Welcome to July!
Back in 2019 we decided to trial our free magazine in Arlesey with the idea being that we would tr y to replicate the success of our Stotfold issue which was by then, almost 15 years old. Armed with a notepad, we furiously began mapping out houses and asking our adver tisers for their suppor t Slowly but surely the Arlesey News Magazine began to take shape
Fast for ward five years and we are thrilled to say that not only did we make it this far (considering the craziness of 2020, nobody was more surprised than us!) but that we now have a thriving, extremely busy, informative, local magazine with a full army of willing deliver y volunteers to help us deliver to you month in, month out
We’d like to take this oppor tunity to say THANK YOU to ever yone that believed it could be done. To our adver tisers, our contributors, our readers and our wonder ful deliver y team - THANK YOU
We have always known that Arlesey has a community like no other. Having lived in both Stotfold & Arlesey over the years we know that it is the people that make Arlesey the village that it is today. That is why we are especially delighted to include some really interesting contributions this month from some of them - alongside the most beautiful tribute to one we lost far too early along the way
Thank you Arlesey for trusting us to keep you connected.
Happy Bir thday to us!
CONGR ATULATIONS Jess Beedle for winning our front cover competition this month! - Thank you to ever yone that entered! We are sure we will find a use for your images as the months go on! Jess runs a local photography facebook group ‘Arlesey+surrounding areas in photos’ Why not look it up!
With thanks to this month’s contributors: Jules Taylor (First Step), Jo Loach, Nicola Mar tini, Our local schools, groups and organisations, Nicola Coppen - ATFC, David Stedman (Quiz) The Need Project, St Peter ’s Church, NHRR, Gifford Dance Academy & our adver tisers.
www justgiving com/g ardenh ouseh ospice
Announcements: We are happy to accept family announcements by post telephone, email or through our facebook page If you would like to make a donation in return for your announcement then please visit the website above Please
Local resident Alex Pendleton very sadly lost his battle with glioblastoma in June 2023 aged just 42 Alex grew up in Stotfold and was a familiar face to many.
Alex’s wife Sarah is organising a golf day to be held at Mill Green Golf Centre, Welwyn on the 7th September All funds raised at the event will go to the St John’s Hospice, Moggerhanger to thank them for the care they showed Alex and all of his family during such a difficult time.
“The care provided to him and the support to us as a family is something we will always be grateful for,” Sarah told the Arlesey News Magazine If you own a local business and would like to get involved in helping to raise funds for this most worthy cause Sarah is looking for donations of raffle prizes Please get in touch with Sarah directly by emailing sarah j90@hotmail.co.uk. All donations are most gratefully received.
Covering all aspects of brickwork old & new, plus patios, driveways & fencing. All work completed to a very high standard. Friendly, family run business
Tel: 07 703 171857 / 014 62 731829
We are hugely delighted to be celebrating our 5th birthday this month in Arlesey! We have calculated that it equates to almost 1500 pages of news, articles, letters and local adverts! We could not reached this milestone without the huge support received from our local communitycontributors, advertisers, delivery volu and of course, our readers! THANK YOU TO EVERYONE for helping us make this happen!
The Brownies have been finding out what it means to be a secret agent We’ve made disguises, decided on our special agent names, tested our listening and observation skills, deciphered coded messages and set ourselves some secret agent challenges Well done secret agent “Bronze Hawk” who made the family breakfast in bed. Only leaving her secret agent calling card.
We also had a fabulous time learning all about what it’s like being an architect. We were challenged to build the highest tower. One was a staggering 288cm tall (9ft 5in)! them.
Why not join us for fun, friendship and adventures?
Brownies is for girls aged 7 to 10. Emails us at Arlesey brownies@hotmail.co.uk or go to www girlguiding org uk/information-for-parents Email us at Arlesey.brownies@hotmail.co. www.girlguiding.org.uk/information-for-parents.
Arlesey came together to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day, with a service held at the War Memorial with contributions from the Royal British Legion, bugler Andrew Hall, Helen Bardell on behalf of St Peter’s Church and the Venture Scouts
Wreaths were placed and a short service held. The D-Day landings of 6 June 1944 was the largest seaborne invasion in history. Along with the associated airborne operations, it marked the beginning of the liberation of France and western Europe.
2024 saw the 80th anniversary of this occlusion marked throughout the country
Our chance for change
With our Bedfordshire towns and villages joining the new Hit constituency, I’m standing in the general election on Thursda work hard for our communities and deliver the change we ne
From public services that simply aren’t working anymore to c pressures, it’s clear we can’t carry on like this.
