Spring Guidebook

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Hobby Gone Wild 2021 SPRING GUIDEBOOK

– when maple incites passion

“There is but one solution to the intricate riddle of life; to improve ourselves, and contribute to the happiness of others.”

– Mary Shelley

As this Spring Guidebook goes to press, we look back on what was a long winter for us, both metaphorically and meteorologically. But now, as spring arrives in the forests and the fields where we live and work, we are warmed by a sense of hope. We are coming out the other side of this pandemic, of this economic disaster, and we will all be stronger, because we will have come through it together. Week in and week out, I talk to sugarmakers and dealers all across the Maple Belt, and one thing I repeatedly hear is how important it is that Leader responds — that our company is truly unique in its commitment to service. Frankly, many companies make good things, but if you want to make really great things, you need to stand behind them, support them, and constantly work to improve them. What is more, you need to teach, to make change in the world, to contribute to the happiness of others. Yes, I have great pride in knowing that Leader makes the finest maple sugarmaking equipment in the world. But what keeps me coming back to work is knowing that we are so much more than an equipment company. We are a maple solutions company, and everyone on our team has a deep and abiding sense of service toward our customers — of being there at the other end of the line when something needs to be fixed or figured out. On one level, making maple syrup is a very simple process — it only has three ingredients: sun, sap, and fire. But there are countless ways to pull those things together, to spin sap into gold, and an infinite number of curve balls that Mother Nature can throw your way. So it’s our job at Leader to become as knowledgeable on all things maple as is humanly possible. And then to be there to answer all your questions. To provide solutions. To help you succeed. I hope your season was long and prosperous. Please be in touch to tell us how it went, and how we can be of service to make the next season even better. Jeff Smith President

LATEST FINDINGS We asked the scientists at the Cornell Maple Program to share findings from their latest research.

The Cornell Maple Program is a research and extension

at improving production the following season. This

program in the Department of Natural Resources at

season we are testing 400 and 600 ppm solutions

Cornell University. Its mission is to support the

to see if we can achieve better results with higher concen-

sustainable growth of the maple products industry.

trations. Calcium bleach is very similar to standard

Current research focuses on four areas:

sodium bleach, but has the advantage

sustainable sugarbush management,

of not attracting wildlife to the tubing.

sap collection systems, processing

A final highlight from Cornell is

efficiency and quality control, and new

continued work to develop novel,

product development and marketing.

value-added products. We recently

In the sugarbush, we are focused

created a process for making sugar

on efforts to regenerate maples in the

from intensely flavored, high-invert

face of heavy deer browse by enclos-

syrup. This robust sugar is being used

ing timber harvests with 10-foot-high

to generate delicious new products like

walls of logging debris. These “slash walls” are a minimum of 10 feet tall and 10 feet wide. We have over 150 acres of forest surrounded by slash

Aaron Wightman NY Maple Specialist Co-Director Cornell Maple Program

walls and are monitoring each site for

chocolate, marshmallows, and beverages. This sugar can easily be made from even the darkest syrup by carefully cooking it to 305° F and pouring it onto a lightly greased sheet to harden.

deer penetration and tree seedling growth. ​To see

The solidified candy can then be broken and ground

a video explaining the slash wall concept, visit the

into smaller particle sizes. Depending on the syrup,

ForestConnect channel on YouTube.

the flavor can be much more intense than granulated

Maintaining productivity for 3/16” tubing is another area of focus for our research. As many producers

maple sugar. However, it takes care to avoid scorching the syrup at the higher finishing temperature, and the

now realize, 3/16” tubing develops natural

sugar attracts water, so it needs to be used

vacuum on slopes, but loses production

quickly or packaged in an airtight container.

after its first season, as the T fittings clog

Our research capacity will increase

with yeast and bacteria. We are looking at

dramatically with the opening of the newly-

a variety of solutions using antimicrobial

constructed Arnot Maple Laboratory, which

plastics, larger fittings, and cleaning agents. ​

is slated for completion in April.

Calcium hypochlorite sanitation is a

This facility will feature two identical

treatment that looks promising based on early results.

syrup production lines (with Leader evaporators!)

This chemical is widely available in powder form

for controlled experiments. It will also have a re-

under a variety of brand names for use in swimming

search kitchen for new product development.

pools. When mixed in a weak 200 parts per million solution and pumped into 3/16" laterals, it is effective

Kirk and Michelle Hedding

Story by Paul E. Richardson Photography by Casey O'Leary

Hobby Gone Wild 10 to 1800 taps in fifteen years


wenty years ago, Kirk and Michelle Hedding had their Come to Maple moment.

“We do a lot of, camping,” Kirk said. “We always

They had just built a house on Michelle’s 300-acre family farm, which had about 30 acres of woods. “I had no idea what a maple tree looked like,” Kirk recalled. So

have a little bit of free time, especially in the summer,

they started marking the trees in the fall, and then a

Michelle being a teacher, and myself being a firefighter

year or two later they started tapping trees.

for the city of Ann Arbor. So we liked to go camping, and every place we went, we would line up where the farmer's markets were. “One day, we went to the Holland [Michigan]

“We started tapping 10 trees in our woods and I met a gentleman just to the south of us, and he was just getting into making some syrup,” Kirk said. The neighbor had an evaporator and Kirk would

farmer's market, and we saw a guy selling maple

take his sap down to him to cook. “We would just

syrup and stopped and talked to him. I don't think

sit there until one o'clock, two o'clock in the

I'd ever had maple syrup in my life up until then…”

morning, boiling down.”

They went back to their campground and

By now, the hook was firmly seated.

made pancakes with the real stuff for the first

The next year they tapped 50 trees.

time. “We just fell in love with maple syrup,”

And the following year they bought a 2x6

Kirk said. But of course it didn’t stop there. When they returned to their home in Chelsea, about 20

evaporator and put out 250 taps and buckets. “It started getting to that point where you're up until midnight, one o'clock in the

miles west of Ann Arbor, Kirk said, “We're kind of like,

morning,” Kirk said. “Michelle kind of got tired of that.

you know, I wonder if we've got any maple trees?”

So every time she would get tired of things,


Hours: M-F 7:30-4:30

(802) 868-5444 | 3

Kirk and Michelle boil on a 2x8 evaporator with a 2x6 Max Flue Pan, which makes fast work of the boil after running the sap through the Extreme 2 RO. "Leader customer service is outstanding," Kirk said. "I can call them day or night, and they'll get back with me."

I would just slide around the table, you know, and show

that, a gentlemen from the other side of the Chrysler

her a catalog and say ‘Well, we could purchase this and

Proving Grounds… he was probably at that time in his

those type of things.’”

mid-80's and he says, ‘You know, my dad and I used

By the time they got up to 400 taps, it was taking the couple four hours a day to collect the sap from buckets, so they made the jump to tubing and vacuum — which of course led to more sap, and more time boiling. “That's when we stepped into the reverse osmosis game,” Kirk said. “And about two years after

to make syrup a long time ago.’ And he wanted me to come over and tap some of his trees.” He had a good year, collecting from 120 buckets there, and the neighbor asked if he wanted to do it again. “Hell no,” Kirk said. He told the neighbor that the only way he would do it was with tubing. “Well,



And so, over the span of 15 short years, Kirk and Michelle went from an innocent tasting at a farmer’s market to farming 1800 taps and making about 350 gallons of syrup per year.

THE MAPLE MITT Only about one percent of Michigan’s maple forest resource is used in maple syrup production.

Michigan ranks 5th in maple syrup production in the United States.

4 | LeaderEvaporator.com


As if that is not enough, Kirk is very active in the Michigan Maple Syrup Association (michiganmaple.org), currently serving as its president. "We've been using Leader every since we began making maple syrup," Kirk said. "A lot of it is the fine-tuned finish of their products, a thing the other ones we came across just didn't have. Certain things, like sharp corners on stainless steel can cut you pretty good, and Leader does a really good job of rounding those corners off. Doing little things like that are what you appreciate in the end, that you might not notice in the beginning... "And Leader customer service is outstanding — anything from Sugarbush Supplies up in Mason, all the way out to the company itself, in Vermont. I can call them day or night, and they'll get back with me. It makes it much nicer when you know that if something breaks, they are there quick to handle it." H & H SUGARBUSH'S SYRUP TENDS TO BE DARKER, Kirk said, because of all the silver and red maples in their sugarbush. So they also purchase about 300-400 gallons of light syrup per year to make confections. They place their syrup and candy in about a halfdozen area stores, while selling about a third of their harvest directly at farmers markets and off a table by the sugar house, “on the honor system,” Kirk said. “We get people that show up at seven in the morning, in PJs, realizing they made pancakes and are out of syrup.”

SUGARBUSH SUPERVISORS We noticed that a lot of sugarmakers had some great-looking, four-legged Sugarbush Supervisors helping them both outdoors and in. And so, in an effort to show these furry staff members some love for their hard work during sugaring season, we held our first official Sugarbush Supervisor Contest this February. We had over 60 entries and then over 1500 votes to determine the top ten pooches. The really ruff job then fell on the Leader team to select the final winners, who are getting some excellent Orvis swag. The top prize went to Clover, who works in South Hero, Vermont. She's only been on the job three years, but is already very good at catching the extra drips. Her biggest pet peeve was that she did not have a bed in the sugar house (now she does). And she's a big lover of hedgehogs, particularly live ones! Visit our Facebook page to get acquainted with all the furry supervisors, including the top runners up, shown below.

As their daughters Emma and Madeline have grown, Kirk and Michelle have involved them in the work. “It’s fun to be out in the woods as a family, and especially when it comes down to the processing part, they really get a good education.” Kirk said. “For us, it is definitely a family affair, doing it in the town we both grew up in.”

Bookem (3rd place)

Pre-COVID, they would host about 500-600 visitors on a Maple open house weekend in March. “It’s great to see that we are involving the whole community,” Michelle added.


Tucker (2nd place)

Leader (3rd place)

Hours: M-F 7:30-4:30

(802) 868-5444 | 5


Leader Max Flow Flex

This is our newest 5/16" semi-rigid tubing. Flexible enough to be used for drops and strong enough to be used for lateral lines. This tubing can do it ALL! 5/16" x 500'

Designed as drop-line tubing, this is our most flexible offering. It has been tested and shown to have a remarkable bond to tubing fittings – a bond that is nearly impossible to break by spinning or tension. The supple walls allow it to fill in around each barb for ultimate holding power that eliminates costly leaks. Its flexibility makes it great for drop lines, especially on colder days, yet it is strong and durable enough to be used as a lateral line tubing if desired. 5/16" x 500'

4702, Blue $41.95/roll

4700, Blue 4700-Y, Yellow 4700-O, Orange 4700-P, Pink $69.95/roll

Leader Max Flow Grip

will be donated to

More flexible than our 30P tubing, Max Flow Grip is best for installations that are put up and taken down each year. The locked-on grip helps eliminate fittings pulling apart from tension and stress over years of use. What is more, when a tree limb or snow knocks the tubing down, it will spring back close to how it was originally hung. 5/16" x 500' 4701, Blue 4701 GRN, Green $49.95/roll A portion of profits from sales of our new PINK TUBING will be donated to


Leader 30P

how much? When estimating how much tubing you need for your woods, base it on 20 feet per tap. You should also have no more than 5 taps per 5/16" lateral line. Custom tubing colors available, with minimum quantities. Please call for details. 6 | LeaderEvaporator.com

This lateral line plastic tubing is made from virgin polyethylene and meets the highest standards for quality maple tubing. With the smoothest interior wall in the maple industry, it is ideal for new, high-output tubing systems looking for maximum flow and optimal sap quality. The ultra-violet characteristic of this plastic tubing allows sunlight to pass through, as the plastic walls are very clear. This limits heating of sap within the tubing system. 5/16" x 500' 4730PB, Blue $48.95/roll

Prices are subject to change without notice.

