"Building Business Cases to Reach Scale: A Study on Biomass Cookstove Business Models in Asia and Africa"
IcoProDac / NLS -‐ GERES CAMBODIA Company's stage of development: IcoProDac Business Association, created by GERES and legally registered in 2004, is currently in expansion and growth. Its 270 members, made of producers, distributors and wholesalers of the New Lao Stove (NLS), work mainly in the informal sector, running operations out of their homes.. Artisanal production, low mechanization and robotization. Open source technology. Product: Artisanal production of improved biomass cookstove designed after the "Thai Bucket" stove. Stove saves 22% of wood and charcoal compared to traditional stoves. Provides a safer and quicker source of heat. It permits better air circulation and combustion. Made of heat resistant materials, which ensure longevity. Price: Fixed at the production unit level; the price policy is specified in the Association’s statutes. Final price at the end user level might vary according to a number of factors (geographical area, market trends, etc.) – from 3.5 to 7 USD Sales: Currently more than 400,000 NLS stoves are sold every year Investments are mostly made at the production level, donation of some basic equipment and tools, training of new producers, quality control, and monitoring. There were a number of investments made by the Business Units, especially at the level of the Production Unit, mainly in increasing production supplies and equipment. Company reported figures: In 2006, GERES Cambodia was the 1st project developer to bring a stove project (the New Lao Stove) to the voluntary carbon market (Verified Carbon Standard VCS). The NLS, targeted to urban areas and, avoided the emission of 1,464,625 tons of CO2eq (VCS credits generated from 2003 to 2011), NKS targeted rural areas, as it can burn fuel wood. By the end of 2013 GERES was reporting more than 3,000,000 ICS sold, covering 1,274,000 Households of the country (41 % of the Cambodian market)
Stoveplus Program GERES Ι