Up-scaling Improved Cookstove Dissemination in Myanmar

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SCALE MYANMAR 2014 - 2018


Strengthening improved Cookstove Access

55,750,000 67% 93% > 95% 3% 48,521




Rural Population

Cookstove production in Myanmar is largely fragmented and non-standardized

Population using solid fuels for cooking

The performance of the cookstoves remains unknown and their efficiency is contested

Rural population using solid fuels Access to clean fuels (% of population with access to electricity and gas) Number of deaths per year from Household Air Pollution

Supporting ICS sector development and working with our partner EGG to scale up the production, supply and promotion of improved

Reduce CO, CO2 and particulate matter emissions (PM 2.5) into the atmosphere Protect the climate and local environment, and diminish pressure on natural resources 300 000 Burmese households spend about 30% less money buying charcoal and less time

cookstoves. Stimulating domestic demand for ICS.

Consumers rarely have information on the quality, performance or safety of such equipment Absence of stove testing facilities, common stove performance protocols and cookstove standards

STOVEPLUS ANSWERS Fostering a policy environment that is supportive of positive climate and energy action.


collecting firewood, saving approximately USD 5 million by the end of the project 80 SMEs are trained in producing and distributing standardized ICS and 1 business association is founded 200 jobs are created for newly trained, skilled craftspeople

PARTNERS OWNER GERES European Commission Ever Green Group (EGG) ETC Foundation / ENERGIA Forest Department, Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry of Myanmar

1 quality testing laboratory is established at the Forest Research Institute 1 labeling scheme and set of standards is drafted and piloted A national biomass strategy is developed

CONTACT info@stoveplus.org www.stoveplus.org

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