TUBING SYSTEMS — 5/16" LEADER LINE OF TUBING FITTINGS Clear Check Valve Spout Effectively eliminate the backflow of sap from the tubing system, and, as a result, increase sap production in two ways: ➾ Sap that leaves the hole during short sap runs cannot be pulled back by the tree as it freezes. ➾ Contaminated sap from the tubing system is prevented from being pulled back into trees, extending the sugaring season and substantially increasing sap production.

4712, Clear Check Valve Spout, $0.42/ea Colors available: Clear 5/16" Spout 4713, Clear, $0.20/ea

Colors available:

Tree Saver Spout 4779, Hole size 5/16" $0.44/ea

(See page 8 for 3/16" version)

Check-Valve Adapter 4711, Black 4111, Clear $0.42/ea

Dead End Tee

4744R, Dead End Tee RIGHT (red) 4744L, Dead End Tee LEFT (green) $0.29/ea

Tee with Plug

Works with newer poly tubing. Increased inside diameter for greater capacity. 4737, $0.29/ea

Barbed Tee with Cup

Works with poly tubing and tree saver spout. 4739, $0.29/ea

Hooked Connector

New & Improved! Reduces unwanted tension on mainline entrance fittings. Doubles as a straight connector. 4710, $0.29 ea

End Hook for 5/16" 4745, $0.34/ea

Slide Fitting for 5/16" 4743, $0.58/ea

End Ring

The ultimate way to secure your 5/16" lateral lines to the end tree; no “dead” area in the tubing for bacteria to grow. 4738, $0.29/ea

Stub Spout 4715, $0.34/ea

Spout Adapter 4716, Black 4116, Clear $0.20/ea


DROPS AVAILABLE Precut drops can be ordered with spouts inserted and ready to install in your woods. Call for info and pricing.

Hours: M-F 7:30-4:30

(802) 868-5444 | 7

TUBING SYSTEMS — 3/16" LEADER MAX FLOW 50 3/16" TUBING This is a new tubing blend with superior seal strength for the greatest hold on fittings. Enhanced flexibility and retraction memory maintains the tubing's diameter and durability in even the harshest of winter conditions. Can be used as lateral line or in drop line applications. Improved clarity: deep blue color increases woods and sap visibility. 473800, 3/16" x 800' $61.95/roll

3/16" TUBING ACCESSORIES Clear 3/16" Spout 4113, Clear $0.20/ea

Check Valve Adapters 4711, Black 4111, Clear $0.42/ea

Clear Check Valve Spout 4112, Hole size 3/16" $0.45/ea

Spout Adapters 4716, Black $0.20/ea 4116, Clear $0.19/ea


4105, for 3/16" tubing $0.40/ea

3/16" Two-Hand Tubing Tool

Tee with Plug

Increased diameter for capacity 4103 $0.32/ea

Use on 3/16" tubing to connect lines to tees and connectors. 4808, $242

End Hook

Works with poly tubing and tree saver spout 4102, for 3/16" tubing, $0.53/ea

Hook Connector 3/16" to 3/16" tubing 4100, $0.23/ea

3/16' One-Hand Tubing Tool

Hook Connector

Use on 3/16" tubing to connect lines to tees and connectors. 4807, $116

3/16" to 5/16" tubing 4101, $0.21/ea

Stub Spout for 3/16" 4115, $0.34/ea

All our tubing is proudly made in the U.S.A. 8 | LeaderEvaporator.com

Prices are subject to change without notice.



½" Mainline is good for up to 50 taps 4743u 100' $27.95 4743u1 400' $105.95

This tubing's high density formula reduces weight and maintains rigidity. HD tubing is manufactured with high quality materials and provides an economical installation solution. Deep blue color increases woods and sap visibility for faster identification of leaks. Available in 3/4" and 1" diameter sizes. Stainless steel fittings recommended.

¾" Mainline is good for up to 250 taps 4744u 100' $33.95 4744u1 300' $99.95 4744u2 500'* $153.95 4744u3 1,000' * $306.95

4744HD2 4744HD3 4745HD2 4745HD4

1" Mainline is good for up to 500 taps 4745u 100' $47.95 4745u1 200' $93.95 4745u2 500' * $217.95 4745u4 1,000' * $434.95

* Oversized – freight truck only.

1 ¼" Mainline is good for up to 1,000 taps 4746u 100' * $79.95 4746u2 400' * $299.95

Band Clamps – Wide Style 60037 ½" - #10 $1.46 ea. 60040 ¾" - #12 $1.46 ea. 60043 1" - #16 $1.46 ea. 60046 1 ¼ & 11 ½" - #24 $1.50 ea. 60049 2" - #36 $1.50 ea.

➾ Smooth inner walls for less bacteria buildup ➾ Light color to see sap movement ➾ Light color to keep sap cooler ➾ LDPE for less thermal expansion

1 ½" Mainline is good for up to 2,000 taps 4747u 100' * $113.95 4747u3 400' * $377.95

¾" x 500' * ¾" x 1,000' * 1" x 500' * 1" x 1,000' *

$91.95/roll $182.00/roll $152.00/roll $303.00/roll


* Oversized – freight truck only


S/S Barb TEE

3415 ¾" $4.25 3416 1" $4.99 3417 1 ¼" $5.95 3418 1 ½" $5.95 3464 2" $8.95

3450 3451 3452 3453 3454 3456 3457 3462 3463

S/S Barb Adapter x MPT 3419 ¾" 3420 1" 3421 1 ¼" 3422 1 ½"

$9.95 $12.95 $17.95 $19.95

¾" 1" x 1" x ¾" 1" 1 ¼" x 1 ¼" x ¾ " 1 ¼" x 1 ¼" x 1" 1 ½" x 1 ½" x ¾" 1 ½" x 1 ½" x 1" 2" 2" x 2" x 1"

$13.95 $14.95 $14.95 $13.95 $14.95 $14.95 $15.95 $20.95 $17.95

S/S Ball Valves with Barbs

S/S Barb Y

¾" SS Ball Valve. Full Port w/Barbs. 5000, $18.95

3423 ¾" $14.95 3424 1" $15.95 3425 1 ¼" $18.95 3426 1½" $21.95

1" SS Ball Valve. Full Port w/Barbs. 5001, $20.95

S/S Barb Reducing Y 3428 3429 3430 3431 3432

1" x 1" x ¾" 1 ¼" x 1 ¼" x ¾" 1 ¼" x 1 ¼" x 1" 1 ½" x 1 ½" x ¾" 1 ½" x 1½" x 1"

$15.95 $18.95 $18.95 $21.95 $31.95


Hours: M-F 7:30-4:30

(802) 868-5444 | 9


47103 ½" 47102 ¾" 47101 1" 47103A 1 ¼" 47103B 1 ½" 47103C 2"

$0.90/ea $1.02/ea $1.04/ea $1.55/ea $3.75/ea $6.95/ea

Plastic Reducing Coupling 47106 47105 47104 47106A 47106B 47106C 47118 47106D

¾" x ½" 1" x ½" 1" x ¾" 1 ¼" x 1" 1 ½" x 1" 1 ½" x 1 ¼" 2" x 1 ¼" 2" x 1 ½"

$1.75/ea $1.75/ea $1.82/ea $3.85/ea $6.95/ea $3.97/ea $7.95/ea $6.95/ea

Adapter Plastic pipe to iron pipe thread 47107 ½" $0.80/ea 47108 ¾" $1.02/ea 47109 1" $1.12/ea 47109A 1 ¼" $1.65/ea 47109B 1 ½" $1.75/ea 47107B 2" $3.52/ea

Plastic Tee

47112 ½" 47111 ¾" 47110 1" 47112A 1 ¼" 47112B 1 ½" 47111A 2"

$2.27/ea $2.27/ea $2.50/ea $3.92/ea $4.08/ea $8.95/ea

Plastic Reducing Tee

$2.25/ea 47115 ¾" x ¾" x ½" 47115A ¾" x ¾" x 1" $5.95/ea 47114 1" x 1" x ½" $2.44/ea 47113 1" x 1" x ¾" $2.44/ea 47112C 1 ¼" x 1 ¼" x ¾" $3.80/ea 47114A 1 ½" x 1 ¼" x 1" $3.63/ea 47114C 1 ½" x 1 ½" x ¾" $6.95/ea 47113A 1 ½" x 1 ½" x 1" $5.95/ea 47128 1 ½" x 1 ½" x 1 ¼" $14.95/ea 47116 2" x 2" x 1 ¼" $14.95/ea 47127 2" x 2" x 1 ½" $9.95/ea

Mainline Plugs

4740 ½" $1.53/ea 4741 ¾" $1.87/ea 4742 1" $2.04/ea 4742A 1 ¼" $2.78/ea 4742B 1 ½" $3.12/ea 4742C 2" $5.95/ea 10 | LeaderEvaporator.com

Quick Seal Mainline Entrance Fitting

Sized for blue mainline 4708 ¾" style, 5/16" drill bit $2.57/ea 4706 1" style, 15/32" drill bit $2.84/ea

Mainline Elbow

To accept #4765 and #4765A 4792A ½" $1.82/ea 4792B ¾" $2.84/ea 4792C 1" $3.35/ea

Mainline Base Tee

To accept #4765 and #4765A fittings 4763A ½" $3.00/ea 4763B ¾" $3.12/ea 4763C 1" $3.52/ea 4763D 1 ¼" $4.65/ea 4763E 1 ½" $7.95/ea

Mainline Stars

The bottom has a standard ½" iron pipe thread 4765A takes SIX 5/16" lines $3.40/ea 4765 takes FOUR 5/16" lines $1.93/ea

Mainline Tee

Will take FOUR 5/16" tubing lines 4748 ½" $1.75/ea 4749 ¾" $2.72/ea 4749A 1" $2.84/ea

Y Fitting 4748Y ½" $1.75/ea 4749Y ¾" $2.78/ea 4749AY 1" $2.84/ea

End Cap for 5/16", 1/2" mainline fittings 4766 5/16" $0.23/ea 4766A ½" $0.37/ea

Prices are subject to change without notice.