Here are some of my local priorities for Stotfold, Arlesey, and
Continuing to work with local councillors, patients and improve Arlesey and Stotfold GPs Backing Labour’s p 40,000 more appointments and the doctors and nurs
Making our area the best place to grow u
ARLESEY April 2024
The most recent crime figures from the Poilce national website:
Vehicle crime - 5
Violence & sexual offences - 5
Anti social behaviour - 3
Criminal damage & arson - 3
Public Order -5
Drugs - 1
Burglary - 1
Other crime - 5. www.police.co.uk
Boosting childcare provision and opportunities for you people. Pushing Central Bedfordshire Council to resol with the transition from a three to two tier school syst
Proper infrastructure for new homes
Championing planning reform so that homes come w proper infrastructure we need, and tackling issues wi adoption and management
After the local elections 4th May 2023, I was elected as Chairman and Mayor at the Annual Meeting of Arlesey Town Council 16th May 2023. Council has faced challenges with the cost-of-living crisis, with council costs increasing as has been the case for residents. Despite financial prudence, monitoring of expenditure, investing for highest interest return on cash balances and seeking lower charges on ser vices the Precept ( Town Council element of council tax) regretfully had to be increased this year following 4 consecutive years of reductions/no increase
This year council has several projects planned for deliver y, to increase the visual appeal of Arlesey and our facilities for residents, people employed here and visitors Filled flower baskets will be affixed to some of the parish lampposts imminently star ting with a modest number with the intention to expand the display over coming years through forging par tnerships via engagement with developers, local businesses and organisations seeking sponsorship of pots or contributions 4 large water butts incorporating floral displays to help our pollinators and enhance site aesthetics, have been installed at the cemeter y and 2 at the MUGA pavilion It is hoped that the cemeter y water butts will facilitate sustainable use of rainwater for attending to graves and the MUGA will assist with watering lamp post displays The flagpole flower bed has been enhanced the visual impact will be seen when planting establishes The 2 allotment sites have planned improvement works providing composting bays, for allotment holders to self-generate compost to be returned to plots to help with crop cultivation Biodiversity has featured highly being a consistent theme throughout council’s project list and it is hoped that through community engagement and collaboration with schools and Arlesey organisations that over the coming year(s) bird boxes, bug hotels and hedgehog houses will be made and installed at suitable areas within the parish to suppor t our wildlife
2023 marked the 100th anniversar y of the war memorial which was commemorated with the steps of the memorial covered in floral tributes replicating the original photographs from its installation Arlesey Remembers you arranged a small ser vice and each and ever y name on the memorial was read out. Council has committed to extend the Christmas light display this year as it is well received and valued by the community and are considering options available. Bench availability throughout Arlesey has been identified as an area for improvement, several suitable areas have been identified, although on highways land owned by Central Bedfordshire Council, which requires permission for siting and agreement for ongoing maintenance to be sought. As this idea is explored, council will consult with residents to gain feedback and gauge suppor t for this.
The current council appreciate the value and necessity of community engagement to enhance facilities and provisions for Arlesey residents and is striving to improve communications and engagement oppor tunities. Volume of resident input is crucial to delivering projects and facilities that you want. Whilst not ever yone can be pleased with ever y project, your input is vital to help shape Arlesey and what it has to offer Council encourages ever y resident to take ever y oppor tunity extended to par ticipate and share your opinions to help achieve the best for our parish Recent improvements have been made to our social media posting and notice boards are still widely used in conjunction with entries into the Arlesey News Magazine delivered to ever y household within Arlesey Last summer saw the first extended Summer Youth Activity programme in Arlesey Stotfold, Fair field and Arlesey councils par tnered with Grand Union Housing Group to deliver an action-packed programme offering free activities within each parish - council’s financial contribution to this project will continue and increase for Summer 2024 Council members represent Arlesey through membership of outside bodies, I, myself, am on various committees including the Bedfordshire Police Liaison, Bus User Group and the Larksfield and Arlesey Patient Par ticipation Group This par ticipation is intended to help improve ser vices for Arlesey and facilities for our residents As Mayor, I have raised the profile of Arlesey within Central Bedfordshire by attending many functions to represent our parish, opening networks of communication with the mindset to form par tnership and collaboration oppor tunities locally for Arlesey
December 2024 marks the celebration of the 130 year milestone of the creation of Arlesey Parish Council and 45 years of the Town Council and it’s first inaugural meeting Before I finish, I would like to say how proud the council is of our Town Clerk Mrs Janet Bailey, who keeps all councillors working within the legal realms In the midst of running our busy office and ensuring legal obligations/duties deadlines are met, she found time to study for her Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) Community Governance Level 4 qualification awarded by De Montford University, Leicester to become an Advanced Qualified Clerk Passing the course at distinction grade she also received an award for achieving the highest grades of the Level 4 cohor t - well done Janet!
Arlesey Town Council - Arlesey Community Centre, High St, Arlesey SG15 6SN Tel: 01462 733722
Open Mon- Thurs 9am - 3pm Fri 9am-12 noon. Closed Saturday.
y Sixth For m - the star t of a historic new chapter.
September 2023 saw the start of a historic new chapter in the life of Etonbury Academy and the Bedfordshire Schools Trust. A new Sixth Form opened at the school, honouring a commitment made to offer post-16 provision to the communities of Arlesey and Stotfold Redeveloping the old junior block came at a cost of over one million pounds, which was jointly paid for by the school and BEST, with no external funding
The building project had been a true joint enterprise, with key partners – and the school's own students –ensuring the Sixth Form opened as planned. But this was only the start of the success story, as students have flourished throughout their first year as sixth formers in their fantastic new surroundings This first cohort continues to aim high, becoming an essential part of the whole school community.
• Over 20 A Level/vocational subjects
• Comprehensive range of enrichment activities to support students' future plans
• Exclusive facilities include classrooms, study area and a common room with cafe
Dr Alan Lee, BEST CEO told the Arlesey News Magazine “I am thrilled Etonbury Academy and BEST have made this happen We are already seeing the Sixth Form go from strength to strength.”
