Johnson Williams, Lu Ann Maciulla McNabb, Anne O'Donnell Vinson, Heidi Daniel and Susan Meiburger Marks from the Class of 1975 celebrated Eileen’s birthday and their longstanding friendship; middle, Alexis Williams ‘08 shooting video at DC Roller Derby; near left, Dylan Williams '12 in London.| 41 | 41

ALUMNAE Class Notes Above, Christy Eagleton Fleming and Kate Nicolaides Lyons at "The Christmas Shop Foundation” in Wilmington, DE.

beauty of Seattle, Whidbey Island, and Yakima. Nora’s husband and children were very hospitable and loved hearing stories from our childhood!















Right, Drew and Gabi, children of Monika Michejda Goodrich '83.

Reception in NYC. MONIKA MICHEJDA GOODRICH is still enjoying living in Naples, FL, never tiring of the wonderful climate and active lifestyle! She is still selling real estate, keeping busy helping people find an escape from the bitter winters up north. She and her husband, Bob, celebrated their 23rd wedding anniversary in September. Bob continues working as a management consultant for startup technology firms. Their two children are flourishing: Gabriella, age 21, is a junior at the University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Studies. She is triple majoring in Marine Science, Biology, and Geological Sciences and minoring in Chemistry. Andrew (Drew), age 18, is a senior in high school this year and has committed to attend Washington and Lee University in Lexington, VA. He will be in their business program. He was recruited by W&L to play lacrosse for the university, so she sees many weekend trips to Virginia in her future.


MONICA MEGAN DALY STEPHANIE BUCHANAN writes that she had coffee to catch up with Jennifer Wagman Altemus in NYC. Her family (she, her husband, and two sons, Samuel and Jacob) moved to the Berkshires from Brooklyn for her husband's job as Special Counsel to Governor Cuomo. She works as a psychotherapist in a prison for teenage boys. She writes, “I am still grateful to Stone Ridge for the education we received and the message that as women we could achieve anything.”

1985 JENNIFER RUSIECKI is an Associate Professor at The Uniformed Services University (next door to SR!) in Bethesda, MD. She lives with her husband, Raj, and children Calum, age 6, and Iona, age 5, in Silver Spring, MD.

SUSIE MAY ROMANOSKY and her husband, Gene, will celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary this year. They continue to love life in NYC. Their son will start high school in the fall at Bronx Science so they get to explore another borough. She writes, “Our little girl is growing fast and will be ready for Convent of the Sacred Heart for high school before we know it!”


MAUREEN DALY KELLY JENNY SCOTT LUKENS reports that she has lived in Westport, CT, for the past 12 years with her husband, Tim, and their four children: Jane, age 13, Nick, age 12, Charlie, age 9, and Teddy, age 5. Her parents are still in Chevy Chase. Jenny did make a quick trip home in January of 2014 and brought her daughter to the SR campus. She said, “The campus looked beautiful—I was proud to say I was once an SR girl! I am still in touch with many of my SR friends. I would love to get back for a reunion one of these days.” STEPHANIE SHIELDS, KIT NOONAN, and MAUREEN DALY KELLY met up to wish Stephanie well as she is headed on a one-year trip around the world. You can follow Stephanie on Facebook to see where she is and what she is doing.




MARGIE MCCENEY ANNE MARIE BOLER KIRLIN Left, Deirdre Koppel Cohen, Renate Shroeder Dolphin, Moira Dempsey Deziel, Rachel Buchanan O'Hare, Cindy Domalski Henschel, Grace Demetrovits Ronan, Mary Nordberg O'Connor, Colleen Treacy Dickerson, Lori Weinrich Kaplan, Raphael Bastian, and Elizabeth Malia Calhoun celebrate their birthdays in Jamaica.

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Above, Maureen Daly Kelly '87, Kit Noonan '87, and Stephanie Shields '87; left, Nancy Johnston Hildreth, Moira Dempsey Deziel and Deirdre Koppel Cohen from the Class of 1983 at the NYC Alumnae Cocktail Reception.

ALUMNAE Class Notes Left, Parker Amanda Hoober, daughter of Lesley Huff ’89 and Michael Hoober. Right, Kathleen May Boardman ‘89, Laurie Hilfiker McCarthy ‘89, and Monica Risam ’89; below right, the children of Kathleen May Boardman '89.


LAUREL HILFIKER MCCARTHY LESLEY HUFF has had quite a year! On September 20, she married Michael Hoober. They met and dated their freshman year in college, and reconnected two years ago. On December 14, they welcomed a daughter, Parker Amanda Hoober. Professionally, I completed the requirements to become a licensed psychologist in Pennsylvania and a Trained Teacher in the evidence-based Mindful Self Compassion program. HEATHER BENNETT SCOTT continues to live in Slippery Rock, PA, with her husband, John, and sons, Connor and Zane. Still working full time from home for Keypoint, she is kept busy by Connor and Zane’s activities. Along with keeping her photography business running along steadily, she will finish up her three-year term as president of the PTO at the end of this school year. In a complete change of pace, she got somewhat political and in November 2013, ran for School Board Director for the Slippery Rock Area School District. She is happy to say she was elected and have recently finished the first year of a four-year term. She jumped headfirst into working with other board members with the district budget to coordinate staffing, curriculum, material and other student needs. She says, “Working with a public school budget and knowing the programs and purchases they would love to have but simply cannot fund, makes me even more appreciative of the opportunities I was afforded at Stone Ridge.” She keeps in touch with several friends via Facebook, but would love to meet up, so anytime anyone is in the western PA area, let her know! HELENA FERNANDES reports that she lives in London, since 1998, married to Simon with two kids, Alexander, age 10, and Marianna, age 8. They are planning their first trip back to Washington, DC, in May, over the Memorial Day weekend! LAUREL HILFIKER MCCARTHY is living in Napa, CA and still having a great time running her online baby carrier business, even though her kids are now ages 10 and 12. The family travelled to India last February to visit her sister and family who were living in Delhi. It was a fantastic adventure. In August, they were shaken out of their beds by the worst earthquake to hit Northern California in 25 years. Fortunately, they were safe and the house was not severely damaged. There’s always something to be grateful for!

She met up with MONICA RISAM and KATHLEEN MAY BOARDMAN in DC over Thanksgiving. “Everyone looks fabulous!”




LESLIE NAUSER SCHRADER EMILY HAGE was promoted to Associate Professor of Art History at St. Joseph's University. LEAH POTTER and EMILY HAGE recently reunited in New York. ELENA BOURGOIN KUPCHIK is the new CFO of the YWCA of Delaware. KIMBERLEY BULLOCK MERRITHEW became a residential real estate agent with TTR Sotheby's in Chevy Chase.

