Clean Stove Initiative Indonesia

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INDONESIA CSI Clean Stove Initiative 2014 - 2016

253,610,000 49%




Lack of local stove testing and development capacities

Rural Population

47% 79.6% 11% 164,651


Population using solid fuels for cooking Rural population using solid fuels Access to clean fuels (% of population with access to electricity and gas) Number of deaths per year from Household Air Pollution

Lack of monitoring and verification capacities Weakness in local SMEs producing efficient and clean stoves Lack of understanding of the issue by local (provincial and district) authorities

STOVEPLUS SUPPORT Strengthen stove testing capacities and facilities to enable stove certification under the pilot program.

Set-up a monitoring and verification system to ensure that the certified ICS reach the end users and are adopted

Reduce CO, CO2 and particulate matter emissions (PM 2.5) into the atmosphere Protect the climate and local environment, and diminish pressure on natural resources 1 quality testing laboratory is established at the YDD office; the team is trained and able to

Identify and support local market actors that can produce quality stoves

conduct stove R&D 1 benchmark of 18 stoves to compare the efficiency and the cleanliness 1 Monitoring and Verification system is set up to ensure the adoption of ICS by end-users Chosen SMEs are selected to improve and strengthen the whole value chain of ICS

PARTNERS OWNER Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia World Bank AFD DFID YDD / Light of the Village Foundation

Raise the awareness of local authorities on the latest developments in the cookstove and household energy sectors


from the production to the distribution

Awareness raising toolkits are developed for local decision makers Fill the gap between policy and practice in Indonesia’s cookstove sector


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