COP-15 Special Edition
Brazil - Denmark
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From Brazil a Giant Step Towards Solving the Energy Crisis
The situation is urgent: we desperately need real, tangible solutions to our pressing environmental, energetic and economic crises.
Those solutions are here! The Keppe Motor team, part of the Brazilian delegation to COP-15, will be offering their breakthrough solutions in a bold re-directioning of the world’s technological philosophy, Wed, Dec. 9. (more on page 2)
In 1996, Norberto Keppe, psychoanalyst, founder and president of the International Society of Analytical Trilogy, launches his 22nd book on Disinverted Metaphysics. Inspired by this book and guided by Keppe, engineers Cesar Soós and Roberto Frascari begin researching and developing a new motor. Twelve years later, they arrive at the completion of a high efficiency prototype that taps into essential energy. Welcome to the future. Printed on environmentally-friendly paper
United Nations Climate Change Conference
Climate change failure is not an option!
COP-15 President, Connie Hedegaard
But will this pivotal environmental congress be able to achieve the global commitment needed to address the climate change challenge? If there aren’t some radically new ideas put forward soon, it may be too late.
Fortunately, the STOP the Destruction of the World Association in Brazil is bringing some good news to COP-15. The Keppe Motor, a breakthrough in energy technology, will present its innovative solutions for mankind’s energy and pollution problems at a series of public events at COP-15:
Brazilian Government invites Keppe Motor to COP-15 > JOIN US!
Press Conference:
>Join the Keppe Motor
Public Presentation:
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Dec. 9, Wed., 10:00
Dec. 9, Wed., 14:00 and 16:00 Where: Radisson Blu Hotel Reykjavik Room Amager Boulevard 70, Copenhagen The Keppe Motor is a revolutionary motor technology that can achieve 90% efficiency at very low cost. It is already being developed for ventilation, pumping, air compression and refrigeration purposes and can be applied in numerous other situations. Here’s how to support the Keppe Motor’s energy initiatives at COP-15:
team live in Copenhagen;
everyone on your contact list and SPREAD THE NEWS OF HOPE FOR OUR PLANET; >Tell environmental journalists about the Keppe Motor; >If you’re a blogger/ podcaster, set up an interview with one of our Keppe Motor team and let your listeners/readers in on the good news; >Alert your elected officials that new technology exists that can begin to rectify our environmental/energy problems IMMEDIATELY;
Write letters to the editor about the Keppe Motor’s proposals; >Volunteer your services to help us get the word out about this revolutionary new technology that proposes an ambitious re-directioning of the technological philosophy of our planet. We must get this news out so everyone around the world has access to this technological solution. A chance to recover the planet’s health is now possible.
Contact us:
+45 6991.8427 +1 (718) 285.6992
The STOP Association
About STOP the Destruction of the World Association A Synopsis Thanks to the work of many dedicated individuals and organizations, light has been shed on a large number of social and ecological issues. Much has also been done to galvanize public opinion and support. And yet: VERY LITTLE HAS CHANGED… In fact, the destruction not only continues but it is doing so at an ever-increasing pace. Despite all our efforts, we don’t seem to be identifying the primary cause of our problems. This is the sole reason for STOP’s existence.
The Origin of the Destruction in the World: Psycho-SocioPathology The problems of our world – hunger and poverty, war, environmental degradation, human rights violations,
the extinction of species, etc – all result from a deeper psychological sickness inside the human being and our upside down society. The aim of STOP is to make us conscious of (conscientize) this reality so we can deal with the problems at their source. The work of STOP is based on the pioneering science of renowned Brazilian psychoanalyst and social scientist, Dr. Norberto Keppe. Over more than 50 years of clinical research, Keppe has uncovered the presence of a fundamental destructive attitude in human beings and society that he calls Inversion. Why, to use a few examples, do people take pleasure in smoking, drinking and using drugs all the while knowing they are harming or even killing themselves? Why are violent movies and games so popular? Why do people “have fun” risking their lives in extreme sports or high speed driving? Inversion explains why we human
beings are more attracted to what is destructive than to what is good and constructive, even though we believe the contrary. At the societal level, Inversion can be seen in our inverted values. For example, the arrogant are respected while kind and humble people are often scorned (‘nice guys �inish last’), war and violence have become ways of “resolving con�licts,” and, insidiously, capital and pro�it have become paramount, more valued than human lives. In this inverted world, the human being serves money, not the other way around. This generates massive injustice and exploitation of people and nature. At the same time, society forces people to be less “human” by encouraging sel�ishness, materialism and paranoia. Keppe’s science shows us that all of this begins deep in our psychological structure. As Keppe writes: “The cycle is centuries old: humans create an increasingly sick society as they are increasingly sickened by it”.