¾" 47140 $6.95 47141 $15.95 47142 $15.95 47143 $15.95 47144 $7.95 47145 $7.95 47173 $5.95 47184 $12.95

1" 47146 $7.95 47147 $16.95 47148 $17.95 47149 $17.95 47150 $8.95 47151 $8.95 47175 $5.95 47185 $13.95

1 ¼" 47152 $7.95 47153 $18.95 47154 $19.95 47155 $19.95 47156 $10.95 47157 $10.95 47175 $5.95 47185 $13.95

1 ½" 47158 $7.95 47159 $19.95 47160 $20.95 47161 $21.95 47162 $10.95 47163 $10.95 47178 $9.95 47176 $16.95

2" 47164 $8.95 47165 $23.95 47166 $24.95 47167 $24.95 47168 $11.95 47169 $11.95 47179 $8.95 47186 $20.95





½" x ¾" 1" x 1¼"





1 ½" 2"

47180 47181 47182 47183 $1.73 $1.94 $1.94 $2.54

PVC Threaded Plugs

PVC Combo Tees

4795A ¾" 4795B 1" 4795C 1 ¼" 4796D 1 ½" 4795D 2"

64339 64335 64334 64333 64358

$3.00/ea $3.57/ea $4.70/ea $6.95/ea $6.95/ea


¾" (INS x MPT) 1" (INS x MPT) 1 ¼" (INS x MPT) 1 ½" (INS x MPT) 2" (INS x MPT)

$3.74 $4.87 $5.95 $6.95 $10.95

PVC Nipples

PVC Combo Elbows

64341 ¾" $1.70/ea 64329 1" $2.27/ea 64328 1 ¼" $3.40/ea 64327 1 ½" $4.54/ea 64374 2" $5.95/ea

64408 64338 64337 64336 70258

PVC Reducing Bushings

PVC Combo Valves

64470 64473 64481 64476 64477 64479 64480 64478 4798C

60129 60130 60131 60132 60133

1" x ¾" (MxF) $6.95/ea 1 ¼" x 1" (MxF) $6.95/ea 1 ½" x ¾" (MxF) $7.95/ea 1 ½" x 1 " (MxF) $8.95/ea 1 ½" x 1 ¼" (MxF) $6.95/ea 2" x ¾" (MxF) $11.95/ea 2" x 1" (MxF) $11.95/ea 2" x 1 ¼" (MxF) $11.95/ea 2" x 1 ½" (MxF) $11.95/ea

¾" (INS x MPT) 1" (INS x MPT) 1 ¼" (INS x MPT) 1 ½" (INS x MPT) 2" (INS x MPT)

$2.84 $4.08 $5.95 $6.95 $9.95

¾" (IPS Full Port) $4.25 1" (IPS Full Port) $6.95 1 ¼" (IPS Full Port) $8.95 1 ½" (IPS Full Port) $10.95 2" (IPS Full Port) $15.95

A printed catalog can never defeat the internet. Or the wise counsel of your Leader Dealer. Visit us online 24/7/365 at leaderevaporator.com or call your nearest dealer listed on pages 44-45. CustomerService@LeaderEvaporator.com

Hours: M-F 7:30-4:30

(802) 868-5444 | 11

TUBING SYSTEMS TUBING TOOLS One-Hand Tubing Fitting Assembly Tool Designed to insert 5/16" fittings. A must-have for repair work. 4791A, $111.00

Two-Hand Tubing Tool Designed to insert 5/16" fittings. 47713, $258.00

Single Tubing Tool with Parallel Movement

Anvil Tubing Cutter for 5/16" Tubing 4790B, $17.95

Built-in tubing spreader and auto-locking vice grips. Designed to insert 5/16" fittings. 47725, $168.00

Multi-Function One-Hand Tubing Tool

Fitting stripper, tubing cuttter, spout puller and hammer. Designed to insert 5/16" fittings. 47710, $158.00

Tubing Cutter for 5/16 tubing

Compact One-Hand Tubing Tool

Extra Cutting Blades

No vice grip required. Jaws work as the tool opens. Has a built-in tubing cutter. Designed to insert 5/16" fittings. 47700, $153.00

Deluxe Double Tubing Tool

Parallel movement, built-in cutter with guard, spring-loaded tubing spreader, and autolocking vice grips. Designed to insert 5/16" fittings. 47705, $336.00

Small and efficient 4790, $11.95

For tubing cutter 4790. 4790A, $3.40/ea

Kwik-Cut Mainline Cutter, Large 4795 LARGE (1/8" x 1 5/8") $22.95 4796 X-LARGE , (1/8" x 1 7/8") $24.95

Mainline Tubing Tool 47730 ¾" & 1" 47735 1" & 1 ¼" 47736 1 ½" & 1 ¼" 47740 1 ½" & 2"

$284.00 $284.00 $284.00 $315.00

Mainline Punches

Bit for Mainline Punch Designed to drill holes for fitting requiring a 15/32" hole. 47720, $78.95

Adjustable vice grips for any size mainline and interchangeable bits. Drill-style bits make cleaner holes. 47715, 5/16", $160.00 47716, 15/32", $160.00

12 | LeaderEvaporator.com

Prices are subject to change without notice.


Takes the guesswork out of laying tubing and helps keep a constant 4% minimum pitch in your tubing. 47998, $35.95

Tubing & Wire Reel All S/S 4736, $596 4736E, Extension Ring, $99.95

4731, $105.00

Wire Ties

To hold mainline tubing to aerial wires, galvanized, 1000/coil. 4768 4769 4770 4770A 4770C 4770D 4770E 4763

Pipe size Length ½" 4" ¾" 5" 1" 6" 1 ¼" - 1 ½" 8" 10" 12" 13" 8"

Tubing Spooler All stainless. For installing 5/16" lateral lines.

ga 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 16

$14.95 $15.95 $17.95 $22.95 $27.95 $29.95 $22.95 $29.95

Hand Tying Tool For 17-gauge wire ties. 4771, $3.41

Auto Wire Tying Tool

For 16- & 17-gauge wire ties. Great grip. 4782, $28.95

High-Tensile Wire Cutter 4794, $26.95

#9 Galvanized Steel Wire To suspend mainlines. 50lbs. 4776, $120.00/850' roll

#12½ Gauge Steel Wire

High carbon galvanized steel wire. Will stand up to 1,500 lbs. before stretching. Approx. 52 lbs. 4725, $85.95/2000' roll

Side Tie Wire

With spooler. 600' per spool. 4777, $44.95

Lag Bolt With Insulator

Mount directly in end tree for a quick wire installation. 4722, $2.78/ea


Side Tie Tool 4772, $17.95/ea

12½ or 9 Gauge Wire Tensioning Device

Wire tensioner designed to maintain tension thoughout woods. Rigid construction and durable tension wheel. Use with wire tensioning handle. 4727, $6.95

Stainless Steel Tensioning Device

Stainless steel body and galvanized cog. Square end allows tensioning with socket wrench. Good for use with 1 ¼" and larger mainline. 4730, $4.73

Wire Tensioning Handle

For use for both style tensioning devices. Can also be used to release tension on the wire post-season. 4728, $9.95

Gripple for 9 & 12½ Gauge Wire

Simply insert wire through holes and the spring clamps will do the rest, connecting the wire ends. Perfect tool for mailine installations in a wet and dry system (no tools required for installation). 4723 9 Gauge $3.15 4724 12 ½ Gauge $2.00

Spinning Wire Spooler

Adjustable brake to control over-spin when you stop pulling the wire. 4729, $110.00

Cable Grip Tubing Puller 4803 ¾" $18.95 4804 1" $22.95 4805 1 ¼" $35.95 4809 1 ½" $45.95 4806 2" $59.95

Hours: M-F 7:30-4:30

(802) 868-5444 | 13

VACUUM & RELEASERS FLOOD SYSTEM WITH OIL COOLING KIT These rotary vane vacuum pump systems are driven by belt and pulley from an electric motor, and come with an oil reclaiming system to be installed on the exhaust of the vacuum pump. Unlike traditional drip oiling systems found on most rotary vein pumps the flood system injects a stream of oil into the housing to create additional lubrication, cooling, and higher vacuum.

SAP LIFTER SYSTEM ➾ Raise sap 20' or more with multiple systems installed. ➾ No storage tanks or vacuum releasers required.

Sap Lifting Tank ~ 300 taps 64161 $770.00

Sap Lifting System ~ 600 taps Includes: 1 Sap Lifting Tank, and 1 Transfer Tank 64164 $1040.00

➾ 27 inches + vacuum levels ➾ Reclaims 95% of the oil ➾ No Heated Rooms or Constant Water Supply required ➾ Designed for the intense, 24-hour use of maple syrup producers

Sap Lifting System ~ 1000 taps Includes: 2 Sap Lifting Tanks, and 1 Transfer Tank 64163 $1,870.00

Complete with a vacuum regulator, check valve, one season supply of oil, and oil filters. Moisture trap and vacuum gauges not included, but highly recommended.

Flood System Vacuum Pump with Cooler #




TAPS 1,000

¾ h.p. Elect. Comp.




5.5 h.p. Gas ES-Comp.


Additional sizes, ranging from 1.5 - 9 hp motors for up to 10,000 taps, available. Please call or visit the website for pricing.

BUSCH MINK ROTARY CLAW VACUUM PUMP Dry Running Non-Contacting ➾ High level of efficiency ➾ Oil-less compression ➾ Air-cooled ➾ Minimal maintenance ➾ Available in single- and three-phase power ➾ Available with Variable Frequency Drives The Busch Rotary Claw Vacuum Pump is a highly efficient unit. The unique non contacting, friction-free design reduces wasted energy from drag and friction. A factory installed and programed Variable Frequency Drive further improves energy efficiency. # 70572 70571

TAPS DESCRIPTION 3,000 3.25 h.p., 53 CFM. 8,000 6.4 h.p., 103 CFM

14 | LeaderEvaporator.com

PRICE $9,070.00 $12,960.00

In the pumping chamber, two “S” shaped rotors spin in opposite directions to create a void of trapped air that is compressed and discharged. A small, fixed gauge clearance is maintained between all moving parts. Due to this, there is no friction or wear, and oil is not required in the compression chamber for lubrication, sealing, or cooling.

Prices are subject to change without notice.


VACUUNOMICS The average payback of a vacuum system is 2.5 years, just based on extra sap production.

Vertical Double


Mechanical Releaser # 64186

TAPS 1,000

DESCRIPTION 8" x 16" Tank


2,500 12" x 18" Tank

For every inch of Mercury gained above 20, your sap production increases 3-5%.

Mechanical Releaser

PRICE $1,240.00

# 64462

TAPS 1,000



6,000 18" x 24" Tank (single) 12,000 18"x 48" Tank (dual)


DESCRIPTION Reverse Slope System

PRICE $2,160.00 $1,840.00 $2,730.00


2 h.p. shown


Belly Releaser with Sump Pump For use with high vacuum systems. Designed for use at 28" Hg. Now available with VFD. #





66314 66314D


Belly Releaser with Sump Pump For use with high vacuum systems. Designed for use at 28" Hg. TAPS


1 h.p. (single)

PRICE $5,360.00



½ h.p.

PRICE $2,650.00

10,000 2 h.p. (single)




1 h.p.


15,000 2.2 h.p. (dual)



10,000 2 h.p.



Custom releaser and VFD options available. Please call for quotes. CustomerService@LeaderEvaporator.com

Hours: M-F 7:30-4:30

(802) 868-5444 | 15


Leader bits have a special parabolic twist that helps remove wood debris from the hole while drilling. They also have a reduced point to prevent the bit from “walking” when starting the hole. 5/16" Tree Saver Bit, 3 ½" length 63055, $16.95

SPOUTS & DRIVER 7/16" Soule Hookless, aluminum 5631, $3.42/ea 5/16" Plastic Bucket Spout 5611, $1.05/ea

CLEANING SUPPLIES Poly Scrub Brushes 60065, 8-1/2", $8.95 60066, 20", $13.95

SAP BUCKETS & COVERS 3 Gal. Plastic Sap Bucket 5609, $6.95/ea Plastic Bucket Cover 5610, $2.63/ea Poly Gathering Pail 5-Gal. Capacity (not pictured) 5621, $16.95

Bucket Brush

Large round brush that cleans and fits all buckets. Durable nylon bristles do not shed. 60076, $160.00

Side/End Brush 60073, $8.95



Pop-on Head (only) 64052, $40.95

Bulk Tank Brush

Pop-on Bag 64055, 17", $8.95 64058, 33", $11.95

Wooden Handle for Bulk Tank Brush 60060, 54", $9.95

PVC Adapters for Pop-on Heads 47109B, 1 ½", $1.63 64064, 1 ½" x 1 1/4", $8.95 64067, 1 ½" x 1", $5.95

60079, $47.95

Spout Brush 60055, $3.78


A DIFFERENT SORT OF SAP LADDER Ross and Ryan Lavoie (Swanton, VT) installed a handsome staircase up and over some lateral lines in their sugarbush, allowing easier access to their pump house. Ross teaches construction at the local high school, so building the stairs (and the pump house, too) was a student project. Sugarbush Supervisor Stella (voted into the top ten, see page 5) clearly approves. 16 | LeaderEvaporator.com

Prices are subject to change without notice.

