Has the sun shown itself yet? As we write this, the better weather is yet to make an appearance and we have just battled through a ver y windy and damp few weeks! We’re forever optimistic however and hope that by the time we deliver this issue we are at last enjoying some sunshine!
We star t this month’s column by thanking ever yone that has helped make this issue such a busy one We have spoken to lots of new businesses this month, all looking to utilise the magazine for their local adver tising (some of which you will find inside this month’s issue ) We are hugely thankful to all of them for trusting us with their local marketing as it all helps in cementing the future of our magazine. With the ever increasing expansion we are all reading about, I’m sure you will all understand just how ver y impor tant it is for us to have such great suppor t
Our front cover this month was taken at last year ’s Stotfold Mill event. There are many different things to enjoy at this year ’s fair, planned for the 11th & 12th of May - we’re sure they’ll be something for ever yone!
Just a reminder to grab your early bird discount on tickets if you plan to pop along As usual, we’ll be there all weekend so do stop by our stand and say hello! Bring along the sunshine please!
Saturday 4 10am-12 noon Coffee
Morning/Cake Stall for Christian Aid
Stotfold Methodist Church Hall
Saturday 11th - Stotfold Mill Steam Fair
Sunday 12th - Stotfold Mill Steam Fair.
Sunday 12th - Sewcial Sundays. Monthly sewing social. Bring your sewing machine and project. £10. 10-4pm. Fair field Community Hall.
Thursday 16th Cream Tea’s @ Stotfold Mill (minimum donation £5) in aid of Christian Aid
Saturday 18th - Plant Sale 10-12
St Mar y’s Church Hall
Saturday 25th - Pippin Open Morning 10-12 noon
Saturday 8th Book Sale & Coffee
Morning – 10 00 – 12 00
St Mar y’s Church Hall
Saturday 22nd Charity Line Dance Stotfold Memorial Hall enquiries
Bridget 01462 639279
Saturday 22nd - Pippin Race Night @ Roecroft centre, contact Pippin for more details
Saturday 29th/Sunday 30th Stotfold 50th Anniversar y celebrations! Arlesey Road Rec (see page 9 )
Saturday 6th Summer Fete 2.–4pm St. Mar y’s Church Vicarage Garden, Church Road, Stotfold.
Saturday 9th Winter Fair, St Mar y’s Church Hall.
Saturday 7th Christmas Tree Festival 10 00 – 4 00 St Mar y’s Church
Sunday 8th Christmas Tree Festival 11 00 – 4 00 St Mar y’s Church
Julie, many people will have seen your mobile pet grooming business driving in and around Stotfold & Arlesey, have you always done this for a job?
Actually, I was a childminder for a long time and after my children had grown up I knew I wanted to work with animals but didn’t really know how I could do that.
Coincidentally I saw an adver t about a course which enabled you to train as a groomer and I’ve never looked back
In the many years you have been looking after other people's pet needs you must have had some amusing experiences! Are there any par ticular instances which come to mind?
Occasionally I’ll get a dog that likes to howl along to the dr yer!! - I often wonder what people must think as they walk past the van!
Julie, you are clearly an animal loverDo you have any of your own pets?
Ive had dogs all my life, my current fur baby is an 8 year old black labrador called Pippa Pippa likes to jump in any river, pond, lake she sees - but ironically she doesn’t like baths so much!
When you're not busy working, how do you like to relax and unwind?
When I’m not working I like to spend time with friends and family and take Pippa swimming and on lots of long, local walks.
If you had to choose three pets to have of your own what would you choose and why?
My three choices would be cats, dogs and Alpacas If I had the land, I’d have all three! I could watch them for hours they’re so comical
To list your event (free for local charities and organisations)
Dear Editor,
I was ver y upset to see the verges along the Astwick Road opposite Fen End had been stripped of all the trees and bushes Also, the banks of the Ivel where it goes through Astwcik has also been stripped As well as a habitat for insects, it is the star t of the nesting season, so it is the worst time to do this I was just wondering if there was anyone out there who knows why they must do this kind of thing?
Regards, Richard.
Dear Editor,
I am saddened to see that nothing much has changed at the Riverside Muga since I visited Stotfold last I smile at the mentality of the youths of Stotfold, littering the place where they choose to hang out What a real shame that it is treated in this way.
We now have a Facebook page! Go to, to "like" and follow us, for upcoming events, news, recent paintings and older work..There's change too in the running of the group, Geoff Hoile has taken the roles of Secretary and President for about thirty years and has decided it's now time to retire, with the group ' s thanks for all his hard work and organisation. Geoff will continue painting and tutoring on Thursdays
Our current Secretary, Heather Keys, is moving away: she has guided the group for the past few years with flair and enthusiasm. Our grateful thanks to her and very best wishes for her next home Luckily we have two very able volunteersTara Shaw and Joanna Furr - to take over as Secretary and President The new contact number will be 07821502367. We wish them all the best for the future.
Calling all bargain hunters! Did you know Garden House Hospice have a charity shop on Fairfield Park? Come and visit this hidden gem, located next to Tesco, where you will find your new season wardrobe for all the family, plus toys and games, bric a brac and even items of furniture. With new items in daily, we also have regular raffles and seasonal gifts
We are open 7 days a week with free accessible parking. Come and see what you can find, all while helping your local hospice
FREE Pr escription deliver y ser vice to “housebound and vulner able” patients.
