Remember, remember we f ind ourselves in No vember!
Crazy as it seems, we have arrived in the penultimate month o f the year with things star ting to take shape for the festive season You will f ind just some o f our planned festivities in Sto tfold inside this issue, together with plenty o f oppor tunities for you to suppor t these events and to get involved.
We congratulate Emily Wearmou th this month on winning our pho tography competition f rom this year ’s Working Steam weekend at the Sto tfold Mill We had such a fabulous time suppor ting this event and thank ever yone that took the time to pop by and say hello and o f course to enter our competitions. You can f ind ou t more on pages 4 & 5 o f this month’s issue together with a selection o f some o f the wonder ful pho tographs we received for our competition
We would like to take the oppor tunity to thank past Sto tfold resident and magazine deliver y volunteer Louden Master ton who has compiled the most touching tribu te to his good f riend Frances Huckle after she sadly passed away a few weeks ago. A familiar face to many, Frances was involved in many organisations within Sto tfold and will be sadly missed by ever yone who knew her.
Next month we will be back with our pre Christmas issue! If you wish to be included then please do get in touch
Until next month..
Working Steam Weekend 2022 Page 4,5
Letters Page 6,7,9
Special Feature Page 10,11
Update f rom Sto tfold Mill Page 19
Family Announcements Page 20
News f rom Sto tfold Junior Foo tball Club Page 22 News f rom Sto tfold Foo tball Club Page 23 Monthly Quiz! Page 25 News f rom Sto tfold Librar y Page 31
Local school /n ursery news:
News f rom Pippin Pre School Page 12 News f rom Roecro ft Lo wer School Page 13 News f rom St Mar y’s Academy Page 14 News f rom Pix Brook Academy Page 15 News f rom Etonbur y Academy Page 16 News f rom Fair f ield Lo wer School Page 17
Church n ews:
News f rom Kings Baptist Church Page 28 News f rom Sto tfold Methodist Chuch Page 29 News f rom St Mar y’s Church Page
www justgiving com/gardenhousehospice Announcements: We are happy to accept family announcements by post telephone, email or through our facebook
If you would like to make a
in return for your announcement then please visit the website above Please mention that the
has been made on behalf of the Stotfold & Arlesey
to promo te your business in the Arlesey & Sto tfold News Magazines?
The sun shone o ver the Sto tfold Working Steam Weekend and Agriculture Sho w and the people came! With so much to see and to do, the event was hailed a great success by ever yone that visited With o ver 5,000 people visiting the weekend to watch the working steam in action or simply to enjo y the many different attractions (and maybe even the beer tent!) we had such a great time chatting to visitors f rom bo th near and afar
Thank you to ever yone that took the time to send us in their pictures taken o ver the weekend we had such a hard time choosing the winner o f our f ront co ver competition, ho wever we f inally selected the wonder ful sho t captured by Emily Wearmou th which we hope you agree is stunning On these two pages you will see just some o f the o ther magnif icent entries we received
Congratulations to Ayla Ragless, pictured belo w right, who correctly guessed the name o f our bear during the weekend as Rosie! Proudly pho tographed together with sister Tar yn and bro ther Spencer, we hope Rosie enjo ys her new home! For anyone that stopped by to say hello, took par t in our pho tography competition or just came along to suppor t the event, THANK YOU As always, we thank the events committee at the Sto tfold Mill for organising such a tremendous weekend and look for ward to joining you again in May If you would like to be par t o f next years event and think you may enjo y helping the Mill team organise the weekend or assist them in any way then please do get in touch with them through their website www sto tfoldmill com
Whilst watching the funeral o f our late Queen Elizabeth II last week I suddenly realised that no w we have a King Charles III in Buckingham Palace I had lived through the reigns o f 5 monarchs, 4 kings (inc Charles III) and our late Queen When I was telling my children this and that I can vaguely remember:
No 1 funeral o f George V in 1936 (I think?) Newspapers with black edges, cur tains closed, and on News at local cinema during half time. (Remember the organ at half time)
No 2 Edward VIII who abdicated, No 3 George VI, No. 4 Queen Elizabeth II
No 5 King Charles III
It did cross my mind that it would be interesting to kno w ho w many o ther residents o f Sto tfold are still abou t and remember back this far. What a lo t o f histor y o f no t only Sto tfold bu t the world around us these nonagenarians must have seen in their 90+ years, I being one o f them, f ind it quite amazing and gratifying that we have lived this long and seen so many changes to our way o f life (Central heating Changed my life!) Mollie Jennings
really want to
bu t
kno w
I would like to thank ever yone who helped in any way to make the Macmillan Co ffee Morning, held at the Salvation Army on 17th September, such a big success The sum o f £1,298 was raised for the charity, and it was a brilliant way to celebrate my 80th Bir thday It was great to see so many f riends and colleagues suppor ting the event People were extremely generous in their giving, bo th with money and donations o f cakes and things to sell on the day. I have been ver y grateful to Macmillan for their care and suppor t o ver recent times and I wanted to help them in some way for the work they do so well
ever yone
John Street
As No vember brings with it the colder weather and darker evenings, many o f our wildlife will be busy making shelters and homes among our garden leaves.
like to remind those enjo ying bonf ires to check beneath for any wildlife, especially hedgehogs Brenda Fisher.
The Eleemosynar y Charity o f William Field Applications are invited f rom bo th individuals and local voluntar y organisations for a grant that will directly benef it a resident or residents in the ecclesiastical parish o f Sto tfold, including Fair f ield. Application forms can be obtained by email f rom the Clerk to the Trustees jbillson@virginmedia.com or f rom 17 Pix Road, Sto tfold SG5 4HY Completed applications to be returned by 31st December 2022 at the latest If you require any fur ther information, please do no t hesitate to contact Jean Billson by phone 01462 730103 or by email
Dear Editor,
Thanks to your mar vellous work and the publishing o f my letter in your October issue with regards to my family's long lost Piano Stool which has no w been found and returned!
It had been bought by Peter and Susan (pictured with me) o f Arlesey, to replace their o wn which had been wrecked by a remo val company earlier in the year. As ours was missing because o f a remo val company in the f irst place, we had some surprisingly similar tales o f woe to share!
Thankfully Peter and Susan were extremely understanding and more than willing to return it to us This has been a huge sigh o f relief for my Dad and for the whole family This result was only possible because o f this publication, and I can't thank ever yone involved enough, especially Peter and Susan for reaching ou t and to The Sto tfold News Magazine for publishing my f irst letter and being a point o f contact.
Many thanks once again
Mr G. Frost Editor
JUST OU T has achieved it’s one year anniversar y!
