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News from Etonbury Academy
Etonbury Academy News
It’s been a busy few weeks with trips, open evenings, parents evenings and winning another award in our Junior School! Etonbury Juniors have achieved the Primary Science Quality Mark. I am absolutely delighted and extend my thanks to the Junior team, including Mr Gary Gotham, Primary Science Lead and Head of Year 5. This prestigious award recognises the excellence in our Science teaching and learning. Our Year 5s went out on their residential trip, and they had a brilliant time. May there be many more memories to be made with their school friends during their time at Etonbury.
We also held our Open evening for prospective parents/carers and children with over 700 adults and children coming to find out more about us, and we couldn’t have been prouder of the students and staff. Every department had a fantastic display or activity for the visitors to engage in, with some families staying for over 3hrs! The students were responsible for guiding them around the Junior and Secondary Schools, and as always they were so impressive, they are such articulate and expressive communicators.
We have started our intervention sessions providing our children with the encouragement to reach their full potential. These positive programmes give the children the ability and skills to aim even higher, and these really support our commitment to develop all our children and recognise them as individuals.
Following a visit from the School Improvement Advisor, we were delighted to receive such a positive report highlighting the many strengths of our school, as well as areas for us to continue to develop. We will always aim higher, and it was noted how impressive our commitment is to developing our people which supports and improves our children’s learning.
Sixth Form Taster week for our Year 11s is the first of many events informing the students about what’s to come. They learnt more about the subjects they could consider at Etonbury Sixth Form, which will be showcased during an evening this term for parents. There have been a number of focus groups with our Year 11s to understand what they would like to see in their Sixth Form, from the curriculum to their social spaces. It’s going to be a fantastic and unique space.
We are delighted that we have above national attendance and our children are performing incredibly well. The school goes from strength to strength and we are really grateful to our parents/carers who engage and support us by working together which really makes a difference to our children’s futures. Conditions treated include spinal and extremity injuries, neck related headaches and sprains/strains.
We are NOW OPEN Our revised opening hours: Tues: 2pm-7pm Wed: 10am-7pm Thursday: 3pm-7pm Friday: 10am - 1pm Saturday: 10am-2pm
If you would like to find out more about Etonbury Academy, please get in touch and arrange a tour of the school 01462 730391.
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