Upper School Handbook 2023-24

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UpperSchool StudentHandbook

Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart Upper School Student Handbook- Updated June 2023

TABLEOFCONTENTS SectionI:IntroducingStoneRidgeSchooloftheSacredHeart........................................................................................2 MissionStatement..............................................................................................................................................................2 TheGoals&Criteria..........................................................................................................................................................2 SchoolHistory 5 SchoolTraditions,FeastDays,andEvents 7 SectionII:AcademicsintheUpperSchool........................................................................................................................11 AcademicExpectationsandRequirements......................................................................................................................11 SacredHeartNetworkExchangeProgram......................................................................................................................17 EnforcementofAcademicExpectations..........................................................................................................................18 SectionIII:UpperSchoolCommunityGuidelines............................................................................................................20 CommunityGuidelinesExpectations&Policies 20 EnforcementofCommunityGuidelines&Policies 24 SectionIV:GeneralUpperSchoolInformation................................................................................................................28 GeneralInformation.........................................................................................................................................................28 SafetyDrills.....................................................................................................................................................................31 StudentActivities 32 SocialActionProgram 36 SacredHeartNetworkSummerServiceProgram 37 SectionV:StoneRidgeSchoolResponsibleUsePolicy.....................................................................................................38 ResponsibleUsePolicy...................................................................................................................................................38 UpperSchoolUseofLaptops..........................................................................................................................................40 SectionVI:FourthAcademicsatStoneRidge..................................................................................................................42 FourthAcademicClassPrivileges 42 FourthAcademicClassActivities 42 SectionVII:ImportantForms............................................................................................................................................44 AnticipatedAbsenceForm..............................................................................................................................................44 ReceiptOfStudentHandbook.........................................................................................................................................45 StoneRidgeSchooloftheSacredHeart UpperSchoolStudentHandbook-UpdatedJune2023 1


Mission Statement

Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart inspires young women to lead andserve,throughlivesofpurposethat integratefaith,intellect,community,socialaction,andpersonalgrowthinanatmosphereofwisefreedom.

The Goals & Criteria


1. TheschoolidentifiesitselftothewidercommunityasaCatholic-independent-SacredHeartSchooland embodiesthemissionoftheSocietyoftheSacredHeart.

2. TheschoolformsitsstudentandadultmembersinattitudesoftheheartofJesus,suchasgratitude, generosity,compassionandforgiveness.

3. Theschoolcommunityreflectsanethosofjoy,hopeandcelebrationanditsprogramsassertthatthereis meaningandvalueinlife.

4. Theschoolcommunitywelcomesandrespectspersonsofallfaithsandeducatestoanunderstandingof thereligionsandspiritualtraditionsoftheworld.

5. Schoolleadershipprioritizesspaceandtimeforsilenceandcontemplationforitsmemberstodeepen theirinteriorlife.

6. Membersoftheschoolcommunity,opentothetransformingpoweroftheSpiritofGod,engagein personalandcommunalprayer,discernmentandreflectionwhichinformtheiractions.

7. Theschoolcommunity,rootedintheloveofJesusChrist,nurturesthespirituallivesofitsmembers throughtheexplorationofone’srelationshiptoGod,toself,toothersandtocreation.

GoalII:SchoolsoftheSacredHeartcommitthemselvestoeducatetoadeeprespectforintellectual values.

1. SacredHearteducatorsandstudentsengageinchallengingexperiencesthatinspireintellectualcuriosity, aglobalmindsetandalife-longloveoflearning.

2. SacredHearteducatorsdevelopandimplementadynamiccurriculum,effectiveinstructional methodology,currenteducationalresearchandongoingevaluation.

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3. SacredHearteducatorsandstudentsutilizeavarietyofteachingandlearningstrategiestosupporttheir growthanddevelopment.

4. Theschoolcurricularandco-curricularprogramsintegrateinnovationandcollaboration,critical thinkingandproblemsolving,theexplorationofemergingtechnologiesandcriticalevaluationof information.

5. Theschoolutilizesspaceandthephysicalenvironmentinalignmentwithbestpedagogicalpractices.

6. Theschoolcultivatesaestheticvaluesandthecreativeuseoftheimagination.

7. SacredHearteducatorsassumeresponsibilityfortheirprofessionalgrowth,supportedbyresourcesanda culturethatpromoteslife-longlearning.

GoalIII:SchoolsoftheSacredHeartcommitthemselvestoeducatetoasocialawarenesswhichimpelsto action.

1. SacredHearteducatorspreparestudentstoservethecommongoodinaninterdependentworld.

2. SacredHearteducatorsimmersestudentsindiverseglobalperspectives,developingcompetenciessuch ascriticalconsciousness,languagefacilityandculturalliteracy.

3. Theschool,drawingfromCatholicSocialTeaching,educatesstudentstoanalyzeandworktoeradicate socialstructures,practices,systems,andvaluesthatperpetuateracismandotherinjustices.

4. AllmembersoftheschoolcommunityacceptaccountabilityforthecareofGod’screation,practice effectivestewardshipoftheearth'sresourcesandworktoalleviatetheclimatecrisis.

5. Schoolprogramspromoteinformedactivecitizenshipandcivicresponsibilityonthelocal,nationaland globallevel.

6. Theschoolcommunityengagesindirectservice,advocacy,outreachandpartnershipstoworkfor justice,peaceandtheintegrityofcreation.

7. SacredHearteducatorsworktodevelopinthestudentsalife-longcommitmenttoservice.

GoalIV:SchoolsoftheSacredHeartcommitthemselvestoeducatetothebuildingofcommunityasa Christian value.

1. Theschool,affirmingthatallarecreatedintheimageandlikenessofGod,promotestheinherentdignity ofthehumanpersonandstrivesforrelationshipscharacterizedbyinclusionandmutualrespect.

2. Theschoolimplementsanongoingplanforeducatingallmembersofthecommunitytothecharism, missionandheritageoftheSocietyoftheSacredHeart.

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3. TheschoolengageswiththeNetworkofSacredHeartSchoolsintheUnitedStatesandCanadaand SacredHeartschoolsaroundtheworld.

4. Allmembersoftheschoolcommunitysupportaclean,healthyandsafeenvironment.

5. Membersoftheschoolcommunitypracticeandteachwithaspiritofpeaceandreconciliationthe principlesofnon-violenceandconflictmanagement.

6. Schoolleadershipdemonstratesaconsciousefforttorecruitstudentsandemployfacultyandstaffof diverseraces,ethnicitiesandbackgrounds.

7. Schoolleadershipallocatesfinancialresourcestosupportsocio-economicdiversitybothinthe admissionsprocessandinthedailylifeofstudents.

GoalV:SchoolsoftheSacredHeartcommitthemselvestoeducatetopersonalgrowthinanatmosphere ofwise


1. Studentandadultmembersoftheschoolcommunitygrowincourageandconfidenceastheydiscover newabilities,cultivatestrengths,learnfrommistakes,developempathyandexerciseresiliencein meetingchallenges.

2. Allmembersoftheschoolcommunitytakepersonalresponsibilityforhealthandbalanceintheirlives supportedbyaschoolculturethatpromotesspiritual,intellectual,physicalandsocial-emotional well-being.

3. Membersoftheschoolcommunitymodelandteachrespectfuldialogueinsupportofclear,directopen communication.

4. Allmembersoftheschoolcommunityendeavortopracticeinformed,ethicaldecision-makingand accountability

5. Studentandadultmembersoftheschoolcommunitymodel,practice,andteachsafe,ethicaland responsibleuseoftechnology

6. SacredHearteducatorscultivateinthestudentslifeskills,suchasinitiative,creativityandagility

7. SacredHeartschoolsrecognizeandeducatetomotivational,inspirational,andtransformational leadership.

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School History


The Society of the Sacred Heart, an international educational order, was founded in 1800 in France by Madeleine Sophie Barat. Her desire was to provide young women with as strong a religious and academic training as that available for young men of that era. Her vision was realized, and her courage and her sanctity rewardedintheConventsoftheSacredHeart,whichringedtheglobeatthetimeofherdeathin1865.


The first ConventoftheSacredHeartintheUnitedStatesopeneditsdoorsin1818atSt.Charles,Missouri,and the first inMarylandwasestablishedin1871atRosecroftinSt.Mary’sCounty.Thatschoolwasforcedtoclose twoyearslaterinthefaceofoverwhelminghardships.


Fifty years later the Religious of the Sacred Heart returned to the Washington area, and a new school was opened onMassachusettsAvenue,justeastofDupontCircle,in1923.Formorethanageneration,theReligious carried on the work of education there, but by the end of World WarII,theschoolhadoutgrownitsquartersin thecity.


In 1947 the Society of the Sacred Heart purchased 35 acres on the estate owned by George Hamilton in Bethesda, Maryland, called “Stone Ridge,” in Bethesda, Maryland. Soon a new building was added to the Hamilton home, and, in 1957, another to house the Upper and Lower schools. Since that time, a gym with basketball and volleyball courts, music and drama rooms have been built. Outdoor tennis courts and playing fieldscompletethepartiallywoodedcampus.


In September 1996,StoneRidgeopenedanewacademicbuildingfortheUpperSchool.Thefive-storybuilding consolidates Upper School classes into one building, with the exception of music and fine arts. Renovations includedaddingabasketballcourt,exerciseroomandlockerroomstothegymnasium.


In June 2005, Stone Ridge completed an enclosed Aquatic Center featuring an eight-lane, twenty-five yard, heated, competition-size swimming pool. The indoor facility includes a retractable roof, two one-meter Duraflex diving boards, eight starting blocks, heated women’sandmen’slockerrooms,lobbyarea,andbuilt-in spectator seating. Equipment rooms, a classroom, and a beautiful view of the woods with plenty of windows compliment the Aquatic Center. Also, a new art studio was constructed in the back of the fifth floorofthe’47 building.


In August of 2021, Stone Ridge opened the Mater Center. The Mater Center housestheMathewsDiningHall, the Matan Cafe, the Boggs-Roberts Theater, and allUpperSchoolVisualArtsandPerformingArtsclassrooms. RenovationstotheUpperSchoolbuildingalsotookplaceatthistime.

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Clara Sands, RSCJ


Margaret Mary Downing, RSCJ


Emilie Hickey, RSCJ


Eleanor Kenny, RSCJ


Elizabeth White, RSCJ


Mary Elizabeth Tobin, RSCJ


Odeide Mouton, RSCJ

1957-1968 unif

Catherine Collins, RSCJ


Clare McGowan, RSCJ


Margaret Brown, RSCJ


Anne Dyer, RSCJ


Richard Barbieri (INTERIM)


Catherine Ronan Karrels ‘86


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School Traditions, Feast Days, and Events

SchoolColors: Blue&Gold

SchoolMotto: Hic&Nunc(Here&Now)





And have our names go down in Stone Ridge history

We’regonnacheer,cheer,cheerforStoneRidge andtheresultswillalwaysbethesame

and you will always hear the name of the Stone Ridgeteam.

