September Tidings 2011

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TIDINGS & I We continue our property improvements at Saint Paul’s. You will notice new and safer steps leading down from the municipal parking lot to the church. The mason, Stephen Preiss, in the middle of his work came to the rectory to ask if Episcopalians believed in the Trinity. We said, ―Of course.‖ Look to see the three small stones at the center of the stairway denoting the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Trinity is our experience of God from earliest times. God is Creator, Savior and strengthening Guide, all in inter-relationship, all in one. This experience of the divine indicates to us that interrelationship and community are at the heart of God. Accordingly, they are also significant for us as Christians and as a Christian community. We live into our faith through community. We cannot be Christian on our own. We have to be in community with others. As we step up in faith, as on the new stairs built this summer, we enter into a Trinitarian community where relationship with one another is essential. The Trinity is at the heart of our connections. ~Cliff

visited Ground Zero in April 2002 on the 4th Sunday of Easter. It had been months since Saint Paul’s had sent two teams to help out. A friend with me had served as a Marine Captain in Vietnam. He said even after seven months he could still detect the smell of burnt flesh like what he had known in battle. For me, it felt like my visit to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington – somberness, deep compassion and ache for those lost. This month we mark the tenth anniversary of 9/11. At worship we will offer special prayers. There will be a display at the back of the church, and the Faith Forum will be given over to a study of that day and its significance for our current faith and life. We will also publish a booklet of reminiscences by Saint Paul’s members who went to Ground Zero in November 2001 and January 2002 to help out. Beginning on 9/12, the day after the attack, the Episcopal Church had two priests ―in the pile‖ at each shift round the clock for six months. Saint Paul’s, Chestnut Hill gave support on two occasions to that merciful presence. Today we recall with gratitude all those who served. ~Cliff

(John 21:12)

The St. Barnabas breakfast team will be serving Creamed Chipped Beef & Bacon breakfast on Sunday, September 18 beginning at 8:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall. They say breakfast is the most important meal so we offer it every Sunday. Saint Paul’s has what’s most important for life – the Gospel of Jesus. Come & See


Howell is working part time at Saint Paul’s to manage our online presence (the parish’s website, online photo gallery and Facebook pages). Ian lives in Philadelphia with his wife who is a pediatrician at CHOP. He already manages two websites, has a master’s degree from Yale and spends the rest of his time as a professional countertenor singer. Ian will be in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays and can be contacted at this address:

The Saint Paul’s Rummage Sale will take place on Saturday, September 10 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. There is a great assortment of clothing, antiques, opportunity, linens, books, jewelry and of course, the French Room. Admission is only $2. Spread the word to all of your friends, neighbors and colleagues so they can come too. There will be a pre-sale party on Friday, September 9 from 6 until 8:30 p.m. Admission is $10, lots of good food, and a 20% mark-up in selected departments.


Ninety-five percent of the net proceeds from the Rummage Sale go toward the outreach efforts of Saint Paul’s. The focus is on serving the hungry and homeless especially in our community. Some of the non-profits that have benefitted from outreach grants include Face to Face in Germantown, House of Grace Catholic Workers in Kensington, Chestnut Hill Meals on Wheels, and the Community Cupboard in Ambler, just to name a few. All of the leftover goods are donated to other charities for reuse or resale. Those organizations include The Career Center takes men’s and women’s suits for individuals who need business clothing and Liberty Thrift Stores which provides employment and housing to persons recently released from Graterford Correctional Facility. Other organizations include Whosoever Gospel Mission in Germantown, Teen Challenge International in Germantown, and the Seamen’s Church Institute. Please join us in supporting these worthy organizations.

