Stotfold News December 2022

Page 19

Stot fold NEWS D e li ve re d F R E E to 4 , 9 0 0 h ome s i n Sto t fo l d & Fai r f i e l d. Ne w s In for mat i on Yo u r l e tt e rs
from all at The Barn Stotfold A big thank you for your continuing surport and we look forward to seeing you in 2023. Home to a collection of professional businesses providing a range of luxury services: Hair, Beauty, Barbers, Chiropractic, Aesthetics. The Barn, 12A Queen Street, Stotfold SG5 4NX 01462-835611
Merry Christmas

From the Editor

Welcome to December,

Well, here we are...our December issue for 2022! As o f all years, our festive issue is bursting at the seams (literally) with all things Christmas! We really hope that you all enjo y the many different activities and events in store in Sto tfold this year

If you want to catch a glimpse o f the man himself this year then make sure you are keeping an eye ou t on Thursday 15th December f rom 6pm for Santa (accompanied by special guests and a steam engine!) as he makes his way through the to wn with sweets for all the children You’ll f ind details o f this and o ther yuletide events inside our Festive Calendar on pages 4 & 5 o f this month’s issue.

As this marks the f inal issue o f the year (our Januar y edition will be with you o ver the Christmas period ) we would like to take this oppor tunity to thank each and ever y person that has suppor ted us this year by submitting ar ticles, adver tising, or letters to us each month A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU goes to our wonder ful deliver y volunteers (o f which there are no w o ver 100) who give their time each month to help us to continue to deliver your local magazine through the doors come rain or shine We literally could no t do it withou t you!

All that is left to say is please do enjo y the festivities this year We wish you a ver y Happy Christmas! Until next month & year!


Sto tfold Festive Calendar Page 4,5 Letters Page 6,7 News f rom Larksf ield PPG Page 8 Co

Local school /n ursery news:

Joanne Editorial: Please email your letters or ar ticles to sto tfold news@yahoo co uk or write to us at: Sto tfold News Magazine, 78 Hitchin Road, Sto tfold, Her tfordshire, SG5 4HT You can also call us on 01462 731986 (Mon Fri, 9 30am to 5pm) You can also contact us via our facebook page Ad vertising: It’s easy to adver tise in the Sto tfold News You’ll f ind all you need to kno w at: www sto tfoldandarleseynews co uk Our deadline is always 6th o f ever y month preceding publication Deliveries: We have o ver 100 volunteers that deliver the Sto tfold News Magazine If for any reason you do no t receive your copy o f the magazine please contact us to let us kno w Published by Sto tfold News Ltd Printed in memor y o f Roy West
From the Editor December
Church n ews:
ffee time SGNG Page 9 News f rom Sto tfold Mill Page 13 Family Announcements Page 20 Monthly Quiz! Page 23 News f rom Sto tfold Foo tball Club Page 25 Mental Health Matters Page 30 News f rom Sto tfold Librar y Page 35 News f rom Pippin Pre School Page 14 News f rom St Mar y’s Academy Page 15 News f rom Roecro ft Lo wer School Page 16 News f rom Fair f ield Lo wer School Page 17 News f rom Pix Brook Academy Page 18 News f rom Etonbur y Academy Page 19 CONTENTS Want to promo te your business in the Arlesey & Sto tfold News Magazines? www justgiving com/gardenhousehospice Announcements: We are happy to accept family announcements by post telephone, email or through our facebook page If you would like to make a donation in return for your announcement then please visit the website above Please mention that the donation has been made on behalf of the Stotfold & Arlesey News Magazine St Mar y’s Church Christmas ser vices Page 22 Kings Baptist Church Page 32 News f rom Sto tfold Methodist Chuch Page 33 T: 01462 731986 sto NEXT IS SUE - JANUARY Adver tising deadline 6th December 2022 2022 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 3 Sending all of our Stotfold News Magazine readers the ver y best wishes for a fantastic festive season!

a quick rundown of just some of the events you can get involved with over the for thcoming few weeks You will find more details on most of these events on separate adver ts inside this December issue

Saturday 26th Nove mber Stotfold Town C ounc il Chris tmas Light Switc h On Event 1pm 6 30pm Refreshments, Enter tainment , Ice Skating and Festive Stalls Switch On 6 30pm G reenacre Centre, Stotfold Sa turda y 3rd D ecembe r Stotfold M ethodi st Church C hri stma s C of fee Morni ng 10 12noon A delightful morning with refreshments, cards, calendars, toys & gifts Sunday 3rd Dec ember Muddy Christi ngl e Tra il meet at Fai r field Hall 2pm Sunday 4th De cember Churc hes Together Carols by Torc hlight @ St Mary ’s Churchya rd 4 30pm Wrap up warm to enjoy Christmas carols in a beautiful outdoor setting Sunday 4th De cember Silve rbi rch Av enue Resi de nts Light Swi tch On This Stotfold tradition star ts at 6 30pm and welcomes a ver y special visitor in a red for the children and Silverbi rch Avenue residents ser ving mince pies and refreshments Donations for the NEED project Sa turda y 10th & Sunda y 11th Dece mber Stotfold Christ mas Tre e Fes tiva l 2022 Pop along to St Mar y’s Church to see a fantastic array of decorated Christmas Trees see adver t on p 5

4 Please mention the Sto tfold News Magazine when responding to adver ts Festive Diary ole The wh family are to.. ited inv to 4.30pm 3.30pm Christmas crafts for all enjo o ages t y eshments n u tur Just ser Refr p! ved The Salvation At Stot Phone: 0 Email: fold 1462 stotfold@salva 731072 Army, Churc Church Road, u org tionarmy k C o m e a n d j o i n u s a t K i n g ’s B a p t i s t C h u r c h C o m e a n d j o i n u s a t K i n g ’s B a p t i s t C h u r c h f o r o u r N AT I V I T Y S E R V I C E f o r o u r N AT I V I T Y S E R V I C E A l l w e l c o m e ! A l l w e l c o m e ! Sunday 18th December 10.30a.m. Bring the family along to take par t in our fun, interactive nativity stor y. Children (& adults) are welcome to dress up We have costumes available for all ages! Free refreshments after wards King’s Baptist Church The Green,Sto tfold Registered Charity No. 1136519 SANTA SLEIGH & STEAM ENGNIE visits Sto tfold!!
star ting
do wn
Sweets for all the children! Kindly sponsored by Saunders Garage & MJ Rya Chris tmas is al wa ys a great ti me to get invol ved i n our c om munity and attend s ome of the fest ivi ties tak ing pl ace on our doors teps Here is
Thursday 15th December
at 6pm in Astwick Road, then on to Vaughan Road, Regents Street, Rook Tree Lane, Queens Street, High Street, Church Road and the Avenue,
Hitchin Road
The Greenacres and f inishing at Baldock Road.

Christmas Celebratio

Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th D ecembe r

Stotfold Ar t G roup welcome you to the Roecroft Centre to view some wonder ful work by local ar tists

Sunday 11th Dece mber St ot fold C reativ e Fai r 11 4pm Roecroft Centre

Sunday 11th Dece mber M essy Chris tmas at Stotfold Salvation Army 3 30pm 4 30pm

Sunday 11th Dece mber Carol s by Candl eli ght Kings Ba pt ist Church

Enjoy this festive ser vice, star ting at 6pm. Wednes da y 14th Dece mber Big C hri stma s C arol Sing! 2 3pm Join ever yone at St Mar y’s Church for a festive Christmas sing along Sunday 18th Dece mber Chris tingle Servi ce St Mary’s C hurc h A delightful ser vice with traditional Christingle oranges for the children star ting at 4pm Chris tmas Eve Nati vity C ri b Servi ce St Mary’s Churc h Two wonder ful ser vices for the children star ting at 3pm and 4pm Children are welcome to wear thei r own costumes to listen to the Christmas stor y being told Chris tmas Eve Midnight Mass, St Mary’s Church 11 30pm

January 7th W assa il at Moggerhanger Park star ting from 6pm more details can be found at: https://www vintageverse co uk/the wassail

Please mention our magazine when responding to adver ts 5
We hope y ou wi ll al l enjoy and support all of the events above once again this year! CHRISTM AS Lights Switc h-On Ev ent 2022 The Gree nacre Cent re, S to tfo ld 1pm - 6.30pm Saturday 26th No vember oor NG Indoor Christmas Market Childrens Rides Refreshments Mulled Wine Stor ytime with Santa (£2 per child tickets available from enquiries@stotfoldtowncouncil gov uk ) To book a ticket for Stor y time with Santa or to book a slo t for our ice skating rink (Adults & 12yrs up £13, Adult & Toddler, up to 5yrs £15, Children 5 12yrs £9) Email:enquiries@sto tfoldto wncouncil.go or call 01462 730064 Christmas Lights Switch On 6 30pm PRIZE R AFFLE! WIN 32” Smar t TV, For tnum & Mason Hamper or £100 Amazon Voucher! St Mar y’s Church CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL 10th & 11th December 10.00 4pm & 11 4pm St. Mar y’s Church, Sto tfold Refreshments, games, stalls and childrens ar t display in Sto tfold Church Hall Charity no: 1131275 S i l v e r b i r c h A v e n u e S i l v e r b i r c h A v e n u e C H R I S T M A S L I G H T C H R I S T M A S L I G H T S W I TC H O N E V E N T S W I TC H O N E V E N T S u n d a y 4 t h D e c e m b e r S u n d a y 4 t h D e c e m b e r 6 . 3 0 p m f o r 7 p m 6 3 0 p m f o r 7 p m E n j o y C h r i s t m a s c a r o l s, E n j o y C h r i s t m a s c a r o l s, m i n c e p i e s s, s a u s a g e m i n c e p i e s s, s a u s a g e r o l l s, m u l l e d w i n e . a n d r o l l s, m u l l e d w i n e a n d m o r e . . A l l p r o c e e d s t o m o r e . . A l l p r o c e e d s t o t h e N e e d P r o j e c t. t h e N e e d P r o j e c t. A l s o , m e e t S a n t a a n d A l s o , m e e t S a n t a a n d h i s r e i n d e e r s ! ! h i s r e i n d e e r s ! ! CHRISTMAS COFFEE MORNING at Sto tfold Methodist Church 10am 12 noon Saturday 3rd December cards, calendars, gifts, to ys & raffle!

