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News from St Mary’s Church
You may have heard of church “seasons” such as Advent and Lent. This year St Mary’s will be celebrating a less wellknown season – the Season of Creation. It begins on 1 September and ends on 4 October. For five weeks we will be exploring the urgent ecological challenges facing our generation, praying about it and considering what environmental actions we can take. Caring for the environment will be the theme of our Sunday and Wednesday services and four Wednesday evening discussion groups during September based on Ruth Valerio’s book, “Saying Yes to Life” , which challenges us to look at how our choices as consumers impact the environment and the lives of people in developing countries.
St Mary’s will also be supporting our sister church, All Saints, Radwell which is organising a two-mile chalk river pilgrimage from Ivel Springs in Baldock to Radwell on Sunday 11 September. The day before, from 2.00pm-5.00pm on Saturday 10 September, everyone is invited to St Mary’s Church for Cream Teas, Cookies and Savouries.
Your Parish Church is open every day from 9.00am-4.30pm for anyone who wants a time of quiet personal prayer or refection or to light a candle. There is also a Prayer Box in which you can place a prayer. The vicar will later pray your prayer at our daily services.
WORSHIP SERVICES: Every Sunday in Church: 9.00am. Sunday Morning Prayer. A 20-minute service without Holy Communion or a sermon. 10.00am. Parish Communion and Sunday School for children. First Sunday of the Month: 8.00am. Said Communion 9.00am. Sunday Morning Prayer 10.00am. Parish Communion and Sunday School for children. 4.00pm. Tea Time Praise for young families. Wednesday Service in Church 9.45am. Parish Communion: 40 minute service. Monday-Saturday in Church 9.00am. Morning Prayer Service. Evensong 6:00pm, second Sunday of the month
SOCIAL EVENTS: Tuesdays 2.00pm, 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, Whist Drive Church Hall Wednesday social events: 10.30am-12 first Wednesday of the month, Community Coffee Morning 2.00pm, second Wednesday of the month, Hymns for Fun 3.00pm, third Wednesday of the month, Women’s Fellow Group in Church Hall Noon, last Wednesday of the month, Friendship Lunch at The Stag
Conditions treated include spinal and extremity injuries, neck related headaches and sprains/strains.
We are NOW OPEN Our revised opening hours: Tues: 2pm-7pm Wed: 10am-7pm Thursday: 3pm-7pm Friday: 10am - 1pm Saturday: 10am-2pm
Christenings/Baptisms Will be held at 2.30pm and 3.30pm on the 4th Sunday of the month. Please contact Sara Clark sara.clark3@ntlworld.com or 01462 625270. Funerals contact Revd. Bill on 01462 730218 or revd.bill.britt@gmail.com