Key Moments
Supporting Our Community “The pandemic has reminded us of our moral purpose. We are far more fortunate than others and we can have a really positive impact on our local community.”
(Jeremy Walker)
In March 2020, the government announced a national lockdown. Schools were closed, hospitals were overwhelmed, and many of our neighbours experienced feelings of loneliness and despair. From the start of the lockdown, we were determined to do all we could to support our neighbours and the local community through this difficult time, especially the most vulnerable and those working with them.
Letters of Hope Before school closed at the end of March, our youngest pupils from St Peter’s 2-8 wrote letters and drew pictures for the residents of Fulford Nursing Home. 24 pupils aged 5-6 selected one name each from a list of residents. The children then used paints, crayons, colouring pencils and other materials to create their pictures and letters, which were posted to the Nursing Home. Popular themes included rainbows, hearts and flowers.
Donation of PPE We donated over 6,500 pieces of personal protective equipment (PPE) to York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, including four infection protection kits, 48 filtering facepieces, 626 surgical face masks, 150 pieces of eye protection (goggles and glasses), 5,500 latex free gloves, 350 disposable aprons and 25 disposable decorator’s coveralls. The items of PPE were sourced from our on-site medical centre, science, design and technology departments, and donations from pupils.
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