NOTES FROM Stonyhurst
From the Headmaster
Dear Stonyhurst Families,
‘Man is created to praise, reverence, and serve God, and by this means to save his soul.’ This week I spoke to the College about the purpose for which we were created. The quote from St Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, forms the basis of our understanding of why we are here. Life is a journey of discovering who we are and how we can use our unique gifts to serve others.
You will often hear the phrase at Stonyhurst ‘What are you going to do to change the world?’ In a Jesuit school, we are also guided to constantly reflect on the deeper question ‘What is God's plan for us?’
The Greeks used to ask ‘who is around your ankles?’ In other words who would you most like to be and why? It’s a really hard question to answer. The next step is to consider our personal heroes and the role models who inspired them to reach for the magis (the more) and to serve others with compassion.
This week in addition to the huge fixture list the College hosted a UK Catholics in Fundraising Conference, Newfield School enjoyed a visit, there was an Inter Line Rowing Competition, a new governor Fr Dushan Croos SJ visited as part of his induction, and Rhetoric had a black tie dinner and dance in the Top Ref. This week in a new initiative we started our Inter Line Families. A peer support network of families within each Line. This week Figures and Rudiments met their Rhetoric parents. We look forward to welcoming Rhetoric parents this weekend for academic consultations and to enjoy a concert and sports fixtures.

Launch of the Stonyhurst Families

This week we launched The Stonyhurst Families. Each family is made up of students from each college year group (year 7 all the way through to year 13) This is a great opportunity for our younger students to gain guidance and confidence from their senior pupils and is a great mentoring experience for our Higher Line Pupils.
Syntax News

Mocktail Evening
Our Mocktail masterclass was a huge success with our Syntaxians on Saturday night in the playroom.
Football Success
Congratulations to Johann for scoring 2 goals in his debut for the 1st 11 footballers in their 2-2 draw with Westholme.
Macmillan Coffee Aft on

On Friday we hosted a Macmillan Coffee Event. The event was a huge success with parents and pupils in attendance, who enjoyed a sweet treat We are grateful to all who supported this fantastic cause, with their generous donations, we raised over £700 for Macmillan.
Rhetoric Formal

The Rhetoricians had the opportunity to get dressed up and celebrate the start of their Rhetoric journey, at the Rhetoric Formal on Thursday Evening.
The Formal dinner was followed by music and socialising as the pupils mingled with their peers.
Recognition and Awards

Aloysius House Awards
Alejandra - for displaying excellent effort levels in both hockey and netball.
Lucas - for his resilience and perseverance with Algebra
Alaina - for showing positive leadership skills using kindness in both the playroom and in boarding.
Isaure - for always trying her best, participating well with others and producing some excellent written work in EAL.
Fatima - For being the first person to answer the challenge set in assembly last week

Lower Line Recognition
Will - For his excellent attitude towards learning
Amber - For working remarkably hard in history and taking pride in her work.
Nayan - For an exceptional and stunning performance in assembly on Monday
Magda - For helping in her Playroom, and volunteering to help other students.

Higher Line Recognition
Peter - For excellent organisation and contribution and for a very eloquent and well-presented line report at Headmaster's Assembly.
Magnus and Alfie - For their help at the Rhetoric Formal.
Zara - For her fantastic effort with independent studies.
Taylor, Amelie and August - For their fantastic participation in Wheelchair Dancing.

The Stonyhurst Foundation
Cordially Invites Stonyhurst Parents to
The Christmas Ball
On Wednesday 11th December 2024
At 7pm At Stonyhurst College
Purchase Tickets Here
Carriages at 12am Dress Code is Black Tie