The newsletter of Larksfield and Arlesey Patient Par ticipation Group
What is the Patient Par ticipation Group (PPG)? Many of you will already know what the PPG is, but as a reminder to all, it is a group of Larksfield and Arlesey patients who want to be involved in their own surger y, in order to facilitate good all round communication between the surger y and the patient (you). This is in order that there can be a positive impact on the patient/practice experience.
The PPG has two main objectives
One is to represent the patient voice with the practice The other is to suppor t the Practice in their communication with patients, for example suppor ting events and health promotion activities The PPG meets regularly to discuss and take for ward your views and experiences
Changes to the Practice Users of the Practice are obviously well aware of the changes that have impacted on the Practice and it’s ser vices for some time There is now a new Practice manager, Suvanna Al-Shahrani You will be ver y glad to hear that the appointment booking system is changing so please find simplified details of this below The changes on how to book an appointment are intended to improve access to the ser vices provided at the Larksfield and Arlesey Medical Practice Please bear with the practice while these and other changes are made in order to move towards an improved ser vice
Changes for booking appointments at Larksfield and Arlesey Medical Practice from 3rd June
PPG Sur vey: Date of release to be confirmed
For fur ther detail and information regarding who to book with and for what, please see the Larksfield and Arlesey medical practice website.
See link below Also you can scan the QR code above (by using your camera on your smar t phone)
https://larksfieldandarlesey co uk/practice news/app ointment- system- update -03-06-2024/
The PPG will be asking you to complete an online sur vey regarding your experiences at Larksfield and Arlesey GP practice over the last 6 months. Please keep an eye out on social media and also for posters telling you more about this. You will be able to find paper copies of the sur vey, for those who can’t use online, in reception and a few other venues around Stotfold and Arlesey, once it has been released. When completed please return to the PPG via the feedback boxes at both Larksfield and Arlesey sites. Your views matter!
The practice would like to politely remind ever yone that appointments can be cancelled by using the cancellation link on the original appointment confirmation text you received or by phoning reception. This then frees up available (and precious) appointment spaces for others. Did not attend (DNA) numbers for last month were 358. Good news: Ver y shor tly there will be a Wellbeing Kiosk at Larksfield Practice where you can confidentially record your blood pressure and other body measurements and all will be uploaded automatically to your patient profile This will speed up vital information getting to clinical staff who can then offer advice and/or referrals
We thought we would take the oppor tunity to bring back our ever-popular ‘Coffee Time’ feature this month to give our readers the oppor tunity to learn a little bit more about our new Chairperson at Arlesey Town Football Club Nicola Coppen - we hope you enjoy it!
Nicola, for those readers unaware, you have recently been appointed as the new Chairperson for Arlesey Town Football Club. You aren't a local resident so the most obvious question we have to ask is - what brings you to Arlesey? I have been to Arlesey a number of times since September 2021, through my Roles4Goals initiative which uses spor t as an arena to demonstrate career awareness to young people and career changers When I found out that David Kitson was leaving to concentrate on his Football Academy, I wondered who might take over and decided to apply! I travel all over the UK for spor t, so to me the journey from home to the Club, all through the stunning countr yside is a welcome change from queuing up at the Dar tford Crossing! Although, I will not be complaining when continued promotion leads us into games that side of the river!
Some of us know a small amount about you already and some of the things you have achieved in both your personal and professional life so far - which achievements you are most proud of and why?
Now, I have to share what I always say as my answer to this, 'Of all the things I have ever achieved, Austen is the best!' Austen is my son, now 21 and that's always written in his bir thday cards! Workwise, I am ver y proud to have won awards as a successful Woman in Construction & for all the pioneering work I have done to improve the reputation of utilities and infrastructure, I get the 'it hasn't been done before' projects which I always manage to pull off! It led me to becoming a Freeman of the City of London and Liver yman at the Worshipful Company of Constructors, the ceremonies of both being incredibly special and making me feel ver y proud Oh and yes, I have exercised my right as a Freeman to drive sheep across the River Thames via Southwark Bridge!
A few years ago Arlesey traditionally laid claim to being the longest linear village in the countr y (we think now beaten by Meopham in Kent?) - Do you have any 'claims to fame' and what are they?
I know Meopham in Kent, but I never knew that! I guess my claim to fame has to be having my wedding day at The Valley! I am a Charlton Athletic suppor ter and so having my wedding day there and getting on the pitch for pictures was fab! As par t of the Centenar y Celebrations we had a 5 year season ticket and used to go to all the Home and Away games, I had a ver y kind boss!
Football is one of the most popular spor ting activities in the UK- the Euro's are in full flow (by the time this is printed we should be well under way!) - what are your predictions for this year's final? No question about it - England to win of course!
Arlesey Football Club has seen many positive developments over the last few years - What can Arlesey expect from their new Chairperson and how can residents help you in your quest to develop the club even fur ther? I am ver y keen to be an ambassador for both the Football Club and the Arlesey community, we have many ambitions which revolves around the residents of Arlesey, not just for match days! To do this we are looking for ideas and suggestions as well as volunteers to give time to creating a full committee as we do need a Secretar y & Treasurer. We are also keen to host Young People on match days, so schools, sections of Scouts and Girl Guiding and other community youth groups can get in touch to find out more!
Really, it is a case of building the Club up and sustaining it as a place to socialise and enjoy the football setting - so our quest to the community is to offer suggestions by email or, even better, we can arrange to meet face to face! of course, we are open throughout the Euros so I look for ward meeting lots more of our residents and hope many of you will take the oppor tunity to come along and enjoy the atmosphere! E chairmanarlesey townfc@gmail com
Jules, you will be a familiar face to many having lived and run your business locally for many years - What are your favourite things about both living and working here?
