Weathering the Cashflow Storm

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Ni ckUmney Ser vi cesandSol ut i onsDi r ect or

How t odel i verexcel l enceasst andar d( whi l epr ot ect i ngyourcashf l ow) What ’ st het oppr i or i t yf oryourbusi nessr i ghtnow?Unl essyouri ndust r yhascomet hr ought hepandemi cunscat hed,i t ’ sl i kel yt o becashf l ow.Accor di ngt ot heBr i t i shChamberofCommer ce,61% off i r mshaveseent hei rr evenuef r om UKcust omer sf al li nt he pastt hr eemont hs¹ .Att hesamet i me,compani esar eoper at i ngatc. 57% ofcapaci t yver susapr epandemi cposi t i onof7580%² . So,doest hi smeanweneedt ot i ght enourpur sest r i ngs?Notnecessar i l y–It hi nkwej ustneedt ot i et hem al i t t l edi f f er ent l y .

Excel l enceasst andar d Ri ghtnow,t her e’ sanoppor t uni t yt of ocusondel i ver i ngexcel l ence.Asvacci nat i onr at es,r oadmapsoutofl ockdownandt he spr i ngweat herof f erussomemuchneededopt i mi sm,nowi st het i met oest abl i shwor ki ngpr act i cesandst r at egi est hat emphasi seexcel l encei nempl oyeeexper i ence,cust omeri nt er act i onsandbusi nessoper at i ons.Wecan’ tknowf orsur ewhatt he f ut ur ewi l lbr i ngbutwecandeci dehowwe’ r egoi ngt oappr oachi tbasedonwhat ’ swi t hi nourcont r ol .

Consi st encyofexper i ence Recentr esear chst at est hatchangescausedbyt hepandemi cwi l lr emai nt osomedegr ee–McKi nseypr edi ct st hat20% of busi nesst r aveli sunl i kel yt or et ur nandor gani sat i onswi l lseeonaver age30% r educt i oni nof f i cespace³ .Whet heryoupl ana whol esal er et ur nt ot heof f i ceorar ei nst i t ut i nga‘ wor kf r om anywher e’ pol i cy ,empl oyeeandcust omerexper i encear eacr i t i cal consi der at i onf orr et ent i onandat t r act i on.Whatwe’ r enot i ci ngi scompani eswantt ocr eat eani nf r ast r uct ur et hatsuppor t sa consi st ent l yexcel l entexper i encer egar dl essofwher e,orhow,empl oyeesorcust omer sar eengagi ng.Andpar toft hatr el i eson devi ces.

Ther ol eofdevi ces Thei ni t i alpani coft hef i r stl ockdownl ef tmanyor gani sat i onswi t hanest at ecompr i si ngl apt ops,deskt opsandt abl et sofvar yi ng agesandspecst hat ,whi l eokasashor t t er mf i x,i sani ght mar et osecur e,manageandsuppor tacr ossmul t i pl el ocat i ons.As chi l dr enr et ur nt oschoolandbusi nessvol umesbegi nt opi ckupyoucan’ taf f or dt ohaveat eam t hatcan’ tconsi st ent l yaccess Teams.And,r egar dl essofwhat ’ sgoi ngoni nt hewi derwor l d,youneverwantanet wor kt hati sn’ tsecur e.

What ’ sunder neat ht heSur f ace Whatwe’ r eget t i ngdemandf ornowi sdevi cest hatar epower f ulandst r ongenought obeadayt odaymachi net hatswi t ches bet weenset t i ngsandcomescompl et ewi t ht hest uf ft hatwenowr el yon:adecentf r ont f aci ngcamer a,t ouchscr eenasst andar d andexcel l entcompat i bi l i t y .They’ vegott obeul t r asecur et oo.I nmanycases,we’ r er ecommendi ngMi cr osof tSur f acebecausei t

St or m Technol ogi es,TheBoul evar d,Bl ackmoorLane,Wat f or d, Her t f or dshi r e,WD188YW www. st or mt echnol ogi es. com +44( 0)1923801080

Regi st er edi nEngl andandWal esNo. 3998372

f ul f i l st hi sbr i efsowel l ,i snat i vel ybet t erf orMi cr osof t365andt hey’ r edoi ngcl everst uf fundert hecover swheni tcomest o secur i t y⁴ .Butwhati fyourur get oi nnovat ei st emper edbyeconomi cuncer t ai nt y?

Keepi ngcashf l owi ng Forus,t heansweri sDevi ceasaSer vi ce.I t ’ sanappr oachwet ookayearagowhenpur chasi ngnewdevi cesf orourof f i cesand onewe’ r enowhel pi ngcust omer st oi mpl ement .Notonl ydoesi thel pt opr ot ectyourcashf l owf r om uncont r ol l abl eext er nal f or ces,i tsi mpl i f i essuppor t ,r educesbur deni ngyourI Tt eam andshr i nkst hecostandcompl exi t yi nvol vedi nmanagi ngami xed est at e.We’ r enowatapoi ntwher easaser vi cei st henor mf oral mostever ymaj orasset ,addi ngdevi cest ot hel i stmakesgood busi nesssense.

Weat her i ngt hest or m Thepastyearhasseenusal lt akeonandover comei nnumer abl epr of essi onalandper sonalchal l enges,myhopei st hatmeand t het eam her ecanf i ndawayf oryout odel i veranI Tsol ut i ont hatgi vesyouexcel l enceasst andar dsoyoucanweat herany f ut ur eSt or m( punf ul l yi nt ended! ) . I fyou’ r ei nt er est edi nhow Devi ceasaSer vi cecoul dbenef i tyouror gani sat i on,orhavequest i onsabouthow we’ ve madei twor kher eatSt or m,pl easegeti nt ouch–I ’ dl ovet oshar ewi t hyouwhatwe’ vel ear ned. Cal lus:+44( 0)1923801080 Emai lus:i nf o@st or mt echnol ogi es. com Vi si tus:www. st or mt echnol ogi es. com

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