Each year, the St. Thomas of Villanova Day of Service brings together nearly 5,000 students, faculty, staff, alumni and their families working in partnership with neighborhood agencies to perform service throughout Greater Philadelphia. This annual event builds upon the great service performed throughout the year by the Villanova community and exists as a unique way to put its Augustinian ideals into action. A group of Villanova students will spend their Day of Service, September 24 at Saint Paul’s. They will work to paint the crypt hallway and rooms that are used for education and to house transitional families looking for homes. Their volunteers will be busy from around 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thanks to Villanova for their helping hands.

On Sunday, October 2, following our 10:30 a.m. service and because it is the Sunday nearest St. Francis Day we will have a Blessing of the Animals! Francis who lived from 1182 to 1226 wrote, ―Let creatures all give thanks to thee, and serve in great humility.‖ Come and bring your turtle, cat or dog, even snakes are welcome! Bring a sandwich and we will share lunch together on the Parish lawns. It will be a great day.

Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall beginning September 27. Royal Scottish Country Dance is a social dance which has the same roots as American Contra and square dancing. Dancers work as a team to complete a series of patterns to the lively sounds of traditional Scottish music. Wear comfortable clothes and soft-soled flexible shoes. Tuesday evening classes cost $36 per person for a six week series. For information on how to register for this class series, visit http:/ or contact them at with any questions.

We will continue our efforts to support the two shelters in the area which offer shower facilities for those in need. We collect small toiletries, soaps, shampoos, body lotions and face cloths. The shelters, Face to Face in Germantown and Catholic Workers in Kensington. Our generous donations are greatly appreciated. Drop off anytime to the office. Thank you so much. Cathy Davis~ Outreach Committee

Beginning this September, a structured cherub choir grades K-2, will meet on Thursday afternoons during the same time slot as the choristers to allow for those families with multiple children of differing ages to take advantage of the opportunity. Karen Richter, who has led the music at the 9 a.m. worship service since its inception, will lead the children in musical activities including singing, playing of instruments including rhythm instruments and hand bells, to achieve several simple goals: - To keep a steady beat - To help the children to match pitch - To guide the children in the use of their voices - To introduce rhythm patterns and the concepts of quarter, eighth and half notes - To learn repertoire such as: • Unison songs with simple rhyme schemes and repetition • Songs incorporating biblical themes • Songs that use actions and allow for the children to experience music kinesthetically. The Cherub Choir will sing primarily at the 9 a.m. service with an occasional appearance at the 10:30 a.m. service. This opportunity is being offered as a chance for our younger children to work together in a choral setting while having fun and learning about music. It is a place for those who really want to sing and aspire to the Chorister Program in their future to get a head start. For more information, contact Zach Hemenway directly at 215-242-2055, ext 35 or at .

On Monday, August 1, four Saint Paul’s Choristers – Michaela Peterson, Lilly Hanlon, Philip Crush, and Mary-Katherine Bucko left for a week long training chorister training course in Newport, RI. Run by the Royal School of Church Music, the training course is meant to give young singers a unique experience designed to change their outlook on church music. Each day included rehearsals, music classes, daily prayer, and of course time for fun! After a week that included two trips to the beach, a dance, a talent show, and three choral services, our choristers have returned to Philadelphia with a renewed excitement about singing and self-confidence, and are anxious to start the choir season! Because singing can be such a personal experience, each chorister grew in different ways throughout the week – some musically, and some personally. Singing in choir is not just about musical skill – it’s about bringing your whole self to your music making, and about connecting with other singers. It’s about team work and community – a lesson which became apparent to each of our singers as the week went on. The course ended on Sunday, August 7 with a service at Emmanuel Church in Newport, where a former Saint Paul’s Assistant is now Rector (The Rev. Dr. Anita Schell-Lambert). The Drive back to Philadelphia may have been long, but it was filled with laughter and stories from our choristers’ week at Camp.