We would like to thank ever yone for their suppor t, including all o f the follo wing, for making it possible: The Roecro ft Centre Trustees, Sto tfold To wn Council, Central Beds Council, Grand Union Ltd, The Eleemosynar y Trust o f William Field, LEWCON Audio V isual Ltd, Sto tfold Co op, Warbur tons Ltd, Sto tfold Community Christmas Fayre, Sto tfold News Magazine, F B Chain for suppor ting the ‘Summer Fun’ programme and lo ts o f local people for their donations and contribu tions to Just Ou t Young Community Environment. An especially big thank you to our volunteers and an even bigger thanks to all the young people that par ticipate in various activities including basket ball, badminton, table tennis, craft activities, pancake day, mo vie nights, hallo ween and more Thanks again to all those that have contribu ted to making JUST OU T… a success. Best wishes, JUST OU T…
Oh, Frances ho w we’ll miss you!
Sad, bad news A grim beginning to au tumn Two good ladies who we unconsciously thought would always be there were gone Queen Elizabeth was no more The nations mood was shocked with disbelief And two days later, the queen o f Hucklebur y Co ttage was at last released f rom devastating months o f illness that had remorselessly afflicted her A national jolt o f disbelief, follo wed by our o wn personal distress The phrase that crossed my sombre mind that week was Hamlet’s lament “Time is ou t o f joint”
Bu t let’s look back at Frances’s life, and some o f the memories that her life enriched us with.
The Sto tfold chapter o f stor y o f the unique, inimitable, Frances, star ts back in the 1950’s. “Gordon it’s time you brought your new girlf riend home to meet us”, said Mrs. Huckle. “Mrs. Gentle says she saw you whizzing through the village on your mo torbike with her on the pillion, her red hair flying in the wind!”. Mrs. Huckle would have been impressed when Gordon did get around to bringing Frances to meet his parents. She was good looking, vivacious, energetic, chatty and a nurse, too. And something ver y different an Irish colleen. Rather exo tic for Vaughan Road, perhaps, Gordon admitted later, bu t she endeared herself to his parents (as she did to the rest o f us o ver the years) and, in 1958, Frances Paterson became Mrs Huckle
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Fast for ward to 1964 Our family had just mo ved into our new house in Ivel Way “A red haired Irish lady came round this afternoon”, said Gerr y, my wife “She’d heard we’d just mo ved in so she brought us some stew for our tea!” We didn’t realise at the time, bu t that was so typical o f Frances, as we’d disco ver o ver many years Kind, thoughtful, ar tlessly beguiling ever yone into her circle o f appreciative f riends with the generosity o f her unique personality Frances and Gerr y became f irm f riends She and Gordon had two children; so did we Together, the pair o f them would shepherd that sometimes cantankerous foursome do wn Rook Tree Lane to school at the corner o f Mill Lane, watch them learn to swim in the adjacent pool, per form in the annual pageant in the vicarage garden And so it went on, through the years Frances and Gerr y helping to paint the inside o f the newly built Scou t Hu t Walking the local foo tpaths or cycling together round the quiet back roads Or just sharing a cup o f tea, o ften with one or two o ther f riends and neighbours in the cosy f ront room o f Hucklebur y Co ttage, Frances telling us abou t her escape to The Bright Side
Marigold Way,
When did you last play netball? Did you enjo y it? Would you like to have ano ther go? Then why no t tr y walking netball?
There is NO jumping and NO running allo wed You only have to walk! (Quite a challenge in itself, for some o f us!) We meet at 7 15pm on Thursday evening at The Prior y School, Hitchin for abou t an hour It is all ou tdoors, and costs £4 25 per session We are a variety o f ages, health, f itness and experience, bu t we are all there to have fun! If you would like some more information abou t walking netball, then please contact Lorraine our leader, on 07864047907 If you would like a lift from the Sto tfold area, phone Jan on 07813893213.
The Bright Side! Back in rural Ireland in the for ties and f ifties, that’s what she and her f riend Carmel called England, which they imagined o ffered all the excitement and oppor tunity which Eire lacked Traipsing o ff the ferr y f rom Dublin at Liverpool, Frances and Carmel were ready for whatever life would o ffer Frances’s real, determined dream, she said, had been to become a bus conductress! Ho wever, a chance meeting persuaded her into nursing, she and Carmel par ted company, and Frances ended up as a psychiatric nurse in the Three Counties hospital, many o f the buildings o f which still exist as elements o f the large Fair f ield development.
Frances, as f riendly with children as with adults, then volunteered to be a Cub leader. She was enthusiastic, inventive, taking her Pack on hunts to identify plants and trees, and once being pho tographed with them for the Biggleswade Chronicle as they cooked the longest ever sausage (a fantastic beast, several feet long, spiralling round in a makeshift barbecue). In her Cub ou tf it she looked an absolu te a stunner too, we decided, her cascade o f titian hair contrasting with the bo ttle green uniform.
At the dances we all used to go to in the sixties and seventies, Frances and Gordon were the best jivers o f them all although Gordon did craftily let Frances do all the fancy stu ff And she could generate some ver y creative phraseology at times; I once said she was Sto tfold’s ver y o wn Mrs Malaprop She didn’t care She laughed, “Well, the nuns in Ireland only ever taught us arithmetic and religion!”
As that red-gold hair slo wly mu tated through silver to white, Frances’s vitality inevitably faded, bu t she still busily engaged with whatever her widening circle o f f riends were up to she was one o f the f irst volunteers to help restore Randall’s Mill, then mucked in with all the various tasks needed to turn three uninteresting f ields into Sto tfold’s o wn Nature Reser ve By then her eyesight was beginning to fail That didn’t stop her When we suggested she should take it easy, she retor ted “Judi Dench has the same problem with her sight as I do, and she’s nearly as old as me She keeps going And I’m going to keep going!”
We’re all going to go some time it’s our only 100% cast iron cer tainty The human condition and all that Bu t if the mark o f a life well lived is ho w many f riends were delighted to be in your company, Frances’s legacy is guaranteed To go past Hucklebur y Co ttage no w, kno wing you’ll never again hear that voice say “Come in, sunshine you’ll lo ve these cheese scones I’ve just made” is surreally sad.
Goodbye Frances. I, and many, many o ther people, will miss you so much. Fifty years o f great memories stashed away to warm my recollections. To adapt ano ther Hamlet reference summoned by our new king in that emo tional message, I’m sure that those flights o f angels which he invited to accompany his mo ther would have returned in time to sing Frances to her rest.
vation Army Ladies Fello wship
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Sal vation Army Mens Fello wship
A PHEONIX RISES FROM THE ASHES - Join Ray Kilby and Marlene Machell as they talk abou t the remarkable stor y o f rebuilding Randall’s Mill, Monday 7th No vember 7 30pm
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Our AGM took place on Monday10th October, the activities and f inances o f the past year were reviewed, and the new Committee was vo ted in for the year ahead We wish to thank staff, parents and carers who attended, and we wish like to give a Big Thank You to our Committee for all their suppor t o ver the last year
This month the children have enjo yed learning abou t people in their community, we welcomed a Fire Fighter, Doctor and Police o ff icer into our setting, the children lo ved listening to their stories, we thank them all for giving up their time to join us
On 18th No vember we will be suppor ting Children in Need Children (and staff!) are welcome to come to Pre School dressed in spo ts in return for a donation to this wor thy charity We will be suppor ting the Sto tfold Community Fayre at the Memorial Hall again this year Doors open f rom 12pm until 4pm on Saturday 19th No vember, please pop along and tr y your luck with our chocolate tombola! Ano ther date for your diar y is Saturday 26th No vember We will be hosting a glitter tattoo stall at the Sto tfold Christmas Lights switch on Proceeds f rom these events will help fund our Christmas activities for the children.