I’ve been local for closely approaching 60 years (that’s scar y when you write it down) and so was surprised to find so much more to the area during lockdown when we discovered some really beautiful local spots that we can now share with our clients. Also, running the business locally is great as I’m constantly reconnecting with school friends (and now their children) when selling or renting their homes plus having such a great suppor tive team who all live locally is a real bonus too
Your family are growing up rapidly - How has life changed since you now have two young adults under your roof?
Getting a work and life balance has been a real challenge for me and I’m so lucky to have had so much fantastic suppor t over the years from my parents and Coco and Amber have always been amazing and ver y understanding when we’ve worked late or at weekends Coco is now at Camp America in Washington DC until September and
loving life and Amber is on a Business/Retail course at college for the next few years. They both volunteer at the “Just Out” youth club in Stotfold and Amber also at Brownies, so I guess despite sometimes questioning myself as a parent, as we probably all do, I’m so proud that they’ve both blossomed into loving, considerate and caring young adults, so we must have done something right!
As our readers will know, First Step offers both proper ty sales and lettings to a large area, including Stotfold, Arlesey & Fair field - how are you finding things right now? Are you finding that people are waiting for the election to be over before committing to their next move? It’s been 14 years since First Step star ted, how is that possible? We’re still ver y for tunate to continue being so successful during this more tricky period, but it’s all about building excellent relationships with our buyers and sellers Understandably, they’ve all got lots of questions, but it’s about us making sure we are providing them with honest, truthful answers whether those answers benefit us as an agent or not
As you know, we love to delve a bit deeper to get to know our adver tisers on a more personal level! - What we'd really like to know Jules is if you had to choose just three items to take with you (excluding people) to a deser t island what items would these be and why? I’m not sure any of these items mean most to me in the world, but it would definitely have to be a solar powered phone first, then I can spend time browsing the 100’s of photos and videos of family and friends from over the years that I never get time to look at properly and also relax reading my Kindle App on the phone too. My trainers would be a “must have” so that I can maintain my walking and finally my third item (but no less impor tant) would be an endless supply of chilled rosé!
We know you enjoy keeping healthy - what is your favourite way to spend your free time?
Getting free time to do what we enjoy proves to be almost impossible, so to ensure that we tr y to stay fit and active we get up ever y day at 5 30am and go for a 90 minute walk come rain or shine! In fact we enjoy it so much, even when we go away on holiday in the UK or overseas, the first thing we pack is our trainers and we walk ever y day, burning off enough calories to really enjoy a glass of rosé that we then consider to be calorie free – oops there seems to be a bit of a theme going on here with the rosé!!
Dear Editor,
Only dog owners know the pain of losing a beloved pet A good friend of mine gave me a copy of this poem and I wanted to share it with others who know that one day their loving companion will find their final peaceful sleep: Many thanks, Betty Joyce
On the loss of a dear friend If it should be that I grow weak And illness keeps me from my sleep Then you must do what must be done For this last battle can’t be won
You will be sad, I understandDon’t let your grief then stay your hand For this day more than all the rest Your love for me must stand the test
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We’ve had lots of happy years What is to come can hold no fears You’d not want me to suffer soThe time has come, please let me go.
Take me to where my needs they’ll tend And please stay with me to the end Hold me firm and speak to me Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time that you will see The kindness that you did for me Although my tail it’s last has waved From pain and suffering I’ve been saved
Please do not grieve, it must be you Who has this painful thing to do We’ve been so close we two these years Don’t let your hear t hold back the tears Anon.
At Gothic Mede we dedicated a week to celebrating Ar ts around the World.
Year 1 learnt about Australia They had lots of fun creating dances inspired by the Aboriginal people of Australia Year 3 learnt about Brazil As well as looking at the geography of Brazil, they learnt about the Amazon Rainforest and really enjoyed creating their own Dioramas. Year 4 learnt about Africa and got ver y creative making traditional African masks which are traditionally worn in ceremonies and rituals across West, Central and Southern Africa.
We also had a Ar ts around the World canvas competition. Children were asked to create a piece of ar t associated with a countr y. We had some truly amazing entries. Winners from each year group were selected We look for ward to updating you on more of our news next month.
Have you followed diets and still struggled to lose weight? Do you really want to quit smoking but don’t know how? Do you struggle with negative thought patterns or phobias? The Pathway Hypnotherapy Rooms can help! We can suppor t you to overcome your negative thoughts and behaviours to create a positive future
As we celebrate our first successful year of our new Sixth Form we look for ward to a future of learning, growth and fur ther academic achievements - with new courses and extracurricular oppor tunities enhancing our post 16 offering . We are excited to welcome our next cohor t into the Sixth Form this September and over the course of the year see all of our students flourish as they settle into the Etonbur y school community. Develop the learner, develop the person' is our school vision, and it's definitely the mantra our Head of Sixth Form follows. It epitomises ever y thing we do.
