NOTES FROM Stonyhurst
From the Playroom Leaders
Dear Parents & Guardians,
With the snow falling over Stonyhurst last week we can finally say that it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. With this in mind, if you have any decorations that you would be willing to donate for the Playrooms this year, this would be hugely appreciated Last year we were overwhelmed by the number of donations and the Playrooms looked spectacular. We would like to recreate the same level of festive nostalgia. Please note, we would only expect old and unwanted decorations looking to be repurposed, similarly blow-up garden snowmen are not necessary.
We will be decorating the Playroom on Friday 29th November on Campion Day As per tradition, there will be the annual Rhetoric Fair in the evening where pupils can purchase confectionary and take part in challenges to raise money for charity. It has been recommended that pupils should bring £10-15 in cash as only 1 activity will accept card payments
Christmas Jumper Day is also Friday 6th December which is St Nicholas' Day, if you do not have a Christmas jumper, please feel free to wear something that could be considered Christmassy - socks, Christmas earrings and headbands are all permitted.
On a separate and more solemn note, pupils and staff wore home clothes with the colour red to raise awareness for Christian persecution across the globe, on Wednesday last week. A JustGiving link will be emailed to pupils for them to donate online today We also welcome cash donations which will be collected throughout this week. If you would like to donate on your child's behalf, please use the link below: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/stonyhurstredwednesday2024?
utm medium=campaign&utm content=campaign%2Fstonyhurstredwednesday2024&utm sourc e=copyLink&utm campaign=pfp-share''
Kind Regards
The Stonyhurst College Playroom Leaders

Congratulations to everyone involved in the Lower Grammar Production.
A special thanks to Mr Abbs who had the vision and talent to bring this play to life. The backstage crew did an amazing job with marketing, costumes, props and everything in between.
The tech crew were exceptional and the actors demonstrated their professionalism and talent from start to finish.
The show was a huge success that everyone should be very proud of. Well done Lower Grammar
Lower Grammar Production

Careers News

Our Early applicants are busy preparing for their Oxbridge interviews by each having at least two mock interviews with OS Oxbridge graduates and in-house subject specialists We wish them luck in the real thing!
Last week Poets interested in studying in the US attended a talk on how to apply delivered by Mr Tom Whittaker, a guest speaker from TheUniversityGuys.
Syntaxians completed their Unifrog psychometric tests during tutor time over the last fortnight. These online tests align the interests of pupils with potential career paths and identifies the A Level, CTECH, and IB subject choices needed to reach them Please discuss your child’s ‘Unifrog Quiz profile’ (psychometric test results) with them when assisting them with choosing their HL subjects. More information can be found at Psychometric testing at Unifrog: FAQs : Unifrog Blog
U18 Girls’ Tennis Triumph

Our U18 A team shone in the LTA North of England Championships, defeating Bolton School 10-2 in the round-robin stage - Securing progression to the next round.
Hima, Mariam, and both Marias played brilliantly, with Mariam and the Marias making their Stonyhurst tennis debut. What a start!

Rugby Achievement
A fantastic experience for our 1st XV and U16 rugby squads playing Bloxham School under the floodlights at Stafford RUFC. Both teams played with plenty of skill and endeavour, and we look forward to repeat fixtures next season. A fantastic achievement to have 52 boys representing the College across the two squads.

Faith & Science Conference

On Thursday, a group of 22 Grammarians nominated by the RS and Science departments attended an excellent conference at Blackburn Cathedral, which is currently also hosting the art installation "The Museum of the Moon". They heard from a range of speakers passionate about science on a range of subjects from robots to radiography who were also convinced of the complementarity of their discipline with religious faith It was a wonderfully thought-provoking event and great to see the pupils asking many big questions.
Mountain Bike Club

The beauty about Mountain Biking in the ice and snow is that one not only has the trails to oneself but also the inclement conditions really do sharpen one ' s skills.
Sophie’s Initiative: Letting the Wardrobe
We’re proud to support Sophie, one of our entrepreneurial poets, who has launched Letting The Wardrobe - a sustainable fashion initiative at Stonyhurst.

This project allows pupils to rent dresses for £25, making formal wear more affordable and eco friendly. The fee includes a £5 donation to a school charity and covers dry-cleaning costs
Sophie’s vision encourages Lower Grammar and above to embrace clothing reuse and reduce waste. Her collection offers a range of sizes and styles for everyone.
Donations of dresses in good condition are welcomed, with donors receiving £5 off their childs next rental as a thank you.
For inquiries or donations, email info@lettingthewardrobe.com (website coming soon). Well done Sophie, for this inspiring initiative.

You are moving online Update

We’re making it easier than ever to shop for your child’s uniform! We are transitioning from an onsite school shop to an online-only uniform provision through Stevensons Online Distribution Centre.
Need to make a return?
If you need to exchange or return garments, our hassle-free online process makes it simple: Follow the instructions on our website under the Returns section.
Online Ordering
Enjoy our simple, easy-to-navigate website for straightforward shopping. Place your order quickly and easily from the comfort of your home. Plus, you can shop easily on your phone and tablet.
My Family Feature
Use our ‘My family’ functionality for quick & easy online shopping, for all the family.
What you need to know
The onsite school shop’s last trading day will be Wednesday 27th November. From this date onwards, all purchases will be available exclusively online at www.stevensons.co.uk.
Customer care support via our Livechat service or via email: customerservices@stevensons.co.uk
• Downloadable uniform lists
• Variety of delivery options
• 365-day return policy
Please visit our FAQs on our website where you will find key information and shopping advice.
Recognition and Awards

Aloysius House Awards
Minnah - For an outstanding poster on world climate zones.
Otto - For going above and beyond to finish his essay and meet all his targets for a difficult English assessment.
Leo, Fergus and Sebastian - For their commitment and hard work with the group choral performance we are preparing for in music.
Freddie - For producing and creating a great bird feeder in ‘Our common home’.
Jasper - For his fantastic commitment in English and completing his work to an excellent standard.
Hattie - For her continued leadership qualities on the hockey pitch.
Riley - For doing tremendously well during mountain biking, growing in confidence and enthusiasm.
Ryan - For excellent effort in Spanish participation, understanding and a great attitude to learning.
Maria - For creating an exemplary revision sheet for her upcoming maths assessment.
Rosie - For achieving the highest marks in German and making in on to the MFL hall of fame.
Christiana - For fantastic work on the Rainforest Independent Study.

Lower Line Recognition
Axel - For his excellent fact file on Arthur Conan Doyle.
Sabah, Ronald, and Zachary - For their excellent debating skills.
Zachary - For all round excellence. Lights and Sound, Percussion, A Team Rugby etc.

Higher Line Recognition
Ludwig - For helping with the Higher Line Hub, without being asked and just deciding to get the job done
Charlotte - For her fabulous preparation and presentation of the Papal Statement to the whole of the Poetry Playroom.
Ryan - For helping with the procession in Mass and for his professionalism and grace.

If you would like to purchase some of these cards, please complete the form linked here