Co-curricular Handbook

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Co-Curricular Handbook



Jesuit education is about formation of the whole person, both inside the classroom but also more broadly through the experiences that help young people form their characters and identify their purpose in life. The history of the College provides us with a template for the key aspects of an all-round education that helps facilitate this personal growth. These are: Adventure, drawing upon a history of Jesuit exploration, scientific innovation and global travel; Chaplaincy, ensuring our key identity as a Jesuit Catholic school remains at the heart of all we do at the College and in our wider community; Performing Arts where we continue to develop our ability to articulate what we believe in and the confidence to say it before others; and Sport where the shared endeavour of a community that has always been integral to the College comes through most clearly. Ultimately, what the co-curricular programme aims to achieve is to create well-rounded men and women who can go out into the world with a set of skills and experiences that set them apart, giving them qualities which allow them to become leaders in our world and the catalyst for positive change. Our College motto is Quant Je Puis, As Much as a I Can, and it is this key message of doing more than is easy, more than is expected, more than others would which lies at the heart of the co-curricular programme at Stonyhurst.

The Stonyhurst


The Stonyhurst diploma recognises the contribution of pupils to the other half of a Stonyhurst education. The award has three levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold.

In Lower Grammar, all pupils should achieve a Bronze Award, contributing as a Playroom community to shared endeavours across the four strands of the co-curriculum. They will complete the LG Expedition, the Faith In Action Bronze Award, take part in the LG Play and commit to representing the College in sport.

In Grammar and Syntax, pupils must choose to continue this all-round commitment to secure a Silver Award. Over their GCSE years, they must ensure they engage with activities in each of the four strands.

In Higher Line pupils must take on the mantle of leaders, ensuring traditions are maintained, strengthened and passed on to the next generation of Stonyhurst pupils. The Gold Award recognises those who take up that challenge. Through the Stonyhurst Diploma, those who go above and beyond and contribute meaningfully to the traditions that make us who we are, are recognised by their teachers.


The Adventure strand of the co-curricular programme is all about getting pupils out into the beautiful surroundings of Stonyhurst. The Stonyhurst estates historically supported the College financially but also provided it with much of its food. The surroundings have inspired generations of pupils and staff, most famously Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ. Through the Adventure strand, we hope to inspire the next generation of pupils by helping them explore their surroundings, test themselves physically and sparking a sense of the adventurous spirit that characterised Stonyhurst pupils throughout our history.

Activities include:


Clay Pigeon Shooting

Duke of Edinburgh


Mountain Biking

Target Rifle Shooting

The Lower Grammar



Stonyhurst is the oldest continuously existing Jesuit school in the world and the Ignatian foundations of the College inform everything that we do here. The directive to become “men and women for others” is at the heart of the Chaplaincy co-curricular programme, alongside curating and developing the religious lives of students, parents and teachers. Pupils of all religions and none are encouraged to engage with our core values, outlined in the Jesuit Pupil Profile, and to live this out through the wide range of opportunities to provide service to their peers, the wider Stonyhurst community and beyond.

Activities include:

Altar Serving Changemakers

(a group that discusses and plans how pupils of Stonyhurst can contribute to the major issues of our world)


Charitable Crafts

Environmental Society

Eucharistic Ministers

Faith in Action Bronze, Silver and Gold

Sodality Prayer Group

Performing Arts

The Jesuits were some of the Church’s most famous missionaries, carrying the word of God across the globe.

The ability to stand up before an audience, whatever its makeup, and perform is therefore one of the qualities it was essential for every young Jesuit to have. This has translated into their educational model where performance on stage led to the creation of the Playrooms, where each form would put on productions for their peers. Whether it be playing a musical piece for one’s friends in a Playroom assembly or playing the lead in one of our school productions, building that confidence to perform before others remains central to a Stonyhurst educational experience.

Activities include:

Bayley’s Mastersingers

Brass, Cello, Strings,

Guitar, Flute, Vocal and Saxophone ensembles


Drama Club

Junior Debating

Lights and Sound

Model United Nations

New Views



Schola Petri The Choir that The Great Academies Showcase

(the main College Choir) Can’t Sing

The Lower

Grammar Play (Senior Debating)

The Stonyhurst Union

The Whole School Production


Stonyhurst education is synonymous with sporting excellence and the dedication of our student athletes and the strong spirit of our supporters is well known on the circuit. Alongside our frontline sport teams, every single pupil is encouraged to stay fit and healthy through our Games programme but also through a wide range of co-curricular sporting activities.

Activities include:



Cricket nets

Cross Country





Horse Riding


Playroom Fitness





Touch Rugby



Student Led Societies

Stonyhurst pupils are given the opportunity to start their own societies, as well as taking on the leadership of traditional societies that have been handed down from generation to generation of pupils.

The Conon Doyle Society

Poetry Academies

Coding Society

African Society

Hispanic Society

Italian Society

Germanic Society

Hong Kong and China Society

The Eagle The Eye

Activities include: (Student Newspaper) (Student Magazine)

Academic Enrichment

Alongside our varied curriculum, Stonyhurst provides a range of opportunities for pupils to engage with knowledge for its own sake, either complementing existing interests and studies or offering the chance to engage with something totally new!