FREE Repeat pr escription "dr op-of f" and collection ser vice fr om Ar lesey Medical Centr e and Lar ksfield (Stotfold) Sur ger y.
Do you know that Girlguiding members are 12% less likely to feel nervous in new situations than girls who aren’t in guiding? We have spaces available on Friday evenings for girls aged 7 – 10 with the 2nd Stotfold Brownies
For an informal chat please e-mail Paula on
This year many local towns are celebrating their Golden Anniversary. In 1972, changes to the Local Government Act meant we could become the town we are today. Over the past 50 years we have grown significantly in many ways To celebrate our anniversary year and to embrace the wonderful community in which we live, Stotfold Town Council are planning a two day event to bring every part of our community together
The main event will take place on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th June when ‘Stotfest50’ comes to the Arlesey Road Recreation Ground. The two day event will see a festival style celebration with a line-up of acts to entertain all of the family. Saturday Entertainment will include music from ‘The Scallywags,’ ‘Grace George’ and ‘The Fabulous Lounge Swingers,’ all of these providing a fantastic first day of entertainment On the Sunday, local community groups including the Stotfold Twirlers and Gifford Dance Academy will perform, with music from ‘We are Highlands’ to give the day a more local, relaxed, family feel.
The weekend will include Eatfeast, and bar facilities, but everyone is welcome to bring along their own picnics and pick a spot to watch the acts and enjoy the day Stalls from local groups will also be there to join in with the celebrations There are also children’s entertainers to keep the younger guests happy.
As ever, your support is needed, welcomed, and very much appreciated in order to make this weekend one to remember. If you are interested in taking part or volunteering at what looks like a fabulous two day event - please contact Stotfold Town Council who will be delighted to hear from you.
All types of electrical work under taken. Installation, Fault finding, Heating controls Test and inspection, EV charge points, NICEIC approved contractor
Tel: 07817 545314
E:bk electrical@outlook com
Andy Martini
07950 311963 | 01462 835617
almplumbing17@gmail com
25 Marigold Way, Stotfold SG5 4HQ
In Step with History is a project based around a series of archivist led walking tours in Central Bedfordshire. The walks will provide people with the opportunity to get to know the history behind some of the interesting buildings, locations and events through our archives The aim is that the research created for the walks will enable us to also create Community History pages for the areas in question. Walks planned for Stotfold will take place on 30th May, 4th July, 1st August & 5th September
If you would like to join them on any of the walks or find out which other areas are involved, please contact
We are looking for another Specialist to join our professional team. We have the perfect spot available for the right person Must be self employed and quali ed.
If interested please contact Julie or Steve on 01462 835611.
Fairfield W I would like to welcome ladies from Stotfold to join their friendly, welcoming group.
The next meeting will be held on 1st May at 7pm in the Fairfield Community Hall. It is a great opportunity to make new friends and learn something new! This month the group will be enjoying a craft evening with Chantal Craig (Decoupage.)
Why not drop them a line to find out more? They can be contacted on
Febr uar y 24
The most recent crime figures available from the Police national website:
Violence & sexual offences - 11
Antisocial behaviour - 13
Shoplifting - 5
Other crime 12
Source: www police co uk You can report crimes online. REMEMBER - PLEASE REPORT NON URGENT TO OUR LOCAL POLICE USING THE 101 NUMBER In a emergency call 999
Regular visitors to the Stotfold Co-op will no doubt already have noticed the absense of one of it’s most recognisable faces, Julie Thomas as she has finally finished working behind the tills of the kiosk after twenty five year ’ s of service! Arlesey resident Julie begain working in the Co-op back in 1999, fast becoming a familiar face and friend to many
Many of Julie’s customers took to social media to wish her well, with many thanking her for her years of friendly service; “Wishing you a Happy and Healthy Retirement Julie”
“I will miss you, thanks for all your chats The Co-op won’t be the same without you. “
“Aww Julie! You were my favourite Co-op lady All the best! - now you can truly relax!”
Julie is looking forward to spending more time with her family, (not forgetting her dog Alfie!) Congratulations Julie on such a tremendous milestone and on behalf of all of your customers thank you for the wonderful service you have given to our community
We have enjoyed a busy star t to the term with the arrival of some chick eggs to coincide with our topic of learning about baby animals The children loved watching them hatch and choosing their names! Paw Patrol has a lot to answer for!! Once again, Pippin are pleased to announce we will be hosting a stall at the for thcoming Steam and Countr y Fayre at Stotfold Mill on both Saturday and Sunday We will be raising funds for some fun end-of- term activities for the children to enjoy including a visit from Safari Stu We will be raising monies with our ever-popular confectionar y tombola and glitter tattoo stall Any sweet or chocolate donations are welcome, please hand into the office
On Saturday 25th May we are hosting an Open Morning from 10am to 12pm for children who are looking to star t with us next term, this is a fantastic oppor tunity to view our pre - school and meet the staff before star ting their Pippin journey In the meantime, we have a vir tual tour available on the homepage of our website for parents to view https://pippinpreschool co uk/
Next month we welcome the return of our Race Night on 22nd June at 7 30pm, if you would like to suppor t this event full details can be found on our Facebook page and website For any additional information please contact the office
Our next Holiday club will be the Summer Half term break from Tuesday 28th May to Friday 31st May inclusive. Bookings can be made via We will then follow with our Summer Holiday Club from Tuesday 23rd July to Friday 16th August inclusive.
