8 minute read
News from Stotfold Methodist Chuch
News from Stotfold Methodist Church
The “triumph of the King”
Stone crosses stand at churches, graveyards and other locations across the whole world, as a symbol of Jesus Christ. The hymn says “Sing, my tongue, the Saviour’s glory, of his cross the mystery sing; lift on high the wondrous trophy, tell the triumph of the King” .
For some, the cross is a comfort. For others it is distressing, representing only suffering. Really, the cross of Jesus is both those things. The story of Jesus shows him continuing to spread his message of God’s love for all people. But in doing so, gathering many followers as he did, he was knowingly walking towards the danger of being arrested by the religious authorities and of being executed by the occupying forces of imperial Rome. Rome’s standard execution method was crucifixion. Christians commemorate and remember Jesus crucified on Good Friday, 15th April this year, with walks and with contemplative times (eg 2pm at St Mary the Virgin Stotfold). It helps us remember that Jesus understands the suffering people endure. In these troubled days, when we have seen so much evil and suffering, and tried to help where we can and pray for peace, for justice and hope, the cross shows that God understands. Easter Day (April 17th) celebrates Jesus victory over death, which is why it “tells the triumph of the King” . Jesus’s victory isn’t like anything won on earth by might or power, but that of someone who gave up everything for his friends.
Monday Club extends a warm welcome for new friends, 2pm to 3:30pm every week, with Scrabble and refreshments. Coffee morning, with home made cakes and goods, is the first Saturday of the month 10am to 11:30. We also welcome you to Sunday worship, 10am to 11am, with refreshments after : Our preachers in April are: 3rd : Rachel Burgin 10th : Rev Graham Claydon-Knights (Holy Communion) (Palm Sunday) 17th : Paul Burgin (Easter Day) 24th : Allison Ffinch Revd. Graham 07340 857386 Email: Graham.Claydon-Knights@methodist.org.uk North Herts Road Runners
Entries are now open
for the Greenway Challenge. this is a 13mile route around Letchworth Greenway starting from Standalone Farm on 8th May. Details of these events are on our website www.nhrr.org.uk We continue with our training sessions on Tues & Thurs at 7pm everyone welcome from novice to experienced runners Contact nhrr.org.uk or Ian on 07506 429928

Down Memory Lane
Can you help us name the children pictured here at Stotfold Old Baptist Church circa 1957 alongside Teacher Mrs Dear. We currently have two names but would really like to see if we can get more? Thank you to John Hyde for sending this in and setting us the challenge! If you have any photographs that we are able to use for this section of the magazine please get in touch - 01462 731986

ANSWERS to ENGLAND fun quiz on page 25
1 EDEN; 2 25 pence / 5 shillings (for which a dollar was the slang term); 3 Bowler hat; 4 AIREDALE; 5 DORSET; 6 Zimbabwe (capital now named Harare); 7 Kevin Costner; 8 CHEVIOT; 9 SOUTHAMPTON; 10 WINDERMERE; 11 LANCASTER; 12 DEE; 13 BAKEWELL tart; 14 URE (Midge); 15 TYNE Daley; 16 WINCHESTER 73; 17 CAM (river runs through Cambridge); 18 Meteor; 19 AVON; 20 LEIGHTON BUZZARD (stands on River Ousel or Ouzel)
Window and door repairs and installations
* Misted/broken units * Handles * Mechanisms * Door barrels Supply and fit windows and doors Soffits and fascias
Jonny Garside 79 Regent Street, Stotfold 01462 732248 or 07951 473505

