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th Councill or Jodie Chil lery
Ever y so o ften we enjo y inviting local residents to take par t in our Co ffee time feature , especially those with something interesting to tell us. - We think that our par ticipant for this month, Cllr Jodie Chiller y f its the bill exactly. Find ou t a little more abou t the Arlesey girl with a passion for helping and representing the residents within her community in this month’s feature. If you have an idea o f somebody we could quiz for this in fu ture issues, then please do get in touch!
Tell us bit abou t yourself, ho w long you have lived in Arlesey? I grew up in Arlesey, and left when I was 18 with no intention o f ever returning! I successfully escaped for 14 or 15 years, initially working in Melbourne Australia for a bit, then I lived and worked in London for most o f that time, until eventually I returned with my o wn family Like a strong magnet, I was attracted back Its cheaper to live here than in London, and is so well connected (Although I appreciate the rail ser vice in recent years hasn't been quite as reliable as we might need it to be) Of course my parents are here too, so that was ano ther impor tant factor, and one that I'm grateful for
What will be your main priorities as you embrace your new role? My main priority as one o f the new Central Bedfordshire Ward Councillors for Arlesey and Fair f ield is really simply to represent the residents and to communicate honestly and openly Bo th Arlesey and Fair f ield are undergoing huge periods o f change, which bring uncer tainty and sometimes resistance, bu t change and development is happening The population is gro wing and our commu ter location is an attractive one to new families, so I aim to ensure that ever yone understands what is happening and ho w it will impact them, bo th existing residents whose families have been here for generations and new families who have just mo ved to the area.
What is your favourite way to relax and enjo y your free time? I'd like to say I get up at 5am do some mind bending and muscle toning yoga mo ves, drink neat aloe vera juice and prepare for the day or week ahead in a calm and organised fashion, bu t the tru th is I quite enjo y sleeping! I'm never up as early as I need to be and then most o f my f ree time is spent hurr ying along my son, ensuring he's washed, dressed, fed, watered, homeworked and equipped for whatever activity he's embarking on I'm an Arsenal season ticket holder My dad and I have been since I was 15, I'm no t sure that's a par ticularly relaxing activity either, bu t it eats up some f ree time I realise I might have just lost a few suppor ters there!
What are your top f ive favourite things abou t our local community and why?
1) EVERYDAY EVENTS - Arlesey is a great place and perhaps we don't always realise it. My son cycles to school and so many people wave and chat to him and even let me kno w when he's up to mischief! That's the kind o f community I want to live in, one where people look ou t for each o ther and feel safe
2) AGN - The Arlesey Good Neighbours project, set up during the height o f the f irst lockdo wn, has connected different par ts o f the community An eclectic mix o f volunteers came together during COIVD to help their neighbours, its legacy has resulted in pro viding ongoing suppor t to individuals with transpor t to appointments, shopping, pet sitting etc If you need any assistance call 01462 732210 or ask on the Arlesey Good Neighbours Facebook Page
3) THE FOOTBALL CLUB - We're lucky to have a village team and club, and one with histor y at that Its an asset that needs using and suppor ting Its renewed commitment to you th foo tball is emerging and exciting, and any young person (bo ys & girls) interested in joining or giving it go, should get in touch
4) NATURE - The river Hiz, the meado w, the common, and Etonbur y Woods all make for fantastic wildlife spo tting, hiking, paddling and it is literally on our doorstep
5) Branching ou t a bit, I look at the wider community o f Arlesey, Fair f ield and Sto tfold, all with diverse o fferings, many shared amenities and landscapes and oppor tunities. As a Councillor I represent the residents o f Arlesey and Fair f ield bu t I also see the bigger picture o f shared resources available across central beds, and despite our edge o f county location, our unusual 3 mile long geography, and a name so f requently mispronounced, we are united with our neighbouring villages by all the great events happening and resources available!
What is the best way local residents can get in touch with you if they wanted to raise a concern, or discuss a par ticular local issue with you?
The best way to contact me is via jodie chiller y@centralbedfordshire go v uk I will cer tainly help where I can Theres a lo t to learn and I'm still getting my head round it all, and ho w I f it in council commitments around my o wn work commitments, bu t its a challenge I'm looking for ward to and a responsibility I take ver y seriously