Our Christmas Holiday club will be open for 4 days f rom Monday 19h December to Thursday 22nd inclusive, doors open 7.45 am and close 6pm, a daily charge o f £40 applies. Our booking system will be open f rom Tuesday 1st No vember, for fur ther information please contact the o ff ice (info@pippinpreschool.co.uk).
Like many charities our fundraising oppor tunities are still restricted. We have registered with AmazonSmile due to our charity status. Amazon Smile is a simple and au tomatic way for you to suppor t a charity o f your choice ever y time you shop at no cost to you Please visit smile amazon co uk on your web bro wser and select Pippin Playgroup For each eligible purchase Amazon will pay us 0 5% o f the net purchase price Thank you for your interest in our Pre School We look for ward to sharing more o f our news with you again next month
Would you like to join a f riendly local group for a weekly local walk? Walks star t at 10.45am Meeting points for No vember: 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th, Arlesey Station. For details contact Beth Over f ield 01462 815672
Over the year members
rom across the school
have been doing in their year groups
chance to share with you some o f the work
are also going to star t sharing updates f rom our school
such as our School Parliament, our Eco Warriors, and our Science Ambassadors. This month is it our Key Stage 2 teams, sharing some news and learning f rom the
It has been a wonder ful star t to the new school term in Year 3. Our au tumn term topics include: The Stone Age, the UK, Volcanoes in Humanities and Dark and Light for Science. For The Stone Age we created Palaeolithic cave paintings based on those found in Lascaux. We also studied Stone Age life and learnt abou t Skara Brae. Por tals to the Past visited school for our Stone Age Day and the children had a fantastic day f illed with many activities. They even go t to dress up as Stone Age people! In Geography we learnt abou t the different cities in the UK and also go t to make and explode volcanoes. Our pupils have lo ved Science, exploring lightness and darkness, while also using their scientif ic skills for various light experiments. For Black Histor y month we studied Lewis Hamilton, researching information abou t him and then writing some non chronological repor ts Each class also had the oppor tunity to per form a class assembly for their gro wn ups The children did a brilliant job and their gro wn ups were ver y proud o f them We have been focusing on our number skills in Maths learning new methods such as column addition and subtraction The children have also been learning their 3s, 4s and 8 times tables In English, our pupils have written some fact f iles on falcons, kestrels and kingf ishers, and also some interesting stor y settings based on The Red Prince Year 3 are excited for the Spring term and look for ward to upcoming Christmas events
Year 4 have had a brilliant star t to their f inal year at Roecro ft They have been demonstrating our school values beau tifully and taken on extra responsibilities around the school by applying for jobs in different committees including School Parliament, Science Ambassadors and Eco Warriors We are looking for ward to seeing the positive effect they will have on our school and community o ver the coming academic year
In Histor y, the children have been learning abou t Roman society and militar y developing their understanding o f ho w ancient empires were built and maintained They had a fantastic dressing up day too to celebrate the end o f topic and especially lo ved making edible roman roads! In Science, they have lo ved disco vering the different states o f matters and exploring reversible changes In English, children have been exploring non chronological repor ts and using their historical kno wledge o f the Romans to create their o wn fantastic repor ts targeted at children. If you need to kno w a gor y or weird fact all our Year 4s no w have a favourite!
No vember is ano ther busy month at St Mar y’s!
The children return to school on Tuesday 1st No vember with a packed half term ahead. The week f irst star ts with Coral Class Assembly on Friday 4th No vember and then on Wednesday 9th and Wednesday 16th Jet and Opal Classes respectively will also present their termly Assemblies to enthral their audiences. Parents are invited to come and watch f rom 9.00am.
The SMSA are once again organising their Christmas Shop where the children can select and bu y gifts independently in school for their parents/grandparents/carers Week commencing 14th No vember o ffers our Parent/Staff Consultations Although parents can chat with staff on a daily basis, this enables them to have a dedicated talk abou t ho w children have settled in and the progress they are making We are happy to be holding these in person this year Our Year 2s will also be enjo ying a trip to see The Croods 2 at the Cinema as par t o f their English Curriculum on Thursday 17th No vember What fun!
We will once again suppor t the BBC Children In Need event planned for Friday 18th As always, we will be inviting the children to wear their o wn clo thes and doing something fun to raise money for this ver y wor thy cause! We will also be suppor ting the Ro yal British Legion through Poppy sales in school
Alongside their education, our children are enjo ying the many clubs that we can no w once again o ffer These include Multi skills, Foo tball, Gymnastics, T i FIT Musical Theatre and much more Premier Spor t continues to come into school to under take the spor ts training with the children and we are delighted that there has been such a tremendous response to all o f our clubs. Please visit our website for all up to date events and news!
So f rom there we will be looking for ward to December with preparations beginning for the Christmas Season!
The f irst half term at PBA is complete and it has been a whirlwind o f activity. Having welcomed our new pupils into the school it was amazing to see ho w quickly they settled and immediately felt par t o f the school.
Schools are amazing places I think we all kno w this bu t on occasion I have to remind myself that the breadth and depth o f activities and conversations at schools is remarkable I guess this should come as no surprise, young people are full o f ideas, questions, suggestions, comments and occasionally bizarre thoughts, bu t that is what makes schools so vibrant As teachers our job is to tr y to manage this enthusiasm, give it an oppor tunity to flourish while ensuring it does no t take o ver No t always an easy task
As we mo ve through the academic year the new year star ts it is great to get into the rhy thm o f its o wn Spor ting f ixtures have star ted, young voices is going o ther clubs are busy and the school feels so different f rom just a year or two ago We have just under 600 pupils and they are all immersing themselves into the life o f the school It has also been great to welcome so many new staff to the school. Ever y new person brings something different, Harr y Po tter club did no t exist last year and it is a great example o f ho w something can be added with the right person. On Thursday 3rd No vember we look for ward to our Open evening. The school will be able to have parents/carers and children into school to sho w the facilities and work o f the children. We will also be o ffering parents and carers an oppor tunity to tour the school during the school day in the two weeks follo wing the open evening.
