NOTES FROM Stonyhurst
From the HeadMaster
Dear Stonyhurst Families
It has been a brilliant start to the term at Stonyhurst. Despite the very challenging weather, we were delighted that everyone arrived in great spirits and ready to embrace everything the term has to offer In our start of term Mass of the Epiphany Fr Tim said that the Three Kings also had difficult journeys around the same time of the year! Stonyhurst has looked beautiful blanketed in snow, albeit this meant that conditions meant games and fixtures could not go ahead last weekend. The pupils have been enjoying the grounds and getting out for wintry walks and catching up with friends. We have been delighted to welcome 28 students and 3 teachers from El Colegio Seminario - the Jesuit school in Montevideo in Uruguay from 13th January to 25th January They have been attending a full programme of lessons and activities and making the most of Stonyhurst life.
In addition, in the first week back we have had A level and IB mock examinations in the sports hall and pupils have approached this practice run with determination and calmness. On Monday Syntax will begin their GCSE mock exams. After this, they will begin their journey into Higher Line with talks, practice interviews and subject choices all on the horizon.
We have welcome Rudiments parents this weekend for their annual concert Parents’ conference and lunch. We are delighted with how well, they, like Figures, have settled into Stonyhurst life and with all it is amazing to see how much they have already achieved and experienced.
Have a wonderful weekend, With best wishes

Careers News

This week Poets attended an informative talk on Choosing Universities and Courses delivered by Mr Kirk Wadsworth from Lancaster University complementing the advice and guidance they have been receiving this term during their individual appointments with members of the Careers department.
Lancashire University has been ranked among the top 10 universities in the UK in the Complete University Guide 2025.
Mountain Bike Club

Last weeks snow capped MTB endeavour atop Longridge fell reaped some gloriously rewarding cycling moments.
This week's escapade afforded the intrepid riders some spectacular view access the county.
For the keenest observers amongst our readership you'll no doubt enjoy the view of the Snowdonia range in North Wales on the horizon.
Syntax Rugby Success

Congratulations to our Syntaxians who have secured a spot in the U16 Lancashire Cup final with a thrilling 25-22 semi-final win against Lancaster RGS.
The whole school is behind you - bring it home, boys.
Recognition and Awards

Aloysius House Awards
This weeks stars of the week for Aloysius House are:

Lower Line Recognition
Elizabeth, Caspar, Valeria, and Magenta - For their excellent performance during the Top of the Bench Chemistry competition at UCLAN
Zaneta, Henry, Héloïse, Annabel, and Sophia - For their incredible artwork over the past term
Alvaro - For being very helpful to a peer in Maths, displaying great patience and helping a friend to understand what was being taught.
Elizabeth, Ayaan, Onose, and Henry - For Effort and progress with their English coursework

Higher Line Recognition
Hattie, Lara, Charlotte, and Henrik - For volunteering to read prayers in Saturday worship
Amanda - For her beautiful poem in response to a poem by Alda Merini
Jonah, Benjamin, Olivia, Marie-Louise, Isabelle, Sofia, Jendayi, Victoria, Leonie, Henrik, Charlotte, Sofia, Zara and Hania - For their excellent participation in Wheelchair Dancing with pupils at Newfield School