Dear Editor,

The Angels are back! For one week f rom 12 December knitted angels will be appearing around the streets o f Sto tfold.I If you f ind one please take it home to enjo y and if you should f ind more than one, please pass it on to someone else to share the jo y o f Christmas.

St Mar y’s Social & Fundraising Committee

Dear Editor,

We recently required replacement fence panels and posts in our garden and as usual consulted the Sto tfold News for a local contact. On calling several listed adver ts we were for tunate enough to receive a response f rom Nathan who runs ‘STOTFOLD FENCING’ We can’t thank him enough for the pro fessional job completed. Nathan went abo ve and beyond in keeping us informed at all stages as the job progressed, and also left our proper ty clean & tidy. Thank you again Nathan you are a thoroughly lo vely genuine gu y and we will cer tainly be recommending you to family & f riends

Ver y satisf ied customers

Andrew & Elaine Fisher

6 Established 197 1 STOTFOLD FEN CING FOR ALL YOUR FENCING & DECKING NEEDS Call Nath 07490 715009
Your Letters

Dear Editor, The Eleemosynar y Charity o f William Field Applications are invited f rom bo th individuals and local voluntar y organisations for a grant that will directly benef it a resident or residents in the ecclesiastical parish o f Sto tfold, including Fair f ield. Application forms can be obtained by email f rom the Clerk to the Trustees jbillson@virginmedia com or f rom 17 Pix Road, Sto tfold SG5 4HY. Completed applications to be returned by 31st December 2022 at the latest If you require any fur ther information, please do no t hesitate to contact Jean Billson by phone 01462 730103 or by email

Dear Editor, A huge thank you is extended to ever yone who suppor ted the recent Table Top Sale held in the Church Hall The wonder ful to tal o f £219 30p was raised for St Mar y's Church funds Chris Webster

Dear Editor, We would like to say a big thank you to Louden Master ton for his lo vely warm tribu te to Frances Huckle.... We f irst new Frances on the Thursday morning Health Walks, come rain or shine week in week ou t Frances would be there with a big bag o f sweets which she would o ffer to ever yone We have so many happy memories o f Frances, bu t one that springs to mind is at one Health Walks Christmas lunch at The Fox and Duck, Frances came up to us and said "I have only been here twenty minu tes and I have had six fellas give me a kiss, so it was wor th coming", delivered with that cheeky Huckle laugh and smile Oh Frances ho w we will all miss that laugh RIP Frances, Sto tfold will miss you.. Brenda and Richard Norris

Your Letters
TRADITIONAL BUTCHERS NOW OPEN in Stotfold 20 Regent Street, Stotfold, Herts SG5 4EA Telephone: 07584 979361 Open Tuesday Friday 8.30am 5.00pm Saturday 8.30am 4.00pm Sunday 10.00am 2.00pm Traditional English Butchers Offering Quality Free Range Meat, Game & Fresh Eggs. Thank you for we lcom ing us to Stotfold! We look forward to mee ting you all soon! Liam & team. Fresh produce Great value Dear Editor, Thank you to my wonder ful neighbours, f riends and family for their help throughou t this past year I ver y much appreciate all the lo ve, kindness and messages I have received. Keep well and safe o ver Christmas jennifer The Cro fts.

Larksfield Surgery PPG News

Larksf ield Surger y and Arlesey Medical Centre merger

We are ver y pleased to inform you that we have merged with Arlesey Medical Centre! Things will no t change much, as Arlesey patients will still be seen at Arlesey Surger y and Larksf ield patients at Larksf ield Surger y We will keep you updated through Larksf ield News, Facebook and our brand new website that will be going live soon Ultimately, the joining o f the two practices will give us the oppor tunity to retain/attract and gro w workforce numbers and streamline processes for patient care We really appreciate all the suppor t f rom Patients, Hospitals, Pharmacies, IT Depar tments, The CCG and all staff through this merge process

Flu Clinics

We would like to thank our fantastic nursing staff for the ou tstanding job they’ve been doing at the flu clinics We’ve had a great response f rom patients, and we already have a few more clinics set up this month We have in stock some COVID Vaccines, so please keep booking into our clinics

We have been working hard to pro vide you with a better ser vice by releasing appointments to be booked online and reducing the telephone queues. We will be releasing pre bookable appointments 3 weeks in advance and on the day appointments to be booked online, will be released at 8:00 am each morning. We require the reason for your appointment when booking online.

Larksf ield Surger y, Arlesey Road, Sto tfold, Her ts. SG5 4HB

Phone for Appointments: 01462 732244 (Option 1) Test Results: 01462 732200 (Option 2)

FREE Anxiet y Workshops

The PathwaySTILL Communit y Interest Company is pleased to be able to o ffer FREE Anxiet y Workshops for adults and young people (aged 8 years upwards).

We are delivering ‘The STILL Method’ Anxiety Workshops in your local area. A FREE 6 week course that will equip you with the tools to help manage and reduce anxiet y EMAIL us NO W on to register your interest.

8 Email: sto tfold news@yahoo co uk
Funded by The NATIONAL Lo tter y Community Fund

Coffee Time - With The Stotfold Good Neighbour Group

We were delighted to f ind ou t more abou t our wonder ful Sto tfold Good Neighbour Group this month, if you have ever wondered what it is they do, or thought abou t o ffering your help then we hope you f ind this useful!

What does the Group do? SGNG suppor ts all members o f our community Our clients are mainly ‘mature individuals’, bu t any resident in need o f suppor t is welcome f rom Sto tfold, Fair f ield or Astwick We pro vide ser vices such as bef riending, health related collections, small DIY jobs, shopping, form f illing, social transpor t, transpor t to hospitals, surgeries and clinics and occasional social events

Ho w many clients and volunteers do you have? At the moment we have abou t 350 clients and 35 volunteers Ho wever, we are keen to suppor t anybody who is in need o f a bit o f help and we are always interested in having more volunteers, par ticularly drivers.

Where do you travel to, any hospital? We will go anywhere within reason if we have a volunteer available We have taken clients to all local hospitals and ou t as far as Addenbrooke’s, Mount Vernon, Her tford and Milton Keynes

Do I have to pay? For any suppor t we o ffer within a person’s home there are no charges If transpor t is involved we charge a flat rate o f £1 00 for anywhere within Sto tfold and for ou tside o f Sto tfold, the National rate for Volunteer drivers applies (45p per mile) For example, a trip to the Lister hospital would be abou t an eighteen mile round trip and would cost £8 00 That money goes directly to the volunteer, no t the group, to pay for fuel and contribu tes to the cost o f running their vehicle

Ho w do I book a Taxi? Oops! That is something we have to make clear, we don’t do Taxis SGNG really hopes to be able to help, bu t only when a volunteer is f ree and available The best thing to do is ask as soon as you kno w you need help That will give time to ask our volunteers if anybody is f ree and able to take you on that par ticular trip

What else do you do? I’m glad you asked that, as SGNG is no t just abou t transpor t We o ffer all types o f help in and around the home as previously mentioned and a few more fun things On ever y Friday afternoon we have what we call a Social Hub at the Memorial Hall. It is a weekly social drop in session, where SGNG clients can meet and socialise with o thers. Clients have the choice to engage in games, quizzes, puzzles or simply enjo y ref reshments, conversation and new f riendships. So, if you feel a bit isolated and don’t meet many people, do come along and join us. We may be able to pro vide transpor t to suppor t those with mobility issues.

On Friday afternoons we also run Chair based exercise classes. These are ver y popular and we f irmly believe that keeping f it, gaining strength and staying healthy through exercise helps people to live more happily and independently in older age. It also gives members the oppor tunity to socialise with o ther volunteers and clients. There is a shor t waiting list. Lastly, we also have a Librar y ou treach ser vice for housebound clients who have nobody else to access the librar y for them Please contact us via our helpline number 07599 925 587 the line is open bet ween 8 00am and 3 00pm seven days a week


Hai r by Phillip celebrates 50 years, in- st yle!

Sto tfold hair salon, Hair by Phillip is celebrating half a centur y in business this year! To mark the occasion the salon issued a series o f discount vouchers to its customers, and to round o ff the celebrations, hosted a trip do wn memor y lane which included a VIP goody bag, f izz, canapés, and a charity raffle in aid o f Cancer Research Alongside valued clients and staff members, the event was also attended by Sto tfold’s Mayor Steve Buck, our founder Phillip Parkin, and GBBO’s Dawn, who called ou t the prize winners

In to tal the event successfully raised o ver £200!

As one o f the longest running businesses in the to wn, Hair by Phillip has been successfully styling hair for Sto tfold residents since 1972, when Phillip Parkin f irst took the business o ver with his wife Val and young son And it’s truly remarkable that the business still attracts some o f the original clients to the salon 50 years on!

The salon built its repu tation based on Phillip’s drive and dedication to his craft, by entering and winning many competitions, as well as involving the salon in a number o f community events o ver the years, f rom carnival floats to fashion sho ws! Of course a lo t has changed o ver the years, no t just the price o f a haircu t, which Phillip reckons couldn’t have been more than a couple o f quid back in 1972, bu t huge impro vements in colours and techniques, the ongoing training oppor tunities for staff, as well as all the technological changes to gro w and promo te the business to keep it successful

With the business having been passed on to Phillip’s daughters in 2012, fur ther investment has been made since then to continue to appeal to the residents o f Sto tfold, f rom an integrated appointment system for booking online, to a salon app, and new ser vices like Kerasilk which pro vides a long lasting, per fectly smoo th transformation to the hair

Reminiscing abou t the past 50 years, Phillip said: “Never would I have imagined back in 1972, when I f irst arrived with my young family, that the salon would still be such an integral par t o f the Sto tfold community, and still a successful local business to this day. It was great to host an event to celebrate the longevity o f the salon, and to hear f rom clients bo th old and new abou t what attracts them to our family business. I’m ver y grateful for all the suppor t o ver the years and wish the salon ever y success.