If you, or anyone you know, might like to sing in a choir – come sing at Saint Paul’s! With choirs for people aged 6 – 80, there is certainly an opportunity to get involved. The chorister program is especially looking for new singers age 6-18 – now numbering around 30 choristers, this year’s choristers will continue to develop their leadership skills, and the year will end with a choir trip! If interested, contact Zach Hemenway, 215-242-2055 or

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the choir room? Or what all those funny shapes in the hymnal mean? This year, the music department will be offering hour-long sessions on Tuesday night each of which focuses on a specific topic related to singing in the choir. Subject matter will included sight-singing, Anglican Chant, Breath Support, and more. Though many members of the adult choir will surely participate, these sessions are open to the parish. Keep on the look-out for more information soon!


hen Pam Gagné thinks about her church school class, the children and what they mean to her, the personal sharing and laughter, watching the children grow and teaching her as well, she begins to tear up a bit. It has become an important part of her life and she fits it in easily among her many other activities. She teaches the High School class now, but her experience is shared by many others who teach our children from as young as three years old. Come on the 18th and register your child for one of the classes listed below, or you may want to volunteer to become part of a team dedicated to building a faith community and church home for all of our children, from birth until they head off to college. "Godly Play" is a term coined by Jerome Berryman to describe an approach to children's spiritual formation that is based on creating a sacred space in which to present the stories of our faith, wonder about them together, and then allow the children openended opportunities, usually with art supplies, to engage the story on their own terms. The stories are told very simply, with simple props, and without interpretation. After a story is presented, the children and the storyteller wonder together about aspects of the story that draw their interest. After a time of exploring the story with wondering, the story is put away, the children choose the art supplies they would like to work with, and they spend some time creating whatever they choose, in response to what they feel is most important in the story, or most interesting. This is play. It is Godly. It is meeting God along with children rather than teaching them what we adults think they ought to know. Our faith stories are very powerful and offer plenty to think about even without our elaboration on what they "mean." Godly Play at each level is geared to the child's age and is often deeply satisfying for the adults who engage the stories along with the children. What a gift for parents to bring to our families! Infants and Toddler Ministry 9 to 11:45 a.m. • Birth to 3 years Provides a safe and loving environment in the caring and experienced hands of professional sitters and volunteers from the parish. Godly Play I, 3 to 5 years Teachers: Marti Bondelid & Rachel Fecho Godly Play II, 6 to 8 years Teachers: Betsy Evans & Jim Bondelid Middle School Youth • Godly Tweens • 5th to 8th grade The Godly Tween group continues to explore stories developed for the growing faith of older children, as well as

Living the Good News—a lectionary based curriculum that allows families to share together the lessons that are read in worship each Sunday. Tweens also explore ministries of the church, such as acolytes, altar guild, bread baking, reading and ushering. Teachers: Liz Brooks & Charlie Affel, Support: Becca Olson, and the ―Troika‖ from Parents Exchange Cathy Davis, Bill Fikioris and Lisa Budd. High School Youth This forum is for young people beginning their journey to confirmation, and older youth who take a stronger role in worship ministries such as lectors, acolyting and in music. Participants relate the

Biblical story with daily life and continue to develop a life of prayer and service. Our goal is to engage young people throughout their school years. Teachers: Van Williams & Paul Sehnert, Anne Standish & Pam Gagné. Children and Youth Ministry 9:40 — 10:30 a.m. Contact: The Rev. Emmanuel Mercer, Assistant Rector: emercer@

Church School begins on the 25th with a


For the third year the church school gathers for a hike to the Wissahickon on Sunday, September 25 at 9:40 a.m. All children and parents are welcome to participate. Our Wissahickon Walk will include a Scavenger Hunt and a climb up to the Indian statue of Teddyuscung. Participants will be back in time for a picnic after the 10:30 a.m. worship service.