Rah,rah. Clap...clap...clap.



CoeurdeJesussauvezlemonde, Quel’universvoussoitsoumis, Envousseulnotreespoirsefonde Seigneur, Seigneur, vous nous l’avezpromis.

Vousl’avezdit,votrepromesse, Faitnotreespoir,notrebonheur, Jebeniraidansmatendresse, LesenfantsdemonSacreCoeur.

OhSacredHeartofJesus, givemeaheartthatisonewithyourown; ahumbleheartthatknowsandlovesitsnothingness; agentleheartthatholdsandcalmsitsownanxieties; alovingheartthathascompassionforthesufferingofothers; apureheartthatrecoilsevenattheappearanceofevil; adetachedheartthatlongsfornothingotherthanthegoodnessofheaven; aheartdetachedfromself-loveandembracedbytheloveofGod,itsattentionfocusedonGod, itsgoodnessisitsonlytreasureintimeandineternity.


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Espacio, from the Spanish for “space;” refers to a practice of quiet contemplation and prayer integrated into dailylifeatStoneRidge;meetings,classes,andassembliesoftenbeginwithamomentofEspacio.


A congé is a holiday at school preparedbytheCoregroup. Classesaresuspendedsothatallmayparticipatein gamesandspecialevents.Congémayoccurinthe1stor2ndsemester.


Goûter from the French “to taste,” refers toasnackorspecialfoodtreatonspecialoccasionsintheMiddleand Upper Schools and daily in the Lower School; this is a Sacred Heart tradition that connects to the Society’s Frenchheritage.


“Big Sisters” serve their First Academic “Little Sisters” by answering questions about Upper School life at Stone Ridge and by familiarizing the incoming First Academic class with all aspects of the school. Interclass activitiesoccurthroughouttheyeartosupportthesefriendships.


Father-Daughter Field Day, the final all-school athleticeventoftheyear,offersthelastopportunityforstudents to win points for the Blue and Gold teams. Organized by theAthleticAssociationintheUpperSchool,theday includes morning competitions between students. In the afternoon, fathers join their daughters for food and games. The day ends with the final all-school sports awards celebration. This celebration culminates with the big announcement as to whether the Blue team or the Gold team was victorious for the year, and the new reigningschoolchampionscelebratebyringingthevictorybell.


The Prom is sponsored by the Fourth Academic class. The members oftheThirdandFourthAcademicclasses are invited. Students must return a dance information form to the Dean of Students before dance tickets are purchased. ThePromisaformaldance;studentsandtheirguestsareexpectedtobedressedappropriatelyforan elegantevening.


The Upper SchoolstudentsandfacultyparticipateinaformalassemblyonPrizeDayattheendoftheacademic year. Personal commitment to the Goals and Criteria of Sacred Heart Education is recognized, and special FourthAcademicAwardsarealsoannounced.

*First-Third Academic Students must wear the dress uniform on this day. Fourth Academic Students may wear nice dress (see uniform policy).


The Schools of the SacredHeartparticipateinanexchangeprogramthroughwhicheligiblestudentsmayspend aperiodoftimestudyingatanotherSacredHeartschool.

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NamedafterabelovedRSCJandlongtimeStoneRidgefacultymember,Sr IreneGoodHallwasgenerallyused as an assembly, study, and lunch area. In 2021, the space was renovated to house College Counseling and StudentLifeOfficesaswellasaConferenceRoom.


Stone Ridge class rings are ordered from the ring manufacturer at the beginning of the Third Academic year Each Third Academic student receives her ring from oneoftheFourthAcademicstudentsduringaspecialring ceremony in the spring semester This is a ceremony for students in the Third and Fourth Academic classes only A student who chooses not to buy a class ring may opt to provide a personal ring or can receive a rose fromherringsister Studentsmaywearanicedress(seeuniformpolicy)


The Très Bien Ball is a formal dance for Fourth Academic students sponsored by the Stone Ridge Alumnae Association.


Madeleine Sophie Barat was the foundress of the Society of the SacredHeart. BorninJoigny,Francein1779, she founded the Society in 1800 and sent the Religious of the Sacred Heart to establish schools in America in 1818. She was canonized as a saint in 1925. Her feast day is May 25. Attendance at the Madeleine Sophie Liturgy and Congé is required. Students who have not been excused by theUpperSchoolHeadmustcomplete analternateproject.

*Students must wear dress uniform on this day


PhilippineDuchesnewasthefirstReligiousoftheSacredHearttobringtheSocietytothiscountry Shestopped in New Orleans in 1818 on her way uptheMississippitoSt.Louis.Fromthere,BishopDubourgsenthertoSt. Charles, Missouri where she founded the first SacredHeartschoolinNorthAmerica.Herfeastiscelebratedon November18.SaintPhilippinewascanonizedonJuly3,1988.

*Students must wear dress uniform on this day.


The title means “Mother Most Admirable”andisthenameofarepresentationofOurLadyasayounggirl.The original Mater, a fresco that now hangs in the Trinita dei Monti in Rome, was painted by Pauline Perdreau, a young Religious of the Sacred Heart. The painting contains several symbols: the lily represents Mary’s purity; thedistaffherwork;theopenbookherlifeofprayerandstudyofscripture;herdowncasteyesherhumility.The feast of Mater is celebrated on October 20. Students celebrate the feast with a prayer service during the day, followedbyapinkgoûter.

*Students may wear a pink shirt, sweater, socks or tights with their dress uniform on this day


Held on the last day of school before Christmas vacation, Feast Wishes is a celebration organized by the students for the faculty Traditionally,FeastWishesservesasthestudents’“gift”tothefaculty Thecelebration

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includes readings from the scripture, songs, and cards for each faculty member designed by the students. The Feast Wishes committee includesFourthAcademicstudentswhoorganizethepresentation.Studentsweardress uniformwitheachclassassignedaspecialsweatercolorfortheday.AttendanceatFeastWishesisrequired.

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Academic Expectations and Requirements


To be awarded a Stone Ridge diploma, a student must complete the required program of study as outlined below, earning a minimum of 25 units. Of those units, 22 are earned in academic subjects, two are earned through satisfactorily participating in Social Action according to the criteria of this program,andoneisearned forPhysicalEducation.

In order to graduate, a student must payalloutstandingdebtsandreturnallschoolequipment,includinglibrary books,laptops,andsportsuniforms.


A student must earn a minimum of six units per year: five-and-a-half academic units and a half unit in Social Action. It is a student’s responsibility to confirm that her schedule includes this mandatory minimum of six units.

One unit is defined as acourseofstudywhichprovides120clockhoursofinstructionaltime.One-halfunitisa course of study whichprovides60clockhoursofinstructionaltimeor,inthecaseofSocialAction,experiential learningtime.

The precedinglistconstitutesasetofminimumrequirements.Thestudent’sabilitiesandinterests,aswellasthe admission requirements of colleges she is considering, guide her in planning a four-year program suiting her needs.

MinimumProgramofStudy English 4units FineandPerformingArts 2units WorldLanguages 3units HistoryandSocialStudies 3units Mathematics 4units PhysicalEducation 1unit Science 3units SocialAction 2units Theology 2units Electives 2units
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If a student’s semester grade average falls below C- (1.7), and/or if she receives two failing grades inrequired subjects,eitherattheendofthefirstsemestermarkingperiodorattheendoftheschoolyear,shewillbeplaced onacademicprobation.Theconditionsofacademicprobationareasfollows:

1. ThestudentwillbeinformedbytheUpperSchooladministrationimmediately.

2. The student and her parents will meet with a member of theUpperSchooladministrationandheracademic advisortodiscussstrategiestoimprovethestudent’sacademicstanding.

3 Thespecificconditionsofthestudent’sprobationwillbefinalizedbytheadministration.

4. Students on academic probation may be prohibited from participating in some co-curricular activities such as, but not limited to school sports, art productions, Sacred HeartExchangeProgram,FourthAcademicJob ShadowProgram,andGlobalEducationTravelExperiences.

5. If the student’s overall average remains below C- (1.7)and/orifshecontinuestohavefailinggradesintwo required courses at the end of the marking period following her placement on academic probation, shewill notbeallowedtoreenrollatStoneRidge.



Interim Reports are posted electronically throughout each quarter Teachers use interim reports as a way to communicate with parents, students, and advisors any academic concern they may have regarding student performance and/or to offer praise for any significant progress in her work. Interim reports may be sentatany timewhenwarrantedbytheacademicsituation.

Class Gradebooks are open to students so that students can track their ongoing progress in their classes. Gradebooks are regularly updated by faculty members (approx. once per cycle). The official gradebook is maintainedinandcanbeaccessedthroughtheVeracrossPortal.

Progress Reports, reflecting the work of the marking period, are posted through the parent portal at the end of first and third quarters. Semester and Final Grades are posted through the parent portal at the end of each semester.


All Third Academic students will take the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) in October at Stone Ridge.

Thestandardizedtestingforeachstudentshouldbechosen,inconsultationwiththeCollegeGuidanceOffice,to complement her academic strengths and goals, and should reflect therequirementsofthecollegestowhichshe is planning to apply The subject tests should coincide with the completion of the relevant course material beforetheFourthAcademicyear

Stone Ridge (Code 210252) is not a test center for the SAT I or SAT II. Register for the SAT at www.collegeboard.com.RegisterfortheACTatwww.actstudent.org.

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Third Academic students must request letters of recommendation for college applications from two or three teachersduringsecondsemester,followingtheguidelinessetbytheCollegeCounselingoffice.


A complete descriptive outline of courses offered at Stone Ridge, together with Stone Ridge graduation requirements and regulationsregardingsequenceandavailabilityofcourses,isavailableonlineintheCourseof StudyguideontheUSAcademicspage.

Every student is advised to register for a full program every year, which consists of no fewer than six and no more than seven classes. Students will consult and register for their classes with their advisors, and students should familiarize themselves with the prerequisites for each course in advance of registration. Courses may have limited space availability and be closed when those limits are reached. Additionally, under-enrolled coursesmaybecanceledatthediscretionoftheHeadofUpperSchool.

Fourth Academic students are given highest priority for classes, followed in order by Third, Second and First Academic students. Course selection forms received by the deadline date are given higher priority than late forms.

Once the school year has begun, students have an Add/Drop period to modify their schedules without it being noted on their records. After this time, any courses dropped will be designated with a WP (Withdrawal/Pass) markorWF(Withdrawal/Fail)mark.SeecalendarforAdd/DropDeadline.


When seeking to register for an honors or AP class, students will applyforthesecoursesandapprovalisgiven by the current teacher of record. Approval is dependent on a student’s success in the current course. Astudent may discuss her placement by speaking directly with the teacher of record and or the department chair All decisions regarding a student’s course approval are communicated directly to the student via email or interim report.


