Is Backed Up Data, Available Data?

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LucyDr i nkwat er Sol ut i onsManager

Ther i seofhomewor ki ng,t heal waysonbusi nessandani ncr easei ncyber cr i mehasbr oughtbackupanddat aavai l abi l i t yt ot he f or ef r ontofI Ti nf r ast r uct ur epl anni ng.I Ti st hebackboneofever ybusi nesssoyouneedt obeconf i dentt hati fyouencount erany unpl anneddownt i me,yourbackupi sguar ant eed. TakeBl ackFr i dayasanexampl e.Ever yyeart heeventget sbi gger-l astyearsawani ncr easeof21. 6% i nonl i nesal es¹-and ever yyearmanyr et ai l er sseet hei rwebsi t esbuckl eundert hepr essur e.Foronecompany ,t heout agecostt hem $775, 000i n sal es,ont opofupset t i ng323, 000cust omer s² . Backupi sn’ tj ustaboutsecur i ngdat a,i t ’ saboutt heavai l abi l i t yofdat abecausei f / whent hewor sthappens,youneedt he r eassur ancet hatyoucanbeupandr unni ngagai nqui ckl y .

Thedr i ver sf ordat aavai l abi l i t y

Regul at or ypr essur e,l i keAr t i cl e32oft heGDPR³ ,pl acesal egalr equi r ementonor gani sat i onst ohave,“ t heabi l i t yt or est or e t heavai l abi l i t yandaccesst oper sonaldat ai nat i mel ymanneri nt heeventofaphysi calort echni cali nci dent . ”Andyetr esear ch f r om I DCsuggest st hatoft he40% ofSMEswhodobackupt hei rdat a,hal fcannotf ul l yr ecoveri t ⁴ . Ther e’ sgr eat erdemandf orbusi nessest obeal wayson.Overt hr eequar t er s( 76%)ofcust omer sexpectcompani est o under st andt hei rneedsandexpect at i ons⁵ .Buti magi neyouremai lgoesdown-coul dyouguar ant eeyou’ dbeupandr unni ng qui ckl y? Thepandemi ccer t ai nl yaccel er at edr emot ewor ki ng⁶andnowbl endedwor ki ngl ookssett obecome‘ t henor m’ ⁷ .Butwhen homewor ki nghasl edt oa600% i ncr easei nphi shi ngat t acksand40% i ncr easei nr ansomwar eat t acks⁸ ,howdoesyour cyber secur i t yst r at egyneedt oevol vet opr ot ectyourbusi ness?

Veeam l eadst hebackupmar ket

AtSt or m wewor kwi t hhundr edsofcl i ent sacr ossmul t i pl esect or sever yyear ,andoneoft hedat abackupandpr ot ect i on t echnol ogi eschosenmostof t eni sVeeam.Ani ndust r yl eaderi nbackupandr ecover y⁹ ,400, 000cust omer swor l dwi det r ust Veeam t odel i vermoder ndat apr ot ect i onandr el i abl edat amanagementf ort hei rbusi ness¹ ⁰ ,i ncl udi ng82% oft heFor t une500¹ ¹ . Veeam i sagr eatbackupchoi cebecausei tf ocusesondat aavai l abi l i t yt okeepbusi nessesr unni ng-86% ofappl i cat i onsar e r ecover edwi t hi nl esst hanonehour .Andi thaspar amet er si npl acef ormi ssi oncr i t i caldat a,pr ovi di ng‘ r ecover yt i meandpoi nt obj ect i ves’ l esst han15mi nut es¹ ² . I t ’ sal soi ncr edi bl yf l exi bl ewi t ht hr eecor eof f er i ngst hatmakei tgoodf orcl oud,onpr emi seandvi r t uali nf r ast r uct ur es.The pl at f or mi sopenandhar dwar eagnost i ct ocompl i mentabr oadecosyst em ofpar t ner s.Andt hr oughr emot emanagement ,I T admi ni st r at or ssi mpl ysetupal er t sont hei rphonet ot el lt hem t hatt hel at estbackuphasbeensuccessf ul .

St or m Technol ogi es,TheBoul evar d,Bl ackmoorLane,Wat f or d, Her t f or dshi r e,WD188YW www. st or mt echnol ogi es. com +44( 0)1923801080

Regi st er edi nEngl andandWal esNo. 3998372

Veeam hasl ot sofgr eatcapabi l i t i es,buti nourexper i ence,peopl el i kei tbecausei t ’ sr el i abl e,andt hat ’ sr eal l yt henumberone t hi ngyouwantf r om yourbackup.

Sohow doyouknow i fyourbackupi sf i t f or pur pose?

Ourcust omer scomet ousf orsever alr easons.Somet i mest her e’ sagenui neconcer naboutbackup,whi l eot her shaver ecent l y beent hevi ct i m ofabr each-we’ veevenhadaf ewwher et hebackuphadl i t er al l yj ustf ai l edandt heyneededanemer gency r esponse.Andt henwegetenqui r i esl ooki ngf orcont extaboutwhat ’ sst andar di nt hei rsect or ,orwant i ngt oknowi ft her e’ smor e t heycoul ddo. Backupanddat aavai l abi l i t yr equi r ement sar euni quet oeachbusi ness,soweencour agecust omer st oaskt hemsel vest hr ee quest i ons: 1. Whati syourRecover yPoi ntObj ect i ve( RPO)/Recover yTi meObj ect i ve( RTO) ? 2. I si tst i l lf i t f or pur pose? 3. Whendi dyoul astt esti t ? I tmaybet hatyourRTO i s2hour s,butausef ulquest i ont oaskyourbusi nessi s,“ Canwer eal l yaf f or dt ol ose2hour s’ wor t hof dat ai fi tequat est ohundr edsoft housandsi nl ostr evenue,pl usr eput at i onaldamage?” .Andwi t houtr egul art est i ng,youhaveno cer t ai nt yaboutwhet hert hat2hourwi ndowi sact ual l yachi evabl e.

Let ’ swor kshopi t

Wecanwor kal ongsi deyout ohel pest abl i shwher edat aavai l abi l i t yi mpr ovement scoul dbemade.Dur i ngourcust omer wor kshops,wei nvestt het i met ounder st andwhatyourendgoali sf orbackup,youract i vi t i esanddat ar equi r ement ssoyou knowyouhavebackupt hat ’ sr i ghtf oryourbusi ness. Theni fyouneedi t ,wecanal soconsi deryourwi dersecur i t yneeds,aswel lasassi stwi t husert r ai ni ngf orcyber secur i t yand r egul art est i ng.

St or m Technol ogi es,TheBoul evar d,Bl ackmoorLane,Wat f or d, Her t f or dshi r e,WD188YW www. st or mt echnol ogi es. com +44( 0)1923801080

Regi st er edi nEngl andandWal esNo. 3998372

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