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News from Etonbury Academy
It’s fantastic to see so many children attending the clubs, making new friends and learning new skills. As well as numerous sports clubs our staff are running clubs for engineering, mindfulness, debating, dance, chess, yoga, basketball and rock band, there is something for everyone. Our trips have also started with our Year 7s heading off to Weymouth for their long awaited PGL adventure trip, soon to be followed by our Year 5s going on their residential too.
We were delighted to welcome teachers from Roecroft and St Mary’s who came to see how well the children they previously taught have settled. The children were so excited by their visit, thank you for coming in to surprise them.
Mr Ian Evason, Mrs Jo Young and Mrs Lesley Whittle were fortunate to interview and award our brilliant students for their positions on the Student Leadership team. The Student Leaders are a really important part of Etonbury, and will be implementing their ideas that will make a difference to our school. Congratulations to:
SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENT LEADERS Izzie Brown - Principal Elias Thomas - Vice Principal / Equality and Diversity Eloise Grave - Student Ambassador and leading on numeracy and supporting learners at ETA Juniors Kimi Lewis - Ambassador and leading on reading programmes for ETA Juniors Lucas Minnis - Lead on Eco Team Hannah Primo - Lead on Equality and Diversity
JUNIOR SCHOOL STUDENT LEADERS Eleazer Nwogbe- Head Boy Lexi-Mai Stimson-Kew - Head Girl Isabelle Beach -Deputy Head Girl Joseph Norfolk - Deputy Head Boy
We held our first Full Governing Body meeting this term with a walkaround through Juniors and the Secondary School. The Governors were really pleased to see how well the Year 5 children have settled and in such a short space of time. We are in no doubt that the transition work in the Summer term with the support of our lower schools has given the children this excellent start. In Secondary, Governors saw equally focused and calm lessons. Our prospective parents continue to be shown around in the same way, and see the same high standards across the school.
Following the passing of HRH Queen Elizabeth II, Dr White and her Form group kindly prepared a tribute which was taken to The Wynd Gallery in Letchworth. It is a beautiful display which was given a lot of care and thought.
We have been raising awareness of Mental Health in support of the national campaign and welcomed PoetsIN, a charity providing workshops to support children and adults. The assemblies provided thought provoking insights for our students and staff to look after themselves and others too.
At the time of writing preparations are underway for our Open Evenings coming up in the next few weeks. We are looking forward to seeing our lower school children and their parents, and our Year 8 parents. We are also really excited to be launching our first Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday 10 November 2022. We welcome anyone in the community to visit, please give us a call and join us for a personal tour which can be booked through our website.