VMWare Workspace ONE

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Ni ckUmney Ser vi cesandSol ut i onsDi r ect or

Backi nOct oberwest ar t edpl anni ngf ort heNewYear ,j ustaheadofl ockdown2.Li kemanyofourcust omer s,wewer ecaut i ous aboutwhat2021hadi nst or e.Butchoosi ngt of ocusondel i ver i ngbl endedwor ki ng–ami xofbei ngr emot eandof f i cebased– meantt hatr egar dl essofwhathappenednext ,wewer epr epar ed. Butasr emot ewor ki ngmovesf r om at empor ar yf i xt oaper manentwor ki ngpr act i cef ormany ,we’ r ef i ndi ngt hatmanyofour cust omer sar epr i or i t i si nghowt oenabl esomekeycapabi l i t i est odel i veront heneedsofamobi l ewor kf or ce,i ncl udi ngt hese t hr eei npar t i cul ar :

1.Guar ant eedr emot eaccess

LastMar ch,manyor gani sat i onsst r uggl edt ogett hei rhandsont hebasi cs,l i kel apt ops.Andwhi l eIexpectmostor gani sat i ons wer ebet t erpr epar edent er i ngt hi st hi r dl ockdown,f orsome,t echnol ogysuppl ychai ni ssueswi l lbeanongoi ngconcer n¹ . Andt hent her e’ st hequest i onofhowt opr ovi desecur er emot eaccesst oanor gani sat i on’ smostval uabl esyst ems,l i keHRand f i nance,whi chhol dsensi t i ve,conf i dent i alandper sonali nf or mat i on.Unl i kemoder nSaaSappl i cat i ons,whi chwer edesi gnedt o beser vedupi nanyl ocat i onandanydevi ce,t hesecor ebusi nesssyst emsar et ypi cal l yl egacyenvi r onment st hatr unon deskt ops. Thi si swher eendusercomput i ngt ool s,l i keVDI ,ar er eal l ycomi ngi nt ot hei rown.Theyal l owanydevi ce–evenper sonalones– t ober epur posedandpr ovi si onedqui ckl yt opr ovi def ast ,secur eaccesst oappl i cat i onsanddat a.

2.Enhancedsecur i t ypost ur e

I ’ m ant i ci pat i ngt hati twon’ tbel ongbef or ei nf or mat i onsecur i t yi st opofever yboar dr oom agenda.Ever yor gani sat i onhast o car r yanel ementr i sk–buti t ' sr egi st er edandmi t i gat ed.Thechal l engecomeswhenwe’ r et hr owni nt ot heunexpect ed.Al li t t akesi sf oroneper sont ocl i ckonawr ongl i nk,wor konanunsecur ednet wor koruseadevi cet hathasn’ tbeenpat chedf or mont hsandi tcoul dt aket hewhol ebusi nessdown.I t ’ st hesevul ner abi l i t i est hatcyber cr i mi nal sar eact i vel yexpl oi t i ng² . Fur t her mor e,dur i nganext endedper i odofr emot ef i r stwor ki ng,newempl oyeesar ebei ngonboar dedvi r t ual l y .Wi t houtsomeone si t t i ngnextt o,oropposi t e,t hem t oask‘ qui ckquest i ons’ t o,peopl emaychooset ot akeact i onst hatt heyf eelar ebestorsi mpl y actunderpr essur e,r at hert hanadher i ngt ocor por at epol i cy .

3.Cent r al l ymanageddevi ces

Syst emsandI Tadmi nshaveknownf oryear st hatmanagi ngmul t i pl edevi cesi schal l engi ng.Buti nawor l dofbl endedwor ki ng,i t becomeshar derst i l l .Sohowdowemanaget hatnewl evelofcompl exi t y? I fwet r i edt osecur eandmanagei ndi vi dualdevi cesr emot el y ,we’ dbef i ght i ngal osi ngbat t l e.Ther ef or e,wecent r al i set hi s.We cancont r olappsandt ool sbasedont het ypeofnet wor kt heuseri saccessi ngi tf r om,managei nf or mat i onatsour ce,andensur e peopl ear el oggi ngont oourval uabl esyst emsusi ngmul t i f act oraut hent i cat i on. I t ’ scomf or t i ngt oknowwecanst i l lr et ai ncont r oloft hei nf r ast r uct ur eevenwhenwe’ r ewor ki ngatadi st ance.

How Wor kspaceONEenabl esbl endedwor ki ng

Wecanenabl ef l exi bl e,secur eandeasyt omanagewor ki ngenvi r onment st hr oughWor kspaceONE,VMwar e’ s i nt el l i gencedr i vendi gi t alwor kspacepl at f or m³ .Wor kspaceONE,pr ovi des:

St or m Technol ogi es,TheBoul evar d,Bl ackmoorLane,Wat f or d, Her t f or dshi r e,WD188YW www. st or mt echnol ogi es. com +44( 0)1923801080

Regi st er edi nEngl andandWal esNo. 3998372

•Si mpl eaccesst oappsandsyst emsonanydevi ce,whi chmeansuser scanchoosehowt heywor kbest ,sopr oduct i vi t y i mpr oves. •Zer ot r ustsecur i t y ,whi chf eat ur esi nt el l i gentcont i nuousver i f i cat i on,t obet t erpr ot ectt hedi gi t alwor kspaceandever yuser , devi ce,app,dat a,andnet wor kl ayer . •Zer ot ouchpr ovi si oni ngwi t hover t heai rsuppor tf orconf i gur at i on,pol i ci es,pat chesandupdat es,whi chmeansi ssuescanbe t r oubl eshoot edandf i xedi nr eal t i me.

Tr yi tf oryour sel f …

VMwar ehasext endedt hesi gnupper i odf ori t sWor kspaceONE90dayf r eet r i alunt i l1Febr uar y2021.Si gnupher e… Andi fyouf eelyoudon’ thavet i met ot r i alnewcapabi l i t i esatt hemoment ,weunder st andandwecanhel pt ogett hemostval ue f r om eval uat i ngt hi st echnol ogy .Weknowwhatt hemostcommonquest i onsandconcer nsar e–f r om howt oi nt egr at ei ti nt o exi st i ngt ool s,t hr ought owhi chdevi cesar ebestt or unt hi son. We’ veevendel i ver edbl endedwor ki ngt oourowncor ebackof f i cef unct i ons,l i keHRandf i nance,whor unl egacyappl i cat i ons ondeskt ops,soknowf i r st handhowt oover comet hosechal l enges. I fyou’ r ei nt er est edi nget t i ngsomesuppor tf orr unni ngt het r i al ,dr opmeal i ne

Ni ck. Umney@st or mt echnol ogi es. com

St or m Technol ogi es,TheBoul evar d,Bl ackmoorLane,Wat f or d, Her t f or dshi r e,WD188YW www. st or mt echnol ogi es. com +44( 0)1923801080

Regi st er edi nEngl andandWal esNo. 3998372

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