In the case of extreme inclement weather or unplanned school closure, the School may identify a day as a Remote/Virtual Learning Day where students are expected to engage in some level of academic work. A Remote/Virtual Learning Day will be identified by either the Head of School or Head of Upper School. On thesedays,theworkexpectationswillbepostedontheschoollearningmanagementsystem.


At the end of the year, First, Second and Third Academic students complete final cumulative assessments, practicums orprojects.FourthAcademicstudentsmaybeexemptfromthefinalexambasedonthediscretionof


In some disciplines, it may be more appropriate to assess students through alternative methods such as portfolios, research papers, oral presentations, etc. This decision will be made by the teacher, the department chair,andmembersoftheUpperSchooladministration.

All students are expected to complete their Final Assessments within the timeframe designated by the teacher. Any exceptions are to be made in consultation with the teacher, the Department Chair and /or

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The school will consider reasonable accommodations to aid students who have professionally documented learning differences. Evaluations from a qualified professional must be on filewiththeUpperSchoolLearning Specialist and the Upper School Office. Evaluations must be recent (within the past three years). Time and a half is the maximumextratimeaccommodationfortestsandexams. Forfurtherinformation,seethesectionon Psychoeducationaltesting.


Students enrolledinAPcourseswillberequiredtotaketheAPTestinMay,andregistrationforthetestswillbe coordinatedbytheCollegeCounselingOfficeAssistant.








73-76(2.0) C- 70-72(1.7) D 65-69(1.0) F 64orbelow(0)

Students who maintain a yearly average of B+ (3.3) or higher will be recognized for their academic achievement.FourthAcademicstudents’honorsarecumulative,basedonafour-yeargradepointaverage.



● Honors: 3.3

● HighHonors: 3.7

● HighestHonors: 4.0


The amount of time spent on homework will vary according to student ability and the complexity of the assignment. Students can be expected to do 25-35 minutes of homework in preparation for class. Due to the heavy reading, writing and application componentofmostHonorsandAPLevelcourses,studentsareexpected tohave45-60minutesofhomeworkinpreparationfortheseclasses.

Letter Grade Numerical Equivalent
A+ 97-100(4.3) A 93-96(4.0) A-
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Honors and AP course placement is based on a prerequisite course, class performance,studentinterest,faculty anddepartmentalapproval.

Course placement is done with attention to the student’s best interests. For students to succeed at the AP or Honorslevel,certainrequirementsmustbemet.


1. Theappropriateprerequisitecourse

2. AnA-/B+oraboveinhercurrentcoursework(variesbydepartmentandcourselevel)

3. Teacher/departmentalapproval

4. Enthusiasmforthesubject

All course placements are reviewed bythedepartmentinanefforttoaddresstheacademicneedsofthestudent. Afinaldecisionwillbedeterminedbythedepartment.

Students are advised to take no more than 3 AP level courses per year. A student wishing to take more than 3 AP level courses may be asked to meet with a member of the Upper School Administration to discuss the expectations for each course. The School reserves the righttolimitthenumberofAPandHonorsclassesfora student.Parentalapprovalisalsorequired.


The school will consider reasonable accommodations to aid students who have professionally documented learningdifferences.Theschoolrequiresdocumentationofanup-to-date(withinthepastthreeyears)evaluation fromaqualifiedprofessionalcontainingthefollowinginformation:

● thespecificdisability,asdiagnosed;

● completeeducational,developmentalandrelevantmedicalhistory;

● description of the tests or techniques that were used to arrive at the diagnosis, including dates of the evaluation, appropriate test results, and a description of the functional limitations resulting from the disability;

● theprofessionalcredentialsoftheevaluator,includinginformationaboutlicenseorcertificationandarea ofspecialization;

● description of the specific accommodations requested, and why the disability qualifies the student for suchaccommodations.


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If a student needs to repeat acourseduetoafailinggrade,shemayenrollinasummerprogram.Shemusthave prior approval of a memberoftheUpperSchooladministration.IfthesummercourseisofferedatStoneRidge, the studentwillberequiredtocompletethatcourse. Inthecaseofcoursesneededtoremediateworkpreviously done at Stone Ridge, the official transcript retains thelistingoftheoriginalcourse,withtheoriginalgrade.The subsequent course, where it was taken,andthegradeforworkinthatcoursewillalsobelisted. Thegradeused for GPA purposes is the average of the grade earned in the summer school course and the final Stone Ridge coursegrade.

*In World Language courses, students who receive a final grade of C- or below will be required to complete summer work as designated by the World Language Department Chair and the UpperSchooladministrationin ordertoprogresstothenextlevel.


1. Students are to schedule make-uptestswithteachersonanindividualbasis.Theyshouldscheduleitata mutually acceptable time for both teacher and student in a designated space. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the teacher in a timely manner, preferably before the test if it is an anticipated absenceoruponreturntoschool.

2. Tests should be made up within an appropriate time, to be determined by the teacher. If extended time testingisrequired,theteacherandstudentwilldetermineamutuallyagreedupontimeandspace.

3. Studentsshouldrefertothecoursesyllabusforspecificclassguidelines.


Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) courses will be given a .5 weighting in computing the grade point average for that class. For example, a B in a standardcourseequatestoa3.0butaBinanhonorsorAPcourse wouldearnthestudent3.5points.

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Sacred Heart Network Exchange Program


The Sacred Heart Network Exchange Program offers students an opportunity to broaden their horizons by sharing in the life of another Sacred Heart School, and experiencing other cultures both nationally and internationally. Particularly emphasized through Goal Five of Sacred Heart Education, exchange participants seek to grow in self-knowledge and develop self-confidence. As such, all aspects of the application and preparation processes, including interviews, participationintheGlobalCitizenshipSCGandpreandposttravel sessions,aremandatory.


● AlltravelmustbecompletedpriortothestartoftheThirdAcademicyear.

● AllhostingmustbecompletedbytheendofthefirstsemesteroftheThirdAcademicyear.

● Both hosting and travel time frames must be approved by the Exchange Coordinator and the Assistant HeadofUpperSchoolpriortobookinganyformoftransportation.


● Students create a safe and welcoming environment for all Sacred Heart guests and ensure that guests haveaccesstoanynecessaryresourcestofeelsupportedacademically,emotionally,andsocially.


● Students meet with all teachers, advisors, and extra-curricular facilitators prior to travel. Students will complete an Academic Responsibilities Worksheet and will digitally share thisdocumentwithteachers. ThisdocumentwillbedigitallysharedbytheExchangeCoordinatorwithparentspriortotravel.

● Prior to leaving, students meet with the Assistant Head of Upper School to review academic expectationswhileawayandtodiscusspotentialconcernsaroundtheexchangeprocess.

● Students are required to make up any missed Social Action hours while on exchange. These may be completed while on exchange. It is the student’s responsibility toensurethatallnecessarypaperworkis completed.

● Students are expected to participate fully in academic classes at their host school. Grades will not be submitted to Stone Ridge; however, students are expected to attend classes andareencouragedtobean activeparticipant.


● Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with all Stone Ridge policies while participating in exchange. Students must also follow the policies of their host school. Behavior reports fromthehostschoolmayresultindisciplinaryactionuponreturntoStoneRidge.

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Enforcement of Academic Expectations

Stone Ridge is committed to the philosophical and moral teachings of the Goals and Criteria of the Sacred Heart. The adherence to these principles informs and influences the academic integrity and the disciplinary expectationsofourstudents.


The Stone Ridge community commits to promoting, practicing, and preserving honorable behavior. Each member of the community must maintainanhonestandmoralrelationshipwithherownconscience,withother community members, and with the outside world in order to make everyone in the community feel safe and welcome. Adherence to standards of honesty and integrity is implicit in the Goals of the Sacred Heart and is expectedfromallmembers.


Offering as one’s own work the ideas, words, expression, or thesis of another is plagiarism. The copying of another’s work word for word, without appropriatecitation,ismisrepresentationandfitsunderthedefinitionof plagiarism. Students are reminded that paraphrasing of another’s work also must be accompanied with appropriate citation. To adopt without appropriate citation the thesis, idea, or line of reasoning from another source, even when the student restates these in her own words, is plagiarism. Academic dishonesty including plagiarism and the use of Artificial Intelligence to generate content and present it as one’s own are extremely seriousmattersandmayresultinreviewbytheHonorBoard.


During the fall of the 2015-16 academic year, Stone Ridge formed a student faculty Honor Board for all first and second time honor violations. Third time infractions, or any infraction where separation from the school will be a likely consequence, do not go before the Honor Board. The Upper School Administration and the HeadofSchoolhandlethesesituations.







1. FacultyandstudentsreporthonorinfractionstotheAssistantHeadofUpperSchool.

2. The Assistant Head of Upper School meets with the student and teacher to discuss the infraction and outlines next steps. The Assistant Head of Upper School then communicates with the student’s parent/guardian.

3. When necessary, the Assistant Head of Upper SchoolandstudentrepresentativesfromtheHonorBoard meetinaprivatelocation,discussthesituation,andrecommendconsequences.

4. The Assistant Head of Upper School meets with the student to review the consequences and to set the growthplanintomotion. Allmeetings,informationshared,andthediscussionsarestrictlyconfidential.

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● Minimum-Gradeof“0”ontheassignment/assessment(ifacademicinnature)

● TwoDevelopmentofSelf-Disciplines(DSD)

● Areflectionactivity.


● Minimum-Gradeof“0”ontheassignment/assessment(ifacademicinnature)

● One-daysuspension,reportabletocolleges

● Areflectionactivity.


● SeparationfromStoneRidge.

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Community Guidelines Expectations & Policies


Students are financially responsible for the deliberate destruction or defacing of school property. This is understood to include but not be limited to building interiors and exteriors, school grounds, desks, lockers, athletic equipment, librarybooksandresourcematerials. Shouldthisoccur,astudentwillbeaskedtomakefull restitutionfortheitem.


A community can exist only if there isrespectandtrustamongitsmembers.Stealingisaviolationoftherights of others; no studentmayuse,take,orborrowanypropertythatbelongstoanotherwithoutpermission.Lyingis a violation of trust; students are expected to be true to their word on all occasions. Neither lying nor stealing will betoleratedatStoneRidge.Studentswhoviolatethismayfaceseriousdisciplinaryconsequencesincluding suspensionorexpulsion.


Stone Ridge coordinates efforts with school officials from both public and private schools in the Washington DC metropolitan area in hopes of preventing underage consumption of alcohol and other illegal substances. Stone Ridge also works with parents, students, and the guidance of the Community of Concern to organize an annualsubstanceabuseeducationalprogram.