Owner and creative director, Gemma said: “It’s an incredible honour to be able to successfully continue the family business that my Dad created all those years ago. To ensure we remain successful, we are regularly investing in the salon, and the training o f our staff as we kno w ho w impor tant it is to retain our appeal to existing clients and continue to attract new clients. I’m so pleased the event went so well and we raised a good amount o f money for Cancer Research”. “Thank you to all our valued clients and staff for all their suppor t o ver the past 50 years, we will never take it for granted and will always be thankful to those clients who choose our salon ”

To keep up to date with Hair by Phillip please follo w: Instagram: HairbyPhillipSto tfold or Facebook: hairbyphillipsto tfold Hair by Phillip, 55 High Street, Sto tfold, SG5 4LD Tel 01462 730342

Pictured left to right, Salon o wner Gemma, Sto tfold Mayor Cllr Steve Buck, Phillip Parkin and GBBO’s Dawn Belo w, the fabulous 50th Anniversar y cake!


12 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
Hero IT’S OUR FAVOURITE TIME OF T HE YEAR AGAIN! HAS SOMEONE YOU KNOW BE EN A REAL LIFE HERO DURING 20 22? Maybe you have somebody in your life who has really made a difference to y ou over the last few months? Do you know someone who has faced an extremely difficult time this year and deserves a special tre at? AS ALWAYS, WE WANT TO HEAR YOUR STORIES.. .. In association with the Stotfold & Arlese y Ne ws Magazine, Satchells Estate Agents are once again on the hunt for this year ’s real life C hristmas H ero. No matter how small..if someone has m ade a difference to you this year then please nominate them NOW to let them know how m uch they mean to you
easy to enter...
email us at stotfold news@yahoo co uk message us through either the Stotfold News Magazine or Satchells facebook page or call us on (01462) 731986 You can also post your nomination through the door of Satchells Estate Agents 47b, High Street, Stotfold The closing date for this years nominations is 1st December 2022 2022 LASTWEEKTOENTER!!
Arlesey Christmas Hero Cari Beedle

News from Stotfold Watermill

On a mystic, misty night (well, rather damp and windy, actually) Sto tfold Mill threw open its doors to the children o f Sto tfold for its annual Spooktacular

This event is becoming something o f a tradition in Sto tfold, and it’s great to see it so popular! Held inside the Mill this year ( just as well, given the weather) the Spooktacular event o ffered local families an afternoon o f f rightfully good Hallo ween fun Hidden around the Mill were twenty spooks The Spooktacular visitors were asked to hunt them all ou t, to prevent the Mill being infested with mischievous ghosts for the rest o f the winter

With some rather cr yptic clues to help them on their journey, and volunteers f rom the Mill to pro vide a helping hand, the seventy one ghost hunters (and their families) were f ree to roam around the Mill, investigating darkened nooks and cobwebby crannies A welcome break f rom the hunting came in the Ivel Room, on the third floor, where some creepy crafts were available The ghost hunters were invited to make jack o lanterns ou t o f folded card and ghosts ou t o f tissue paper and string Simple enough for even the youngest ghost hunter to get involved with, the crafts pro ved popular with ever yone. From the creepy depths o f the water wheel to the gloomy heights o f the top floor, we’re pleased to say that ever y spook was located and remo ved.

The Mill would like to say a huge thank you to ever yone who came along to the Spooktacular, and we hope you had a good time! We’d also like to say a big thank you to the volunteers who helped on the day: withou t them, our Mill events wouldn’t be possible.

The Mill has closed for the Winter, bu t that doesn’t mean you can’t come and visit! If you’re a member o f a group or club, we’d be delighted to welcome you for a visit This can be organised to suit your group, so do please get in touch

We’ll be running some Mill orientation sessions during the next few months, where you can learn all abou t the Mill and ho w we run it Please keep an eye on our social media posts for more information abou t what we’ve go t planned If you have enjo yed visiting the Mill o ver the course o f 2022 and would like to help us keep it running in 2023, we’d lo ve to welcome you as a volunteer

www sto tfoldmill com

13 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986



No vember, Children in Need with our wear something red day the Sto tfold Christmas Fair with


Tombola stall! On behalf o f the Committee we would like to thank all our parents and staff for suppor ting this event by donating lo ts o f chocolate and sweeties together with monetar y donations to help us purchase extra goodies for our stall and for all those who suppor ted us on the day.

Would you like to join a f riendly local group for a weekly local walk? Walks star t at 10 45am

Meeting points for December:

1st - Etonbur y Woods (nr school )

8/15/22 Corner Hospital Rd, Arlesey For details contact Beth Over f ield 01462 815672

Throughou t December the children will be par ticipating in various activities to celebrate the run up to Christmas We begin on 10th and 11th December, with the children exhibiting their baubles at the Festival o f Christmas Trees held at St Mar y’s Church Please tr y and pop along to view all the wonder ful trees and creations on display, ref reshments are available f rom the Church Hall Our Christmas programme will also include our Christmas Par ty, Christmas Concer ts and Santa’s Gro tto!

Our Holiday Club will be open for 4 days during the Christmas break f rom Monday 19th December to Thursday 22nd December inclusive We charge £40 per day (includes breakfast and snacks) and are open f rom 7.45 to 18.00, for information on booking please contact the o ff ice

Finally, we would like to wish all our families a wonder ful Christmas and hope you all have a restful break.

We look for ward to welcoming all the children back on Wednesday 4th Januar y 2022

Sto tfold Ar t Club

FREE W inter Ar t Exhibition @ The Roecro ft Centre

Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th December 10am 4pm

If you are visiting St Mar y's Christmas Tree Festival, held on the same weekend why no t pop across and visit us Wide variety o f original paintings for sale Also handmade cards & crafts

We look for ward to seeing you there!

14 News from Pippin Pre School Open Tuesday 9 30 15 00 Wednesday 9 00 20 00 Thursday 9 00 17 00 Friday 9 00 20 00 Saturday 9 00 20 00 Extended hours in December for Christmas appointments, space still available T:07778 940242 Merr y Christmas to all our clients!
our ever poplar
suppor ted two

News from St Mary’s Academy

Christmas really is one o f the best times o f year to be working in a school. With a little help f rom our f riends, the f irst week in December will be spent pu tting up our Christmas trees and decorations so when the children come into school it will be transformed. We also have a visit f rom the mischievous Christmas elf! The look on the children’s faces when they see the trees, Nativity scene and classroom decorations is wonder ful.

For the f irst time in a couple o f years, we are delighted to say all o f our children will be practising for our Christmas Concer ts to be presented to an audience on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th December We do no t charge entr y for concer ts bu t we will be suppor ting The Need Project this year with voluntar y donations collected during Concer t week On Thursday 8th December our children will be invited to wear something festive to celebrate Christmas Jumper Day Any donations will be made to the ver y wor thy Save the Children Charity

Our parent’s association, the SMSA will also be running two events through the Festive Season, star ting with the popular Christmas Gift Shop where the children bu y and select a special gift for their parents/grandparents/carers and f inishing with the Grand Raffle Draw on Friday 16th December Please also no te we have a Happy Bags Collection on Monday 9th Januar y for all those who have a sor t ou t through the Christmas holidays! Donations f rom the wider community are also most welcome! Happy Bags will collect adult and children clo thing, shoes, fashion accessories, handbags, belts, hats, jeweller y and per fume They will no t take unwanted pre lo ved to ys and games bu t we are always grateful for donations o f this kind for the children’s wet play and extra curricular clubs!

As is no w tradition in the last week o f term, we will have Christmas Lunch and Par ties on Thursday 15th December. To round the afternoon o ff we will be welcoming Hitchin Market Theatre who will be per forming Hansel and Gretel Pantomime. Our Christmas Ser vice will also be held at St Mar y’s Church on Friday 16th, This is always a lo vely way to end the term.

Finally, we would like to take this oppor tunity to thank ever yone who has helped or suppor ted the work o f our school again this year. A great many people and organisations are involved with us and this is ver y much appreciated. Thank you.

From all o f us at St Mar y’s, we would like to wish ever yone a ver y Happy and Healthy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year We hope ever yone stays safe and well and we shall see you all back at school on Wednesday 4th Januar y 2023!

The Pathway Hypno therapy Rooms


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We can suppor t you to o vercome your negative thoughts and behaviours to create a positive fu ture

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Please mention the Sto tfold News Magazine when responding to adver ts 15
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News from Roecroft Lower School

What a delightful au tumn it has been, the sun mixed with the beau tiful colours on the trees has made for a rather picturesque few months. School has been a hive o f activity, no t only f rom a teaching and learning perspective, bu t also a community one. We have welcomed in our families on numerous occasions, enjo yed fundraising activities and shared our learning through class assemblies. In addition, we have welcomed many external specialists to help enhance and bring areas o f the curriculum to life for the children. Our Year 4 ambassadors have been ou t in force, representing the school in the local community and taking o wnership o f their new roles in school and setting excellent examples to the younger year groups.