STAINLESS STORAGE TANKS Leader Mini Model Tank (1" reinforced outlet) • • • •

All stainless steel cradle 20 gauge stainless tig welded 1" stainless steel reinforced elbow outlet Additional 1" clearance under elbow for easy plumbing fit-up, no additional blocking required. #


W x D x L (in)



120 Gal

24 x 27.6 x 48



195 Gal

36 x 28 x 48.


Leader Mini Stainless Storage Tank – 195 Gal.

All Leader tanks feature 20 ga. S/S liners, and HD steel frames. They are fully inspected and water tested before shipment.

Round Bottom Tank # 570200

CAPACITY W x D x L (in) 200 Gal 49 x 27 x 50



Econo Econo


300 Gal 49 x 27 x 74 ½




375 Gal 49 x 50 x 50½



Short Deep


565 Gal 49 x 64 x 63



Short Deep


775 Ga 49 x 50½ x 99



Short Deep


600 Gal 49 x 32 x 150



Round Bottom


750 Gal 49 x 38 x 150



Round Bottom


900 Gal 49 x 43 x 150



Round Bottom


1,200 Gal 49 x 51 x 159



Round Bottom


1,500 Gal 49 x 51 x 196





1,850 Gal 49 x 51 x 244





2,660 Gal 88 x 74 x 127





H20 sap tanks are made of extremely robust 20 ga. stainless steel and expand the Leader line to include quality storage units with capacites from 3,000 to 13,000 gallons. WIDTH



3-Foot Wide

350 gal


4-Foot Wide

233-2,000 gal


5-Foot Wide

804-3,478 gal


6-Foot Wide

905-3,990 gal


7-Foot Wide

1,825-6,650 gal


8-Foot Wide

2,135-9,200 gal


9-Foot Wide

7,750-9,055 gal


10-Foot Wide

6,850-13,000 gal


For exact pricing and dimensions, call or visit our website.

U-Frame Model Tank

Hours: M-F 7:30-4:30

(802) 868-5444 | 17

VACUUM MONITORING Finally, a cost-effective, reliable system for monitoring the health and efficiency of your sugarbush's tubing system. Start saving money now. Call a salesperson or dealer to tailor a system that meets your needs.

Wireless Vacuum Sensors and Repeaters The highly precise vacuum Sensor (0.05 in. Hg) from H2O-Smartrek™ records your vacuum level and allows you to identify leaks. If installed at the end of a main line, the sensor will also record temperature. The sensor receives and wirelessly transmits information to all other sensors in range. Powered by 3 D-size batteries. 3-year life expectancy if used during 3 months per year. Available with 1-3 ports: 91010-1/2/3

Smartrek Smart Station

The H20 Smartrek™ is the most efficient and trusted vacuum monitoring system available. Sensors installed throughout your sugarbush communicate wirelessly to help you quickly identify leaks, so you can fix them and reduce loss. The system is extremely easy to install and use and will give you the sort of detailed, in-depth analysis of your system's health that you have previously only dreamed of. 91020

Long-Range Gateway Communication within the H2O-Smartrek™ system is orchestrated by the long-range gateway. All information and measurements gathered by the different sensors are transmitted to the gateway. It then prioritizes the speed and order in which to send the information via the wireless network. In networking terms, the gateway represents the network's parent node and is a primary element. It is generally installed in the main part of the sugarhouse. The gateway will then receive radio transmissions from nearby sensors and transmit them to your tablet via Bluetooth. This system is completely autonomous and does not require an internet connexion, nor a Wi-Fi or cellular network at the sugarhouse. 91001-LR

18 | LeaderEvaporator.com

The Repeater is used when two sensors are too far apart, or when elevation changes can block radio waves. The repeater takes no measurements. It merely receives and transmits information to all the other sensors in range using radio waves. Powered by 3 D-sized batteries. Seven-year life expectancy if used just 3 months per year. Batteries Included. 91015-R The Wireless Ultrasonic Level Sensor is used to measure the water level in any type of tanks, no matter its size or height. Whether it is a closed, refrigerated tank or a vertical silo, the piezometer probe will provide a precise reading of the water height level. 91021

Mobile Gateway The mobile gateway connects to an Android mobile device and gives you access to all of your network's measurements and information wherever you are, even in the field. Since it uses radio waves, it requires no cellphone or internet network, making it ideal for remote locations. Rechargeable power supply (36 hours use time). 91001-M

Prices are subject to change without notice.

Sweet Traditions

Sugaring has deep roots with the Mashantucket Tribe

Story by Jodi Lawaich Photography by Brenda De Los Santos


ccording to Abenaki legend, one of the many gifts the Creator gave to the People was the maple tree.

It ran with sap that was as thick and sweet as honey, right from the snap of a branch. The Creator sent Gluskabe to each village to check in on the People, to make sure they were prospering and doing well. One day, Gluskabe came upon a village that was in disrepair. The fields were overgrown and the fires had gone cold. He wondered what had happened to the People. He looked around and around, not locating anyone. Finally, he heard a sound like a moan, not one of pain, but one of contentment. He followed the sound and came upon a stand of beautiful maple trees. Under the trees were all the People, lying on their backs, snapped branches in their hands, as the sweet sap dripped directly into their mouths. They were fat, lazy,

When the People tasted the new sap, they got off

and had no interest in moving at all. Gluskabe insisted

the ground and asked where their sweet sap was.

they get up to restart their fires; the People said no. In-

Gluskabe told them that if they wanted their sweet syrup

stead, they told him they were happy to lay where they

again, they’d have to work hard to get it. He showed

were, enjoying

them how to create the birch buckets to collect the

their sweet sap.

sap, how to make the fires to boil the sap, and where to


collect the wood for the fires. This began the tradition

left the village

of each early spring that brought the People their sweet

and reported

syrup through the hard work they put into it.

his findings to the Creator.

THERE ARE MANY STORIES about how Native American


tribes began sugaring, from a happy accident to the

that the People

story above. What is undeniable is that every tribe

needed to learn

regards the process as part of an important seasonal

a further lesson, the Creator instructed Gluskabe to fill

and cultural tradition, one that dates back centuries,

the maple trees with a measure of water for each day

and one that for the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation

between moons, so that it would be 30 times less thick

of Connecticut is an essential part of the community.

than it was. The Creator also made it so the sap would flow only once a year, before the new year of spring.

“I wanted to get it back going for our youth and the future generations,” said Jeremy Whipple, operator of


the tribe’s sugarhouse and the transportation and project 30" X 12' LEADER EVAPORATOR WITH STEAM-AWAYS VORTEX WOOD-FIRED ARCH SPRINGTECH EXTREME HP-1 RO

20 | LeaderEvaporator.com

manager in the tribe’s Public Works Department. Jeremy, 36, began sugaring when he was 10, taught by his uncles Robert and Richard Hayward. It was a tra-

dition passed down from generation to generation, and

of sugaring to the next generations, it has proven to be

being born and raised on the reservation made it

a great entrepreneurial move as well.

especially important to Jeremy to hold on

“We’ve got four people working for us,

to sugaring for the coming generations.

two full-time, two part-time, and we’re

The sugarhouse needed some work,

planning to go from the 4,000 taps we’ve


got to 10,000,” said Jeremy. “We’re selling

“The first sugar house was built in the

our syrup online and in the casino, so we’re

60s, but it burned down, so a second one

planning to hire a few more people next

was built in the 70s,” Jeremy said. In the


early 80s, the Foxwoods Casino came and took the focus off the small things like the sugar shack and it fell into disrepair. Jeremy

And what about the next generation? Do they like the work? “They love it,” Jeremy said. “They’re

never forgot, though, and in 2010 he got

really interested in it and they love the way

to work bringing the sugar shack back to

it brings everyone together. There’s a unity

life. His mission was twofold: get sugaring operational again and use the process to teach the tribal kids about

in it that is contagious.” There must be — as this article is going to press, the

their heritage by using the sugar shack as a cultural

Seneca tribe in Allegheny, NY, is, thanks in part to Jere-

education tool.

my’s input, also getting back to their tradition of sugar-

Raising funds through pancake breakfasts and selling

ing, just like the Mashantucket Pequot tribe has.

t-shirts, Jeremy and his sister-in-law Crystal collected

“These things have to happen to keep our youth

enough money to build a new foundation and floor for

and traditions alive,” said Jeremy. “If they get forgotten,

the sugar house. Then came the big winners: a large

there’s nothing left.”

grant from the FRTEP — Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program — and a separate grant from the tribe. These allowed Jeremy to buy the Leader equipment he needed to not just boost production, but to really teach the trade to the next generation of sugarers in the tribe. Richard Norman, of Norman’s Sugarhouse, a Leader dealer of over 30 years, together with Leader salesman David Butler, got Jeremy set up with a new filter press, a Vortex 30" x 12 evaporator, two 1,200-gallon tanks, a 800-gallon tank, a new vacuum tubing system, traditional tapping equipment, and a reverse osmosis machine. “Our cooking time has gone from eight hours to two hours,” said Jeremy. “The equipment is low emissions, especially with the Steam-Aways, which reduces the pollutants going into the air. This is important to us as a tribe.” While Jeremy’s vision of reopening the sugar house was based largely on teaching and passing on the tradition


Hours: M-F 7:30-4:30

(802) 868-5444 | 21

REVERSE OSMOSIS MICRO R/O Technology for less than $3,200 Features include: ➾ Fully stainless steel frame ➾ Easy-change pre-filter housing ➾ Fast wash cycle ➾ Plug and process plumbing, only 1 valve! ➾ Simple operation! 700010, micRO1, $3,195 700012, micRO2, $3,695 700000, StartUp Kit 700005, Wheel Kit

THE ROI OF RO Few things can transform a sugaring operation like reverse osmosis (RO). According to scientific studies, RO can reduce energy usage by up to 90% when compared with evaporation alone. The implementation of reverse osmosis can result in profit increases of over 20%.


feed pressure recirc hp





nameplate amps













1 - 4"x40"

2 - 4"x40"





24"x14"x54" includes 3" front panel

24"x14"x54" includes 3" front panel

RO 33.5"x26.5"x73.5"

RO 28.5"x30.5"x73.5" POSTS (1) 18"x23.5"x72.5"

RO 28.5"x30.5"x73.5" POSTS (2) 18"x23.5"x72.5"

RO 28.5"x30.5"x73.5" POSTS (3) 18"x23.5"x72.5"

10 amps

10 amps

34 amps

30 amps

43 amps

61 amps

22 | LeaderEvaporator.com

Prices are subject to change without notice.

REVERSE OSMOSIS MVP Perfectly sized for the efficient producer! Features include: ➾ Modular vertical membranes ➾ 1½" recirculation ports ➾ Efficient membrane changing ➾ Easy change pre-filter housing ➾ Stainless steel wash tank (except for ECO550) ➾ Fully stainless steel frame ➾ Fast wash cycle ➾ Easy, logical valve placement 700018-ECO 700018-MVP-600 700018-MVP-1200 700018-MVP-1800 703377-MVP, Exp. Kit 703377-MVP BSTR, Booster Kit




Membrane Preservative


$16.95 1 lb

Citric Acid


$11.95 1 lb



$47.95 1 gallon

RO Soap


$15.95 2 lb.


$33.95 5 lb.


$190.00 50 lb.




4" x 40" ESPA4 LD



8" x 40" ESPA4 Max







9 3/4" - 10 MICRON



20" - 10 MICRON






Hours: M-F 7:30-4:30

(802) 868-5444 | 23





Supreme OIL Traditional

Oil (no burner)

OIL Supreme GAS Traditional

Gas (no burner)

GAS Supreme















Extension kits for oil and gas arches require factory installation. Call for pricing.