We continue to collect bottle tops, old buttons, yoghur t pots, cardboard egg boxes and old children friendly magazines for our gluing station, if you have any that you wish to recycle please donate them via our office.
Thank you for your interest in our Pre -School
We look for ward to sharing more of our news with you again next month
1 Diane MORGAN; 2 HUMBER; 3 “VINCENT”; 4 DODGE City; 5 James NORTON; 6 LOTUS; 7 STANDARD; 8 BRISTOL Cream; 9 CHRYSLER Building; 10 Charles Laughton (LANCHESTER); 11 PLYMOUTH; 12 “Annie Hall” (SINGER); 13 TESLA; 14 SUNBEAM; 15 Gail Platt (HILLMAN); 16 HEALEY; 17 Jacksonville; 18 Andrews (BROUGH); 19 Hugh Dowding (BENTLEY ); 20 ARIEL
Quotes of the month: ‘ “Spring’s greatest joy, beyond a doubt, is when it brings the children out!” by Edgar Guest. Spring is here! We have been looking at the sequences and patterns of new life and growth, including butter flies, chicks, frogs, sheep, and lambs We have been exploring flowers and trees, whilst also seed planting and growing produce in our planters This provides children with the oppor tunity to understand what plants need to grow Spring also brings oppor tunities to look at our own growth and what we need to flourish! This ties in beautifully with our healthy eating activities and by children growing healthy food which they can eat eventually!
We have welcomed new families into Poppies life this term and are enjoying getting to know them New children are settling well and getting to know our gardens, builder ’s yards and play spaces Included in this is a newly created play area at our Poppies site, called the Snowy Snug!
YOU ARE WELCOME to our.. Big Bowls Weekend 24-27 May 2024
We will be running events and selling home grown plants - you can also take the oppor tunity to come down and have a go at bowls for free!
Stotfold Bowls Club is looking new or experienced players – all welcome! Lots of suppor t and friendly coaching is available. Come along and have a friendly roll up or play competitively
Playing bowls is a great way to get your steps in and meet new friends! Don’t worr y if you don’t own any equipment – you don’t need much to get star ted and you can borrow woods (bowls) from the club
Great social events and there is a subsidised bar.
Each of our play spaces is themed and the new area will fuel children’s imagination!
Our breakfast and after school children have been equally busy, with spor ts activities, den building and fun with Spring inspired paints and crafts!
Poppies and Poppyfields both offer breakfast club, nurser y sessions, afterschool club, and full day care, from Monday to Friday during the term and additionally offer holiday club Poppies age range is 2 years old to Reception, while Poppyfields is 2 years old to Year 2 For Poppies, St Mar y’s Academy site, enquiries please contact billpoppies@gmail com, and for Poppyfields at Fair field Lower School, Dickens Boulevard site, please contact billpoppyfields@gmail com
We look for ward to updating you on our news once again next month!
If you fancy having a go, do call in if you see someone there or contact stotfoldsecretar
The star t to the Summer term commenced with an exciting Engineering and Enterprise themed project week Children and their families also had the chance to display their architectural skills and create their favourite buildings out of a material of their choice These were displayed for our school community to see and were ver y impressive
During the week, children also had the oppor tunity to compete in their classes to generate the most income from £10 Our “mar vellous marketplace” sold the class’ creations – games were played and products were available for pupils to purchase too Problem solving and team work was also a theme and the children created class marble runs that enabled them to design and build their own creations
Did you know? Children are eligible for a place in our nurser y class the term after they turn 3 If you would like to make an application for your child to join us this September please contact the school for an application form. Alternatively please visit our website: https://www.fair -To-Our-School/
Value of the Half Term: Friendship
Fair field Park Lower School
Dickens Boulevard & Ruskin Drive
Email: office@fair
Tel: 01462 830000
We look for ward to updating you all again next month!
Our Spring Term was rounded off with an uplifting Easter Ser vice at St Mar y’s Church on the last day of term! Despite the two week Easter break April was a relatively energetic month for our older children star ting back with swimming lessons and bikeability training.
On Thursday 2nd May the whole school will be enjoying the annual school trip which this year is to Whipsnade Zoo
The St Mar y’s School Association will be busy in May with the ever popular Sponsored Bounce event and a Happy Bag Collection planned for Monday 13th and Monday 20th May respectively We are ver y grateful to all the volunteers, our families and our community for donating their time and money to help enrich the children’s lives in school
Clubs have been ver y popular over the last two terms with a range of school run and external activities on offer We will have Tennis, Dance, Drama, Gymnastics, Spanish and Multi-Spor ts Clubs back in the Summer Term Karate has now finished following the retirement of Sensei Gabriel after 17 years teaching his skills in our school We thank him for his time and commitment and wish him all the best! All years will also take par t in a fun skipping workshop on Monday 20th May
To round off the month before we break up for the May Half Term break, annual class photos will be taken and we will be organising Creative Ar ts week. The children really enjoy this event each year under taking a range of activities including ar ts and crafts, dancing, spor ting activities and cooking, to name but a few!