ThefollowingisthepolicyforstudentsandtheirguestsregardingtheuseofdrugsandalcoholatStoneRidge: Possession, use or distribution of controlled and /or illegal substances or alcohol is forbidden at all times on campus (in the buildings, in the parking areas or on the grounds) and at all school-sponsored activities off campus. Possession, use or distribution of such substances warrants serious consequences which may include probation, suspension or expulsion. Response to such action will also include mandated counseling at the discretionoftheschool.

Any student whose appearance or behavior on campus or at any school-sponsored event off campus gives indication that she may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol may be attended to by an on-duty police officer The Police will handle the situation as they deemappropriate.Schoolconsequenceswilllikelyinclude: removal from class or from the event; notification of parents; and a period of probation, suspension, or expulsion. Students should remember that they are responsible for their guests’ behavior As a member of the Community of Concern, Stone Ridge is under an obligation to communicate with other member schoolsabout anyinappropriatebehavior

The buying and/or selling of controlled and/or illegal substances on campus or at aschool-sponsoredeventoff campusiscauseforimmediateexpulsion.


• Minors in a car with alcohol or at a party where alcohol is readily available can receive a civil citation for possessingalcohol,eveniftheyarenotholdingthealcohol.

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• For any minor who bringsanintoxicatingbeverageontoschoolgrounds,amandatorypartofthesentenceis suspension of the driver’s license. If the person is under 16 years old, the suspension is helduntiltheyturn 16yearsold.


All prescription/controlled medications that are to be taken during the school day must be administered by the nurse. In order for the nurse to administer prescription medications at school, they must arriveintheiroriginal containers/bottles, which include the physician’s instructions for administration and a note from the parent or guardian. If applicable, a Long Term Medication Permission Form must be completed and signed by both the physicianandparent.

Students need to remember that supplying another person with Ritalin, Adderall or any other controlled substanceisafederaloffensewithseriouslegalanddisciplinaryconsequences.


No guns, knives, objects, or weapons of any sort (except those carried byadultsasapartoftheiremployment) capable ofthreateningorcausinginjuryordeathmaybebroughtontocampus.Thisincludestoys,toygunsand swords. Firearms, weapons and dangerous instruments include those defined by state and federal law Any object used to cause injury will also be considered a weapon under this policy Violators will be subject to appropriatedisciplinaryaction.


Harassmentwillnotbetoleratedinanyform.Harassmentcanbedefinedasanyunwantedoruninvitedbehavior that may interfere with a person’s participation in the community This includes, butisnotlimitedto,bullying, teasing, taunting, discrimination and any form of sexual harassment (verbal and physical). Harassment encompasses cyber bullying and the misuse of electronic devices and/or social media sites. Any person harassinganotherwillfaceseriousconsequencesincludingsuspensionorexpulsion.

All of Stone Ridge faculty and staff are committed to buildingcommunityasaChristianvalue.Discriminatory behavior divides a community and will not be toleratedinanyform.Discriminatorybehaviorcanbedefinedas any word, action, or attitude that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive school environment. This definition includes, but is not limited to, derogatory remarks, offensive gestures and language,andracialslurs. Any student found participating in such behavior willfaceseriousconsequencesuptoandincludingexpulsion. A student who believes she has been subject to or witnessed any form of discriminatory or racist behavior shouldreportthatbehaviortoanyfacultyorstaffmember.


TheSchoolwilltakeappropriatestepstoprotectstudentsfromretaliationwhentheyreportingoodfaith,filea complaintof,orcooperateinaninvestigationofaviolationoftheSchool’sHarassmentandNon-Discrimination policies.TheSchoolconsiderssuchreporting,inquiring,orcooperatingtobeprotectedactivitiesinwhichwe encourageallmembersoftheStoneRidgecommunitytofreelyengage.Protectedactivitiesinclude(i)reporting (whetherinternallyorexternally)orinquiring,ingoodfaith,aboutthesuspectedwrongfulorunlawfulactivity;

(ii)assistingothersinmakingsuchareport;or(iii)participatinginaninvestigationorproceedingrelatedtothe allegedillegalorwrongfulactivity Threatsoractsofretaliation,whetherperson-to-person,byelectronic means,orthroughthirdparties,areseriousoffensesthatwillsubjecttheperpetratortodisciplinaryaction, includingsuspensionorexpulsion.

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● UnderstandingandcomplyingwithandadheringtotheSchool’sHarassment/Non-discrimination Policies

● Conductingoneselfinamannerthatcontributestoapositiveschoolenvironment.

● Ensuringthatthestudentdoesnotharassordiscriminateagainstanotherpersononschoolgroundsorat aschool-relatedeventoractivitybecauseofthatperson’srace,color,religion,nationalorigin,ethnicity, sex,sexualorientation,age,ordisability

● Ensuringthatthestudentdoesnotretaliateagainstanyotherpersonforreportingorfilingacomplaint, foraidingorencouragingthefilingofareportorcomplaint,orforcooperatinginaninvestigationof harassment,bullying,discrimination,orahatecrime

● Cooperatingintheinvestigationofreportsorcomplaintsofharassment,bullying,discrimination, retaliation,orahatecrime

● ReportingallincidentsofdiscriminationorharassmenttotheUpperSchoolDeanofStudentsandorthe UpperSchoolDEIPractitioners.


Stone Ridge iscommittedtoprotectingthedignityofalllife.Shouldastudentbecomepregnant,theschoolwill worktosupportthehealthandwell-beingofbothmotherandherunbornchild.


Smoking, vaping, juuling, or using any electronic cigarette/delivery device by minors is prohibited byorderof Montgomery County. Smoking is prohibited on school grounds. Smoking is also prohibited at any off campus school function or while students are wearing the Stone Ridge uniform. Any student found smoking or in possessionofcontrabanddeviceswillfacedisciplinaryconsequences.


Studentsareexpectedtobeinapresentableuniformfortheentireschoolday.TheDeanofStudents,theUpper SchoolFaculty,andStaffreservetherighttoinstructandreviewwithstudentstheexpectationsofgooduniform whichincludesdetermining“inuniform”and“outofuniform"basedontheoutlineddescriptionbelow Studentswhoare"outofuniform"willberequiredtocallhomeandhavealigneduniformclothingbroughtto themtochange.AdditionalconsequencesincludeinfractionsorDSD.Chronicmisalignmentmayresultin parentconferenceorinschooloroutofschoolsuspension.

● Blackwatchplaidkiltorskirt:Kilts/skirtsmustbeingoodconditionandanappropriatelength.

○ Nomorethan4inchesfromthetopoftheknee

○ Shortsshouldnotbevisible

○ Kiltsshouldnotberolled

○ KiltsandskirtsareavailableatLands’EndandFlynnO’Hara.

● Navyblueorblackwatchplaidpants:

○ Anklelength,straightleg,chinoschooluniformpants

● Shirts:WhiteornavypoloshirtswithembroideredStoneRidgelogo.

○ AvailablefromLands’EndandGatorGallery

○ Shirtsmustbetuckedinandingoodcondition

○ Anavyt-shirtmaybewornunderthenavypoloonly

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● Shoes: Students may wear any closed-toed and full-backed shoe of their choice. Slippers, clogs, heels, flip-flops, sandals,andbootsarenot“inuniform”shoes.Uggstyleloafers/bootsandCrocsareexamples offootwearthatisnotacceptable.

● Socks:Solidwhiteorblacksocks.

● Jewelry:Piercedjewelrymaybewornonlyinone’searsduringtheschoolday.

Note:Make-upandjewelrymaynotbedistracting.Thispolicyincludesvisibletattoosandanythingelse deemedasnon-compliantwiththeschoolpolicybytheDeanofStudents.


● Sweater:Solidnavybluev-neckavailablethroughLands’End

● Sweatshirt: Any navy blue “Stone Ridge” sweatshirt purchased through Gator Gallery. Sweatshirts shouldnotcovertheentireuniformkilt.

● Fleece: Navy blue polar fleece with the Stone Ridge logo, available at Lands’ End. If the sweater, sweatshirt,orfleeceisworn,acollarmustbevisible.

● Tights: Solid navy or black tights/leggings may be worn at the student’s discretion. Socks must accompanyfootlessleggings.


Dress Uniform is called foronspecialoccasions,includingbutnotlimitedto:thefirstdayofschool,PrizeDay, liturgies,fieldtrips,andguestspeakerdays.Dressuniformforallclassesconsistsofthefollowing:

● blackwatchplaidkilt,skirt,orpants

● navyblueschooluniformpants

● whitebutton-downblouse

● whitesocks(Invisibleandextralow-cutsocksarenotpermitted)

● dressshoes(blackorbrownleathershoes)orwhitesneakers.

● solidnavybluev-necksweaterisoptional.










Some school days are designated as “free dress” days where students are not required to be in uniform. Free dress muststillbeappropriateforaschoolenvironment.Ifastudentchoosestowearheruniforminsteadoffree dress, she must adhere to normal uniform rules. Clothes/items that are not acceptable on free dress days include: flip flops, pajamas, tank tops (no spaghetti straps),cut-offs,croptops,tubetops,shortshorts,spandex, bike shorts, clothing with holes or patches, ripped clothing, sheer clothing, or clothing with inappropriate language. If a student is not dressed appropriately, they may be either sent home or required to have clothing broughtfromhome. StoneRidgeSchooloftheSacredHeart

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Some special occasions will require that the students wear “nice dress” instead of their uniforms. Some examples of these occasions are Ring Day for Third and Fourth Academics and Prize Day for Fourth Academics. Attire for these occasions must be appropriate.Studentsareexpectedtodonmoreformalattire;for example, students may opt to wear dress pants, a skirt, a dress shirt or a dress and dress shoes. Skirts and dresses may be no shorter than 4” above the knee. Dresses should notbeofftheshoulder,havebareshoulders, have bare midriffs, be backless, or have plunging necklines. Shoes should be appropriate for attire. Flip-flops and other casual shoes are not appropriate. As in anydressoccasions,appropriatenessisatthediscretionofthe DeanofStudents.

Enforcement of Community Guidelines & Policies


If a student fails to comply with school regulationsshewillhavetoserveaDSD.DSDswillbeadministeredat the discretion of the Dean of Students. If a student receives many DSDs, this may result in a suspension or periodofprobation.


When a student demonstrates that she cannot wisely handle her responsibilities, she loses her privileges as a student for a certain amount of time. This is General Sign-In (GSI). Following the infraction, the student will meetwiththeDeanofStudents.HerparentswillbenotifiedandshewillbeginherGSIimmediately. While serving GSI, the student must sign in and out at a designated location for all of her free time.Freetime includes free periods, breaks, and lunches. A student on GSI may notleavetheroomduringherfreeperiodfor anyreason,unlessdeemedappropriatebytheattendingadult.