K R I S T I N ZIELINSKI married Dr. Peter Duggan on March 7, 2015, who is currently finishing his residency at GW Radiology. A number of Stone Ridge alumna were at the wedding: KATY DUNN, KARIN SCHULTZ, C O U R T N E Y HYNES KNOWLES, CHRISTINA PEREZ OSBERG, JENNIFER STEVENSON, ELIZABETH KOPITS, AMANDA SKEITH MURPHY, SARAH THURSTON MCGUIRE, JENNIFER BLUME MATELIS, and Julie Thurston Ott ‘99. She is also graduating from the evening program at Georgetown Law in May 2015 and will remain at her current firm Hogan Lovells. ELIZABETH KOPITS TEAMEY and her husband, Kyle, welcomed their third daughter, Szilvia, on January 26, 2015. Big sisters, Annika, age 4, and Evelin, age 3, are thrilled and have been super little helpers so far.



THEDA DOANE BAGDON is coaching varsity field hockey at Good Counsel again this year.




CAROLINE ORBAN and her husband welcomed son Julian the day before Sophie's 6th birthday. Sophie was not thrilled to celebrate her birthday in the hospital, but luckily, there was a nice gathering room. She has been working for an employee benefits brokerage firm in Chevy Chase, for the past five years and really enjoys it.

SUZANNE SULLIVAN EGAN DUFOUR CANNON MIKEL BROWN married Blazej Bulka on October 18, 2014, at Herrington on the Bay in Rose Haven, MD. She was blessed to have several of her SR classmates with her including ANNA SIRI, LINDY KURTH, MICHELLE DIMARTINO COLTRAIN, and ERICA JANKOVICH. She and her husband are living in New Jersey.


Middle left, Mikel Brown '94 and her husband Blazej Bulka on their wedding day; below, Michelle DiMartino Coltrain '94, Lindy Kurth '94, Anna Siri '94, and Erica Jankovich ‘94 attended Mikel's wedding ceremony.

Right, Meagan Barry ’03, Madeleine Ortman ’63, and Eileen Emerson Boles ’90 at the University of San Francisco Lone Mountain reunion. | 43 | 43

ALUMNAE Class Notes Right, Brenda Bartlett Pellicane ’98 and son Lukas, Mary Kurry McCormick ’98 and son Colin, Cristina Curcio Brandaleone ’98 and daughter Avery, and Lauren Jamieson Jolly ’98 and kids Morgan and JP at lunch together in February 2015. Left and above, the children of Caroline Orban '95: Sebastian, age 8, Sophie, age 6, and Julian, age 10 months; right, Damon and Theo, sons of Gloria Bruce '96




ELIZABETH SATTERLEE ERSENKAL GLORIA BRUCE and her wife Wendy Seider welcomed their second son, Damon Seider Bruce, on April 2, 2014. Damon joins big brother Theo, who was born in 2012. Gloria reports that the boys both enjoy singing, mildly harassing their cats and strolling around Oakland. She says Stone Ridge alumnae are always welcome to visit them on the sunny side of the San Francisco Bay! GINA YOUNG’s play "Femmes: A Tragedy" was the 2014 recipient of the Jane Chambers Award for Playwriting a n d received a performance at the Association for Theatre in Higher Education Conference Gina Young '97 after in Scottsdale, receiving the Jane A r i z o n a . Chambers Award for She was also Playwriting. a finalist for the 2015 Beatrice Terry Residency in New York City, and currently lives in Los Angeles when she is not touring the country with the It Gets Better project musical. Learn more at Below, Anna Tiedeman Irwin ’96 and Dodging Diabetes co-founder (and Holton grad) Elizabeth Kramer with their brothers Andy and David, both of whom live with Type 1 diabetes (credit: Renard Photography).

KATHLEEN SHAFER writes, “I just finished my Ph.D. in Geography! Hooray! I did it in a lightening four years, at the University of Texas at Austin, Geography and the Environment. Dissertation title: Marfa, Texas: A Historical and Cultural Geography. I'm working on turning it into a book now.” JULIE VERRATTI is a founder of Denizens Brewing Company, which opened in July 2014 in Silver Spring, MD. Denizens is the largest production brewery in Montgomery County, MD, and the only women-owned brewery in the state. Many classmates from 1997 have visited, including TARYN WOLF WIRSHING, KATIE STULL, and CASSIE BEHRE REILLY.


CRISTINA CURCIO BRANDALEONE BRENDA BARTLETT PELLICANE received an early Christmas present this year! Brenda and her husband, Anthony Pellicane, welcomed their first-born Lukas Anthony Pellicane on December 23, 2014, in Rockville, MD. They currently live in Potomac, MD. Brenda is a dermatologist for The Dermatology Center ( in the Bethesda, Germantown, and DC offices. After working in the field of assistive technology/medical devices supporting people with disabilities in both the US and Europe, MAGGIE MAHONEY has opened her own business in Los Angeles, CA. Grasp Assistive Technologies (www. aims to take hold of and deliver every benefit of technology to enhance communication, interaction, learning, and independence for people with disabilities.

Near right, Christina Papagjika ‘98, Maureen Harkins Betz ‘98, Brenda Bartlett Pellicane ‘98, Laly Novey Murphy ‘98, Lauren Jamieson Jolly ‘98, and Cristina Curcio Brandaleone ’98 at Brenda’s baby shower; far right, Lukas Anthony, son of Brenda Bartlett Pellicane ‘98.

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Right, Mary Kurry McCormick ‘98 and husband Marty leaving the hospital with son Colin; below right, Colin McCormick, son of Mary Kurry McCormick '98.

MARY KURRY MCCORMICK and her husband, Marty, welcomed Colin Martin McCormick, their first-born, on December 16, 2014 in Washington, DC. Mary and her husband reside in Arlington, VA. Mary Kurry McCormick, CFP works as the Director at Andersen Tax, formerly WTAS, in McLean, VA. Below, Katie Clad, Eleanor Mahoney, Maureen Harkins Betz, and Susie Hensler during the summer of 2014 when Katie, Eleanor, and Susie visited the DC area.

Below left, Summer and Lily, daughters of Beth Palian '98; below right, Beth and her family

ALUMNAE Class Notes 1999


Above, Mary Kurry McCormick ’98 and son Colin, Caitlin Myler Taylor ’98, Lauren Jamieson Jolly ’98, Brenda Bartlett Pellicane ’98 and son Lukas, and Cristina Curcio Brandaleone '98.