Roecroft is a nur turing lower school underpinned by values -based education We always look for ward to the summer term which hopefully brings the brighter weather and means we can enjoy more outdoor learning
It is a par ticularly busy term ahead for our wonder ful Year 4 leavers and we have lots of celebrations to celebrate them, as their Roecroft journey comes to an end. We are so proud of the progress that all of the children make from their star ting points and summer term is always a real oppor tunity to reflect on the year ’s achievements. The children also look for ward to some of our big annual events in the calendar, such as house spor ts day and our dance morning, which our families get to share with us too.
In Year 3, we finished the Spring term with a trip to the STEM Discover y Centre in Stevenage
This provided a fantastic oppor tunity to explore areas of Science and Technology, we also got viewing access to the Mars Yards test area. In Histor y, the children have been learning about the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons The children have been learning about staying healthy in PSHE, and our DT topic of cooker y has linked well with this
During the Spring term, alongside our core subjects, Year 4 had the oppor tunity to attend swimming lessons at Saxon Pool The children loved having the oppor tunity to learn outside the classroom with their friends and improve their strokes and water safety awareness
We have had an exciting star t to summer term and their last term at Roecroft In histor y, we are now exploring the Ancient Egyptians and star ted with an immersive topic day
In May, we have our three -day residential trip to Cuffley Camp! It is a brilliant experience staying in woodland pods and taking par t in activities such as zip-lining through the woods and fire lighting The children relish the chance to stay away from home for the first time with all their school friends.
The children continue to have lots to look for ward to in the coming months; as well as celebrating the end of their time at Roecroft, we have our annual dance morning and the chance to complete a Bikeability training course and first-aid training session. We love to share our news with you and look for wad to updating you once again in next month’s magazine.
It’s GCSE season and our students have been working incredibly hard and shown unwavering resilience throughout their exams so far We wish them ever y success and look for ward to celebrating their achievements with them
Our students are now enjoying the school field at break and lunchtimes and we have also released the summer term extracurricular clubs schedule, as always, it's full of activities for the children to enjoy during lunchtimes and after school
Most recently our Primar y and Secondar y dancers entered the Bedfordshire County Dance Final Competition The dance teams had been working on their routines since September last year with Miss King who competed in the same competition herself as an ETA student multiple times. The dancers put in huge commitment and their per formances were both outstanding! Our Amazing primar y team showed the judges their routine who were blown away with their talent! In addition to that our incredible KS3 team won the whole competition and are now county champions! Congratulatios!, we are exceptionally proud of you
We are delighted to share that applications for enrolment at Etonbur y Sixth Form for September 2024 are now available on our website If you have any questions, please do contact our Head of Sixth Form: cdowden@bestacademies org uk
Did you know we have the best GCSE results in Central Bedfordshire? If you are looking for a Year 9 place for your child in September 2024 we have limited places available, please call the School Office to book a tour We are always happy to show you around our academy
If you would like to book a school tour, please get in touch with us at 01462 730391 or via email at eta -office@bestacademies org uk We believe we offer a small, compassionate, and exceptional educational community, and we invite you to come and see for yourself what makes Etonbur y special
Please continue to share in our values, Ever yone is respectful, Together we care and Always aim higher.
Mrs J Young – Principal Etonbur y Academy www.etonbur
St Mar y's Church Stotfold
'Music for a Spring Evening’
Saturday 27th April 7pm
Caroline Muzols, flute & Adrian Quarr y, organ Donations welcome, cash or card for St Mar y's Church
Registered Charity No 1131275
Enquiries:Revd Jane Wheatley 01462 731170
Our family announcements are F
Announcements: We are happy to accept family announcements by post, telephone, email or through our facebook page If you would like to make a donation in return for your announcement then please visit the website above Please mention that the donation has been made on behalf of the Stotfold & Arlesey News Magazine
Why not surprise someone with an announcement in the Stotfold News Magazine?
All we need is your chosen wording and a photograph (if you would like) and we’ll do the rest! Email us at stotfold news@yahoo co uk
Congratulations on your Wedding day! Enjoy your special day & your honeymoon!
11th May
Happy 65th Bir thday
Love Maggs & Milly xx
Happy (getting closer to 40) Bir thday from your crazy lot Noah, Olivia, Henr y, Andrew & Snowy! xx
ISLA 27th May
Wishing our wonder ful daughter a ver y happy 13th bir thday. All our love, Mum, Dad and the hoochies x
Congratulations on your 65th Wedding Anniverar y!
Married at Christchurch Methodist Church in Arlesey, With much love family & friends x
Shirley and family would like to thank ever yone for the kind messages of love and sympathy received and those who attended the ser vice following the sudden loss of Geoff on 25th Februar y.
