NOTES FROM Stonyhurst
From The Headmaster
Dear Stonyhurst Families
It has been a joy to welcome the pupils back this week. It was great to see the boarders greeting each other after their long journeys on Sunday and the day pupils back on Monday; the enthusiasm for the half term ahead has been palpable. And what a busy half term is set to be!
As November is the season of Remembrance, I spoke about this at my assembly on Monday and different memorial traditions throughout the world. The Head of the CCF, Katie, then spoke about the importance and symbolism of the poppy as a universal symbol for worldwide peace and reconciliation.
This weekend we play a great number of fixtures against Ampleforth, and so many OS are returning to catch up for the weekend. All Stonyhurst families are welcome on match days, whether you have a child playing or not The ‘horsebox’ is available for refreshments on large match days and we have the newly opened family room at the front of College if you would like to have a space at Stonyhurst to relax or work as you wait for your child to return from a match or at pick up etc. Please feel free to enter from outside if it is open, or ask at Reception (Glass Doors) to be let in Please help yourselves to refreshments and there is a toy box for the youngest members of the Stonyhurst family!
I would like to invite any families in the area to Mass in St Peter’s tomorrow at 9.30am at the earlier time due to Remembrance. There is a Remembrance parade in the village afterwards which all the boarding pupils will attend at 10 40am which you are also most welcome to This will take place at Hurst Green Village Hall.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend,
With all best wishes

On Tuesday evening Stonyhurst families were invited to attend our annual fireworks event. The evening was filled with awe and wonder as our breath-taking firework display lit up the sky. It was great to see our families coming together for a night of dazzling lights and joyous celebrations.
Fireworks Evening

Lower Grammar Production

My name is Christopher John Francis Boone. I know all the countries of the world and the capital cities. And every prime number up to 7507.
Christopher, fifteen years old, stands beside Mrs Shears's dead dog It has been speared with a garden fork, it is seven minutes after midnight, and Christopher is under suspicion. He records each fact in the book he is writing to solve the mystery of who murdered Wellington. He has an extraordinary brain and is exceptional at maths, but he is illequipped to interpret everyday life. He has never ventured alone beyond the end of his road, he detests being touched and he distrusts strangers But Christopher's detective work, forbidden by his father, takes him on a frightening journey that turns his world upside-down.
Simon Stephens's adaptation of Mark Haddon's bestselling, awardwinning novel, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time offers a richly theatrical exploration of this touching and bleakly humorous tale.
This amateur production of “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals Ltd on behalf of Samuel French Ltd www concordtheatricals co uk
Annabel's Fantastic Tennis Journey Continues

We are thrilled to share that Annabel has won the Hull Autumn Girls Under 14s Championship, finishing it in style with a win over one of Scotland’s best players in the final. A huge congratulations to Annabel for her hard work and determination
Rugby Success

Congratulations to our 1st XV players Jacob and Joseph who have both been named in the Lancashire County U18 rugby squad with upcoming fixtures against Cheshire, Cumbria and Yorkshire.
Invitation to Laudato si’ Concert

On 15th November at 7:30pm, there will be a concert in the Top Ref on the theme of our common home and the environment. All parents, guardians, and members of the wider Stonyhurst community are very welcome to attend.
You can book tickets free of charge at the link below. Booking is not essential but it gives us an idea of how to arrange the room based on how many people would like to come.
If you are unable to attend in person, but would like to watch live on YouTube, please book through the same link, but select the ‘Livestream’ option, and you will be sent a link in advance of the concert.
The Tennis L ld love your support! W across the county, we f the Year,
If you believ minating us!

Please vote for us via the link here
Recognition and Awards

Aloysius House Awards
Vida, Alejandra & Isaure - for making a promising start in German, despite never having done it before.
Paul, Liesl, Alejandra & Martha - for being generous with their time when helping the canoe instructor in adventure.
Katie & Martha - for showing a real interest in the Tropical Rainforest independent project
Pippa - for her endless energy and enthusiasm on the hockey pitch Quant Je Puis!
Kitty - for her determined efforts in hockey and for showing fantastic improvement since September.
Leo - for outstanding optional studies on the weather and climate revision powerpoint.
Jaspar - for practicing his impressive juggling skills for musical theatre
Leo - for his effort and contributions in French class
Freddie - for his effort and contribution in French class
Fatima - for trying hard in both French and German.
Anya - During adventure lessons with Mr Murphy, Anya stood out with her enthusiasm fot the birds we have at Stonyhurst, especially the swans! Whilst also demonstrating some excellent drawings and sketch work
Raffi - for displaying a more positive attitude in French.
Toby - for consistently going above and beyond in his Maths lesson, always completing work given to a very high standard
Miya - for completing extra Geography work in the holidays. Quant Je Puis!
Julia - for great engagement during EAL

Lower Line Recognition
Hugo - for completing optional studies
Lucas - for playing the Piano (Chopin Mazurka in A minor) so beautifully in the assembly.
Bego - For being attentive in class and demonstrating good book work.
Magenta - for showing real resilience and character when she stepped up and represented Stonyhurst.
Jorge - for being a dilligent and conscientious, as well as completing some excellent pieces of work in EAL.

Higher Line Recognition
Joey and Ella - for making excellent revision notes on ‘Hamlet’ over the half term.
Katie - for a poignant, informative, clear and beautifully articulated speech on Remembrance at the Headmaster’s Assembly.
Philippa - for being selfless and helping others with their exam prep

If you would like to purchase some of these cards, please complete the form linked here