When a student has continually exhibited behavior of concern to the administration, the Dean of Students, in consultation withtheHeadoftheUpperSchool,mayplaceastudentonSocialProbation.Uponbeingplacedon social probation, the student willbemonitoredcloselybythefacultyandtheadministration.Onaweeklybasis, she will be evaluated by her teachers and the Dean of Students on issues such as politeness, punctuality, class preparedness, uniform and demeanor. Evaluations may vary, dependingonimpetus. TheDeanofStudentswill communicate with the student’s parents or guardians regularly. The length of Social Probation will be determined by the Dean of Students in consultation with the HeadoftheUpperSchool.Failuretocomplywith schoolexpectationswillresultinseriousconsequences.


In some circumstances, a student’s actions may warrant her losing the privilege of attending school for any given amount of time. In such cases, the student will be placed on suspension. The terms and length of suspensionwillbedeterminedbytheUpperSchoolHeadandtheDeanofStudents.

If a student issuspendedfromschoolastheresultofadisciplinaryaction,theremaybeacademicconsequences as a result of her missed days of school. If the student is out due to a suspension, she is notallowedonschool property or at any school sponsored event without explicit permission from the Head of the Upper School or

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Dean of Students. Absences caused by the suspension willbeincludedinthetotalnumberofabsencesforeach classforthesemester.Suspensionsarereportabletocolleges.


The Upper School Attendance Policy reflects the correlationbetweenstudentlearningandclassattendanceand engagement. In alignment with the Sacred Heart Goals and Criteria, students are required to attend allclasses, Social Action, SCG meetings, class meetings, assemblies, lectures, liturgies, Congés and class retreats and to satisfactorily complete the academic year Students who routinely miss programming may face disciplinary consequences and will be required to meet with the Dean of Students. Students are expected to be in school from 8 am until dismissal every day of the school year, except in the case of illness or an absence reportedby the parents. Students who are not able to be in school before the beginning of the second block may not participate in games, practices, rehearsals, performances, dances or any evening activity. Anyclarificationto thispolicyshouldbeaddressedtotheDeanofStudents.




School begins promptly at 8:00 am. Students should arrive before that time and report to their first class or assembly where attendance will betaken.Punctualdailyattendanceinschoolandinclassisbothimportantand expected. Attendance isreportedeachclassperiod.Studentsareexpectedtobeinattendanceandontimeforall scheduled classes. Students who miss class are responsible to communicate with their teacher regarding the absence and learn of missed work and or any other class obligations. This may entail additional or alternative assignments due within a reasonable amount of time based on the discretion of the teacher, department chair, and Upper School Administration. If a student is absent, the parent must notifytheschoolbefore8:15am. ThestudentwillbeassumedabsentiftheirparentdoesnotcontacttheUSOffice.


● Full-yearcourse:10absences(5persemester)

● Semestercourse:5absences


● Studentillness(IfastudentbecomesillduringthedayshemustreporttoHealthServicesto obtainpermissiontogohome.)

● Deathorcriticalillnessinthefamily

● Responsetoalegalprocess

● Medicalappointment(whichcannotbescheduledoutsideoftheschoolday)

● Collegevisits

● Earlydismissalorlatearrivalasperparentnotification

● Anabsencedeemed“excused”bytheadministratorresponsibleforthestudent

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● AllabsencesnotidentifiedaboveareconsideredUNEXCUSED.

● AbsencesthatarenotexplainedbyaAnticipatedAbsenceForm,anoteand/oratelephonecall fromaparentwithin48hoursafterthestudent’sreturntoschoolfromanabsence,areconsidered UNEXCUSED.

● Anabsencedeemed“unexcused”bytheUpperSchoolOfficeorAdministration.

● Leavingcampuswithoutparentalnotification(subjecttoadditionalconsequencesasdeemedby theUSStudentLifeOffice).

● Skippingclass


In the Upper School,shouldastudentmisstheallottednumberofclassesofthesamesubjectduringasemester, a letter of concern maygohomefromtheAsst.HeadofUpperSchoolortheUpperSchoolDeanofStudents.If the problem persists, her parent(s)/guardian(s), her advisor, the teacher and the Dean of Students may meet to discuss the absences. Persistent attendance problems (absences or lateness) may lead to disciplinary action by the Head of Upper School. The Dean of Students and Upper School Office will benotifiedwhenastudenthas missed five class periods in a semester.Ifastudentexceeds5absencespersemesterinafull-yearorasemester course, she may not earn credit for the course andmayriskbeingpromotedtothenextgrade,andaseniormay not obtain her diploma until all credit is earned. The school reserves the right to withhold credit or not offer a contract for the following year in the case of prolonged or continued absences.Thestudentmayalsobeplaced onacademicprobationforexcessiveabsences.


This may include intermittent care that disrupts the student’s ability to participate in school or students placed on medical leave. When injury and/or illness causes a student to miss school for an extended period of time, members of the Upper School Administration will consult with her advisor, teachers, and counselor or nurse, and contactthestudent’sparents/guardianstodiscussdevelopingaplanforcompletingschoolworkandmeeting course requirements. If the accumulated absences are excessive and it is determined that the student cannot meet the requirements of the academic program, Stone Ridge reserves the right to determine the next steps including making final decisions regarding whether a student can be at school as well as participate in school activities due to physical and/or mental health concerns. It is the ultimate discretion of the school as tohowto best address issues of this nature and whether and when a student may return to school. In cases when the medical leave is deemed excessive by the school, the student may be required to drop a course(s), complete coursesonapass/failbasis,orrepeattheacademicyear


The student will present the Anticipated Absence Form (located on page 44) to each of her teachers. Each teacher will sign the form, indicating that he/she is aware of the student’s upcoming absence. The Anticipated Absence Form must be delivered to the US Office at least one day prior to the absence. This necessary communication does not relieve the student of her responsibility to keep up with her assignments. The AnticipatedAbsenceFormisavailableonlineandinthebackoftheStudentPlanner

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CollegevisitswillonlybeconsideredanexcusedabsenceifthestudentsubmitstheAnticipatedAbsenceForm aheadoftimetotheUpperSchoolOfficeandhascoordinatedwiththeirteacherswhenmissedassignmentswill bemadeup.


In unusual circumstances it may be necessary for a student to be dismissed early. She must submit an early dismissal note from her parents indicating the reason for the dismissal, the time of departure from the school and the time of return to the school. This note must be turned in to the Upper School Office by 9:00 am. Students must sign out in the Upper School Office before leaving campus. Ifthestudentreturns,shemustsign inatthesameoffice.Failuretosigninoroutwillresultindisciplinaryaction.


Leaving campus without permission is a serious breach of trust. No student may leave the school grounds without permission. Parents are notified when a student leaves campus. The student will incur disciplinary consequences.


Students are permitted outside as long as they are in direct view of the school building. If for some reason a student needs to go beyond direct view of the building (including the student parking area), she must request permissionfromtheDeanofStudentsortheUpperSchoolOffice.


Attendanceisrequiredatallclasses,SocialAction,SCG meetings,classmeetings,assemblies,lectures, liturgies,congésandclassretreats.Ifastudent’swhereaboutsareunknownitwillbeconsideredskipping.The studentmaynotmakeuptheworkshemissedintheclass.Thestudentwillreceivea“0”foranyworkmissed duringtheskippedclassperiod.Ifanactivityotherthanaclassisskipped,theDeanofStudentsinconsultation withtheHeadofUpperSchoolwilldetermineappropriateconsequences.Nomakeupworkisallowedforclass periodswhereastudenthasaccruedanunexcusedabsence.


Students who are tardy three times each quarter will be required to serve a DSD. Each additionaltardywillbe recognizedwithaDSD.

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General Information


At the beginning of her time in the Upper Schooleachstudentisassignedafacultyadvisorwhowillmeetwith her each week to discuss issues germane to her school experience. If you have any questions regarding this program,pleasecontacttheDeanofStudents.


The Upper School Morning assembly, conducted by thePresidentofCoreGroup,isregularlyheldintheCokie Boggs Roberts ‘60 Theater. Student attendance is required. The community joins in prayer, and students and faculty make announcements at this time. If a student is not in the theater by the beginning of Assembly, she willbemarkedtardy.


Students may use their cell phones and wearable technology during free time, breaks, or other unstructured time. These devices are not to beusedduringclass,advisory,classmeetings,SCGmeetings,assemblies,orany time with structured school programming, unless under the direction/supervision of a teacher or advisor. Students are expected to show respect and consideration, by using headphones, when using these devices in common areas such as the library, Mater Center, and hallways. A student may be asked to leave a cell phone andtheirwearabletechnologyinadesignatedareaduringclassperiods.


Each class meets under the leadership of its elected class officers as needed. Issues pertinent to the individual classeswillbeaddressedatthistime.Attendanceisrequired.


The elevator is not to be usedbythestudents,exceptformedicalreasonsandneverintheeventoffire. Should use of the elevator be needed by a student, permission must be obtained from Health Services or the Upper SchoolOffice.


Students are to eat in the designated eating areas.Foodmaybetakenintoaclassroomonlywiththepermission of an adult. Food may not be eaten in any hallway, cloak room,orintheUpperSchoollibrary.Lunchesshould be kept in lockers until the lunch period and should be eaten primarily in the Mathews Dining Hall. In nice weather, lunch may be eaten outside. All students are expected to clean up after themselves. This includes disposing of waste in the appropriate bins,wipingdowntables,andreturningchairstoitsoriginallocation.The Sage lunch program is provided for those who choose to participate. All students are expected to respect this program.Failuretofollowthesepoliciesmayresultindisciplinaryconsequences.

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The school reserves the right to limit and restrict students’ use of delivery services to campus. Useofdelivery servicesduringacademichoursmustbeapprovedbytheDeanofStudentsortheUpperSchoolOffice.


Out-of-town female houseguests of high-school age may accompany their hosts to classes with advance permission from the Dean of Students. All social-type visits, during theschoolday,needtobeapprovedbythe US Administration. These visitors should remain in identified public areas such as Good Hall, Campus Walk, Mathews Dining Hall or the Matan Cafe; they must be accompanied by a Stone Ridge Upper School student. Guests should be dressed appropriately All visitors must first report to the US Office to obtain a Visitor’s Pass. Students are responsible for the behavior of their guests. “Promposals” and creative invitations to dances and social events at other schools are not permitted during the school day at Stone Ridge.


Food and drinks are never allowed inside the gyms, nor are players allowed to chew gum while on the courts. All students must wear athletic shoes in the gyms. Use of athletic equipment without permission from the AthleticDirectorisprohibited.Allthreedivisionsoftheschoolsharethegymnasiums.


The infirmary is on the 500 level of the school. The School Nurse is on duty throughout the school day The Nurse records the arrival and departure times of all students whovisittheinfirmary Ifastudentarriveslatefor class from the infirmary, she should have a note from the Nurse. If she remains in the infirmary for the whole period, the Nurse will inform the Dean of Students’ Office of the student’s whereabouts. Students are responsible for keeping track of their schedules and of the time while intheinfirmary If a student becomes ill during the day she must report to Health Services to obtain permission to go home.