We have hosted a number of integration events here at Etonbur y for our new star ters in Year 5 this September One of which was the Year 4 Spor ts morning – attended by our local feeder and out of catchment lower schools Mr Sale, Head of Juniors and his team are ver y much looking for ward to welcoming our new year 5 pupils The classrooms have been meticulously prepared to provide a warm and engaging environment, parents can rest assured that their children will be in caring, capable hands as they embark on this new chapter of their educational journey
Our Year 11 students have now attended their prom at The Broadway Hotel, Letchwor th Their final celebration and farewell - we are so proud of them all What a fabulous night, the dance floor was bouncing! We look for ward to welcoming back those that have chosen to attend our Sixth Form in September and wish you all good luck with your future plans as you spread your wings and fur ther your education
Some of our pupils from ETA Juniors completed the three day Bikeability course at the end of the summer term They took to the local roads to put into practice what they had learnt on school site
Did you know we have the best GCSE results in Central Bedfordshire? If you are looking for a Year 9 place for your child in September 2024 we have limited places available, please call or email the School Office to book a tour. We believe we offer a small, compassionate, and exceptional educational community, and we invite you to come and see for yourself what makes Etonbur y special.
Please continue to share in our values, Ever yone is respectful, Together we care and Always aim higher Mrs Young – Principal Etonbur y Academy www etonbur y org uk
Tuesday 9th at 7 30
Come along and listen to Jason Middleton talking about “The Histor y of Jeweller y” First Visit is free - come along have a cuppa and tr y something different
All women welcome For details or more info call 07788203240
Arlesey W.I Hall, High Street, Arlesey
With the star t of July upon us we approach the end of another year at Pix Brook Academy As has been the case throughout the year, this month has been busy, exciting, interesting and often surprising. Probably the highlight of this last half term can be captured in the school’s first Ar ts Festival. This involved over 100 of our pupils per forming, singing, acting, showing their ar twork and frankly simply enter taining a full audience. The level of per formances from such a wide age range of pupils was truly amazing and the per formances were fantastic. As one of life’s untalented individuals I am always amazed when someone just sings, acts or plays an instrument like it’s the most normal thing in the world. We truly do have some wonder fully gifted young people in the school We are also for tunate to have a group of committed staff who not only provided their own talents to the process but provided the creativity time and work to organise such a large and diverse group of young people We really are ver y for tunate
In the summer term the routines and processes necessar y for the completion of one term and the star t of another are in full swing It is interesting to reflect on the last few years and also consider how in some ways schools are the same as we remember from our own time in school and yet also so different The next few weeks will include the usual end of term activities, with assessments, counterbalanced by trips and visits New classes will be created for new pupils and pupils who have now been at the school for four years will be thinking about the next stage in their education where choices can be made and the impor tance of all subjects ramps up GCSE’s will be star ting and the pressure to continue to per form at the highest level will increase We will embrace that challenge. We look for ward to Step up day where we will welcome over 180 new pupils and over 20 new staff. The growth in the school continues unabated and it is both exciting and challenging managing so many new people into the school. This is a testament to the staff and pupils who come ever yday and work so hard and the parents who consistently suppor t the school in what we are tr ying to achieve: Educating the socially responsible citizens of the future remains our mission and we will continue to do all we can to make that a reality
Enjoy the summer break when it arrives Steve Adams Principle
Pix Brook Academy Stotfold.
Pix Brook Academy is looking to appoint a member for suppor t staff to work with our Design Technology depar tment
The position of DT technician is to work with the teachers to suppor t pupils with their DT projects The role would suit a practical individual who is able to use work shop machiner y No prior experience of working in schools is required and the position is for term time only Training will be provided
Monthly Level 2D Points 4-6 £23,114 - £23,893 (Actual £17,677 - £18,273)
For an informal chat contact the school on 01462 416243 or contact Cbailey@bestacademies.org.uk
Our adver tisement can also be found on mynewterm.com
James’s Carpentry & General Handyman Service
Happy 8th bir thday to our kind & funny little girl
Love you always, Mum & Dad xxx
DEVON 12th July
Happy Bir thday Al & Izzy
GARY 23rd July
Happy Bir thday From us!
Happy bir thday Mum
We love you so much, Love from D,K,D,M,C, A,C,G&H!!!! xxx
Happy 80th Bir thday to a wonder ful Mum, With love always, James & Alison, and all the family xxx
Happy bir thday Mummy Love Ella xx
PAUL ANTHONY MARTIN 4/12/1954 - 28/5/2024
It is with great sadness I announce the death of my husband Paul and the proud and loving father to Ella We moved to Stotfold in 1992 and Paul soon became involved in many local events in par ticular, the Stotfold Mill and was an active volunteer for many years at the Steam Fair. Paul also became a School Governor and a member of Baldock Round Table He will be remembered by many for walking our various dogs, Bramble, Henr y, Lucy and Charlie He will be sadly missed A ser vice of thanksgiving will be held at St Mar y's Church, Stotfold on Monday 17th June at 2pm A just giving page is to be set up in Paul's memor y to The Alzheimers Society in due course
19th July-Happy Bir thday! Finally given up the booze for good! Love from us all x
Happy Bir thday Love from us all x
ALIZA 2ndJuly
Happy 5th
Bir thday Love from us all x
Have you ever enjoyed sitting on the huge bench in Arlesey Rec and wondered what the stor y was behind it? In what would be his 50th Bir thday month we would like you to enjoy this lovely tribute to Gar y, written by his sister Nicola, together with a small insight into just how the bench came to be
Gar y grew up in Arlesey He went to the local schools - Gothic Mede, Etonbur y and Samuel Whitbread, by the time he was seventeen he was working for a local sheet metal fabrication company in a full time job
Like most teenagers, Gar y loved life On the 25th November 1991, sadly Gar y’s life was tragically lost in a motorcycle accident which shook the youth community of Arlesey and beyond Gar y’s had many friends, together they felt strongly that Gar y should be remembered in the village were he grew up and where many people were feeling the loss of someone so young Gar y’s friends clubbed together pocket money and for some, wages from their first jobs to be able to buy a bench in Gar y’s memor y - it couldn’t be just any bench though it needed to be able to seat as many of them as possible
The local Council kindly agreed that the bench could be placed at Arlesey Recreational Ground, a popular place for the young people in the village and the place that Gar y and his many friends regularly hung out Gar y’s Dad set about building the bench and with the help of Gar y’s friends, they installed it at the Rec on a piece of concrete that a few years previous had stood a huge climbing frame that they all used to climb.
