5 minute read
Mum with 3 - does Ironman
Something’s Go tta Give
With less than three months to go until the big day, the Ironman training is increasing in intensity and duration I’m currently at around 14 hours o f training per week and am feeling the impact o f this on the o ther areas in my life
I’m no t sure ho w I’m f itting in the equivalent o f a full day’s training in what was already a busy 7-day week bu t that is what is happening; early morning swims, evening runs, late nights on the stationar y bike and long endurance runs and cycle rides that take up all o f my weekend mornings
And it’s no t just the demands o f the actual exercising, bu t the effect it has on the o ther hours in the day The rest o f the time I’m either preparing my kit and checking my training plans or I’m reco vering and simply ver y, ver y tired. This leads to neither having the energy or inclination to do much else except for the mandator y requirements o f looking after the family and working.
Training for an ironman and tr ying to do ever y thing that you did before is no t sustainable. If you keep pushing, life will star t to crack so something’s go t to give… So what have I pu t on hold until after the 1st October?
As I look around my home and no tice the dust, the piles o f clo thes and paper work, the messy cupboards and unmo wn lawn, it’s ver y obvious that the house and garden are already taking a back seat and I don’t think we’ll be having many visitors any time soon
Bu t training calls and if I’m honest, I’d much rather be cycling around the Bedfordshire countr yside than hoo vering and tidying the house
Mumwith3 does Ironman
When it comes to enhancing the beau ty and functionality o f our homes, the impor tance o f quality windo w co verings canno t be o verstated For o ver 15 years, local family-run Impact Shu tters and Blinds has been a welcome name in the Arlesey, Sto tfold and Fair f ield areas, pro viding stylish and fashionable shu tters, blinds, cur tains, and awnings to countless local homes
Recognising the need to adapt to changing times, Impact no w bring their extensive range o f samples and exper tise directly to your door Their f ree consultations and advice ensure that you receive tailored solu tions for your home projects, all f rom the comfor t o f your o wn living room While their physical location may have changed, their dedication to ser ving the local community has remained steadfast With their new warehouse based locally in Upper Stondon, they continue to pro vide exceptional ser vices to all the surrounding to wns and villages The team o f experienced staff spans generations, with family members ranging f rom 18 to 76 years old.
Established in 2008, the business quickly gained a repu tation for delivering exceptional products and ou tstanding customer ser vice. As a family-run independent business, Impact Shu tters and Blinds take great pride in o ffering a personal ser vice that sets them apar t f rom larger, more impersonal businesses Their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has remained unwavering o ver the years In 2019, faced with the challenges o f the pandemic, they made the bold decision to transform their high street shop into a convenient home visit ser vice
ArlesTuesday 8th August
Garden Par t y at
First V isit Free Come and join a f riendly bunch for a chat, cuppa and something different! We look for ward to welcoming you!
Usually our group meets at Arlesey W I Hall, High Street, Arlesey More details:
Impact understand the impor tance o f affordability, par ticularly in today's economic climate. By maintaining the best prices possible, they strive to make high-quality windo w co verings accessible to all budgets in the local areas. Impact are proud to be a local family run business and would like to take the oppor tunity to thank ever yone for their continued suppor t. Whether you're seeking shu tters, blinds, cur tains, or awnings, they have the exper tise and range o f options to fulf ill your vision
Give them a call today to schedule your f ree consultation Impact Shu tters and Blinds Tel: (01462) 816429 www impact-interiors co uk
Walks For Health
Would you like to join a f riendly local group for weekly local walk? Walks star t at 10 45am
Meeting points for August:
3rd Arlesey train station
10th Etonbur y Woods (entrance to the woods near to the school )
17th, 24th, 31st Corner o f Hospital Rd, Arlesey. For details contact Beth Over f ield 01462 815672
Nor th Her ts Road Runners
Entries are no w open for the Standalone10k on 1st Oct www standalone10k org uk The next 1st Sat o f the month 5k at Letchwor th Common will be 5th August at 9am Entr y is f ree and open to all abilities
We continue our training sessions with qualif ied coaches on Tues. & Thurs evenings at 7pm. These are open to all, why no t come along for a taster session with no obligation. Contact Ian 07506429928 or nhrr.org.uk
1 “Dr No”; 2 Nicola STURGEON; 3 FLOUNDER; 4 Captain Nemo; 5 MULLET; 6 WALRUS; 7 OYSTER; 8 “Finding Nemo”; 9 Fugu; 10 Tintin; 11 Benjamin Britten; 12 LING; 13 OCTOPUSH; 14 Sydney POLLACK; 15 TURTLE; 16 SEAL; 17 Thir ty Five/35; 18 SWORDFISH; 19 SALMONELLA; 20 Franz Schuber t
News from St Peter ’s Church
Churches don t take holidays!! So our ser vices will go ahead as usual (listed belo w), this includes our co ffee morning and children’s activities on a Tuesday morning Through the school holidays there will be super vised craft activities f rom 10 30-12noon on Tuesdays Children need to be accompanied by an adult, who can relax with a co ffee or tea while the children enjo y some crafting
In August we will be doing a topple test o f all the headstones in the churchyard This is required by law as a Health and Safety issue If any headstones are found to be unstable they will be laid do wn and a no te pu t onto the grave Relatives and families, NOT the church are solely responsible for the maintenance and care o f their headstones. A gentle reminder too, that edging o f any kind around the grave, or stone chippings, are no longer allo wed.
There will be no “Afternoon Tea” in August, bu t it will return on the f irst Wednesday in September.
I am sorr y to say that the process o f appointing a new V icar is still ongoing. The next adver t will be in September with inter views in October. We continue to pray for the right person who can lead this church into the fu ture.
Ser vices
Our ser vice times are:-1st, 3rd,4th,5th Sundays 9 30am
2nd Sunday All Age Worship 10 00am
Ref reshments are ser ved an oppor tunity to socialise
Co ffee Mornings Tuesday 10 30am in church
10 30am-12 noon Toddler and Parent/Carer Group
1st Weds in the month Afternoon Tea 2- 4m All Welcome
Helen Bardell Churchwarden
Tel: 01462 731227 07967144571 email;vicar@arlesey org uk churchwardens@arlesey org uk