With the multitude o f activities coming our way it is really impor tant to remember “ the main thing is the main thing”! The education o f our pupils, the focus on teaching and learning and the constant desire to enable pupils to make progress and achieve their po tential is our purpose. This is a full time job and while it can occasionally no t feel like it I remind all our staff regularly no t to lose sight o f this imperative. As adults is it also wor th remembering that young people are no t the f inished ar ticle, and our task during their formative years is to help them reach their po tential by focussing on those things that will impro ve their life chances: the main thing, their education Next time I write we will be talking abou t Christmas! Steve Adams - Principal
It’s fantastic to see so many children attending the clubs, making new f riends and learning new skills As well as numerous spor ts clubs our staff are running clubs for engineering, mindfulness, debating, dance, chess, yoga, basketball and rock band, there is something for ever yone Our trips have also star ted with our Year 7s heading o ff to Weymou th for their long awaited PGL adventure trip, soon to be follo wed by our Year 5s going on their residential too
We were delighted to welcome teachers f rom Roecro ft and St Mar y’s who came to see ho w well the children they previously taught have settled. The children were so excited by their visit, thank you for coming in to surprise them.
Mr Ian Evason, Mrs Jo Young and Mrs Lesley Whittle were for tunate to inter view and award our brilliant students for their positions on the Student Leadership team. The Student Leaders are a really impor tant par t o f Etonbur y, and will be implementing their ideas that will make a difference to our school.
Congratulations to:
Izzie Bro wn Principal Elias Thomas V ice Principal / Equality and Diversity Eloise Grave Student Ambassador and leading on numeracy and suppor ting learners at ETA Juniors Kimi Lewis Ambassador and leading on reading programmes for ETA Juniors Lucas Minnis Lead on Eco Team Hannah Primo - Lead on Equality and Diversity
Eleazer Nwogbe Head Bo y Lexi Mai Stimson Kew Head Girl Isabelle Beach Depu ty Head Girl Joseph Nor folk Depu ty Head Bo y
We held our f irst Full Go verning Body meeting this term with a walkaround through Juniors and the Secondar y School The Go vernors were really pleased to see ho w well the Year 5 children have settled and in such a shor t space o f time We are in no doubt that the transition work in the Summer term with the suppor t o f our lo wer schools has given the children this excellent star t In Secondar y, Go vernors saw equally focused and calm lessons. Our prospective parents continue to be sho wn around in the same way, and see the same high standards across the school.
Follo wing the passing o f HRH Queen Elizabeth II, Dr White and her Form group kindly prepared a tribu te which was taken to The Wynd Galler y in Letchwor th. It is a beau tiful display which was given a lo t o f care and thought.
We have been raising awareness o f Mental Health in suppor t o f the national campaign and welcomed PoetsIN, a charity pro viding workshops to suppor t children and adults. The assemblies pro vided thought pro voking insights for our students and staff to look after themselves and o thers too
At the time o f writing preparations are under way for our Open Evenings coming up in the next few weeks We are looking for ward to seeing our lo wer school children and their parents, and our Year 8 parents We are also really excited to be launching our f irst Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday 10 No vember 2022 We welcome anyone in the community to visit, please give us a call and join us for a personal tour which can be booked through our website
Well the clocks have no w gone backwards, nights are drawing in and winter is around the corner and Christmas is only 9 weeks away!
We are excited to announce that we have achieved Distinction for the Eco Schools Green Flag Award! The children collaborated with our Eco Lead, Miss Hodgson, to conduct an environmental review, assessing ho w eco f riendly we are as a school. They reviewed ever y thing f rom the school’s recycling practises to energy usage and ho w environmental themes are co vered in classrooms. The environment is one o f our golden threads at Fair f ield Park and it has been lo vely to see the school community living our Eco ethos and being recognised for our great effor ts in achieving our Green Flag Award with Distinction!
Well done to the new school council who have recently been vo ted by their class to represent them Mrs Ward will be meeting with them regularly on Thursday mornings and our f irst priority will be sho wing our values by looking after our school This will involve environment, behaviour, lunch and lost proper ty monitors After half term we will be working on the school council taking assemblies
A group o f children f rom KS2 had a fantastic morning at Redborne Upper School taking par t in a Dance festival Our KS1 children also took par t in a Multi Skills tournament at Etonbur y They sho wed great team work and skills to complete different activities Well done to ever yone who took par t!
Just a gentle reminder that parents should no w be looking at applications for reception and middle school places To apply please do so online (web address belo w) the deadline for applications is 15th Januar y 2023
If you would like to view either o f our school, Dickens Boulevard or Ruskin Drive please call the school on 01462 830000 to arrange a tour. www.centralbedfordshire.go v.uk/school/admissions/landing.asp.
We still have places available in our nurser y classes on bo th sites. If you would like more information or to arrange a tour o f the nurser y, please contact the school.
Please contact the school o ff ice should you require fur ther information on 01462 830000 Email fair f ield cbc beds sch ukwww fair f ield beds sch uk
The Christmas celebrations in Sto tfold are set to be bigger and better than ever this year as the to wn gets ready to celebrate the festivities. This year will see the return o f the Christmas Lights Switch On event, including an indoor Christmas Market, alongside an ou t door ice skating rink, fair rides, ref reshments and the oppor tunity for children to enjo y stor y time with Santa.
If you lo ve all things festive, or would just like to be involved in this fun community event then Sto tfold To wn Council would lo ve to hear f rom you as they gather volunteers to help ou t for the occasion If you can spare any time during the afternoon or evening on Saturday No vember 26th then please do get in touch You can email them at enquiries@sto tfoldto wncouncil.go v.uk or give them a call (01462) 730064
Other festive events include the annual Christmas Tree Festival (see the adver t belo w) and the Winter Fair, bo th events o organised by St Mar y’s Church On page 6 o f this month’s issue you will also see the adver t for the Sto tfold Creative Fair a hugely popular event! Belo w you will f ind information on this years Community Christmas Fayre... lo ts o f festive fun for the whole family to enjo y Please do tr y to suppor t these events wherever you can and if possible, get involved!
Saturday 10 December 10.00 4.00 Sunday 11 December 11.00 4.00 in St. Mar y’s Church, Sto tfold
Ref reshments, games, stalls and display o f children’s ar t work in the Church Hall Charity no: 1131275
St Mar y’s Church WINTER FAIR
St Mar y’s Church Hall Church Road, Sto tfold
Stalls, games, raffle & ref reshments Come along and snap up an early Christmas present Charity No 1131275
Conditions treated include spinal and extremity injuries, neck related headaches and sprains/strains.
