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News from St Mary’s Academy
November is another busy month at St Mary’s! The children return to school on Tuesday 1st November with a packed half term ahead. The week first starts with Coral Class Assembly on Friday 4th November and then on Wednesday 9th and Wednesday 16th Jet and Opal Classes respectively will also present their termly Assemblies to enthral their audiences. Parents are invited to come and watch from 9.00am.
The SMSA are once again organising their Christmas Shop where the children can select and buy gifts independently in school for their parents/grandparents/carers. Week commencing 14th November offers our Parent/Staff Consultations. Although parents can chat with staff on a daily basis, this enables them to have a dedicated talk about how children have settled in and the progress they are making. We are happy to be holding these in person this year. Our Year 2s will also be enjoying a trip to see The Croods 2 at the Cinema as part of their English Curriculum on Thursday 17th November. What fun! We will once again support the BBC Children In Need event planned for Friday 18th. As always, we will be inviting the children to wear their own clothes and doing something fun to raise money for this very worthy cause! We will also be supporting the Royal British Legion through Poppy sales in school.
Alongside their education, our children are enjoying the many clubs that we can now once again offer. These include Multi-skills, Football, Gymnastics, Tennis, FIT, Musical Theatre and much more. Premier Sport continues to come into school to undertake the sports training with the children and we are delighted that there has been such a tremendous response to all of our clubs. Please visit our website for all up to date events and news! So from there we will be looking forward to December with preparations beginning for the Christmas Season!
In support of Tearfund, Fairfield Community Church will be hosting a charity quiz night On Saturday 26th November in Fairfield Community Hall @ 7pm
Entry Details: Maximum of 6 people per team To enter please make donation to Tearfund using QR code. Recommended donation amount min. £5 per person