Useful Telephone Numbers
Citizen’s Advice Bureau
Trading Standards Advice Line Samaritans Births, Deaths & Marriages Stotfold Good Neighbour Group
Hope Chapel King’s Baptist Church Methodist Church Salvation Army Hall Ladies Fellowship St Mary’s Church St Mary's Church Hall Friends of St Mary’s Fairfield Community Church 01525 402742 01525 841217 0300 300 8136 01462 455333 0300 300 8089 07599 925587
01462 686803 01462 730521 01462 646562 01462 731072 01462 730739 01462 730218 01462 730264 01462 834108 07376 740410
Stotfold Town Council
01462 730064 Email: enquiries@stotfoldtowncouncil.gov.uk Central Bedfordshire Council, Priory House, Chicksands, Shefford SG17 5TQ 0300 300 8000 Email customer.services@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk Web www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk Waste Collection / Recycling / Dog Warden / Flytipping / Grass Cutting / Street Cleaning / Abandoned Vehicles
0300 300 8631 or 0300 300 8632 More Central Bedfordshire Council telephone numbers can be found listed at www.stotfoldnews.co.uk
Larksfield Surgery Appointments 01462 732244 Enquiries 01462 732200 Out of Hours Service: MDoc Call 111 Physiotherapy & Spinal Injury Clinic 01462 735700 Arlesey Medical Centre 01462 732144
Ashwell Dental 01462 742353 Stotfold Dental Surgery 01462 731938
Electricity Emergencies 0800 7 838 838 Gas Emergencies 0800 111999
Childline 0800 1111 National Menengitis Trust 0845 6000800 Samaritans 08457 909090 NSPCC 0800 800 5000
First Garden City Homes 01462 683307 Pioneer House, Norton Way South, Letchworth Garden City, Herts, SG6 1NY Grand Union Housing - all enquiries 0300 123 5544
Bedford Hospital Lister Hospital NHS Direct 01234 355122 01438 314333 08 45 46 47
Stotfold Library 0300 300 8068 Arlesey Resource Centre & Library 01462 731469.
Beds Police (Crime reporting) Crimestoppers 01234 841212 0800 555111
Coach & Horses Fox & Duck The Chequers Pub The Crown The Stag Tavern 01462 734135 01462 732434 01462 732333 01462 731061 01462 731098
Box of Cakes Cafe & Cake Shop 07812 055587
Etonbury Academy Pix Brook Academy Fairfield Park Lower School Roecroft Lower School St Mary’s Academy Samuel Whitbread Academy
After School Clubs
Pippin Pre-School SMASH, St Mary’s School
Toddler Groups
Tiddleywinks 01462 730391 01462 416243 01462 830000 01462 730336 01462 730343 01462 629900
01462 834897 07971 354093
01462 731072
Pippin Pre-School Poppies Nursery Poppyfields Nursery Treetops Day Nursery
Trains (National Enquiries) Whitbread Wanderbus 01462 834897 07833 927906 01462 830008 01462 734306
08457 484950 0300 123 3023
Boxall Taxis 01462 433333
Greenacre Transfers
Airports & Chauffeur Services 07555 70 78 48
Local Directory
Accountancy & Tax Sue Matejtschuk (SCM Accountancy) Abery Motor Centre AD Garden Rooms AJB Fencing AJ Day Builders Alfie’s Barbers Andy Leonard Painter & Decorator Arlesey Walking Group Arlesey Pharmacy Aqua Sensation Water Softeners Aquarius Garden Design Ashwell Software / Sigma Office Barn Hair Studio Bal & Co Motor Care Beale Bros Butchers Bews Electrical 01462 624926 01462 733246 01438 313765 07837 791365 01767 314445 01462 658449 07889 903283 01462 638286 01462 731200 01462 835693 01462 731292 01462 742783 01462 835611 01462 731500 01462 730392 01462 834488
Big Minibus Hire BK electrical / Brian Kelly Bookks Bookkeeping services Boxall Taxis
