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Update from the Need Project Our latest facts & fi gures..
JUNE • 721 parcels pro vided. • 413 top- up-bags collected from our Pop- up sites.
• £50,995 00 estimated value o f the food for the month o f June
• £6,602.50 average monthly cost to run the charity
• Food parcels ncreased o f 43% on the same time last year
This month with your help, we have managed to make a difference to 1,817 adults, 57 pensioners and 1,528 children, including our best before food that we give away withou t you, we are no t able to reach those we are called to help As the saying goes: “We can’t do ever y thing, bu t won’t let thethings that we can do stand in the way o f what we can’t ” Gordon 07496 833940
Can you help us?
We are keen to f ind a couple o f deliver y volunteers to help us with our deliveries in The Rally & Jubilee Crescent If you have half an hour once a month to spare and enjo y helping to keep the community connected then we want to hear f rom you! Call us on 01462 731986 or email us at arlesey.news@yahoo.com
It has been ano ther busy month with o ver 720 parcels given throughou t our area and so many new names being referred ever y week. Sadly, the last few months, we have consistently helped o ver 700 families, which amounts to 911 Children and 1124 Adults, which a year ago would be abou t 43% less. Obviously, we are getting through a lo t o f food through our 6 distribu tion hubs and these need topping up more regularly than ever, bu t we are doing ok and are continually grateful for Gods mercy and pro vision throughou t these busy times
One o f the good things abou t our project is that we get to talk to people who we help and listen to problems So many o f us, when we are in crisis just want someone to listen to them and we are grateful to help and be available Update on our Building Project – we are still tr ying to get funding for our mo ve and that’s all I can add really We are pushing doors, f illing ou t forms I accept these things take time, bu t I don’t have too much patience with the situation bu t have to accept what will happen will happen in Gods timing If it is His will for us to have a new building, we will get it
Things don’t always turn ou t as we expect, bu t I kno w what we are doing is a good thing and so we have to trust God Bu t I wish it would happen quicker, bu t that’s just me! I would also in closing and so impor tantly, like to thank ever yone involved with the ongoing work o f the Project, as
I am thrilled to announce that we have been recently awarded SPORTS MARK GOLD! This is a wonder ful achievement and testament to the hard work and dedication o f the entire PE team We were recognised in par ticular for our connections with the local community and hosting lo ts o f oppor tunities here at Etonbur y o ver the past year
ETA this summer term has also received three attendance awards f rom Fischer Family Foundation (FFT ) Primar y Award, Secondar y Award and Whole School Award Etonbur y has been ranked within the top 25% o f similar FFT Secondar y Schools in England for our spring term attendance
Our Year 11 students have no w attended their prom at The Broadway Ho tel, Letchwor th. What a fabulous night, the dance floor was bouncing! We have watched you all gro w f rom young children into flourishing young adults - we look for ward to welcoming back those that have chosen to attend our Sixth Form and wish you all luck with your fur ther education
Around 60 pupils f rom ETA Juniors f rom bo th Year 5 and 6 have completed the three day Bikeability course - this is cycling pro f iciency for the 21st centur y, designed to give the next generation the skills and conf idence to ride their bikes on today's roads safely
Our Duke o f Edinburgh Bronze and Silver Award students completed their expeditions this term. Twenty o f our students took on the challenge o f their Do fE Silver to reach the summit o f Mam Tor and Bamford's Edge in the Peak District, to see the incredible views this area o ffered. All passed the expedition section o f their award.
We have hosted a number o f integration events here at Etonbur y for our new star ters in Year 5 this September. One o f which was the Year 4 Spor ts morning – attended by our local feeder and ou t o f catchment lo wer schools Bo th Junior and Secondar y Spor ts Days have also taken place, all co -ordinated by our amazing PE Depar tment - Successful events enjo yed by all pupils and staff
Please continue to share in our values, Ever yone is respectful, Together we care and Always aim higher
Ian Evason – Execu tive Principal Etonbur y Academy www.etonbur y.org.uk