GSE - 008 - Employee Non-Disclosure

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Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement To ensure the integrity of Global Steel Exports, the protection of our client’s information and in accordance with my contract of employment, I will adhere to the following code of practice and nondisclosure agreement: General I will not (without prior written consent of Global Steel Exports or as requested by law) during work, social, or any other interaction or communication, for any reason, disclose to any person or use for any purpose whatsoever or copy any confidential information relating to business affairs or trade secrets of Global Steel Exports except in the course of carrying out my duties to Global Steel Exports. This includes information about Global Steel Exports customers or clients, other employees, suppliers and prices or any other matter or information on any Eclipse Recovery database or about Global Steel Exports business or the business of Global Steel Exports customers or clients, which is not freely available to the public. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION During your employment you will have access to and will be entrusted with confidential information and trade secrets relating to the business of the Company and its Associated Companies. This includes but is not limited to information and secrets relating to; (a) corporate and marketing strategy, business development and plans, sales reports and research results; (b) business methods and processes, technical information and know-how relating to the Company or its Associated Company’s businesses and which is not in the public domain, including inventions, designs, programs, techniques, database systems, formulae and ideas; (c) business contacts, lists of customers and suppliers and details of Contracts with them and information on employees and their terms of employment; (d) stock levels, sales, expenditure levels and pricing policies; (e) budgets, management accounts, trading statements and other financial reports; and (f) any document marked “confidential information” or any information not in the public domain the disclosure of which would put the Company or any Associated Company at a competitive or legal disadvantage. (together “Confidential Information”) (g) You agree that during your employment and subsequently without limit of time you may not, except in the proper course of your duties as an employee of the Company or thereafter divulge to any person, firm or company whomsoever, and shall use your best endeavours to prevent the unauthorised publication or disclosure of, any Confidential Information concerning the organisation, business, clients, or finances of the Company or any Associated Company or any of their dealings, transactions or affairs which may come to your knowledge Pa ge 1|3 Global Steel Exports, 31 Greenhill Crescent, Watford Business Park, Watford, WD18 8YB. Tel: +44 (0) 1923 658575 658546 Website: Registration no: 10517458

during or in the course of your employment and you shall keep with complete secrecy all Confidential Information entrusted to you and shall not use or attempt to use any such information in any manner which may injure or cause loss either directly or indirectly to the Company or any Associated Company or their businesses or their clients or may be likely

to do so. For the avoidance of doubt, this provision shall not apply to information or knowledge which has become public other than by unauthorised disclosure. (h) You shall not during the continuance of this Contract make otherwise than for the benefit of the Company any notes, memoranda or other documents of any nature relating to any matter within the scope of the business of the Company or any Associated Company or concerning any of their dealings or affairs with clients or whatsoever nor shall you either during the continuance of this Contract or afterwards use or permit to be used any such notes, memoranda or documents otherwise than for the benefit of the Company or any Associated Company, it being the intention agreed by the parties to this Contract that all such notes, memoranda or documents made by you are the property of the Company and shall be left at the Company’s premises upon the termination of your employment. (i) After the termination of your employment, you shall not at any time or for any purpose use the name of the Company or any Associated Company in connection with your own business or the business of another or any name in any way calculated or likely to suggest that you are or have been connected with the Company’s business nor use any information which you may have acquired in the course of or as incident to your employment concerning the Company or any Associated Company for your own benefit or to the detriment or intended or probable detriment of the company SAVE THAT this restraint shall not prohibit you from disclosing the name of the Company on a bona fide curriculum vitae. (j) Upon the termination of your employment you are required to deliver up to the Company all original and copy materials, equipment, documents and other property of any nature belonging to the Company which is or has been in your possession, custody or power at that time, and neither you nor any person on your behalf, may retain copies of any such documents or other reproducible property. (k) You agree that you will not offer to any third party or accept any benefit whether financial or in kind from any other party (other than your proper remuneration from the Company) and you agree you will not accept gifts or hospitality other than by way of a token nature from any person or business with whom you are involved on the Company’s business.


Date: Global Steel Exports, 31 Greenhill Crescent, Watford Business Park, Watford, WD18 8YB. Tel: +44 (0) 1923 658575 658546 Website: Registration no: 10517458

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………………………………………………………………………. Signed:

…………………………… Job Title:

………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………. Director name:

Director signed:

………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………….

Global Steel Exports, 31 Greenhill Crescent, Watford Business Park, Watford, WD18 8YB. Tel: +44 (0) 1923 658575 658546 Website: Registration no: 10517458

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