< Half-Pint Evaporator with Supreme Pan, Reservoir Pan, and Wood-Fired Arch

< Half-Pint Evaporator with Supreme Pan, Bolt-on Regulating System, Gas-Fired Arch with Arch Extension, and Carlin 201 gas/propane burner

Half-Pint Evaporator with Traditional Pan, > Reservoir Pan, and Oil-Fired Arch, plus Carlin 99 FRD Burner


Bolt-on Regulating System with Float

Add-on accessory that can be installed quickly, this 120-volt blower increases turbulence in the fire box with a massive amount of air, increasing heating temperatures and evaporation rates. 370000-A, $340.00

For use with all welded Half Pint and Supreme Boiling Pans. 59029-A, $320.00

The Supreme Pan

We have increased the surface area of the traditional boiling pan by adding 6 micro flues to the middle of the pan. This increase in surface area results in a signifiant increase in evaporation rates.



Start-up Kit – Traditional Everything you need to get your unit ready to boil: ➾ 32 Full Fire Bricks, 4 ½" x 9" x 2 ½" ➾ 63 Half Fire Bricks, 4 ½" x 9" x 1 ¼" ➾ 1 #30 Pail Cement ➾ 1 Galvanized Elbow, 6", 24 gauge ➾ 3 Galvanized Smoke Stack 6" x 3'

➾ S.S Bail Valve, ½" ➾ 1 Rail Gasket,

½" x 2" x 25' roll

➾ 2 ½" S/S Nipples, ½" x Close

302433 322433 322433 302433E 372433 372433 372433R 65382 65210G


Half Pint Arch & Grates $530 Half Pint Gas/Propane (burner not incl.) $880 Half Pint Oil Arch (burner not incl.) $880 Half Pint Wood Arch Extension $240 Half Pint Traditional Boiling Pan $670 Half Pint Supreme Boiling Pan $999 Half Pint Reservoir Pan $260 Carlin 99 FRD Oil Burner $578 Carlin 201 Gas/Propane Burner $1,470

302435, $452 24 | LeaderEvaporator.com


Prices are subject to change without notice.


➾ This 2' x 4' Combo Pan includes a syrup pan and flue pan in one! ➾ Features 10 - 5.5" raised flues ➾ Boiling rate of approx. 22-25 gallons per hour ➾ Internal bolt-on regulating system for hot sap ➾ All stainless steel is tig welded ➾ Dial thermometer fitting in syrup box ➾ Two-compartment syrup pan section ➾ 1" Draw-Offs

2 x 6 Leader WSE Evaporator NOW AVAILABLE IN RAISED AND DROP FLUE ➾ Economical ➾ Tig welded 20 ga. BA stainless steel ➾ Heavy duty stainless steel connections and clamps ➾ Three compartment syrup pan ➾ Rotate syrup pan to change syrup compartment ➾ External regulating system for drop flue ➾ Internal bolt-on regulating systems for hot and cold sap in raised flue ➾ Drop flue features 6 - 7.5" drop flues ➾ Raised flue features 10 - 5.5" raised flues

Optional Butterfly Valve Kit

For easier draining of pan and faster pan reversal. Required for use with Reverse Osmosis and other enhancements. 390002, for WSE, $270.00

Finishing Evaporators — Gas Fired Perfect little finishing rig for the small volume producer who wants to sell quality syrup. Sturdy iron, two-burner gas stand with valves and regulator, S/S tig-welded pan, and 1" threaded fitting in bottom. Capacity: 28 gallons 481632 16" x 34" Gas Finisher (complete with 2-burner stand) $667 481632P 16" x 34" Pan Only $457 481632C 16" x 34" Pan Cover $78.95 55032 Dual Burner for 16x34. BTU max.: 120,000. $210 Because it's gas fired, this finishing rig gives sugar makers the greatest possible control over their final product. Gas heat is easily adjusted and can be completely shut off when syrup reaches the correct density. Operates on bottled gas . Comes complete with stainless steel pan. 482404 2' x 4' Finishing Evap. Comp. 160,000 BTU $3,360 482404C 2' x 4' Pan Cover $137 482405 2' x 5' Finishing Evap. Comp. 200,000 BTU $3,850 482405C 2' x 5' Pan Cover $158 482406 2' x 6' Finishing Evap. Comp. 250,000 BTU $4,180 482406C 2' x 6' Pan Cover $179


Hours: M-F 7:30-4:30

(802) 868-5444 | 25


For exact dimensions and pricing, visit our website or set up a sales consultation with a member of the Leader team.

Leader Natural Draft


Wood-Fired Arch

Our natural draft wood-fired arches feature heavy-duty cast iron fronts designed with expansion joints for durability. Our unique “Double V” grate design is the strongest and most warp resistant cast iron grate in the maple industry. All sizes come standard with stainless steel sides and stainless steel smoke stack. All arches need to be insulated during installation with properly rated fire bricks and refractory materials (not included with the arch). All wood-fired arches come equipped with twice the evaporator’s length in smoke stack, rounded to the nearest three-foot increment (i.e. 3x10 = 21 feet of stack) and the proper number of cast iron grates. ➾ Traditional, long-lasting design ➾ Cast iron front and doors ➾ Adjustable draft door ➾ Adjustable rear legs ➾ Stainless steel sides and stack ➾ Grates included ➾ Sturdy angle iron frame ➾ Adjustable leg levelers

Wood-Fired Arch The Inferno wood fired arch features Leader’s forced draft system, installed using the special dome-shaped forced air grates, and properly sized air blowers with speed controls. Combining the forced draft with the special air tight front allows the blowers to be run at high levels, creating more turbulence in the fire box. That turbulence will increase the BTU output of your wood, and increase your fuel efficiency. Some secondary air is also injected through the front of the arch. Smaller arches have air coming in through the door casing, while on the larger arches the air comes in through the door itself. It is very important with the additional heat these arches generate that the arch be properly insulated during installation, which includes fire bricking sides and front with properly rated bricks and refractory materials (not included with arch). ➾ 20% more efficient than a natural draft arch ➾ Durable 14-gauge airtight door ➾ Rugged, balanced, angle iron frame ➾ Tough, trucker-style two-hinge door ➾ Stainless steel sides and stack ➾ Blower included ➾ Forced draft grates included ➾ Adjustable leg levelers

Available in sizes from 2 x 6 to 6 x 18.

26 | LeaderEvaporator.com

Prices are subject to change without notice.



Wood-Fired Arch This is the most aggressive wood-fired arch in the maple industry, offering you the flexibility to boil at the highest rates available. Or tone it down a bit and be ultra-fuel efficient, the choice is yours. Nothing on the market can match the combination of intensity and even distribution of heat that the Vortex arch offers. The Vortex will burn clean, and is easy to fire, whether from raw sap or high concentrate. The Vortex comes insulated with multiple layers of 2600º ceramic blanket and requires easy installation of our new cast refractory panels in the combustion chamber and under the smoke stack. A massive combustion chamber is fueled by primary and secondary air under controlled rotation, which optimizes the burn of your wood, and distributes the BTUs evenly and efficiently to the evaporator pans. The unique step in the back of the arch is a spark trap as well as a draft control. ➾ Highest wood fire boiling rate ➾ 45% more efficient than a natural draft arch ➾ Triple-lined insulation for maximum heat retention ➾ Minimal brick for rapid heating and cooling cycles ➾ Double-wall construction & ribbed stainless steel outer wall ➾ Durable 14-gauge airtight door ➾ Dual fans + air-cone-controlled induction system ➾ Stainless steel stack ➾ Side access panels ➾ Tough trucker style two-hinge door

Reverse Fire Supreme Oil-Fired Arch

The latest in oil-fired arch technology, this new arch has a whole new look. The front control panel features control switches, indicator lights for burner functions, and a digital oil pressure gauge for monitoring burner performance. The repositioned burners have optimized boiling dynamics by improving heat distribution. The combustion chamber temperatures under the syrup pan were tested, and measured less than a 100º range from the front corners to the center of the pan. This virtually eliminates batching in the syrup pan and keeps the draws of syrup coming steady. Double-walled with multiple layers of 2600º insulating blanket, and cooled with circulating fans, the outer stainless steel wrap is easy to keep clean and makes this the ideal arch for your showplace sugarhouse. ➾ Triple-lined insulation for maximum heat retention ➾ Stainless steel stack and barometric damper included ➾ Rear burner placement for consistent syrup pan boiling ➾ Side access panel ➾ Front access electrical panel ➾ Body cooling fans ➾ Front and rear power outlets ➾ Double-wall construction ➾ Ribbed stainless steel outer wall ➾ Easy access front display ➾ Adjustable leg levelers

➾ Rheostat low pressure fan control ➾ Forced draft grates included

Hours: M-F 7:30-4:30

(802) 868-5444 | 27


American Pans

Patriot Pans

Drop Flue Style

Reverse Flow System

Traditional to the US, these drop flue pans are completely welded with stainless steel fittings, and stainless steel draw-off valves. Unlike many other welded pans, Leader is committed to full-seam welding of all partitions. This is essential for preventing backmixing and dilution during boiling (both of which can cause a drop in the grade of the syrup). These pans are equipped with an automatic sap regulating system that allows the operator to reverse the flow of liquid quickly, easily, and without slowing down the evaporator's boil.

Features two floats, one for the flue pan and one for the syrup pan. This allows the ultimate in liquid level control: the flue pan can be run slightly shallower for performance and syrup quality, while the syrup pan can be run deeper for safety. All Patriot Evaporators have full-seam welded partitions, and are constructed by the industry’s finest craftsmen entirely from 20 ga. stainless steel for unsurpassed durability (we would never cut corners like others, and opt for lighter weight 22 ga.). When the syrup compartment begins to coat up with nitre and sugar sand builds up, you will have access to two valves and a single plug, all on the outside of the evaporator. These allow you to reverse the flow within the evaporator, so that syrup can be drawn on the opposite side of the syrup pan. With a Patriot Evaporator, there is no need for messy, time-consuming pan changes during peak boiling days. The Patriot Evaporator is also easily expandable with features like the Steam-Away (see page 30), or with reverse osmosis (page 22). Patriot pans come complete with all draw-off valves, float systems, syrup pan to flue pan connections, plugs, and a ceramic pan gasket.

➾ High quality, 20-gauge stainless steel pans, the standard for longevity in the maple industry ➾ Drop flue style set of pans ➾ Stainless steel fittings and draw-off valves ➾ Simple flow reversal design ➾ Full-seam welded partitions

➾ High quality, 20-gauge stainless steel pans, the standard for longevity in the maple industry ➾ Full-seam welded partitions ➾ Separate floats for flue and syrup pans ➾ Two valves allowing quick and easy reversal ➾ Easily expandable capacity

We are capturing stories about the Leader family and sharing them on YouTube. Subscribe to our channel at bit.ly/maple-video 28 | LeaderEvaporator.com

For exact dimensions and pricing, visit our website or set up a sales consultation with a member of the Leader team (bit.ly/leader-maple).

Prices are subject to change without notice.


Cross-Flow Pans

Revolution Pans

Our Cross Flow pans offer you the most flexibility in cross-flow technology. The U-shaped compartment construction offers greater strength and flexibility. Full-seam welded end panels for all compartments limits unwanted mixing. Draw-off boxes are seamless, with bottom outlets, offering superior draining. Draw-off valves are also separate from pan connection ports. Includes butterfly valves for pan segregation.

The Revolution Evaporator brings "Right Sizing" to the maple industry. It has the exact same draw-off point all the time, so that barrels, filtering, and workspace can be set and not need to change. Crowds of people can flow around you without interfering in the necessary functions of running the evaporator. The Revolution Syrup Pan has its syrup compartments in the back of the pan, where the heat is greater, allowing for more consistent, smaller batches of syrup.

