NATIONAL BELGIAN RAILWAY COMPANY JOB DETAILS: MARKET: Transportation PRODUCT: CarboComp Carbon Fibre Strips AREA: High Speed Rail Link Bridges
DATE: 2004 MATERIAL QUANTITY: 5,500 Metres LOCATION: Antwerp, Belgium
National Belgian Railway Company – Nationale The soffit of the bridge deck was prepared by Maatschappij der Belgische Spoorwegen (NMBS) abrasive blasting and then CarboComp Carbon Fibre Strips were adhered to the underside with During the construction of the High Speed Rail link CarboComp 5800 Epoxy Adhesive. between Brussels and Amsterdam, 5,500 metres of Carbon Fibre was used to correct defects found in Strengthening the structures in this way saved the upper deck of five structures due to excessive thousands of Euros in demolition and reconstruction creep of the concrete. costs and prevented massive delays to the program for this vital infrastructure. | 800.263.3112