NOTES FROM Stonyhurst
From The Senior Deputy Head
Dear Stonyhurst Families
It has been a wonderful week here at Stonyhurst with amazing autumnal weather most days. The weather has served to make sporting fixtures a delight including a Stonyhurst Netball and Cross Country Invitational when hundreds of pupils from schools in the area arrived to play some sport in beautiful surroundings
We had an incredibly poignant Remembrance weekend, culminating in the traditional Stonyhurst Armistice Day celebration at the War Memorial The entire school lined the Upper Gallery before flags were lowered and the Last Post sounded. The entire school then laid their poppies on the war memorial.
The corridors reverberated with music last night as our pupils performed a concert in the Top Ref on the theme of our common home and the environment Members of the Stonyhurst community were invited to attend the Laudato si’ concert, organised by Mr Henderson, Director of Music.
Today is Slow Down Saturday with no academic lessons in order to give pupils a chance to rest, relax and reflect on their terms so far and the term ahead. We are greatly looking forward to the LG Play, LG Parents' Day, Figures Parents' Day and Campion Day in the coming weeks.
Have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you soon.
With very best wishes

Alice McNeill

On the 11th day of the 11th Month at the 11th hour we remember them.
The College assembled on the Upper Gallery, as we observed a poignant two-minute silence to honour and remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Act of Remembrance

University of Warwick

Our Higher Line pupils recently attended the Economics in Action event at the University of Warwick. They engaged with industry leaders, academics, and public servants, exploring micro and macroeconomics topics.
The day included interactive sessions and a special focus on examination success, equipping our young people with valuable insights and tools for their future studies and allowing them to experience life in a top university campus.

This week, our Grammar pupils showcased their creativity and problemsolving skills during a hands-on STEM day focused on rainwater collection.
After learning about the critical importance of water conservation, pupils rolled up their sleeves to design, build, and test rainwater tanks equipped with liquid level sensors and overflow pump circuits.
There’s something truly inspiring about exploring modern technology and sustainable solutions while surrounded by the historic beauty of the Top
Netball Tournament

This week, we proudly hosted the Lancashire round of the National Schools Netball Tournament with 14 U14 teams from across the county. Our U14 team dominated the group stages, finishing with six wins and no losses. After a strong 10-7 win in the semi-finals, they narrowly missed the top spot in the final. As runners-up, they will represent Lancashire in the NW Regional Finals here on February 2nd. Best of luck to the team.

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Dermot Gogarty

A huge thank you to all the OS who turned out in full force for the annual Dermot Gogarty fixture on Sunday, despite the weather. Both the Rugby and Hockey teams gave outstanding performances, showcasing the skills and spirit that define Stonyhurst.
In hockey, the OS team lifted the cup 4-1 after a strong and spirited performance. Special thanks to the senior 1st hockey team, who played on both Saturday and Sunday, and to all the players who made the day a success.

In rugby the boy showcased skills reminiscent of their time at the College and produced some wonderful rugby with the ‘SMH’ side the eventual winners
An unforgettable weekend celebrating Stonyhurst pride and camaraderie.
Congratulations to our U13 Superstars
The girls beat Rossall 10-1 in round 3 of the Independent Schools Hockey Cup!
We are so proud of the girls and their outstanding performance this week.
The team now progress to the Quarter Finals and will play Newcastle at home in this national competition.

Boarding Weekend

Higher Line boarders enjoyed a cosy Mexican snack night with quesadillas and guacamole, a perfect way to unwind and connect.
On Remembrance Sunday, our community honoured those who served with a Mass, followed by a walk to Hurst Green to join the village parade in reflection.
We are joining #TeamRed on Wednesday

Standing up for faith and freedom is, one could almost say, part of Stonyhurst's DNA, and this week we are joining with many thousands of others around to globe to mark Red Wednesday This global initiative seeks to break the silence on religious persecution. Here at Stonyhurst we will raise awareness, pray and give to support those who are suffering on account of their faith today. To show our solidarity, the College will be lit in red and Wednesday will also be a home clothes day for all pupils, who are invited to wear red and asked to contribute £2 to our collection for Aid to the Church in Need, who will benefit from matched funding for all donations this month as they strive to raise £500K4HOPE.
Donations can be made in cash or via our JustGiving page: Stonyhurst Red Wednesday 2024
Mountain Bike Club

Mountain Bike club were super excited to find some new trails on the fell this week.
Josh came across some brambles whilst tackling this weeks course on Longridge Fell.. Freddie showcased his balancing skills to his fellow club members. And Arthur loved searching for new trails in the old quarry.
Recognition and Awards

Aloysius House Awards
Eli - Excellent work on the PowerPoint on extreme weather - thank you for sharing this with the class.
Aimee - Giving 100% effort every lesson - well done!
Imogen - who has shown leadership ability, team work skills, kindness, enthusiasm and a real sense of commitment in Lazer Tag.
Sophie, Aaron, David, Prosper, and Kitty - for outstanding attitude and effort in Drama
Jasper and George - for being generous and kind when accompanying a visiting pupil in school this week
Fliss - for her speed and accurate work in explaining and giving examples of the literary forms in the Bible. And for completing excellent German studies. Fliss found extra vocabulary to write about herself and produced a very expressive poster
Miya, Rose, Florence, and Isobel - for getting full marks in her key words in RS.
Austin - For showing an excellent attitude in mountain biking this week, and for his outsanding attitude and effort in Drama as well as working very hard in Maths this week being focussed in lesson, asking good questions and showing resilience with his learning.
Ella - Making amazing progress in the mountain biking activity
Ose and Finn for working amazingly well in History this week
Finn and Paul - Superb effort and attainment in German Especially in recent studies.
Teresa - for performing extremely well in her tennis lessons this week.
Grace - for her continued hard work and support in Hodder House PE and for being brilliant in fishing. Helping her peers and just getting on with it!

Lower Line Recognition
Andres, Clement, Elizabeth, Pablo, Juli, Annabel, Samson, Carston, Stanley, and Santi - for their excellent presentations
Yayah - for a fantastic interactive lesson teaching the Thai alphabet and common phrases to the rest of the class.
Tiago - for a well written essay and accompanying power point
Caspar - for playing the trumpet so well at the SMH remembrance service.
Lucy - For being an overall star in Physics today
James - For f=playing the piano so beautifully for everyone at SMH during their assembly.

Higher Line Recognition
Olivia, Magdalene, Dom, Sampson, Bernice, James, and Kerri - For a fantastic contribution to Ampleforth weekend both representing the school well and with pride.
Hattie, Harry, Molly, Magdalene, Valentina, Isaac, Diego, Ludwig, and Charlotte - For an excellent papal presentation to the year group in Core RE.
Daisy, Orin, Adam, Luke, and Thomas - For their excellent effort in the Database lessons This is a notoriously laborious topic but everyone in the class showed great resilience.
George and Katie - For their outstanding presentation for Armistice Day which was excellently delivered.
Ryan - for helping another pupil with their exam preparations.
Magnus - For his excellent Line Debating.

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