Ultimate in Flexibility

“Right Sizing”

➾ High quality, 20-gauge stainless steel pans, the standard for longevity in the maple industry

➾ High quality, 20-gauge stainless steel pans, the standard for longevity in the maple industry

➾ Full-seam welded compartments to eliminate mixing ➾ Closed top boxes to fill pan deeper for cleaning

➾ Full-seam welded compartments to eliminate mixing

➾ Flat compartment bottoms for easier cleaning

➾ Slip joint connections

➾ Slip joint connections

➾ Two-sided drain manifold

➾ Base drains for every compartment

➾ Butterfly valves

➾ Reinforced drain elbows

➾ Simple flow reversal design

➾ Butterfly valves included

➾ Dual dial thermometer outlets

➾ Simple flow reversal design ➾ Dual dial thermometer outlets

Syrup compartment

➾ No Plugs!

Which pans are right for you? The short

answer is, “it depends.” Talk it over with your dealer. They know the right questions to ask to get you started right.

Half Pint or Syrup Flat Pan

Supreme Syrup Flat Pan

WSE/American 7 ½ Drop Flue

Patriot 7 ½ Raised Flue

Max Combo 11" Drop & Combo

Draw-off point is reversible

Max Raised 11" Raised

Hours: M-F 7:30-4:30

(802) 868-5444 | 29

EVAPORATORS — HOODS, STACKS, STEAM-AWAYS HOODS Excess steam creates a humid environment that can wreak havoc with sensitive electronics, while also creating an environment for bacteria and mold to thrive. Leader hoods can be mounted directly on top of pans for complete steam elimination, or suspended above a syrup pan. Leader hoods have a built-in channel drain for condensation, with outlets on both sides

Hood with Full Door

Hoods up to 6' feature full-access doors for complete access to interior of the flue pan or syrup pan. Hoods longer than 7 feet come standard with four doors to access the pan interior. All hoods are equipped with brackets for hanging over syrup pans or for lifting hoods for pan changes. Upgrade your hood by adding lights, windows and a defoamer dripper.

7' Hood Double Door


The idea of preheating maple sap prior to its entry into the flue pan is not new. Many methods of preheating have been tried over the years, with a variety of results. Through research and actual field testing by the Northeast Forest Experiment Station, we have found that the Parallel Flow Preheater, combined with a steam hood that is reasonably tight, offers the greatest increase in efficiency. Parallel Flow Preheater Assemblies come complete with brackets, adjusting rods and condensate trays. NOTE: For best performance and efficiency, the preheater assembly should be used with a tightly-fitting steam hood that is damper controlled.

Available in Copper or S/S. Should be used with s/s hood for best performance.

THE STEAM-AWAY By funneling steam from the flue pan through a heat exchanger, the Steam-Away consistently increases evaporator performance by 65-75%. This increase is achieved by preheating the sap to as high as 200º and concentrating the sap as much as 50%. The Steam-Away is great when used with R/O machines, even at higher concentrate levels, as shown in the results from our testing below. ALL PARTS TIG WELDED

Redesigned with easy clean Air Pipes Shown with View Port 2' Steam-Away

“The best recovery for money invested. I had a 75% increase in production. I’m very happy and very impressed.” – David Richter, Luck, WI Shown with Access Panel

PATENTED AND PROVEN: Results from testing at customers’ sugar houses Sap Test Entering the Steam-Away Sap Test Leaving the Steam-Away

8.0% 12.2%

30 | LeaderEvaporator.com

10% 15%

12% 18%

15.5% 22.7%

Prices are subject to change without notice.

4' Steam-Away


Leader Style, Stainless PART #

512407-L-A 24" 16 ½ x 4 ¾ 512410-L-A 24" 16 ½ x 4 ¾ 513010-L-A 30" 21 x 5 ¾ 513612-L-A 36" 30 ½ x 6 ½ 514014-L-A 40" 33 ½ x 6 ½ 514816-L-A 48" 40 x 6 ½ 516019-L-A 60" 49 ¾ x 7 517222-L-A 72"

7" 10" 10" 12" 14" 16" 19" 22"

3' $270 3' $250 3' $320 6' $550 6' $680 6' $740 6' $1,260 6' $1,420

King Style, Stainless PART #


512407-K-A 24" 17 x 6 ½ 513010-K-A 30" 23 x 6 ½ 513012-K-A 30" 23 x 6 ½ 513612-K-A 36" 34 x 8 513614-K-A 36" 34 x 8 514014-K-A 40" 38 x 8 514016-K-A 40" 38 x 8 514818-K-A 48" 44 x 8 516022-K-A 60" 52 x 10 ½ 517224-K-A 72" 61 x 11 ¾

7" 10" 12" 12" 14" 14" 16" 18" 22" 24"

6' $320 6' $360 6' $360 6' $550 6' $590 6' $680 6' $680 6' $740 6' $1,260 6' $1,420

Grimm Style, Stainless PART #

Customized ROOF JACKS



512407-G-A 512411-G-A 513014-G-A 513614-G-A 513616-G-A 514216-G-A 514816-G-A 514818-G-A 516018-G-A 516020-G-A 517220-G-A 517222-G-A

24" 24" 30" 36" 36" 42" 48" 48" 60" 60" 72" 72"

17 x 4 ¾ 17 x 4 ¾ 24 ½ x 7 17 x 4 ¾ 29 ½ x 7 35 x 7 43 ½ x 7 43 ½ x 7 52 ¾ x 9 52 ¾ x 9 66 x 8 66 x 8

7" 11" 14" 14" 16" 16" 16" 18" 18" 20" 20" 22"

3' 3' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6'

$250 $250 $360 $550 $550 $680 $740 $740 $1,260 $1,260 $1,420 $1,420

for Steam & Smoke Stacks


Water Tight

Recommended for Smoke Stacks

with Rain Collar

Recommended for Steam Stacks or Stacks that will be taken down yearly


512408-V-A 512410-V-A 513614-V-A 513617-V-A 514817-V-A 516021-V-A 517224-V-A

24" 17 x 4 ¾ 24" 17 x 4 ¾ 36" 28 x 8 36" 28 x 8 48" 40 ½ x 8 ½ 60" 52 x 8 ½ 72"

8" 8" 14" 17" 17" 21" 24"

3' 3' 6' 6' 6' 6' 6'

$250 $250 $550 $550 $740 $1,260 $1,420




5206 5207 5208 5210 5211 5212 5214 5216

6" 7" 8" 10" 11" 12" 14" 16"


$69.95 $80.95 $87.95 $110.00 $110.00 $120.00 $130.00 $130.00





5217 5218 5219 5220 5221 5222 5224

17" 18" 19" 20" 21" 22" 24"

$150 $150 $160 $170 $190 $190 $230


We need the location of the roof jack mount (side of roof or peak of roof) and the roof pitch. Each roof jack is custom built to your specifications. Call for lead time.

Top Hat All Stainless Steel Steam stack top hat with screen available for 6" through 24" steam stack.

Vermont Style, Stainless PART #


4906 6" $284 4907 7" $284 4908 8" $294 4909 9" $294 4910 10" $294 4911 11" $306 4912 12" $306 4913 13" $391 4914 14" $391 4915 15" $391 4916 16" $391 4918 18" $408 4920 20" $448 4922 22" $448 4924 24" $448

Stack Covers

5506 5508 5510 5512 5514 5516 5518 5520 5522 5524

6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 22" 24"

$249 $249 $301 $357 $408 $454 $511 $539 $567 $584

Keep corrosive rain and moisture out with a quality stack cover. Simple lever system assures easy operation at 5407 7" $147 ground level. Fits 5410 10" $164 any standard 5411 11" $181 stack. Specify size 5412 12" $181 when ordering. 5414 14" $199 5416 16" $216 5418 18" $244 5420 20" $244 5422 22" $272 5424 24" $284

Stack Thermometer

Accurately tell your stack temperature by installing this dial thermometer at eye level in the Base Stack. Monitoring stack temperature is vital to optimal performance. 61052, $39.95 Hours: M-F 7:30-4:30

(802) 868-5444 | 31



Proportional with manual override. 3000° Full Brick 3000° Half Brick

$2.63 $2.42

Stainless Steel butterfly valve. Adjustable, temperaturecontrolled touch pad.

Refractory Cement 65001, 30 lb. pail, $39.95

Call for pricing.

Vortex Insulating Panels 3660001 Panel A - 63.5 x 22 3640001 Panel B - 54.5 x 22

$1,320 $1,250

Ceramic Blanket


Insulating Ceramic Blanket 2600°, 2' x 25' 65151 50 sq. ft./roll (8 lb.) $280

59004 Small (3 7/8" wide) $66.95 59003 Large (5 1/2" wide) $66.95

S/S Pin and Washer 65160

4" (Inconel)


InsulBoard Rated to 1900° 65000

1" x 12" x 36"


Scoops for Maple Syrup Evaporator


65190 Vermiculite, 16# $50.95

59002 Small (3 7/8" x 8 1/4") $54.95 59001 Large (5 1/2" x 8 1/4") $54.95

Tremco Fyre Caulk 65196, 10.1 oz. Tube, $17.95

Hardwood Handle


3" & 5" Dial Thermometers

3" or 5" face with XL numbers makes these exceptionally readable. Accurate, responsive bimetal element. Has 1/4" NPT fitting. Reads 0-50 with (7) enlarged. 61022 3" Face w/6" Stem $54.95 61028 5" Face w/6" Stem $75.95

59005 $20.95

Stainless Steel Draw-Off Pail 5615 13 quart 5616 16 quart

$136 $170

Pan Gasket Holder

Makes installing and hanging gasket easy. Made from durable s/s 59210 2' $29.95 59213 40" $37.95 59216 6' $45.95 59211 30" $31.95 59214 4' $39.95 59212 3' $33.95 59215 5' $44.95

Rail Gaskets for between arch, rails and pans 65157 65154 65156 65193

1" x 2" x 25' Ceramic $51.95/RL ½" x 2" X 25' Ceramic $30.95/RL ¼" x 1 ½" X 50' Woven $58.95/RL 1/8" x 4" Woven $3.52/FT

65165 4" x 48" $14.95 65167 4" x 60" $16.95

32 | LeaderEvaporator.com

63015 4 oz squeeze bottle 63018 quart 63021 gallon 63019 Defoamer Dripper

Firing Gloves

Ceramic Pan Gasket for between pans 65158 4" x 24" $11.95 65162 4" x 36" $12.95

Sap Defoamer

63123 $15.95 65168 4" x 72" $19.95

Prices are subject to change without notice.

$5.95 $21.95 $66.95 $81.95

TESTING AND GRADING Testing Cups Test cups are required when using a hydrometer. All stainless steel, tig welded construction. 1" Short Test Cup 59000 $36.95 2" Short Test Cup 59007 $36.95 2" Long Test Cup 59006 $41.95

Hand Held Refractometer Measures high Brix syrups automatically. Temperature corrected to 20ºC. (Range 60º-100ºF). Offers immediate, direct Brix readings, 45º to 82º. Accurate to ±.25º Brix. Only one or two drops of sample required. Easy-to-read scale; sharp contrast line. Calibrated to 1966 ICUMSA Tables. 61073 Sap Refractometer $200 61076 Syrup Refractometer $200

Sap Hydrometers Our maple sap hydrometers are custom made for Leader Evaporator. The tall hydrometer is ideal for maple sap, while the short is good for the producer who would like to know what the sugar concentration is of their sap. # 61042 61041

Size 7" 12"

Brix Scale Calibrated to 0º to 8º 38º 0º to 10º 38º

Price $14.95 $35.95

Maple Syrup Hydrometers Lovibond Grading Comparator Lovibond is the leading brand in Maple Syrup Grading. The Lovibond Comparator Set includes the main body, glass cell and the new international grading standards. 62091 $380

Sample Bottles for Temporary Grading Kits These are the glass bottles used by sugarmakers to grade their maple syrup using the Vermont Temporary Grading Kit. 62106 $0.84

Used to measure the density of maple syrup at a specific temperature. Custom made and tested by the State of Vermont Department of Weights and Measures for accuracy. # Size Baume Brix Test Cup Price 61040 9 3/8" 25º to 40º 51º to 71º Short $20.95 61043 12" N/A 51º to 71º Tall $29.95

Maple Syrup Grading Kit Essential for any sugarmaker reselling maple syrup. Glycerin based testing kit that includes three filled and sealed color graders: Grade A Golden, Grade A Amber, Grade A Dark and one empty jar with cap, stored in a wooden block and a cardboard cover. Each filled sample bottle is dated with the current year. Glycerin based testing kits become off-grade with age usually after the first year. 62081 $18.95


Hours: M-F 7:30-4:30

(802) 868-5444 | 33

34 | LeaderEvaporator.com

Prices are subject to change without notice.