Geoff's funeral was held on 25th March at St Mar y's Church followed by a committal at Holwell. Geoff was an active member in Stotfold volunteering at the Mill and regularly attending Teasel and will be sadly missed by all who knew him, especially his family. Donations in Geoff's memor y can still be made at: https://www dignityfunerals co uk/funeralnotices/25-02-2024-geoffrey-richard-bounds/
Sadly passed away after his battle cancer 29.11.1970 - 11.03.24 Aged 53 years.
Steve’s celebration of life with be held at Stotfold Conser vative Club on Friday 27th September from 7pm, featuring the DJ Alex P
For those that knew Steve it would be lovely if you could attend, raise a glass and get your dancing shoes on.
Steve felt ver y strongly for fundraising to charities that provided so much suppor t to him and his family during a ver y difficult time
If you wished to donate in his memor y please see the link below: term=5zjZJ3Qaj
Managing the seasons within
As summer gets under way, in season if not sunshine, the months seem to gain momentum. They come and they go, bringing and taking the seasons with them. We’re already hur tling towards Solstice which may make us long for these lighter days to linger. Yet we accept that they will come and they will go, as will the seasons that follow.
The same is true when it comes to managing the world within. We all have feelings and we all have thoughts. They are just that; feelings and thoughts. They come and they go. It is not wrong or a failure or a sign of weakness to have thoughts or feelings that we don’t want to have or may feel embarrassed to admit to. These are what make us human and will hopefully differentiate us from the rapidly growing reality of AI.
What’s impor tant, as with the seasons, is what we do with the thoughts and feelings we have. Sometimes it is enough to obser ve, acknowledge, name, enjoy or endure them as they come and go Sometimes we must use our capacity to think to make sense of our feelings and underlying needs and respond appropriately However, just as we all prefer cer tain seasons over others, we also prefer some thoughts and feelings over others We accept we cannot make our favourite season stay, or our least favourite go, or stop coming around Yet we may attempt to resist the thoughts and feelings we don’t like as if they won’t also come back round or disrupt our flow That old adage, ‘ this too shall pass’ refers to what we like, as well as what we don’t And by resisting cer tain thoughts and feelings or failing to adapt our actions to accommodate them, we may prolong their presence
Jo is a BACP Accredited Psychodynamic Counsellor and an Integrative Super visor with an MA in Contemporar y Therapeutic Counselling .You can read more from Jo in her blog at Email:
It’s only a few more weeks until our Steam Fair and Countr y Show – a fantastic day out for the whole family (and the dog) including: arena attractions, live music, trade stalls, an inflatables play area, steam engines, vintage vehicles and so much more!
Our Events Team star t work on the Steam Fair around 6 months before, usually a week or two after October ’s Working Steam Weekend With decisions to be made on ever y thing from which bands to book in the beer tent to which acts and attractions to display in the arena, the discussions are wide -ranging and it sometimes feels as if the whole world revolves around the Steam Fair!
Nearer the time, the arena acts timetable is created, the programme is put together, and the field has to be prepared. Members of the team pace out the site plan and peg out markers for the trade stalls, arena and other areas; the ticket booths are taken out of their storage location and cleaned or painted and our volunteer coordinator assigns roles for the weekend. It’s not just the weekend itself that requires a team of people: our volunteers star t work on the Tuesday before, setting up the event field, putting up the barriers and signs and booking in the Steam Engines as they arrive on site It’s a busy time, so that by the day of the Steam Fair ever y thing is ready for our visitors!
If you haven’t come to a Stotfold Mill Steam Fair yet, then come and visit us this year: our 20th anniversar y show promises to be an epic weekend with lots happening all over the showground And, if you can spare a morning or an afternoon to help out, we’d love to hear from you!
In the meantime, the Mill is open on Sundays, offering the chance to see the Mill in action, enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and delicious cake in the Tea Room, visit the Kingfisher Shop for some our amazing flour or a beautiful gift and then take a walk around the Nature Reser ve It’s a per fect way to spend an afternoon!
If you are visiting the Nature Reser ve please be aware that there are lots of birds nesting or bringing up chicks –including our lovely swans Please do not tr y to approach the swans, as they are ver y protective of their young!
Enjoy watching them from a distance, and don’t forget to tag the Mill in any social media posts!
You can find us on Instagram, Facebook and X
We look for ward to seeing you at the Mill ver y soon
Energy efficient windows may cost less than you think. Whether you ’ re looking for something beautiful, elegant, modern or traditional We have something for you
Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm Wednesdays 1pm - 4pm
If you live, or work in Stotfold, chances are that you have already spotted these two men; Chris and Darr yl, our Town Rangers, who work tirelessly to make our town a better and safer place to live, come rain or shine.
Adept at recognising and responding to issues that are brought to their attention, be it anti- social behaviour, vandalism. or even graffiti, they will gladly take the necessar y steps to sor t it out or pass it on to the relevant authority.