Whilst we kept our f ingers crossed for days, or even weeks, beforehand we could no t possibly have anticipated the superb weather that we encountered throughou t the Working Steam Weekend With some 5,000 visitors turning ou t across the two days, it made all the hard work and preparation by our team o f volunteers wor thwhile Our sincere thanks to ever yone who contribu ted to the amazing success o f the event and also to all those paying visitors who have helped to ensure that we continue to raise the funds essential to keeping the mill open We were thrilled this month to welcome a couple o f ver y special o verseas visitors to the mill Allan and Jan Waldock, who are sho wn in the pho tograph, were visiting this countr y f rom their home in Bundaberg in Queensland, Australia They came to research and retrace some o f their family histor y Allan’s great, great, great grandfather was David Waldock who o wned the mill f rom 1841 until 1863 David took o wnership o f the mill f rom his father George and was responsible for the introduction o f several impro vements to the mill, no tably the installation o f a steam engine and the construction o f the 65ft chimney that still stands ou t on the to wn’s skyline After a guided tour o f the mill, Allan and Jan where able to read some o f the family wills and documents that are held in our archives They were also able to read more abou t the family in the book ‘They’ll Never Do It!’ written by Pam Manf ield and Trevor Radford which pro vides a comprehensive record o f the histor y and restoration o f the mill To the best o f our kno wledge there are no longer any members o f the Waldock family living in the area After their return to Australia Allan and Jan wro te to us saying “We would like to sincerely thank you all for your warm welcome and the guided tour o f the Mill.” “For one who is tracing the family histor y, and to be able to see f irsthand what the early Waldock’s were involved in, was the highlight o f my visit to the UK. What your team have achieved in restoring Sto tfold Mill, is to me no thing shor t o f amazing.” “I canno t speak highly enough o f the dedication and resourcefulness o f the people involved.”
We look for ward to ano ther group o f visitors this month when members o f the National Traction Engine Trust, who will be attending their AGM locally, and have requested a guided tour o f the mill. Members o f the NTET are steam engine enthusiasts who: ‘aspire to be the Organisation o f Choice for the vintage steam enthusiast, engine o wner or driver and events organiser working together to meet a common aim, Preser ving our Heritage in Steam on the Road’ NTET members have suppor ted our major events in May and October o ver many years for which we are most grateful
There is probably still time to book places for children to join our Hallo ween Spooktacular at 3 00pm until 5 00pm on 30th October Details o f this thrilling, chilling event can be found on our website www sto tfoldmill com, where tickets can be booked at £3 per child accompanied by an adult
Finally, the Trustees wish to record their most sincere sadness at the news o f the recent death o f Frances Huckle Frances has been a member o f the Trust since its inception and will be remembered for her commitment to the work o f Teasel in the Nature Reser ve and also for the China Smash Inspired by Frances, this attraction at the annual major events, raised many hundreds o f pounds for SMPT o ver the years She was ou tstanding as an example o f a volunteer who contribu tion so much to our community and she will be sadly missed.
Our revised opening hours: Tues: 2pm 7pm Wed: 10am 7pm Thursday: 3pm 7pm Friday: 10am 1pm Saturday: 10am 2pm
8th No vember Happy 21st Bir thday Lo
Mum, Dad, Hannah, Toby
Happy 17th Bir thday
Lo ve f rom the Kings
Belo ved Dad, Grandad and Great Grandad, passed away peacefully aged 96 in Bedford Hospital on 13th September
Dad lived in Mo wbray Crescent before living with his daughter in Rook Tree Lane. He was a familiar f igure in Sto tfold, whether at the Bo wls Club, indoor bo wls at the Con Club, playing cribbage at the old Foo tball Club, at whist club or catching buses ever y week to go into to wn A real character with a great sense o f humour, he will be missed by many.
His funeral wll be held at St Mar y's Church, Monday, 24th October at 1pm and after wards at the Sto tfold Conser vative Club.
September saw the 1st team win 1 and draw 3 o f their league f ixtures keeping them in a mid table position The Development team have found the going tough winning I and losing 3 o f their league f ixtures. The Woman’s team won their only league f ixture 4 1 a good star t. The U18 team bo wed ou t o f the FA You th Cup losing to a strong Bugbrooke St Michaels. In the league they won 1, drew 1 and lost 1. At the time o f going to print we have no league f ixtures available for the Development or Woman’s Team bu t these will be posted on the website and on social media.
Can you help us by joining our steward’s team to co ver ground stewarding and turnstile du ties? If you can spare a few hours a week, please get in touch. Our Clubhouse is open Friday Sunday to members and non members and we can o ffer a large garden area and a large function room and bar Our Kitchen ( The Corner Flag) o ffers great value food f rom a good choice menu Please keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter pages for more information
JSJ Stadium New Roker Park Arlesey Road Sto tfold, SG5 4HE 01462 539297 www sto tfoldfc co uk Twitter @sto tfoldfc Facebook @sto tfoldfc https://www sfc theclubhouse co uk
No vember f ixtures:
1st Tue1 7 45 Home Blackstones (Hinchingbrooke Cup)
U18 Wed 2 7 45 Away Newpor t Pagnell To wn
1st Sat 5 3 00 Away Dunstable To wn
1st Tue 8 7 45 Home Colney Heath
1st Sat 12 No Game
1st Tue 15 7 45 Home Bedford To wn 1st (Beds Senior Cup)
U18 Thurs 17 7 45 Home Winslo w Utd
1st Sat 19 3 00 Away Ardley Utd
1st Tue 22 7 45 Away Po tton Utd
U18 Thurs 24 7 30 Away Ampthill To wn
1st Sat 26 3 00 TBC
you have somebody in your life who has really made
over the last few
In association with the Stotfold & Arlese y Ne ws Magazine, Satchells Estate Agents are once again on the hunt for this year ’s real life C hristmas H ero.
No matter how small..if someone has m ade a difference to you this year then please nominate them NOW to let them know how m uch they mean to you
Its easy to enter...
email us at stotfold news@yahoo co
message us through either the
or call us on (01462)
can also post your
Last years Christmas Hero
For our NOVEMBER FUN QUIZ, compiled and presented by Sto tfold’s ver y o wn Brain o f Britain, David Stedman, we are taking to the catwalk for our o wn CLOTHES SHO W, with the theme o f apparel contained as a clue in each question or in each answer (ANSWERS on page 37 this month!)
1. What is the pro fessional surname o f Shirley (pictured right), the British au thor whose 1980s no vel “Lace” was an international bestseller and TV series?
2. According to the title o f the hit 1956 record by Elvis Presley, what was the colour/material o f his shoes?
3. Give the English name o f the city in which you can visit Table Mountain and Robben Island?
4. The Sco tch is a ver y ho t variety o f chilli pepper and also a type o f headgear?
5. In traditional pantomimes telling the stor y o f Cinderella, what is the name o f the young male ser vant who lo ves Cinders bu t, although she likes and trusts him, does no t return his lo ve?
6. In US these clo thing items for men are called suspenders. What are they kno wn as in the UK?
7. The duster is a full length light and loose coat to pro tect f rom dust and rain as worn by early au tomobile passengers. Which modern day car company produces the model named Duster?
8 A cu t o f beef steak f rom the plate o f the animal is long, flat and prized for its flavour rather than tenderness The f ive letter name o f what type o f apparel is normally used in the UK to describe this cu t?
9 No w inextricably associated with the f inest achievement o f Tor vill and Dean, what is the name o f the musical work by Maurice Ravel which premiered in 1928?