A Planned Giving Reception will be held on Sunday, September 25 at 4 p.m. in the Alexander Room. This is Saint Paul’s opportunity to say thank you to all our parishioners who have remembered our church in their estate plans which can be our wills, a codicil to a will, annuities, trusts or other means of support. At Saint Paul’s we are in the company of angels with over 50 hand-carved angels in stone and wood adorning our church. We also have many ―angels‖ whose generosity and vision have helped our parish’s expanding ministries to its members and community. In 1936 the Vestry appointed a Legacy Committee to urge members of the congregation to remember Saint Paul’s in their wills. Their concern was to boost the endowment as well as to meet other pressing financial needs. Today, we are calling this group of faithful parishioners, “In the Company of Angels.” The name for our legacy group ―In the Company of Angels‖ comes from the Vulgate translation of Psalm 138 ―in the company of angels I will sing your praise.‖ Saint Paul’s will be around for a long time imparting the wisdom, character, and promise that comes from faith. Your support is an act of praise. The reception is for all who are currently supporting the legacy of Saint Paul’s and for those who would like to learn more. Following the reception will be an organ recital by our organ scholar Caroline Robinson in the Church.

“The duty of all Christians is to follow Christ; to come together week by week for corporate worship; and to work, pray, and give for the spread of the kingdom of God.” BCP pg. 856

A professional potter will join us in the Parish Hall on Sunday, September 18 at 11:30 a.m. He will guide us in making bowls that will be used for the Empty Bowl Supper to benefit the Northwest Philadelphia Interfaith Hospitality Network (NPIHN). This is an intergenerational project that will be fun for every age. We will make and donate clay bowls that will be used at this year’s Empty Bowl Supper at Chestnut Hill College on Wednesday, Nov. 16. NPIHN addresses the complex problem of family homelessness. A large number of factors that are often out of our control—such as job loss and health crises—can easily change the financial status of an otherwise stable family. And it’s a growing problem. On any night of the year in Philadelphia, an estimated 1,000 to 1,300 children and their families are homeless. Come and make a bowl that will be used to support NPIHN’s 92% effective program at helping families achieve lasting independence, Sunday, September 18 at Saint Paul’s.

During August and early September, letters were sent and phone calls were completed asking many of you to assist in this year’s stewardship campaign. We are doing a plan called ―Cottage Meetings‖ that will involve a large scale effort by many members of the parish. These short meetings (1-2 hours) will be hosted in the homes of parishioners and include time for fellowship over dessert and beverages. Time will be set aside to reflect on the needs and goals of the church. We will be able to discuss our mission and the required funding needed for expanded and growing staff. Time will be set aside for a brief Bible study. This will call for many people to support the logistics and organization so all have an opportunity to be heard and to participate in the support of our beloved Saint Paul's. Please say yes when asked to attend, participate, or host these events. The Rev. Rob Davidson, Stewardship Consultant.

& Will lead a Public Sustainability Event on Saturday, September 17, 2011 at 4 p.m. Saint Paul’s, 22 E. Chestnut Hill Ave. joining together to sponsor a Community Sustainability Gathering. Simple household practices, that will make everyday living cheaper, healthier, less of a burden on our environment and more fun & will offer useful and entertaining information about how to eat and cook healthier and tastier, plus free giveaways of fresh seasonal fruit and discount coupons. 5

Our parish intercessory prayer group meets on Tuesday, September 13 at 7 p.m. in the Chapel. This is the eve of Holy Cross Day. It is on the cross that Jesus bears our burdens. Our prayers ask for Jesus’ intercession. Any number of parishioners have spoken of the comfort of being upheld in prayer. This prayer ministry is open to all. Following prayers, those who wish may stay on to talk of pastoral care.

Saint Paul’s leads worship services for the Springfield Residence community 551 East Evergreen Ave. Wyndmoor, PA 19038. Every second Sunday at 1:30 p.m. We would love to have you worship with us! All are invited to join the 20 or so residents of Springfield who make up the congregation. At our Springfield Residence Eucharist you may read a lesson, light the candles, serve a chalice or simply come and be part of the congregation.