BETH PALIAN and her husband, Zack Winston, welcomed their second daughter, Lily Ellen Winston on June 7, 2014. Lily gets her red hair from her grandma (Suzanne Palian) and is already becoming best friends with her big sister, Summer. Beth and Zack live in Los Angeles, CA. STAVI DIMAS-STAMOULIS lives in Athens, Greece. On August 29, 2014, she married Yiannis Stamoulis. Her sister Emily Dimas was the Matron of Honor. After receiving her teaching certification and an MA in Museum Studies, Stavi has been teaching at the American Community School in Athens. She is dedicated to working closely with museums and secondary schools to merge formal and informal education through the spearheading of various educational initiatives. Stavi has been creating and implementing workshops throughout Europe that focus on a collective and collaborative pedagogy. She is excited about all of the changes in her life and hopes to finally commence her Ph.D. at UCL at the start of next year.

Stavi Dimas-Stamoulis ’98 married Yiannis Stamoulis on August 29, 2014 in Greece , where they live.

CHRISTINE FREUND MCHUGH and her husband, Chris, welcomed baby Megan Jane on February 27, 2014. They've had a fun first year with Megan and her big sister Anna, age 3. REBECCA ZEIGLER CRAWFORD and her husband, Robert, welcomed a baby boy, Hugh Edward Crawford, on September 13, 2014. He was born in Dunedin, New Zealand. ROOPIKA RISAM has been invited to give the keynote address at the HASTAC 2015 conference. HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory). It is one of the major professional organizations in her field. JACQUÉ WENDEL DAVIDSON gave birth to a son, Logan Alexander Davidson, on June 17, 2014. He joins big sister Annalise. ALISON HEIDENBERGER COFFEY is living on Long Island with two beautiful kids: Carson, age 18 months-old, loves to wear her Stone Ridge t-shirt all the time, and son, Chase, age 4.


DENISE MENAKER MYLER CATHERINE MORROW LOGUE and her husband, Joe Logue, welcomed their second son, Michael Joseph Logue, on December 3, 2014. Big brother Daniel was very excited for the early Christmas present. ALANNA MAZZARELLA HART, and her husband, Brendan, welcomed their son, Grady Nicolas, on August 8, 2014. They continue to reside in Brooklyn, NY, and are enjoying life as a family of four. ALISON MASCIUCH SIMON has been teaching AP Biology at Culver Academies for four years, living at the boarding school with her husband and two children, Ella and Ian. This spring she is completing her Master’s degree and then taking on a newly created position, Connected Learning Director. In this new position, Alison is eager to apply her background in STEM to campus-wide initiatives about what learning should look like in the digital age.

Above left, Catherine Morrow Logue '00 and her newest son, Michael; above right, Alison Simon '00 with her husband, Brian, and two children, Ella, age 5, and Ian, age 1, over the winter holidays; below, Kat Sidhom-Yarborough’s (’00) daughter Dagny Marie born in November 2014.

KAT SIDHOMYARBOROUGH and her husband, Aaron, welcomed a baby girl, Dagny Marie Yarborough, in November. They are living in Richmond, VA, and Kat is working as a school psychologist.

KRISTEN LONG is the lead singer of one of the hottest new bands to emerge from the Nation’s Capital, Black Masala, an eight-piece Gypsy Music inspired Brass Band. Kristen’s smooth singing style—a mix of blues, soul, and rock, was described by the Washington Post as a "saucy, sultry croon." Black Masala recently won two Washington Area Music Awards for "Best New Artist" and "Best World Album of the Year." Kristen was also nominated for Best World Music Vocalist for the 2015 WAMA Awards. Check out Black Masala’s website at

Kristen Long '00 performs with her band, Black Masala

Far left, Robert Crawford, Hugh Edward Crawford, and Rebecca Zeigler Crawford ‘99; middle, Annalise and brother Logan, children of Jacqué Wendel Davidson ‘99; near left, Madelyn Reese, age 2, and Grady Nicolas, age 6 months, children of Alanna Mazzarella Hart '00. | 45 | 45

Clockwise from bottom left, Laila Catherine, daughter ofJoanna Bogado Santiago ’00, born on May 9, 2014; Jordyn Blythe Conley, daughter of Jamelle Royster Conley '00, celebrating her second birthday on February 4; Anna Kukelhaus Dynan '00 and husband Chris with their son Bryce at his baptism in January at St. Matthews Cathedral in Washington, DC; James Edward O’Brien, III, son of Christina McGowan O’Brien ’00, born April 2014.

A N N A KUKELHAUS DYNAN and husband, Chris, welcomed a son, Bryce Arthur, in August. They currently live in Washington, DC, where Anna works with the National Geographic Society. They are looking forward to a trip to Germany with Anna's family this summer. C H R I S T I N A M C G O W A N O'BRIEN and her husband, James, welcomed a son, James Edward III on April 12, 2014, in New York City. JULIA MINSHALL has been living in Jackson Hole, WY, for nine years. She and her sister, Melissa Minshall '06, enjoy living together in their recently purchased home, as they ski and climb the Tetons. She is currently working in the luxury hotel business as the Director of Rooms at Hotel Terra, an eco-resort and one of the first LEED certified hotels in the U.S. JAMELLE ROYSTER CONLEY is currently working as the Chief Operating Officer of her families' third generation run family

Above, Paul and Caroline Besozzi celebrate the wedding of their daughter Christina '01; right, Christina Besozzi '01 with husband Patrick Cary.

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business (Austin Royster Funeral Home). She and her daughter, Jordyn, also spend time traveling back and forth to Europe, where her husband, Jason, is in his tenth year playing professional basketball.

QUINNE ROGERS is currently living in New York City, working as the Deputy Director of Marketing for the Random House Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House. This is her tenth year with the company, which means she'll be enjoying a month-long sabbatical in the fall. She plans to spend that time traveling throughout Croatia. ASHLEY GREEN will be graduating from American University Washington College of Law in May 2015. She is currently working as a Law Clerk at DLA Piper LLP, and will stay on there in the DC Office as an attorney in the Trademark, Copyright, and Media group when she graduates. She plans to take the Virginia Bar Exam this summer, and is looking forward to a vacation to the Caribbean in August. DENISE MENAKER MYLER and her husband, Devin, have been making their home in Washington, DC. They recently purchased and renovated an old colonial in Chevy Chase. Denise works in architecture and serves on several committees and boards within the industry. She and Devin enjoyed a vacation in Aruba. JOANNA BOGADO SANTIAGO and her husband, Matthew, welcomed their daughter, Laila Catherine Santiago, on May 9.



PLATIA CHRONIGER gave birth to Michael "Mikey" Edward Chroniger in October. He is named after her father-in-law and her father. J E N N I F E R CLARK is now the Executive Director of the African Dream Initiative benefiting children in Uganda.