Story by Jodi Lawaich Photography by John Angelo

More than Maple There's always a lot going on at Wendel's


f you catch Nick Wendel, co-owner of Wendel’s

As on any farm, mornings are a busy time at

Maple & More in East Concord, NY, early in the

Wendel's, and it's not only about feeding chickens or

morning, there's a good chance he’ll be loading his

loading them into a truck. Nick takes his daughter to

poultry trucks, chickens clucking away, while talking

preschool, then comes back and opens up his store to

via headset to someone on the phone about maple

get ready for his maple customers, all before 8 a.m.


The store is a busy place during sugaring season.

For Nick, a fourth generation poultry farmer and

“One of the things I love to watch happen in the

second generation maple

store," Nick said, "is we’ll

sugarer, sugaring season

have a customer come in

is a juggling act. “It’s

for something they probably

pretty much impossible

could have gotten online

to answer the phone and

from Amazon, a bucket or

load trucks,” he said with

something, but they know

a laugh. “I had 62 calls

they won’t get the well-

today, that’s approaching

worn advice that comes

my record of 80."

with getting that item

What were the calls

from us. And if there are

about? “A lot of the ones today were about the

other customers in the Nick Wendel helps a customer with a fitting.

organic defoamer I have,

store, before you know it, six or seven people are

it’s something we bottle here," he said. "Tomorrow

standing around, listening to the first conversation,

they can be about stuff that’s totally different."

and maybe two are talking to each other on their own. It’s amazing to hear what people can learn just from

Left, the Wendel family: Cami, Lynne, Kaitlyn, Nick, Bryan, Bernie, Marty.

coming into the store for something small.” Hours: M-F 7:30-4:30

(802) 868-5444 | 35

Unlike other Leader distributors who may have been sugar-

Above, Nick's dad, Marty, shares his sugaring experience with his grandkids, Kaitlyn (4) and Bryan (2). Left, Nick in his well-stocked dealer store.

ing for generations, Wendel's is relatively "young," beginning with

Nick’s training comes in very handy

Nick’s dad, who has been making

for his customers.

syrup since he was 10 years old.

“When you look at heat transfer,

He then taught Nick. And while

heat loss, and thermal dynamics,

Nick always enjoyed producing

it all applies to boiling sap: a little

maple syrup, his original plan

bit of combustion, understanding

out of high school was to go into

efficient combustion, the burning

HVAC work — he even went to

of a fire, and some of the electri-

school for it. While that job track

cal, that’s a part of the equipment,

didn’t quite pan out (pun intended),

especially with the RO,” Nick explained. With a customer base



36 | LeaderEvaporator.com

understanding the physics of the


equipment and the chemistry of boiling is a tremendous

taps of their own that produce 2200-2600 gallons of

help to his seasoned maple producers and local

syrup each year. This year, they hosted maple open

hobbyists alike.

houses each weekend in March — safely distanced —

“About 60% of our customer base are folks with less than 100 taps," Nick said. "This doesn’t make

to show how they make their delicious maple syrup. “I’m looking forward to this year’s syrup,” he said

them less important than those with more taps, be-

back in late February. When asked why he was opti-

cause many times these are the people who grow into

mistic, whether it was the recent warm spell or some

bigger operations. But you can’t grow if you don’t know

other harbinger of good maple fortune that

how things work, whether it’s about boiling or about

involved ancient and mysterious ways known only to

how to make your equipment run the best. That’s part

sugarers, he just laughed. It was simpler than that.

of my job as a Leader

“Well, there’s no real

dealer: show my cus-

rhyme or reason to it,"

tomers the ropes, teach

Nick said, "always most

them, provide the right

important is cold nights


and warm days during the

Wendel’s does a good

season, but I’ve found that

amount of production

the colder and harder the

themselves, with 5500

winter, the sweeter the sap. And it’s been a cold,

It's all chickens and syrup at Wendel's Maple and More.


hard winter.” Indeed it has been.

Hours: M-F 7:30-4:30

(802) 868-5444 | 37

FILTERING CLEAR PLASTIC FILTER PRESSES A filter press is a must-have piece of equipment for sugar makers who pack in glass. Other methods simply don't filter as clearly.

10-Frame Press

See the syrup going through your press and know when the frames are filling, needing to be changed!

7 ½" Press available in four sizes Our presses' unique stainless steel screens (instead of waffle plates) offer superior support to papers during filtering: it is very difficult to rupture papers if the press is correctly assembled.

Air Diaphragm Pump

The plastic does not absorb heat from your syrup, keeping the press hot even when filtering small batches. The press will remain warm to the touch, and can often be handled with bare hands (just don’t touch the recessed stainless steel screens). Built with 100% food grade materials. Price on 5-15 frame presses includes air diaphragm pump. #






8-15 gallons




25-40 gallons




60-80 gallons




120-160 gallons


Hand Filter Press Comparable to standard 7" aluminum presses During testing, our 15-frame unit filtered over 200 gallons several times; comparable side by side with 10" aluminum press.

Filtering conditions vary throughout the season. Ratings are based on proper filter aid usage with average filtering syrup.


Required to properly operate a filter press. Place one filter press paper between each plate and frame on the filter press. Sold in case lots of 400. Hand Filter Press

FILTER AID 64040 7" Filter Press Paper 400/cs. 64048 7.5" Filter Press Paper 400/cs. 64043 10" Filter Press Paper 400/cs.

$68.95 $88.95 $130.00


15" Filter Press Paper (sold individually)



20" Filter Press Paper (sold individually)


38 | LeaderEvaporator.com

Filter Aid is Food Grade diatomaceous earth pulverized to a white powder. Filter aid acts as an attractant to the mineral particles in maple syrup. The Filter Aid sticks to the minerals and increases their size. The increase in size is what allows the filter papers to catch all particles in maple syrup. Filter Aid should only be used with Filter Presses. 50 lb. bag 64046, $34.95

Prices are subject to change without notice.


10- and 20-inch Filter Presses When you have serious filtration needs, it’s time to upgrade to the 10- or 20-inch H20 press, now available through Leader, as a result of our new strategic partnership with H2O Innovation. These 10" and 20" filter presses are composed of lightweight aluminum plates (3 or 6 sets). Syrup inlet and outlet are located on the rear plate which is fixed to the frame of the filter press. ➾ Integrated valve system ➾ Pan that drains automatically ➾ Wheeled to rotate 180º ➾ Pre-heating / de-sugaring function ➾ 100% pneumatic ➾ Sampling valve

Filter Press Tanks for Maple Syrup Round bottom draw-off tank with open top and outlet on bottom. Mix in your filter aid and run directly to the filter press. Sloped to the outlet for easy draining. All stainless steel construction. Legs have leveling bolts in place. 55172 13 gallons $500 55170 39 gallons $530

Green Gloves Air Pressure Regulator For use with air-operated drum dispenser. Insures pressure does not go above 15 PSI. Universal air hose fittings. 63074 $140

PVC Dipped Gloves, 14" cuff 63125, $8.95

Keep up on the latest Leader news. Meet us on our social channels to join the conversation and share your successes.


Hours: M-F 7:30-4:30

(802) 868-5444 | 39


Sipple Sugar Maker Machine

Maple Cream Machine This sturdy. reliable unit makes creaming simple and very profitable for any sugar maker. Large 16" dia. pan and fully adjustable paddles are formed from top quality stainless steel. The turntable revolves on a gear reduction motor and is driven by a 1/4 hp motor. 582001, $1,470

Triple your profit on each gallon of syrup by converting it to maple candy. The efficient Sipple Sugar Maker Machine, powered by a gear reduction motor, greatly reduces the labor-intensive job of maple candy making. The stainless steel worm efficiently reduces grain to bring out the finest quality maple texture. The stainless steel pan, sometimes called a pig, is double seamed throughout for longer life. The pig's snout is a built in funnel and is designed for a non-clog positive flow and is equipped with a spout and shut-off control. Makes 15 pounds per batch. All fabricated from the highest quality food grade stainless steel. 5801, $1,790

Digital Candy Thermometer With tilting readout unit and flip open cover. 61005 $34.95


On average, turning maple syrup into maple cream, candy, or sugar can double or triple your revenue per gallon of maple syrup.

Rubber Candy Molds These are the modern, economical and sanitary method of making a large variety of uniform, eye-appealing, delicious candy, as well as cake decorations and novelties. We have dozens of shapes and sizes, from maple leaves to turkeys, from Santa to pumpkins. Check our website for the full selection. We also offer plastic molds.

Maple Cream Plastic Jars Made by Sugarhill, with same pressuresensitive sealing cap. 582101 1/2 lb jar $1.79 / $268 case of 150 582102 1 lb jar $2.00 / $249 case of 135

Maple Cream Tubs Maple Cream Glass Jars Tight-fitting metal lids and straight sides. 582103 1/2 lb jar $1.28 / $14 case of 12 582104 1 lb jar $1.70 / $19.95 case of 12

40 | LeaderEvaporator.com

Snug fitting lids with room to fit your label. Tubs include lids. 582106 1/2 lb tub $0.68 582108 1 lb tub $0.74 582109 Lid only $0.33 Prices are subject to change without notice.

FILTERING & CANNING UNITS Water Jacket Canning Tank, Stainless Steel

These tig welded units have a double tank. The outside tank is a water jacket with 220 volt heating elements to keep the syrup at 180°F for canning. 55100 55105 55075 55058 55102 55103

55100 - 18 Gal +55105 stand 55075 - 40 Gal +55105 stand

18 gal. capacity tank. 1/2" syrup outlet. $1,410 (Heating element, faucet and stand not included.) Stainless Steel Stand for 18 gal. water jacket tank w/shelf $590 40 gal. capacity with two 4500-watt heating elements. $2,980 Two 1/2" syrup outlets (Faucet and stand not included.) Stainless Steel Stand for 40 gal. water jacket tank w/shelf. $656 3,000 watt heating element with thermostat - (18 gal. only). $521 5,000 watt heat element with thermostat - (18 gal. only). $544

Gas-Fired Filter & Canning Unit, 16" x 16"


Perfect for filtering and canning syrup for the small operator. Capacity: 8 gals. to bottom of rack. 55041 Pan, Filter Rack, Cover & Arch 55042 Pan, Filter Rack & Cover 5044 Cover 55045 Rack 55048 Arch

$700.00 $494.00 $76.95 $90.95 $190.00

(Dial Thermometer and 1/2" faucet not included)

16" x 16"


Gas-Fired Filter & Canning Unit, 16" x 24" Ideal for filtering and canning syrup. Pan capacity below filter approx. 15 gallons. Comes complete with stainless steel pan, filter rack cover, stand with adjustable legs and container tray, 40,000 B.T.U. L.P. burner, hose, regulator, and thermometer fitting.