Employed by Stotfold Town Council, these are the men who; if it’s broken, will fix it; if it’s dir ty, will clean it and if it doesn’t work will replace it With a range of skills encompassing almost ever y repair and maintenance discipline, they take on all the jobs around the town that fall within the remit of the Town Council
From general maintenance to plumbing, litter picking to cleaning, painting to playground inspections and repairs, the list is endless
The Rangers even managed to retrieve the mattress from The Riverside bridge area They will ensure that there is never an over flowing litter bin, or overhanging tree in sight They will even make sure that the public toilets are spick and span for your convenience
Aside from their never ending ‘To Do’ list, their public facing roles mean they are the eyes and ears of the town Many of your furr y canines will no doubt have acquainted themselves with The Rangers, least of all for their pocket full of tasty treats!
Please do say hello or speak to them about any concerns you may have Alternatively, you call the office on 01462 730064 or Email us at enquiries@stotfoldtowncouncil
You are always welcome to or pop in to visit us at:
The Greenacre Centre, Valerian Way, Stotfold Her ts SG4 4HG
Our office hours are 10am – 4pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and 1pm – 4pm on Wednesdays. We would love to hear from you and are always happy to help as best we can.
Date for Your Diaries
Thursday 6 June 2024 - D Day Commemoration, Stotfold Cemeter y, 7pm
Saturday 29 & Sunday 30 June - Stotfold Anniversar y Par ty, Arlesey Road Recreation Ground
In our May fun quiz, compiled and presented by Stotfold’s ver y own Brain of Britain, David Stedman, we are hitting the road with a theme of famous UK AND US VEHICLE manufacturers (not models!) past and present Questions include motorcycle marques, as well as automobiles Clues contained in each question or answer (Answers on page 11-no cheating!)
1 Give the surname of Diane, the British comedy actress pictured above, the star of such television series as “Mount Pleasant”, “The Cockfields” and “Mandy?”
2 What is the name of the estuar y which forms par t of the border between Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, over which a famous single span suspension bridge was opened in 1981?
3 What is the title of the U K number one hit song by Don McLean which begins: “Starr y, starr y night, paint your palette blue and grey, look out on a summer's day, with eyes that know the darkness in my soul”?
4 Now the county seat of Ford County in Kansas, in 1877 it boasted two famous town marshals in Bat Masterson and Wyatt Earp What is the name of this town?
5 Name the British hear tthrob actor pictured below, star of “Happy Valley” and “McMafia”?
6 Nelumbo nucifera is the botanical name of a flowering plant sacred in Hindu and Buddhist belief. What is the five -letter common name of this flower?
7 Give the title of the London national newspaper first published in 1827 and still going strong, albeit with the word Evening added to the original title?
8 What is the name of the world famous sherr y first produced in 1882 by John and Edward Har vey?
9 Name the Ar t Deco New York building pictured right which, for 11 months during the 1930s, was the tallest building in the world until the Empire State Building opened?
10 Elsa Lanchester was a British actress who, from 1929 to 1962, was married to which distinguished British actor who played Henr y VIII and Quasimodo on film?
11 In which English city can you visit the Mayflower Steps and the National Armada Memorial, and watch the Pilgrims play football at Home Park?
12 Give the title of the 1970’s Oscar winning film, starring Woody
Allen as Alvy Singer?
13 Pictured below is the badge of which U.S. automobile company, named after a great Serbian-American electrical engineer?
14 According to the much parodied song lyrics written by Nellie Talbot in 1900, “Jesus wants me for a ” what?
15 A “Coronation Street” character named Richard Hillman, played by Brian Capron, became the hated homicidal spouse of which other character?
16 Dennis was Minister for Defence, then Chancellor of the Exchequer during the 1970’s, often cited as the “best Prime Minister the Labour Par ty never had” What was his surname?
17 Name the major city, the most populous in Florida, which has spor ts teams sharing their names with cars, i e Jaguars, Stingrays and Barracudas?
18 Peter Brough was a British ventriloquist whose radio show “Educating Archie” was ver y popular during the 1950s. What was the surname of his dummy Archie?
19 Bentley Prior y was the headquar ters of R.A.F. Fighter Command during the 1940 Battle of Britain. What was the surname of the commander-in-chief, nicknamed Stuffy, who is considered the architect of that victor y?
20 What is the name of the central character in the Disney animated film “The Little Mermaid” Visit davidstedman co uk
A mixed month for the 1st team who won 2, drew I and lost 2 of their league fixtures The loss of manager Brett Donnelly towards the end of the month a big blow to the club The Development team continue to be on target for promotion winning 3, drawing 1 and losing 1 of their league fixtures The Women’s team lost their only their league match but reached the final of the league cup winning on penalties after a 2-2 draw at Garston FC Ladies First Unfor tunately they lost 1-0 to Wooton Blue Cross Lionesses in their County Cup quar ter final The U18 team won both of their league matches
The final positions in the leagues will now be known and we look for ward to the cup finals for the Development and Women’s teams
5th May 1pm Hitchin Belles Women Blues v Stotfold Women (Beds & Her ts Women’s Football League Cup Final) at Kempston Rovers
6th May 6 30pm Elstow Abbey First v Stotfold Development (Britannia Cup Final) at Kempston Rovers
Please suppor t the club by taking up our sponsorship and adver tising promotions. Details are on the club website. Come on you Eagles. Up the Fold.
JSJ Stadium New Roker Park Arlesey Road Stotfold, Bedfordshire, SG5 4HE 01462 539297
Do you struggle with anxiety or depression?
