SP - 001 Environmental Policy Statment

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Environmental Policy Statement SP_001

Storm Procurement recognise the social and economic importance of protecting the environment. We understand that through our professional decisions we can make a considerable contribution towards controlling environmental impact through directly and indirectly minimising waste, conserving resources, reducing energy consumption, and preventing pollution whenever possible.

To support the stated commitment, it is management policy to integrate environmental considerations into the business decision-making process.

The Directors have the overall responsibility to implement the Environmental policy in the business. Environmental objectives are set at the same level as any other business objectives.

Employees have the responsibility to actively support the company to ensure the effective implementation and maintenance of the policy.

This policy is communicated throughout the organisation and made available to interested parties.

In order to maintain our Environmental Policy, it is necessary that every reasonably practicable means be used to:

 Comply with applicable legal requirements and with other requirements to which we subscribe which relate to our Environmental aspects.

 Ensuring integration of Environmental management system requirements into the organisation’s business processes

 Achieve good environmental standards in all activities including the reduction, reuse, recycling, and disposal of waste.

 Measure the business operations to ensure the prevention of pollution and the continual improvement of environmental performance targets.

 Make economic use of energy, water and other materials to minimise waste in all aspects of the business function.

 Assess regularly the environmental impact resulting from business operations and to remain fully informed of recognised best practices.

 Communicate this policy to all interested parties including our customers, suppliers and employees, and encourage others to adopt equivalent standards.

 Committing to raise awareness and promote behavioural change with regards to the environment at work and at home, and to facilitate workers participation in a rage of initiatives that support environmental causes

 This policy will be reviewed yearly and amended accordingly to ensure that is continuously relevant to our business activities.

Authorised by:

Position: Operations Director

Last Updated:
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Last Updated: 09/1/2022

Date Approved: 12/12/2022

Review Date: 01/06/2023

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