A L E X KOLAKOWSKI CONNOR and her husband welcomed Liam James Connor, born on January 17, 2015. Above and below, Christina Platia

C H R I S T I N A Chroniger '01, with husband, David B E S O Z Z I and the family's newest addition, married Patrick Michael Edward Chroniger. Cary, a native of Cantonville, MD, on October 25, 2014 at St. Ann’s Catholic Church in Bethany Beach, DE. A reception at Atlantic Sands Hotel in Rehoboth Beach, DE followed. Classmates in attendance included BRIANNE BURKE HARRISON, CLARE INZEO BONSINGORE, KATIE SHRIVER MENSE, and CHRISTINA PLATIA CHRONIGER, who served as Matron of Honor. SR Summer CampUs Director Angela Romano was also in attendance to celebrate!



Above, Liam James Connor, son of Alex Kolakowski Connor '01.

PATI NOTARIO, her husband, Robbie, and their eldest son, William, age 3, are happy to announce the birth of baby Benjamin David, who joined their family October 21, 2014. Pati has taken on the position of medical director of a clinical program for children with complex medical conditions at Advocate Children's Hospital outside of Chicago and also enjoys teaching the pediatric residents training there. CHANNING MARIE COOPER is currently practicing labor law in Washington, DC, as inhouse counsel for the American Federation of Teachers. Channing devotes much of her free time to spoiling her adorably mischievous Basset Hound/Labrador mix pup, Oscar, and nephews, Nicholas and Evan. Right, Pati Notario ’02, her husband Robert W. McDermott III, and sons Benjamin David McDermott and William McDermott.

ROBYN RABER BORGELT, and her husband Nate Borgelt welcomed a baby girl, Anna Marie Borgelt, on March 17, 2014. Robyn has lived in New York City since 2006 and is the Gallery Director at Michael A l t m a n Fine Art & Advisory Anna Marie Borgelt, Services on daughter of Robyn the Upper Raber Borgelt '02 East Side. ALISON CALDWELL BLISS moved to Houston, TX, this past year with her husband Thomas and their daughter Campbell Elizabeth Bliss. They recently welcomed a bubbly baby boy into the world, Thomas Arley Bliss. They are enjoying their new home and have been fortunate enough to have a number of Stone Ridge friends visit them in the Lone Star State including CHRISTINA SCALCO, DIANE BERNARDI OLSON, and KATIE FRIEL.

Above, Campbell Elizabeth Bliss and Thomas Arley Bliss; below, Kellan James Olson and Eleanor Elizabeth Olson.

D I A N E BERNARDI OLSON received her Master’s in teaching for elementary education earlier this year. She and her husband Jon had their second child, Eleanor Elizabeth Olson in October of 2013.


DANIELLE VREELAND BRIGID MYLER BETHANY SCHRAML CZAJA and her husband Greg welcomed a baby girl, Cameron Marie, on April 20, 2014. Shortly after she was born, they relocated Rosemarie Calabro Tully ’03, Greg Czaja, Bethany Schraml Czaja ’03, and Dave Tully on Cameron’s baptism day.

to Beaufort, SC. ROSEMARIE CALABRO TULLY and her husband, Clockwise from above left, Mariana Meyer '03 and Heather Dave, are Greenwood Benz '03 co-hosting a baby shower for Arushi C a m e r o n’s Sharma Frank '03; Julia Rumford Bethune ’03 and her husband, godparents. Richard on their recent trip to Israel; Arushi Sharma Frank ’03 Bethany and and her husband, Jeffrey, with son Jahnav; Arushi Sharma Frank '03 and Heather Greenwood Benz '03 with sons Jahnav, age 6 Greg hope that months, and Nicholas, age 2. Cameron will be an SR Gator one day when they move back to the DC area. this spring in search of new adventures MEGHAN MULLEN has been living and employment in NYC for just over seven years now, opportunities. She is working in advertising at an agency called hoping to work in the Wieden+Kennedy. On nights and weekends, fields of education policy, she retreats to Brooklyn, where the buildings the arts, or a combination are just a tad bit shorter, or heads back to DC of the two! to visit. In her spare time, she contributes to the New York Chapter of the DC-based charity DAPHNE KIPLINGER is still in DC and Bike. loves working at Landon School as the graphic designer and publications manager in the Communications Office. She started helping ARUSHI SHARMA FRANK and her husband, Jeffrey Lionel Frank, welcomed "coach" Middle School intramural sports this year, which was a hoot. Daphne is still singing baby Jahnav Lionel Frank in August 2014. along with husband Dave, her parents, and Arushi has been recently appointed as an advisor on energy derivatives issues to the Cait Miller '02 in The Washington Chorus, and loves hanging out with fellow SR Gators who Commodity Futures Trading Commission, live in or pass through DC. and elected to the Board of Directors of the Washington Metropolitan Area Corporate BRITTANY COALE BOURASSA and her Counsel Association. She and her husband husband, Chris, welcomed Thomas Ronald continue to practice law in DC and VA areas. In their "free" time, they tag-team on helping Bourassa on May 14, 2014. Brittany is an lead the Toastmasters International Club at the oil scheduler at Freepoint Commodities in Stamford, CT, and Chris is an oil trader at JP University Club in Washington, DC, and mentor Morgan. young professionals in their community. JULIA RUMFORD BETHUNE and her husband, Richard, took trips to Israel and Brazil before graduating last spring from Duke’s MBA program. They are now living in Raleigh, NC, and welcome visitors. MEAGHAN CARRIGAN recently moved from Condè Nast to Tory Burch, where she is working as a Digital Creative Services Manager. She loves her new neighborhood in Brooklyn! HEATHER GREENWOOD BENZ received a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Johns Hopkins University in 2014, and subsequently began a postdoctoral fellowship at the FDA in Silver Spring studying the next generation of brain-controlled prosthetic arms. She enjoyed co-hosting a baby shower in 2014 for ARUSHI SHARMA FRANK, together with MARIANA MEYER! In July 2014, MEGAN MINOGUE graduated with a Ph.D. in English from Queen's University Belfast. Since then, she has been working as a teaching assistant and freelance writer. After living in Northern Ireland for the last 5½ years, she will be moving back to the DC area

ANU RAJASINGHAM has been an epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the past six years. She is based in Atlanta, GA, and has worked on a variety of projects ranging from CDC's Ebola response in West Africa to implementing water treatment and hygiene interventions in HIV clinics in Kenya.

Above, Tommy, son of Brittany Coale Bourassa ’03.

MAEGAN OLIVOS finished her Doctorate of Physical Therapy and Masters of Public Health at Arcadia University last May 2014, and is now a full-time practicing physical Left, Megan Minogue ‘03 and her parents, Jim and Judy Warner Minogue (Villa Duchesne & Oak Hill School, ‘71). | 47

Members of the Class of 2003 gathered at Daphne Kiplinger’s house over the Christmas holidays: (back) Adele El-Khouri, Daphne Kiplinger, Bahareh Sarrami, Hayley Campbell, Alexi Rahman, and Meagan Barry; (front) Brigid Myler, Renee Clinton, Gabby Geier, and Danielle Vreeland.



