Virtual Assistants

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LucyDr i nkwat er Sol ut i onsmanager

Fi nal l y!Theendi si nsi ght .Butwhen81% ofempl oyeeswantt or et ur nt ot heof f i cef oratl eastsomeoft hei rwor ki ngweek,t he f ut ur eofwor khast obeahybr i dmodel .However ,t hi spr esent sor gani sat i onswi t ht wocor echal l enges: 1. How empl oyeesr et ur nt ot heof f i cei nacovi dsecur eway:evenwi t ht hevacci nat i on pr ogr ammei nf ul lswi ng,40% ofUK wor ker sf earcat chi ngCovi df r om t hei rcol l eagues. 2. How t osecur er emot ewor ker s:dur i ngt hepandemi ccyber cr i mi nal shavedevel opedandboost edt hei rat t acksatanal ar mi ng pace. Tocr eat eahybr i dof f i ceenvi r onmentr equi r esor gani sat i onst or econsi dert hei rnet wor ksandsecur i t yt oensur et hey’ r ef i tf ort he f ut ur e.

Woul dn' ti tbegr eati fever yt hi ngmagi cal l yhappened?

Wat chi ngI r onManoverEast er ,Imar vel edathowgr eati twoul dbet ogi veeachofourcust omer saJ. A. R. V. I . S. .Canyou i magi nehowamazi ngt hatwoul dbe-yourver yownAI power ed‘ but l er ’ .I twoul dbel i kehavi nganaddi t i onalsuppor tper son whoi scapabl eoff i xi ngyoursui twhi l eyou' r ef l yi ng…andwi t houtneedi ngt okeepadi st anceoft womet er s. Wel lwi t hJuni per ’ sMi stAINet wor ks,t hat ’ snowpossi bl e-onl yi t ’ scal l ed‘ Mar vi s’ ! Mar vi si st hef i r stvi r t ualnet wor ki ngassi st anti nt hei ndust r yt obr i ngconver sat i onal AIt onet wor ki ngandcont ext ual i ser equest s. I tsuppor t syournet wor kspeci al i st st ost r eaml i neoper at i ons,si mpl i f yt r oubl eshoot i ng,makei nt el l i gentdeci si onsand aut omat i cal l yf i xnet wor ki ssues.

Del i verr emar kabl euserexper i ences,ef f or t l essl y

Juni per ’ sMi stAINet wor ks⁶i sspeci f i cal l ybui l tar oundt heenduserexper i ence.Wi t hi nahybr i denvi r onmenti tmeans: Of f i cewor ker sr emai npr oduct i veatal lt i mesbecauset henet wor ki sal waysavai l abl e.I magi net hatyournear estaccesspoi nt l osesconnect i vi t y .Rat hert hani nt er r uptyourf l ow,pot ent i al l yl oseyourwor kandf or ceyout or ai seasuppor tt i cket ,i tsi mpl y di ver t syout oanot heraccesspoi ntaut omat i cal l y .AndbecauseJuni perNet wor kscanal somoni t orf oot f al landsuppor tcont r act t r aci ng⁷ ,i tpr omot esper sonnelandguestsaf et yonsi t e.Thr oughi t sAI ,Juni perNet wor ksal er t syout o‘ hotzones’ ,pr ovi des i nf or mat i ononuserj our neysandmi ni mi sesf ur t herexposur et hr oughpr oxi mi t yt r aci ng. I t ’ sexact l yt het echnol ogyweneedi nr et ai landhospi t al i t yr i ghtnowbecausevenuescoul dr eopenwi t hconf i denceandbr i ng cr owdst oget hersaf el y .I twoul dcer t ai nl ygi vet hesect or samuchneededboostaf t erahar sh12mont hs. Remot ewor ker sar epr ot ect edt oo.Weshoul dn’ tr el yonempl oyeest ot akecar eofcor por at esecur i t y .Andwi t hJuni per Net wor ksyoudon’ thavet o.Mi stEdgei sanaccesspoi ntt hatpl ugsi nt oahomer out erandext endsent er pr i secapabi l i t i est o eachempl oyee’ shome.I tuseszer ot ouchpr ovi si oni ngsoyoucancont r olandmanageever yt hi ngr emot el y ,r et ai nvi si bi l i t yof i nsi ght s,andt r oubl eshootandr esol vei ssuest osecur eever yaccesspoi nt ⁸ . St or m Technol ogi es,TheBoul evar d,Bl ackmoorLane,Wat f or d, Her t f or dshi r e,WD188YW www. st or mt echnol ogi es. com +44( 0)1923801080

Regi st er edi nEngl andandWal esNo. 3998372

Mar vi swi l lt aket hemar ketbyst or m

I tf eel sl i keavi r t ualnet wor ki ngassi st anti sawor kofsci encef i ct i on,andyeti t ’ sher eandavai l abl enow.Juni perNet wor k’ s acqui si t i onofMi stmeanst hator gani sat i onscannowaccesscl oudnat i ve,cl oudf i r stAIf orasel f heal i ngnet wor kt hatenabl es peopl et owor ksaf el yandsecur el yf r om wher evert heychoose.Andi t ’ ssogoodt hatIwoul dn’ tbesur pr i sedt oseesel f heal i ng I Tt akeof fwi t hot hervendor si nt henearf ut ur e. Ofcour se,t hebenef i tofchoosi ngt owor kwi t hSt or mi st hatwe’ r eexper i encedi nt heendt oendpi ece,soyoucanf eelassur ed t hatyougetent er pr i segr adesecur i t yt hatf l exest ot hewayyoumanageyourbusi ness-r egar dl essofyourl egacyt echnol ogy andwher eyourt eam i sbased. Wecanwor kwi t hyout oscopeyourpr oj ectcor r ect l y ,r unapr oof of concept ,pr ovi dedemouni t s,andconnectyouwi t ht he vendort omakesur ei t ’ sbot hcommer ci al l yandt echni cal l ysound.Buti tal lst ar t swi t hanassessmentofyournet wor kt oday . Anyonei nournet wor ki ngt eam i smor et hanhappyt ohaveconver sat i ont oexpl or eyouropt i ons.Wecanevenar r angeani ni t i al heat mappi ngexer ci set ohel pyouaddr esst hechal l engeofhowyourempl oyeesr et ur nt ot heof f i cei naCovi dsecur eway .

Booksomet i me

Myi nboxi sal waysopensopl easesendmeamessageonLi nkedI n.Ot her wi se,I ’ m happyt oansweranyquest i onsi nt he comment s.

St or m Technol ogi es,TheBoul evar d,Bl ackmoorLane,Wat f or d, Her t f or dshi r e,WD188YW www. st or mt echnol ogi es. com +44( 0)1923801080

Regi st er edi nEngl andandWal esNo. 3998372

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