This month we have an update f rom Miss Ashby, our Early Years lead pro fessional: In September we welcomed our new cohor t o f children into Roecro ft They have settled into school brilliantly and are thoroughly enjo ying their learning During the f irst half o f the Au tumn term our topic in Reception was ‘ Mar vellous Me!’ and our learning was based around the children themselves, their families, and where they live, ho w they have changed since they were born Throughou t this topic, the children have also been looking closely at their o wn features when drawing themselves and discussing what they would like to be when they gro w up

During the second half o f the term our topic in Reception has been ‘Let’s Celebrate!’ We began the term by learning abou t Diwali, Bonf ire Night, Remembrance Day and bir thdays We are no w beginning our exciting Christmas activities and learning linked to this celebration that so many o f us enjo y We are looking for ward to celebrating in school and are also ver y excited to per form our Christmas nativity ‘A Reception Christmas Cracker ’ to our families and f riends

16 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
T h i s C h r i s t m a s w h y n o t t r e a t s o m e o n e T h i s C h r i s t m a s w h y n o t t r e a t s o m e o n e t o a g i f t w i t h a d i f f e r e n c e ? t o a g i f t w i t h a d i f f e r e n c e ? b e t t e r b e t t e r H E A L T H & F I T N E S S H E A L T H & F I T N E S S with S O N N Y H A C K P E R S O N A L T R A I N I N G S O N N Y H A C K P E R S O N A L T R A I N I N G Gift vouchers available £25 per session All levels o f f itness catered for! Te l : 0 7 5 3 9 7 7 9 4 4 3 Te l : 0 7 5 3 9 7 7 9 4 4 3 Special o ffer for new joiners3 sessions for the price o f 2 throughou t Dec, Jan & Feb (Offer expires 28/02/2023)

Fairfield Lower School News

Our recent learning o ver the last term has been rich and f illed with many oppor tunities for the children o f Fair f ield Park Lo wer School We have had oppor tunities for children to take par t in different spor ts events thanks to our par ticipation in the Redborne School Spor t Par tnership some children even tried some spor ts for the f irst time which was great to see! The whole school also celebrated Diwali, wearing celebrator y, bright clo thes and created rangoli patterns, mehndi patterned clay dishes, nature inspired mandalas, diva lamps and also appreciated and danced to classical Indian music. We also took time to discuss and celebrate the lives o f inspirational Black people throughou t Black Histor y Month and reflected this learning in poem writing, through stories and ar twork.

It’s also been enjo yable to see our children in our grounds exploring the change o f seasons f irst hand and using these natural resources back in the classrooms. Our Eco Council have also been busy identifying priorities for the school to ensure we continue our work to be sustainable and environmentally f riendly we were awarded the Green Flag Award this term too which means our children are passionate abou t keeping the environment high on all our agendas! A rite o f passage in lo wer school is for children to pu t on a hear t warming Christmas per formance and get ever yone into the Christmas spirit This year has been no exception; we’ve seen children polishing o ff their per formance skills and for some they’ve surmounted their fears and stood on a stage for the ver y f irst time to par ticipate in a sho w all the children have excelled and we hope that our families have enjo yed watching them We wish ever yone a ver y happy Christmas and an enjo yable New Year Value o f the month:Independence

Fair f ield Lo wer school -Tel: 01462 830000 E: o ff ice@fair f ieldparklo wer uk Website: www fair f ieldparklo wer uk

Just a gentle reminder that parents should no w be looking at applications for reception and middle school places To apply please do so online the deadline for applications is 15th Januar y 2023 If you would like to come and see our school please contact the school o ff ice to arrange a tour Please call the o ff ice on 01462 830000 if you would like to arrange this

Nor th Her ts Road Runners

The Santa Canter is the f irst Sat o f the month 5k at Letchwor th Common on 3rd Dec Join the fun and run in your christmas ou tf it 9am star t Entr y is f ree and the details are on our website nhrr org uk We continue our training sessions with qualif ied coaches on Tues & Thurs evenings at 7pm these are open to all runners and we welcome ever yone f rom no vice to experienced runners Contact nhrr org uk or Ian on 07506 429928

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are approaching the end o f the term already. The day has f inished for many pupils bu t for many o thers activities continue. As I took the oppor tunity to visit some depar tment meetings I was delighted to speak to pupils in year 5 homework club, Harr y Po tter club, forensics club and then to see so many pupils bo th under taking foo tball training in addition to o ther spor ting

and f ixtures. Given that it is the end o f what has been a really busy term it is great to see pupils still fully immersed in school life The last few weeks have included so much great stu ff it is sometimes hard to keep track o f it all For our new year 5 it has been great to get to kno w these new pupils in school The large group o f year 5 pupils are already settled into the rou tine o f a new school It never ceases to amaze me ho w quickly they become accustomed to new people, spaces and expectations and I am delighted with their attitude and application Having almost 150 new pupils in year 5 in f ive classes cer tainly adds a buzz to the school and they will add great life and vigour to our school o ver the next few years I kno w they enjo yed the traditional visit to Cadbur ys world last month and the year 6 also enjo yed their visit to Blists Hill dressed as V ictorians We are also looking for ward to ano ther quickly established tradition o f our visit to the pantomime at the end o f term

No vember and December are always busy months in schools We consider ourselves really for tunate to have such suppor t f rom the community and tr y to “pay back” whenever we can Having visitors f rom St Mar y’s church in the form o f Graham Clark to help us for Remembrance Day is a great example o f ho w our pupils can be exposed to different voices talking abou t serious topics As a school we are suppor ting the Need Project in suppor ting less for tunate families and collecting selection boxes and Christmas puddings It has also been great to be able suppor t the Princes Trust o ver this term We were contacted to see if we could pro vide a space for a community project to be under taken by a group o f young people and I am delighted to say we were able to accommodate the team. We had a handing o ver ceremony suppor ted by the Lady Clifford, the High Sheriff o f Bedfordshire and Cllr Steve Buck the Mayor o f Sto tfold.

Projects o f this nature are really impor tant to PBA and ver y much f it our aspiration to be responsible citizens and suppor t the community.

I’d like to take this oppor tunity to wish all a ver y merr y Christmas It has been a really busy year bu t as always we look to the fu ture with optimism

18 All types of electrical work under taken. Installation, Fault finding, Heating controls Test and inspection, EV charge points, NICEIC approved contractor Tel: 07817 545314 E:bk electrical@outlook com C AR SALES MEC HANIC AL BOD YWO RK Quality used cars & vans supplied Excellent after sales care, our warrantees cover both parts & labour Motor vehicle servicing and general repair work undertaken, any make or model Accident repair and insurance work specialists 2 Arlesey Road, Stotfold, Hitchin, Herts SG5 4HA Formerly Cramps Garage Sales (01462) 732400 Services and Bodywork (01462) 731500 BAL & CO. MOTOR CARE Window and door repairs and installations * Misted/broken units * Handles * Mechanisms * Door barrels Supply and fit windows and doors Soffits and fascias Jonny Garside 79 Regent Street, Stotfold 01462 732248 or 07951 473505 News from Pix Brook Academy

Etonbury Academy News

It’s been a busy few weeks with trips, open evenings, parents evenings and winning ano ther award in our Junior School! Etonbur y Juniors have achieved the Primar y Science Quality Mark. I am absolu tely delighted and extend my thanks to the Junior team, including Mr Gar y Go tham, Primar y Science Lead and Head o f Year 5. This prestigious award recognises the excellence in our Science teaching and learning. Our Year 5s went ou t on their residential trip, and they had a brilliant time. May there be many more memories to be made with their school f riends during their time at Etonbur y. We also held our Open evening for prospective parents/carers and children with o ver 700 adults and children coming to f ind ou t more abou t us, and we couldn’t have been prouder o f the students and staff Ever y depar tment had a fantastic display or activity for the visitors to engage in, with some families staying for o ver 3hrs! The students were responsible for guiding them around the Junior and Secondar y Schools, and as always they were so impressive, they are such ar ticulate and expressive communicators

We have star ted our inter vention sessions pro viding our children with the encouragement to reach their full po tential These positive programmes give the children the ability and skills to aim even higher, and these really suppor t our commitment to develop all our children and recognise them as individuals

Follo wing a visit f rom the School Impro vement Advisor, we were delighted to receive such a positive repor t highlighting the many strengths o f our school, as well as areas for us to continue to develop We will always aim higher, and it was no ted ho w impressive our commitment is to developing our people which suppor ts and impro ves our children’s learning

Sixth Form Taster week for our Year 11s is the f irst o f many events informing the students abou t what’s to come They learnt more abou t the subjects they could consider at Etonbur y Sixth Form, which will be sho wcased during an evening this term for parents There have been a number o f focus groups with our Year 11s to understand what they would like to see in their Sixth Form, f rom the curriculum to their social spaces. It’s going to be a fantastic and unique space.

We are delighted that we have abo ve national attendance and our children are per forming incredibly well. The school goes f rom strength to strength and we are really grateful to our parents/carers who engage and suppor t us by working together which really makes a difference to our children’s fu tures.

If you would like to f ind ou t more abou t Etonbur y Academy, please get in touch and arrange a tour o f the school 01462 730391

Conditions treated include spinal and extremity injuries, neck related headaches and sprains/strains. We are NOW OPEN

Our revised opening hours: Tues: 2pm 7pm Wed: 10am 7pm Thursday: 3pm 7pm Friday: 10am 1pm Saturday: 10am 2pm

19 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
Creating Something Different Adding Value and Appeal to your Home B lock Pa ving Na tu ral Ston e & Conc ret e Sla bs Bric kwork - Fe nc ing Drive wa ys Pat hs Cou rtya rd Pa tios-Re pa irs The HERITAGE Pavi ng Co. Call Brian Riley 0 14 62 73 06 82 0 797 4 17 04 87 (Stotfold)

Family announcements


TEEN IN THE HOUSE! 13 on the 13th December!

Happy 13th Bir thday Enjo y your celebrations Lo ve Mum, Dad, Law, Grace and the Whoopie Poopie XXXXXX


Teenager at last Happy 13th bir thday 26th December Lo ve f rom


22nd December Happy Bir thday!

Happy Bir thday MRS CROS S!

