Earn While You Learn Do you have positive attitude, initiative and willingness to work together? We are currently seeking to recruit a trainee administrator who will attend college once a week and work 4 days a week at our Surrey Street Office. Job: Location: Salary: Hours: Ref: Closing date:
Trainee General Administrator Surrey Street, Bristol ÂŁ7.90 per hour + benefits 30 per week over 4 days, 5th day at college 250/12 15th August 2011
We provide many services to our customers including low cost homes to rent or buy as well as more hands on support to our vulnerable customers. You will be given the chance to choose your college course in consultation with your line manager which can be anything from an NVQ, GCSE’s or A Levels whilst gaining invaluable work experience providing customer support at our busy reception desk, and admin support to our Housing team. This is a trainee post expected to last 12 months for a 16-24 year old. Interviews will be held on 22nd August 2012. How to apply: For further information or to request an application form please contact Bejide Kafele on 0117 970 4554 or email Bejide.kafele@placesforpeople.co.uk. Or visit or website www.placesforpeople.co.uk/careers