07817 766997 07817545314 01462 734623 01462 433333 Box Of Cakes Cafe & Cake Shop 07812 055587 Brian McInally - Gas & Heating Engineer 01462 337218 Broadband Communications 01462 732628 Brontë’s Floral Designs 07787 847141 BSH Glazing (Windows & Doors) 01462 730884 Bugs ‘n’ Things Pest Control 0800 026 8823 C J Flooring 01462 732665 Carpet Cleaning - ACCS Ltd 01462 629302 Carpets & Flooring - Letchworth Carpet Centre 01462 481312 Carpets & Flooring - Paul Faulkner 01462 731674 Catsitter - Claire 07984 344997 Centroheat Domestic Boiler & Heating Services 07885 415363 Chimney Sweep (Jesel Heat) 01462 733406 The Cooker Buddy Oven Cleaning 01462 810065 Chris Webster, Stotfold 01462 834108 (Correspondent for The Comet ) Computer Repairs - NIck Saunders 07521 279960 Darren Peters Property Maintenance 01462 733322 Decorating - JLP Decorating 07496 837437 Dennison’s - House & Garden Clearance 07522 354141 DMC Tiling 01462 231459 Dog walking & cat sitting - Smiley Pets 07894 561765 Electrician - Terry C Seymour 01462 236559 Fairfield Bowls Club 07811 738599 Fencing (AJB) 07837 791365 Finesse Interiors 01462 896046 First Step Estate Agents 01462 659730 Foot Health Professional - Vicki Eagles 07812 399659 Foot Pro Podiatry 07377 536685 The Garden Robin Limited 01462 815968 Gifford Dance Academy 07585 221513 Graham Smith Brickwork & Paving 01462 731829 Greenacre Transfers Airports & Chauffeur Services www.greenacretransfers.co.uk 07555 707848 Guides - Stotfold Guide Association 01462 733322 HB Decorators 01462 732960
Helpers Homecare Henlow Vets
01462 896853 01462 416416 Heritage Paving 01462 73068 Hypnotherapy - Pathway Hypnotherapy Rooms 07497157531 James’s Carpentry & Handyman Service 01462 234292 Josa’a House Clearance/Garden Landscaping 07739 488472 Kumari Chiropractic 07479 945995 Leigh Skelding Counsellingwww.ls-counselling.com 07876 826880 Locksmith Services 01462 290226 Mobile Disco partyspin.uk 07940510510 New Kitchens 01462 812826 Nick Sayer Plumbing & Heating 07456 559756 North Herts Road Runners 01462 639215 Oven Clean & Repair Services 07878 444559 Painter/Decorator - Paul A Robinson 07761 751634 01462 232642
Pathway Hynotherapy Rooms Paul Eley Tiling Paul Thomas Landscaping Piano Lessons - Christine Walker 07497157531 07818 000508 07889 811065 01462 731357
Pilates - Zanna Newton 07719 862371
Plumbing - ALM Plumbing
07950 311963 Plumbing - C Plumb 01462 700862 Plumbing & Heating - GSP Heating & Plumbing 01462 615922 Plumbing - J D Heating & Plumbing Services LTD 07474 444288 Plum-tek 01462 618058 RH Gardens 01462 612033 Roecroft Centre - Maureen Winters 01462 730264 Stotfold & Arlesey Royal British Legion 01462 734133 Satchells Estate Agents 01462 733730 Saunders Garage 01462 730222 Sheldon Electricals 01767 448188 Slimming World 01354 462322 Solicitors - HRJ Foreman Laws 01462 458711 St Mary's Church Hall 01462 730264 Stotfold Art Group 07734 304590 Stotfold Bowls Club 01462 628204 Stotfold Conservative Club 01462 730534 Stotfold Football Club 01462 539297 Stotfold Gardening Club 01462 834854 Stotfold Good Neighbour Group 07599 925587 Stotfold Junior Football Club 07706 951263 Stotfold Judo Club 07872 594499 Stotfold Twirlers 07732 505614 Stotfold Mill 01462 734541 Stotfold News Magazine 01462 731986 Stotfold Pharmacy 01462 730249 Stotfold Short Mat Bowls Club 01462 730841 Stotfold Women’s Institute 01462 730751 Tailoring Service 07575 417217 Warrens Windows 01462 261401 Windows - Repairs & Installations (J Garside) 07951 473505 Window Cleaning - ACCS Ltd 01462 629302 Yoga - Freda Dodsworth 01767 627611

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