Above, Kelly Morgan Wilder ’03 recently welcomed son Lawson, who joins big sister Helena.

therapist at Medstar National Rehabilitation Hospital here in the DC area. She also completed her first marathon and Olympic distance triathlon last fall and is hoping to do a half Ironman this coming summer. STEPHANIE TAYLOR has been busy since graduating from Ohio Wesleyan University in 2007. After teaching Junior Kindergarten at Washington Episcopal School for three years, she went back to school and graduated from Wake Forest University in 2012 with a Master’s in Communications. For the past two years, Stephanie has been working for a Communications Design firm in Bethesda, MD, called August Jackson, specifically in the production discipline. KELLY MORGAN WILDER lives in Minneapolis and is a lawyer for a consulting firm that does environmental and cultural resource compliance. Recent highlights in life include starting a mobile, wood-fired pizza catering company with her husband, as well as welcoming a second child. After graduating from Carleton College, KATHLEEN VONGSATHORN completed a Master’s degree in the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology in 2008 and a doctoral degree in Modern History in 2012 at the University of Oxford, researching the history of missionary leprosy settlements in colonial Uganda. She recently completed a two-year postdoctoral research fellowship at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, and she is now a visiting professor of African History at Lafayette College, where she teaches on the history of medicine and humanitarianism. OMOLARA BEWAJI JOSENEY is currently finishing up a federal clerkship with the Honorable Margo K. Brodie of the Eastern District of New York and will be returning shortly to Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP as a fifthyear litigation associate. She married her law school sweetheart, Cassandro Joseney, on New Year's Eve at the Fairfax at Embassy Row in Washington, DC. JENN TAPSCOTT KESSLER and her husband, Matt, welcomed a baby boy on January 30. Ciaran Thomas Kessler was born in San Francisco, CA.

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HAYLEY CAMPBELL reports that the last four years as an Assistant District Attorney in the Bronx have been anything but boring. A year ago she was promoted to the Felony Trial Division where her trials range from robberies to attempted murders. It's fast-paced and rewarding work. Living in Manhattan has its challenges, but she’s still enjoying the cultural perks. BRIGID MYLER recently left her position as Senior Marketing Associate with Clark Construction Group to make the leap into residential interior design. She is working with Amy Zantzinger Interior Design, Chevy Chase, MD. She is slowly working towards making her senior superlative of “most likely to decorate her house in black-watch plaid” come true.


CLAIRE ZACHIK is enjoying living in the city of Baltimore where she is in her fourth and final year of medical school at Johns Hopkins. She looks forward to matching in a Psychiatry residency in March, and graduation in May! MOLLY SHAFFER KESZLER reports that over the past year, she has finished her intern year at George Washington University Hospital and moved to Philadelphia to do her residency in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. However, the most exciting part of the past year was August 2, when she and Peter married at Georgetown. The wedding had a few Stone Ridge alumnae: sister, Colleen Shaffer '08, as maid of honor, KAREN FARRELL and Elizabeth Yogiaveetil '04 as bridesmaids, and LAURA PANG and KATHY KING helped with the Mass. And of course, the kilt made an appearance.

ALEXANDRA MASCIUCH LEWIS MONIKA LUABEYA AMY ROSE CANTILENA is finishing her doctoral thesis. BRITTANY HEALY HELFENSTINE and her husband, Calvin, reside in New Orleans. Brittany works for Communities in Schools as a Site Coordinator and Social Worker. She graduated from Elon University with a degree in Psychology and Sociology in 2008. She then completed two AmeriCorps service programs, NCCC and City Year. Her experience in AmeriCorps led her to the University of Maryland where she earned her Master’s in Social Work with a clinical concentration in children and family services, specialized in trauma focused treatment. Calvin is a reliability engineer for Shell Oil Company.

Class of 2005 alum at the wedding of Molly Shaffer Keszler '05.

BRITTANY DYE is currently in her second year of residency in Emergency Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School. This May, she is presenting her research on intraosseous devices at the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA. SHANNON HOCHMAN is currently at Savannah College of Art and Design for a Master’s Degree of Fine Arts in Illustration. She is also taking courses in fashion illustration and sequential art/cartooning.

Left, members of the Class of 2004 at Brittany Healy Helfenstine's wedding on October 25, 2014 in New Orleans: Caroline O'Sullivan, Brenna Sparks, Courtney Holland Connor, Victoria Carruthers, Brittany Healy Helfenstine, Jenelle Oxendine, Kourtney Marr, Erica Imbimbo, and Paige Maslen.

Left, Brittany Dye '05 and her husband; below left, art by Shannon Hochman '05.

C A R O L I N A FOJO enjoys life in Philadelphia, PA, where there she can find amazing restaurants on every street and spends her weekends hiking in the Wissahickon. Last year, she received her Master’s Degree in Social Work from the University of Pennsylvania. She is currently working as a consultant developing strategic plans and providing resource development support for nonprofits in Philadelphia. ALEXANDRA MARCINIAK was recently promoted to run European marketing for Bloomberg Tradebook. She moved from New York to London in February and is enjoying her time abroad. CHELSEA CRAMP moved to Charlottesville, VA, this past fall to attend business school at Darden (UVA). After spending over four years in commercial construction, she decided to go back to school to develop her business skills and make a career change. She is very excited to be spending her internship this summer at J.P. Morgan's Private Bank in DC. MAGGIE COOPER continues to live in Singapore with her boyfriend, working in brand management for the Pampers diaper brand across the ASEAN region with recent highlights including a friend's wedding in India, diving through WWII wrecks in the Philippines, and visiting the temples of Myanmar. She encourages any SR grads to reach out to her if they are thinking of moving to or visiting the Southeast Asia region! Left, Maggie Cooper '05; below left, Paige Holden Schmitz '05; below, Eleanore Alexander '05 and Anthony Shriver at a Best Buddies event in NYC.