The George L. Dyer Upper SchoolLibrarywelcomesstudentsandfacultyforquietstudy,research,andreading throughouttheschoolday TheLibraryisopenfrom7:30am-4:30pmMondaythroughFriday

A professional librarian or assistant is available during library hours to help students with research and reference.Studentscanscheduleappointmentsforresearchassistanceaheadoftimeorcomeonadrop-inbasis. The librarystaffwillalsoassiststudentsincheckingoutbooks.Studentscancheckoutuptotenbooksatatime for a period of two weeks. Books can be renewed for two more weeks unless requested by another patron. Occasionally, books are put on reserve forvariousclassprojects.Thesebooksaretobeusedonlyinthelibrary. Special permission is required to check out a reserve book overnight. For the benefit of the students,copiesof course textbooks are available in the library. They are to be used in the library only. Reference books do not circulateandmustremaininthelibraryatalltimes.

To enhance the research opportunities for students, the library provides access to several on-line databases which can be used fromschoolandathome.Fortheconvenienceofthecommunity,thesesourcesarelinkedon theintranetpage;nopasswordsarerequiredforaccesstotheseelectronicresources.

The library is a space for quiet study Small conference rooms are available inside the libraryonafirst-come, first-serve basis. Studentsareexpectedtousetheseroomsforquietdiscussionofhomeworkorclassmaterial.If theroomsarenotavailable,groupstudyinganddiscussionsmustbeheldoutsidethelibrary Foodanddrinkarenotpermittedinthelibrary.

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Lockers are availableforstudentswhowishtouseonefortheacademicyear Studentswillbeassignedalocker and receive a school issued lock. Students are not permitted to change lockers, andlocksfromhomearenotto be used on the school lockers. Because the lockers are the joint property of the school and the student, the schoolmaintainstherighttoinspectlockersandotherstoragefacilitiesprovidedforusebythestudents.


Lost articles will be kept for a limited amount of time. Unclaimed articles will be donated to charity Students will be alerted prior to donation. In order to avoid inconvenience in identifying lost books, each student is required to record clearly her name in each textbook and notebook she owns. The school does not accept responsibility for lost items.


Students are not to be in their cars or in theparkinglotduringtheschoolday Astudentwhoneedstogotoher car during the day must ask permission from the Dean of Students or the Upper School Office.Failuretoseek permissionmayresultindisciplinaryaction.


Parking is a privilege at Stone Ridge for Third and Fourth Academic students who possess a valid drivers license. Fourth Academic students are given priority when distributing parkingpasses.Thereisayearlyfeefor parking on the Stone Ridge grounds. The fee and the driver’s registration form entitle a student to one of the limited spaces in the “Student Parking” section of the parking lot. Driver’s registration forms are available on the school webpage. Students may not park on campus without registering their cars or using the provided parkingtag.AllotherguidelinesandpoliciescanbefoundontheSchoolwebpage.

During the entire school year (which includes exam weeks, as well as special days like Prize Day), a student should not park anywhere except in the designated Student Parking Lot. Parking in Hamilton House Circle,theLowerSchoolCircle,infrontofUpperSchoolandtheAthleticCenter,orinthevisitors’parkinglots is strictly prohibited. Students parked in a prohibited space or without a parking tag are subject to towing at the student’s expense.


Students may request to post information on the cork stripsinthestairwellsanddesignatedbulletinboards.All information must be submitted to and approved by a member of the Student Life Office or USAdministration priortobeingposted.Nothingmaybepostedonglassorpainted/treatedsurfaces.


Students will receive emails from members of our community and are expected to check their school email regularly. Students may only send all school emails after requesting and receiving approval from a member of theStudentLifeOfficeorUSAdministration.


The Upper School Counselors’ main objective is to help create a safe, healthy and supportive environmentfor all members of the school community. The Counselors provide social, emotional, and academic support and




assistance to all students in order to foster personal growthanddevelopmentandtohelpeachstudentreachher highest potential in and outoftheclassroom.Eachstudentisassignedaschoolcounselorandparticipatesinthe schoolcounselingprogramthroughseminarsandindividualmeetings.


● providedirectshorttermcounselingassistancetostudentsexperiencingsocialoremotionalchallenges

● facilitate seminar classes, to encourage personal growth and developmentthrougheducationalfactsand discussionsontopicsthataredevelopmentallyrelevanttoadolescentlife

● consult with administrators, faculty, parents, and outside mental health professionals as needed to supportastudentinneed

● provide mental health referrals for students who require morethantheshorttermassistanceprovidedin theschoolsetting

● serveasanadvocate,asneeded,asitrelatestostudent’ssocialandemotionalhealth


Thecounselorsrespecttheconfidentialityofstudents,faculty,andstaffwherethreatstosafetyandrisksofharm are not at issue. As is developmentally appropriate for the student, information shared with the school counselor is confidential and the student’s privacy is guarded in accordance with law, ethics, and school rules. Therearelimitstowhatcanbekeptconfidential.

If a student is in imminent danger of harming herself or others, the schoolcounselorwillassessthestudentfor immediate risk and contact the parents/guardians directly. The School will also require an immediate psychiatric evaluation and will specify the nature and scope of this evaluation. Additionally, the school may require parents/guardians to provide a release such that the School can communicate directly with outside mental health caregivers to determine whether a student can be at school, as well as how the school can offer accommodations to the academic and co-curricular program. A written consultation and clearance with the treatingtherapistarerequiredpriortoapprovalbytheschoolcounseloranddivisionheadforschoolreentry. Counselors, like all school personnel, are obligated to report suspected abuse or neglect, and accordingly, will shareinformationasrequiredbylaw.

The school may share information when consulting with other school employees with the goal of supporting andadvocatingforstudents’emotional,physical,psychological,social,academicorotherneeds. Counselors strive to maintain positive partnerships with students and their families. Ifinformationneedstobe shared with the school administration and/or a student’s parents/guardians, the counselors will generally work with the student to get her prior consent. The school always keeps the best interest of the child at theheartof suchdecisions,weighingthedevelopmentalneedsofthestudentandtheinterestsoftheinstitution. The School Counseling program is, bydefinition,shortterminnature. Theschoolwillreferstudentstoprivate mental health professionals if long-term counseling is needed. The Counseling Department, in consultation with the school administration,canrequireastudenttoreceivecounselinginordertoremainatschool. Whena student is engaged with a mental health professional the School requests,and,attimes,requiresthatthefamily grant permission for this professional to speak with the School Counselor. This partnership ensures that the schoolcanmaintainasafeandsupportiveenvironmentforthestudent.

Safety Drills

Over the courseoftheschoolyear,anumberofsafetydrillswilltakeplaceinordertoensurethesafetyofallof

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those on campus in an emergency. TheEmergencyResponseProcedureislocatedinallclassroomsandoffices. Drills will take several forms, depending on the needs of the community. Likely drills are listed below. Additional drills may be added as our school continues to respond to perceived needs of our community and suggestionsofourgovernment.


The Stone Ridge community views fire drills as serious exercises. They are unannounced and will occur throughout the entire school year. At the sound of the fire alarm, studentsmustexitthebuildingquicklyandin complete silence following the posted evacuation route. Once outside, studentslineupbyclass,inalphabetical order, while class leaders take attendance. Students remain in line and in silence until the signal Is given to returntothebuilding.


Should an emergency occur that would require an immediate attendance count, Stone Ridge will initiate a stay-in-place alarm. The alarm is signaledovertheintercomsystem.Whentheannouncementismade,teachers will close and lock all doors and windows in the classroom. Immediately, attendance will be taken in each classroom and all computers must be shut down. Students must ensure that all cell phones remain offduringa stay-in-place alarm. Students are not to leave the classroom for any reason. Should a student be somewhere other than a classroom at thetimeofthebells,sheistogoimmediatelytothenearestclassroom,whereshewill be included in the room’s attendance. This procedure is particularly applicable when a student is in the restroom. Should a studenthaveafreeperiodduringthetimeofthealarm,sheshouldproceedtotheLibrary,or the nearest classroom. If a student isoutsideatthetimeofthealarm,sheshouldgotothenearestclassroom,no matter if it is located in the lower, middle or upper schools. In order to practice this procedure, there will be severalstay-in-placedrillsthroughouttheyear.

Student Activities


Stone Ridge offers a wide variety of athletic activities including varsity and junior varsity sports, dance, and after school PE classes. Participation on a sports team earns 1/2 credit towards the PE requirement. A student MUST submit a sports health form to the school nurse before she tries out for a team. A schedule for tryouts, practices, and games are available on the school website. TeamsgenerallypracticeMondaythroughFriday4-6 PM, with some exceptions. There are occasionally weekend commitments. All team members are required to attend all practices and games. In case of illness or emergency, parents must contact the Office of Athletics or the coach to alert them of the absence. Studentsmustbeingoodacademicstandingtoparticipateonanathletic team.Studentspectatorsatallgamesarestronglyencouraged.



Stone Ridge will provide transportation to all athletics competitions in buses or vans on days that school is in session, and occasionally on days that school is not in session on a case-by-case basis. All team memberswill be expected to ride to competitions with the teamunlesspriorapprovalisgranted.Forapprovalforastudentto drive to a competition by other means, the student's parent or guardian must email the Athletic Director and

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Head Coach with the request - at least 24 hours in advance.Withoutpriorapproval,astudentmayberequired to ride the bus and not allowed to drive themselves - including seniors. Students are permitted to leave off-campus competitions withtheirparents,anotherfamilymember,oranapprovedothermeansaslongasthey tell a member ofthecoachingstaffwhotheywillbeleavingwith-thiscanoccurrightafterthegameasplayers are leaving. Any students without a family member present or other means of transportation home will be requiredtoridethebusorvanbacktoStoneRidge.

Practices: Some programs practice off-campus. For most of these practices, Stone Ridge will provide transportation by bus or van and students that drive to campus for the school day are also permitted to drive themselvestothepracticesfromschoolsothattheycandrivedirectlyhomeafterwards.Studentsshoulddrive directly to off-campus practice sites from Stone Ridge and should not make stops along the way. Students are not permitted to drive teammates without permission from the parents/guardians of both students. Programs with off-campus practices will send out a survey at the beginning of the seasontodeterminehowstudentswill be getting to practices so that thecoachingstaffwillknowhowstudentswillbetransportingandhowlargeofa busoravanwillberequiredforstudentsthatdoneedaride.




InaccordancewiththeSacredHearttradition,studentsactivelypartnerinserviceandadvocacy.Student-led SCGs raiseawarenessonahostofcauses,anddevelopopportunitiestosupportandorganizecharitable projectsinanefforttodevelopreciprocityandlonglastingrelationshipswiththoseweserve.Allareactivein theStoneRidgecommunitybyparticipationinanSCGeveryyear.Applicationsforgroupsareacceptedinthe springandreviewedbytheAssistantDeanofStudents,inpreparationtoruninthefall.


