NOTES FROM Stonyhurst
From the Headmaster
Dear Stonyhurst Families,
On Monday I spoke to our young people about how Pupil Voice at Stonyhurst influences decisions to improve or change their experience. We can’t always agree to every request, but we do listen carefully. Change is always possible when suggestions are carefully thought through and consider needs of the whole community.
We sample pupil voice through regular questionnaires which tell us quickly what is working and what is not. We usually present these results at College or Playroom Assemblies. Departments and boarding houses also have regular forums to seek the views of pupils
Pupil Council is an excellent forum to gather pupil experience from every area of College life and Dr McNeill and I attend these meetings. Representatives of the Pupil Council meet with Governors regularly to talk about pupil wellbeing and academic progress. One of the highlights of my week is always to have lunch with a group of pupils and ask them the question ‘if you were me for a day what would you change?’
This week has had the usual variety of Inter Line events and sports fixtures, but also some interesting visitors Stonyhurst hosted a visit from the Blandyke Society (Jesuit educated members of Livery Companies of the City of London), a Governor from Stonyhurst International School Penang in Malaysia and also Ed Anderson OS who is currently the Lord Lieutenant for West Yorkshire This weekend we have a College Open Day plus reunions for OS 1985 and OS 1974. So never a dull day!


In the second week of the Figures Adventure Programme, the Mission Garden group were building their planter and filling it ready for next week’s planting Pupils showed great teamwork to put together their structure (made doubly difficult by the health and safety requirement of wearing gloves) and worked hard to shovel the soil to fill it. Worms proved a pleasant distraction! Next week, the winter crop will be planted out and the pupils will be learning about how to protect their seedlings through the winter months to get an early crop in spring. Pupils should be very proud of completing Phase 1 of the project!
Hockey News
Senior 1 vs St Peters
What a battle! Our girls left everything on the field in a hardfought early-season clash. After a dominant first half and a spectacular equalizer from Taylor, St Peters narrowly pulled ahead, but we couldn't be prouder of our team’s grit and determination. Amazing effort, ladies.
Senior 2 vs St Peters

With 6 new players from Syntax and 3 fresh faces, our Senior 2 squad is building something truly special Despite a tough first half, the second half showed real teamwork as they started to gel and display their potential. Exciting times ahead!
Rhetoric Careers News

Early UCAS applicants are in the process of building their competitive applications for Oxbridge, medicine and veterinary and are preparing to sit the required admission tests. They are being supported regularly by their teachers, tutors and careers staff

Figures Awards
Raife - for working incredibly hard in geography and making excellent progress with the section on 'how do we measure the weather '
Fergus - for his Quant Je Puis effort in geography
Laura - for assisting in the library, for completing tasks without being asked and using her initiative.
Suki - for using her time wisely in studies and for persevering with some difficult maths challenges

Rudiments Awards
Finn - for being thoughtful and kind when helping his teacher in French
Frankie - for enthusiastically embracing the new workload and challenging himself in maths.
Chelsea - for being attentive in science, presenting her work well and giving detailed answers.
Alejandro - for excellent explaining and reasoning in maths
Enda - for making a fantastic start to environmental issues in geography
Finley - for outstanding contributions to class discussions on National Parks in geography

Table Tennis

Shireburn dominated the Higher Line Table Tennis tournament. David represented Shireburn and won 2 finals over 2 separate competitions, becoming the ultimate champion Special mention goes to Kayden in Poetry for reaching both finals for Weld. All participants displayed compassion in victory or loss, giving all their effort Quant Je Puis''
Thank you to Our grounds Department

A huge thank you to our amazing grounds team for keeping Stonyhurst looking so beautiful throughout the year. . The children have thoroughly enjoyed their time in the grounds this week due to the glorious sunshine that we have had.
Singing Practice
Here at Stonyhurst, we heard about W Club using Gounod’s ‘Domine, salvum fac’ as a varsity anthem. We sing it with the (nearly) original words, so this week we gathered the whole school together, at singing practice, to record it
Please see our social media page here for a clip of this singing

Rhetoric Parents’ Day

We are hosting Rhetoric Parents’ Day at the College on Saturday 28th September We are looking forward to welcoming our parents to this event next week. Parents’ Days are a fantastic opportunity to meet your child's tutor and teachers and discuss their progress. If you are a Rhetoric Parent and haven't already done so please book your meetings using the instructions sent to you via email. Please see the calendar for dates of all the other Parents’ Days that we are hosting this academic year

The Stonyhurst Foundation
Cordially Invites Stonyhurst Parents to
The Christmas Ball
On Wednesday 11th December 2024
At 7pm At Stonyhurst College
Purchase Tickets Here
Carriages at 12am Dress Code is Black Tie