M A R Y B O N N E Y booked two n a t i o n a l commercials last year as well as wrote, produced and starred in Break: The Musical (her sister Kate Bonney Mary Bonney '05 '08 made an appearance as well), a musical short to be released later this year. She performed on Jimmy Kimmel Live and has become a production coordinator for various independent television shows and movies. She also is a tour guide at Universal Studios, continues to write music reviews for the LA Music Blog, and performs improv and stand up comedy throughout Los Angeles. PAIGE HOLDEN SCHMITZ is a mental health therapist for children and adolescents at MSA The Child and Adolescent Center. She has been traveling some to Barcelona because her husband, Johnny, is getting his MBA at IESE. She loves going to Pure Barre! SUSAN WATKINS continues to work at a tech start-up, which has expanded tremendously and has moved into the old Living Social building in downtown DC. She ran her first marathon and is currently training for a 40-mile bike race through NYC with her parents. She continues to exercise her love for international traveling with upcoming trips to Haiti and China. LINDA PEAR and her husband, Dan Takacs, moved to Boston this year so Dan could earn his Masters in Directing Theater from Boston University. Linda works with 3-6 yearolds at Wayland Montessori School and is working towards her Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) certification and Masters of Education from Loyola University Maryland. KIKI BURTON manages a consulting team at Adobe, specializing in digital marketing and data management. She is fortunate that her job allows her to travel the world and she loves exploring new destinations. Kiki resides in NYC with her boyfriend, but they try to return home to DC as much as possible! KAREN FARRELL is in the final year of a Ph.D. program, working hard to finish her dissertation on territorial occupation and international conflict. In the past year, she and her husband, Dan, moved to Chesapeake, VA, bought their first house, and adopted a dog and a cat. ELEANORE ALEXANDER was accepted to the Ph.D. program at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Health Policy and Management, and hopes to attend in the fall 2015. Elle is also looking forward to

Paula Charbonneau Zahid married Bassam Zahid on January 3, 2015. Above, 2005 classmates who attended: Katherine McMackin, Caroline DavisSR, Paula Charbonneau Zahid, Cally Haggerty, and Lucy Yost.

getting involved again with Best Buddies, an organization that she became involved with while at Stone Ridge. MAGGIE FERRENZ earned her MBA from the Yale School of Management in May. After graduation, she began working for an Australian management consulting firm called Partners in Performance that is focused in mining and heavy industry. While her work frequently takes her to less than glamorous locations, she’s very excited to call DC home once again! KATIE REDMAN has been working as a nurse at Johns Hopkins Hospital in their Pediatric Intensive Care unit for over 2 years. Her love of nursing has led her to pursue her Master’s Degree in Nursing and she recently enrolled in Georgetown University's Family Nurse Practitioner program this spring! The program is mostly online-based so while she has loved her past four years in Baltimore, Katie plans to move down south to Charlotte, NC in June.


KELLYN MAHAN CAROLINE CULLEN married Alex Barker on August 16, 2014. The two met while Caroline was at Stone Ridge and Alex was at Landon. They celebrated their wedding at Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Washington, DC followed by a reception at the Mayflower Hotel, a special venue as her grandmother Mary Margaret Murphy Dugan '41 and grandfather were also married there.

Above, Caroline Cullen '06 and her husband Alex Barker.

ERICA GAVEY graduated from the University of Maryland's Dietetic Internship Program and now is a Registered Dietitian working at the USDA for the Center of Nutrition Policy and Promotion. This May, KRISTEN MANDERSCHEID is graduating from Wharton's MBA program with a double major in Health Care Management and Entrepreneurial Management. She accepted the offer to return to Deloitte as a Senior Consultant in its Strategy & Operations practice. | 49

Right, Victoria Barrera-Garces married Daniel Regan in May 2014; far right, Margaret Rodgers, Stephanie Lee, Leah Seifu, Victoria Barrera-Garces Jessica Walthall, Jocelyn Wascher, Blaire Butcher, and Agnes Sibilski at Victoria's wedding.

C A I T L I N O ’ B R I E N WIEGMANN high Above, Caitlin O’Brien married Wiegmann '06 and her school sweetheart husband, Woody Wiegmann. Woody Wiegmann (Landon '06) on July 26, 2014 in Santa Monica, CA. They lived in Southern California for two years and are now based in Nashville while he completes his MBA at Vanderbilt University.


CLAIRE CLARK NOWLIN CARA SULLIVAN CAITLIN ROYSTER started a new job this past year. She now works as a registered dietitian at The Center for Eating Disorders at Sheppard Pratt in Baltimore, MD. Caitlin provides nutrition counseling to children and adults in the inpatient, partial hospitalization, and intensive outpatient programs. She is enjoying this new opportunity! VIVIAN TYABA is currently working in the finance department at MBI Health Services in the DC area. This summer she will be traveling and spending time with family; however, she is pleased to begin a Master’s Degree program at the Robert Smith School Vivian Tyaba ‘07 and Cynthia H. Tyaba ‘09 with family at the of Business at the Source of the River Nile in University of Maryland. Jinja, Uganda.

M A R G A R E T RODGERS reports she is just a few months away from her Master’s Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at the University of Vermont and continuing to work as a Personal Trainer. After spending several years working in Near right, members of the Class of 2008 gathered in Bogota, Colombia to celebrate the wedding of Carolina Acevedo ’08 and Jun Ma: Miranda Ossolinski ’08, Carolina Acevedo ’08, Robyn Schwartzman ’08, Meghan Ball ’08, Nida Vidutis ’08, Rosie Brown ’08, and Colleen Shaffer ‘08.

Spring 2015 | 50

politics, CARA SULLIVAN joined Teach for America. She spent the summer teaching Pre-Kindergarteners in Mississippi and now teaches Grade 2 right outside of Baton Rouge, where she lives. She is also beginning to take graduate classes in Public Administration at Louisiana State University. VICTORIA BARRERA-GARCES married Daniel Regan on May 25, 2014, at the Cathedral of Saint Matthew the Apostle in DC. Daniel is from Cincinnati, OH, and they met at the University of Dayton. Classmates in attendance at the wedding were MARGARET RODGERS, STEPHANIE LEE, LEAH SEIFU, JESSICA WALTHALL, JOCELYN WASCHER, BLAIRE BUTCHER, and bridesmaid AGNES SIBILSKI. Victoria works for Cincinnati Youth Collaborative as a Talent Search Advisor and Daniel is a Senior Trading and Operations Analyst at Fund Evaluation Group. They currently reside in Cincinnati, Ohio. ANNA MYSLIWIEC is working at the National Democratic Institute, where she helps manage programs to support democracy in North Africa, and living in Columbia Heights.


ELISSA GOEKE ANNE ELISE DROZDOSKI ROBYN SCHWARTZMAN is currently working in quality control at a medical diagnostic company in Rockville. She is also pursuing a Master’s Degree from Johns Hopkins University in Biotechnology with a concentration in Regulatory Affairs. She is enjoying both her job and her schoolwork and is excited to be learning so much about the biotech industry! CAROLYN SLOAN will graduate this May from the University of Richmond School of Law where she is an editor on the Law Review and a member of

Mary Yost ’08 married Taylor Shain on April 5, 2014 at The Stone House in Mebane, NC. Above, Emma Gross ‘08, Haley Holden ‘08, Robyn Schwartzman ‘08, and Sloane Taylor ‘08 attended the wedding.