The bench has been stood at the Rec now for 32 years It has two plaques and seen several plank repairs, regularly maintained by Gar y’s Mum and Dad to this day It has become a known spot and popular meet- up point over the years, allowing many generations a big enough area to all sit and enjoy being together Gar y would have turned 50 in July so this little bit of Arlesey histor y is a nod to him, alongside a little insight in to the name behind the bench, for those people that never got to know Gar y and the wonder ful person he was
Editors note:
•807 parcels provided in 23 working days • 378 top- up-bags collected from our Pop- up sites • £56,235 estimated value of the food for the month • £6,602 50, the average monthly cost to run the charity • 23%, the increase in the amount of food parcels delivered this month • 1817 adults, 1496 children & 164 pensioners - the amount of people helped in May.
Another month and it seems to have flown by Our food parcels for May this year was 807 in 23 working days, which is a 15% increase on last year Our numbers, this month are down on last month that is due to the half term, where we believe families were given vouchers, so therefore didn’t need our help. At our top up places in Stotfold, Shefford and Sandy we give away 378 top up bags, which is the stuff which would normally go in the bin if we didn’t give it away.
We are still in the process of finalising the purchase of the chapel and have submitted planning drawings - In addition, we are working with a company to produce indepth drawings of the proposed community and café space on the first-floor level. We hope to have an open evening, to share our Vision for the building, at a date yet to be decided.
We’d like to share a message with you this month sent to us recently This is why we do what we do: “Hi, I moved to Stotfold a year ago fleeing from domestic abuse with my three children I found the Need Project after my suppor t worker had discharged us and we were left struggling again as a family I was walking past the Need Project one day and got speaking to Gordon I opened up about how much I’m struggling to feed and clothe the children The Need Project really are amazing how they have helped me and my family, especially over Christmas The Need Project are amazing people helping families like myself without any judgement - they will go above and beyond to help a family in need
Thank you so much!”
Praise God always, Gordon
At this time of year, my attention turns to the garden. Even if my time spent out there is limited by seemingly limit-less rain, I still tend to it. I gain enormous pleasure from flower/daisy growing and gazing. This feeds me by letting my mind go on standby so my soul can drink deeply of the sights of ‘summer ’ . I am refreshed and refilled by this. However, as with any form of life, there is that which suppor ts growth and that which undermines it. The garden is no different. Not only do my plants/flowers/vegetables and herbs require a combination of water and sunshine but also protection. I put my tomato plants out a little too early. The cold appears to have stunted their growth which was going great guns from the protection of my conser vator y. As my par tner regularly reminds me, ‘ever y day is a school day’. There are numerous threats to the life/growth and health of ever y thing in my garden Even the lawn is not exempt I learned from a neighbour ’s garden that if left unchallenged, ants can create huge risen mounds on the lawn As this isn’t a look I am aiming for, I regularly keep on top of these throughout the summer When it comes to my pretty pink rose, there is something called black fly that ruins the leaves
I’m still a novice with all this gardening malarkey but an enthusiastic learner at that! What I remain less than enthused about is the flower devouring slugs that appear en masse in response to the relentless rain
How does this relate to our mental and emotional health? To maintain/sustain the growth and health of these, we must know not only what suppor ts these but also what undermines them And then apply that knowledge in action!
Jo is a BACP Accredited Psychodynamic Counsellor and an Integrative Super visor with an MA in Contemporar y Therapeutic Counselling . You can read more from Jo in her blog at joloach com Email: Jo loach@gmail com
Pawsclaws66@aol com
This month, after a two year wait, we say a huge Hello and Welcome to our new priestin-charge The Reverend Jenna Dearden. She will be living with her family in the Arlesey Vicarage and working across the new Benefice of Arlesey and Astwick with Gravenhurst, Shillington and Stondon. The licensing ser vice will be at Shillington All Saints Church on Thursday 25th July at 7.30pm. Revd. Jenna’s first ser vice at St. Peter ’s Church will be a Parish Eucharist, on Sunday 28th July at 9.30am. All are welcome to join our congregation and welcome her to Arlesey. The contact details below will remain the same for July, new details will be published in the August issue of the Arlesey News A big Thank You to our Interim Priest, The Reverend Simon Tibbs, who has worked so hard for us over the last 6 months We wish him well as he begins a new challenge as a Prison chaplain
Summer is almost here and many of you will be heading off on your holidays I hope you have a great time and a good rest away from work and school If you are having a “staycation”, then there are lots of beautiful walks around Arlesey and Stotfold, with wildlife to see and time to sit and enjoy the countr yside Sometimes we all need some space, quality time to spend with family and friends, time to think and time to pray
The churchyard is a good place to walk, watch wildlife and then maybe come into our beautiful church to sit quietly, pray or use the Book Nook
If you look after family graves and use the watering cans, please return them to the water tap for the next person to use A new era is star ting for Arlesey, as the Revd Jenna star ts her ministr y, so please welcome her into our community Pray for her, as I know she is praying for all of us, as she begins her calling to this Parish Helen Bardell
Ser vices
Our ser vice times are:1st, 3rd,4th,5th Sundays 9.30am 2nd Sunday All Age Worship 10.00am Refreshments are ser ved after each ser vice an oppor tunity to chat and socialise.