September 16 at 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall all gather for Bible Study. Refreshments include beer, wine and non-alcoholic beverages as well as assorted baked goods that are brought. There is child care for those who wish. This Bible study gets down to basics. No experience in Bible Study is assumed. All questions are in play. Come and join in.

Saint Paul’s Education for Ministry (EfM) group will begin its fourth year on Tuesday evening, September 20, at 7 p.m. in Dixon House. Registration for 20112012 (September – June) closes on Monday September 12th. A nationwide program sponsored by the Sewanee School of Theology at the University of the South, EfM is a four year seminar program in which participants enroll yearly, meet weekly, and study in sequence the Old Testament, the New Testament, Church history and Theology from its early centuries up to and including the Enlightenment, and finally concluding with 19th-21st century developments and application. The reading material and follow-up discussions provide a foundation from which we discern common themes and topical threads upon which to reflect theologically, learning to identify how both our Christian tradition and secular culture impact our insights and perceived avenues for action. Its objective is to empower concerned laity for a more informed and effective ministry within the church and society at large. During the seminars there are ample opportunities for informal discussion, prayer, and reflection. While there are no tests or grades, full participation is encouraged for the integrity of the group. New students are admitted every September. We are very pleased to announce that this year our new Assistant Rector will be joining the group. EfM is open to learners outside the Saint Paul’s

community as well who have an inquisitive mind and a willingness to further enhance their Christian journey. Please visit for expanded information on the program. For information on enrollment and tuition here at Saint Paul’s, please contact Virginia Emlen in the church office at 215-2422 0 5 5 o r v e m Co-mentors Jonathan Nidock, Doug Anderson, and Charlotte Kleis may be contacted as well.

Our Sunday Faith Forum begins at a new time this year, 9:40 a.m. so that one of the clergy can be present. On September 11 in the Dixon House, Cliff will lead a program on 9/11. On the 18th, our new Assistant Rector will introduce himself with a program on Ghana, his homeland. Early in the fall the location of the Forum will move to the Parish House when the classroom is readied.

Stephen Tippett leads this small group that engages in learning and caring around issues of Bible Study, exploration of other religions, fiction with a religious theme, anthropology of religion, theology and models of God, or books by Karen Armstrong, Marcus Borg and others. Participants will choose the topic and meeting times. Membership is limited to twelve. If a greater number are interested we’ll just add another group! Belonging to a small group in a religious community can be meaningful, helpful and fun. Stephen holds a degree in divinity. Please contact Stephen at

by Deacon Rob Davidson As I write this I am about to go to an intensive 6 days of training in Pittsburgh to become a Stephen Ministry Leader. I have had to read four books and a set of notes in preparation for this course. Some of you may remember that we had an active Stephen Ministry about five years ago and it will be my job to revive it here at Saint Paul's. Approximately a dozen parish members will be recertified and hopefully some new ministers will choose to go through the five months of training. What is all this about? It is about compassion as defined in the headline. Stephen Ministry provides compassionate Christians with a place where they can use those gifts in ministry as a Stephen Minister. It is the way we do caring ministry in our church. Clergy will always be the primary caregivers, but it is not possible for them to meet all the needs for continuing care in a church this size. God has called all of us to minister to one another. In Stephen Ministry trained and supervised lay persons provide one-to-one Christian care to individuals facing life challenges or difficulties.

Stephen Ministers are caregivers. They train for fifty hours—one weekday evening over a period of five months --on topics including listening skills, assertiveness, using Christian resources, ministering to the divorced, ill, and bereaved. Stephen Ministers are dedicated lay people who provide one-to-one caring, in-depth ministry to others in time of need by extending the hand of Christian friendship with regular visits. They care enough to commit to a caring relationship as long as the need exists and listen empathetically and always keep confidentiality. Through the use of Christian resources such as scripture and prayer, they help a person work through problems and encourage their care receiver to take positive steps. When people experience loss, grief, or other stressful changes in their lives, there is a need for an empathetic listener. Family and close friends are often too emotionally involved to meet this need. Stephen Ministers are trained to be caring Christian friends who can help hurting individuals sort out options. They do not give advice or provide solutions. Stephen Ministers are not professional counselors, psychologists, social workers, or experts in law, finance, church doctrine, but neither are they merely superficial visitors. God is viewed as providing the cure while Stephen Ministers provide the care.

ceiver's situation) and receive consultation and support from other Stephen Ministers. If you have an interest in this ministry please speak to a member of Saint Paul's clergy.