Omicron Delta Kappa. She plans to move back to the DC area after taking the bar exam this summer to pursue a career in energy law and policy. SARAH OMENITSCH LARSON married Bradley Larson on campus in the Hamilton House Chapel on May 31, 2014. A 150-person reception followed at Bretton Woods in Potomac. The bride's sister, Liz Omenitsch '12, served as Maid of Honor and MARIEL REZENDE '08 served as a bridesmaid. The couple honeymooned in Costa Rica for two weeks following the wedding and then moved to San Francisco, CA. In July 2014, MARIEL REZENDE lived out Goal III and joined a team of 15 other riders to bike 450 miles from Seattle to Portland to raise money for International Justice Mission. Together they were able to donate over $18,000, which will make a tremendous difference in the fight for social justice around the world. ANNE ELISE DROZDOSKI is a first year medical student at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM). Her anticipated graduation date is June 2018. Below, Mariel Rezende ’08, before departing Seattle on the IJM Freedom Ride; right, Erin Sharkey ’06 and Anne Elise Drozdoski ’08 at the PCOM White Coat Ceremony in September 2014

Near right, Shawn Gannon '11 saw Mater Admirabilis in Rome, and said the painting and chapel were beautiful; far right, Dylan Williams ’12 on the love lock bridge in Paris.

SHAWN GANNON Gators at the wedding of Sarah Omenitsch Larson '08: (front) Lexi '12 and Tori '08 Willingham, Lauren Earman '08, Liz Omenitsch '12; (back) Jen Farrell '12, Mariel Rezende '08, Sarah Omenitsch Larson '08, Carrie Henderson '08, Devon Mott '08, Carolyn Sloan '08, Katie Fitzgerald '08, Amanda Zingone '08, Cara Sullivan '07.

MOLLY WILLISON is currently in her first year at The Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, SC, studying Dental Medicine. She plans to finish her program and receive her degree in 2018.


SAMANTHA FIRSTENBERG MOLARA OBE graduated from the Stevens Institute of Technology in May 2014 with an Engineering Management degree. She is currently working for Booz Allen Hamilton as a consultant. CAITIE MEYER lives in Boston and works for Deloitte Consulting Molara Obe '09 after graduating from Dartmouth.


MEGHAN CONLEY MARGARET CRILLEY CAROLINE “CARLY” CANTILENA graduated summa cum laude from Case Western Reserve University with a degree in Biochemistry. KATIE SUAREZ moved to Chicago after graduating from Notre Dame to work for Stax a private equity consulting firm.



ALEXANDRA BURRIS is majoring in Psychology and minoring in French. She spent her junior year studying abroad. During the fall semester of her junior year, she studied at Le Institute Catholic de Paris. For the spring semester, she participated in the Scholars Semester at Oxford. While at Oxford, she received the de'Jager prize for academic excellence.


TABITHA CORE TABITHA CORE spent the semester abroad in Costa Rica, where she lived with a host family, studied Spanish, traveled to beaches, swam in natural hot springs, cuddled with sloths, went on the longest zipline in Latin America, and interned at a children’s hospital. She co-edited a book on Costa Rican culture, called Costa Rica: From Arenal to Zapote (Gringo Guests on Tico Turf), available for purchase on Amazon. All proceeds go to Elon University study abroad scholarships. MEGAN KEEHAN is currently still at the California Institute of Technology and majoring in computer science. She just decided to work for Microsoft this summer, and she’ll be working on their operating systems. She became president of a club called Robogals last year, which seeks to introduce young girls into engineering and robotics. They have taught 455 girls, purchased eight laptops, and acquired 12 robots in the short year since she took up leadership!

based Conservation, respectively.) She is also conducting an independent study on the ecological responses of NC seals to climate disruption along the Outer Banks. PROVIDENCE ILISEVICH was one of two women who ran for student body president of USC, where the last female student body president served in 2006. A story ran in the LA Times, picturing Providence, which you can read at la-me-usc-elections-20150208-story.html. She did not win the race, but her courage, strength, and leadership certainly made her Sacred Heart family proud.


KELLY FALVEY CHARLOTTE VITAK will be living in India this summer for three weeks to study Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. She will be traveling to five cities and even will have the opportunity to meet the Dali Lama! KATIE MONGOVEN studies in the Stamps School of Art and Design at the University of Michigan, and recently won a People’s Choice Award for her 3D paper structure, “Stacked.” The sculpture was exhibited at Riverside Arts Center “Great Lakes, Small Works” Exhibit in Ypsilanti, MI.

DYLAN WILLIAMS spent her fall semester studying abroad in London, England. While abroad, she took courses, participated in an internship, and traveled to 7 countries. Currently, she is back at Elon University, ready to finish off her junior year, and looking forward to staying in North Carolina for the summer and interning as a financial analyst with Credit Suisse. CAROLINE WIERNICKI is currently studying abroad at Duke's Marine Lab in Beaufort, NC, traveling with research courses to St. John, USVI and Baja California, Mexico (for Tropical Marine Ecology and Community-

"Stacked", artwork by Katie Mongoven '13

2014 LINDSAY BRATUN is a new member of Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority and serves on Freshman Council and is on the executive committee of Relay for Life (fight against Cancer) for University of South Carolina.

Far left, Megan Keehan ’12 and her mom on her 21st birthday in Las Vegas; middle left, Tabitha Core ’12 and Lucy the sloth at the Sloth Sanctuary in Cahuita, Costa Rica; near left, Cate Calogero '14 with her family and Cardinal Donald Wuerl. | 51

SR PHOTO GALLERY 1 Alessandra Ferguson '27 enjoys Grandparents Day 2 Ryoto Yamashita '28 explores how shapes fit together to construct a house in Pre-K Open Doors 3 Adrianna Kapust '20 and Caroline Hwang '21 enjoy spring on campus 4 Bridget Mullery '25 and Sophia Heiss '25 have fun at the LS Skate Day 5 US students explore higher education options at the College Fair 6 Kindergarten Teacher Emily Stewart watches as Amelia Antczak '27 participates in the LS Earth Day Liturgy 7 Serena Medor '15, Caitlyn Chu '15, and Annie O'Connor '16 work in their Forensics, Chemical Analysis and Technologies class 8 The AP Government class visited with Antonin Scalia, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States

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4 5 1 MS Robotics Club members 2 US Digital Photography students 3 Heartfelt performs for the Upper School community 4 Landry Werth '17 and Gillian Tobias '17 help out at the SR Yellow Ribbon Fund event 5 Juliette Amorosi '20 and Madelyn McLean '20 show their moves in the MS Dance Informance 6 US students enjoy a release and some spirited competition during the first Gators Go Gaming, initiated by senior class officers 7 Mrs. Lipka's Sixth Grade class celebrates a Seder meal together 8 Eliane Bedewi, Elaine Vining, and Kathy Stallings chaired yet another spectacular Faculty and Staff Appreciation Lunch 9 Director of Annual Giving Heather Dempsey and E-Communications Manager Patty Lynch enjoy the Parisian Faculty and Staff Appreciation Lunch