16" x 24"

55021 (Dial Therm. & ½" Faucet not included) 55026 16 x 24 - Arch only 55022 Pan - 16 x 24 w/Rack & Cover 55025 Rack 55024 Cover 61019 Dial Thermometer 3 x 6 (0-250°)

$1,100.00 $480.00 $650.00 $90.95 $76.95 $62.95

Syrup Filters 64019 36 x 36 Synthetic Filter $13.95 64016 24 x 30 Synthetic Filter $9.95 64022 5 Quart Synthetic Filter $12.95 64025 8 Quart Synthetic Filter $16.95 Packs of a Dozen: 64004 36 x 36 Rayon Prefilters 64001 24 x 30 Rayon Prefilters 64007 36 x 60 Rayon Prefilters 64013 Cone Type Prefilters


1 Cone Filter Tank

(1/2" Faucet not included) 55068, For 1 Cone Filter. Approx. 9" Square. $381

LEADER 2 Cone Filter Tank (1/2" Faucet not included) 55069, For 2 Cone Filter. $465 1 Cone

2 Cone


$36.95 $27.95 $49.95 $19.95

60100 1/2" S/S Ball Valve 61139 1/2" S/S Valve with Nozzle 61137 1/2" S/S Nozzle, tip only, male thread

Hours: M-F 7:30-4:30

$11.95 $30.95 $14.95

(802) 868-5444 | 41

PACKING SUPPLIES PLASTIC JUGS All of our cans and jugs are correctly-sized for hot pack maple syrup.

3-Color Sugar Hill Style Without oxygen barrier VT 67183 67186 67189 67192 67195 67198

NY 67219 67222 67225 67228 67231 67234


67201 67204 67207 67210 67213 67216

With oxygen barrier SIZE Gallon Half Gallon Quart Pint Half Pint 100 ml

CASE 24 32 90 100 100 100

$/CASE $/EA. $72.95 $3.37 $81.95 $2.69 $180.00 $2.03 $160.00 $1.71 $150.00 $1.56 $130.00 $1.39

VT 67237 67240 67243 67246 67249 67252

NY 67273 67276 67279 67282 67285 67288

ALL STATES SIZE 67255 Gallon 67258 Half Gallon 67261 Quart 67264 Pint 67267 Half Pint 67270 100 ml

Caps for Plastic Jugs 67406 Large Plastic Caps 67409 Small Plastic Caps

Shipping Cartons for Jugs 66072 1-Pint 66075 1-Quart 66078 1-Half Gallon 66081 1-Gallon 66087 24-Half Pint

$1.24 $1.25 $1.47 $1.64 $1.84

66090 12-Pint $2.15 66093 12-Quart $1.87 66096 6-Half Gallon $2.39 66099 4-Gallon $3.45

$0.14 $0.14

Shrink Tops for Glass Bottles For a more premium look, consider adding a shrink top. View full selection on our website

Metal Signs (Metal signs cannot be shipped via UPS)

SIZE: 18" x 24"


62025 Allstate 62028 VT 62031 NY 62034 CT 62037 NH 62040 ME

62033 RI 62054 VA 62053 WV 62043 OH 62046 PA 62049 MA

62052 MI 62055 WI 62030 IN 62027 ON 62026 Pure Organic

42 | LeaderEvaporator.com

Prices are subject to change without notice.

CASE 24 32 90 100 100 100

$/CASE $/EA. $93.95 $4.02 $99.95 $3.21 $200.00 $2.30 $190.00 $1.94 $180.00 $1.89 $160.00 $1.69


View our full selection online. Not shown: Gallone, Medallion, Sampling Jar, Nip Bottles

Maple Leaf, five sizes

Marasca, two sizes, with or without etching

Handle, two sizes



Decanter, two sizes

Labels for Decanter Bottles (16 oz and 32 oz)

FRONT LABEL available for the following states: VT, NY, WI, MN, NH, MA, OH, All States BACK LABEL features nutritional labels and sugar replacement chart.

Gallone bottles, five sizes

Folded Hand Cards 1 ½" x 2 ½" card 67015, $14.95/pack of 100

Neck Label

Works on nip bottles only. 67013, $5.95/pack of 50

16 OZ. LABELS, 3" x 4"

32 OZ. LABELS, 3" x 6"

67012, Front 67014, Back $11.95/roll of 100

67018, Front 67019, Back $17.95/roll of 100

Grading Stickers Maple leaf shaped grading labels

Available for: US, VT, NY., and grades Gold, Amber, Dark $6.95/roll

4 Color Pressure Sensitive Label 67007, 8 oz., $11.95/roll 67010, 12 oz., $11.95/roll


Hours: M-F 7:30-4:30

(802) 868-5444 | 43

Find an Expert Dealer Near You CONNECTICUT



Norman’s Sugar House


Justus Asthaler Maple Syrup



4045 Macfarland Rd, Taberg LinkMapleFarm.com (315) 336-3030

387 County Rd, Woodstock r.norman@snet.com (860) 974-1235

Savage Farm & Maple Equipment 10251 North Highway 3, Louisa Savagefarmsky@outlook.com (616) 922-0762

MASSACHUSSETS Devon Lane Farm Supply P.O. Box 1309, Belchertown nates@devonlane.com (413) 323-6336

Red Bucket Sugar Shack 584 Kinne Brook Rd, Worthington (413) 238-7710

MAINE Spring Break Maple & Honey P.O. Box 190, Smyrna Mills MaineMapleAndHoney.com (207) 727-7373

Bacon Farm Maple Products, LLC 415 Goodhue Rd, Sidney (207) 547-5053 Kinney Maple Supplies 39 Maple Lane, Knox KinneyMapleSupplies.com (207) 568-3683 Kurt Sawyer 276 Long Pond Rd, Jackman (207) 668-7705


SUGAR BUSH SUPPLIES 2611 Okemos Rd, Mason sugarbushsupplies.com (517) 349-5185 Hide-Away Sugar Bush P.O. Box 567, Mesick hideaway@yahoo.com (231) 885-2900

44 | LeaderEvaporator.com

56 Sugarhouse Rd, Alstead BascomMaple.com (603) 835-6361 267 Main St, Lancaster FullersSugarhouse.com (603) 788-2719

Sunnyside Maple

Route 106, Loudon sugarmaker@aol.com (603) 783-0321

865 Aden Rd, Parksville JustusMaple.com (845) 292-8569

Link Maple Farm

Melvin Roes

4682 Shack Rd, Lowville melroes47@gmail.com (315) 376-6160

Sage Family Maple, LLC

Pearl & Sons Farm 409 Loudon Ridge Rd, Loudon (603) 435-6587

4449 Sage Rd, Warsaw SageFamilyMaple.com (585) 786-5684


1048 Portville Obi Rd P.O. Box 488, Portville (716) 933-6637

The Maple Shop

105 Main St, Chester (802) 370-5541


COUNTRY SIDE HARDWARE 1712 Albany St, DeRuyter CountrySideHardware.com (315) 852-3326

SHAVER-HILL FARM 310 Shaver RD, Harperfield ShaverHillFarm.com (607) 652-6792


53 Campground Rd, Moores SampleLumber.com (518) 236-7788


804 County Rte 103, Woodhull Schweigarts.com (302) 236-8621

JOHN WIGGERS & SONS P.O. Box 338, Clymer WiggersNewHolland.com (716) 355-2511

WENDELS’S MAPLE & MORE 12502 Vaughn St, East Concord WendelsMaple.com (716) 954-3019

Sprague’s Maple Farms

Hess Family Supply 3233 Davis Hill Rd, Andover (607) 478-8882 MKS Enterprises 60 Porter Lynch Rd, Norwood MapleMadness.com (315) 353-2808 Allen Tupper 53 Allen Rd, Canton (315) 854-4972 Hamilton Wood 1400 County Rd 23, Chateaugay (518) 497-6956

OHIO Bisell Maple Supply

82 West Ashtabula Street, Jefferson (440) 560-0001

Erlsten Bros. Maple Products 7630 County Rd 46, Mt. Gilead mark.erlsten@zoominternet.net

(419) 362-6275


11509 Holshoe Rd, Homerville, OH 44235 (330) 421-7975

May Hill

10238 Dennison-Ast. Rd,Orwell (330) 583-2892

Prices are subject to change without notice.

Our Dealers Can Help You Get Maple Done! OHIO



Richards Maple Products

545 Water St, Chardon (800) 352-4052, (440) 286-4160

Weaver Maple Supplies 8183 Township Rd 611 Fredericksburg, OH 44627

Fitch Pharm Farm 1591 Township Rd 1353, Ashland FitchPharmFarm.net (800) 956-2753

PENSYLVANIA Brenneman’s Maple

572 Oakdale Rd, Salisbury (814) 662-2010 Russell Maple Farms 1379 Orwell Hill Rd, Rome RussellMapleFarms.com (570) 247-7360 Herrick Hill Farm 26186 Highway 6 & 19, Cambridge Springs (814) 323-0551


The Farm & Yard Store


3262 US Route 5 P.O. Box 297, Derby (802) 766-2714

4470 3rd Line Rd, North Lancaster GlenGarryMaple.ca (613) 347-1932

St. Albans Co-op

Klein’s Maple Syrup

138 Federal St, St. Albans (802) 524-9366

126 Concession 6E RR3, Mildmay KleinMapleProducts@gmail.com (519) 367-2334

J&L Hardware 4 Field Rd, Fairfax (802) 849-6402

Todd Vader 1292 County Rd 18 RR #1, Cherry Valley VaderMaple@gmail.com (613) 476-7537

Lyndonville Hardware P.O. Box 22, Rte 5 Broad St Lyndonville (802) 626-5461


Modern Maple Equipment 341 Pine Hill Rd, W. Rutland (802) 438-5359

Lea Briggs

19 Brinner Road,Steeves Mtn. (506) 381-2726

Evan Perron 2580 Perron Hill, Glover PerronMaple@myfairpoint.net (802) 525-3252


Rheaume Kitchen & Flooring 2051 West Salisbury Rd, Salisbury (802) 352-9333, (802) 989-0915


Twin Brook Maple Farm P.O. Box 164, West Rupert (802) 394-2415


Welch’s True Value P.O. Box 9, So. Royalton (802) 763-8140

2427 US Route 2, Cabot GoodrichMapleFarm.com (802) 426-3418




190 Pond Rd, Huntington PurintonMaple.com (802) 434-4385

W8337 County Rd XX, Arkansaw PittmansMapleSyrup.com (715) 285-5396

Damian Branon

Eli Hostetler

1097 North Rd, Fairfield (802) 827-6605

Butternut Mountain Farm 31 Main St, Johnson


(802) 635-2329

Corse Maple Farm

773 Corse Rd, Whitingham CorseMapleFarm@myfairpoint.net

(802) 368-2420

E10833 Short Cut Rd Cashton WI 54619

Autumn Ridge Maple

N5767 Sam’s Lane, Prentice AutumnRidgeMaple@gmail.com (715) 829-0311 Darryl & Nick Schulist 10606 Wigwam Rd, Rosholt SchulistElectric@gmail.com (715) 570-5467


Kevin’s McCormick Sales & Service 789 Rodney Rd, Springhill, NS KevinMcCormick@ns.sympatico.ca

(902) 597-2645

OUR FLAGSHIP STORE: 49 Jonergin Drive Swanton, VT 05488 (802) 868-5444 Monday - Friday 7:30 - 4:30

Hours: M-F 7:30-4:30

(802) 868-5444 | 45

LEADER EVAPORATOR 49 Jonergin Drive Swanton, VT 05488 (802) 868-5444 M– F 7:30 to 4:30

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