Have you followed diets and still struggled to lose weight?
Do you really want to quit smoking but don’t know how?
Do you struggle with negative thought patterns or phobias?
The Pathway Hypnotherapy Rooms can help!
We can suppor t you to overcome your negative thoughts and behaviours to create a positive future.
glen@thepathwayhypnotherapyrooms co uk
www thepathwayhypnotherapyrooms co uk
Recently Our local Youth Involvement Team have been bringing fitness to ever yone with their Fitness Circuits
Classes for ages 18 + . The classes take place at the outdoor gym facility on Arlesey Road and have proven popular with many people aiming to improve their health and get some outdoor exercise.
The initiative from Grand Union Housing has shown people how best to utilise the equipment and make the most of the facility, (available to use by anybody ) The classes are running for 6 weeks - the final three classes are on 24th April and the 1st & 8th May.
For more details contact
Are you looking to make new friends? Do you enjoy walking and enjoying our local green spaces? Walks for Health are a local walking group here ever yone is welcome.
MAY Walks:
Walks star t at 10 45am
Thursday 2nd & 9th
Corner of Hospital Road, Arlesey (accessible form Stotfold easily via Fair field)
Thursday 16th & 23rd Scout Hut, Baldock Road, Stotfold
Thursday 30th The Crown PH, Th Green, Stotfold. We welcome new members!!
For more details contact Beth Over field 01462 815672
The 1st Sat of the month 5k at Letchwor th Common will be on 4th May at 9am. Entr y is free and open to all runners
Stotfold based cat sitting service
The Standalone 10k will be on 6th Oct and entries are now open We continue with our training sessions on Tues & Thurs at 7pm and welcome runners of all abilities all under qualified coaches FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT OUR WEBSITE NHRR.ORG.UK OR CALL IAN 07506429928
Many businesses choose to comp adver tising with leaflet deliver y!
You are invited to Randall s Tea Room at Stotfold Mill any time between 2pm and 4pm on Thursday 16 May for a Cream Tea
We are asking for a minimum donation of £5 00 All the money raised will be sent to Christian Aid
Christian Aid is a UK charity fighting global poverty. (England and Wales charity no. 1105851)
Why choose the Stotfold & Arlesey News Magazines to deliver your leaflets?
We take great pride in offering our customers the ver y best ser vice possible. Whenever we have leaflets to include, we hand stuff all of our magazines ourselves to ensure it is done accurately and with the best of care.
Can you choose which areas to deliver to?
With our leaflet ser vice we can tailor your deliver y campaign specifically to the areas you would like to reach. Currently, we are delivering to 4,900 homes in Stotfold & Fair field and a fur ther 2,700 homes in Arlesey. If you want to select areas specifically for your business requirements, we are happy to break these areas down into individual roads or postcodes to provide you with your own leaflet deliver y campaign
Can we help with leaflet print and design?
Alongside our adver t design ser vice (which is free to all of our adver tisers) we also offer a leaflet design & print ser vice, should it be required
With over 30 year ’s experience in local adver tising, we are confident that we can provide your business with the ver y best advice to help you get the ver y best out of your local adver tising budget
With over 70 different businesses trusting with their marketing on a monthly basis, we know that we provide both Stotfold & Arlesey with a magazine that truly delivers results
To see how we can help your local business to thrive, call us today on 01462 731986. - We look for ward to speaking to you soon!
All Proceeds to Alzheimer ’s (Fight Against Dementia) Saturday June 22nd, 2024
Stotfold Memorial Hall, Hitchin Road, Stotfold, SG5 4HR. Doors Open 7.00pm to 11.30pm.
Dancing to Singer Nadine Summers, great to dance and listen to Hot/Cold drinks available – Raffle - Bring your own nibbles
Tickets £10 00 each To purchase tickets please contact Bridie on Tel: 01462 639279 – Email: bridget smith@uwclub net
•744 parcels provided in 20 working days
• 354 top- up-bags collected from our Pop- up sites
• £51,900,estimated value of the food for the month of March
• £6,602 50, the average monthly cost to run the charity
• 9%, the increase in the amount of food parcels delivered this month
• 1,733 adults, 1,588 children & 118 pensioners - the amount of people we helped in March.
Another month gone, amazing how fast it goes at the moment I think it’s because we are so so busy We are spending a lot of money on food because of demand, not because donations are going down, they are staying reasonably constant and for that we are so grateful We have over 4,000 followers on Facebook which is amazing, so thanks for caring Because of this increase in demand, we may have to make a few adjustments in what we provide in a food parcel, but other than that we’re so so grateful for all the help we get The new building situation is ongoing and as our offer has been accepted, we have engaged our Architect and hopefully things will star t moving on that front, but that is a separate issue
As I said in the past, our main purpose is feeding people who are hungr y That is our priority and always will be, as we continue to ser ve our community
I did an inter view on 3 Counties Radio a few weeks ago and spoke about the project and shared a few facts One that I missed, was ten years ago, we provided 118 parcels in the whole month of March Ten years on, in the first 2 working days of April this year, we provided 91, which is sad and shocking, but that is the situation our society is in, and we do our best.