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ET NUNC Society

YOU CAN REMEMBER STONE RIDGE IN YOUR WILL. Much of Stone Ridge’s past financial support has come from the generous bequests of its alumnae and friends. Such bequests are indispensable in maintaining the extraordinary quality of the School. Planned gifts that qualify you for membership in the Hic et Nunc Society include but are not limited to: Bequest intention in your will · Life insurance policies · Retirement plan assets · Personal residences/property If you have already remembered Stone Ridge in your will or if you wish to receive further information, please contact Heather Dempsey, Director of Annual Giving, at 301.657.4322, ext. 363, or

SOME THINGS WILL NEVER CHANGE. Though the demands on a leading 21st-century educational institution are plenty, Stone Ridge continues to thrive. Rooted in the love of Jesus Christ, the School promotes a personal relationship with God and fosters the spiritual lives of its members. Stone Ridge seeks to form its students in the attitudes of the heart of Jesus expressed in respect, compassion, forgiveness, and generosity.

Your support helps us live out St. Madeleine Sophie Barat's mission every day. Springyou 2015for | 54 Thank supporting Stone Ridge in so many ways.

In Memoriam

Notices as reported to the School as of April 15, 2015. To notify the School of a death please contact Michael Anne Cullen '95 at 301.657.4322, ext. 376.

Stone Ridge extends our sympathies to alumnae, current families, and current faculty and staff who have lost loved ones. SILVIA ARMIJO Mother of Camila Mansilla ‘22

ROBERT WARREN LOWE Stepfather of Jeri Sheahan Ford ‘74, Grandfather of Cameron Ford ‘06

ROSEMARY GREENSLADE BELSON ‘50 THOMAS H. BOGGS, JR. Husband of Barbara Denechaud BoggsSR, Brother of Barbara Boggs Sigmund ‘57 (dec), Cokie Boggs Roberts ‘60, Father of Elizabeth Boggs Davidsen ‘80, Grandfather of Caroline Davidsen ‘10 and Charlotte Davidsen ‘12 CYNTHIA CAVANAUGH Grandmother of Haley Kameros ‘11 and Courtney Kameros ‘13

JAMES WILLIAM MCCABE Father of Linda McCabe-Pietrucha ‘88, Grandfather of Sonja Pietrucha ‘27 EVELYN MCINERNEY Mother of Carolyn McInerney ‘68 and Katherine McInerney Morris ‘78 HUGH JAMES MULLINS Grandfather of Cathy JohnsonSR and Lydie Ann Johnson ‘20

MILTON COUNTRYMAN Father of Jody Countryman Tuohey ‘92, Middle School Faculty


ANTHONY F. CZAJKOWSKI Father of Antoinette Czajkowski '61, Louise (BeBe) Czajkowski Canter '68, and father-in-law of Mary Pat Shea Czajkowski '68

JERRY O'CALLAGHAN Father of Jane O'Callaghan Edwards ‘70 and Susan O'Callaghan Davis ‘71

RALPH P. DAVIDSON Stepfather of Sydney Davidson ‘95

EDITA PIEDRASH Mother of Conchita Piedra Heffron ‘82

JOHN DOAR Father of Gael Doar ‘69

BILL PRENDERGAST Father of Maggie Prendergast '15

HELEN DEVEREUX EGAN ‘44 Sister of Anne Rogers Devereux ‘46, Agnes Devereux BlairSR, Virginia Devereux Sparrow ‘51, and Patricia Devereux Crowley ‘52, Grandmother of Trisha Harris ‘95, sister-in-law of Dolores Payette Devereux ‘46

ALAN PROCTOR Husband of Anne Coffey Proctor ‘69

MARC DOCTORS, DDS Father of Maggie Doctors ‘00 and Anna Doctors ‘03

CHARLES N. SHAFFER Father of Monica Shaffer Karo ‘74, Leslie ShafferSR and Camille Shaffer Farnan ‘83

HELEN M. GREALY Grandmother of Katherine Curt ‘15 MARGARET DU FIEF KEOGH REED Mother of Joyce Keogh Farr ‘55, Katherine Keogh ‘57 and Adele Keogh ‘58, Grandmother of Mary Joyce Farr Colwell ‘80, Stephanie Farr Lennon ’83, Julia Farr Connolly ‘84, Great Grandmother of Margaret FarrSR, Joyce Connolly ‘14, Cecilia Farr Connolly ’17, Katherine Lennon ’19, Lucy LennonSR, Beatrice LennonSR MICHAEL KIRK Father of Kathryn Heetderks, Upper School Faculty, Grandfather of Anne Heetderks ‘28 PAULINE “BILLIE” LEE Mother of Susan Lee Mahan ‘70, Nancy Lee d'Hemecourt ‘72, and Theresa Lee Dejter ‘74, Grandmother of Carrie Trevisan Corwin ‘01, Sarah Trevisan ‘02, Anthony TrevisanSR, Kellyn Mahan ‘06, and Thomas TrevisanSR

HUSN MASSOUH SAMMAN, MD Mother of Luna Samman ‘97

ANNETTE SLOWINSKI Grandmother of Caroline Slowinski ‘13 MARY KAY DONOVAN STANFORD Mother of Frances H. Keenan ‘74, Margaret Keenan Moss ‘75 and Joan Stanford Dugan ‘92 FRANCES SMITH TRIMBLE Mother of Elizabeth Trimble ‘81 and Elaine Trimble SaizSR DUANE WANG Father of Betty Wang ‘92

LOUIS YANNI Husband of Dee Yanni, Former Lower School Faculty | 55

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Part of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools


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AWARD-WINNING SOCIAL ACTION PROGRAMS AT SR GOAL III: A SOCIAL AWARENESS WHICH IMPELS TO ACTION • The Social Action Program received second place in the 2015 Community Service Awards given by the national Center of Spiritual and Ethical Education. The award was for Community Service: Empowering Students Through Service. • The Best Buddies Program was named High School Chapter of the Year for Maryland.

At right, (in back) Alice Felker '16, Lauren Woodard '16, and Kendall Kaiser '16 with friends from The Ivymount School at a Best Buddies event hosted at Stone Ridge. This past year the group organized a Match Party to kick off the year, as well as a Buddies Give Back event, a Buddies for Heart Health event, and a family barbecue. The girls work with the Georgetown Prep chapter throughout the year to sponsor activities.

Spring 2015 | 56

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