Join Us in Brazil 2010
Stop the Destruction of the World Forum on Human Rights and Planetary Solutions
May 6 - 16, 2010
São Paulo-Cambuquira
Brazil Forum About the Science Behind the Keppe Motor
Disinverted Metaphysics
Energy and Matter Are One, Forming a Single Substantial Vibration An excerpt from the book, The New Physics Derived from the Disinverted Metaphysics, by psychoanalyst, philosopher and social scientist, Norberto Keppe who discovered the principles on which the Keppe Motor is based.
pace and time are consequences of energetic forces, being sustained by them. Planets, stars, comets and galaxies move inside an almost absolute energy which determines all existence and which ancient scholars called ether, a kind of �luid found in the vacuum of space. In any case, this energetic force is much more than that; to give a concrete example, it is as if there is an incredible net made of steel sustaining the universe. Now imagine that such an invincible fortress were made out of waves. That is why the ancients believed that the earth was supported by gigantic tripods. Nevertheless, we must disinvert our notion and see that energetic forces are extremely powerful, maintaining everything that exists. The theory of relativity says that time can be modi�ied by speed. Albert Einstein believed that as the speed of an object increases, its mass increases - a phenomenon which can be observed when an object travels at high speeds close to the speed of light. I believe that the constitution of an element depends on nuclear vibration, not on the motion of particles but of energy, and in this case, time can be greatly diminished. Einstein’s theory would be correct if it were applied to the essential vibration of the element and not to its existential
physical nature. I believe that there is an alteration, not only in the mass of the object, but in its internal vibration, which can even modify the structure of time. Energy and matter modify themselves if we regard energy as the essential element. “Every kind of action - such as playing games, operating machines, manufacturing materials, and cooking food - needs energy to make it happen. Different kinds of energy make different things happen. Almost all the energy on Earth comes from the hot interior part of the sun” (Dictionary of Science, Neil Ardley, page 68). As we can see, positivistic science insists on elevating the most observable factors, as if the energy of the sun were the fundamental generating factor; but at least it admits that energy is the principal factor. I can even say that the type of energy within the nucleus determines the nature of the object. Physics gives the idea that kinetic energy is formed by an object in motion, like the example given by Galileo Galilee (1564 - 1642) that “objects fall not because they are heavy, but because of the potential energy that was given to them, probably by someone who lifted them up from the ground”(Energy of Visual Science, Verbo Publishing House, Portugal, page 15), and not that the bodies are always in vibration (and sometimes in motion
mainly because of their own internal energy). It would make more sense to unite the idea of the Italian genius with Aristotle’s idea, who believed that motion came from the “nature of the object,” being precisely the result of energy. The quality of an element must be considered from the point of view of its vibration: the higher it is, the more re�ined it will be, the lower it is, the more primitive and crude, and this applies to animals, vegetables and minerals, as well as human beings. The vibration of an element is in direct proportion to the composition of its atoms. The lighter it is, the simpler its structure, like gases, for example: hydrogen has only 1 electron, helium has 2, mercury 7, �luorine 9 and neon 10. The same occurs with metals, or rather, the heavier they are, the more electrons they possess, such as lead which possesses 82. The most abundant element in nature is the least accepted, even if it could be the most proved. I am referring to the fundamental energetic element that forms and moves everything that exists: the winds, the water, the sound, the magnetic and electric waves, light and heat, in short, everything. In the book Energy (Visual Science, Verbo Publishing House, page 6) we read that “the frog needs energy to jump and seeks it in food. When it lands on the ground it loses
the energy...but the energy remains in its body in the form of heat, just as it remains on the ground, in the air and in the water.” The inverted ways of science have led scientists to commit one error after another: 1) the frog jumps not because of the energy it acquired from the food, but because it lives inside an attractive-repulsive magnetic force �ield which exists in space, even if in the beginning it needs food to initiate its movement, 2) because of that it can cease its movement, and the energy will continue inside its body 3) energy does not take the form of heat, even if the animal is warm inside, but it comes from an external source which bathes it continuously, and this admission of the existence of an essential energy explains all phenomena in Physics. The notion that everything from electrons within atoms to suns and galaxies in space can remain in orbit without a sustaining energy is magical thinking worthy of medieval times. In 1938 the German physicist Hans Bethe suggested that nuclear fusion would be the energetic source of stars (in this case, hydrogen becoming helium) putting an end to some of the superstition in science.