Wishing our wonder ful Headteacher a ver y happy 40th bir thday. We hope you have a fabulous Christmas break celebrating. With lo ve f rom your Roecro ft family. xx


Happy 4th Bir thday Have the best day and we'll see you soon. Lo ve Auntie Katie and Auntie FeeFee X


Happy 13th Bir thday With lo ve Mum, Dad, Jemima, Harr y and Cocoxxxx


Happy Bir thday! Lo ve Anna X


Happy 45th Wedding Anniversar y

Hope you bo th have the most wonder ful day! Here is to a lifetime o f lo ve and happiness. Lo ve Katie and Fee xx

20 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 Open Tuesday to Saturday 9 4pm Tel: 07812 055587 Hall wor th Drive, Sto tfold. FULL ENGLISH ser ved until 11am Ice cream Milkshakes Daily specials TAKEAWAY available, telephone to order @boxofcakesstotfold
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21 We lo ve to hear from you! Call us on 01462 731986
Please mention the Sto tfold News Magazine when responding to adver ts

December Fun Quiz

For our DECEMBER FUN QUIZ, compiled and presented by Sto tfold’s ver y o wn Brain o f Britain, David Stedman, we are taking a look at PRECIOUS STONES and METALS o ften given as gifts during this festive season

Names contained as a clue in each question or in each answer (ANSWERS on page 37)

1. This year ’s Christmas panto at the most famous theatre in London is “Jack and the Beanstalk” and stars, Alexandra Burke, pictured right Which theatre is it?

2. Daughter o f Mick Jagger and his then wife Bianca, she is a famous jeweller y designer and her f irst name is the same as a form o f precious mineral. What is that name?

3. In British rhyming slang, what type o f food is suggested by the word Ruby?

4. Name the ‘national treasure’ actress, pictured belo w right, who starred as Sapphire in the 1970s 80s British television series “Sapphire and Steel”?

5. As in the books and famous f ilm, what is the name o f the main city in the magical world o f Oz?

6. In which major Commonwealth countr y can you visit the majestic Jasper National Park?

7. American actress Amber Heard is more well kno wn in recent years for legal battles against her f ilm star ex husband. Who is he?

8. The full title o f a 1950s British f ilm, based on a true incident, is “The Yangt ze Incident: The Stor y o f H.M.S. ” . The name o f what ship completes that title?

9 What one same forename was shared by these British personalities: au thor Bainbridge; comedienne Reid; and ar tist Cook?

10 What one same name is shared by a British mo th; an Estée Lauder per fume; and the main ore o f mercur y?

11 In which 1970s James Bond f ilm do the characters o f Mr Kidd, Mr Wint and Tiffany Case appear?

12 A bu tter cake in which the egg yolks, bu t no t the whites, are used gives a richer flavour and is o ften named after which precious metal?

13 In US currency, the f ive cent coin pictured right is kno wn by what name?

14 The 1969 f ilm “Topaz” was one o f the last f ilms directed by the so -called “Master o f Suspense” Who was he?

15. In the UK during the 1990s a ver y popular brand o f juicy chewy sweets was re named Starburst By what name was the same sweets kno wn before?

16. In terms o f famous luxur y car models, what one same name preceded Ghost, Wraith, Spirit, Shado w, Cloud 7 Dawn?

17. Lucy, pictured left, plays club foo tball for Manchester City and has played for England at all levels including o ver 80 caps as a full international Recipient o f “Best Player ” awards at UEFA and FIFA tournaments, what is Lucy’s surname?

18. During World War 2, a sea battle fought in May 1942 between Japan and the USA was the f irst ever battle fought by aircraft carriers withou t any o f the ships actually sighting each o ther. This battle is named after which sea o f the Pacif ic Ocean?

19. Name the great US rock, soul and blues singer, pictured right, whose US number one album “Pearl” was released posthumously in 1971?

20. This blue green mineral is the oldest mineral kno wn, since ancient Egyptian times, to have been used as a gemstone. Also the bir thstone for December, what mineral is it?

For more fascinating facts and to do wnload and read my no vels, completely free o f charge, please visit my website at davidstedman co uk or Google David Stedman au thor

23 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
N o w o f f e r i n g N o w o f f e r i n g St e e l I n t e r i o r D o o r s St e e l I n t e r i o r D o o r s Upgrade your home with our stunning new range. 24 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 www.bshglazingser E:info@bshglazingser Contact us for FREE advice & a no -obligation quo tation. Sto tfold based, o ver 25 years’ experience. We are proud o f our track record o f installing with exper tise and attention to detail. We remo ve and recycle all waste, including your old windo ws and doors Upgrade Your Home In 2023 34373 Energy efficient windows may cost less than you think. Whether you’re looking for something beautiful, elegant, modern or traditional, we have something for you. Tel: 07973 851414

they went ou

o f the Premier Division Cup losing 1 0 away to St Panteleimon bu t knocking the same opponents ou t o f the Gladwish Challenge Trophy winning 4 2 on penalties after a 1 1 home draw. The Development team won two, drew one and lost one in the league also going ou t o f the Beds Senior Trophy losing 4 1 away to S SMFL Division 2 side To tternhoe First. The Woman’s team kept up their unbeaten star t to the season winning three league games and winning bo th cup matches one in the League Cup and the o ther in the Beds Women’s Cup. The latter in a good derby match in f ront o f a large cro wd against Sto tfold Junior Ladies. The U18 Midweek team won two and lost two o f their league matches At the time o f going to print we have no league f ixtures available for the Development Team, bu t these will be posted on the website and on social media

December Fixtures:

1st Sat 3 3 00 Home Risborough Rangers

Women Sun 4 2 00 Away St Margaretsbur y Ladies First

U18 Thurs 8 7 45 Home Bedford To wn FC U18

1st Sat 10 3 00 Away Arlesey To wn

Women Sun 11 2 00 Home Everett Ladies First

U18 Thurs 15 7 45 Home Letchwor th GCE U18

1st Sat 17 3 00 Home Hoddesdon To wn

Women Sun 18 2 00 Away Evergreen Eagles Women

1st Tue 27 3 00 Away Shefford To wn & Campton

Our Clubhouse is open Friday Sunday to members and non members and we can o ffer a large garden area and a large function room and bar Our Kitchen ( The Corner Flag) o ffers great value food f rom a good choice menu Please keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter pages for info

JSJ Stadium New Roker Park Arlesey Road Sto tfold 01462 539297 www.sto

Sto tfold Junior Foo tball Club

Come and suppor t Sto tfold Juniors at The Clubhouse and watch the World Cup 2022. For f ixture updates and opening times please look at the Sto tfold Foo tball Club social media pages:

Facebook Sto tfold Foo tball Club INSTAGR AM Sto tfold fc


Matchday stewards, turnstile operators and kitchen helpers WANTED! Please contact us through our website www sto tfoldfc co uk

25 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 ajb fencing * fencing * decking * pergolas * summer houses For a FREE quotation call Andy on 07837 791365 or (01462) 628388 Public Liability Insured Established 18 years RAY THE CARPENTER Building Maintenance Kitchens & Bedrooms Windows Internal/External Doors Ski r tings Architraves Dados Stai rs Handles Balustrades Handle & Lock Replacements Loft Hatches Flat Pack Furniture All aspects of carpentr y No j ob too small Call 07885 020895 or 01462 732814 Over 25 Years Experience PLANNING HOME IMPROVEMENTS OR AN EXTENSION? Providing architectural design and planning services for residential building, extension and conversion projects, S & S Coates Surveying & Design Call: 07960215053 or 01525 862457 stevecoates72@gmail com Find us on facebook Exterior & Interior Property Maintenance * Decorating * Furniture Building * Painting * Carpentry & more * Carpet Cleaning FREE QUOTATIONS James’s Carpentry & General Handyman Service T: (01462) 234292 or 07887 871212 Stotfold Football Club
the table.
What a great October it was for the 1st team winning all f ive o f their league games to
2nd in
In the





The Greenacre Centre Valerian Way, Sto tfold Hitchin, Her ts, SG5 4HG

Stotfold SG5 4HG number: 01462 730064

Telephone number: 01462 730064 to 4pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri CLOSED WEDNESDAYS

Email address: enquiries@sto tfoldto wncouncil.go Website: www.sto tfoldto wncouncil.go

Opening hours: 10am to 4pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri CLOSED WEDNESDAYS



Please see our website for details o f upcoming council and committee meetings www sto tfoldto wncouncil go v uk

website for details of upcoming council and committee meetings


The Mayor, Councillors and staff o f Sto tfold To wn Council would like to wish all who live, work and visit Sto tfold a ver y happy and safe Christmas!


We will be closed o ver the Christmas and New Year period as follo ws: f rom midday Friday 23rd December 2022, re opening 10am Tuesday 3rd Januar y 2023 The answer machine will be in operation (bu t no t monitored ) during that period and occasional checks will be made o f our Facebook page


3th November, at Stotfold Cemetery, Mill Lane. The at 2.45pm please convene at the Cemetery by 2.30pm. After laying of the wreaths, the parade will make its way Street, the High Street and into Church Road to St Mary's Church for a 3.30pm service. Should the weather be parade will be shortened. The Royal British Legion, organisations from the town and the Town Council will be taking residents are also invited to join us.

The To wn Council is looking for nominations for Citizens Awards Nominees must be someone who has made a valuable contribu tion to the life o f the community o f Sto tfold. You can’t nominate yourself, and councillors may only be nominated by non councillors for things they have done ou tside o f council work. A decision will be made early in the New Year, and a cer tif icate for the successful recipient/s will be presented at the Annual To wn Meeting in March. Please for ward a letter to the To wn Clerk at the abo ve address, giving the name o f the nominee (address if you kno w it) and full details o f why you feel they should receive a Citizens Award. We canno t accept nominations f rom anonymous sources. Nominations must be received by the To wn Clerk no later than Monday 9th Januar y 2023.

