Presentation by GIZ Bangladesh

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Dissemination of Improved Cook Stove in Bangladesh

Zunayed Ahmed Adviser Sustainable Energy for Development GIZ Bangladesh 30.05.2014

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Traditional stove in a rural household  3 raised points One fuel inlet  Deep: 20-40 cm No primary air inlet

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Impact of the use of traditional stoves • Traditional stoves cause indoor air pollution – Smoke is hazardous to health (e.g. eye ailment, bronchial diseases, headache, even cancer) Bangladesh: 14,000 women and 32,000 children die every year [WHO]  Wastage of fuel (efficiency: 5% - 10%)  Consumption of biomass Household: 8 kg/day Bangladesh: 80 – 100 million tons/year

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Development of ICS  Performance of stove depends on - Fuel - Cooking habit - Food cooked  Development of improved stove started around 50 years ago  Many different stoves: e.g. Rocket stove  Stoves for coal, wood, char coal, briquette, straw (?)

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Development of ICS in Bangladesh Institute of Fuel Research and Development (IFRD) of Bangladesh Council of Science and Industrial Research undertook research and development work on improved cook stove (ICS) in the 1980’s ICS with / without chimney Portable / fixed Half underground / over the ground Clay / Brick Updraft (30 models)  Down draft (Eindhoven Technical University of Holland) (9 models) Domestic / commercial

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Fixed ICS

Portable ICS

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Improved Cook Stove (ICS) ICS developed by IFRD have following advantages: - efficiency: 26%-29% - significant fuel saving: 50% - 60% - reduction of indoor air pollution, especially for ICS with chimney - reduction of GHG emission (1.8 ton/ICS/year) - affordable to people (e.g. low cost) - acceptable by people - usable for all types of biomass available - locally available raw material

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ICS being promoted by GIZ - Started in December 2005 - Adaptation of technology (IFRD, BCSIR) - Stove only with chimney (over the ground, half underground) - Learning through doing & field testing ○ 3-pot ICS with 1 chimney & 2 grates ○ 2-pot ICS with 1 chimney & 2 grates ○ 1-pot ICS with 1 chimney & 1 grate ○ clay / brick

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GIZ Start - GIZ started with NISHORGO project of USAID - GIZ built up capacity of NGOs, starting with Grameen Shakti - More and more NGOs participated (RSF, Hilful Fuzl, UBOMUS, TMMS, RDF, etc.) - over 250 NGOs

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GIZ Approach  GIZ focuses on sustainability  GIZ aims to create market  GIZ tries to train up people who will build and sell ICS  For own profit, they will carry on ICS building and selling  ICS is simple, but a technical product; Quality should be maintained  User’s training ensures proper operation  Monitoring must be done on regular basis  GIZ understands that maintenance & after sales service must be ensured

Brand Name: Bondhu Chula 30.05.2014 30.05.2014

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Bondhu Chula (Clay / brick made)

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Basic of GIZ activity  Facilitate sustainability market development  Facilitate Partner to do business with Bondhu Chula, which will make it sustainable.  The partner should continue dissemination of Bondhu Chula after contracted project period.

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Training on Bondhu Chula Construction 2006 - Clay stove -

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Bondhu Chula Fair

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Concrete ICS Mid 2010: start with concrete Stove (Bricks, sand, cement) Advantages: - can be produced with defined forms - quality can be maintained during production - can be installed quicker - can be used soon after installation - needs less maintenance and after sales service - lasts long - can even be shifted - total cost is almost same - a commercial good (household can not produce self!)

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Activities  Creating functional supply chain  Creating Bondhu Chula entrepreneurs  Training of entrepreneurs and their technicians on marketing, production, installation, maintenance and after sales services  Awareness building and marketing  Coordination with local governments  Users’ training  Monitoring  Maintenance  After sales services  Data collection 30.05.2014 30.05.2014 30.05.2014

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Market Development  The market of ICS is very low, although improved over the last few years.  Awareness building + Marketing to go simultaneously  Why awareness building?  People are not aware about effects of indoor air pollution  Traditional stoves are made by women themselves and do not cost  Traditional stoves are women’s own stoves  ICS costs money; HHs are reluctant to pay  Traditional stoves have to do with tradition of thousands of years  Biomass fuel is in rural areas mostly collected, in urban areas purchased  If fuel is collected, people do not value fuel saving  Cooking habit – behavioral change (very difficult!) 30.05.2014 30.05.2014

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GIZ’s Initiative on Entrepreneur Development - GIZ has started to build up entrepreneurs in every union, who will carry on ICS activities after project period -Train up masons and sanitary shops on - Building of ICS - Installation of ICS - Help in promotion & marketing - Help in providing after sales services - Help in providing user’s training - Monitoring and quality control - Maintenance and after sales service

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GIZ’s current activities - GIZ has successfully implemented jointly with DOE a project (CCT + GIZ funding) of 500,000 ICS - 2nd phase to be started soon - Developed 5,500 entrepreneurs - Trained 15,000 technicians - Currently GIZ partners are producing 80,000 ICS per month - GIZ has 500 dedicated full time staffs and 1200 volunteers

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Achievement of GIZ till date  Market is developing day by day  Over 20,000 persons trained  About 1,500,000 domestic Chula sold  About 5,000 institutional Chula sold  Dissemination is speeding up!  Over 200 Partner NGOs  Over 5000 partner entrepreneurs  Over 10,000 persons are earning livelihood by making Chula.

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Vision: Replace all traditional stoves by improved cook stoves - Bondhu Chula – within 2021 Impact Less indoor air pollution; saving 46,000 lives/year Health benefit: less suffering & saving medicine costs Saving of 30-40 million tons of biomass - (current value: over Tk 6,000 crore)  Reduction of 50 – 70 million tons of CO2 per year Conservation / regeneration of forest Regeneration of soil fertility (bringing cow dung / biomass to soil) Income generation for builders of ICS and trainers of ICS construction (mid term: 20,000 jobs) 30.05.2014 30.05.2014

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