Saint Paul’s is eager to recruit new members to the Altar Guild this coming September. The Altar Guild is a special behind-thescenes ministry comprised of small teams of individuals scheduled on a once-a-month rotation to prepare the Altar, Credence and Offertory tables for Sunday morning worship services as well as for occasional weddings and funerals. This ministry includes set-up and follow-up cleaning along with maintaining and storing of liturgical vessels and linens for each service. A short training session will be provided for those persons interested in this privileged ministry. We need assistance at the 9 a.m. service and would be delighted to have parents or guardians along with their children to partake in these duties. For more information, please contact Jonathan Nidock or Virginia Emlen at the church office .

Stephen Ministers receive care themselves when they attend required, monthly peer supervision and continuing education meetings. Here, Stephen Ministers discuss their caring relationships (maintaining complete anonymity of the care receivers, and staying away from details of the care re7

Romans 15:7 Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. Beginning on September 18, our newly established Welcoming Teams will make their debut. So, what is a welcoming team? And, why do we need them here at Saint Paul’s? After lengthy reflection, Cliff and a committee of interested parishioners decided that the team model would make our welcoming efforts more comprehensive and purposeful, while also providing a more equitable distribution of labor among team members. In addition to the typical ushering that occurs at the 10:30 service, teams will be comprised of members who will be responsible for welcoming and greeting at the 8 and 9 a.m. services. They will also help guide new families to breakfast in the Parish Hall, the Godly Play classrooms, and to Parents’ Exchange. Each team will be comprised of eight or nine parishioners who work together to ensure that all who come to Saint Paul’s – including visitors and newcomers – are warmly ―greeted, directed, treated, and seated‖. Very similar to the successful, long-standing breakfast teams, each team leader will determine in consort with the team players how they will fulfill the duties of ―welcoming‖ on their given day. One of the advantages of working in an established team is the continuity of having the same personnel on the team and knowing what gifts each team member brings to the ministry. While the teams have been carefully established and trained, this is not a closed opportunity. On the contrary, we should all be evangels and team players especially when there are new faces in our midst. So often, we take for granted that everyone reads the bulletin and knows where to go on this huge campus. If you have a desire to join a team, please contact Ruth Desiderio ( or by phone at (215) 266-6048 if you are interested in assisting with this ministry. "This is the Lord's house, home of all his people, school for the faithful, refuge for the sinner, rest for the pilgrim,

haven for the weary -- all find a welcome." CLERGY The Very Rev. E. Clifford Cutler Rector The Rev. Emmanuel Mercer Assistant Rector The Rev. Robert M. Davidson Deacon

215-242-2055 ext. 28 ext. 24

STAFF Zachary D. Hemenway Director of Music and Organist Virginia A. Emlen Administrative Assistant Ian Howell Communications Coordinator Caroline J. Robinson Organ Scholar Karen Richter Music and Office Assistant Kalil Swinson Parish Bookkeeper Sonam Dhawo, Sexton

ext. 35 ext. 25 ext. 27 Dolma Dhawo, Custodian

VESTRY Dale Lower, Rector’s Warden Sarah Heckscher, Parishioners’ Warden Pam Prior, Accounting Warden Linda Boggs, Mark Duckett, Betsy Evans, Steve Heimann, Alix Jones, Bob Martin, Tracy Piatkowski, Jake Roak, Allison Romig, Rod Gagne, Paul Sehnert, Arthur Stokes, Jill Wemple

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