LIGHTS SWITCH ON 26th November 2022 at the Greenacre Centre. Join us 1pm for a festive indoor Christmas market and refreshments and the ever popular Storytime with Santa. Outdoors in car park, the wonderful music organ from the Saunders Steam Collection wil outdoor icearound our Christmas tree. Tickets are Ice skating: £13 per adult, £9 per child, adult & toddler £15, Storytime Contact us for times and to book: or 01462 730064



In our local area, we have two levels o f local au thority Sto tfold To wn Council and Central Bedfordshire Council unitar y au thority Bo th are responsible for different things These are examples o f just some o f the responsibilities for each council:

Neighbourhood Plan process, we want to look at the housing provision Stotfold and Astwick currently has, and what it future. To do this, we will be conducting a Housing Needs Survey, to help us to determine the types and tenures we may need more of in the future. We all know that our population is growing and that we need to house all

months, we will be asking you to think about what you currently have and what your future housing might be. So, for are heading towards older age, would you need to downsize and look for a bungalow, sheltered or accessible If your household currently has teenagers, would they be looking for their first home in Stotfold in the next 10 to

These lists aren’t exhaustive, there are many o ther responsibilities for each to f ind ou t more, visit www centralbedfordshire go v uk and www sto tfoldto wncouncil go v uk

SURVEY 2022 council we feel that we continue to work in the best interests of our residents, we feel that we should be asking our feedback on the services that the town council provides, allowing us to reivew what we see as our priorities and eries and attendance at events such as the Mill have been talking to many residents, and receiving feedback on topics which are a priority to them.


Whilst as a to wn council we feel that we continue to work in the best interests o f our residents, we feel that we should be asking our residents for feedback on the ser vices that the to wn council pro vides, allo wing us to reivew what we see as our priorities and reaff irm our commitment to the to wn’s residents Through regular councillor surgeries and attendance at events such as the Mill weekends, we have been talking to many residents, and receiving feedback on topics which are a priority to them

the side will take you to a short questionnaire, to give us feedback on the services we provide and the we need to know about. The consultation will remain open until 18th December, after which we will responses received and provide feedback ahead of the Annual Town Meeting in March. This consultation benchmark for the services we provide and how we deliver them moving forward. prefer to complete a paper copy of the survey, they are available to collect from the foyer of the Greenacre Centre.

The QR code to the side will take you to a shor t questionnaire, to give us feedback on the ser vices we pro vide and the priorities you feel we need to kno w abou t. The consultation will remain open until 18th December, after which we will collate the responses received and pro vide feedback ahead o f the Annual To wn Meeting in March. This consultation will set a benchmark for the ser vices we pro vide and ho w we deliver them mo ving for ward.


If you would prefer to complete a paper copy o f the sur vey, they are available to collect f rom the fo yer o f the Greenacre Centre.

sunny Saturday in September, the council organised an Clearance Day for allotment tenants at Norton Road. Several up to help dig out their unwanted old pots, cloches and

To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986



We are introducing a new section a chance to learn more abou t the people who represent you in your to wn, your To wn Councillors. The To wn Council’s newest member to join us is Councillor Helen Wightwick:

Hello, my name is Helen Wightwick and I joined the To wn Council in March having lived in Sto tfold for 16 years I took early retirement f rom the Depar tment for Education in 2013 and since then have set up a private Christian Counselling practice o ffering counselling to individuals and couples I have two adult daughters and a baby grandson I have been volunteering for Sto tfold Good Neighbours for abou t 10 years, plus I’m the Secretar y o f Churches Together in Sto tfold I’m keen for the churches and Good Neighbours to work together with the To wn Council and the Need Project as we did during the pandemic when we set up a shopping ser vice for vulnerable residents As you can see f rom the adver t abou t warm spaces in this edition o f Sto tfold News, I have worked with the Mayor to set up a Warm Spaces Action Group which includes all the churches, the Need Project, Sto tfold Good Neighbour Group and Sto tfold Librar y We have all committed to pro viding f ree warm spaces on a weekly basis f rom 1st December for vulnerable residents this winter I lo ve Sto tfold because o f its village feel and joined the To wn Council par tly to work with them to pro tect this f rom excessive housing development which pu ts our doctor ’s surger y and schools under pressure I have 2 dogs and I lo ve the green spaces around Sto tfold so I’m keen to pro tect these as par t o f the Neighbourhood Plan currently under development The best way to contact me is via my email address cllrhelenwightwick@sto tfoldto wncouncil go v uk


By the time you read this, the project to pro vide a new MUGA, play equipment and ou tdoor gym should be well under way

This project is being funded by Section 106 developer contribu tions and To wn Council Earmarked Reser ves, and we have been working closely with Central Bedfordshire Council’s Play Off icers and Sur veyors to pro vide a brand new community facility for the to wn.

Contractors Jupiter will be pro viding a new MUGA (supplied & installed by PlayInno vation) and Su tu Ball Wall, and Kompan will be installing new play equipment and ou tdoor gym equipment.

Installation is due to be completed by Christmas per fect timing to burn o ff those festive calories in the star t o f the New Year!


And ano ther MUGA project is also under way! This time, the refurbishment o f the old MUGA at Riverside Playing Field This will see a newly laid hard cour t sur face and reinstatement o f fencing dividing the two cour t spaces Fu ture work will include getting the floodlights back up and running and tidying up o f the ‘patio’ viewing space next to the hard cour t We have been working with Premier Spor ts Sur faces on this project, and it is being funded by S106 developer contribu tions, Central Bedfordshire Council’s Community Assets Grant and To wn Council Earmarked Reser ves


We are pleased to advise that we raised a fantastic £429 83 at this year ’s Christmas Lights Switch On Quiz! The grey cells were well and truly exercised by Quiz Masters Lyn and Steve Hayes, and fun was had by all


Get yours no w! On sale at The Greenacre Centre for just £6! Pop in to bu y yours, or you can telephone through and pay o ver the phone, and if you’re in Sto tfold, we will deliver to you! They make a great Christmas present, and feature fantastic pho tos taken by people ho w live and work in Sto tfold

To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986


Orders are now being taken for the 2023 Stotfold calendar produced by the Stotfold News Magazine in association with Stotfold Town Council

The calendar features some stunning local photographs taken in and around Stotfold by Stotfold Magazine readers Hundreds of photographs were received with the judges having an extremely difficult task of choosing just 13

The calendar is available from the Stotfold Town Council front office and is priced at just £6 all proceeds from the calendar will go towards the Stotfold Christmas Lights fund

To pl ace an order and to reserve your copy c all i n to t he Stotf ol d Counci l of fic e, y ou c an al so purchas e the m a t the Light Swit ch On event . If you a re ordering two or more the n cal l Stotfold Town C ounci l on 01462 730064 to purchase over the phone.

28 Call: 01 462 7 42 78 3 E: Info@sigma of www.sigma of The Village Hall, Ashwell, Her ts SG7 5PJ Windows 11 Suppor t and Upgrades - Wi-Fi Solutions Network Installation Web Site Design & Hosting Remote and On Site Suppor t Data Backup & Recover y PC & MAC Maintenance Repair s, Upgrades Ser ver Suppor t, Maintenance & Monitoring I.T. Security. Just like having your ver y own I.T. depar tment at the end of the phone! WIRED & WIRELESS NETWORKS CCTV HOS TED SERVICES TELEPH ONY SY STEMS Home & Business I.T. suppor t I.T. SU PP ORT & CONS ULTA NCY Com puter Ser vices for Home and Business with a per sonal touch 2023 Stotfold Calendar! Stotfold in p ct es 0 Calend All p ceed from Coun l Chri tmas Ligh Cov r Pict re by Liz A a o go wil dar cale this Tow ld Stotf l annu th ds d u

Vivace Choir Need You!

V ivace choir was founded by Kate Elmitt and the late Bob Wilkins. After a series o f star t up workshops in the au tumn o f 2001, the choir began weekly rehearsals in Januar y 2002 and mo ved to Arlesey later the same year. We are a medium choir o f abou t 15 25 members who are drawn f rom all walks o f life We are, we hope, a welcoming group o f people who like to make music together We rehearse ever y Wednesday evening at Edgewor th House, 121 High Street, Arlesey, SG15 6SX , each term culminating in a Concer t held at various venues locally

Our Music Director Richard Tyler and Accompanist Ben Ward, have many years’ experience and bring ou t the best in our voices! V ivace members sing in four par t harmony Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass Our range o f music varies, with the Au tumn and Winter terms mainly dedicated to some o f the great and lesser-kno wn choral works - something for ever yone!

Why no t come along for a couple o f ‘ taster ’ session rehearsals Our next term star ts on the 4th Januar y 2023 We have a for thcoming concer t see the adver t on the right o f this ar ticle for fur ther details

For more information you can contact secretar y@vivacechoir org uk

Sto tfold News Magazine
To contact the
please call 01462 731986
V ivace Choir rehearsing for their for thcoming concer t and looking to welcome new members

Mental Health Matters - Jo Loach


This word can evoke all manner o f thoughts and feelings, no t all o f which are sparkly and fun Amidst a world seemingly full o f chaos, uncer tainty and situations beyond our control, Christmas can remind us to refocus on what is within our control, what really matters and is wor thy o f celebration



Stotfold based cat sitting service

Now in our 10th year!

For example, with shops awash with all things Christmas f rom as early as August, there can be pressure to spend more than is manageable especially given existing diff iculties with the cost o f living If we pause on the approach to Christmas, we can consider ho w we want to celebrate, who with and set an affordable budget In doing so, instead o f being passively carried along, we can retain responsibility for making active choices to celebrate the season Christmas doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated With forethought and planning, it is possible to keep things simple, be extra creative and still retain its spirit and meaning Whether you believe in the Christ that the season represents, or no t, Christmas reminds us to see, care for, suppor t and look after one ano ther with sincerity and generosity, for in these diff icult times, our greatest strength and suppor t, remains each o ther

Your cats looked after in your own home while you are away, giving you complete peace of mind.I am fully insured & can feed your cats once or twice a day Other small animals can also be catered for

Please call Claire 07984 344 997

This seems even more per tinent in the face o f escalating anxiety follo wing the Pandemic, numerous natural and manmade tragedies the world o ver and all the ordinar y life challenges Ho wever, Christmas invites us to balance and lighten the stresses o f life by coming together (minus restrictions o f recent years) to eat, talk, listen, be, play games, take winter walks, have fun and celebrate all that is still good.