10 The Welsh county o f Ceredigion contains the to wns o f Aber ystwy th, Aberaeron and Lampeter, as well as the to wn kno wn by the old Anglicised name o f the county What name?
11 The character o f Sergeant Cu ff is one o f the earliest detective characters in British f iction and is a central character in the no vel entitled “The Moonstone” Who was the au thor?
12. What is the title o f the 1950s f ilm musical (pictured right), based on the 1930s f ilm “Nino tchka”, which starred Fred Astaire and Cyd Charisse?
13. In the UK it is called a dinner jacket Ho w is the same item kno wn in the USA?
14. What is the title o f the 1993 Wallace and Gromit animated adventure in which the pair take in a penguin, who turns ou t to be a criminal, as a lodger?
15. In the US postal system, what three letter acronym deno tes their equivalent o f the UK postcode?
16. In which no vel by Charles Dickens does Pip bef riend and share lodgings with Herber t Pocket?
17. In the US, annual competitions to f ind the best amateur boxers are kno wn as the Golden , what?
18. This Jamaica based chain o f luxur y Caribbean resor ts for couples was founded in 1981 by entrepreneur Gordon Stewar t and shares its name with what type o f foo twear?
19. What name is shared by a popular spor t; a pop group which had a hit with “The Bo y From New York City”; and, in tailoring, folds sewn into a fabric to pro vide ease or shape the fabric to the wearer ’s body?
20 The stor y, perhaps apocr yphal, is that the US under wear industr y was hit by an enormous loss o f sales when the male star o f the 1930s f ilm “It Happened One Night” (pictured belo w) took o ff his jacket and shir t to reveal he was no t wearing an undershir t or vest! Who was the male star o f this f ilm who wielded such fashion influence?
For more fascinating facts and to do wnload and read my no vels, completely free o f charge, please visit my website davidstedman co uk or Google david stedman
The Greenacre Centre
Valerian Way, Sto tfold
Hitchin, Her ts, SG5 4HG
Telephone number: 01462 730064
Email address: enquiries@sto tfoldto wncouncil.go v.uk Website: www.sto tfoldto wncouncil.go v.uk
Opening hours: 10am to 4pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri CLOSED WEDNESDAYS
The f irst Sat o f the month 5k at Letchwor th Common will be on the 5th No vember at 9am Entr y is f ree and the details are on our website nhrr org uk We continue our training sessions with qualif ied coaches on Tues & Thurs evenings at 7pm These are open to all runners and we welcome ever yone f rom no vice to experienced runners Contact nhrr.org.uk or Ian on 07506 429928
“All change!” That’s what they said when you came to the last stop, the end o f the line This is when change is forced on you, and you don’t have a choice Sometime change is welcome, bu t at o ther time it isn’t We might resist it, even f ight against it Sometimes we are successful, and at o ther times there’s no thing we can do.
Over two thousand years ago the people o f God were also in a situation no t o f their o wn choosing. They, too, found that change was being forced on them. Enemies on either side watched and waited, and the situation in the nation seemed dire.
Abou t this time God spoke to the prophet Jeremiah telling him to bu y a f ield. Bu t most people at the time weren’t thinking abou t investing or so wing. They weren’t looking to the fu ture with faith and expectancy. They had little hope and could no t envision a time o f f ruitfulness and prosperity. That’s why Jeremiah’s act o f bu ying a f ield stood ou t it was in def iance o f the status quo, it went against the general mood o f hopelessness and despair What’s more, when this happened Jeremiah himself was in prison, locked up and guarded You might imagine that he too would give in to hopelessness and despir, bu t his spirit was no t daunted He had a vision that could see beyond the physical walls o f his prison cell He had a faith that could reach beyond the despair o f his people and the hopelessness o f those times
Others may have wanted to pull up their roo ts and run away or slink away and hide, bu t no t Jeremiah Even though he may have had more reasons than most to give up on life and give in to despair, he didn’t He had faith in God and he had hope for the fu ture What’s more, he acted on that by bu ying a f ield, pu tting his money where his mou th was a physical, tangible sign o f f ruitfulness and prosperity yet to come
May you all kno w the comfor ting presence and the life changing po wer o f God in your lives
Meetings are held on the second Wednesday o f the month at St. Mar y’s Church Hall, Church Road.
Wednesday 9th No vember 2022
Talk by Andrew Babic z ‘Edinburgh Hor ticultural Gardens’ Tea and Co ffee ser ved and meeting star ts at approximately 10:15am. Raffle
For more information, contact Peter on: (01462) 834854 or 07758649721
light shines in the darkness,
the darkness
no t o vercome
” Jn 1v5
our annual Remembrance ser vices, I am always mo ved by the words “We will remember them” It’s a commitment given all who ser ve in the armed forces
can be happy or painful
can be diff icult, or may be becoming impossible Sometimes a piece o f music or a f ragrance will pro voke memor y Remembrance is an investment Our shared rituals, or those that we carr y ou t privately, cement impor tant structures into our existence Whether they are a ceremony, or a flo wer, or ar t, poetr y or music or a combination, they strengthen us, helping us to mo ve through loss or injur y or times o f darkness Faith is par t o f that too John’s Gospel describes Jesus Christ as the light o f the world: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has no t o vercome it ” The Gospel talks abou t a light that has been there f rom before the beginning o f time and space, one that darkness has never been able to extinguish As we commit to our acts o f Remembrance this No vember, it’s good to reflect on the light that shines in our lives or maybe in our memories May God enable us to use it to help eacho ther through the darkness
Revd Graham
07340 857386 Graham Claydon Knights@methodist org uk
We have extended our Methodist Church Co ffee morning, on the f irst Saturday o f the month: no w f rom 10am to 12pm. Monday Club 2pm to 3:30pm. Our No vember preachers are:
6th : Revd Julian Blakemore (written, ser vice led by the congregation).
13th : Revd Dr David Chapman, Chair o f District, for Remembrance Sunday.
20th : Rev Jane Wheatley, for Church Anniversar y. 27th : Cath Edmonds, for Advent Sunday.
Discover everything you’ll need this Christmas including real trees, beautiful wreaths and fabulous gift ideas for everyone – including the family pet!
You’ll be surprised at our fantastic ranges of indoor furniture, clothing, toys and beautiful interior accessories to make your house a home.
Our friendly and unique garden centres are the perfect destination to shop for your everyday essentials at Archie’s Grocery Store.
Wander through our magical wonderland of Christmas lights and decorations
gain a little inspiration this Christmas!
Why not complete a day’s shopping in one of our onsite cafes or come and join in the fun at one of our exciting Christmas events!