Like all Sacred Heart schools, Stone Ridge is a Roman Catholic, faith-based institution and, therefore, puts a high priority on communal liturgical worship. Regular liturgies and prayer services are planned and led by the students to celebrate their life together as a community in the Upper School. On special occasions and Feast Days,itisexpectedthatthewholecommunityattendtheplannedliturgies.

*Students must wear the dress uniform on liturgy days.


Newspaper: Here and Now

The Here and Now is the Stone Ridge newspaper published regularly by the journalism class. All are encouragedtocontributetothispublication.

LiteraryMagazine: Callithump

The Callithump is a magazine of creative work produced by the Upper School. All members of the school communityareinvitedtosubmitwork,forexample:poetry,prose,photographsanddrawings.

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Yearbook: Ridgeway

A staff of student editors and assistants producetheannualStoneRidgeyearbookdocumentingtheactivitiesof theacademicyear YearbookstraditionallyaredistributedafterPrizeDaypractice.


The Stone Ridge Upper School Retreat Program contributes to the School’s mission by offering students the chance to develop a deeper self-awareness, awareness of the needs and gifts of others, and awareness of the presence of Godintheirlives.RetreatsfortheFirstandSecondAcademicareday-longretreats,andtheretreats for the Third and Fourth Academic are multi-day, overnight. Attendance at class retreats is required. More informationabouttheseretreatscanbefoundontheSchoolwebpage.


To promote school spirit, the school isdividedintotheBlueandGoldTeams,eachheadedbyacaptain.During thecourseoftheyear,bothteamscompeteinvarioussportsandactivitiestowinpointsfortheteam. The team that accumulates themostpointsovertheyearisdeclaredwinneroftheyearatFieldDay.Theannual Father-Daughter Field Day is the final contest between the Blue and Gold teams. Field Day often determines whichteamwinstheyear.


All students and parents should periodically check the Upper School section of Inside SR. This section of the school website contains useful information on upcoming events, news items, the School calendar, Academics, SocialAction,CampusMinistry,Athletics,StudentActivities/StudentLeadership,andotherschoolactivities.


Class officersfortheSecond,ThirdandFourthAcademicclassesareelectedattheendofeachschoolyear.The First Academic class elects officers in the fall. All candidatesmustbeingoodstandinginallaspectsofstudent life.


● planclassmeetingswithapreparedagenda;

● delegateresponsibilitiesforclassprojectsandactivities;

● supporttheinterestsoftheclass;

● preserveorderduringclassmeetingsandactivities;

● makeworthwhileuseofclassmeetingtime;

● communicateregularlywiththeCoreGroupclassrepresentative;

● takeattendanceatfiredrills.


● organizeclassmeetingsandclassactivitiesifpresidentisabsent;

● takeattendanceatthebeginningofeveryclassmeeting;

● workwithclasspresidenttoplantheagenda;

● carryoutanyclasssecretarialbusiness,suchasthank-younotes,invitations;

● takeattendanceatfiredrills.

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Core Group consists of the School President, the School Vice-President, and eight elected student members (two from each academic year). It is expected that all candidates are in good standing in all aspects of student life. Core Group fosters an environment of good order, high morale, school spirit, and school community governance. Core Group meetsregularlytodiscussandaddressissuesofconcerntothestudentbody,aswellas suggestionsandideasgermanetotheimprovementofstudentlifeatStoneRidge.


● Providingschoolleadershipandschoolspirit;

● KeepingtheschoolcommunityinformedofwhatishappeninginCoreGroup;

● Solicitingconcerns/suggestionsfromthestudentbody;

● Bringingstudentconcerns/suggestionstothetableatCoreGroupmeetings;

● Working closely with the Dean of Students to see that student concerns/suggestions are addressed in a thoughtfulandtimelymanner;

● Organizing and running one Upper School congé, which can occur 1st or 2ndsemester,eachyear,with thehelpoftheDeanofStudents;

● RunningAssemblyeachmorning;

● RepresentingStoneRidgeatschoolandschoolrelatedevents.


The Honor Board is established to review honorandintegrityatStoneRidgeandtoputforthrecommendations on howtocontinuetofosteracommunitycommittedtotheseideals.InkeepingwithourSacredHearttradition, student leaders are charged with encouraging dialogue and growth regarding accountability and honor The Honor Board is overseen by the Asst. Head of Upper School. Student representatives to the Honor Board are nominated by their peers for one-year positions with the exception of Third Academics who serve a two-year positionatthediscretionoftheAsst.HeadofUpperSchool.

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Social Action Program


Rooted in Goal Three of Sacred Heart Education, the Social Action program is a comprehensive service learning requirement thatiscentraltotheUpperSchoolexperience.Throughpreparation,action,andreflection, Social Action cultivates critical consciousnessofissuesofjustice,inculcatesalife-longcommitmenttoservice, anddevelopsstudents’potentialforleadershipinbuildingandmaintainingjustpartnerships.



● AlltransportationarrangementsaremadeorapprovedbytheDirectorofSocialAction.

● To encourage mindfulness of the natural environment and establish solidarity with the poor, marginalized, andsuffering,theSocialActionProgramcommitstoefficientuseofpublictransportation. Groups traveling by bus and Metro will be supplied with Smartrip Cards and willbeaccompaniedbya Facultymember


● Students are expected to be in full uniform on Social Action Days unless the Director of SocialAction communicatesspecificattirebasedonthenatureoftheworkatparticularsites.

Absence & Tardiness

● AttendanceonSocialActiondaysisrequired

● Studentswhoaretoosicktogototheirsitesshouldstayhomefortheday

● Students who are absent for a full or partial day of Social Action will be required to make up the time that was missed. Students will be responsibleforcommunicatingwithsitesontheirowntosecuremake up hours. Hours must be made up within the academic year Students must have a form signed by a volunteer coordinator other than a parent and complete a reflection. The nature of the work must be approvedbytheDirectorofSocialAction.

● Students who do not complete the make-up hours for missed Social Action days by the deadline determinedbytheDirectorofSocialActionmaybesubjecttothefollowing:

○ Agradeofincomplete“I”ontheirtranscript.

○ FourthAcademicstudents'finaltranscriptmaybewithhelduntilthehoursarecompleted.

● StudentswhomissmultipleSocialActionDays(orpartsofSADays)duetospecialcircumstances,such as long-term healthissuesorcommitmentsoutsideofStoneRidge,maymakespecialarrangementswith theDirectorofSocialActionandUSDivisionHead.

Special Scheduling Considerations

● In the event of school closing for weather or other considerations on a SA Day, Social Action will be canceledandnotrescheduled.Studentsarenotresponsibleformakinguphoursinthiscase.

● In the event of school opening being delayed for weather or other considerations on a SA Day, Social Actionmayproceedwithamodified,on-campusSocialActionDay Studentswhoaretardyorabsenton thesedaysareresponsibleformakinguphoursinthiscase.

● In the case of extended school closings for weather or other considerations, the leadership team may modify the format or schedule for Social Action to accommodate the needs of the Upper School

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Sacred Heart Network Summer Service Program


SummerServiceProjectsaresponsoredbytheSacredHeartNetworkandhostedbyindividualschoolsacross theUnitedStatesandCanada.ThepurposeoftheNetworkSummerServiceProjectsistoprovidestudentswith animmersivelearningexperiencethatpromotestheinherentdignityofallhumansanddeepensstudents’ understandingofservicetoothers.Theseprogramsaredesignedtoencouragecriticalanalysis,informedaction, andcivicresponsibilitythroughdirectservice,advocacy,proximity,orcommunitypartnerships.


Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with all Stone Ridge policieswhileparticipatingin any Summer Service Projects sponsored by the Sacred Heart Network. Students must also follow the policies established by the Sacred Heart Network and the host school. Behavior reports from the Network or chaperoningadultsmayresultindisciplinaryactionuponreturntoStoneRidge.

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Responsible Use Policy


TheSchoolprovidescommunicationandinformationresourcesforstudents,faculty,andstaffinordertocreate aproductiveandsafelearningenvironment. Theseresourcesinclude,butarenotlimitedto:hardware, software,networks,technologyplatforms,email,andothertypesofequipmentandservices. Theseresources, andtheResponsibleUsePolicy,areprovidedtosupportteachingandlearningaccordingtotheSchool’s missionandacademicprogram.AnypersonaluseofSchooltechnologyresourcesbystafforstudentsis incidental–itispermittedbutnotsupported.

StoneRidgeretainssolerightofpossessionofallSchool-ownedandleasedequipment.StoneRidgeisthe ownerofallSchool-ownedandleasedequipment,evenequipmentthathasbeenassignedforstudentsandstaff touse.TheSchoolassignsequipmenttostudentsandstaffforschool-relateduseaccordingtothisRUP,the CodeofConduct,andtheEmployeeContract,asapplicable.StoneRidgemaycollect,inspect,andmanage School-ownedhardwareandsoftwareatanytime.StudentsandstaffwillreturnallSchooltechnologyresources upontheconclusionoftheiremploymentorenrollmentatStoneRidge.

StoneRidgetechnologyresources must never beusedfor:

● Illegalactionslikefraud,harassment,stealing,etc.

● Viewingsexual,violent,hateful,harassing,orillegalcontent,onlineoroffline.

● DamagingorattemptingtodamagethetechnologyresourcesoftheSchoolorofothers,including alteringnetworksystemsorequipment.

● Violatingcopyrightlaws,plagiarizing,orsharingcopyrightedmaterials.

● Usingtheaccountinformationofsomeoneelse,includingpasswords.

● Offeringtosellanything,promotingapoliticalcause,orrunningabusinessforprofit.

● Sharingconfidentialinformation,includingtheprivateinformationofStoneRidgecommunity members.

StoneRidgestudentsareresponsibleusersoftechnologyon-andoff-campus:theyconsidertheSacredHeart GoalsandCriteriaandtheSchoolCodeofConductintheiruseoftechnologyresources.Studentsmustuse technologyresourcesinawaythatisconsistentwiththeiridentityaslearnersandleaderswhocareforthe SchoolandthemembersoftheStoneRidgecommunity Aviolationofthispolicymayhaveconsequences, includingdisciplinaryactionandlossoftechnologyprivileges.