Coffee Mornings Tuesday 10.30am in church 10 30am-12 noon Toddler and Parent/Carer Group 1st Wednesday in the month Afternoon Tea 2- 4m All Welcome
Are you looking to make new friends? Wellbeing
Walks are a local walking group where ever yone is welcome. JULY walks. Walks star t at 10.45am Thursday 4th - Arlesey Station Thursday 11th - Etonbur y Wood Thursday 18th and 25th - Corner of Hospital Road/High Street, Arlesey For more details contact Beth Over field 01462 815672
The 1st Sat of the month 5k at Letchwor th Common will be on 7th July at 9am. Entr y is free and open to all runners. The Standalone 10k will be on 6th Oct and entries are now open We continue with our training sessions on Tues & Thurs at 7pm and welcome runners of all abilities all under qualified coaches FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT NHRR ORG UK OR IAN 07506429928
Marie Curie is a national charity raising money to support terminal illness in the community North Herts Marie Curie supports those goals by arranging collections throughout the year To help fundraise, collections are carried out at inside various retail locations in our local area, mainly in Baldock, Hitchin, Letchworth & Stevenage Most of the collections take place on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday between 10am & 4pm although there are some exceptions to that.
The Arlesey News Magazine were contacted by a local resident currently assisting with collections in the hope that we might be able to encourage more residents to give up a small amount of time to help fundraise for this wonderful cause Collectors will normally be asked to help for a minimum of 2 hours and will be provided with the necessary equipment (see photo).
Collectors needed - hats non-compulsor y!
North Herts Marie Curie are always looking for more collectors to help. If you can spare a few hours and would like to discuss how you can get involved, then please contact 07989 391636
North Herts Marie Curie: E:northhertsmc@gmail com
S SUMMMMEER 2 20024 4
Dancers at Gifford Dance Academy have been busy preparing for the star t of another exciting competition season. Having debuted some of their new routines in front of a home audience at the Stotfold Mill in May, they are now just weeks away from their first national event of the year which will take place in Mablethorpe. This year ’s competition team consists of 50 local young dancers from Arlesey, Stotfold and other local villages, several of whom will be competing for the ver y first time, Having opened the doors to their ver y first classes at the Roecroft Centre in Stotfold during April 2015, the team are also turning their attention towards their 10th Anniversar y Showcase next year and are thrilled to still have some original members taking par t and competing with them this season
In addition to this, Team Gifford are looking for ward to showcasing around 200 of their pupils at the upcoming ‘Stotfest’ celebration Dancers will be per forming a whole range of different styles, covering slow, lyrical, jazz, modern, acro, street, commercial, ballet, contemporar y and more Gifford Dance Academy welcomes dancers from age four to young adults and are proud to host 35 weekly local classes for beginners to aspiring professionals For more information look them up at www.gifforddanceacademy.com
Do you even live in Arlesey if you don’t know who this team are? (apologies for the image quality!)
We just had to take the oppor tunity to use this photo after spotting it making a reappearance on the local facebook pages of late thanks to Gar y Brown This is Arlesey’s FA VASE winning team - If you never knew Arlesey had made it to Wembley then you do now! We know several of the names here - we bet some residents can name each and ever y player! What a game against Oxford City back in 1995 and what a result, with Arlesey winning 2-1 (Just for those that didnt know!!)
Citizen’s Advice Bureau
01525 402742
01525 841217
Trading Standards Advice Line 0300 300 8136
St Peter ’s Church, 01462 731227
Arlesey Methodist Church
Rev'd Emmanuel Onabanjo
07464 881751
Fair field Community Church 07376 740410
Kings Baptist Church 01462 730521
Salvation Army Stotfold Corps 01462 731072
Arlesey Town Council Town Council Office
Arlesey Community Centre, High Street, Arlesey, Beds
SG15 6SN Phone: 01462 733722
Email: clerk@arlesey-tc gov uk
Central Bedfordshire Council, Prior y House, Chicksands, Shefford SG17 5TQ 0300 300 8000
Email customers@centralbedfordshire gov.uk
Web www.centralbedfordshire.gov uk
Waste Collection / Recycling / Dog Warden / Fly tipping / Grass Cutting / Street Cleaning / Abandoned Vehicles
0300 300 8631 or 0300 300 8632
Arlesey Medical Centre
www arleseymedicalcentre nhs uk
01462 732144
Larksfield Surger y Stotfold: 01462 732200
Out of Hours Ser vice 111
Electricity Emergencies
Gas Emergencies
Alcoholics Anonymous
0800 7 838 838
0800 111999
01438 747475
Childline 0800 1111
National Menengitis Trust
0845 6000800
Samaritans 08457 909090
NSPCC 0800 800 5000
First Garden City Homes
01462 683307
Pioneer House, Nor ton Way South, Letchwor th Garden City, Her ts, SG6 1NY Grand Union Housing - all enquiries 0300 123 5544
Arlesey Community Larder
ACORN - Arlesey Conser vation For Nature
07427 650080.