The Annual Memorial Ser vice is on Sunday 30 October at 3 00pm This is an oppor tunity to remember with thanksgiving our family members and f riends who have died The vicar will read ou t the names o f lo ved ones who have died in this and previous years The Winter Fair will be held on Saturday 5 No vember 2 00pm 4pm in the Church Hall Do come along The Remembrance Sunday Ser vice will be on 13 No vember at 3 30pm in St Mar y’s Church Members o f the public are asked to gather at the War Memorial at the Sto tfold Cemeter y on Mill Lane by 2 30pm for the ser vice which begins at 2 45pm The Churches Together Carols by Torchlight ser vice will be held in the St Mar y’s churchyard on 4 30pm on Sunday 4 December
Your Parish Church is open ever y day f rom 9 00am 4 30pm for anyone who wants a time o f quiet personal prayer or refection or to light a candle There is also a Prayer Box in which you can place a prayer
The vicar will later pray your prayer at our daily ser vices
Ever y Sunday in Church:
9 00am Sunday Morning Prayer A 20 minu te ser vice withou t Holy Communion or sermon
10 00am Parish Communion and Sunday School for children
First Sunday o f the Month:
8 00am Said Communion
9 00am Sunday Morning Prayer
10 00am Parish Communion and Sunday School for children
4 00pm Tea Time Praise for young families
Wednesday Ser vice in Church
9 45am Parish Communion: a 40 minu te ser vice Monday Saturday in Church
9.00am. Morning Prayer Ser vice.
Tuesdays 2.00pm, second and four th Tuesdays, Whist Drive in Church Hall Wednesday social events: 10.30am 12 f irst Wednesday o f the month, Community Co ffee Morning (except Januar y & August)
2.00pm, second Wednesday o f the month, Hymns for Fun 3.00pm, third Wednesday o f the month, Women’s Fello w Group in Church Hall Noon, last Wednesday o f the month, Friends Lunch, The Stag Christenings/Baptisms Will be held at 2 30pm and 3 30pm on the 4th Sunday o f the month Please contact Sara Clark, sara clark3@ntlworld com 01462 625270
Funerals The Parish Church is available for any local person’s funeral,contact 01462 730218 or revd bill britt@gmail com
With spor t being such a huge par t o f Sonny’s lifestyle since four years old, it was obvious that it would become central to his career and form the basis for his o wn business as he grew older and continued to follo w his passion. With an extremely varied spor ting background which included tennis, foo tball and swimming all at a high level, Sonny continued to explore his lo ve o f spor t by taking up American Foo tball where he is no w captain o f the junior team and has helped take them to many championship games. Having been selected to play for the national Great Britain American Foo tball Team for the under 19’s, Sonny’s passion for spor t and f itness continues to thrive.
Alongside American Foo tball, Sonny also f inds time to compete in Po wer Lifting and has recently qualif ied for the British Championships and is hoping to qualify for the European Championships in the near fu ture.
With all his spor ting exper tise, Sonny decided to use his kno wledge to help o thers with their f itness journey and is no w a qualif ied Level 3 f itness trainer o ffering coaching in most spor ting activities, including po werlifting Sonny is keen to help o thers impro ve their body form and general f itness and health Sonny is able to cater for all levels o f f itness - If you are stuck for an idea as to what to bu y somebody as a gift, Sonny also o ffers gift vouchers! See the adver t to the right o f this ar ticle for more details
Why no treat somebody to better health & f itness with a GIFT VOUCHER! All levels o f f itness catered for
(All the follo wing events are FREE and no booking is required )
~Ever y Tuesday~
10 30am Stor y and Rhyme Time (recommended for children aged 0-5)
~Ever y Thursday~ *In par tnership with the Children’s Centre* 10 30am Sing and Sign (recommended for children aged 0-5)
~Ever y 2nd & 4th Monday~ *In par tnership with the Children’s Centre*
14th & 28th No vember 9am 10am Family Suppor t Drop in (families with children aged 0 12 years)
Ever y Saturday
Lego and Duplo Club 10am 3pm (recommended for ages 0 99+)
Ever y Friday
10.30am 12pm Knit and Knatter
Sto tfold Librar y Opening Times: Monday Closed Tuesday 9am 1pm Wednesday 2pm 6pm Thursday 9am 1pm Friday 9am 1pm & 2pm 6pm Saturday 9am 4pm
The PathwaySTILL Communit y Interest Company is pleased to be able to o ffer FREE Anxiet y Workshops for adults and young people (aged 8 years upwards).
We are delivering ‘The STILL Method’ Anxiety Workshops in your local area. A FREE 6 week course that will equip you with the tools to help manage and reduce anxiet y EMAIL us NO W on info@thepathwaystillcic.co.uk to register your interest.
We have been for tunate this month to have been given a wonder ful picture by Eileen Minnis taken sometime between 1957 1958 sho wing the White Horse dar ts team We also have most names to go alongside it
BR: Eric Long,?,Ray Minnis, Len Long, Ron Alwyn, George Turner, Nelson,Bushell, Asahel Saunders, ?
MR: Bill Shoo ter, V ic Dear, Edie Richards, Mrs Bacon, Mrs Turner, Mrs Sherdell, Mrs Pearmon, Lol Clark, Seba Saunders
FR: Eileen Dear(Minnis), Brunny Hewitt, Cyril Dear Landlord, Percy Bacon, Bill Piermon, Molly Clark, Doris Br yan, Ivy Saunders
Citizen’s Advice Bureau
01525 402742
Trading Standards Advice Line 0300 300 8136
Samaritans 01462 455333
Bir ths, Deaths & Marriages 0300 300 8089
Sto tfold Good Neighbour Group 07599 925587
Hope Chapel 01462 686803
King’s Baptist Church 01462 730521
Methodist Church 01462 646562
Salvation Army Hall 01462 731072
Ladies Fello wship 01462 730739
St Mar y’s Church 01462 730218
St Mar y's Church Hall 07727 688877
Friends o f St Mar y’s 01462 834108
Fair f ield Community Church 07376 740410
Sto tfold To wn Council 01462 730064
Email: enquiries@sto tfoldto wncouncil go v uk
Central Bedfordshire Council, Prior y House, Chicksands, Shefford SG17 5TQ 0300 300 8000
Email customer.ser vices@centralbedfordshire.go v.uk Web www centralbedfordshire go v uk
Waste Collection / Recycling / Dog Warden / Fly tipping / Grass Cu tting / Street Cleaning / Abandoned Vehicles 0300 300 8631 or 0300 300 8632
More Central Bedfordshire Council telephone numbers can be found listed at www sto tfoldnews co uk
Larksf ield Surger y Appointments 01462 732244 Enquiries 01462 732200
Ou t o f Hours Ser vice: MDoc Call 111
Physio therapy & Spinal Injur y Clinic 01462 735700
Arlesey Medical Centre 01462 732144
Ashwell Dental 01462 742353
Sto tfold Dental Surger y 01462 731938
Electricity Emergencies 0800 7 838 838
Gas Emergencies 0800 111999
Bedford Hospital 01234 355122
Lister Hospital 01438 314333
NHS Direct 08 45 46 47
First Garden City Homes 01462 683307
Pioneer House, Nor ton Way Sou th, Letchwor th Garden City, Her ts, SG6 1NY Grand Union Housing all enquiries 0300 123 5544
Sto tfold Librar y 0300 300 8068
Arlesey Resource Centre & Librar y 01462 731469.