Activities include:

Ancient Civilizations Society

Art and Design Club

Astronomy Society

Chess/Boardgame Club

D&D/Warhammer Club

Junior Waterton Society

Lancashire Book of the Year

Lower Line Chemistry Club

Schools’ Challenge

Senior Waterton Society


Lower Grammar

TIME MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 07.00-07 45 Swimm ng 08 20-08 50 Flute Group 08 20-08 55 Str ngs Group Saxophone Quartet 10 00-12 30 Schola Petri 11 00-12 00 Altar Serving 13 00-13 30 Vocal Ensemble 13.30-18.30 15.45-16.15 Cello Group The Choir That Can't Sing 17 15-17 45 Faith in Action L ne Competition Faith in Act on Schools’ Challenge Maths Puzzle Club Art and Design Club Cross Country Club Junior Waterton Society Street Dance 17 45-18 45 Altar Serving Brass Ensemble Netball: Lower Line Chess/Board Game Club Warhammer Club Knitting/Crochet/Sewing Schola Petri
Lower Grammar Junior Debating Ancient Civ l zations Society Fencing Hockey: Lower Line Girls Changemakers Girls’ Soccer
Book of the Year Conan Doyle Society
Line Chemistry Club Drone Racing Model Un ted Nations Swimming Orchestra Cricket Nets 18 30-19 30 Astronomy Society Sodality Prayer Group 19.30-20.00 The Eagle 20 00-21 00 Boys’ Soccer
TIME MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 07 00-07 45 Swimming 08.20-08.50 Flute Group 08 20-08 55 Strings Group Saxophone Quartet 10 00-12 30 Schola Petri 11 00-12 00 Altar Serving 12 50-14 50 CCF 13 00-13 30 Vocal Ensemble 13 30-18.30 15 45-16 15 Cello Group The Choir That Can't S ng 17 15-17 45 Confirmat on L ne Competition Schools’ Challenge Maths Puzzle Club Art and Design Club Cross Country Club Junior Waterton Society Street Dance 17 45-18 45 Altar Serving LAMDA Public Speaking Netball: Lower Line Chess/Board Game Club Warhammer Club Brass Ensemble Schola Petri Fitness: Grammar Kn tting/Crochet/Sewing Ancient Civilizations Society Fencing Hockey: Lower Line Girls Junior Debating Changemakers Girls Soccer
Book of the Year Conan Doyle Society
Line Chemistry Club Drone Racing Model United Nations Swimming Orchestra Cricket Nets Faith In Action Silver LAMDA Public Speaking 18 30-19 30 Astronomy Society Sodality Prayer Group 19.30-20.00 The Eagle 19 30-21 00 Film Club 20 00-21 00 Boys’ Soccer Grammar Weekly


TIME MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 07 00-07 45 Swimming 08 20-08.50 Flute Group 08 20-08 55 Strings Group Saxophone Quartet 10 00-12.30 Schola Petri 11 00-12 00 Altar Serving 12 50-14 50 CCF/ Drama Society/ Clay Pigeon Shooting/ Mountain Biking/ Faith In Action Silver/Fishing/iDEA 13 00-13 30 Vocal Ensemble 13 30-18 30 15 45-16 15 Cello Group The Choir That Can't Sing 17.15-17.45 Line Competition Schools’ Challenge Maths Puzzle Club Art and Design Club Cross Country Club Street Dance Chess/Board Game Club 17.45-18.45 Altar Serving Brass Ensemble Schola Petri
Club Knitting/Crochet/Sewing Ancient Civilizations Society Fencing
United Nations Changemakers
Stonyhurst Union
Debating) Conan Doyle Soc ety
Netball Drone Racing Fitness: Syntax Swimming Cricket Nets Senior Hockey 18 30-19 30 Astronomy Soc ety Sodality Prayer Group Junior Waterton Society 19 30-20 00 The Eagle 19 30-21 00 Film Club 20 00-21 00 Syntax Weekly
Action Gold
TIME MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 07 00-07 45 Swimming 08.20-08.50 Flute Group 08 20-08 55 Strings Group Saxophone Quartet 10 00-12 30 Schola Petri 11.00-12.00 Altar Serving 12 50-14 50 CCF/ Arrupe 13 00-13 30 Vocal Ensemble 13 00-14 00 MedSoc 13.30-18.30 15 45-16 15 Cello Group The Choir That Can't Sing 17 15-17 45 Line Competition Schools Challenge Oxbridge Maths Puzzle Club Art and Design Club Cross Country Club Street Dance Chess/Board Game Club 17.45-18.45 Altar Serving Brass Ensemble Schola Petri Warhammer Club Knitting/Crochet/Sewing Ancient Civilizations Society Fencing
United Nations Changemakers
Stonyhurst Union (Senior Debating) Conan Doyle Society
in Action Gold Senior Netball Drone Racing Fitness: Syntax Swimming Cricket Nets Senior Hockey 18 30-19 30 Astronomy Society Sodality Prayer Group Senior Waterton Society 19 30-20 00 The Eagle 19.30-21.00 Film Club 20 00-21 00
TIME MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 07 00-07 45 Swimming 08 20-08 50 Flute Group 08 20-08 55 Strings Group Saxophone Quartet 10.00-12.30 Schola Petri 11 00-12 00 Altar Serving 12 50-14 50 CCF/ Drama Society/ Clay Pigeon Shooting/ Mountain Biking/ Faith In Action Silver/Fishing/iDEA 13.00-13.30 Vocal Ensemble 13 30-18 30 15 45-16 15 Cello Group The Choir That Can't Sing 17.15-17.45 Line Competition Schools Challenge Maths Puzzle Club Art and Design Club Cross Country Club Street Dance Whole School Chess/Board Game Club 17.45-18.45 Altar Serving Brass Ensemble Schola Petri Warhammer Club Knitting/Crochet/Sewing Ancient Civilizations Society Fencing Model United Nations Changemakers Orchestra Stonyhurst Union (Senior Debating) Conan Doyle Society
in Action Gold Senior Netball Drone Racing Fitness: Syntax Swimming MedSoc Cricket Nets Senior Hockey 18 30-19 30 Astronomy Society Sodality Prayer Group Senior Waterton Society 19 30-20 00 The Eagle 19.30-21.00 Film Club 20 00-21 00

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