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News from St Mary’s Academy

Following the October break, the children return to school on Tuesday 2nd November with a packed half term ahead.

The week starts with Amethyst Class Assembly on Friday 5th November. Due to the current COVID restrictions we are able to welcome the parents of children in Amethyst Class alongside other children in the Key Stage.


Week commencing 8th November offers our Parent/Staff Consultations, and again these will be held via Zoom due to the pandemic restrictions. Although parents can chat with staff on a daily basis, this zoom session enables them to have a dedicated talk about how the children have settled in and the progress they are making. On Wednesday 10th, Wednesday 17th and Friday 19th Crystal, Coral and Moonstone Classes respectively will present their termly Assemblies to enthral their audiences.

The second school flu immunisations visit is planned for Thursday 11th November. This will cover those children not included in the first visit.

We will once again support the BBC Children In Need event planned for Friday 12th. As always, we will be inviting the children to dress up for the day to raise money for this very worthy cause! We will also be supporting the Royal British Legion through Poppy sales in school.

Alongside their education, our children are enjoying the many clubs that we can now once again offer. These include Multi-skills, Football, Gymnastics, Tennis, Homework, Karate, Art, Craft, Choir, Games, Musical Theatre, Dance, Lego and Spanish. Premier Sport continues to come into school to undertake the sports training with the children and we are delighted that there has been such a tremendous response to all of our clubs. Please visit our website for all up to date events and news!

So from there we will be looking forward to December with preparations beginning for the Christmas Season! November is another very busy month at St Mary’s!

Stotfold W.I Are you looking for an evening out? Then come along to our meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. We are not all jam & Jerusalem but we are a mixed group of very friendly ladies that enjoy a chat, tea & biscuits, social evenings, meals out and listening to speakers on a whole range of topics. Wednesday November 10 at 7.30pm Speaker: Bill Hamilton.Journalist - Man on the Spot Wednesday December 8 at 7.30pm Christmas Party Bring & Share Buffet Entertainment by David Tomkins –magician & ventriloquist Memorial Hall, Stotfold For further details phone Jill Shepherd 01462 730751

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The Greenacre Centre, Valerian Way, Stotfold, Hitchin, Herts, SG5 4HG Telephone number: 01462 730064 Email address: enquiries@stotfoldtowncouncil.gov.uk Website: www.stotfoldtowncouncil.gov.uk

SCHEDULED MEETINGS Meetings of the Council and its Committees are held in the Council Chamber, Greenacre Centre, Valerian Way, Stotfold, SG5 4HG Meetings start at 7.00pm, except where one meeting follows another

Agendas for meetings can be found on our website and Greenacre Centre notice board

VISITING THE GREENACRE CENTRE AND MEMORIAL HALL What are we doing to protect you and others using our facilities? We encourage anyone visiting our buildings to continue wearing face coverings and to socially distance, particularly when close to others you wouldn’t normally be in close contact with. We will continue to provide hand sanitiser gel at entrance/exit points and rooms hired and will keep up our thorough cleaning regime. NHS Test & Trace QR codes will remain at entrances to both buildings for your use. Please do not enter our buildings if you are displaying Covid-19 symptoms or have tested positive. Please continue to be cautious and considerate to help protect yourself and others.

OUR RECEPTION OPENING HOURS From 18th October, our reception in the Greenacre Centre increased its opening hours, following a phased return from Covid-19 measures. We are now open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 10am to 4pm, closed on Wednesdays.

DIARY DATE - REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY This year’s Stotfold Remembrance Day Ceremony takes place on Sunday 14th November, at Stotfold Cemetery, Mill Lane. The ceremony will start at 2.45pm and we ask that you convene at the Cemetery by 2.30pm.

After the laying of the wreaths the parade will make its way along Queen Street, along the High Street and turn into Church Road to St Mary's Church for the service at 3.30pm. Should the weather be inclement the parade will be shortened, along Queen Street and into Chequers Close. The Royal British Legion, organisations from the town and the Town Council will be taking part, and residents are also invited to join us.

St Mary’s Church is a ‘mask friendly space’ , therefore you are respectfully asked that all adults wear face coverings whilst in the Church.

DIARY DATE – CHRISTMAS LIGHTS SWITCH ON A date for your diary - this year’s Christmas Lights Switch On will take place on Saturday 27th November 2021 at the Greenacre Centre. We have exciting new activities/events for you this year! Please keep an eye on our website, Facebook page, Stotfold News Magazine and posters for more information!

NEWLY CO-OPTED TOWN COUNCILLOR At our October Town Council meeting, we were very pleased to co-opt a new council member - Councillor Liz Anderson, who brings a wealth of expertise and interest in the natural environment and planning. Liz has a passion to see the growth of the town benefiting all residents, current and new, and will be joining our Town Strategy Committee. We very much look forward to working with her.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMENTS The Riverside Playing Field MUGA/play equipment survey is now closed, and we are analysing the findings with a view to putting together a project proposal shortly. Thank you for the fantastic response we had and the really useful comments you gave us!

CITIZENS AWARDS 2022 The Town Council is looking for nominations for Citizens Awards. Nominees must be someone who has made a valuable contribution to the life of the community of Stotfold. You can’t nominate yourself, and councillors may only be nominated by non-councillors for things they have done outside of council work. A decision will be made early in the New Year, and a certificate for the successful recipient/s will be presented at the Annual Town Meeting in March. Please forward a letter to the Town Clerk at the above address, giving the name of the nominee (address if you know it) and full details of why you feel they should receive a Citizens Award. We cannot accept nominations from anonymous sources. Nominations must be received by the Town Clerk no later than Monday 10th January 2022.

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