Beds Police (Crime repor ting) 01234 841212
Crimestoppers 0800 555111
Coach & Horses 01462 734135
Fox & Duck 01462 732434
The Chequers Pub 01462 732333
The Cro wn 01462 731061
The Stag Tavern 01462 731098 Cafe
Box o f Cakes Cafe & Cake Shop 07812 055587
Etonbur y Academy 01462 730391
Pix Brook Academy 01462 416243
Fair f ield Park Lo wer School 01462 830000
Roecro ft Lo wer School 01462 730336
St Mar y’s Academy 01462 730343
Samuel Whitbread Academy 01462 629900
After School Clubs
Pippin Pre School 01462 834897
SMASH, St Mar y’s School 07971 354093 Toddler Groups
0800 1111
National Menengitis Trust 0845 6000800
Samaritans 08457 909090
NSPCC 0800 800 5000
01462 731072 Nurseries
Pippin Pre School 01462 834897
Poppies Nurser y 07833 927906
Poppyf ields Nurser y 01462 830008
Treetops Day Nurser y 01462 734306 Transpor t
Trains (National Enquiries) 08457 484950
Whitbread Wanderbus 0300 123 3023
Boxall Taxis 01462 433333 Greenacre Transfers
Airpor ts & Chau ffeur Ser vices 07555 70 78 48 www.greenacretransfers.co.uk
Sue Matejtschuk (SCM Accountancy)
01462 624926
Aber y Mo tor Centre 01462 733246
AD Garden Rooms 01438 313765
A JB Fencing 07837 791365
A J Day Builders 01767 314445
Alf ie’s Barbers 01462 658449
Andy Leonard Painter & Decorator 07889 903283
Arlesey Walking Group 01462 638286
Arlesey Pharmacy 01462 731200
Arlesey Social Club 01462 731361
Aquarius Garden Design 01462 731292
Ashwell So ftware / Sigma Off ice 01462 742783
Barn Hair Studio 01462 835611
Bal & Co Mo tor Care 01462 731500
Beale Bros Bu tchers 01462 730392
Bews Electrical 01462 834488
Big Minibus Hire 07817 766997
BK Electrical / Brian Kelly 07817545314
Box Of Cakes Cafe & Cake Shop 07812 055587
Brian McInally Gas & Heating Engineer 01462 337218 Britannia Coaches 01462 436125
Broadband Communications 01462 732628
Brontë’s Floral Designs 07787 847141
BSH Glazing ( Windo ws & Doors) 01462 730884
Bugs ‘n’ Things Pest Control 0800 026 8823
Builders SJ Brock 01462 231257
C J Flooring 01462 732665
Carpet Cleaning ACCS Ltd 01462 629302
Carpets & Flooring Letchwor th Carpet Centre 01462 481312
Carpets & Flooring Paul Faulkner 01462 731674
Catsitter Claire 07984 344997
Centroheat Domestic Boiler & Heating Ser vices 07885 415363
Compu ter Repairs NIck Saunders 07521 279960
The Cooker Buddy Oven Cleaning 01462 810065
Chris Webster, Sto tfold 01462 834108 (Correspondent for The Comet )
Darren Peters Proper ty Maintenance 01462 733322
Dennison’s House & Garden Clearance 07522 354141
DMC Tiling 01462 231459
Dog walking & cat sitting Smiley Pets 07894 561765
EH Crouch Funeral Directors 01462 834040
Electrician Terr y C Seymour 01462 236559
Fair f ield Bo wls Club 07811 738599
Fencing (A JB) 07837 791365
Finesse Interiors 01462 896046
First Step Estate Agents 01462 659730
Foo t Health Pro fessional V icki Eagles 07812 399659
Foo t Pro Podiatr y 07377 536685
The Garden Robin Limited 01462 815968
Gifford Dance Academy 07585 221513
Graham Smith Brickwork & Paving 01462 731829
Greenacre Transfers Airpor ts & Chau ffeur Ser vices
www.greenacretransfers.co.uk 07555 707848
Guides Sto tfold Guide Association 01462 235273
HB Decorators 01462 732960
Heritage Paving 01462 730682
Hypno therapy Pathway Hypno therapy Rooms 07497157531
James’s Carpentr y & Handyman Ser vice 01462 234292
Jar vis Foo tcare 07816 329363
Kumari Chiropractic 07479 945995
Locksmith Ser vices 01462 290226
Lo ved Gardens 07981 275663
Maintenance Ser vices SHMS 01462 887366
Mo w & Weedit Garden Ser vices 07765 495200
New Kitchens 01462 812826
Nick Sayer Plumbing & Heating 07456 559756
Nor th Her ts Road Runners 01462 639215
Oven Clean & Repair Ser vices 07878 444559
Painter/Decorator Paul A Robinson 07761 751634 01462 232642
Paul Adler Opticians 01462 732393
Paul Eley Tiling 07818 000508
Paul Thomas Landscaping 07889 811065
Piano Lessons Christine Walker 01462 731357
Pilates Zanna Newton 07719 862371
Plumbing ALM Plumbing 07950 311963
Plumbing C Plumb 01462 700862
Plumbing & Heating GSP Heating & Plumbing 01462 615922
Plumbing J D Heating & Plumbing Ser vices LTD 07474 444288
Plum tek 01462 618058
RH Gardens 01462 612033
Roecro ft Centre Maureen Winters 07727 688877
Regency Flo wers 01462 732616
Remo vals AG Jenkins 01462 730562
Sto tfold & Arlesey Ro yal British Legion 01462 734133
Satchells Estate Agents 01462 733730
Saunders Garage 01462 730222
Sheldon Electricals 01767 448188
Slimming World 01354 462322
Solicitors HR J Foreman Laws 01462 458711
St Mar y's Church Hall 07727 688877
Sto tfold Ar t Group 07734 304590
Sto tfold Bo wls Club 01462 628204
Sto tfold Conser vative Club 01462 730534
Sto tfold Foo tball Club 01462 539297
Sto tfold Gardening Club 01462 834854
Sto tfold Good Neighbour Group 07599 925587
Sto tfold Junior Foo tball Club 07706 951263
Sto tfold Judo Club 07872 594499
Sto tfold Twirlers 07732 505614
Sto tfold Mill 01462 734541
Sto tfold News Magazine 01462 731986
Sto tfold Pharmacy 01462 730249
Sto tfold Shor t Mat Bo wls Club 01462 730841
Sto tfold Women’s Institu te 01462 730751
Tailoring Ser vice 07575 417217
V intage Painted Furniture & Workshops
Shel's Shabby Chic 01462 234228
Warrens Windo ws 01462 261401
Windo ws Repairs & Installations (J Garside) 07951 473505
Windo w Cleaning ACCS Ltd 01462 629302
Vets 01462 416416
Yoga Freda Dodswor th 01767 627611