Rebuilding After a Whirlwind

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JoshHobbs HPEBusi nessManager

Rebui l di ngaf t erawhi r l wi nd

I ’ m appr oachi ngmy10yearanni ver sar yofwor ki ngi nt het echi ndust r y–adecadef ocusedonser ver sandst or age.Butt hi si s notapostonwhatI ’ vel ear nedabout‘ speedsandf eeds’ ,i t ’ sabouthow,aboveal lel se,youneedt obeabl et okeepupwi t ht he changi ngl andscapeofwhatcust omer sneed–andhel pt hem t or eacti nawayt hatsuppor t st hei rgoal s.

Let t i ngt hedustset t l e

Ant oni oNer i ’ sannouncementatHPEDi scoveri n2019t hatt heent i r eHPEpor t f ol i owoul dbeavai l abl e‘ asaSer vi ce’ by2022¹ gener at edexci t ementi nt heSt or m of f i cesandl ot sofcust omerconver sat i onsaboutwhatt hef ut ur ecoul dbr i ng.Andt hent he event sof2020happenedandbusi nesseswer eputi nt oaspi nast heyhadt opi vott hei ri nf r ast r uct ur eover ni ght .Havi nghel ped manyofourcust omer st hr ought hatpr ocess( andexper i encedi tour sel vesasourSer vi cesDi r ect or ,Ni ckUmney ,descr i bes² ) , manyor gani sat i onsar enowi naposi t i onwher ei tf eel sl i ket hedusthasset t l edenoughf ort hem t opl an.

Cr eat i ngasol i df oundat i on

Par toft hatpl ani sget t i ngacl earvi ewont he‘ asi s’ st at usofanet wor kt hatmaynotr esembl ewhatwasenvi sagedi nt heyear s pr i ort ot hepandemi c.Or gani sat i onswhohadbeensweat i ngt hei rcomput easset sf oundt heyhadt omakesi gni f i cantcl i ent si de pur chasest oenabl er emot ewor ki ng.Thi swasf ol l owedbyanupsur gei nenqui r i esaboutAr ubat osecur et heexpl osi oni n r emot eaccesspoi nt s³ .Wi t hcompani eswant i ngt omakel onger t er m deci si onsonof f i cel easesandwhatt hef ut ur eoft hei r wor kpl acest r at egywi l lneedt ol ookl i ket or ecr ui tandr et ai nempl oyees,acl earpi ct ur eonwar r ant i es,updat esandf i r mwar e hel pscr eat easol i df oundat i onf orf ut ur ei nvest mentcommi t ment s

Goi ngwi t ht hef l ow

Thebr i l l i antt hi ngaboutwor ki ngwi t hHPEi st hatwe’ r eabl et ohel pourcust omer scr eat easel f managi ng,sel f heal i ngand sel f opt i mi si ngcomput enet wor kt hat ’ sdesi gnedar oundhowt heywantt odobusi ness.Today ,we’ r ebusyr unni ngenvi r onment al anal ysesusi ngHPESt or ageAssessmentFoundr y( SAF) .Thi sappr oachhel psor gani sat i onsquant i f ynotj ustt hebenef i t sof HCIbutal sowhet heradvancesi ndHCI-suchast hei ndependentscal i ngofcomput eandst or ageof f er edbyHPENi mbl eand I nf osi ghtwi t hi t s6ni nesavai l abi l i t y⁴-coul dhel pt hem over comet echni calorcommer ci alchal l enges.I t ’ st hi sf l exi bi l i t yt hat meanswher everacust omerwant st ot aket hei rbusi ness,t hei ri nf r ast r uct ur ewi l lbeanenabl erf ort hebusi nesst of l ow.

Ahel pi nghand

Onet hi ngwe’ vef ocusedonatSt or mi smaki ngsur ewe’ r eof f er i ngasmanypeopl easpossi bl eahel pi nghand–whet hert hat ’ s cust omer s,empl oyeesort hel ocalcommuni t y .We’ vedel i ver edbal l oonst oacar ehome,saf ewor ki ngspacesf orcol l eagues whoneedt obei nt heof f i ceandf r eeser vi cest ohel por gani sat i onsi dent i f ynet wor kbot t l enecksandf i gur eouti ft hei rSANi s wor ki ngpr oper l y .

St or m Technol ogi es,TheBoul evar d,Bl ackmoorLane,Wat f or d, Her t f or dshi r e,WD188YW www. st or mt echnol ogi es. com +44( 0)1923801080

Regi st er edi nEngl andandWal esNo. 3998372

We’ veevengoneasf arasunder t aki ngsomephysi calr ebui l di ngwi t hanof f i cer ef ur bi shmentt hati ncl udesabarar ea ( somet hi ngyoucancheckoutonourI nst agr am⁵ ) .Wecannotwai tt owel comepeopl et oj oi nusf ordr i nksoncewe’ r eal l owedt o doso! Wantt ol ear nmor eabouthowSt or m coul dhel pyout or ebui l daf t erawhi r l wi ndyear ?Pl easecommentbel owordr opmeal i ne atj osh. hobbs@st or mt echnol ogi es. com. Josh

St or m Technol ogi es,TheBoul evar d,Bl ackmoorLane,Wat f or d, Her t f or dshi r e,WD188YW www. st or mt echnol ogi es. com +44( 0)1923801080

Regi st er edi nEngl andandWal esNo. 3998372

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