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The Technology
About the Keppe Motor The Keppe Motor is a product of the breakthrough Brazilian technology applied to electric motors. It has been developed from the theories proposed in Brazilian scientist Norberto R. Keppe’s book, The New Physics Derived from a Disinverted Metaphysics (Available in English). While conventional electric motors are designed to work with DC (Direct Current) or AC (Alternating Current), the Keppe Motor works with PC (Pulsed Current), which is the only technology that permits resonance with Essential energy. This signi�icantly improves the performance of motors. The Keppe Motor is a highly ef�icient motor that can achieve more than 90% ef�iciency – even in small motors with similar (or smaller) costs in comparison to regular induction motors. Its unique design ensures that the motor runs very near room temperature at all times, reducing the usage of special and costly mechanical parts, lubricants and wire gauge. By reducing or totally eliminating the use of some raw materials or components used in regular induction motors and
by simplifying the production processes, production costs of the Keppe Motor are signi�icantly reduced. In less than two years since its initial discovery, the Keppe Motor technology has been developed for various applications, such as ventilation, pumps, air compressors, refrigerators, etc. Some of these applications use between 70 and 90% less electricity compared to regular induction motors. The Keppe Motor also represents the best option for connection to photovoltaic cells for continuous work in regions with only a few hours of sunlight per day. In short, the Keppe Motor is noteworthy for its reliability, low cost, simplicity and portability, and these are signi�icant advantages for a world desperately in need of urgent solutions to today’s energy and pollution crises. To date, the Keppe Motor has been developed for applications up to 200W output, but this groundbreaking technology can be adapted to all motor applications, and so holds great promise for future development.
Keppe Motor Presentation Press Conference: Dec. 9, Wed., 10:00 Public Presentation: Dec. 9, Wed., 14:00 and 16:00 Where: Radisson Blu Hotel Reykjavik Room Amager Boulevard 70, Copenhagen Contact: +45 6991.8427 Contrary to what we thought, the more energy a mechanism captures, the more powerful it is and the longer it lasts Norberto Keppe
The table below outlines the comparative energy savings between several Keppe Motor prototypes and conventional ventilation products on the market:
Product Kitchen Ventilator Table fan Air circulator Pillar Fan Ceiling Fan (standard) Wall Fan Ceiling Fan (aerodynamic)
Input Power (conventional motor)
Input Power (Keppe Motor)
Energy savings
Maximal Minimal speed speed
Maximal Minimal speed speed
Average gain(%)
42W 44W 70W 110W 130W 150W 170W
-26W 45W 85W 70W 85W 100W
8W 14W 16W 21W 29W 45W 39W Other Links: Swedish: Finnish:
-4W 6W 11W 2W 20W 9W
81% 77% 82% 84% 88% 73% 84%
The Keppe Motor saves an average of 80% electricity compared to a regular induction motor. This corresponds to 800W savings for each 1 KW of power. The Keppe Motor technology has an enormous impact on saving energy and protecting the environment. For more information visit our site at