● ThoughtfullyandreflectivelybuildtheirfaithandaffirmtheirvaluesusingSchooltechnologyresources

● ReflecttheheartofChristwithgenerosity,forgiveness,andcompassion

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○ HonorthedignityofallpeoplewhenusingSchooltechnologyresources


● EffectivelyandactivelylearnusingSchooltechnologyresources

○ Followteacherinstructionsinclasswhenusingtechnology

○ Bepreparedeachdaytousetechnologyresourcesforlearning

○ Remove/resistdistractionswhileusingtechnologyinclass

○ Useschooltechnologyresources(includingtheirschoolemailaccount)purposefully,for school-relatedtasks,andinawaythatsupportstheirlearning


● IncorporateCatholicSocialTeachingintheirdecisionsaroundtechnology

○ Limitprinting,especiallycolorprinting,andreduceprintwastetocareforourcommonhome

○ Valuethelaborofothersbyabidingbycopyrightlawandinformationethicsintheiruseof mediaandinformationresources.

○ DevelopunderstandingoftheirRightsandResponsibilitieswhenusingSchooltechnology resources


● Protecttheirownprivateinformationandtheprivateinformationoftheircommunity

○ ResponsiblycontroltheirPersonallyIdentifyingInformationandthePersonallyIdentifying Informationofotherswhentheyareonline

○ Protecttheirlogininformation,especiallypasswordsandreportanyproblemstotheITOffice

○ Maintaintheprivacyoftheirpersonalcellphonenumbersandsocialmediaaccountsfrom facultyandstaff

○ Considerandrespecttheprivacyofstudentsandstaffinallcommunicationthatusestechnology, includingtheuseofimagesandvideo

○ ProtecttheprivacyandsecurityoftheStoneRidgenetwork

● FollowtheStudentHandbookinallcommunicationthatusestechnology

○ Neverpretendtobesomeoneelse

○ Practiceinformed,ethicaldecision-makingandaccountability

○ RepresenttheStoneRidgecommunitywithconsiderationandrespect


● Maintainresponsibilityfortheirowndeviceandrespecttheresponsibilitiesofothers

○ Nevertaketheequipmentofothers

○ Maintaintheirowncharger

○ Avoidloaningtheirequipmenttoothers

○ Avoidusingequipmentinanysituationwhereitmayreasonablybeexpectedtobedamaged, stolen,orlost.

○ Backuptheirowndataasneeded

● Carefortheirtechnologyresourcesandkeepthemin good condition inordertosupporttheiraccessto learning.

○ Onlyinstallsoftwarethatateacherhasgivenpermissiontoinstall

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○ ReportmissingordamagedequipmentwithinonedayoftheincidenttotheITOffice

○ TreatSchool-ownedequipmentwithgoodstewardship

● Actwithintegrityandaimforpersonalgrowth

○ FollowtheTermsofServiceagreementsonallservicesonline,includingagelimits

○ RefrainfromusinganysoftwareorhardwarethatmaskstheuseofStoneRidgeresources

○ Bereflectiveandreadytoadaptastheirexperiencewithtechnologygrows

○ Developinwisdomregardingtheiruseoftechnologyandsocialmedia



● A prepared student.Theyareinagoodlearningspace,withachargedlaptopingoodconditionanda headset;

● An active learner.Theyarefocusedandresponsiveontheirteacher’sinstructions,particularlyabout keepingcamerasonand/orrecordingtheclass,andparticipateaccordingtotheirteacher’srequests;

● A member of the Stone Ridge community Theyaredressedaccordingtocommunityexpectationsandare showingthevaluesoftheStoneRidgecommunityintheirvirtualinteractions;

● Academically honest.Theyareresponsiblefortheirownideasandtheintegrityoftheschoolworkthey submit.



● maintainnetworksandequipmentingoodconditiontosupportlearning.

● providesoftwareandhardwarethatsupportsteachingandlearningaccordingtotheneedsofthe academicprogram.

● monitor,filter,andmanageschoolnetworksaccordingtotheneedsoftheSchoolandincompliance withalllegalrequirements.

StoneRidge’sITOfficeprovidestechnicalsupportonschool-ownedorleasedequipment,Mondaythrough Fridayfrom7:30amuntil5:00pm,excludingHolidaysandSchoolCloseddays.Summerhoursmayvary. ContacttheITOfficeviaemailatsupport@stoneridgeschool.orgorinpersonintheITOffice,Room403.

Upper School Use of Laptops

● Studentsingrades9-12willbeassignedaSchool-ownedlaptop.

● Studentsmustfollowtheirteacher’sinstructionsontheuseofthelaptopinclassandmusthaveteacher permissiontoinstallsoftware.

● StudentsareexpectedtobepreparedforschooleachdaywiththeirSchool-owned,chargedlaptopthatis ingoodconditionandaheadset.

● StudentsmusttreattheirlaptopwithcareandimmediatelyreportanydamageorlosstotheITOffice. TheITOfficecanbenotifiedviaemailatsupport@stoneridgeschool.orgorinpersonintheITOffice, Room403.

○ Studentsareexpectedtocarrytheirlaptopsbetweenspacesclosedandinaprotectivecase.

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○ Studentsareexpectedtoprotecttheirlaptopsfromwater,food,weather,andpools/gyms.

● MiddleSchoolandUpperSchoolstudentsshouldconsulttheStudentHandbookandCodeofConduct regardingpersonalcellphoneandwearabletechnology(ie.,Smartwatch)use.


ITequipmentisexpectedtoshownormalwear-and-tear,andStoneRidgewillrepairorreplaceequipmentso thatallstudentsandstaffhavedevicesthatarein good condition. Otherdamagemaybecoveredbythe device’swarranty,whichhasbeenpurchasedbyStoneRidge.Repaircoststhatarenotcoveredbythedevice’s warrantyaretheresponsibilityofthestudentthedevicehasbeenassignedto,andparents/guardians acknowledgethattheywillbebilledaccordingtothefollowingIncidentFeeschedule:











Foranydevice,thereplacementcostofthechargerwillbebilled(variesbydevice,typically$50-$80)ora studentmaysubstituteanappropriatereplacementchargerinconsultationwiththeITOffice.


Intheeventofloss,theft,orgrossnegligence,parents/guardianswillbebilledthecostofequipmentrepairor replacement.Grossnegligencemayinvolveleavingequipmentunsecured,lendingequipmenttoothers,orusing equipmentinawaythatcouldreasonablybeexpectedtoresultindamage.

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Fourth Academic Class Privileges


By the Fourth Academic year, students have earned the right to requestforprivileges.Studentsareexpectedto respect these privileges and treat them with care. The Dean of Students and the Head of UpperSchoolreserve therighttodiscontinueanyprivileges.

The Class Officers will present proposals for Fourth Academic privilegestoUpperSchoolAdministrationwho will approve or reject the request. The decisions will be communicated to the Class Officersandarrangements will be made for the privileges to begin. Special programs and events are exclusivetotheFourthAcademic.A briefdescriptionofthesefollows.


Students in the Fourth Academic class have been granted the privilege of use of a Fourth Academic lounge. This lounge is a place for students in the Fourth Academic classtobuildcommunity,relax,andhavetheirown space. This space must be respected and maintained in a manner appropriate to a school environment. The school retains the righttorevokeormodifythisprivilegeatanytimeshouldthebehavioroftheclasswarrantit. StudentsintheFourthAcademicclassareresponsibleforcleaningtheloungethroughouttheschoolyear.

Fourth Academic Class Activities


Stone Ridge’s Commencement is a day steeped in tradition and formality Students receive their diplomas and special awards from the Head of School and the chairman of the Board of Trustees. Behavior and appearance should fit the event. Rehearsal for this event is mandatory. Any candidate who is absent from rehearsal will not be permitted to attend the ceremony. The Head of Upper School, the Asst. Head of Upper School, and the Dean of Students have the responsibility to review the achievement and behavior of each candidate. Should a student’s academic or social record fall short of reflecting the achievement represented by a Stone Ridgediploma,thestudentwillnotbepermittedtowalkatgraduation.

If a student plans on wearing the same dress for the Trés Bien Ball and graduation, the gown shouldbefitting forbothoccasions.AlldressesmustbeapprovedbytheUpperSchoolAdministration.Thegownsmustbelong, one-piece, and for graduation they mustbewhite. Anybeadworkordecorationsmustbeclearorwhiteaswell. Shoesmustbewhiteorneutraldressshoes. Formal,whitesuitsarealsopermitted.


Our school's mission at Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart is to inspire "young women to lead and serve through lives of purpose that integrate faith, intellect, community, social action, and personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom." To fulfill this mission, we are committed to creating spaceandopportunitiesfor

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young women to grow in courage and confidence through discovery. For our Fourth Academic students, this includes a job shadow experience. All Fourth Academics must complete an unpaid job shadoworindependent project tofulfillthegraduationrequirement.Theprogramaimstocreatethespaceforstudentstogainfirst-hand knowledge, skills, and experiences in a field of their interest. The Upper School Administration must approve theprojectorjobshadowsite.


For Prize Day, Fourth Academic students wear nice attire instead of uniforms. Students are expected to wear either dress pants, a skirt, a dress shirt or a dress and dress shoes. Attire for this occasionmustbeappropriate. Skirts and dresses may be no shorter than 4” above the knee. Dresses shouldnotbeofftheshoulder,havebare shoulders, have bare midriffs, be backless,orhaveplungingnecklines.Shoesshouldbeappropriatefordresses. Flip-flops and other casual shoes are not appropriate. As in any dress occasions, appropriateness is at the discretionoftheDeanofStudents.PrizeDaypracticeismandatory


In September, the Fourth Academic students participate in a multi-day retreat. The retreat affords the students the opportunity to begin their last year together in a spiritual, community-building way Throughout the years, this experience has setapositivetonefortheremainderoftheFourthAcademicyear FocusingonSacredHeart Goal I: a personal and active faith in God; Goal IV: building community as a Christian value; and Goal V: personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom, the retreat provides the opportunity to grow both as individualsandasaclass.

Très Bien Ball

The Très Bien Ball is a formal dance for Fourth Academic students sponsored by the Stone Ridge Alumnae Association. More information about the Très Bien Ball will be sent to Fourth Academic students from the Director of Alumnae Relations. This is a formal dance. Students typically wear long formal gowns (oftenthey wear their graduation gown), white gloves, and dress shoes. Any questions regarding this event should be directedtotheDirectorofAlumnaeRelations(ext.1712).

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Anticipated Absence Form

DearFacultyMembers, Ianticipateanabsencefromschoolon

becauseIwillbeattending _____________________________________.

I understand that itismyresponsibilitytoobtainallin-classand homework materials/assignments from that date andtokeepupwithallassignedworkduringmyabsence.This form must be on file with the Upper School Office at least one day before the trip date. Failure to do so will resultinaninfraction.




CollegeCounselor’sName(if applicable)


Revised 6/2023




CollegeCounselor’s Signature

MissedClassWorkAgreement (Assignments&makeupworkdate)


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Receipt Of Student Handbook

I, , have read through the Student Handbook 2022-2023 that wasprovidedto meintheStudentHandbookandPlanner.Ihavealsoreviewedthiswithmyparent(s)/guardian(s).






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