Jo Loach is a BACP accredited Counsellor and Super visor, with an MA in Contemporar y Therapeu tic Counselling and o ver thir teen years counselling experience. You can contact her at

30 Find us on facebook: The Sto tfold News Magazine

The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group have been writing here regularly, developing a Neighbourhood Plan for Sto tfold and Astwick I wanted to give my perspective as a new member o f the group I’m a parent o f two young kids, fairly new to Sto tfold and, despite the eternal tiredness f rom two children under three, I wanted to get involved in the group because these plans are genuinely useful documents in helping to shape the fu ture o f our to wn

These plans can help shape fu ture development in Sto tfold to make sure our community, our excellent green spaces and parks, ser vices such as schools and healthcare benef it or are pro tected f rom the housing development that’s going to continue to come our way They’re no t there to stop homes being built, bu t can make sure we get the right homes built in the right places that also help fund the aspects o f our community we most highly value. My interest is thinking abou t ho w our Neighbourhood Plan can ensure my kids have the facilities and ser vices they need in Sto tfold and access to nature that my eldest lo ves. As someone whose day job relates to climate change, I want to make sure that Sto tfold and Astwick are geared up to the changing climate and mo ve to a lo w carbon fu ture such as more trees for better shading and ensuring only the most eff icient homes are built locally. Bu t that’s just my views.

Firstly, we need more people to join the steering group it’s no t a massive commitment and we need more help getting things going. If you’re involved in a local group, it would be great if we could come and speak to you abou t your priorities. And more generally, we have two impor tant things coming up a housing needs sur vey and a wider community sur vey Bo th o f them will help identify the priorities for the plan Please do email sto tfoldastwick nhp@gmail com, and look ou t for oppor tunities to get involved

31 Email us at sto tfold news@yahoo co uk T el : 0 770 3 17 18 57 FREE Pr escription deliver y ser vice to ALL Ar lesey and Stotfold r esidents FREE Repeat pr escription "dr op-of f" and collection ser vice fr om Ar lesey Medical Centr e and Lar ksfield (Stotfold) Sur ger y. Mon to Fri 8.45am - 1pm & 2.00pm - 6.15pm Satur day & Sunday - Closed Tel. 01462 731200 leseyphar ARLESEY PHARMACY 31 High Street, Arlesey, Beds SG15 6RA Stotfold & Astwick Neighbourhood Plan

News from King’s Baptist Church

Long ago, in a land far away, an angel appeared to the shepherds ou t in the f ield, keeping watch o ver their flock by night

The angel claimed to have brought “good news o f great jo y that will be for all the people ” You can read the stor y in the Bible, in Luke’s Gospel, chapter 2 No w, stop a minu te Ask yourself, when was the last time I heard “good news o f great jo y”?

In the past year, we have just barely emerged f rom a global crisis, the COVID 19 pandemic. COVID restrictions and national lockdo wn def ined our lives for almost two years. This brought unprecedented restrictions to us all. Many still are dealing with the consequences o f this. Many still wear face masks. Many are still vulnerable. The summer brought unheard o f high temperatures to our nation, a stark reminder o f the challenge o f pollu tion and waste faced by all the peoples o f the whole world. Many speak o f the global warming crisis. This au tumn brought the death o f Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, a deeply lo ved national f igure, an inspiration to many, and admired throughou t the world. The British monarchy faced a crisis. The British Go vernment, it seems, is always in a crisis: we have had three Prime Ministers so far this year, and the year isn’t o ver yet!

There are wars abroad and dissent and unrest at home. The cost o f living ‘crisis’ is affecting us all, and many are struggling no w who have never been in such a position before Is there any hope for us, as a nation, as people, as individuals? Ho w can an angel promise “good news o f great jo y”? Ho w can there be “peace among those with whom God is pleased”? Well, back then those ancient shepherds made up their minds that they would f ind ou t for themselves whether it was true or no t We invite you to do the same

Chrismas Ser vices: Sunday 4 December at 10 30am Christingle Ser vice Sunday 4 December, at 4 30pm Carols by Torchlight with Churches Together in Sto tfold, in the churchyard at St Mar y’s Church Sunday 11 December, at 6 00pm Carols by Candlelight Sunday 18 December, 10 30am Interactive nativity ser vice Dress up as a shepherd or a wise man (or woman)!

Wednesday 21 December at 7 30pm The ‘Longest Night’ ser vice, a time o f prayer and meditation for people who f ind Christmas especially painful or challenging Sunday 25 December, 10 30am Christmas Day all age family celebration!


Meetings and Trips

Meetings are held on the second Wednesday o f the month at St. Mar y’s Church Hall, Church Road.

Wednesday 14th December 2022 Ou ting to Van Hage Garden Park, Peterborough. Coach trip depar ts f rom the bus stop on Hitchin Road, at 10 00am For more information, contact Peter on: (01462) 834854 or 07758649721 sto tfoldgc@gmail com

32 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986

News from Stotfold Methodist Church

Have you seen an Angel?

Angels! Something that the Christmas stor y isn’t shor t o f! They are ever ywhere, in dreams and in large numbers, f rightening the shepherds watching their flocks by night Christmas events for children o ften involved making angels f rom card and tissue or tinsel or foil or all four Or maybe dressing up as angels, tr ying to get the shining halo to balance on their heads withou t falling to pieces in the process

Christian teaching varies on the subject o f angels Bu t common factors are that they are messengers f rom God, and that they will pro tect and guide on God’s behalf, which brings me back to the question at the star t : have you seen an angel? I am no t looking for an actual answer Rather I pose the question to inspire thought, for a yearning o f something more, something o ther, to be alive at Christmas and in our lives For, as one o f those Christmas angels said “I bring good news o f great jo y” That’s surely something to hope for

Christmas Co ffee Morning, Saturday 3rd December, 10 12pm, Monday Club is 2pm to 3:30pm Sunday worship 10am do wnstairs in the lounge as the weather gets cooler Our December preachers are: 4th : Hazel Beadle 11th : Revd Graham Claydon Knights (Holy Communion) 18th : Peter Rogers Christmas Day: Jackie Hall Revd. Graham 07340 857386 Graham.Claydon

07575 353355

Please mention our magazine when responding to adver ts 33
A L F I E ’ S Walk-ins & appointments available! Gents Cut Hair Designs Skin Fades All over grades Under 10’s Sides & back Beard Trims OAP Concessions Mon Fri Mon 9am-5 30pm Tues 9am 6pm Wed 9am 7 30pm Thus 9am 6pm Fri 9am 6pm Sat 7.30am 5pm 01462 658449 15 Hitchin Road, Stotfold SG5 4HP
Free Estimates - Free Measuring Full Fitting - Expert Advice Carpets, Laminates, Vinyls and Woods Insurance and Contract Work 1 Such Close, Works Road,Letchworth, Herts SG6 1JF Tel: 01462 481312 www.letchworthcarpetcentre co uk Email Letchworth Carpet Centre Number ONE for Price Quality and Service YOUR LOCAL NO.1 Open by apointment only Please call us on the number below or email to arrange a time convenient to you
34 We believe that everybody should be able to enjoy safe and independent bathing and showering. That’s why we specialise in designing and installing fully accessible bathrooms for all your mobility needs. Our full design and install service means that you don’t have to worry about booking tradespeople, clearing away rubbish and we make sure that you have a functioning bathroom through out the installation. Choose BMAS: 26 years’ expertise Full design and installation High-quality products for safety & comfort Free bathroom design & full quotation Traditional customer service (no call centres) 0% Finance available WE HANDLE EVERYTHING SPREAD THE COST WITH OUR FINANCE OPTIONS MOBILITY BATHROOMS MANAGED FROM DESIGN TO COMPLETION “TRUSTWORTHY AND RELIABLE. JUST WHAT WE WERE LOOKING FOR!” Call today for a FREE no-obligation consultation and bathroom design 01462 889 097 Visit Our Showroom: BMAS Bathrooms 67 Hermitage Road, Hitchin SG5 1DB Open 9am-5pm Mon-Fri, 10am - 4pm Sat Trustpilot ADAPTING YOUR BATHROOM SHOULDN’T FEEL LIKE A COMPROMISE

Update from Stotfold Library

‘Warms Spaces’ in our librar y

Our librar y can pro vide a f ree warm and safe space As temperatures fall, we are reminding residents that you can f ind a warm space and an even warmer welcome at your local librar y Whether you choose to pop in to enjo y some quiet time with a book or magazine, or to meet up with people who enjo y similar interests, there is something for ever yone In addition, libraries o ffer f ree Wi Fi and pro vide access to public compu ters making it a good option for people to work or study To help you stay warm you are welcome to bring your o wn snacks, and drinks into the librar y To use the librar y ser vices, you will need to register for a librar y card This is completely f ree, and you can do this in any librar y or online at www centralbedfordshire go v uk/libraries


Ever y Friday 10 30am 12pm Knit and Knatter & Adult Christmas Craft Session TBC contact the librar y for more details


Ever y Tuesday 10 30am Stor y and Rhyme Time Ever y Thursday with the Children’s Centre, 10 30am Sing & Sign School Holiday Activities

Wednesday 21st December 2pm ‘The Red Box o f Christmas Stories’ with Sarah, a pro fessional children’s Christmas stor y teller. Friday 23rd December 2pm 5pm Recycled Christmas Card Crafts. Come along and make bunting, gift tags or even a new card with old cards! FREE Craft packs will be available to pick up f rom the librar y f rom Tuesday 20th December until Saturday 31st December.