Beds Police (Crime repor ting) 01234 841212
Crimestoppers 0800 555111
Bedford Hospital 01234 355122
Lister Hospital 01438 314333
NHS Direct 0845 464700 300 8068
Librar y
Arlesey Resource Centre & Librar y 01462 731469
Stotfold Librar y 0300 300 8068
The White Horse 01462 621118
The Old Oak 01462 612536
The True Britton 07494 563496
Schools & Nurseries
Etonbur y Academy 01462 730391
Pix Brook Academy 01462 416243
Gothic Mede Lower School 01462 732002
BEST Nurser y (Arlesey) 01462 732168
Arlesey Preschool @ WI Hall 07815 293670
Children’s Centre
Stotfold and District Children's Centre 01462 730623
Transpor t
Trains (National Enquiries) 08457 484950
Whitbread Wanderbus 0300 123 3023
Boxall Taxis 01462 433 333
Greenacre Transfers
Airpor ts & Chauffeur Ser vices 07555 70 78 48 www.greenacretransfers.co.uk
Mick Jackson 07970 734416 ( Treasurer)
arlesey acorn@gmail.com
Beds Rural Communities Charity
01234 838771
Letchwor th MS Unit 01462 487172
Bir ths, Deaths & Marriages 0300 300 8089
ACORN Arlesey Conser vation For Nature
AD Garden Rooms
A JB Fencing
Alfie’s Barbers
07970 734416
01438 313765
07837 791365
01462 658449
All Wrapped Up - Balloons and Florist 07886 569134
Andy Leonard Painter & Decorator 07889 903283
Arlesey Community Larder
Arlesey Walking Group
Arlesey Pharmacy
Arlesey Social Club
07427 650080
01462 638286
01462 731200
01462 731361
Ask Phil - Windows, Driveways, Garden Rooms 01462 545729
Aquarius Garden Design
Barn Hair Studio
Bal & Co Motor Care
Bews Electrical
Big Minibus Hire
BK Electrical / Brian Kelly
Box Of Cakes Cafe & Cake Shop
Broadband Communications
BSH Glazing ( Windows & Doors)
Bugs ‘n’ Things Pest Control
Builders - SJ Brock
Carpentr y by Ray
Carpet Cleaning - ACCS Ltd
Carpets & Flooring - Paul Faulkner
Cascade Water Ser vices
Catsitter - Claire
Computer Repairs - NIck Saunders
The Cooker Buddy Oven Cleaning
Chris Webster, Stotfold
(Correspondent for The Comet )
Darren Peters Proper ty Maintenance
Dennison’s - House & Garden Clearance
Do It All Dan
ECO Clean Carpet Cleaning
Electrician - Terr y C Seymour
Fair field Bowls Club
Fencing (A JB)
Finesse Interiors
First Step Estate Agents
Foot Health Professional - Vicki Eagles
Foot Pro Podiatr y
FullFlow Pressure Washing/Cleaning
Gifford Dance Academy
Graham Smith Brickwork & Paving
Greenacre Transfers Airpor ts & Chauffeur Ser vices
www greenacretransfers co uk
Green Door Proper ty Management
Guides - Stotfold Guide Association
Henlow Vets
House of Fitness Pole fitness
Hypnotherapy - Pathway Hypnotherapy Rooms
James’s Carpentr y & Handyman Ser vice
Jar vis Footcare
01462 731292
01462 835611
01462 731500
01462 834488
07817 766997
07812 055587
01462 732628
01462 730884
01462 735999
01462 231257
01462 732814
01462 629302
01462 731674
07887 531034
07984 344997
07521 279960
01462 810065
01462 834108
01462 733322
01582 883355
07522 354141
07908 674890
07748 857012
01462 236559
07811 738599
07837 791365
01462 896046
01462 659730
07812 399659
07377 536685
07306 085207
07585 221513
01462 731829
07555 707848
01462 510765
01462 235273
01462 416416
07840 268099
01462 234292
07816 329363
Locksmith Ser vices
Loved Gardens 07981 275663 Maintenance Ser vices - SHMS 01462 887366 Mow & Weedit Garden Ser vices 07765 495200
New Kitchens 01462 812826
Nor th Her ts Road Runners 01462 639215
Orange Henn Travel 01707 913761
Oven Clean & Repair Ser vices 07878 444559
Paul Eley Tiling 07818 000508
Paws & Claws Pet Grooming 07913 005268 Piano Lessons - Christine Walker
Piano Lessons - Elmitt Piano Academy 07449 461465
Pilates - Zanna Newton 07719 862371 Plumbing - ALM Plumbing 07950 311963
Plumbing - C Plumb 01462 700862
Shel's Shabby Chic, Vintage painted furniture & workshops
Solicitors - HR J Foreman Laws
Tally Bookkeeping 01462 506144
The Arlesey News Magazine 01462 731986
The Rooms Hair and Beauty
The Rooms Holistic and Beauty Academy 07946 521266
Warrens Windows
261401 Waste Removal (Josas Waste) 07739 488472 Windows - Repairs & Installations (J Garside)