Our top up bags are as busy as ever, as we distribute best before food that would be heading for the bin, so to all who take it, you are welcome and as I said before if you don’t take it, it gets binned.
In closing we are so grateful for the suppor t we have received and continue to receive. If you are a business who want to help fund our 2nd phase of developing our new building into a community space, please call me on 07496 833940
We can afford to develop phase 1, which is the food side of what we do, (we think,) but not phase 2
This year we will have a stand at the Mill Fair on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th May Please come and say hello If you are experienced in fundraising, for larger amounts, for building projects please give us a call All advise would be appreciated
Praise God always
GordonSunday Ser vices
5 May: All Age Ser vice at 10.30am.
12 May: Communion Ser vice at 10 30am King’s Kids and Youth will run and creche will be super vised
19 May: Pentecost Ser vice at 10 30am King’s Kids and Youth will run and creche will be available with parental responsibility
26 May: Communion Ser vice at 10 30am King’s Kids and Youth will run and creche will be available with parental responsibility
Works of Hear t: Monday 13 May at 8 00pm ‘Have a go’ at crafts, make new friends and share craft ideas
Prayer Meetings
Sundays: 6 00pm – 7 30pm
Wednesdays: 10 00am – 12 00 noon
Accelerate for Children 10-13 term time only
Tuesdays: 6 00pm – 7 00pm
Home from Home: Free, all welcome: join us for soup, tea, coffee, cake, biscuits, games, puzzles, ar ts & crafts Wednesdays: 1 00pm – 4 00pm
King’s Baptist Church, The Green. SG5 4AN
News from St Mar y’s The Parish Church of Stotfold & Fair field.
Special events in May:
Community Coffee Morning 10.30-noon Wednesday 1 May - Tea Time Praise for young families 4.00pm Sunday 5 May
Evensong 6.00pm Sunday 12 May - Families at Four ser vice 4.00pm Sunday 19 May - APCM 11.15am Sunday 26 May
Church open ever y day - Your Parish Church is open ever y day from 9.00am-4.30pm for anyone who wants a time of quiet personal prayer, refection or to light a candle Worship Ser vices
First Sunday of the Month: 8 00-8 45am Parish Communion; 9 00-9 20am Sunday Morning Prayer; 10 00-11 00am Parish Communion and Sunday School; 4 00-4 45pm Tea Time Praise for young families
Second, Four th & Fifth Sundays: 9 00-9 20am Sunday Morning Prayer; 10 00-11 00am Parish Communion and Sunday School
Third Sunday 9 00-9 45am Parish Communion; 10:00-11 00am Morning Praise 5 30-7 00pm Youth Group at the Vicarage
Wednesday Ser vice: 9 45-10 30am Parish Communion
Monday – Saturday: 9 00-9 20am Morning Prayer
Christenings held on the 4th Sunday of each month contact Sara Clark on 01462 625270 Weddings: contact Revd Bill Britt on 01462 730218
Funerals For information speak to your funeral director or telephone Revd Bill
The Church of England Parish Church for Stotfold & Fair field. Church Road SG5 4NE.
News from St Guthlac’s Church, Astwick.
Perhaps you are new to Stotfold or have lived here a long time. Have you ever considered taking a walk or a shor t drive to our historical church in Astwick?
We have a communion ser vice ever y first Sunday of the month at 11:15am Enyoy a warm welcome from our small community and congregation where you can share your relationship with God, meet new people and enjoy a nice cuppa at the end We look for ward to welcoming you
We Invite You to Join us for Worship
Sunday Morning Ser vice - 10:30am
Bible Study Group - Tuesdays, 7:30pm
For more details of activities and ser vices please contact us on 07376 740410 or email info@fair fieldcc org uk
“This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son.” John 3: 16
Exterior & Interior Property Maintenance
* Decorating
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* Carpet Cleaning FREE QUOTATIONS
T: (01462) 234292 or 07887 871212
This wonder ful picture has been sent to us from Julian Hyde - the photo belongs to his father Edward and features Stotfold Sunday School circa 1917 Do you recognise anyone here?
We are ver y shor t on old pictures and would LOVE to see any you have buried away! Next month we have some fabulous pictures from Eileen Gibbs to show you! Contact us on 01462 731986 or email us at
Window and door repairs and installations
Quality used cars & vans supplied
Excellent after sales care, our warrantees cover both parts & labour
Motor vehicle servicing and general repair work undertaken, any make or model
2 Arlesey Road, Stotfold, Hitchin, Herts SG5 4HA
Formerly Cramps Garage Sales (01462) 732400
Services and Bodywork (01462) 731500
* Misted/broken units
* Handles
* Mechanisms
* Door barrels
Supply and fit windows and doors
Soffits and fascias
Jonny Garside 79 Regent Street, Stotfold 01462 732248 or 07951 473505
Meetings and Trips
Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at St Mar y’s Church Hall, Church Road
Wednesday 8th May 2024
Outing to Raveningham Estate, visiting Highland Garden Centre first Coach from the bus stop Hitchin Road at 9:30am For more information, contact Peter on: (01462) 834854 or 07758649721
stotfoldgc@gmail com