Ever y 2nd & 4th Monday~ *In par tnership with the Children’s Centre* 9am 10am Family Suppor t Drop in (families with children aged 0 12 years) Ever y Saturday Lego and Duplo Club 10am 3pm (recommended for ages 0 99+)

To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 35
Pa ws & Claws Mobile Pet Grooming Level 3 Qualif ied Let us come to you! Tel: 07913005268 Email: Pawsclaws66@aol com

Down Memory Lane

Thank you to Margaret Moore for sending us in the lo vely pho tograph abo ve Follo wing on f rom our tribu te to Mrs Frances Huckle in last month’s magazine, this picture sho ws the Sto tfold Cubs taking par t in a ‘sausage challenge’ where they were asked to cook the longest sausage possible! The Cubs managed to make a huge sausage, measuring 52 foo t long!! The lady pictured abo ve is Pat Charles, she can be seen helping the bo ys with the cooking Margaret’s son Keith is one o f the Cubs pictured here, can you name any o f the o thers? sto tfold news@yahoo co uk


Useful Telephone Numbers

Citizen’s Advice Bureau

01525 402742

Trading Standards Advice Line 0300 300 8136

Samaritans 01462 455333 Bir ths, Deaths & Marriages 0300 300 8089 Sto tfold Good Neighbour Group 07599 925587


Hope Chapel 01462 686803

King’s Baptist Church 01462 730521

Methodist Church 01462 731167

Salvation Army Hall 01462 731072

Ladies Fello wship 01462 730739

St Mar y’s Church 01462 730218

St Mar y's Church Hall 07727 688877

Friends o f St Mar y’s 01462 834108

Fair f ield Community Church 07376 740410


Sto tfold To wn Council 01462 730064

Email: enquiries@sto tfoldto wncouncil go v uk

Central Bedfordshire Council, Prior y House, Chicksands, Shefford SG17 5TQ 0300 300 8000

Email customer.ser vices@centralbedfordshire.go

Web www centralbedfordshire go v uk

Waste Collection / Recycling / Dog Warden / Fly tipping / Grass Cu tting / Street Cleaning / Abandoned Vehicles 0300 300 8631 or 0300 300 8632

More Central Bedfordshire Council telephone numbers can be found listed at www sto tfoldnews co uk


Larksf ield Surger y Appointments 01462 732244 Enquiries 01462 732200

Ou t o f Hours Ser vice: MDoc Call 111 Physio therapy & Spinal Injur y Clinic 01462 735700 Arlesey Medical Centre 01462 732144


Ashwell Dental 01462 742353

Sto tfold Dental Surger y 01462 731938


Electricity Emergencies 0800 7 838 838

Gas Emergencies 0800 111999



0800 1111

National Menengitis Trust 0845 6000800 Samaritans 08457 909090 NSPCC 0800 800 5000


Bedford Hospital 01234 355122

Lister Hospital 01438 314333 NHS Direct 08 45 46 47


First Garden City Homes 01462 683307 Pioneer House, Nor ton Way Sou th, Letchwor th Garden City, Her ts, SG6 1NY Grand Union Housing all enquiries 0300 123 5544

Librar y

Sto tfold Librar y 0300 300 8068 Arlesey Resource Centre & Librar y 01462 731469.


Beds Police (Crime repor ting) 01234 841212 Crimestoppers 0800 555111


Coach & Horses 01462 734135 Fox & Duck 01462 732434

The Chequers Pub 01462 732333

The Cro wn 01462 731061

The Stag Tavern 01462 731098 Cafe Box o f Cakes Cafe & Cake Shop 07812 055587


Etonbur y Academy 01462 730391 Pix Brook Academy 01462 416243 Fair f ield Park Lo wer School 01462 830000

Roecro ft Lo wer School 01462 730336 St Mar y’s Academy 01462 730343 Samuel Whitbread Academy 01462 629900

After School Clubs

Pippin Pre School 01462 834897 SMASH, St Mar y’s School 07971 354093

Toddler Groups

Tiddleywinks 01462 731072 Nurseries

Pippin Pre School 01462 834897 Poppies Nurser y 07833 927906 Poppyf ields Nurser y 01462 830008 Busy Bees 01462 734306

Transpor t

Trains (National Enquiries) 08457 484950

Whitbread Wanderbus 0300 123 3023 Boxall Taxis 01462 433333 Greenacre Transfers

Airpor ts & Chau ffeur Ser vices 07555 70 78 48

on page
Curr y;
Joanna Lumley;
EMER ALD City; 6 Canada; 7 Johnny Depp; 8 AMETHYST; 9 BERYL; 10 CINNABAR; 11 “DIAMONDS Are Forever ”; 12 GOLD Cake; 13 NICKEL; 14 Alfred Hitchcock; 15 OPAL Fruits; 16 SILVER; 17 BRONZE; 18 COR AL Sea; 19 Janis Joplin; 20 TURQUOISE

Local Directory

Accountancy & Tax

Sue Matejtschuk (SCM Accountancy)

01462 624926

Aber y Mo tor Centre 01462 733246

AD Garden Rooms 01438 313765

A JB Fencing 07837 791365

A J Day Builders 01767 314445

Alf ie’s Barbers 01462 658449

Andy Leonard Painter & Decorator 07889 903283

Arlesey Walking Group 01462 638286

Arlesey Pharmacy 01462 731200

Arlesey Social Club 01462 731361

Aquarius Garden Design 01462 731292

Ashwell So ftware / Sigma Off ice 01462 742783

Barn Hair Studio 01462 835611

Bal & Co Mo tor Care 01462 731500

Bews Electrical 01462 834488

Big Minibus Hire 07817 766997

BK Electrical / Brian Kelly 07817545314

Box Of Cakes Cafe & Cake Shop 07812 055587

Britannia Coaches 01462 436125

Broadband Communications 01462 732628

BSH Glazing ( Windo ws & Doors) 01462 730884

Bugs ‘n’ Things Pest Control 0800 026 8823

Builders SJ Brock 01462 231257

Carpet Cleaning ACCS Ltd 01462 629302

Carpets & Flooring Letchwor th Carpet Centre 01462 481312

Carpets & Flooring Paul Faulkner 01462 731674

Catsitter Claire 07984 344997

Centroheat Domestic Boiler & Heating Ser vices 07885 415363

Compu ter Repairs NIck Saunders 07521 279960

The Cooker Buddy Oven Cleaning 01462 810065

Chris Webster, Sto tfold 01462 834108

(Correspondent for The Comet )

Darren Peters Proper ty Maintenance 01462 733322

Dennison’s House & Garden Clearance 07522 354141

DMC Tiling 01462 231459

Dog walking & cat sitting Smiley Pets 07894 561765

EH Crouch Funeral Directors 01462 834040

Electrician Terr y C Seymour 01462 236559

Fair f ield Bo wls Club 07811 738599

Fencing (A JB) 07837 791365

Finesse Interiors 01462 896046

First Step Estate Agents 01462 659730

Foo t Health Pro fessional V icki Eagles 07812 399659

Foo t Pro Podiatr y 07377 536685

The Garden Robin Limited 01462 815968

Gifford Dance Academy 07585 221513

Graham Smith Brickwork & Paving 01462 731829

Greenacre Transfers Airpor ts & Chau ffeur Ser vices

www greenacretransfers co uk 07555 707848

Guides Sto tfold Guide Association 01462 235273

HB Decorators 01462 732960

Henlo w Vets 01462 416416

Heritage Paving 01462 730682

Hypno therapy Pathway Hypno therapy Rooms 07497157531

James’s Carpentr y & Handyman Ser vice 01462 234292

Jar vis Foo tcare 07816 329363

Kumari Chiropractic 07479 945995

Locksmith Ser vices 01462 290226

Lo ved Gardens 07981 275663

Lo wer Wilbur y Farm 07988 771107

Maintenance Ser vices SHMS 01462 887366

Mo w & Weedit Garden Ser vices 07765 495200

New Kitchens 01462 812826

Nick Sayer Plumbing & Heating 07456 559756

Nor th Her ts Road Runners 01462 639215

Oven Clean & Repair Ser vices 07878 444559

Painter/Decorator Paul A Robinson 07761 751634 01462 232642

Paul Adler Opticians 01462 732393

Paul Eley Tiling 07818 000508

Paul Thomas Landscaping 07889 811065

Piano Lessons Christine Walker 01462 731357

Pilates Zanna Newton 07719 862371

Plumbing ALM Plumbing 07950 311963

Plumbing C Plumb 01462 700862

Plumbing & Heating GSP Heating & Plumbing 01462 615922 Plumbing J D Heating & Plumbing Ser vices LTD 07474 444288

Plum tek 01462 618058

RH Gardens 01462 612033

Roecro ft Centre Maureen Winters 07727 688877

Regency Flo wers 01462 732616

Remo vals AG Jenkins 01462 730562

Sto tfold & Arlesey Ro yal British Legion 01462 734133

Satchells Estate Agents 01462 733730

Saunders Garage 01462 730222

Sheldon Electricals 01767 448188

Shel's Shabby Chic, V intage painted furniture & workshops 01462 234228

Slimming World 01354 462322

Solicitors HR J Foreman Laws 01462 458711

St Mar y's Church Hall 07727 688877

Sto tfold Ar t Group 07734 304590

Sto tfold Bo wls Club 01462 628204

Sto tfold Conser vative Club 01462 730534

Sto tfold Foo tball Club 01462 539297

Sto tfold Gardening Club 01462 834854

Sto tfold Good Neighbour Group 07599 925587

Sto tfold Junior Foo tball Club 07706 951263

Sto tfold Judo Club 07872 594499

Sto tfold Twirlers 07732 505614

Sto tfold Mill 01462 734541

Sto tfold News Magazine 01462 731986

Sto tfold Pharmacy 01462 730249

Sto tfold Shor t Mat Bo wls Club 01462 730841

Tailoring Ser vice 07575 417217

Warrens Windo ws 01462 261401

Windo ws Repairs & Installations (J Garside) 07951 473505

Windo w Cleaning ACCS Ltd 01462 629302

Windo w Cleaning (Jacks) 07950 510589

Yoga Freda Dodswor th 01767 627611

39 Complete garden design and build service Porcelain and sandstone paving specialists Quality block paving driveways & all types of fencing For a FREE quotation call Robin on (01462) 815968 or 07785 530558 for your business or personal matters COMPANY & COMMERCIAL • COMMERCIAL PROPERTY • EMPLOYMENT CONVEYANCING • FAMILY • LITIGATION • WILLS, TRUSTS & PROBATE We provide experienced and bespoke legal advice for businesses and individuals. Since 1591. THE ONLY LEGAL ADVICE YOU’LL EVER NEED Contact us: Hitchin 01462 458711 SG5 1JW

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